HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-9-16, Page 1.........,. ORTY-SECQND YEAR --NO: 2227 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY ,,MORNING, SEPTEMBER 1&ni, 1015 Phone 32 AY JONES Exeter er • •F nse MILLINERY DISPLAY klThe Event ofthe e Season 11 Friday and Saturday, SepSept. t7 t h and 18th OUR SHOWROOMS are just brimming over with the newest creations from Hatdom. All the latest shapes from Paris, London and New York are shown here.' SEE OUR MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY New Winter Coats NO TWO ALIKE IIIVOU always get something new and different from anything you buy elsewhere. We have the well known' NORTHWAY and RODGERS . Coats. - The two leading makes in Canada. -Come and see our Coats and have a Try On L. :SILK SPECIALS We are offering all our new eiltrs at the old prices. OK SILK—$1 and $1.25 yd •OdLORED ' —$1 and $1.25 yd SHOT " -$1.40 yd All our silks are warranted to give good sat:isfaction.. VIYELLA FLANNEL The best flannel made.' Pos- itively guaranteed not to fade or shrink. Colors Blue, Red, Cream, Fancy Stripes in Dark or Light, and Plaid, suitable for Waists, Gowns, Kimonas, ' • Segues and Children's Wear. JONES AND MAY Remember the Exeter Fair Sept, 20 & 21 Our Fall Stock of Stoves & Ranges are ready for Fair Days Jewels, Oxfords & Art Garlands Food Choppers, $1.25 to $1,45 Meat Choppers, $1.90 0 -Cedar Mops 75c, $1.25 & $1.50 O -Cedar Oil, 25c and 50c Builders' Hardware Locks, Bolts, Hinges, Glass and Plaster Paris for every kind of Building. Get our Low Prices on Builders' Hdwe, also Tinsmithing and Plumbing. w ltt Canadas, At Reduced Prices To Clear Perfection Oil Stoves, Elephant Paint, Baseball Supplies. Galv. Tubs and Pails, Lawn Mowers, Screen Door, Screen Win- dows, Step Ladders.. Amminmemian Heatnan's Hardware . and. PHONE Sg7A and 2733 .Stove Store it Patriotic League ,Notes In last week's Times we stated that the total 'amount raised by the Pat- riotic Society during the year was $4119,56 instead of $2419.56. The ' Patriotic League will serve a 15c lunch in •the tea room :Fair. Day from 11 a,m.•to 7 pan. Donations of sandwiches, pie, cake, cream, sugar tea 'land coffee are asked for.. Each member is asked for one 'donation on- ly, that is .any one of the above nam- ed .articles. Donations of money as well as provisions will be gratefully received,. In addition to Fair Day the 'Wo - mens' 'Patriotic League will open the Tea Loom Saty°• 25th, from 3' to 6 o'clock for receiving field comforts, subh as /socks, tooth -brushes, jams, dried, apples, chocolate, cocoas gum, raisins, books, writing pads. maga- zines, etc. Also articles of clothing for the ,Belgian relief. BORN, • :•'COATES—In Usborne, bn Thursday, Sept. 9th, to Mae and. •Mrs. Alfred Coates, ra daughter. • 'ItLIENFELf`I-1:n Vsborne, on Sat- erdan, Sept, litb, to Mr°. and ,Firs. • John Kleinfeldt,•a daughter. : STEWART—In Exeter on Sunday, September 12th to 'I1ir: and Mae Alex: -Stewart .a danghtier. • ELZ'Oiti7--Iti 'EYshiorne, on Satiirdn;y. Sept: ',.i.h, tie Mr. and Mrs. W. T. • Elford, a son, (Revises -0 :Lorne). MARRIED WAI3Delgie-•a,S,,AX11,I4 - s 0n Ntr,o ingsdav, September 15th, at. the Main street Methodist parsoniige, by. Rev. S. WW, Min :worthy, fillies Nancy Smith, to Mr...nrilliani' Webber, both of Ste- phen. DIED KRAFT—In Dashwood, do Sept. 5th, Iiy. Kraft, caged 74 years 6 months DINNEY—In Exeter, on Sept. 12th, Lucinda 'Wilson, •relict or tbe fele Charles Dinney. in her 70th year. Cf11,1,—In Usborne, on Monday, Sept. 13th, 'hare ,Terse rollock, relict of the late ,Alfred Cole, in her 78th Yealr. . ._ • , C 'a SOLDIERS' AI.D. SOCIETY NOTES The 'following are the a'ficers of the Society. President, Mrs, N. J. 'Dore. ist Vioe-Pres., hiss Li Johns 2nd Vice -Pros., Mrs. W. J. 3Iearan Treasurer, Mrs. R ' N. Creech: Secretary, Mrs.E. J. Christie There are 36 members and. 15 bon- orary members. The proceeds of home-rnade cooking sale held on Saturday last amounted to •$14.80, The society ,is `,having a booth on the grounds on Fair Day where home- made candy, etc., will be sold., Dona- tions of 'sense will be thankfully re- ceived. Please leave same at the mat in Walkerton 'previous to .the. home of Mies 'May Jones, 'tIain St,' meeting of 'the council. 'ga W.D. Car- on or before Monday eve. gill presided. 'this delegation met Exeter Council A regular meeting of the cement' evae held In 'the 'Council: chamber of Friday evening, :• Sept, 10th; The Reeve being 'absent through' illness Councillor ' Reinstall was appoieted chairman. The minutes of the meet- ing held Aug* .27th were read and approved. A communaeation fyom the acting secretary of Me School Board, ''Miss E:. McFaul easing for an appropria- tion of four •' sand dollars be leas- ed for same '. irposes for the year, ,was 'received. ,. Mr, Alex McPherson intervieseeul the aeouneil in regard to en approach to tbe street crossing hat had beers built In front of his 'property, claim- ing that the same interfered with driving irate his property. Pubiio Works committee tq.inveefigate. A request froni'tha .Ladies Patriotic Society we'i receiaei%-'asking rem the tree of the Town 'Hall one'day r. -wank the hall to be heated wben necessary. r1rented. f °•! liranotes Mitchell- Treble end An' dersnn, who have ,volunteeted for setsiee. were granted wristlet watch- es, ter reeee to see to procuring 'of csame on motion of Hind seconded by Ha eton,—Oariled( The auditor's report for the month. of 'August was read and accepted on motion of Councillors Beavers and Hind.—{tarried, The following accounts were read and approved. -C:-Wilson, 17.25: Can. Fecnress Co. 1;00: 'W. A. ,Balkwill. 7.00; Wrn. Coates 235;E, Elliott 11.70 Exeter Electric T,ieht Co., 133.4n: D. ]tiissell, jr.. 15.60; Goo Orange. 13.00;: Win. Creech 2490; Geo. Dunmore 50e; K. "Ford 10.70; Thos. ;Moulden 77.50; Thos. +Creech, 17145; Wm. 13'' Vale 40c R..'Era ndford 10.35; J. 1Jiinkin 19.40; W'. Westcott 6.75; Try Beroehr 12,00 T. Cornish 9.70; Rd 'liob ns 1,.00; T aValper 4.00; fid. Devic 0.00; Rt Gillies 'n Son 11.40; 'Geo., Cornish 2.00 Jno. Gillespie 1°00; W. J.13issett 43,75 Jos. Senior 34.00; Jno. Ford 31,50;' J, Senior. postage, 5.110; amounting in all to $453.76. - 'Jos. Senior, Acting Clerk. 3MEDIO AL ASSOCIATION HOLDS SUCCESSFUL MEETING One of the most successful meet- ings of the Huron 3ledical Associa- tions'was held in Exeter on ;Wednes- day. September,8th. Some twenty or more physicians of Huron set downi.to a 'splendid. (dinner aa the Central Jeer residing with. her son John . on the tet Tho Seaforth men and an auto homestead. sixth concession of Lse load including Drs° 'Thompson, Mac- horse. died ea Monday*,' Sept. 13th/e' in Gregor,. Arnott, Shoebotham and Beale from 'London were too late for dinner. The meeting .was called to order in the 'Carnegie Library by the Presi- dent„iDr. Kennedy, of Wingham. The Secretary, Dr. Redmond, read the minutes of the previous meeting which' were approved. He then read a notice from the Provincial Society rad Wednesday -afternoon byRev. S. asking that some action be taken W. Muxworthy, interment in the with regard to having all the local W. aggert's cemetery. associations affiliate with `the Pro- Vincia;: Society, Drs. Emerson, of Goderich and McKay, of Seaforth, moved that the matter be laid over till the next meeting for further' con- sideration. ',Another communication from Dr. Anderson, of Toronto, ask- ing that the society join with ,all the EXETER EGGS FINEST IN i[l_ANADA At the Canadian National time 'Mr. Chas, la"t .1tooper's exhibit, ,in Commercial class-- Extra, class Ba section 13, (Fresh Gathered Specials) there being twenty competitors each sbowing 60 doz. making- in all 1200. doe 'shown in 'this special class, took first prirze, and the diploma or medal awarded to first in this special clans. The conditions in this contest were: uniform size, weight aver 24 ozs to the doz., or over 45 lbs. net to the 30 'doz.-case, /absolutely clean, strong and sound freshen, air 'cell small, not over 3-16 of an inch ►n depth, white of egg to be firm and clear. and yolk slimly visible,ble, free from blood 'clots.ots. The judges say the exbibit was the largest ever shown in 'Canada. This win (demonstrates the wisdom of the polity endorsed /by the government of co-operation in production; and speed in getting the product to the best markets. Mr. Hooper 'and his patrons are to be congratulated in putting tbe Exeter territory into the 'lim.eligift. Exeter Fair on Monday and Tues- day. 13ring along your Le -feuds.• PARKER—TOM . 1 A pretty borne nuptial: event, 'hat was especially attractive, because of its simplicity, was. ,soIemnized at the J101110 'of the brides parents Mr. sand Mrs. Wm, 1:1, Tom, 544 Five C. St, Medicine Oat. pn Wednesday morn- ing,Sept. '8th at 11 o'clock. 'Wizen Miss Ada Tomtheir youngest daugh- ter, became the bride of Cllr. Regin- ald r7: Parker, youngest son of Capt.' Wm. Parker and Mrs. Parker. Rev;. E. A: Davis, of St. Barnabus Church, performed the marriage . ceremony. Miss Parker 'played ” , Lohengrins" Wedding March. The home was taste- fully decorated with a profusion of flowers supplied. by Mr. and Mess Hawke -A pretti'y appointed wedding bre'ak- fast was served following the cere- mony at which Capt. Parker proposed tbe health of the bride and Rev. E. A. Davis, of the bridegroom, The bride looked very attractive in a dainty gown of Copenhagen blue silk and het to match. The bridal couple left by -auto for Empress where they will make their future home.—Medicine Hat Times.i Obituary ' MRS. ALFRED COLE ' lee. Alfred Cole,, 'who . has been.. her 78th year. • About two weeks previous to her death the deceased had the misfortune to fall 'and drac- ture her hip and she died from the effects. She is survived by two sons John on the homestead and Robert near IChiselhurst. The deceased was a menaber'ot •the Bethany 'Methodist church and the funeral was conduct MRS. CHARLES DINNEY On Sunday. September 1201 Mrs.. Dinney passed away at the home of her son-in-law, Mr. Eli Snell, in her 79th Bear. Her maiden name was' Lucinda Wilson and she was the rel - other associations 'of the Province in tet of the Iate Charles Dinney. The memorializing the government as to deceased was born in `Whitby but the need of forming a base .hospital practically her whole life NMS spent for Canadian wounded soldiers was in Stephen township on the farm. read,.Moved by -Drs,..-Shaw, of .Cain- About a year ago she was taken ill ton, and Hunter, of Gojerich, th'it\the with gangerine in both legs and el secretary do this. Dr, Williams, of London, was then •called upon and gave an able and Lesions and their Mistakes" This was the wounds \'ere healed and she was instructive paper on "Abdominal practically oyer it when she was disctisesd by Drs. Gunn, Taylor, stricken with a paralytic stroke Quackenbush and Emmerson. A mo- which was the cense of her deatb. tion then m"ode that Dr. Williams be She is survived by seven childalen, made an .honorary member was car- four sons and three daughters -John, rind% near Edmonton. Alta.; Christopher, on Dr. Emmerson next read. a splen- the homestead and Robt. and Those, did paper on "Functional Diseases of of town; Mrs. Eli Snell. of town; Children". This was discussed by Dr. Mrs. W. Lyoxid. of Edmonton, and ,M'r.Gregor, of London. Mrs. 'Geo. Walker, of North Battle - Dr. Gallow's paper on "Occipito ford, Mr. Dinney predeceased her Posterior 3'ositione' was 'read, and about five veers ago. The funeral discussion by ,Drs. Arnott and Beale of London. The meeting then closed to meet at Clinton in 'December • one time it was thought impossible for her to Recover but through the skilful treatment of Dr. Browning was held on !Tuesday to the Exeter cemetery. IIENSALL MAN FINED The adjourned case between License Inspector Torrance. of South .Huron, BRUCE COUNTY COLJNCIL VOTES and W. H. 'Sender, of Hensell, came before Police Magistrate Andrews, of $4 000 PER MONTH UNTIL Clinton on Wednesday of last week END OF W 4TL c and was Settled by Bender pleading guilty to the charge of bringing li- tea specie". meeting of Bruce (Coen- /luor'into 't.Iuron County,contrary to ty Council ,held at 'Walkerton on Sep- the provisions of the Canacda temper- tember 9th, it was unanimously acne net. A fine for a second offence agreed that, the County contribute wee imposed. $100 and costs, the ,cosi.; $4,000' a month -to the patriotic fuxid amounting to about $97, or about $200 as 'long es the oar lasts. in all. :lender has decided to quit From ''January Iast a total of $250 the hotel business and has said his per month has been given, but the hotel to Mr. Acheson, of the [Ding needs bad increased. A few weeks George hotel. ago a anrorganization was formed to wait on the different municipalities SELF-INFLICTED WOUND to urge their representatives in the Mr. Thomae Clarko, a young man county council to increase{s ' their residing in Dieter North, w'as talk' -A grants. t 1" , ~x„1i to Victoria hospital, London, on Sat- Delegates from all over the county urda.y last with •a self-inilteted hul- Doi wound `in his abdomen. The -onng matt had been working with Mr. Geo. I3artncr on Friday 'cleaning a •well.. He did not show up et 'his home in the evwning and accordin,a' to his .owns etory retired tes a corn field ore the farm of Mr. Ephraim Hewitt. where 'bra chew the revolver on him - SUNSHINE The anniversary nervines of the. Sunshine Methodist church were held last Sunday and Monday. On Sun- day; Rev,ev. llir, ;[might, of I.1cn,sa 11, conducted the services and preached two excellent rnrn'ious. On Monday evening an entertainment was given when Mr. and .Mrs, :Knight a:hdsted ' by Miss Rennie, of Hensel', furnisbcd the program far the evening Nelda twits greatrly enjoyed. The proceeds T ainoixnted to $78,00- .. 4 the county council which received them eympat,hcticelly, 'and it is safe to say tient the council never ;were so enthrxaiastic os the different delegates addressed. them. Mr. Bean, general organizer, of the patriotic fund was present and addressed the council las to tbe 'disposition of the fonds. Leek - now, 'deleRate,.:fohil Joynt, of., now, statedtett be had 'doeided to personally donate $1.,000 per y'etair notil the end of the war and increase this ,as the needs ]ncbeased. The council adjourned, arising and angina with,._,d fervor "God Save the self the bullett 'entering near the region of t he stotna,eh and lodging in the 'back. Ile remained in the field ell night; aid early Saturday morning got Mr. '\D. Braund's horse and 'drove down to Dr. Xl.yniltno:n s office'. Later in the .lay he 'was tek- en to London in ,in etuto accompanied by ';Reeve Taylor end nurse Johnston. The bullet was Ionated by means of i h -Ita3 .,..t 1.1 e i t .4.;['I'OINTED 01I.AFFL4,I1t7 Rev. D, 'ti?. Collins, of Exeter, has been appointed 'Chapl'ain of the 70th Battalion now being recruited ita London. TEACHERS' 6CONVENTION The thirty-eighth 'annual 'meeting -if the West flatiron Teacbers" Associa- tion will 'be held In the Public School Exeter, on 'Thursday txnd Friday' Oct' 14th and 15th. ArDaNG THE OJfl :ANS Two Sisters from the Oatholi-e Or- pbanage, 'London, wade a canvas . -of the business section iawt Saturday ;sol- iciting snbscriptions ,for that insti- tution. .. TAMEST LAND OWNER Trlr, Peter Min, of the Thames Road has this week added another farm to what he already possesseei, having purchased' the 'Westlake farm. This gives hire 351 1-2 acres on the Thames Road. It raise snakes 'him the larl;est land owner inn' the ,Town- ship of Usborne. Its that one and a half acres Met does ' it- as it 'plates in taaining at Smell,14Sasa , expects to him just that much alxerad of 'Mr. Al- heave for England •shortly. Mr. Hobbes bert Etherington wlxo owns :350 acres. is a university graduate anel held m BAIiN maw= good position on the editorial staff oZ the Winnipeg Px1bune During the electrical storm on Sun- day morning last the barn •of,Mx: Jos. ldr. IT -rank Chen•, a•l k'ri;=.r.so, ani Glavin was struck by. lightning, The Pte °' .ingest ,son tb farm is rented' Mr.. Sohn A. Tharof t.ec• •,, e, of Usborne, and his whole season's -crop wan $e- a3, a r, ,ssed fx'ow the,' stroyed together with a :stack oto ,, ,r'_.,x yt,: p;peared in thhe side. Air. Thar had 22 acres of ee e The former eellent wheat besides the other crepe • c, ,nt and.. ex - The fire occurred alma teed dnlot •,,;;;cry . leave as ie for Eng- in ngin the morning. The barn wee a land. 'bir. Madge wean' ^with the large frame. There was a small "in- first contingent and is serving at the surance, w: .: front in the signal service. FAIR 'V'ISITol1S A large number from tower .lain surrounding d'istxaeta have sansaillec themselves of the excellent w,e.athea",. to take in the fair kat London PRESENTED ' fffRIST WATCHES On Monday on this week 11.eene ,:say -t Yon n behalf of 'the 'town, ;Presented Privates Lean -Treble, Retie 1 itehe3 and Ed. Anderson with wrist watobe0. The 'boys are serving in the e•30rd Bate 'teller. nee to training of Loxialon an& are expected to leave shortly, fob England,. Private Treble was home(; for tbe weelt'end and was presenting 'with Dile while the otlhere were sent to London. t HING AND 'COUNTRY Mr. Thornton Fear, see of Rev. ,srmet Mrs, E. A. Fear, of Ii'.idgetown, en&, a brother of Mrs. W. S. lilawey, town, has ,enlisted with' the 70th :Bene talion, now being meridian at Londa;.; Mr: 'Allan 'Hobbs, anon of Tte•v. 1 Hobbs, of 'Toronto, and brother or Mrs. IT. U. Southcott, of town, ,who in THE EXETER Bi .GAIN STORE Children's School Shoes We have a flan..pp1y and can give yon them t a g'at prices_. teen's Shoes en''s heavy shoes—excellent values.. i`v pairs only men's Tan Shoes, regular $3.75 a pair. 5.0Q for Ladies' Shoes Our stook is Complete. Samples We have -e1 display samples for 42011r Fail and Winter Made -to -Measure Suits and. Oveaeoats and will be pleased to show t;heana. i--4 f it V E R X11, 4 • • • • • • 4 4 • • • 4 • 4 • • 4 •4 • • • 4 w 4 • 4 w • • 1► • •i' 0o4#a000Gmv**as®*ea**oao-oo*asrr®oaaeQ..ew HY NOT PLAN To LET. s FIT You OUT ON FAIR, t DAY We have o*r Eali Stock all in and carcy a complete urge of the Latest creations in Aleatvs Toggen'y Our New Fedora Hats its the different styles, shapes and colors, are attracting attention, We can tat you with something Natty In Shirts, Collars, Ties and Socks, We have a specially fine showing for men,- WHY nees, WV NOT BE MEASURED at the same time for your New Suit. Woolen Goods are advanc- ing rapidly in price, yet we are maintaining rock bottom prices. The rich shades and fine weaves will appeal to you. 'We also have a splendid showing in Ready -to -Wear Suits, Overcoats, etc, etc. 'Come ata early and let ass show you. ,t4./.4041.6 48 (61 A• es se 41- v 0' 41" Aa P U O N E 81 a 4A , •m1•aaet+ee • c e4 +.r>a ,e4,eee^'e4at,,►ad*a•wde+►4