HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-9-2, Page 5", OTAIs'DAY, SEPTEMBER, 2nd, 1;1:101 COULD NOT STAND ON FEET Ori. Baker So Weak—Could Not Do Her Work—Found Relief In Novel Way. deka, Mich. --"T suffered terribly tamale weakness abackache and got po weak that.I" could hardly do my work. When I walked my dishes I had tq.sit downand when I would sweep the fiooPI would get so weak that I would have to get a drink every few minutes, and before I did my dusting Iwould have ' to He down. I got poorly that my folks thought I was g into consumption. One day I d a piece of paper blowing around yard and I picked it up and read it. t said ' Saved from the Grave,' and Id what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- Compound has done for women. I owed it to my husband and he said, Why don't you try it?' So I did, and I had taken two bottles I felt fetterter and I said to my husband, 'I don't eed any more,' and he said 'You had r take it a little longer anyway.' I took it for three months and got jttreli and strong." —Mrs. ALONZO E. B—ER, 9 Tecumseh St., Adrian, Mich. Not Well Enough to Work. In these words is hidden the tragedy of many a woman, housekeeper or wage earnerwho supports herself and is ofteni#lelping to support a family, on meagre wages. Whether in house, office, fee. tory, shop, store or kitchen, woman 'Mould remember that there is one tried and true remedy for the ills to which all women are prone, and that is Lydia E. 3Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It promotes that vigor which makes work +apsy. The Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Maas. KI'R.KTON On Wednesday morning, August/I, a very pretty wedding was solemnized rat the hnnae of Mr. and Mrs. J. •Bow- rrerman, _Kirk ton. when Myrtle, grand- , elaughter of 3. F. S'tinston, of Kirk - ton. was married to Leroy Brown, V. E., of Sault Ste. Marie. The bride swore white merle silk and carried a ;bouquet of bridal roses and lilies of the valley. After the wedding break- ilast the bridal party left for Toronto, inhere the honeymoon will be spent_ `2'he bride's travelling costume was of slavy blue serge with a hat of white felt: Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Brown will ;reside at Sault Ste. Marie. Children Ci r FOI? FLEI•I ER:S >>> to S T O lR 8 A .. 7iiri, n e aunrmmtenmei mmnwRu ots fk. Why not give your boy and girl an I opportunity to .2 maketheir home siudy easy and elective? Give them the same chancestowinpro- motion and success 1, as the lad having the advantage of w,,1!h;:ia+v-«-wo WE BSTE R'S NEW INTERNATIONAL Dictionary in his home. This new creation•answers with final author- ! ity all kinds of puzzling questions ,el in history, geography, pbiography, ,0 spelling, pronunciation, sports, arts, and sciences. 400,000 Vocabulary Terms. 2700 Pages. Over 6000 Illustrations. Colored Plates. The only dictionary with the Divided Page. The type matter is equivalent to that 13 of a 15 -volume encyclopedia. More Scholarly, Accurate, Convenient' 'and Authoritative than any other Eall- lisb Dictionary. REGULAR AND INDIA- PAPER EDITIONS, WRITE for pecirnenpages, illustrations, etc. FREE, a set of Pocket Maps if you<name this fo- paper. G. & C. MERRIAM CO., N. SPRINGFIELD. MASS. =.l uluUnnnquuuncnttttttm(ppplituullntununnou • Crediton Wise Pearl Geiser 'is visiting 1st Toledo, ;. , • Rev. Jefferson bas returned from London, , Miss Tillie 'Bertrand has returned to '1Detroit. .Mr, land Mrs,. August Kuhn are In Toronto this weeks Mr. Umbaeb, of Berlin, visited with relatives in town. Mr. Erwin •Bahner is spending bis vaoatien in 74e;>alin4 Mr. Francis ,Clarke has purchased a new Word automobile, Miss, 1M ry, Oeetreiiche,r.is-'sufferbaG with on 'attack of typhoid fever. Mr. land Mrs.; fly. Wind 'and Samily have "returned to their home in +Dic- troit. Mr. Ben Eilber, of Ubly, Mich,( spent a few ,days with relatives last week. Misses Lily Palmer 'and Martha Wind are attending Toronto Fair this week, Miss Mildred 'Brown is home again from a visit with relatives in Sebe• I waing Mich. 'Rev. Powell, of Clinton, oceupled the pulpit in the !Methodist churcu on Sunday last. Mr. and ;blas., Ben 1'tertrand ,,and son left on Friday for their home kin Detroit. Mr. iETy. Eilber and Mrs. Wm. Wen- zel are attending the funeral of a niece in /Detroit, Mrs. 1Da'Link is in (Toronto At pre- sent undergoing an operation. Her daughter Elia is with her. ;henry li;uhn's family are un- der quarantine for diptheria. His son Stewart is.,confined to bed with the disease. Miss Mabel Wenzel has returned from Toronto, where she has been at- tending the millinery openings. She Is (employed by Feist Bros. this sea- son.. WOODHAkL Mrs. Sidney Mills visited friends in Stratford 'last week. The little daughter of Mr. and,lMrs, Lames Squire is quite ill at present. Bev. G. A. Barnard, of Elimville, preached very acceptable sermons on. the circuit Sunday. - Mrs. John Sims, of St., Marys, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs Philip St. Johns. 'Rev. 'Thomas and Mrs. Sawyer, of Ilderton, visited relatives and friends at Woodham recently. Zion Epworth;League visited Coop- ers on Sunday evening. A. very pro- fitable time was spent. Mrs. John Stewart +and.Mrs.. John Marriott,. of :Goderich, have been re- newing acquaintances in the vicinity. Next Sunday, Sept. 5th will be. observed as .Labor Sunday, The ser- mon will be in keeping with the occa- sion. The Ladies ,Aid of the 'circuit ,have ptirchased. a new range for the ,par- sonage. The ladies are to be con- gratulated for the ",happy Thought" Miss ril3urrows,,of Toronto and Mrs, Isaac Barnett and daughter, Emma, of Rannoch, visited 'at the home of Mr. and Mrs, 'John' F. Parana ',last week. CENTRAL STRATFORt . ONT. Fall Term from Aug. 3oth • • • • • This is Ontario's beat Frac,- • O tical • training school with Com o a mercial, Shorthand and Tele- • • graphy departments. Our • O courses are thorough and in- • structors are experienced.. ; • 'We place graduates in, posi- ; • tions. Write for our free Bata-' ; • O loIgue at ones and see if ,it in- s • ,crests you.• 4 ✓ D. . A.:D1eLA'C',I1LIN, Principal. d •41,04#0041/400•1041040404004•41•••••••• SERIESIMMISIMMOOPERMIEM ARMIRAIMIRM Western- Fair LONDON, ` CANADA 4 tet her ioth to 18th, $30,000jn Prizes and Attractions Pr`zes increased this year by $3.000. Fireworks Every Night Excellent Program of Attractions Twice Daily. Two Speed Events Daily, New Steel Grand Stand Midway Better Than Ever Music by the Best Available Bands SINGLE FARE— over All Railways West of Toroptbr and Pa.'e and One -Third from Outside Points,' Fait): Lists; Etitry ,Fti tis aittti i l ltfornnatiofi froth the Secretary'' 1. W. j. lis sA.11.CUNT, PRESIDENT SECRETARY 11ENSALL Miss Margaret Tree of Toronto ha been visiting her parents, Miss 13,tcincnc 'Beek of I,ondotl, is visiting her Xlensaii friends,. W, Tremner has purchased the Ci, 'iYase residence on Ring St„ west. T. Berry who fano been ill for some dad's is now on the way; to recovety1 Abe Case and wife have returned (tome after spending a ;couple of weeks in Toronto and other points, Miss F. Refnol;ds left las;; Week to resume heir duties op the teachintt tstaff Valpry seheels,e Wilber Grandsoldt, ' of Seaforth. has taken•Frank Farquhar's chair in the ,barber shop awhile he s taking, holiday s. • W'. rdchorice, who has been in charge of the. station here during ant Case's Vacation returned .to London. Nelson 131atchford and wife, left Mast week for a visit, .to xeIativea and friends in North Dakota„ and .this Canadian W,est, - - .; Mrs, Witl. Henry- has come to Tien - sail from St, Marys to reside and will snake her home with her sister,•Mrs. Geo.- Case. The business conducted by Moore Bros., will he continued by Charles Moore, .who has a thorough know- ledge of every' !detail, Mrs, McL Smith and daughter 'Tenet have returned from visiting Rev, Mr, Smith's mother and other relatives in laaWksbury, near Mont-, reall,. Wilber Milson bt Vancouver, who formerly resided here with his uncle '.harry Welsh, has been in town He intends spending the winter in Ontario. George Brooks ana wife are mov- ing this week into the, residence which he 'recently purchased from 11Xrs. John McFarlane and which he intends to ,greatly improve. F. Carlin and ,family are moving this week from the McFarlane res- idence into the cottage being vacated by tGeo. Brooks. Mr. Carlin's condit- ion has not materially changed dur- ing the past sear. The ladies appointed to canvass for funds For the '±ted Crbss were success- ful in 'securing about $175.00 to be applied in the pi rchase of yarn, ab- sorbent cotton bandages and hos- pital supplies for wounded soldiers. Huh McDonald, wife 'and family left last week for St. Marys Th2y have resided in Bensall for about six teen sears, prior to which they ,lived on the farm near Chiselhurst. ZTIRICH " 'Mrs. A. Appel left on Tuesday for a short visit with friends in Mich- iigan: Mr. E. Riehl, of Edmonton, Alta; is visiting his uncle, Mr, E. J Ehnes, at present.' 11i5ses• Eula Abbott and Hazel Es- se.rs. of ,Centralia, visited friends here Last week. • Mr. and Mrs. S. -McBride, Sr.) vis- ited relatives at Blyth for a few days .last week, About 50 appeals_ have been en- tered against the voters list for Hay Township for 1915. Mrs. John Galima.n returned from a 'visit with relatives at Pigeon and other Michigan points. Mr. Elmore J. Magel and two'child- ren and Mrs. H. Magel, of Detroit, are ,visiting_'friends and relatives for a few weeks. Mr. Wilfred Brown bus returned to Toronto, alter a few weeks visit at the home of .his parents Rev,. and Mrs. G. F.• Brown. Mr' Louis Weber has secured the 'contract for the Mason work on the fine new :dwelling in Dashwood, being erected by Mr. David. Tiernan. Mrs. 'Jos. Elders and three child- ren, of • St. Paul, Minn., is visiting her brothers, Messers Albert and John Zettei, of this village. G. IHottzman eft lost week ;for ;an extended ,visit with his sons in West- ern 'Canada, one of whom is located in Saskatoon and the other two fat' Fiske, Sask. W. P. Miller returned from New ..Castle, Pa. and is busy' packing his 'goods preparatory to moving to the above city. He expects to J;e+ada with his family some time next ,week. Mrs. Il -antis and daughter of Mont- ireal, were guests of Mrs. E. Appel . for •a few'days last week Thy ;have deft for Brown City Mich., laccomp- anied by Mrs. Appel, when. th �.y will visit relatives for a short time. f. • The evey to make some tempera- ments go and do a thing is to put a strult_prohihition upon it. Depredations of Harvesters. COCHRANE, Ont., Aug. 31.— From various points along tlae T. and N. 0. and the Transcontinental Rail- way stories continue to come in of depredations and antics of harvesters from the excursion trains at places where the trains wereobliged to stop, and as a result greater precau- tions are beingtaken by the railway otlieials by sending a number of spe- cial . constables with each train. ' A fair 'sample of their work .was at BBurke's Station on Thursday, where about forty of ahem attacked the sta- tion like a bunch of savages and at- tempted to upset the small building. Failing in this, they broke into the building and took off with them small articles, of freight and` a• number of express parcels. Make Each Furnish Its Quota. LONDON, Aug. 31.—The News of the World says that a Cabinet com- mittee, consisting of Lord Selborne, the Marquis: of Crewe, Winston Spen- cer Churchill, Austen Chamberlain, Lord Curzon, and Arthur Henderson, is preparing a report on the whole question of recruiting and enlist- fnent, The newspaper hints ` that. the re- port will recommend that the ;'flailed Eingdom follow` the :South African precedent under which each locality is obliged to furnish its quota of Mofi. 'TfE EXET R THE BLUFF AND THE ACTUAL 111HE' haughty prince who struts the A. Andboards orders slaves about, Ilo mattes the merchant princes Lawn �frtSl , tlltQR s-,ti{qvJ1aln , out, 8Rl,(,FSlhgn,tjie tailor callsne5tday With trouble in ltls eye. Then be appears to be lumen ktetjring,, lriodest, shy. Between. the,-Ia.c e and the pretensiii,:;, There yawns a goat indeed, The paper millions of the stage Are not a friend in need. The realistic drama may • Be tithe to life in fact, But when the curtain falls begins The real pathetic act. The actor man upon the stage Has everything his way. it never troubles him to have A bunch of bills to pay. A million :is the same to him As twenty cents or less. Jfinanclal worries are, indeed, The least of his distress. But when he comes to make- his peace With butchers and their Kind The play made money does not talk To give him peace of mind. A million of the stage's wealth Won't bring to him a crumb Or Hag the .milkman on his way Or•tiuy a stick of gum. Liberal Education. "Hare you 'a diploma from a law school?" asked the examining judge. "No, your honor," replied the candi• date for admission to the bar. "Ever study law?" "Not exactly," "Then on what grounds do you ask for admission to the bar?" "It's just this way. judge. I was the only witness who knew anything about the case in a trial, and the lawyers read all of tbe lawbooks that were ever written before they would let me testify, "and 1 concluded it would be a pity to let so much information go to waste." "You pass." - Hardly ideal. "Do you have plenty to eat at your house?" askedthe prospective farm hand. "Enongb to feed two men after we are througb." "And plenty of work, 1 suppose." "Sure. That is what I want you for." "There is always some drawback." She Knew Him. "He wants 10 marry his stenogra- pher." "And won't she have him?" "On one condition." "Whatlis; that?" "Tha,t,rsbe .shall pick ,his stenogra-e pbers for- him."e- Heroic. "1 can only work under pressure." "That is all foolisbness." "No; it is a fact." "I suppose you have •a steam roller back'ofyou when you want to produce something very flare." Fine Line of Lies. "I always tell the truth." "You do?" "Yes," "What do you tell?" "Anything that enters my head." Some Substitute. - JUST LiKE Yang, FATHER ETc,t-l( of *' • "Do you use natural gas in .your house?" ".lust what my -wife furnishes." "But you can't burn that?" "No, but it keeps us warm." ; Sure Winner. He couldn't get her coddled '1'o give him her consent. He had an ample fortune, But all for naught it went. He had an inspiration That made his joy complete— Be bought an Ice cream parlor And laid it at her feet. ' PERT PARAGRAPHS. It is well that some people are self satisfied, because it often happens that they are the only ones in any state of satisfaction concerning themselves. Being lazy looks easy, but a lazy man' will assure you that it takes all of his time to.keep the condition at its best. • You can't make the fellow who has to support the idler believe in the law of compensation.. - The man who thinks it will be all right to neglect his wife has sotne herd jolts coming his way, -: Oue man's money -may be as good as another's, but it is not likely to be as good as that of two others. Some persons are so crooked minded that nothing is mare perplexing to them than a straight talk. Tho difference is that some of us conceal oyr high regard for ourselves quite successfully. U'si'ng more liberty and 'a snider range, men don't need to be *8 deceit- ;tni ag 3 omen; that sa alt. atritic AT I I� le 1 KT OR DAY, SEPT. Oth, ;t Morning and Afternoon ummiumnammusesaimmimming Bring Your Own Baskets 33rd BATALLION. HURON under COL. WILSON ; MILITARY BAND accomp- anyirlg anon Tucker, Mayor Suth= liderland, Prof. Reitbdorf and J. G. Gardiner, M.P.P,, are expected to give Addresses. Rev, Avery, of Granton, Chairman. See Bills for Programme of Sports and Concert. A. M. DRIVER, Chairman of Committee, A -Regular Test, "I'd go to tbe ends of the earth fox you." "I wouldn't ask you to do that. But we live seven miles from town, and you may call for inc in a taxi tomor- row evening it you choose."—t)etroil Free Press. Simply Impossible. Pater—Well, young Jones hos asked ole for your hand. 1 told Min that ht must save op $111I)1)0 first. 1)an btel —But, pops, du you think 1 Nvunld star ry a man who was nein enough tc save $10,000 while courting?—C:biengt News. Grating, Boreleigh—innte men. you krov', art horn ;meat, sonic nehieve greal;,ess- Miss Keen—Ex:telly: \nu suite just g:at;: upon yoti.—lleifitio Courier. Some Difference. "She; seemed to be much smitten on him ,r" "Yes;,„ she used to say he was a corker." "But she has thrown him over." "She found he was an uncorker." Foolish. "That man is a walking university." "That man?" "Fact." "If he knows as much as all that why doesn't be hire a man to walk for him?" Educated All Right. "So yon never graduated?" "Only from the school of experi- ence." "And your diploma"— "Oh, that's in the form of mining stoek.'t ;i Aug. 28 Canadian National EXHIBITION TORONTO $150,000 UMW SD $150,000 Septa 13 "PATRIOTIC YEAR" Model Military Cainp Destruction of Battleships Battles of the Air MAMMOTH Military Display MARCH OF THE ALLIES Farm under Cultivation Millions in Livestock Government Exhibits THRILLING Naval, Spectacle REVIEW OF THE FLEET Belgian Art Treasures Creatore'a Famous Band Biggest Cat and Dog Show WAR TROPHIES Field Grain Competition Greater Poultry Show Acres of Manufactures One Thousand and One New Thinis to See REDUCED ' RAILWAY RATES FROM ALL POINTS "Professors." A "professor" may mean many things including a conjurer or a dentist. Orig. finally, I believe, a "professor" meant a man who professed to be a converted pion or a Christian and so could be called upuii to here an unpleasant aim, for the entertainment of his neighbors. —U. E. Chesterton in Life. Eternal Curiosity. "So you think all public entertain• met.ts should he censured?" and 1'd like to be one of the censors." "What fore' "So as to Ile sure of not missing any thing,"-1Vashiu;rtuu Star. Nice For Papa. Little Laura—Are you going to went your religion today, grandma? grand ma—What flu yon mean. dear? Little Laura—Papa says you use it as a 010011. —Chicago News. The richest genius, like the 'most fertile soil when uncultivated, shoots up into the rankest weeds. Mystery to Him. "Uncle Jed, now did you happen to get married?" "That is what I have been trying to figure out ever since." Matching His Stories. (WELL, YOU SEE 1 0T'En AFTER Cti0 Vleti "Uncle, were you a bad boy ira school?" "No; boys were taught to behave int my days." "What slid you get all of those whip- pings for that you brag about?" THE TIMES CLUBBING LIST 04410141 1915 Times and Toronto Globe ...... Times and Toronto Mail and Empire Times and Toronto Daily News................2 85 Times and Tornto Daily World 3 Times and Toronto Daily tar ............2 Times and London Evening or Morning Advertiser 2 Times and London Weekly Advertiser ..../ Times and London Morning Free Press Times and London Evening Free Press Times and London Weekly Free Press Times and Toronto Saturday Night Times and Farmers Abvocate Times and Canadian Farm .. , ... , . Times and Toronto Sun .......... Times and Farmer and Dairy Times and Montreal Family Herald & Weekly Star x Times and Weekly Illustrated Globe I Times and Weekly Mail and Empire x Times and The Country Gentleman . , .... 3 Times and Canadian Poultry News, Times and Montreal Weekly Witness ...... Times and Christian Guardian .. 2 Times and Prespyterian .................. .... 2 Times and W estminister ... , , , .2 Times and Presbyterian and Westminister ..:. -.... 3 • • • - 3.75 3 75 .3 21 85 90 75 5o 90 85 5o 2 40 85 8o 85 85 85 75 25 35 I, 8.5 '45 25 25. 25 Send your remittancelby money orders post office or express order (not by bank cheque unless exchange i t added.) Exeter Times Printing Company, Exeter, Ontario fi