HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-9-9, Page 1o
O�obs A
New Colors
New weaves
Our Display of New Fall and Winter Dress Goods are Exceptionally
fine. All the New Shapes are shown here in big variety of the New Weaves.
Owing to the scarceness of Dress Goods for this Fall, we bought Early
and can
ive you goods at nearly Old Prices.
Evening Dress Goods
Lovely Silks and Silk Wools in.
Crepe, Silk Poplin and Silk Crepe-De-
Chene. Swell shades of American.
Beauty. Blues,,a Ldrnon, Pink, Salmon,
and Rase. Swell Goods for evening
Silks and- Velvets
Are to be a very strong feature
for this Fall. All the new shades
are here for you in both materials
Black, NavyCadet Brown, Green
� a+c ,
all shadesin.
Rose Lemon—also
-c rduroy VeIVets.
Our Show Rooms all ready for the
early buyer with the Nifty Hats.
Colored Dress Goods
Beautiful shades of Navy, Cadet,
Green, Brown, Rase, Hello and Tan.
Swell cloth in Satin, Serge, Honey
comb, Diagnoll. Rosetta, Basket or
Plain cloths, Nice for Dresses or
Plain cloths.
Black Dress Goods
Blacks were never in better demand.
Orn stock is complete in every line
Serges, Broadcloth, Diagnals, Honey-
comb, Rosetta, Resilda. and Plain cloths
You .,will do well to bay youii'" Blael'
Dress Goode; from us at old prices:
New Winter Coats
All Coats, All Kinds, All Styles,
All prices. 150 Coats to pick from.
l Letter from. the Front
Wash Day Helps
Connor Ball Bearing Washers; $10
Gold Medal `•
Perfection Washers
Wringers •..•
Heavy Galv. Tubs, 80c, 90c & $ 1
Wash Boilers ..... $ 1.50 to}$i5
Mops .... ... 15c to 35c
" $10.
We are Headquarters for
HRESHE Supplies
Belting eltin and Lacing. Gauge Glasses
and Washers. Batteries, Oils and
Cup Grease. Wrenches. Oilers.
Tinsmithing and Plumbing
Let as Estimate on Your Eavetroughing.
Furnace work and Plumbing
H -.'s . Hardware
Pi30NE �@a.111a11 PHONh
'--2a A„ 37B
and Stove Store
',"irINN`EY—On Thursday, August 2nd,
to Mr. and Mrs, R. 'Tinney, of , the
Line, ;'I fay, a daughter,
o_./MTTL RINGTOi1' — In TJsborne, qr,
Sept. '13th, Stephen J., Etherington,
i aged SG years, 7 months and 6 days.
One dollarand twenty-five . cents
4011 'pay for The Times to new sub -
sub -
fibers up ,o +liars; ist,.1917,
;Couneil met at Township Hall on
Sept. 4th. All the members were
,resent. The minutes" of the last
meeting were read .and approved.
Icy -law No. 3, 1915, fixing rates,
Patriotic League Notes
The total amount raised by +the
Patriotic Society during the past year
amounts to $4219.56. The amount
raised by the four festivals was
The Soldiers' Aid Society will hold
a sale of home-made cooking on Sat-
urday afternoon and .evening in the
tea room from three o'clock till .nine
The regular meeting of the Patrio-
tic League'was held in the Public
Library on Monday, August 30th. At
' the close of the business meeting the
election of 'officers was held. The
following officers were elected:
President, Mrs. II. Hooper
1st Vice -Pres., Mrs, L. 1:1: Dickson
2nd Vice -Pres., Mrs. ('L3ev.) .Collins
Secretary, Mrs. P. 'Wood
Treasurer,. Mrs. A, arastings
The different committees wore al-
so appointed for the year.
A donation of $5.00 was received
from 'hlr. 3, G., Stanburyr $200 was
bent to the Red ,Cross Society ,Toronto
A box.containing 18 prs. socks 'and a
quantity of bandages was sent to
the 'Iced Gross warehouse.
The Patriotic League met in the
Library on Monday, Sept. 6th, " It
was 'decided to have the Tea Room
open lair flay when a J,5c lunch will
be served, from 11 elm, to 7 pan,,Do-
nations of sandwiches, cake, pie,
cream, sugar, tea. and coffee are asked
for. Each member is •asked for .one
donation on13', such as 1 'calve, 1 pie,;
1 ,plate rs'andww iches, cream, sugar, tea
or coffee. Donations of money will
be thankfully received,
In 'the :course of. the meeting Ittev.
`Collins addressed the ladies
and,.brought home forcibly the need
of more recruits in this. neighborbood
and Tasked that the mothers do their
share in this part of tha wank,
Wood, Secy.
The following :intekesting extracts
ore taken from a letter received by
Miss Edna rollick! from Miss Edna
Dow, nursing -alater at present at
Shornoliffe. 'king„ hut .expected at any
time to. be mewed to 'Trance or the
Well whatever vw eel prompted such a
thought as to send me that bogie of
chocolate? Your . lovely long letter
came just �2 day or so before and you
never .mentioned in it you; we're send-
ing the box, It would -have done your
eyes good if you . hard seen the dis-
tance that chocolate went.. Every-
body got a .little although I vies,
sorely tempted le) 'be selfish. It is
surprising how .slush the men in the
army enjoy ciMenlato and in some
of the hospitals i`n. France every :day
each Patient is ei esented with a big
cake of milk 'chocolate, of course,
through. the ,ge.nex�osity •of some cho-
oolate friend, They love 'it.:
You see we are back in England.
again br did I ;send you is card since
we returned. We"have such "a niee
'location -right.hereon the sea shore
r.nd find 'tie',; channel most interest-
ing with all kinds of warfare. We
see ',dirigibles and biplanes, etc„ as
well as destroyer and•submarines,
eto.. and it is wonderful the way they
communicate one with the ether.
without any visible method. Of
course at night their code is by
flashes of electricity. MI the sur-
rounding •country has been visited at
intervals by Zeppelins ''and we are
beginning 'to think our turn is com-
ing next. They ;have !been within
four miles of F ieikstone each way.
Some of the Sisters are quite. frigh-
tened. As for me, I think as the
Presbyterians do, that what is to be
will he and 'do not realize any .snore
anxiety than one would in a severe
electrical :storm, for then •you always
chance being struck b3' lightning,
just as we chance being hit by a
Yes1 wasn't it so funny that .E1 -
more Lang !should ,,come to the ,very
hospital and very ''t;'ard that I was
in. The poor-fellot', I felt so sorry
for him.: Be did not do any' complain-
ing although I knew he had been
used to better than most of the "tom -
rates". I did wish 1 had money to
buy a thousand=things for him, yet I
could 'not show too much preference
for the 'sake of the others in . ,the
But it its so funny; that .people I
have not soon for sears I have met
over here, e Be tttv.. "artin called' to
see me the other day, Ile looks well.
The Sergt, on duty on toy ward has
been in' Exeter and knows all the
Grand Bend district and Mrs. J. A..
Stewart's brother-in-law, (Mr. Wiley)'
is the dispenser for our unit, so when
my Exeter Times arrives it goes the
I had the honor of shaking hands
with Princess Alexander of Teck yes-
terday and her two children. They
visited the hospital.
1 wish I could pop in often and .see
yon all.
1I. Edna Dow,
Accompanied by their ' band "A”
Company of the 33rd Eattalion,
marched from St. Marys to Kirkton
on Labor Day and gave that place a
day of interesting drills and marches.
The men were well entertained and
enjoyed their trip as much as'the
many who came to see them. They
returned to London Tuesday.
A public meeting, which was part
of the program, was carried out and
well attended. Prof. rReithforf, of
71st Battalion„
Co and Canonsnd of Tucker, he
71st (Battalion„ .
London, all famous for the work
they have done in lecturing since the i
war started, gave brief 'addresses
which were •enthusiastically received.
A program of sports was also carried
out.• --
Mrs. Loadman, who has .been visit-
ing her daughter, 'Mrs.:E, Treble, has
returned to London.
Mr. and Mrs. I-Iy. EIworthy and
SIr. and Mrs W. Sweet motored to
Toronto last Saturday.
Mrs, 'Parish, of Exeter, and sister.
Mrs. Dequair, , of Essex, are visiting
, with relatives at Iappen.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Sylvanus Cann and
children spent the holiday with
f Kippen.
and Mrs. lfornc3•, o pp
Misses Annie Day and Beatrice
Redden, of Brantford, visited at their
homes here over .Labor Day...
11Iiss Mabel Walters and aunt, Mrs.
Elliott, end liars. hemp, alt of Lon-
don, spent 'the holidays in .town.
Mrs. John Caaldwell, who has spent
the "summer in the west !hes !decided
to remain. there for the 'winter.
Lulu 141artin and Irdne llivers' mot-
ored to Wroxeter Labor Day.
A ext, the only son of Mr. 7#. W.
Grigg, Montreal, formerly tlf Tiitetei,
last week sailed for Shornciittd ''us
Lieut. of the 6rd. tThiiyersity corps,,
Mr. and l t' ,• SXaCutehison, of
Thorndale, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
J, 'W', Powell over Labor Day..
Mr. and lett ., Ned 'Dyer, of :.Brant-
ford, spent the holiday with ;Mr.
Dyer's sister, Mrs - A Walters.
A !cablegram Was received in town
Monday from Mr. b. E, Fisher stating
that he had arrived safely in England
Air. 'Robert allies was in Hamilton
last `week attending the funerat of
his youngest sister, Mrs. Robert Ball.
Mr. Jos,: Sanders motored up from
Woodstock for the holidays ate:maven-
Woodstock far the holidays accom-
panied by frin c d.
Sirs. S., Martin, :17;r. and hlrs. 'W
•Douglas Stewart's nra.np friends are ' Martin and !daughter .hter•,garet Miss
was read, passed signed and ,sealed, glad to 'sae hitn out 'again after his
A few accounts were passed andll recent operation.
orders issued in.l5xyrnent.
( Dlr. Beverley is preparing to move
Council adjourned to meet October ,.: y business r his pre -
his furniture busxnc,ss C ono. p
2nd at ane o'clock sent stand to the opera Arouse bloc).
lr Morley, Vier,, ' which lie putehased ggme time 'ago;
'L' L3ALN n.T 6l,`. MARYS,
!Richard 73ixtclx, a .weir-to-dofar-
mer of 13lanshard 'L'owvuship, living
near Anderson, was instantly killed
and terribly mangled last Saturday
evening about eleven o'clock while;
alighting from the train as it'started
to pull out for Loridon..
There was fan immense e'rowc1 of
passengers to 'hoard the train as it
pulled in and there Wes a great rush.
to get aboard. The trixlln started and
just as it had neared 'fete end of the
platform„ a St. Marys !man elbowed
thr •th crowd on oneof the'plat-
formsh, e la
forms and jumped'clear. Sr, Brteh
immediately attempted to follow, but
fell between the end of the platform
and :rolled under the wheels. The
body was literally cut to pieces, ,only
the head and faoe escaping deface-
Mr, .'Birtch and several' St. Marys
people had been. attending Toronto
'exhibition. Ile was 50 years of age
and married. .Besides his widow, he
leavestwo small boys.
The ,
tleceatsed was well known as
one 'of the best ,hog breeders ,in the
country. Ile raised the 'hog which
captured the sweepstakes at .the Tor-
onto exhibition this 'year.
Mr. and Mrs., 'Hanson .Soule, of
Farquhar, celebrated their wooden
wedding on Tuesday evening when u.
number of guests spent a very en.-
joyable evening.
Mrs. John Mitchell met with an un-
fortunate accident last Week. She
bad gone to sleep" in a chair ! and
overb{alanoing fell against the stove
bruising her eye.
A few days of excellent harvesting
weather last week enabled the far-
mers to get the great majority of
the crops all in. The heavy rains of
Sunday and Monday still caught some
of the grain in the fields but ,only
a little here and there.,
The funeral took place on Wednes-
day afternoon, September 8th, oP Der.
Sterhen J. Etherington from the
home of his son George, concession
5. Usborne. The deceased had reach-
ed the &dvaueed:' age of 85 ,Sears, 7
months and 6 days,
RA.14LT, DA,T.
Sunday, September 26th has been
set 'aside as Bally Olay for 'several tinf
the Sunday schools in town. The-
summer months break in on the ,ser-
vices of the Sunday Schools and the
rally services start things off again
for the hall and winter.
A couple of young fellows from
town took the south bound train for
Lucan Crossing Monday evening ex-
pecting to return on the north.
bound train. They missed thetrain
at Clandeboye and had to chance it
home. Luckily they got a lift part
of the wry.
if. 8.. DEPT. OPENS
The Exeter High School ,department
opened on Tuesday with the old, staff
of teachers in charge. The teachers
are Mr. Geo. Sparks, Principal; Mis-
ses ;Ltamilton and 1 ridham. The pub-
lic. school department will not open
until next Monday "owing to some
of the improvements not being .com
pie ted.
Llarvest Thanksgiving services were
held in the lriviet Memorial church
on Sunday last. Rev. J. .F3'. Fother-
Ingham, 51.4., rector of St. George
church, .Godericlx, was the special
speaker and. he delighted the large
congregations both morning and even-
ing. the "church •was beautifully de-
corated with :flowers and grains for
the o,.c. s on, Th.. musical service was
of a very high order, the choir ,being
ably assisted by Mr. J.t A. Steer, of
London, whose solo work was much
appreciated. Rev. Mr. .Collins tools,
\ir. Lrothcringham'S work at Gode-
The marriage of Miss Florence Mae
Hancock, eidcet daughter of Mern and
Mrs. William, Hancock, of Emerado
North Dakota, forinerly'•of Exeter,
to Mr. William I3onnell Stevenson,
took 'place at the liancock home on.
September 1st at two o'clock..- The
ceremony was preformed by Rev. 1.':
B. Stcvensou, of 'lied Lake Falls,
Minn., father of the grooinThc 'groom.
is connected. with the state engin-
eer's office at Bisuaark and is a grad-
uate of the North Dakota university,
class of 1914, Mrs. Mary Brooks, of
Crystal pity, Man., a great aunt of
the bride; Mrs. John Hancock, of
Northwood, Mr. and Iel;rs, henry
jfencock.• of Grand Forkd; Mrs. Bar-
ry Hancock, of \ irginnia, Minn. were
among the guests at the wedding.
In an account of a farewell re-
ception by the Ladies Bible Class of
the J+'irst Baptist church, Edmonton,
to theta teacher, Mr. C. S. Stevens,
who was leaving as a incmber of
the Gard battalion, whish eppeared in
the Edmonton Journal, one pan -
graph is especially interesting to our
readers. It is as follows c "An in-
terxsting number was the one sung
from manuscript for the fix•st time
in public, Iax Nr, P. 1 , MacGregor,
Whose interpretation of the song at
short notice greatly pleased the
composer, t1:i:rs, 'Vail (net bliss ,Carrie
Hicks, of Centralia,. It was a pat-
riotic Seng entitled "The 'Response".
The words ,wvcre written by Miss El-
ston who 'was also present. Mies
Elston is .a sister of bliss Siston and
Mr. Os Elston, of town.
"iT4/DC10111A4" s .
:Mrs. Fred Stephen, tete Misses )Guru'
and 3lenche:MilIs'and 'Win. ICreightoa
Wyix a wire visiting in 'Toronto.
An event of more than ordinate i i-
terest occurred on Saturday Sept. 4th
1915, rat `""!male L" eaf Yarm" .8th ,Life•.
fl1aueh .rel, the home of Mr. and. ;S&s,
John klooper, it being the occasion ,a$
the ',marriage of their daughter, Eva
to blr.t`VWctor Sawyer,, of Toronto.
The cet'etnony was performed by
the 'pastor of the 'Woodham circuit;
Rev., ,,O* W. Baker, assisted by the
Rev. Thos. Sawyer, of Ilderton, uncle
of the groom.
The ceremony was performed: on
the balcony which was artisfroaIXy
decorated. for the atco'asioxa by an 'arch
of maple boughs interspersed with
beautiful white .feather asters, while,
from ther
centre. a of the archtlaerle
hung three white 'wedding .bells.
Promptly at 12 o'elock noon to the
strains of the wedding march "Wed-
ding Bells" by Wyman, played by,'aixrs
Cecil Comm, sister of the bride, the
bridal party took up their position
under the arch, the. bride being es-
corted by her father
She was dressed in white Crepe ,de
Chene with an overdress of shadow
lace and wore a bridal veil wreathed.
with Illy -of -the -valley and carried a
bouquet of white roses. She was at-
tended by her sister Ella I'1., while
the groom , was supported by his
friend. Dir. W4. 3, Urquhart, of J310n their well wishes ,and extendleid to
shard. them a very hearty invitation to visit
After the ceremony guests from them in 'their new hone 139 Cowan.
Teronto, Exeter; 1Winchelsea, !Birr; avenue, Toronto
Kirkton and surrounding district to The bride's going away suit •evas
the number of 75 sat down to a sum- a navy .blue /broadcloth with whito
ptuous wedding dinner, served on the plush hat.- Mid :showers of confetti
lawn, under a beautiful booth of the „young couple left for a wvedd.ixwg
maple boughs while the grounds were trip to Sirnia and' points west.
wily decorated with the National eucn4.
biros arid.,, streamers of red; . white
and blue :• in 'various 'combinational.
The bride Was the recipient or
many beautiful axxd,'choice p:xxsentse
indicative of the,vex-y high esteem lila
which she is held by ,her relative* and
The groom's present': to the lbridea
was 'a pearl necklace, be the ,'brides-
maid. an ebony manicure set to rs-
Ceeil Karam, the eldest sister of the
hriele. a string of pearl beau;.,, seal
to the groomsman, ebony 'brushes,
The young 'couple are held in the
highest esteem. The bride bas been
a very active worker in ch
generally and for se'v'eral years has
sung in the church choir. She Svi114
be greatly "missed : in the 'eopiniwx city',.
The groom is a druggist in Toronto
and is *also active in church kworrk wadi
held in high esteem.
The toast to the bride Was ,Propos-,
ed by the Pastor, who 'spokes of the;
christian 'influences of !the honac.tl re
of the native hospitality of the boat
and hostess, .of the 3sighesteem to.
!which rthe family is held and of tbet
auobIa 'character of the brideand. ,of
her influence for good in the coma
rnunity, and wished the happy couple/
a. long and happy married life.
The Rev. Thos. Sawyer also evoke
very fitting in honor a( the',beide and
The groom in ,a brief and • ravel&
worded ,'reply thanked the guests fog
Children's School Shoes
We have a full supply and can give you them at
right prices,
Men's Shoes
Mont, heavy sl oes-excellen't''values..
12 pairs only men's Tan Shoes* regular $5.00 for
x.76 a pair.
Ladies' Shoes
Our stook is Complete.
We_aa 'e ora display samples for our Falls and
Wiater Made -to -Measure Suits and Over io'ats and
will be pleased to show them.
B. W.
w Always Make a fan Feel Dressed. Let uta Show
• See Our Nifty knit. Ties
••Ti &air Seasons "STRAW HATS"HATS"are Very Natty and
Becoming. We Carry the Leaders,
I to. - Wear Clothing, Summer
Ordered Clothing, �I�cardy g9
_tdCtS, Flannel Trousers, Odd Pants, Overalls, etc.
� a
LrP •
re Pre ,a..:1: reed
With an Exceptionally Fire Lime of Summer
Goods for Men.
re You?
t'.x1 Need of Any New Clothing or Furnishings.
For Correct Styles for Dressy Men, We
Can Meet Your Requirements.