HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-9-9, Page 2ANLL AVALANCHE OF SIIELLS POURED INTO GERMAN LINES General Offensive Foreshadowed of French. anp British on the Western Front A despatch from Paris says: The French have been pouring an ava- lanche of shells into the German lines in the west. It is not believed that this ammunition would be used simply for the purpose of damaging the Ger- Man trenches, and, therefore, an early general offensive is looked for. Asphyxiating gas was, used without success by the Germans in an attack against Linge .and Schratzmaennele, in the Vosges. After releasing the gas the Germans charged the French Positions, but were driven back. Else- where on the French front there were no infantry actions, though heavy cannonading occurred at several places. German aviators violated • Swiss territory for the fourth time. Five German military aeroplanes flew inside the Swiss frontier opposite the French town of Delle. Although un- der Are from French artillery, the aeroplanes turned back. . One dam- aged machine came down near the Swiss village of Buix, but afterwards took to the air and escaped towards Alsace. The Municipal Council is making arrangements with the Government for an official commemoration of the Battle of the Marne, in which the German advance through France in the early weeks of the war was end- ed. The celebration will be held on September 12. FURTHER VICTORIES IN THE CAMEROONS Germans are Retreating in Great Disorder After a Series of Defeats. A despatch from Paris says: Fight- ing continues in the Cameroons, the German colony in Western Africa which the British and French have been attempting since the early part of the war to wrest from the Ger- mans. The Ministry of Colonies gave out a statement to -day announcing further victories. It follows: "French forces in the eastern and south-eastern Cameroons are continu- ing a vigorous offensive in the direc- tion of Yaunde, capital of the colony. The German troops were defeated in a series of engagements and are re- treating in great disorder. "Many of the native German troops surrendered, with their arms and ether. equipment. A party of these deserters while on their way to our post at Aradmakei encountered a corn-, pany of Germans, who attempted to bar their way. The deserters defeat- ed the Germans, and also attacked. a German post at Sangamelina. "Our right column, coming from the northc, attacked the strongly -fortified positions at the Dume station, simul- taneously with an attack from ouii southern column. The Germans were defeated completely. They abandoned their positions, and in retreat threw most of their supplies into the river and allowed natives to pillage other abandoned stores. In evacuating Dume the enemy set it on fire, making a stand on a hill overlooking the town. This position, which was defended with artillery and machine guns, was carried by assault by one of our offi- cers and by prisoners." SAYS BOSTON BARQUE FIRED ON BY U-BOAT A despatch from Boston says: The American barque Ruth Stark, owned in this city, was. fired upon twice by a German submarine, when 150 miles off Cape Clear, Ireland, according to the report of her commander upon her arrival here from Liverpool. 'olges -Hero is Bach Froin Franco f.% PETER 1:t17TXi1DDGIE �f1he••yonngest son of Canada to reacin the siring lino in la'sanders is Peter Rutledge, who e a stow- away on a troopship after 'bis: three brothers had etossed the sea` as Canadian dian soldiers. He was adopted by the 3rd Battalion and! "see ed.r in the trenches until. he! was ardcy' nd home with inns lidedi pais, go are in Toronto with. *s A COMPARISON OF FORCES FOR WAR CANADA'S RESPONSIBILITY. From Toronto Daily News. In a year's thne we have seen our army come into being and grow into a force of very considerable size and efficiency; but this is no thne to rest on our laurels, much less to indulge a tendency towards self-congratulation. Our duty now is to appreciate the full extent of our responsibilities and make adequate provision for dis- charging them. The United Kingdom entered the war with a naval force of not less than 225,000, and with a military force of at least 200,000. Since the outbreak there have been added to the military force, of completely trained and equipped soldiers, not less than 500,000. Adding to these the soldiers which the United Kingdom now has in the making, in all stages of equip- ment and training, numbering not less than 1,500,000, the total is at least 2,525,000. The figures are ap- proximately only, but they will serve. Our population being about one-- sixth ne-sixth the populationof the United Kingdom, we can readily ascertain the minimum number of men that we should now have available for service if we were doing our full share. In round figures, we should have a force of at least 400,000 men. Turning from the ideal to the real, we may estimate the strength of the Canadian forces as follows: - Adding the few thousands we had to begin with to those organized dur- ing the year, the total number of trained and equipped troops is not more than 60,000. Our incompletely trained and equipped troops will num- ber not more than an additional 100,- 000; 00;000; and that none of our fighting re- sources may be overlooked, we will add a naval force of 1,000, making a total of 161,000. Our ideal minimum is 400,000, our real maximum is 161,000. The result of our calculations need not make us down hearted. We are quite entitled to comfort ourselves with the thought that the original forces of the United Kingdom were incomparably superior to ours and that the British Isles were much better supplied' than we were with the means, both human and ma- terial, of creating a vast new army. But this will not alter the fact that in the past we have not done our full duty, and we are therefore under the greater obligation to respond to the call the Government is now making. Many of the initial difficulties con- nected with the raising of an army have been overcome, and men are now being accepted for overseas servicq as rapidly as they present themselves for enlistment. Their pay, separation and other allowances commence at once, and they are clothed, equipped and trained with all possible rapidity. But the real responsibility for the supply of men rests with the men themselves. To the man without de- pendents the call to service is well- nigh absolute, and it comes to the man with a job with precisely the same urgency as it does to the man without one. Your present job, im- portant as it may be, is as nothing in importance to the one your country has for you. The call comes next to those with others dependent on them, who would suffer if they went. Soma men in this position should go, others should not. No one may decide for any man but himself. But the free- dom of choice which is his carries with it a corresponding responsibility. If no man may say to you, "You ought to go," neither may you lay the responsibility of your . staying on anyone but yourself. h'our's is the choice. Stay if your conscience says so; but go if it says to go, for your Empire needs the men, The Rake. A small henpecked, worried -looking man was about to take an examina- tion for life insurance. "You don't dissipate, do you?" asked the physi- cian as he made ready for the tests. "Not a fast liver, or anything of that sort'?" The little man hesitated a moment, looked a bit frightened, then replied, in a small, piping voice -"I some' antes chew a little gum." . PINE ARBQR ATZEEBRUGGE IS SHELTER FOR SUBMARINES IsTNI ELISE' Perm 50BMARINB$ ARIA era HARBOR - 250 ACRES TiTAU GRAN WORTH SeA 4 FREi;JufatCY of GALES • !Above. is a general 'view of Zeebrugge, the German .naval base on they Belgian coast. The extensive waterways provide an almost idea haven for submarines. British warships have repeatedly shelled the( German works and vessels at Zeebrugge. Markets Of The World Breadstuigs. Toronto, Sept. 7. -Manitoba wheat -Old crop -No. 1 Northern, none of- fering; No. 2 Northern, ' $1.14 to $1.16; No. 3 Northern, $1.09 to $1.11, track, lake ports. Manitoba oats -None offering. American corn -No. 2 yellow, 83%e, track, lake ports. Canadian corn -No. 2 yellow, nom- inal, track, Toronto. Ontario oats -Old: No. 2 white, 51 to 52c, nominal, according to freights outside; No. 3 white, 50 to 51c, ac- cording to freights outside; new oats, 40 to 42c. Ontario wheat -No. 2 winter, per car lot, $1,15; new, 96 to 98c; wheat slightly tough, 88 to 93e; sprouted or smutty, 75 to 85; according to sam- ple. Peas -No. 2, per car lots, nominal, according to freights outside. Barley -Good malting barley, nom- inal; No. 3 feed, nominal; feed bar- ley, nominal, according to freights outside. Buckwheat -Car lots, nominal, ac- cording to freights outside. Rye -No. 2, nominal, according to freights outside. Manitoba flour -First patents, in jute bags, $6.25; second patents, in jute bags, $5.75; strong bakers', in jute bags, $5.55, Toronto; in cotton bags, 10e more. Ontario flour -New Winter, 90 per cent. patents, $4, seaboard or To- ronto freights in bags, prompt ship- ment. Millfeed-Car lots, delivered Mont- real freights -Bran, per ton, $26; shorts, per ton, $29; middlings, $30; good feed flour, per bag, $1.85. Country Produce. Butter -Fresh. dairy, 24 to 2601 in- ferior, 21 to 22c; creamery prints, 28% to 29c; do., solids, 26 to 28c. Eggs -No. 1, 23 to 24c per dozen, in ease lots; extra at 26 to 27c. Honey -No. 1 light (wholesale), 10 to 11%c; do., retail, 12% to 15c. Combs (wholesale), per doz., No. 1, $2.50 to $3; No. 2, $1.50 to $2. Poultry -Chickens, yearlings, dress- ed, 16 to 18c• Spring chickens,. 20 to 21c; fowl, 12 to 130; ducklings, 17 to 18e; turkeys, 23 to 25c. Cheese -Large, 15 to 15%c do., twins, 15% to 15%4c. Old cheese, 211c. Baled Hay and Straw. Baled hay, new -No. 1, ton, $17 to $19; No. 2, ton, $15 to $16; baled I straw, ton, $7.50. Business in Montreal. Montreal, Sept. 7. -Corn -Ameri- can No. 2 yellow, 91 to 92c. Oats - Canadian Western, No. 3 58c; extra No. 1 feed, 58c; No. 2 local white, 47c No. 3 local white, 46c; No. 4 local white, 45e. Flour -Manitoba Spring wheat patents, firsts, $6.35; seconds, $5.85; strong bakers', $5.65; Winter patents, choice, $5.50 • straight roll- ers, $4.65 to $4.85; do., bags, $1.75 to $1.85. Rolled oats-Bbls., $6.25; do., bags, 90 lbs., $2.90 to $3. Bran, 27. Shorts, $28. Middlings, $33 to 34. Mouillie, $85 to $40. Hay -No. , per ton, car lots, $17.50 to $18.50. Cheese -Finest westerns 12% to 181%c; finest easterns, 12% to 13e. Butter -Choicest dreamery, 28% to 28%; seconds,. 27% to 273/ c. Eggs - Fresh, 27 to Me; selected, 26e; No. 1 stock, 28e; No, 2 stock, 20e. Dressed hogs -Abattoir killed, $13.60 to $14.15. Pork -Meavy, Canada short mess, bbls., 85 to 45 pieces, $29; Can- ada short-cut back, bbls., 45 to 55 pieces, $28.50. Lard --Compound, tierces, 375 lbs., 10e; wood pails, 20 lbs. net, 101/X; pure, tierces, 375 lbs.,. 111 to 12c; pure, wood pails, 20 lbs. net, 121/2 to 13c. United States Markets. Minneapolis, Sept. 7. -Wheat --No,. 1 hard, $1.03%; No. 1 Northern, 97c to $1.03; No. 2 Northern, 94 to $1; Bepte nber, 02e' December, 92%e. Corn --No. 3 yellow, 75 to 751/4e, Oats -No. 3 white, 32% to 33c. Flour (new wheat basis) fancy patents, $5.90; first clears, $4; second clears, $3. Bran, $19. Duluth, Sept. 7. -Wheat -No. 1 hard, $1.02%; No. 1 Northern, 97%c to $1.02%; No. 2 Northern, 95%c to $1.00'/4; Montana No. 2 hard, 951/4c bid; September, 94%c; December, 93% to 93%c asked. Linseed, cash, $1.62; September, $1.621/4; Decem- ber, $1.64 bid. Live Stock Markets. Toronto, Sept. 7. -Best heavy steers, $8 to $8,25; butchers' cattle, choice, $7.60 to $7.75; do., good, $7.30 AWES CAPTURE TACTICAL POINT Recent Fighting' in the Dardanelles Has Been of a Severe Character. A despatch from London says: Fur- ther gains for the allied forces on the Gallipoli Peninsula are chronicled in an official report received from Gen- eral Sir Ian Hamilton, commander-in- chief of the British forces operating against the Turks. The report says: "Further fighting on the northern section of the line has resulted in the capture of an important tactical point commanding the Buvuk Anafarta val- ley to the east and north and an ap- preciable gain of the ground occupied by the Australians and New Zealand army corps. "The fighting was almost entirely hand-to-hand and of a severe charac- ter. Very heavy losses were inflicted on the Turks, and three of their ma- chine guns, three trench mortars, 300 rifles, 500 bombs and a large quantity of small arms ammunition were cap- tured by us." PRICELESS RUBBISH. Fortunes Made Out of the Tailings of Gold Mines. The tailings of the gold -mines of the Rand have latterly proved nearly as valuable as the reef. A new treat- ment was discovered, and the tailings which encumbered the landscape for miles around suddenly • became new mines. It was found that the amount of gold left- in them was enormous. Many fortunes were made out of tail- ings alone. There has been much talk of cap- turing the German trade in aliline dyes, a process of exploiting coal -tar, discovered by British chemists but de- veloped by German manufacturers. But in the earlier days of gaslighting the coal -tar was regarded as a horri- ble nuisance, and surreptitiously got rid of. Then the great discovery was made that all the hues of the rainbow dwelt in this dirty -looking stuff which men despised and threw away. To -day the by-products of coal -tar are counted by the dozen. In Lancashire alone cotton -waste has an annual value of fifteen millions sterling! It consists of fag -ends and to $7.45; do., medium, $6.40 to $7.10;< sweepings and pickings and combings. do., common, $5 to $5.65; butchers' Thousands of women are employed to bulls, choice, $6.80 to $7.25; do., divide this stuff into good, middling, good bulls, $5.90 to $6.25; do., rough bulls, $4.75 to $5.25; butchers' cows, choice, $6.50 to $7; do., good, $5.25 to $6; do., medium, $5 to $5.25; do., common, $4.50 to $5;' feeders, good, $6,50 to $7.30; stockers, 700 to 900 lbs., $6.25 to $7.25; canners and cut- ters, $3.75 to $5; milkers, choice, each, $65 to $95 • do., common and medium, each, $35 to $50; Springers, $50 to $95; light ewes, $6 to $6.75; do. bucks, $3.50 to $4.,50; yearling lambs, $7 to $7.75; Spring lambs, cwt., $7.75 to $9; calves, $8 to $11; hogs, off cars, $9.40 to $9.65; do., fed and watered, $9.25 to $9.30; do., f.o.b., $8.90. Montreal, Sept. 7. -Butcher cows, ing aimlessly about the docks of good, $7.50 to $7.75; fair, $7 to $7.25; Liverpool. He saw a lot of frowsy -- fair, $7 to $7,25; medium, $6.50 to looking stuff, the use of which nobody $6.75; butcher bulls, $5 to $7; can- could tell him. It had come from South Africa three months before and had failed to find ,a purchaser. The young man made a bid of eigh- teenpence a pound and bought the lot, three hundred bales. It was alpaca, the wool of a sort of camel - like sheep. The purchaser's name was Titus Salt, the founder of Sal- taire, England. and bad, and it is sold at various prices for different purposes -paper- making, matting, surgical wadding, and, most of all, the making of shod- dy. Soap -boilers used to have great dif- ficulty in getting rid of a thick, evil - smelling liquid, which was the chief by-product of their industry. They ran it into streams and sewers. Pre- sently someone began collecting it and refining it. The result was pure glycerine. A young man who had been reduced literally to his last cent was wander - Hing bulls, $4 to $4.50 per cwt. Old sheep, 4% to 51/4c; and lambs, 7% to 81/4c per pound. Hogs, select, $9.50; sows, $7.50, and stags, $5 to $6 per cwt., all weighed off cars. +14 None Too Good. The minister of a email country flock was discussing with an illiterate member of his church religious topics of varying interest. The member` ex- pressed the suggestion that even the best were none too good in this vale of sin and tribulation. "You believe, then," interposed the preacher, "in the doctrine of total depravity?" "Yes, sir, I do," responded the mem- ber, "that is, where it is lived up to." Will Lead Force . Of South Africa E R1G:GENERAL LuKIH.GM•G. O -5'O bas been appointed to command. thea First Brigade of the South Afri+ can Union Contbigent for the ni J repeal' mar. H deVft�f, General of the Cape o#tka Niorcet, and in: the recent n (&rxnan Souuhdt est Af edean; laalSn . commanded the Oth Mpwpted til gado. • It was to him timet General Botha entrusted the taking of the a urrender of the Gierniaa1* 4orcest - 3+ THE DEATH OF PEGOUD IS OFFICIALLY CONFIRMED A despatch from Paris says: Re- ports of the death of Adolphe Pegoud, the famous aviator, have been official- ly confirmed. The news caused sin- cere sorrow among the French people, who regarded him as a hero. Pegoud, who was only 26 years of age, servad five years' in the French cavalry, fighting in the Morocco cam- paign. At the outbreak of the present war he joined the aviation corps as a private, but soon gained a sub -lieu- tenant's commission because of his skill and daring. His exploits won him the Military Medal and the Mili- tary Cross. Pegoud brought down his sixth German aircraft on July 11. Wonders of the World: The seven wonders of the ancient world ;,were the Pyramids of Egypt; the Tomb of the King of Carla; the Temple of Diana at Ephesus; 'the Walls of Hanging Gardens of Baby- lon; the Colossus of Rhodes; the Ivory and Gold Statue of Jupiter Olympus; the Pharos, or Watch Tower, built at Alexandria by Ptolemy Philadelphus, King, of Egypt. Some one thinks the wonders `of the world to -day are the Panama Canal, the Aeroplane; the Submarine, Wireless, Telegraphy, the Gramophone, the Telephone, and the Airship. JAPANESE TROOPS FOR DARDANELLES Inference Is Drawn From the Words of Mikado's Envoy to Italy. A despatch from ,Taxis says: What appears to be an intimation that Ja- pan may co-operate in the campaign to force the Dardanelles is contained in an interview with Baron Hayashi, Japanese Ambassador to Italy, sent to the Petit Parisien by its Rome corres- pondent. "I cannot say much about that," the Baron is quoted as saying, in re- ply to a question regarding the Dar- danelles, "for we must not allow our enemies to profit by information about the movements of troops." Discussing the part Japan has played in the war, the Ambassador, 'said: "We have not ceased to collab- orate with our allies to the extent. assigned to us. The world will be as- tonished when it knows what we have done, what we are doing and what we are willing to do. The Russians are nearest to us and we can be most use- ful to them. Rest assured it is the greatest desire of Japan to assist every day in the sacred cause of civi- lization." JACONA SUNK BY MINE, NOT BY A SUBMARINE A despatch from Montreal says: Officers of the Thomson Line freight- er Hurona, which arrived here, brought with them details of the sinking of the. Montreal steamer Ja- cona. The cabled report that the Jacona was sunk by a torpedo was denied. The Jacona struck a mine and sank in two minutes. rorty of the crew, including the entire engine - room staff, were drowned. Only Capt. Organ and the nine men who com- prised the night watch were saved, and they owed their lives to til:( chance that a boat was lying loose and floated away. .14 THREAT FROM AUSTRIA TO MUNITION MAKERS A despatch to Apisterdam_ says: Following the example of Germany, the Austro-Hungarian Government now announces, according to the Frankfurter Zeitung, that all Aus- trians and Hungarians in neutral countries, particularly the United States, are warned not to work in fac- tories producing war materialfor enemies of the Dual Monarchy. This newspaper says that violation of this decree is punishable by imprisonment of ten to twenty years, and even by capital punishment under certain con- ditions. PARENTS OF WAR HERO GET VICTORIA CROSS A despatch to Montreal says: The Victoria Cross won by the late Lance - Corporal Frederick Fisher,.of the 13th battalion, at St. Julien, where he was killed, has-been received by the hero's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Fisher, 576 Lansdowne Avenue, Westmount, accompanied by a letter of apprecia- tion from the British War Office. The deceased soldier earned the distinction of the Cross by gallantly assisting' with a machine gun, in. covering the retreat of a battery, and later bring- ing his machine gun into action, un- der very heavy fire, in order to cover the advance of supports. It was while doing this he was killed. Ho was only 20 years of age. DENIES GERMAN WOMEN ARE LEFT TO MOB'S MERCY A despatch to London says: The Home Secretary has issued .a denial of statements published in the United States that German women and chil- dren in London are being exposed to the fury of mobs, which are encour- aged by the police whenever they ven- ture out of doors, are prevented from buying food, and are compelled to subsist on what they can beg. The Home Secretary says that all German women desiring to return to Germany are given facilities for so doing, and that, together with their` children, they receive the same police. protection as British subjects and similar relief from the guardians of ,the poor if they are destitute. It is added that access to hospitals on the same terms as' ritishers are accorded German women and children when they are ill. .14 ENTANGLED IN A ROPE AND KILLED BY HORSES A despatch from London says: "Death by misadventure" is the ver- dict at the inquest held at Shorncliffe. on Pte. William Fishburn Smith, Lon- don, Ont., of the 2nd divisional caval- ry, who was killed while leading horses. Smith's leg was caught in a rope with which he was leading the horses, and he lost his balance owing to the horses rearing. Ile had ,Been studying for the ministrie'previous to enlistment. Holland. Purcha sing Aeroplanes A despatch from New 'York Bays: Lieut: Cormilender Henri G. Van Steyn, of the Dutch navy, was one of the arrivals on the steamer Noordain. from Rotterdam. Ife said he held a coniinission to purchase an unlimited quantity of aeroplanes and hydro- planes for Holland from American manufacturers. Comm ander Van Steyn said that all of the nnacliine$ will be used by .Holland as .a part of the national defence improvement now•being undertaken there. • From. Erin's Green Is1 ae- NEWS BY MAIL FROM IRh;LAND'S GREEN SHQRES. Happenings in the Emerald Isle of Interest .to All True Irish- men. Ireland's subscriptions to the war loan are said to amount to $60,000,- 000. .At the Derry Harbor Board meet- ing it was reported that •application had been made for $10,000 of war loan stock. The Ulster division of Lord Ifitch- ener's army was inspected at Malone, Belfast, by Major-General Sir Huh McCalmont. Lance -Corporal R. J. Casement;' let Field Company Canadian Engineers, has been awarded the D.S.M. for con• spicuous gallantry near Ypres. Typhus has broken out in the Dunm, gloe district ,of. County Donegal, and six sufferers have been admitted t4 the fever hospital at Glentres. Mr. Edward G. Hewson, of Castle Hewson, near Askeaton, was arrested by the constabulary charged with shooting his servant, Ellen Costelloe, A fresh recruiting appeal to tilt younger men in the Irish Constabu• lary has been issued in a circular let• ter addressed to. Irish county inspec• tors. The death is announced at Kiltoon, Athlone, of Michael Coyne, a well, known angler and sportsman. He war aged 106 and retained his faculties tc the end. In the Southern Police Court at Dublin, John Dunne, a plasterer, and his wife, were sent for trial on s charge of murdering a woman named. Catherine Byrne. Inquiries . among postal authorities. have elicited the fact that applications amounting to $200,000 have bees made for War Loan Stock in the city of Kilkenny. An outbreak of black leg has oc- curred on the lands of the Congested District Board near Tursk, and al- ready about twenty beasts have suc sumbed to the disease. At. a 'meeting of the City and Coun- ty of Dublin Recruiting Committee it was stated that an application had been received from the Kingston dis- trict to form a "Pals' Platoon." It is mentioned that Lord Dunraven bas placed his residence at Adare, County Limerick, at the disposal of the Lord Lieutenant and his Excel- lency will take up his residence there shortly. The decapitated body of one of the crew of the Lusitania was washed ashore near Castlegregory. It was recognized as a Lusitania victim by the name of the liner on the buttons of the clothes. Lively scenes took place at a meet- ing of Dublin Corporation during aa debate on a resolution demanding that the Home Rule bill should be put into operation for all Ireland on Septem- ber 17 next. The death of the oldest man in the County of Wexford, and perhaps in Ireland, has occurred when Geo. Franklin, a farmer, living at Coula- murray, Enniscosthy, passed away at the great age of 110 years. Intelligence has reached Tralee that Ballinagroun House, the beauti- ful residence of Major J. MacGilli- cuddy, Royal Munster Fusiliers, has been completely destroyed by fire. The damage is estimated at $35,000. At the inaugural sitting of the De- partmental Committee of Inquiry on the question of food production in Ire- land, the inquiry took the form ---"To consider what steps should betaken by legislation or otherwise for the sole purpose of increasing the produc- tion of food in Ireland.". Under the patronage of the Lord Lieutenant and Lady Wimborne, the Lord Mayor of Dublin, the French ambassador and the French Consul, a collection was taken in Dublin in aid of the Irish Hospital, which has been established at the front by Irish- women for wounded French soldiers. IT IS A WAR OF MACHINERY. Powerful Mechanical Organization of the Germans. Mr. Samuel, the British Postmaster General, speaking at Middlesbrough, England, on the 16th ult., said he had recently been at the front. Sir John French told him that in his view this was a wan of machinery, and that un- doubtedly was the impression which was brought away by everyone who studied the present campaign. Man for man our soldiers could hold the Germans easily, but it was not , the soldiers they had to cope with. It was the artillery, the munitions, and the enormously powerful mechanical or- ganization of the German army that they *ere up against. In 'a second speech, Mr, Samuel referred to the success of the War Loan, and stated that a few days ago, apart from the subscriptions which had come through the Bank of England, the people had subscribed through the Post Office apart from Gs,, 10s,, and £1 vouchers --fifteen millions. He was now glad to be able to say that the figure had risen to twenty-four million, still ex- cluding all the subscriptions through the purchase of script vouchers the figures of which'could not yet be tabu• fated, At the declaration of war, the Brit- ish Artily comprised 711,500 mon, of whom, in Regulars and Reserves, t101,0O0 were in the British Isles.