HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-9-9, Page 8THE EXETER r r s 'l T s»Ar SEI"TEMBER, 9th, 1915 $(-\OOl,.(1 FI4LEARURN 'Eio • Uf4,Y r ,�{►r C�,.,t RESOLVED THAT , D VALUE S YoU WANT' ToTSv COME To �Na, ED � HAVE ZEA «'ET WH AT Yov WANT AND MAKETHE PRICE Ri4HTVE CAN KEEP RT ADE KEEP FOR, CLOTHINO YoU oWE IT To YOURSELF To COME INTO OUR STORE AND SEE HoW WELL WE CAN PLEASE YoU IN A SUIT AND A FALL oR WINTER oVER- CoAT. YoU CANNOT oNLY DEPEND UPON THE STYLE, MATERIAL AND MAKE of THE CLOTHES WE SEL YoU, BUT ALSO UPON THE PRICE. WE SELL oNLY RELIABLE CLOTHING, AND WE PRICE IT AS LoW AS RELIABLE CLOTHES CAN BE SOLD FoR. COME IN AND LET US FIGURE WITH YOU oN NoToNLY CLOTHING, BUT EVERYTHING YoU HAVE To BUY. Natty Coats for Fall Why not select ;your new 'Coat now. We have styles to suit 'any figure. A splendid variety of new cloths made ,up in the very new- est styles,. Come in and try them on. New Dress Goods Altho Dress Goods of all'kinds are higher in price and very' hard to procure, we have been fortun- ate in securing many lines of new goods which we are offering at prices that will interest you. , Sweater Coats 'With the nese Reversible Col- lars. in a fine assortment or weaves and colorings. A swarm and serviceable Coat. Extra value 'at $5.00,: Ladies' Wool Vests With V. shaped neck, and half sleeves. A fine quality of light weight wool •- - - Boys' Caps 'Regular 25c, 35o and 50e lines, Good Caps for school wear ' at less than (half price. If we have your size take your pick for 15c Boys' Clothing IL it is an odd pair of bloomer pants or a suit of good wearing tweed for School wear, we have what you want at the lowest price. Boys' School Shoes The kind that stands the rough wear for boys going to school. The prices are low for the qual- ity of the goods. Men's Clothing 'Nowhere can you buy better Fall Clothes than we offer you It won't be difficult for us to prove the statement. If you want; to save on your new Suit •come in and see us. - 36 ins. Wide Flannellette All the best patterns in fast colors. A'good equality 'cloth and a splendid wearer, Per yd 12 1-2c. Men's Hats We are displaying advanced shipments of Men's Soft Eats and Derbys in the blocks for early Fail wear. $2 00 and 42.25._ AZarket Report—The following is the report of the Exeter market' ereeted up to September 803; New wheat 00 to 90e Old wheat 11.00 Barley 35 to 45c Oats 35o t (:'!; rr Buckwheat Cie,. { ` Peas $1.00r ' ' 't 1 Flour $3.15 Low Grade Flour $1.90, i i Bran $20 per ton. Shorts $28 per ton, Sugar Beet pulp $25 per ton I3utter 22 to 24 Creamery butter 30e Eggs 20 and 21. t t r 'flogs :8.80, f: ` Young .chicken, 2 lbs, 12o, Old diens 9c mil Old Roosters 7e Ducks 90 titre want your Poultry this sea - Live Poultry Wanted son, will pay highest market price for live or dressed birds. J. A. STEWART PHONE 16 v4.4•.•.•••.••O.O.O••••••• • • LOCAL •. • ••••••• 0.00.0• airs. Skelton is• visiting is Detroit, :lir. Louis elmis visiting in Tors onto r, t Mr. Milton Pfaff is holidaying in Toronto, o, Miss Gladys Bissett spent Utbgr Day in London. Mr. !J .R. Sanders o.ttended Toronto Fair last week. Mr. and 934:rs.4 Peter 73awden are visiting in Toronto. Mr. Fred. Gould, of StrathroyL, spent the holidays here. Mr. harry Trick visited in Toronto during the past weak. 11ir. Edgar Torrance is holidaying at his home in Clitnon. . Mr. Mark Mitchell,/ of London. spent the holiday in town. Mrs. Inwood and daughter, of Lon- don spent Labor Day here; Mr, ltd. Bissett, of London, spent Labor Day with his mother;. • !'Miss Velars Bedford has returned home after visiting in Toronto. Mr. W„ Amos, of London, visited at his 'home here over Labor Day. Mr. Thos. Sanders has returned Ito Toronto, after holidaying in town. Mrs. Ores of London, visited with Mrs. E. Knight over the holidays. Mrs. T. G. ,Creech and family have returned after visiting ;in Stratford. Master Beverley Acheson has re- turned home after holidaying in Lon• don. Miss Laura Tory has returned home after visiting in Burford and Inger- soll. Keep in mind the Exeter Fair .dates err. and Mrs. F. A. May ,spent La- bor Hay en. elitchell. Mrs. ('Rev.) S. •W Muxworthy is visiting in St. 'Phomas! Airs. Geo, Brooks is quite ill at her home near the river. Keep in mind the Exeter, Fair dates, Sept. 20th and 21st. Mr. Trueman Jones, of .Ayr, visited in town over the holidays. Mr. and Mrs, C. V. Hooper ,are vis- iting in Toronto this week. Mr. Al. Hastings left Tuesday to spend a few days in Toronto. Mr, E. Malone, of Tilsonburg, visit- ed in town over the holiday. Mr. harry Carling, of Brantford, visited at his tome here over Labor Day. ' Adr. Earl Spackman, of Guelph, vis- ited his parents in town for;the holi- days. Mr. Jas. Handford returned Monday after spending several dans in Tor- onto. Mr, and Mrs. Cecil McLeod spent Labor Day with relatives at Clan- de_boye. Miss Alma Mas and Mr. Hedley May .visited in Toronto during the past week., Mr. and Mrs: 13. WS, F Beevere vis- ited with relatives at Farquhar on Labor Day. The Exeter Salt Manufacturing Co. brave closed down after running for three months. Messrs. S. and J. W'. lPowetf 'are ''in Toronto this week combining business with pleasure. Mrs. R, N. Creech returned 'Mon- day after spending a etew days in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. T.i. J. White %end fam- ily spent the week end at Grand Bend. Mrs. CT: ,A...1SlcDonald returned Fri- day evening 'after visiting in St. Thomas, Miss May IewelI'spent Labor Das in •Sarnia with her sister, Mrs. W. J. eLe-Mister Private Leon Treble, Battalion. London, 'was home for Labor Day. Mr. L. i3', Dickson has returned home after visiting his mother l.f. Pembrooke Mics Stella Gregory .bas returned to Chatham to resume her duties as school teacher. Miss V: Couzens, of London, spent Labor Day with her grandmother. Mrs. McCoombes,,, Miss M. E. Brown left last week to resume her duties at the Toronto General hospital. Miss Etta Herslake left for Dun- gannon Monday to resume her posi- tion as milliner. Mr. •and Mrs., Roland Squires vis- ited in Toronto for several days 'dur- ing uring the past week. Aliss Roach. stenographer for Glad - man 'e Stanbury, spent the holiday at her home at Farquhar. Master Clifford Mallett and Miss Dorothy have returned home after visiting relatives 'in Sarnia. One dollar and twenty-five cents will pay .for The Times to new sub- scribers up to Jan. lst, 1917, Mr and Mrs• E. Sanders and ,child. of Rainy River, 'are visiting 'ME .end Mrs. Thos. Sanders, Huron St. A number from town motored to Stratford Monday to witness the manouvres of the 34th Battalion. Miss Edith Moncur returned last Wednesday after an extended visit with her brother at Peterborough. ellss Ferguson, of London, was the guest: of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Corbett of the Blind Line,. Say, for a -few days. • , e.• Ie . 1 of the 33rd Messrs. Lenard Bolton and Russell Balkwill. of Seaforth, visited in town Sunday end Monday. Miss 'Wand Bennington, of Seattle, Wash., visited with Mrs. Cudmore during the past week. Miss A. Morlock has returned home after spending several weeks at Port Stanley and Detroit. Mrs. 0. Becker. of New Hamburg, visited her parents. Dr. and Mrs. Browning over the holiday. One dollar and twenty-five cents will pay for 'The 'Times to new 'sub- scribers up to Jan. 1st, 1917. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ilodgert visited the former's brother at •Russeldale, the latter part of last week. The James Street Epworth League reopened 'Tuesday evening after being closed down dor+the summer. Dr. Bond, of Stettler, Altav; rand formerly of Exeter, has enlisted with one of the army medical corps. Mrs. Hannah Cook and little ne- phew. Freddie Morgan, -of St. Thomas are 'visiting here for a few weeks. Genuine D. L. & W. Scranton Coal KESTLE, ROWE & WOOD PHONE 40 Exeter, Ontario AGENTS for British American Oil Co. ERGtGE31EIUS,—Mr, and Mrs. Mc- Guire. of Hensall, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Olga Vic- toria, to Robert Fordwich, of Usborne The engagement is announced at ,gippen. Ont., of Myrtle M., second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. l3. :Mc- Lean, to Mr. 3. Earle Sproat, the mar- riage to take place quietly in • •Septem- ber Ties, Mary Stewart, Seaforth, Ont., announces the engagement of her daughter, Lillian Pearl, to Mr. Roy Law son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lwwson, of Hallett, the marriage to take place quietly in p to tuber. `V lCiiyzn B Travers, ex -general man - Pr: of the Farriie.rs' Bank, who hat ne r and ha'f served over three years a rsavw of hire th rettlie' aentetiee in Ports- nut:h Peni teetiarY, Will, it is report- ed, be released next tobAth CLERK'S ADVERTISEMENT OF COURT IN NEWSPAPER 'Notice is hereby given that a court will he held, persuant to the ,Ontario Voters' Lists Act, by His 'Honour the. Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron •at the Town Hall, Exeter on Thursday 23rd ,day of September 1915 at 9.30 o'clo'ck a,m. to hear and determine complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of the :Vil- lage of Exeter for 191e. Dated the 8th day of September, 1915. JOS. SENIOR Acting Clerk of the Municipality of the Village of Exeter. The story of Jack the Giant -Billet bas always fascinated. One small boy destroyed a great menace. So it is with the wonderful. T'AKAl E, which unaided. destroys the Giant Pain. Headaches, Rheumatism.. Sciatica, Neuralgia, Sleeplessness, end all nerv- ous affections, fly before it to their atter destruction, Because you have used all other zemedies without results Is the best . reason for }ising TAKAKE which' giv- es quick and permanent relief in ,the most ' hronic cases. One of its many attractions is its absolute freedom from any habit-forminging drug. . 't7se one box and the result ;will rcl show you that like little Jack, you earl live ,happy ever after. Get TAIAKE. There is nothing the same or "just as good." 50c at your druggist's, or 45e by niaiI from Georg - •C 1'n .wood tan Mfg. Coeof � g , Ont. w , When little ones are peevish, giv. Rexall Orderlies; corstipation is often the cause. Sold only by W. S Cole, The Ttexall Store, 10e,, 25e. & 50c, 'bozcom. u .w w.. „ ,, t. l .. , .. Mr. .Jas. Sweet, Jr., of the Times Mrs ,A. McConnell and daughter, of staff, enjoyed '-pleasant visit witb London, were the guests of Mr. and Miss Annie and Mr. Chas. Moore, ,of Mrs. 'E, Christie aver the •holidays. ITensall, on Labor Day. Dir. and Mrs,: Thos. Hervey and family motored to Ingersoll Labor Day and visited Mr, and Mrs. S. Rowe. , Miss Ethel Bissett, has resumed het position as milliner at Seaforth. She visited at her home here 'overeLabor Day. Messrs. Lloyd Rivers of Dutton, and Harper Rivers, of Strathroy, vis- ited at their home here over the holt- dee s. oli-days. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Crocker and children returned to Toronto Slon- day after 'visiting the former's moth- er in town. The Huron County Medical Associa- tion are holding 4a meeting in the Carnegie Library this' (Wednesday) afternoon. Mrs. 1M,. Yaeger and Miss T. Yaeger visited. in Clandeboye last week. They were accompanied ,home by Mrs. and eliss Cunningham. Mr. and Mrs:, J. S. Ilarvey ` and. daughter Gladys, returned Monday after spending several days in Tor- onto and Port (lope, Miss W. Huston has returned to Hamilton, to resume her duties as milliner. She spent the summer with her parents at Grand. Bend. Mr. Caleb Heywood rand family left this week ona motor trip. They will visit London, St. ;Catharines, Niagara Falls, Hamilton and Toronto. London 'Fair starts "next week and the attractions •this year are very .promising. Exeter fair comes the Monday end Tuesday following. Mr. Sir. U. Phillips, organist of the James street Methodist ,church, re- sumcd his duties last Sundayafter being absent tfor a morltll, visiting in Toronto, 'Montreal and other places, During his .LbyenCC tha position t Ion was ably filled by Miss X. McFaul. (Messrs. E. Langford and D. Mc- Night, de-Night, of Simcoe, accompanied by Rev. S. F. and Mrs. "Sharp and daughter, Margaret, motored up the c k. Ur, "Lang- ford. last W C tatter part 1 b ford talso motored to Pt. illgin. On his return he was accompanied home by Mx. Mcl:night and Rev. 'and Mrs, T. Nicol, Mr. Nicol having been slip - plying the pulpit of Rev. illi, .Sharp P in Cavort Prc?tbytetian eliti 'Cb during leg the latter's vacation. 'Mr. Sharp occupied his /been pulpit last Sabbtlth Mr. Geo, Vosper has town and has resumed work, after a few days and family in Toronto. Mr. W. C. 'Fritz, of the Bank _of Commerce staff spent Sunday and Monday 'at his home at Guelph and. Mr. Vincent Laurie ht his home at Thedford. Misses 0. IQuance and Elia Phillips zeturned last week after visiting in Toronto. They have resumed their positions as ,milliners with J. A. Stewart. •_ Mr. and 'Mrs, '' dc,Grea, per Lucknow, spent the holidays with Mr. and. Mrs T. Armstrong.; Miss May Armstrong returned with them to a'e-open her millinery business in 'that town. Miss Fanny Bowey has returned home after visiting, in Pt. •Heron. She was 'accompanied home. by her aunt, Mrs. Reichard and daughter, Miss Irene Reichard who are visiting here, returned to his 'carpenter with his ,wife Music Through a '10Iil r ison' Secret The Wonderful Diamond Stylus. Reproducer is the secret by which Mr, Edison has made of the phonograph A REAL MUS- ICAL INSTRUMENT. It brings out all those overtones and fine shades of sound that give volume, purity and richness to the tone, Creates at last what all music lovers have been waiting for—a tone that can really be called true-to-life, human and natural; New Edison Diamond Disc Phonograph En this perfected musical instrument Mr. Edison has finally solved all the difficul- ties which have baffled others in the past. He has eliminated the harshness, the me- chanical timbre, the metallic sound. So marvelously life -like is its tone that, closing the eyes, one can scarcely distinguish the reproduction from the original. In Mr. Edi sones own words, this is " Real Music" at Last. No Needles to Change THE DIAMOND STYLUS REPRODUCER ELIMINATES THE BOTHERSOME PROCESS OF CHANGING NEEDLES, WHICH WEAR, OUT AND DESTROY VALUABLE RECORDS. This finely polished Diamond Stylus simply FLOATS OVER the sound grooves of the New Ed- ison records, reducing wear to a minimum. Call and hear the New Edison. Learn why it is looked upon everywhere as the beginning of a new era in music. Its tone w illb a revelation to you. We will be gad to play any one of the great library of Edison Re- cords for you without any obligation. J. WILLIS POWELL, AGENT ® On Exhibition at Miss A. handfeed visited IsIr. and Mrs. Myron 'Culbert, of Lucan, over the holiday. Mr. 'Culbert'rwho has been suffering with blood -poison in his hand is improving nicely. • No man can do effective Fork if constipated—ltexall Orderlies are an effective laxative. Sold only by W. S. Cole. The Ilesall Store. 10c.. 25e. ee 50c. ,boxes. , LOST Powell's Bazaar, Exeter, Ontario :1-4e . One dollar and twenty-five cents A year old Jersey heifer, on or will la ay for The Times to new sub - about Aug. 26th. Strayed from prem- scribers up to .Jin. 1st, '19178 ises of John Herdman, 7th con. ;Us - borne. Lot. 0, Any person notifying Exeter High School Milton Sleamon of whereabouts of same will be 'amply rewarded. Ad- dress, Et. R. late 3, Exeter,,, If• II.AVE YOU RENEWED? '' ' There are many •subscribers on our lists who have entirely overlooked 'us this yeartand this little' slight rather seriously affects our pocket book at this time. Look 'up the label and send 'us en the amount that is Flue. We will both feel 'better. THE EXETER FAPR • Preparations are wellunder way for the ;Exeter 'Fair which. will be held on -Monday end Tuesday, Sept. 20th •land 21st, immediately following the London Fair. The prize lists have been distributed and anyone not re- ceiving one should make application to the Secretary, R. G. Seldonelse the President, E. Christie at the post -of- fice. A couple of omissions were made, In the miscellaneous depart- ment home-made bread was omitted for which' prizes of $1.00 and ,50c•.tre offered. In the Grade cattle the section for two-year-old steer evas left Vat. The dates for the 'fair Fill soon slip around and exhibitors are already getting their stock and pro- ducts into shape. The speed events are the same as former years ;and this and other tattraetions will make the fair worthy of a visit this year. HICKS' FORECASTS The Acting Secretary of the Exeter Iligh School Board, Miss K. Mcl+'auls, Is now prepared to receive entries for the High School Department for the ensuing school year. The record this, tast year has been more successful han ny previous year, over so per cent. of the candidates being success- ful in their examinations- The teach- ing staff is the sante as last year and success for enetgetic,students can be confidently expected.The building is being thoroughly renovated as to lighting, ventilation and heating, and Will be touch irhproved, The school terns cornrnenced on Tuesday, Sep - tubber the Seventh, See.;Hiatr application your ii made ear y r s d lq that yd,i tray be acconiwodated. One dollar and twenty-five cents will 'pay for •the Times 'to new suite; scribers up to Jan, 1,St,'L9174 The hSecond Regular Storm Period is central on the 14th, extending from the 12th. to 17th, inotusive. Disturbing Causes and What to look for—This period is near the. cent- er of Earth's antumnal equinox, at the culminating stages of the Venus with moon at first quarter on the 16th, in perigee at the 'center of the. period, on the 14th and ex- treme south declination d n the 15th Jupiter is in opposition with Earth and su u on the 17th. In western. 'ex- extremes, sec if emir barometer does not !begin to "tip its hat"'to the ap- proaching storm king, it6 earil as t d- 2and 3 h. t n i .turn e the 7. th 1 t I cidedls warmer and renewed storms of !rain, wind rand thunder will" take their eastward march, passing over the great central valleys about the 14th to`ll, and reaching'the. Atllanti:l states atiny or two ea,ter.:Thu regular upward "swing of 'the barometer tvili. follow from the northwest, on the heels of these storms, bringing high :fettles, clearing Weather and change to. much Cooler, autumnal weather. Frosts' for several nights. following, ;say ab lSth 'Wilt be bout. the 16 6th to , natural .in ';central to northern ow - ions , • , . „ NEW TMLOR SHOP N. Sheere desires to an- nounce to the public that he will, on SEPT. 1st 1915 open sip an up.to-date LADIES and GENTS Tailoring Business in EXETER He win pint in a full line of fashionable goods and will al- ways have a large assortcueut of Samples to choose. from. Our motto will be to give the best possible yalue at the Mast possible price. A Call Solicited N- Sheere Stand. Upstairs—Opposite the C,ntral Hotel. ••••••••• GO, ••.•••.444..4/ • • s • • • • • • •• • • • ••• • • • t • • • • •4• BEST OF ,rte p Entanamor' A 4 • O THRESHING • • COAL• AT • 4 ntr li� Ce � AND •. aa Exeter x q•.p+ • R.N.ROWO Fuurdl Dir6tor and Furnitur6 Dealer GOMPLETE STOCK fLWRY•S ON WIND PRONE 20a Western University, London. Another Great Advance Income Doubled -=Now $75,000 Another large addition to Faculty' and Epuipment in : • Arts and Medicine Greatly Increased Enrollment in View. .Write for particulars to E. E. Braithwaite, M,4., •E4.I115 w l ,. • President. ...+ "A Man's •d.bilite is hie Passport"' Frank Weaver Froiessor o° Maser, London, Ont. , Teacher b a c est' of Organ and all r c h of Piano Playing ; Voice Culture araF Artistic Singing a Specialty. 16 years practical experience, For Terms apply at S. Martin k Son's Mtisio Store T'C1tEY P "NAME, Licensed Ana" tidnoer', Sales .eondueted in any' hoe R G. �* E LOO (� cants:, ca 't_T . ems moderate Orders left eft '. . �- at Times office will be riroxnptly; at. •' t nd 1 a ed to. Thole ,1,16, itzr,ktodr Aalk ••••••••••••••••••••••••••l Hefei;+ fcgekton Li:.'La.'L i.