HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-9-23, Page 4AY:
Children Cry for Fletcher's
The Ewa Vora Have AIwayS BOttglit-4 WA_
AA time to* over 30 Teseenr leaS %Wile 'Ell
and has been, made under his per..
sonal niaperniSines streentssaienteingn
-{4e44,ereer; Allovr no tennetti felis'EseitV I041111/11=
All Counterfeits,Intltationsland'o‘Just-as-good" are but
lExPel; unentethat trifle with aud. endanger the health of 1
stud Children-Experienee against Experiment.
What A" sir" TY If A
14,,prt,:k, I Ike
Casterla Iset lanDISSS substitute for Castor Oil, Pare-,
gorilte. Props and Soothing an
Syrups. It is pleasant. It
Conant& neither Opimu, Morphine nor other. Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm
rand adhays. Feverishness. POT mor.e Them, thirty years it
bas• been in constant use for the relief of Constipation,
Flatulency,. Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
Diarrhoea. It regulates tire Sioneacit ;arid Bowels,
assimilates the Food, gtving, healthy and Itatnatti lileep.
The Chilleiren's Panacea -The Mother's Friend.
• N
Bears the Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years
r' The Kind You Have Always Bought
1/1.4 P•orr.A.Z) R a.o4,1 N'Y-, E R C I 'T`e.
en -1
i Livingstone c ninth clotS Tat :color,Miss
inn Beres ; -arriwu thread work, fine,
1. elniStiO. :WS. 'White ;' couese,
bliss J.- Browns embroidery runner
nies. E, ;Claris*, J. G., Forest; work
on ecritu or eanvas, •Glaays 'Dearing
airs, Hastings, j, ;Monett; ;sofa pile
low; mounted, Miss A. Madgee ,, R,
Welsh., Sirs. Christie; sofa pillow,
wasbable, R. 'Welsh, Dirs. Christie.;
White; piano ;drape. Miss Livionstone
Glades Desaiug; sidebonrd Scarf, Dr.
:McGillicuddy, Miss Brook; nnalsk
holder, Mrs. Crittenden, Mrs; Haste
ins; fancy pin cushion, G. Dearing,
Aliss A; Madge, Mies ;Horton; laundry
b. 'L Ilertonnnlabel Fenisler Mies
Livingstone; hann or farielenht,"nnirs.
Cleristie, U. liorton, nine. 'White;
Sandell . nliss N. Tom; buttobnolee,
iss „ A, MiSAS Lni
ing, Tes '.aotri; 'pillow shaionnitnian
Tout; child's dress, R. Northcott, nliss
Charlsworth; ladies underwear, G.
Dearing, Miss G. Sweat' tea cosy,
Miss Liviegstoue, Saris ;Crittenden;
ease or box for handkerchiefs, Dr.
McGillicuddy, Miss Livingstone; tow-
el rack, Miss Brows, Gladys ;Deering;
tatting, „nliss Tom, Mies Sweet, ;Miss
Charlesworth; nettisg, Miss Living, -
stone, Aire. Crietenden; photo frame
Miss Livingstorre J. G. Forest ; ;Apron,
Miss Brown, C. 'Eilber, T., tanardock;
kitehen apron, -Miss Livingstone, Re.
Neeb; slumber rug, Miss Tomseciadys
Dearing; infants booties, Dr. McGil-
licuddy, Mrs.•Crittenden; man's night
shirt, Mrs. Hastings; Coronation
braid work, Miss Tom, Mrs. ;01:tristiel
Miss Madge; screen mounted, Mrs.
White; fancy unnerwaist, Miss 0,
Sweet, R. Welsh, G. Dearing; modern
cross" stitch., %Dr. McGillicuddy, Sr
Nanette ;Mrs. White; &inn' waist,
Miss .Livingstooe, J. Decker, Jrn
handkerchiere with initial, G. Dear
sig. Miss .Brow•n; novelty in ea.ney
work, Miss Tom, W. 1.1.in1encur ; sten-
ciling, J. G. Forest; metal ,craft, Sirs.
Crittenden; Miss Livingstone; pol, of
ladies work, Miss C. Sweet, Mese Moe
Pherson ; articles nor bedroom, Mrs.
McPherson, Say. Neeb; crochet shawi
cape or jacket, Miss Toru, Mrs. 'Mc-
Pherson, Miss Livingstone ; slippers,
Miss Tom, Mies Brooke; underskirt,
Mies Tom, Miss Brooks; fascinator,
Miss Brooks, Mess Tom; infants jack-
et, Miss Oharlesworth, Dr. McGilli-
cuddy ; edging, P. Whitlock, W.; H.
Moneur; work in wool, (Miss Brooks,
table mats, Miss Brooks, J. Monett;
collar tend cuff set, Miss Livingstone
Miss C. Sweet; crochet work and
Caney ,braid combined. Miss Tom, T,
Murdock, R. Welsh; infant's bonnet,
Miss Livingstone, ;Miss Sweet, Miss
charlenvottla; knitten shawl, cape or
jacket, Miss Tom. Mies Livingstone;
knitted slippers, Miss Tom; knitted
underskirt, Miss Tom, Miss Charles-
worth; knitted fascinator, Miss Tom;
knitted lace, Miss Tom; wool socks,
heavy, Mrs. McPherson, Ily. Neeb;
wool socks, fine, J. Infallett, II.,-Neeb;
fancy stockings, II. Neeb; ladies wool
cr silk mitts, Miss Tone; wool or silk
gloves, Miss Tom; men's wool mitts,
Miss Tom; quilts patched in cloth,
.Tas. Anderson, Miss Tone; quilt patch-
ed in cotton, Jas. Anderson, Dr. Gin
Gillicuddy ; glint prettiest in ' silk,
Miss ToranC. 'Either; counterpane or
cotefoxter, Miss Tom, Miss E. .Berr ;
counterpane crocheted, J. Decker, Jr.
as. Neeb; counterpane knitted, Miss
Tom; ladies night dress, J. Monett,
Miss Sweet, Miss Brown; flowers silk
or paper, Miss Tom, Dr. 'SleGillieudde
rag mat newed, ?Miss Tom;• rag mat
hooked, T. ;Murdock; macrame work,
Mrs. White, 'Morn Crittenden; plain
hand sewing, 0. Eilber, Miss Tom;
window curtains, Miss Tom, T. Mur-
dock; voudoir cap, Miss Torn, ;Miss
;Tones '& -May's -special., bins Lin,
ingstone. ,
Best ;dressed 'doll, doll ciothrs, pin
cushion, plain sewign, rota pillow
mounted and crochet wore, L. D. Vita -
cent first 'in each event. _
J. Senior's special, L., D. :Vincent,
Darning stocnin-g.s. X. Decker, Sr.;
sofa "pillow, mounted, J. !Decker, Sr.;
col. fancy _articles, Harvey Bros„ •L
Decker Sr.; centre piece, ;Harvey ,Bros
hand worked towels, Harvey Bros., J.
Decker. Sr.; special- pillow eases,
Harvey Bros.; fancy apron, Harvey
Bros., n.,, Decker sr.; useful articles
for bedroom, J.. Decker Sr.; fancy pin
cosbion, ne Decker Sr; painting, E.
;Davis, Harvey Bros. '
Judge-as/rise N. iCarlin,g;
Blankets, j. Decker, Jr.; woolfen
yarn, nliss N, Tom; tag parpet, Mies
N. Tom; sewing machines, S.. Martin
& Son 1 & 2; organ, Senaartin & on;
stuffed .birds, A. McPherson 1 & 2;
fine salt .Exeter. Salt Co. ase 2; tailor
suit., W. W,, Taman; collection of tai-
lor goods and furnishings, W. W.
Taman; col. boots and shoes. B. W. F.
Beavers, G. Manson; assortment of
carpenter work, Ross Taylor Co. Se 2;
faetory tweeds, W. W. Taman; as-
sortment of tweeds, W. W. Tatn,ane
ladies' ,hoots , B. ,W. In Beavers, Geo.
Manson; gents' 'boots, 'B. W. 11' Bea-
vers, Geo. Manson; hand made boot
or shoe. Geo. Aransas
Gasoline enginte, T. Willis, John
'licks, single harness. W. Beer; dou-
ble .harness, W. Beer 1 & 2; wheel-
barrow. Exeter Mfg. Coe 1 & 2; Iron
Pump, Eveter Mfg. to.'; home-made
plow, (Exeter /Mfg. Co. 1 & 2; bells.
Exeter Stfg, to..; road ' scraper, Exe-
ter Mfg. to; 'furnace and stoves T.
Hawkins lin Son; iron work. T. leltev-
Ides & Sen.
Apples -Four varieties' all tapples,
Wm. Fisher; any vanety fell apples,
B. Williams, CS, Iltheritgton; Rhode
Island Greeninge. Geo. Ethetington;
Northern Spies, *G Etheeington, B.
Williams; ltoxboro Russets, 'Wm.
Fisher, 13. 'Williams; naldwiten Gen
E altering to tt ; Snows Wan Il miter ;
Gravensteins, 'Wm, richer; Colerars,
Wm, (Fish6r; King of Tompkins, W.
Fisher; Alex -enders, 0. Tenetener, W.
Fisher; Itihson Pippin. G. Inhering.
ton; Wagners, 0. Truemner; Meiden
"Blush, ,G, Etherington, W, 1,1eber;
Golden Russets, 0, Truenaner, J. Jens.
ell; Wealthy, J. ;reckon, •0." Trueni-
ner. .
Pears- Sheldon, r. lardelte it E. ;11u -
taco; test 'Ileurre. E. ttroek; :Louis
Bonnie de :Innen In Breen; tartlet(
E., ProeIr, Tiros/ Orock;
Toronto -C hicao
Leave Toronto 8.00 ann., 6.130
an. 11.45 p.m. daily
Exeter Fair
• Continued 4ron3 page 1 , I
chicks W. 11. Dearing, P. ;Case; Black
Spanish., ,T. 11. Battler, W. D. -nattier;
cnicks, J. H. Battier- Black Minoreas,
J. inf, /Battler; T. krone, chicks, T
Brock, In 11, Itattler; white Minorcas
chicks. 1VV./13,,IBattler ; Red t aps,
11. ',Settler; elnekee Inel.G. Battler' ' fun'
variety Games, Wm. Yule; chicles, nn -
Yule; White Leghorns, R. Sanders, ,T.
pm Brock; claieks, L. Grieve; ;Brown Leg -
horns, SV./He Deariog 1 & ,2; ichicks,
C. Truemner: Black Leghorns, chicks
3. H,. Battler; Rose :Comb;White Leg -
horns. W. linDearing 1 & ,2; tchicks,
W. let: Dearing; R.ose comb Brown.
Leghorns, Sands, W. EE. 'Dearing;
ebicks, IW.file Dearing 1 & 2; Silver
nesse Toronto 9.00 a.bL, 8;20 Sue, and
11..00 pin. daily
Acrepreent the finest. on, alt strains, Spangled 111(neburgs, W. 53( nattier,
'FANA.m.-pAic-rna EXPOSITIONS chicks, Inn fa- (Battler; fft. L Reds.
Truemner, chicks; C. Truenaner; any
Benue -en fares to San Francisco, Los veriety Bantams. L. Grieve, W. 13.
Angeles and San Diego. Battler; chicks, Harvey Bros.;
lon Toes:i. WS P
. Iettier; ,chielts, W.
Full narticurars and berth reserve- itet Battler; a tie variety; geese, 0.•
fames On application to Agents. T inner- Pekin ducks, C. Trunan
lwasoatasilimiasramalikomisecoobadigw. ,miteeleMINV
Woven Wire
below Matgufactia.-
ers' Prices, either
Peerless or [Won=
arch makes,
buy at once
as tlaese prices win not, last
very long,
/5 Wire Fence 23e per Rod
7 s sss
8. 2.1. 28, yid.
Cedar and Anchor posts
10,.09Cedar Fasts on hand
-also Anchor /Poste.
Lumber and Cement
Let sae nuete you moy low
prices on yosar Lumber require -
=lens, venether lIarge or email
orders, Also Cement,
A. J.
, OVER SO Ye1:t
Teient rifitk$U13
NllzetceiAritt destriptIonnuro
S.T&F, gordrissiel gust gpinton free Imetbor
tAoliklz trrO
eNAIrlontiottfaeo. OrritnetiThia,
ttostastrictvIcoolatielS91300K Patentap
esnitm five, 4A1'4&%1=Ll'orng
Voromta, tole,la & teceivi
00041.4240,,,v4pii•ottte oh; hithp
tirrodeoviely .0,..4.•-cilOoosiclr. Latent ete
serettee tif WI" 01C.Vik4lcifiC 1?111#0.
ca.Viilrkt,V45' 710.it10614igti PtdP,Id. Sad b/t
0,0,0.1,04104.62$r WORMOUtOii..a.i. G.
ner; ehieles, P. Brock; Rouen ducks,
ehicks U. 11. Battier; any variety
ducks. Sa. ;Bedford, W. 13. Battier;
chicks. P. 1Teywood; Guinea fowl, 0.
Bedford, C. Truernner; chicks W."13.
Battler; (rabbits. G. !Bedford 1 &
pigeons, G. teuford, Ileewood;
Buff Leghorn, C. Heywood 1 & 2.
Jones & May special for ,cockrils, I,.
Grieve, Wm. 'ruler
WM. Mc, Leod, London, Judge.,
Begonias, Tuberous ,T. H. Scott; Be-
gonias. 3 other varieties, Mrs. A. Mc-
Pherson; ferns. John Cottle; „foliage
W. He Menem -' Geraniums, J. Cot-
tle; "hanging basket of plants, Mrs. A.
'McPherson; novelty in potted plants.
I Beanie Follick, J. En Scott.
eisters. display, J"no. Cottle. ;Ches.,
Birney ; Dahlias, standard, Jno. Cot-
tle, 3. H. Scott; Dahlias, Cactus, 3.
Cottle., Edith Slyndraan; Dahlias, bou-
(met, J. Cottle, Johs Moir; Dahlias;
display, John Cottle; Gladiolus, ,dis-
plaS, Edith Hyndrean; Nasturtiums,
aispIay. W.'S., Hovey, H. B. Huston;
Petunias, single, ;display', 3. Cottle;
Phlox Drummondi, display, 0IaclYs
Ilea -ring Chas. Birney; Stocks, ;dis-
play, !J. Cottle; Sweet peas, Miss C.
Sweet; 'Verbenas, ;Chas. Birney. Gla-
dys Dearing; Zinnias, Jno. Cottle, J.
nL Scott; best arranged ;basket, ,J. G.
Forest, Ha. Neeb; best arrangement
for dinner table, W. H., Moncur, John
Mir; col. of annuals, J.' Cottle, G.
Dearing; floral -design for funeral.
W. Deering, G. Forest; ',bride's
bouquet, Jas. Anderson; novelty in
cut flowers, Gladys Dearing, Mits. 3,
ATtedge-Dr. Sweets
_Embroidere-Wallachin, Miss Liv-
ingstone, 'Ribbon. Miss Livingstone. 3.
G. Forrest; shtedow, Miss 3, Brown,
,Miss Livingstone; eyelet, Ian How-
ard, Mass 'J. 13rown, ZillEgi Charles-
worth; punched work, B. 'Frayrte, „R.
Northcott; hordangar, Jack ' Mallet,
n1rs. White;'(Roman or cut work,
Aliss Livingstone, T. Murdock; hucke
back, Airs, In Crittenden, Miss Lin.
ingstone; Preeich and eyelet combine.
Miss 7. T3rown 0, Eilber; Bulgarian
Miss Livingstone; Msniatellick. 'Mist
Livingstone ; tray elothi, I3.. North-
cott. C. Eileen W., S. Howey ; Centre
piece in white, Miss Livingstone, t.
Bilber, :Pray:tie; centre piece in col-
, or. Miss 'Livingstone, J. Mellott, 0,
nilber; doylies. Dliss :Oharlesworth,
? Miss Livingetone; cuff and enter set,
3. 113.allett, Mrs. Crittenden; ceeere
piece for Wine, Miss Livingstose, 11,
: Welsh and P. israyne; towel% Mks
Liviogstorni Miss E. 'terry, Selist, 3.
I Pasty towels, Mies 0. Sweet, !Wee
J. Brows, R, Welsh; illatteoborg lace
trirs, White, Mint Livingstone, C. Et-
ber ; Horton Sir e, Mrs. Winne ntiee
LiVingstones 'I erifie lace,. Miss ti
Brown Se 2. • Point, Miss Sweet,
• 4i
Ohildren. Cry
-CAST° R 1 A
111i C
se I lox'
: lunch cloth lu
*bite, Wet8h, Aries
Plume-Datinas Parole, Ir. Broolc:
Lombards, 11. Anderson's
!Grapes- Poncord, A. Mennterson;
Rogers Asawele n'. Brook; Stogere,
Merrimac A, nicilierson; Rogers
Lindley. A. McPherson; ltogers Salem
Auderson; Rogers No, 45 V. trockt
nenehes-Early Cravvford,. E. Brock
T, Brock; late Crawford, B. Anderson
It, uttuco; any other variety, Jas.
(Col, calmed fruit, '3'. Decker Sr.,
Mrs. Monlierson; con, of honey, honey
in combhoney in jar and colof
heenennade wines, 3. Haberer first
ana IAlex niclahersort, second; -col. of
bottled pinkies, Mrs. McPherson, Geo.
Menson; canned vegetables, j, Decker
S, MePhereon; home-made buns
J. Decker Sr, Mrs, Monherson; bak-
ers bread, E. et, Penick; ,col cakes
E. A: Follick; col of home made cakes
Glade's Dearing; mired • ham
assortment of ;cured, meats, W. 11;
Dearing, 3. Deeker jr; home made
bread, 3, ,Moir, 'IA, ;Campbell; Har-
vey's Bros,' special, Jj Moir.
judge, Mrs, J, A. Ke McLeod
Fall wheat. wbite, J. K @Wise; Tali
wheat, red, W. 'He Dearingn 3.
Wise; any variety spring wheat iT. K.
Wise. W. H. Dearing; 6 -rowed. barley,
W. Ill.; Dearing; 2 -rowed barley, E.
Wise, j. K. Wise; Hulless barley, W.
H. Dearing; Week oats, 3.„ K. Wise
& Zed; white oats, J. K. Wise, W.
Dearing; timothy seed, flax seed,
beans and clover seed J. K. 'Wise ;
inerchants flour, Harvey Bros.; col,
grain in ear, W. lis Dearing, J.
Wise; ensilage corn, E. Hewitt, P,
Whitlock; speltz, J. K, ;Wise, W. 01,
Deariug; 'large ;peas, 'J. K., :Wise:
small peas, Or Truemser. 3, E. Wise.
Judge -Wm. Harding.
Five lbs. butter, 3.1 Morgan; ten
Ins nutter, 3. Decket, Jr,. ' 50 lbse.
creamery nutter, n. Scott.; 11. N
Rowe's special, ..T. nionan.
nudge -W. IL Levett. '
Ilataliten ettitivator, new; litaXwell
cultivator; walkins plow, Cooleshut 21
single riding plow, Oliver; nnurrow
rWnig1-110@et tocnshut; set Iron hare,
rows; steel Sind roller; set double
,barness, new; set double harness; set
single harness; fauningadfl linton
set of settles 2000 lbs; ,,Preatier
Cream Separator; enot punter; top
blig-gy; Campbell cutter. nearly new
ran robe and ailsloth; good set 'of
team nrankets; trent wagon; act of
sleighs, wheelbarrow; nras. seed
sower; cook stove, beater crowben,
ditehinag scoop, pink, scoop ;shovel,
new meokyoke; 3 setts wniffetrees;
2 legging chains, forks, hoes, shovels
and other •articlei too numerous to
A quantity of corn inestook; 15 row
of mangolds; •a quantity of Say in
barn; 300 ibus. of oats; 200 nus. of
barley; 2 -dozuew grain bags., t
Positively no reeerve as lhe peen
Sproprietor has :noted his farm
Terms of Sale -All sums or $5.00
and under cash, over that amount t1.2
mouths' credit will be given on
'furnishing approved joint notes, or
a ,discount a 4 per cent per annum
of iros cash in lieu of notes.
LII(nit BOMBE, Prop, B. R. No ),,
nlo. 1, Science Hill.
Potatoes -Beauty of Hebron Empire,
State, Red Elephant, Burst New
Yorkers, F. Brock,; Pearl of Savoyt
In Brook, T.; Brock; half bus. any
other iveriety, W. SI llowee-, C. True -
inner; thren new varieties, F. ;Ham-
ilton, W. HeAroncur; winter -cabbage,
Ro-bt. Sanders, In', Roston; fall dab-
bage: has. Birney; .11.4 Horton; "blood
beets, F. Hamilton" Hervey Bros.';
globe !beets, FnlIamilton,, ;Cottle;
sugar beets, T. Brock, n, 'Cottle;
sugar beet mangolds, E. Hewitt, W.;
H. {Dearing; long marigolds, •Robert
Sanders, W. :11/ Dearing ;. globe mon-
golds, W .11.„,Dearing 1 & 2; inter.
mediates, W. Ili Deaniag; early horn
carrots, 0. Birney, C. Trueroner; Nan-
tes carrots, C. Birney;'long red car-
rots. J. Cottle; white or 'yellow field
carrots. P. ;Hamilton; sweet cone, Re
Sanders. A. -Campbell; Indian Corn,
P. (Hamilton, In Sanders; water mel-
ons, W. He Dearing; pumpkins, It
Sanders, C. Birney; squash, 10. Birney
musk nanoits, W. IL Dearing; swede
turnips, nas. Gouts', IL Senders; 'any
var. turnipsell, Sanders; red ()pions,
white or 'yellow onions and. Spanisb
onions,. C. Birney and 11,!,,Sandeve; te-
matoes, Jas. Anderson; celery, nohn
Cottle, t. !Birney; citrons, T. Brock;
R. Sanders; parsnips, IL E. 'Huston,
C. Birney ; -Hubbard squash, P. 'Whit-
lock, F. Brock; table squash, Entrock
13rock; •col. of vegetabres, Fred
Brock, F. Hamilton; Extra. squash,
P. Whitlock, ,
Judge -Amos. Dollen.;
Painting in oil. landscepe, Rev., S.
Munn:any & 2; painting in oil
figure, Miss Charlestvorth, Rev. E. 'W,
niuxworthy; fruit ;or flowers, Rev.
Murworthy, Sniss Livingstone; water
color, landscape, Mabel Follicle:. Mrs.
'White; figure, Mrs. Charlesworth,
Maine rollick; fruit or flowers, 3. G.
Forrest, Miss Livingstone,' - ' sepia
painting, Mabel Follicle '& 2; sketch
of ETuren Co. 'scenery, J'e G. 'Forrest,
Miss Livingstone; pyrography, J. 0,
Forest; trayon or 'pastello, Miss- Liv-
ingstone, •Jas. Howard; pencil sSetch
Rev. Muxwortlay, J. 0-. Forest; colt
of photographs, SOS. &Min'. Fe L.
Grieve; photographs, jos. 'Senior, L.
Grieve; e photographs amateurs, L.
-Grieve, 'Mabel rollick; collection of
photographic 'views. nos. Seniorr, L.
Grieve; pen and ink. sketch, Miss Liv-
ingstone, G. Forest; paintin!g on
china, realistic, Mrs. White. Mrs."Mc-
'Pherson; zonvertional,Pafri. 3fcPher-
5033. '
Special -marine and oil painting.
Rev. •Mexworthyi
Judge -W. D. Weekes. s
Auction Sale
Fartn Stook and Innplernents, Hay
and Grain,.
Mr. IL 'rerguson has been instruct'
,v -d to sell 'b -y public/auction on Lot 20
8.33.. Boundary, Of 'Inshorne .two ana
half miles south Of Woodham on
Thursday October 7th, et ban past
-twelve o'clock sharp, the following
,valuable property •
I30335E5-1 Mare, 7 years old sired
by ,Glasnick; 2 genlin,gs 3 years old
Eared by ,Viscount Addison; 1 year-'
ling neldiog sired by ,Viscou.st; Adette
9031; 1 yearling filly sired hy ;Viscount
Addison; 1 3,,year ord; filly, general
purpose ; 1 good ;driving horse, ;Viet
ona reliable; 1 driving mare 6 years
old. '
CATTLE -1 tow -dee to calve nee
)1; 3 cow due to calve 3'i -lar. 20; -1
cow Sue to calve April S.; I cow due
to enlye 2,153 12th; 1 2- year cid
heifer lane to celve San 1 lt .1;
seer ola beifer ,due to salve tit time
of can; 5 2 'year old steers; 2 2 -year
otrl heifers; 1 yearling steer; 1 yertin
ling heifer ; 1. spring calves; 1 rat
tiOGS-el now ;flue to trirroev.at time
ot sale, 1 store boss; 8 shoats; 1
theroughbred Yorksbire hog.
POW'1,-75 bens; 15 well-bred Rock
roosters; st narnher of. pul1t. 8
Wangs. (
IMPLEMENTS- 1 hinder Massey-
' r
t cut, nearly n (
new ;
13tentford mower: 1 Deerinp.; rAtt,
00W; Peter Hamilton seed
ber Iwigon trith.rrelr hdx and
trig; hay reek, stoek tack, gretvel box
,Rittine: oa L, ladder, Scattier, Pieter
Auction Sale
Farm Stock and Implements, Hey,
Mangolds, Porn and Tiereshing ,Sta-
chine and:Household Furniture.
On Lot 21, N. Thames Road, one
mile east of Exeter North, on Tues-
day. SEPT. 28,'at one o'clock, plearp-
Horses-Brood mare, agris; gelding.
4 nears agrice; 2 fillies ;rising 3' yrs
agric.; ;driving mare, quiet and reli-
able; 1 standard bred. stallion, 8 yrs.
old, a good mover and grand stock
getter, inspected and ;enrolled in
Form No. ne •
'Cattle -Dow_ Cue In October; six
mita cows sup. with calf; 2 „heifers
rising three; three steers rising three
6 steers and heifers rising- two; 6
spring calves.
Hogs -1 brood sow due in October.
8 store hogs, 100 lbs.
Implements -Lumber wagon ;and
box complete; top buggy nearly new;
open buggy nearly new; new cutter;
patter nearly sew; Itockshutt sulky
plow'; Cockshutt 2 -furrow plow;
walking plow; set harrows; disc, new
fertilizer -drill; seeder; sten land
roller, new; scuffler, ;Tanning mill,
binder; mower, nearly new; steel
rake; grass seed sower, cultivator;
barrel roller; wheel narrow; hay
hay rack; pig rack; gravel boa';
pulper; cream separator; incubator;
sugar kettle; water trough; heave
team barness; set work harness, new
set single rubber mountdd harness;
set single harness.
15 tons timothy hay; UIonS clover;
load second cut stoner, 2 acres man -
golds; quantity turnips; quantity of
torn in field; car, ropes and swing;
grain lengs,forks, shovels hogs,grind-
stone ; whiffletrees; meek yoke; bar-
rels. saw, a number of cedar poets
and bind tale; . .
1 grant thresher with blower and
clover attachment, with belt compLte,
steam whistle, ladders.'
Cooking stove; 'two heating stoves;
organ, sideboard, extension table, kit -
abbe table, rocking chairs, kitchen
chairs, dishes, mine pails, pans etc.
Numerous other articles.
Positively no reserve as the pro-
prietress has sold her farm.
Terms -05 and under, cash, over
that amount 12 months' credit onoap-
proved joint notes. 5 per cent per
annura off for cash on credit ea.mounts.
'51rs. L.' Westlake, Pronrietress
`f. Cameron, Allot . , , •
n' • n
The publishers of "Scribner's Maga-
zine' lately said: "In the future
Scribner's will accept no liquor adver-
On the first Saturday night after
the saloons were closed every bakery
in Phoenix. in the State of Arizona,
rap out of bread and some of the mar-
kets ran out of meat.
The increase in the national sayings
of Russia during the past year is
$900,000,000, due to the prohibition of
the use ot vodka in that country since
the outbreak of the war.
Edouard Fabre, of the Richmond
Athletic Club of 1111ontreal, won the
recent Marathon Race of the Boston
Athletic Association because of total
abstinence and clean living.
Le Great Britain yearly the amount
spent for booze is $830,000,000. Com-
pare with $400,000,000 spent for bread,
$350,000,000 for maintenance of navy
and army yearly.
A "Prohibition Film Corporation"
has actually begun business in New
York City, putting forth what. is de-
clared a great "prohibition " play,
praised by many papers that do not
always praise the princip'e or the pol-
The Poster AciyerLisii,g Company
of Canada and the (Inited,States, hay -
hag a membership in 4,000 cities of
these countries, refuses all advertising
propositions which cover distilled liq-
uors. And beer and wine should be
It is good to hear that 'wFen King
George recently set his famous exam-
ple of abstinence by issuing orders
that no limier was to be served in
their royal households during the
war, the wine cellars of Windsor Cas
ti', where the king was, were sealed
General Joffee, communicating a
decree of prohibition for his army, to
the nee sr apei s of Nancy, thus de-
clared: "lais theduty of all patriots
to fight alcoholism in all its forms.
Every one must understand that any-
thing capable of diminishing the mot, -
al and material strength of onr army
Constitutes a re& Crirne against ha-
tiOillti deteXte hi face of the enemy."
Deepondency, and the "Blues" usu.,
itily the :result of constipation, ,eulek-
ly sn. eitnib to Horan Orderliesbold
onlY by W. S. Vole, the Itexall Store,
10e,, 25d., anti bOe hoxee.
96; Branches in Canada
Ittineral Banking Business Transacted
!Mewl. tIcwedIrt Litital (Art tritste
W. D. CLARKE, Manager, Exeter Branch
SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.o.,LL.D., D.C.L., President
ALEXANDER LAIRD. General Manager JOHN AIRD. Ass't General managew
CAPITAL, $15,000,0_00 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,IM
Accounts may be opened at every branch of The Canadian Baniii
of Commerce to be operated "by mail, and will receive the same,:
careful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank's,
business. Money may be deposited or withdrawn in this way as
satisfactorily as by a personal visit to the Bank. szl
Exeter Branch— H. J. WHITE, Manager
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of
Stephen J. Etheringtou, of the
township of Usborne, county of Hue
ron, Yeoman, deceased. ;
Notice is nereby given pursuant to
Statutes in that behalf that all cred-
itors 'and others laving claims ag-
ainst the estate of Stephen 3. Eth-
erington. whonniedsin or about Sept.
Gth, 1915 are required on or before
0ctober-2nd, 1915, to send ;by post pree
"peed Or -deliver to Messrs. Glachnan
& Stanbury, of the Village of .Exe-
ter,, Soncitors for the Executor
of the said deceased, their christian
and surnames, -addresses andd
esor p -
Cons, the full particulate of their
claims, the statement of titleir ac-
counts and the nature of the scour-
feties, ,if any, held by there. And
425 Dundee Street, London, &tiara=
teed cost of buildings; no extras; Ill
years New York experience. PhonV
.Anyone intending to build willO ele
ell o write me, No charge for cord
C J. W. KARN, I)• C• M
further take notice that after sale"
last mentioned date the said Exe-
cutor will proceed to ;distribute the
assets of the deeeased among the par-
ties entitled thereto, having regard
Honor Graduate of
sity. Office over
1.ng's Law office,
day afternoons.
only lo the claims of w bien Residence 5b. he shall -
then have notice and that the. said
Executor sball not be -liable for
said assets or atiy part thereof, to any
person or persons of whose claims
notice shall not bave been received
by him at the time of such distribu-
Solicitors for Executor.
Dated at Exeter this 14th day: of Sep-
tember, 1915.
London Gives $5,000.
LONDON, Ont., Sept. 21. -London
City Council last night decided to
give $6,000 to the Militia Department
for the purchase of machine guns for
the Canadian troops.
.... nen,.
Sir John French Makes Notable
Speech to Canadian Brigade.
LONDON, Sept 21. ----Field Marshal
Sir John French, Commander -in -Chief
of the British army in the field, re-
cently visited a Canadian brigade and
delivered a speech to the men, in
which he said:
"I wish to express appreciation for
the splendid manner in which early
in the year, when a Canadian infan-
try division suffered great losses, you
volunteered to leave your horses and
come out here. At the commence-
ment you took the most prominent
part in the battle at Festubert, where
we not only gained a considerable
amount of ground, but inflicted great
losses on the enemy and captured a
large quantity of material. After-
wards, at Givenehy, you kept up the
same fighting record, and since that,
till a few days ago, you have been
doing very hard work in the trenehee.
"Your record will go down as one
of the most splendid of British his-
Bulgar Leaders Want Coalition.
SOFIA, Sept. 21. -The Opposition
leaders at their audience with King
Ferdinand declared that it would be
fatal for the country to continue its
neutral .poliey, and in order to safe-
guard the country against a policy
which would /be contrary to the in-
terests and sentiments of the nation
they recommended the formation of
a coalition Cabinet and the imme-
diate summoning of Parliament
The King listened attentively to
the Speeches of the Opposition lead-
ers and promised to consider serious-
ly the views expressed by them:
After the audience the King sum-
moned Premier Radoslavolf.
Di Dinnba to Leave for Austria.
KEW YORIC, Sept 21. -It was
learned yesterday that Qr Constantia
Dunalha, the Austro-Hutgarlart arn
bassador, whose recall was asked. by
PreSident WilSOn; has reserved pugs-.
age on the steamer Rotterdam., 'which
sails from this port Tuesday, Sept. 28,
T'oronto Until**
Dickson We inentI-
(nosed Wednenn
Phone Office dag,
Honor Graduate of Toronto 1444
DENT1IS1 1 Pm1,45
Teeth extracted without petit.
any bad effects. Office over Glake
inan & Stanhury's ,Office
Exettztr. • t
• P. 8, Graduate Victoria Unlygke
Li! bYre°t or,, Exeter,, f fi;eEaxnedriesidence. Derail**
ssociate Coroner of Hansa
Barristers, Solicitore Notaries Seilln:
veyaneers Commissioners, IaelUitilltE
'for the Molsons Bank Ate( I .1e1
Money to L'oan, at lowest. xate*al,
terest.: . !ed
I. EL `Carling B..4,' U. al Ohtialott
We have a large ametuitef 11
ate funds to loan on farm and 140'
lage p.roperties. at lowest rate (A tgPf,
Barristers, Solicitors, Mi0.12 Ii
1116 Usborne and Illtdiert
farmer's Mutual Fire insurer
once Gompanu
Head Office, Farq9liar,
President ...I 1 ROBT. NORItigt,
Vicesr.reeident 1 mos. ETAT&
WM. Brtoox ROV
3, r.b., RUSSRLIV ! T.A8'
I AGENTS I ' ' real
. JOHN ESSERY Exeterageni
borne and fliddulph,
OLIVER XIARRis kranro agent IV
Ribbert Fullerton and -began. 1 eaa
se len W. A. TURNMULU '
Secy.Treas. FarciuhaV
Solicitors. Exeter.
For infants and. Children.
The Kind You Have Always BoughP
Boars the
Signature of