HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-9-16, Page 8TFIE EXETER riMh S J7I1URSI AY, SEPTE I'11E'R 16th i1 s i.,-vl t, THAT WE NAVE BUILT OUR, BUS1NE S BY P01I16 BUSINE S ON THE, LEVE.L . WEVANT QURTF AdE ,A 1D WE Ahl KEEP IF YoU'W'ILL COME To US JUST ogMe.5./zQ.rw/ AT THIS TIME of THE YEAR THERE'S SCARCELY ANYBODY WHo DoSEN'T NEED SOMETHING NEW. FALL IS REALLY HERE AND WINTER NoT FAR AWAY. IT IS WELL To GET NEW THINGS ANYWAY. IT MAKES US FEEL NEW AND FRESH. WE GET TIRED of OLD Tl[INGS. WELL, WE'VE GOT NEW THINGS; AND WE ARE SELLING THEM AT A PRICE THAT NoBoDY CAN FIND FAULT WITH. WE HAVE SEVER LoST ANY MONEY DOING BUSINESE oN THE SQUARE, WE ARE GIVING FULL VALUE oR YOUR MONEY. New Dress Goods for Fall Splendid all wool dress goods in the newest weaves and colorings. Excellent values in Serges for La- dies' Suits and Dresses, at $1.00, $1,25 and $1 50. Smart Misses' and Ladies' Coats In the latest Winter style with convertible Collars. Belted Backs and Flare Skirt effects. Splendid range of Cloths at Popular Prices. Millinery We will be pleases for you to come in and see our showing of New Fall Millinery. New Models are being placed on our Display Tables every day. Corded Velvets, 27 inches wide For Dresses and Children's Coats, in. colors of Blue, Green, Brown .and Red. Special at per yd, 60c. Linoleums, Rugs If we had not bought early we goods that we are doing: Compare New Clothing for Boys and Men Smart - looking, good wearing Fall Suits, well -tailored and at pri- ces that will surprise you, is what we have to show you. Standard Patterns Don't forget that we tock Stand- ard Patterns. The New October Books are in stock. Come in and look through our Fashion Books. Ladies' Rain Coats For the rainy Fall Season, Col- ors of Black, Grey, Green and Brown. An excellent mercerised cloth in all sizes at $7.SC, Vassar Shoes for Women In the newest Fall Shapes in Button, Lace and Blucher Cuts. If you want shoe comfort wear a pair of our Cushioned Soled Shoes, $4.00 and $4 50. Carpet Ends and Dinner Sets—Come in—see them. and Lace Curtains could not offer you the prices on these our prices with others, Poultry this your 'e want sea - Live Poultry Wanted==son. son, Will. pay highest market price for Iiye or dressed birds. J. A. STEWART PHONE 16 ALarket Report—The Iollowu g is the report of the Exeter market eorrreted uph to Sept; 15th.; New 'Wheat 00e to 850 'Harley 35 to 45o tr t Oats 35e i =.• Buckwheat 050. Peas $1.00 1� t Family Flour $3,00 Low Grade Flour $1,90, 'Bran $20 per ton, Shorts $28 per ton, Sugar Beet pulp $25 per ton, Butter 22 'to 24 Creamery butter 30e • Eggs 20 and 21, !Flogs $0.00 Young chicken, 2 lbs, 120, Old. Bene 9c Old Roosters 7a Ducks Oo ' ASK MLLE .I'A'LIt`RYi41AN Next Monday and Tuesday . this celebrated 1'1 rtuist ;and ;(Crystal reader will visit Exeter with th 'Boyer ,Vin- cent Stook Company and give Priv- ate tae ndtngs at the Central hotel to anyone at anytime during the day. Each evening she will answer r any question free at the Opera; Louse, ,for any person holding a reserve iaeat ticket if in ',doubt over business or love affairs, task her. Itev, ', \\r, Collins was in Toronto last week. • i Keep in mind - the Exeter Fair t ' dates, Sept, 20th -and 21st, Exeter ;;+air on •Monday and 'Tues- day. Bring along your friends. One dollar and twenty-five cents will pay ,for The Times to new sub- scribers up to Jan. lst, 1917, ` i FALL MILLINERY DISPLAY SATURDAY 18 MONDAY 20 TUESDAY 21 Public cordiAlly invited • to inspect this showing. MISS MORL.00K assaaassamasavessirvass AMMON •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••4• LOCAL • • • ••••••• Keep in mind the Exeter Fair dates Mr. A.McDonnell is under the doc- tor's care Mr. 'Geo. sCrawshaw, of Toronto, is visiting In town. • Mr. Thos. Hawkins is visiting his daughter in Windsor. ' Mr, A. Purdon took in the Toronto ,Exhibition last week. With advancing years comes consti- pation. Roxall Orderlies, are a spec- ially good laxative for ageing people. Sold only by W. Se -Cole, The ;i exatl Store, 10e., 25c,, and 50c. boxes. Rev, E, A, and Mrs. -Fear, of •Tces- aater, ;visited .111r, and Mrs. W. S, Howey this week. They were ac- companied home 'by ,iaster .Eugenie Ilowey, who has been visiting them .for several weeks, Mr. and' Mrs. Wm, Ogden,' of \Wha- len announce the engagement of their' only daughter, 'Vera Lorraine, to 11J.r, Earle •Roy .Neil, of Luean, the wedding to take place the latter part of September, Mr. E.. W. McLeod, of Embro, a sh .dent in the :school of science. Tor- onto, who has been getting some prac- tical experience with the Connor Ma- chine Co. during the holidays, return- ed to his' bonne on Monday. 'Mr. and Hers:, F. \\T; Gladman 'and family returned mist week atter spending several weeks at New Tor- onto, While away they enjoyed an extonsive trip 'in their auto visiting at Oshawa, Peterborough and Niagara 'Fails. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sweet r<ac- cempanied their daughter Irno to Stratford on Monday where Miss Sweet enters the Normal school. Mr. and sirs. Sweet will also attend the London Fair ru:d visit relatives there before returning. Rev. S. .refferson, of Crediton, will preach in Main street Methodist church next Sunday morning and Rev. R. Redmond will preaeb at night. The pastor, Rev. S. W )tux - worthy. will conduct Earliest home services at Crediton. Miss Susie Case Ives a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jas,. Sweet this week. Mies Case bead an extended trip to Shakes- peare end visited her brothers and their families in Jordan, Ingersoll and Port ;Colborne. She also took a trip to Buffalo and other places. She left Tuesday for Eensall. Pte. Wib. Mitchell, of London, was home for the week end. Harold 'Boyle was in Toronto last week taking in the fair. Miss Ruby Wood. is attending Nor- mal school at Hamilton. lIr. 'T. E. llandford, df Ingersoll, visited in town this week. Exeter Fair on Monday and Tues- day. 'Bring along your friends. Miss 'May Harness, of Lucan, visit- ed her mother in town this week. Mr. Baker, of Crystal City, Bann called on Mr. R; Downey this week. Master Mervyn Dayman, of Us - borne is visiting in London this week. Mrs. John Hutchinson. of Latond, Alta.. is visiting her sister, .'Airs. Frank Gill. The' band 'gave an open air concert in Nront of the Town Hall Saturday evening. Mr. Chas. Dyer, of the 1oisons Bank'. Montreal, is holidaying at his home here. Miss Gladys Kestie left for Hamil- ton this week to attend the Normal school there. Mr. T. ,Nelson has moved into the iesid.cnce of the late T. B. Martin on Sandere street. Miss 'Nina kinsman, of Saskatoon, Sask., is visiting her brother and sisters in 'town. A KINDLY ACT On Friday of last week a number of friends of Mr.. E. Maguire armed with 'garden tools made a -raid on his fine potato patch;' -and lilted a splendid crop of tubers -lir. Maguire has been under the doctor's care for some time and this kindly act .ou the part of his friends was much appre- eiatea, FINANCIAL -IIEET.NG AND SPIRITUAL CONFERENCE The financial district meeting of the Methodist church, Exeter uis- trict., will lee held ,in Clandeboye, on Tuesday. Sept. -28th. After the busi- ness of the meeting a Spiritual con- ferees^= of Epworth Leagues and Sunday Sebools will be held, At 11 a m, Rev. lir. Jefferson will give an address on the 'Work of the .Minister. Be the kindness of the ladies .of !the Listowel n. o L into 1 to f .Mrs.. and. Miss 1 outs congregation dinner Iri1] be served in spent a few days last week with .13r. the church. The following addresses will 'be given in the afternoon: The Evasion of Christian Responsibility, Rev. J. P. +Knight, 13,A, .13D,; 1'he. Anti -Septic Christian, Rev. G.. A. Bar- nard; The Spiritual Resultant of Bible Study, Rea C. 'WV drake B,D SCHOOL RE -OPENS. and Mrs. Roulston. • Mr. Thos. Johns who has been laid ,, f: r• :, . In, with a broken 1, e; i-: in. i I..'• ine. nicely. • ie turd enss \\ . IS, Clarke and. son G,,ls ls. e rt tt.tntd home 'after ho: ith, ins ; t Foatb sin 'item. Dr. 111r:c:ia:i is hiving a founda- tion pieced t tadcr his office ,and in- tends lest ening a furnace. —fir and Mrs. Thos. lIerton are i spending ti.''a week -in London, viit- ing Mir. anti Mrs. Jas. Lutton. firs Walter Connor end two child - OPERA HOUSE Exeter FAIR NIGHTS SEPT• 20 Sc 21 THE BOYER =_= VINCENT STOCK COMPANY PRESENTING Plays Scenery Specialties ALL NEW The Big Fun Shaw Pilo Waits Monday, Tuesday, R THE WESTERNER" "SWEET CLOVER" Each Production Complete in Every Detail p�CHILDREN 25e ADMISSION 85 RESERVED 50c �, now >5 Planopen at HO�V$YSDRUG C�} STORE ll cc` I�EV EXTRA A OM ED ATTRACTION' L+Lr PAL,P'RVMAN The Celebrated PLANT and CRYSTAL Reader It TN DOUBT—ASE 1~TER, the will answer questions at each per- form ance. ren have returned home after visit- ing in Toronto and St. Thomas. Mrs. S. C. Manna accompanied by Miss Jessie lAanacn leave Saturday to suend a few days in Detroit, immummummumorioniinimmimmamt wri Music Throuh a ,DidMOnd 14 Edison's, Secret 1 The Public School re -opened Mon- day. the necessary repairs and fin- ishing touches required to get the classrooms in shape having been com- picteda, The alterations faave made a decided improvement to the school. The public school department now oc- cupy the rooms on the ground floor and this 17,. S. department the second storey. An addition of several Leet has been made to the wings at the Miss. B. Shearer, of Peterborough, north and south. This makes two returned to town and resumed hem' rooms a` the north, two in the centre position as milliner with Jones Se and two *t the south. Five will Ise The Wonderful Diamond Stylus Reproducer is the secret by which Mr, Edison has made of the phonograph A REAL MUS- ICAL INSTRUMENT. It brings out all those overtones and fine shades of sound that give volume, purity and richness to the tone, Creates at last what all music lovers have been waiting for—a tone that can really be called true.to-life, human and natural, New Edison Diamond Disc Phonograph -n this ,perfected musical instrument Mr. Edison has finally solved all the difficul- ties which have bated others in the past. He has eliminated the harshness, the me- chanical timbre, the metallic sound. So marvelously life -like is its tone that, closing the eyes, one can scarcely distinguish the reproduction from the original. In Mr. Edi - non's own words, this is "Real Music" at Last. No Needles to Change THE DIAMOND STYLUS REPRODUCER. ELIMINATES TatE BOTHERSOME PROCESS OF CRINGING NEEDLES, IVHICH WEAR OUT AND DESTROY VALUABLE RECORDS. This finely polished Diamond Stylus simply FLOATS OVER the sound grooves of the New Ed ison records, reducing wear to a minimun'. Call and hear the New Edison. Learn why it is looked upon everywhere as the beginning of a new era in music. Its tone,, will a revelation to you. We will be glad to play any one of the great library of Edison Re- cords for you' without any obligation. • . J. WILLIS POWELL, AGENT I® 11®I- O.n Exhibition at POwell's Bazaar, Exeter, Ontario May. Mrs. S. Prior returned home last week after visiting for a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. E. Beebe, of R.idgetown Mrs, Reichard, and /daughter Miss Irene, of Pt. Huron, returned home last Friday after visiting with Mrs. A, Bowey Messrs. N. Stanlake, .Cedric Starr - lake, 'Wes.• Dearing and W; Parsons motored to Detroit last Friday to spud a few idays, 1 Mr. Geo. Powell of Mill street, is under the doctor's care and ' ?Mrs. ,l?owell .has been laid up most of the summer with rheumatism. Misses Lulu and Maud McEvoy re- turned to their home in Brantford on Saturday after visiting for a few weeks with relatives here. Mr. and ,Mrs. Wellington Mitchell and 'child motored up from Berlin and spent the weak end with. the for- mers parents, Mr. and 111rs., 'W m. Mitehe'll, Rexall Orderlies workworkgently on the 'bowels, .bringing to the cheek a tinge of good health, Sold only by W S. Cole, the Recall Store, lbc., 25c, and 50c. boxes Messrs, J,; A. Stewart, 'W, D JClarke • W. WI., Tamen, L. Il', Dickson .and ,W l€, Levett motored to .London Tuesday and enjoyed a game of bowls on the "Thistle green. Rev. 8, E. Sharp attended a meet- ing ing Of the Presbytery at Seaforth, on Monde", A number of the mctnbers Of the \TT, M. S. also s,�ittended 'a used as classrooms and one as a teachers' room As you enter the building one is impressed with the appearance and the improvement is very marked„ Portions of the halls have been partitioned off for cloak rooms. A handsome end spacious stairway leads to the second floor. The stairway is stained in oak, the. walls and coling being a cream. UP - stairs the north ;room will be, used as an Assembly room, The 1st sand 2nd forms occupy the taro centre rooms incl (at the ;soath is 'a class room for the third. form,. a small typewriter room and a. Science room, The tints in 'the different rooms 'vary from a cream. 'a light green •or a salmon color. The building is 'being equip- eted with a steam heating system. The radiators have been installed . in the classrooms and the system is com- plete with the exception 'of a few connections in the basement. The lighting and ventilation have also. been rearranged and improved. The cost of the building it 'is expected will be within the estimate. There is improvements tome tats to some minor [ still I be made and a.' great deal of • clean- ing up arotikid the. premises. • LOST A year old Jersey heifer, on or about Aug. 20th. Strayed from prem- ises of 'John fIerdman, 7th con. Us - borne. Lot. 0, Any person notifying; Milton Sleamon of whereabouts of same will be 'amply rewarded. Ad- dress, R. R. No. 3, Exeter. , t , ti EB6 UREI�IIV HAVE YOU There are many subscRibers on our lists who have entirely overlooked us this year ;and this little 'slight rather seriously affects our pocket book at this time. Look up'the label and send us in the amount that is Slue. We will both feel better. HICKS' FORECASTS The 'Third Reactionary Storm Period is central on `the 19th, 20th and ^L1st. This, as all our readers should know is at the exact center of Earth's ante umnal equatorial disturbance, which fact invests the period with vast storm possibilities. Wie have for forty, 'years called attention to the fact lthat equinoctial storms are as liable to fall three to four weeks away from the ;central dates of the Earth's eq- uinox, as on those central day's thews selves; but /this does not destroy the possibility, or the probability of dangerous storms at the exact center of these .periods. The chances are ;very favorable for many intense disturb- ances on and touching Sunday, ,111on- day land Tuesday, the 19t3, 20th and 21st. In fact the astronomic outlook at this time suggests the probability" of continued ;storm, conditions over the 22nd, and into the storm .period immedi-tel.y succeeding. The Iltoon being on tbe'eelest:ial equator on ,the I •••••00••00.0••••••••••.••J► Corn for Canning Factory rart~nrrs growing' corn for Canning ob. • s factory will kindly bringsample to factory when they will, he ,advised when to make delivery. Help wanted when factory starts. meeting there, tic, same. day, , ' , , EXETER CANNING CO. Orr i One dollar and twenty-five teats will $ay for ;The Times to new sub- scribers up to Jan 1st, '19174 One. dollar and twenty-five eentix will pay for•the Times to new sub'; scribers up to Jan. 1st,r19171 mossemmismisamm NEW TAILOR SHOP N. Sheere desires to an- nounce to the public that he will,. on SEPT. 1st 1915 open up an up•to-date LADIES and GENTS Tailoring Business in EXETER He will put in s, full line of fashionable goods and will al- ways have a large assortment of Samples to choose from. Our motto will be to give the best possible value at the least possible price. A Call Solicited • N- Sheere Stand Upstairs—Opposite the Central Hotel. 22nd, hili greatly tend to prolong I • • • • low barometer , high tmperature, With Vicious electrical and atmospbr- 1 • in storms. • ' t ' One dollar and twenty-five cents will pay for 'The Times to new sub- scribers up to Jan. lst, 1917+ Genuine D. L. '& W. Scranton Coal KESTLE, ROWE & WOOD PHONE 40 Exeter, Ontario At3ENTS for British American Oil Co. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • EST • OF • • °T • • •• • • NRESNIN IFtRESHINC • GOAL • e : T • A 4 • • Centralia r • • •AND • • 1 Exeter w • •O R ("`a S ELDON 2 • • •• R.ftRow.o G FllGral Director and Flraitin Dula COMPLETE STOCK tiLWRYS ON WIND PHONE 20a Western University, London. Another Great Advance ascome Doubled —Now $7 5,Ooo 1 Another large addition to Faculty and Epuipment in Arts and Medicine Greatly Increased Enrollment its View, Write for particulars to • E. E. Braithwaite, ALA., Ph.r a,.,.. President. •"A Man's AbiIitS is his "Fi„sport''a' Frank Weaver •Pr-etessor o1 Music, London, Ont.: Teacher of Organ and all brant ear of Piano Placing; Voice Culture'an* Artistic Singing a Specialty. 16 year• practical experience. For Terms apply •at 8, Martin Si 1. Bon's 1,Tiosto (Store ,t PERRY r. DOU]?.E, Licensed Ana'' tioneer, Sales conduoted in any Sae calit.v. Terms moderate Orders left at "Times office will be promptly. at -r .tetaded to. 'Thone lid, i iXkton-, .A,i% d,regis g.4T ►h A.04 . Li.. L 1.'L..a.a. i..J' i