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Exeter Times, 1915-8-26, Page 8
!'G.E4.50 L Er D Th AT WHEN YOU WART A 11NINQ IN A HURRY PHONIC US � WE'VE COT 11-1C Goo1iss ,i ©Refav oUR NEW DRESS GooDS, MATERIALS of ALL KINDS, AND EVERYTHING THAT AN UP—To— DATE DRY GooDS DEPARTMENT SHOULD CARRY, YoU WILL FIND NoW oN DISPLAY IN oIP STORE. WE INVITE THOSE WHo ARE DISCRIMINATING IN THEIR DRESS ToLooK'AT OUR MERCHANDISE FOR THIS SEASON. WE ARE CAREFUL IN SELECTING TRIMMINGS To MATCH THE APPROPRIATE SHADES FOR THE SEASON. BUY YOUR SEASON'S NEEDS FROM US AND KNOW THAT THEY WILL BE CORRECT IN SHADE, STYLE AND MATERIAL, AND THAT THE PRICE WiLL NoT BE AS HIGH AS THE QUALITY. Ladies' Fall Coats For those Who 'want to -choose their new ;Fall and Winter Coat we are ready for we have ,a very: fine range of natty styles in the newest cloths. Ladies' Rain and Dust Coats In colors bf Blue, Green Black: A splenoid rain or coat in a fine repp. cloth. All Sizes $7.50 New Dress Goods and dust Our counters are 'full of New, rDess 'Goods. Serges will be strong this season. We have a big range _ in the new colors at tpopular prices. Linoleums If we had to buy them to -day' eve could not sell them at the: prices we are getting. Several new tile and floral patterns to choose from. Wall Papers 'We have lots of Wall Papers suitable for any room in your home, At per roll 5c, 10c., 15c and 25e. Live Poultry Wanted= Sweater Coats For every member of the family 'Almost any shade you can ask for. They have the new rever- sible 'collars and flare reasonably. priced, . 5 Yds. Sheeting for &1.25 This sheeting is two 'yards wide is a good' weight, and is bleached You 'will say it is good value when you see it. t 2 for 25c 'Len's Black ,Cotton Hose. Good weight, no seams, A good wearer and a well made sock. !While they •last 2 prs. for 25c, Straw Hats If it is • Oa straw hat S ou Want you can (save .money .if you come her All hats selling at half price. $5.00 Panamas for $2.50. • Dinner Sets THE EXETER rLMs. Thursday'., August 20th, 1915, We can show you three new patterns in Dinnerware, which we consider the neatest patterns we have ever been able to offer, Gail and'see them. 97 piece Din- ner Set $17.00 • • Market Report—The following is the report of the Exeter market i orreeted up to August 25th., We want your Poultry this sea- =son. Will pay highest market price J. A. STEWART PHONE 16 Wheat, old, $1.00 Wheat, new, V. •-• i3arlel, new, $0c. • • flat 550 Buckwheat 66e.. i. Peas $L00 •a a' • 5.1 Flour $3.30. 1 ` !•. 1 1 Low Grade Flour $1,9O ' Bran $18`.00 per ton 1 ".r r 1 Shorts $30.00 per ton (Sugar Beet pulp $27.00 per ton. Butter 22 to 24 Greareers butter 28 to 30e, , Eggs 20 and 21. IXos $8.50 17i rg:i Young chicken, 2 lbs, 12e, Old liens 9e ... 7•" i 1 Old Roosters 7e ' f t I : ' Ducks 90 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• LOCAL •• • • • • ••••••• Labor Das Is a>i week from. Aron- dal. Mr. and Mrs.. 11, a. 'White are holi- 4a5 ing at rand 'k3010: Miss Sadler, of Staffa, visited with. Mrs. D. Ross, on 'Tuesday. 'Miss 'Alma Quinn, of Salford, is ,the guest of Miss Clarisse Hooper. Lake Road. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dayrnan 'Saud son George, left this week for the. west. 'Mr, Edward 'Robinson, of Parkhill, visited with 'Mr. 'Wm. 'Northcott on Tuesday,, Mrs, Wm.' (Moir, of Hensall, spent Saturday' with ter sister, Mrs. Thos. ,i ernes, •111r,, and Mrs. Fred May returned Monday after spending a week tot Grand Bend, 'Air. and Mrs. James Earl were f the ,guests of 1111r. and Mrs. Chas. Cann last Sunday. Miss L, Willert has returned home after attending the milliners open-' ings in London. (Mr. J. L's 'Trann,, of Peoria, I114 visited his wousin, 31r. E. Christie, for a few days this weak', Mr, S. Martin, 'Mr. and Mrs. IW. Martin and Mrs. T. O: Southcott mos tored to London Tuesday, 'Miss Ella Phillips is visiting in,Tor- onto. Silas Reed is visiting with relatives in Sarni' Mr. 'Fred McPherson, left Monday for the west. Mr. 'Sherman Willis left for the west on Tuesday. ' I.QS'r An Wednesday, Aug. X8th, a side ourtain of an auto top, Finder kindly 'notify. G, 1 , Roulston, Exeter, 'Onto .1111. Meat• AUGIILIN 1919, MODEL' Messrs, W. Stewart and Harry ruke went to Toronto Monday and (brought back Mr. J. As, Stewart's new auto, a McLaughlin 1916 models Tuck has taken the agenoy for the McLaughlin in this section. HENSALL MAN BURIED The funeral of the late John Moore, of 'Hensall, was held on Tuesday, 'Aug. 24th to the Clinton cemetery' for in- terment. , The deceased suffered a paralytio stroke about two • weeks previous to ,his dea th. Re was about forts" years of age and unmarried, He was a moulder 'by trade and at one time was employed in the (Exeter foundry. 'He conducted a hardware business in Hensall and a short time ago "sold out and he and his brother started a machine shop. Be is sur„ vived by one brother andthree sisters The funeral was conducted bs Revs. Knight and Doherty. Miss Steavens, of Zurich, is the guest of Mrs. C'amm. 3Ir. and Mrs. Wm. Bagshaw left this week for Ilk west. Miss Lula 'Hastings is visiting with relatives in• (Centralia. 'Kiss I. Campbell, of London, is .vis- iting with Miss H. Sweet. Miss Edna Brock is in Toronto at- tending the milliners openings. Miss Edna rollick spent several days 'at Grand Bend last week. Mrs. Frank Sweet. of Sarnia, is \vis- iting her mother, Mrs. John Mitchell. Mr. 'Bert Hughes, of St. Louis, is the guest of Mr. and Mss., Dan. 'Davis. Mr. Oscar Anderson, of Palmerston, spent the week end visiting his par- ents. . Messrs. S. Fitton and 'Ws J. 'Beer are camping at Grand. Bend. this week. Granton ratepayers as -ill vote on a hydro 'Electric by-law on Scptem- ber 28th. Mr. Norman Hockey has taken a position as barber with Mr. Mutch of Goderich. Mrs. Earl Hardy and children, of Winnipeg, are visiting ss ith Mr. and Mrs. S..•Hard3 i • Miss Leila Gould returned home last week after visiting in Detroit and. Pontiac, Mich. Mrs. Goodison and -children, of Sar- nia. are 'Visiting the former's mother Mrs. D. Johns, Mrs. 'Blatchford and ion have been visiting weeks in 'Lucas; Notice of Closing We the undersigned merchants of the Village of Exeter agree to close our places of .business at the hour of half past twelve o'clock on Thursday afternoons during the tnonthis of July and August. J. A. Stewart T. Hawkins &- Son S. Martin & Son S. Fitton Co; F. M. Bos1e Exeter Times Ptg W. J. Beer tE, W. I?• Bleavers Lawson & Trick F. E. W illaa 1'. Frayne J. Senior W W. Taman' Sones '& May,, Mrs. Yeo J. W., Powell 11. Spackman J. Grigg E. A. rollick A. E. Moore W. J. Statham 3. A. Wambold W. S. Rowes CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POST. ING OF VOTER'S LIST , S---- Voters' r--r^ of the List Village ofExeter, Countsy ofBoron. have Notice is hereby givers that 1 ha transmitted or delivered to the per- sons mentioned in section 9 of the Gutario 'Voters' List get the copies required by said seetion: to be so transmitted or delivered of the list • all per- sons ' Act f, a d made pursuant ta. field , appearing on the /net revived Assessment Roll of the said Munici- palitl at Elections for ;Members of the Legislative Assembly' and at Mun- icipal elections and that the laud list sv is first posted up at ms' office at I;s'eter on the 2nd da'y of ii.ugust , 1915 and remains there for insp'ection.. And 1 hereby cult upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have nn; errors or otr:is foes Corrected eoriirrr 'o ]aw' August. 1915. D tied the. 3rd dray of AIgu JOS.. SEN " . i Ae.ang Clerk . Genuine -D. L. & W. Scranton Coal KESTLE, ROWE & WOOD PHONE 40 Exeter, Ontario AGENTS for British American Oil Co. daughter Mar - for a couple of ,t Mr. 'Fred Young, of Wyoming, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G, Mane son. the forepart of the week. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur S. Davis and children are visiting Mrs. Davis' bro- ther, Mr. John Dearing, in Hespeler. (Airs. 'Jas. Sweet, Mrs. Egan and Si Sweet 4d:tended the funeral of the late 'John Moore, of Hensall on Tues - des, Mrs. John Newcombe and two child- ren, of Stratford, are visiting with relatives in town. 3Ir. !Harvey Hill, of Crediton, has joined the 33rd Battalion at London for overseas •"service Miss M. E. Gill left last week for Portage la 'Prairie, Man., to resume her duties as school teacher. 3Iiss Delight Hobbs returned to Toronto last Saturday after visiting her sister, Mrs. T. 0., Southcott. Mr. and Mrs. W W. Taman end children returnsd home Tuesday af- ter holidaying at Grand Bend, Mr. ci'Gordon 'Hooper, of Toronto, is holiday int; with 'his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. ,Eiooper of the Lake .Road., DEBENTURES FOR SALE The Village Of Exeter offers for sale $20,000 hydro Electric debentures bearing interest at lfive per scents per annum and repayable with inter- est in 25 annual installments. These debentures are offered at par in r ex d amounts of $1,000.00 and the council prefers •to sell the debentures locally as they' believe it is a good invest- ment for the citizens, Persons wish- ing to purchase any of the same will make application to the clerk up to Wednesday, 3, September 1st, 1915, JOS. SENIOR( Acting Clerk. 4 ..• Harvest Thanksgiving services will be observed in the Trivitt Memoritrl church the first Sunday in Septerns ber.. l.:oi „GRAND BEND The camping season has been. some- what cool this summer nevertheless the majority of campers have greatly enjoyed their outing here. The cot- tages and hotels have been well fil- ' ed all t3usumer. A couple of boys from .Parkhill paid dearly for a duck feed they recently enjoyed. They visited the • poultry house of Mr. John Southcott and helped' themselves to 'several fine lacks: The ducks were 'missed the next 'morning and Constable Oliver was put on the track of the guilts 'parties. Writs were issued 'and six dollars were handed 'over for the ducks besides paying the dosts. Miss E. Gibson, deaconess Of Cook's church, Toronto, visited a few days at the home o2 Mr. Thos. Kernicle of the north en& Master Mervin and Loreen Dunn are visiting with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cann for ¶a kw day s this week. Miss B. Waldron, who has been,vis- iting with 'relatives around town left last Saturday for Winnipeg to resume. her duties /as school to her. Constipated wome Lind Rexall Or- derlies a gentle, atural laxative. Sold only S. Cole, The (Reran Store, 1.0c., no., and 50c boxes. Mrs. Anning, of Kincardine, is the guest of the 'Misses Sweet, Huron St. On Monday Mr. and. Mrs. Watt, of Detroit, spent fthe day with them. Mrs. Smith and Miss Essle Smith of Kintore, Ont. who have been vis- iting with relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harvey, returned home 'Wed- nesday morning. .. ' Mr. L. 'Adams and Miss Ashman, of Lindsay were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, J. A.; Wambold during the ,past week. They attended the funeral of the late Fred Preeter at Dashwood, on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. T.s.73t McChllum, ,Mrs and Mrs, Geo.; Willis, (Mrs. E. Kings- bury and Tittle son 'arid 'Mrs., Douglas who are holidaying at their summer ottai;e at Grand 'Bend ;visit€d with friends in town, on Monday, Rev. A. Schroeder and wife and the latter's mother, Mrs. H. Rahn, of Tembrooke, are visiting the former's brother, Mr. Wm. Schroeder of town. They will also visit with the former's mother at Dashwood. Mr. John T. McDonell and -micas, Miss Iza bIODonell, also of Hensall and Miss D. (Dickson, of town have re- turned after a pleasant lake trip on Erie and Ontario and a visit to 'De- troit, Cleveland _Buffalo and Toronto, Mr. Frank Johns addressed the Young Men's Bible class in James St. Sunday school -last Sunday ;afternoon. Mr. Milton Bedford returned to his home in London on Tuesdae••after ,vis- iting for a week with 'Mr. and Mrs. C. Harness. Miss Maud Johns left Tuesday for C•astlemore to visit for a few days prior to leaving for •Concord where she has taken a school. Mrs. J. C. Bence (nee Florence Jeckell) and little daughter, of Buf- falo. are visiting the former's broth- er-in-law, Mr. N. Dc, H-urdon. Avoid harsh pergatives for child- ren. The ide 1 laxative ''s— Rexall Orderlies. S d y W. S., (Cole, The Rexall Store, IOc., 25c. & 50c boxes. The Citizens' Band gave an open, air Crediton The Indies of ;Crediton wili serve lunch and ice cream on Labor 'flay, the 'proceeds to be given to the Red Cross fund. Miss Martha Wenzel has returned to Detroit, after spending her vaca- tion with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Eilber, !Mat and Mrs. Dan. Oestreicher motored to Stratford and other places. Miss Alma ''Bill has returned from Bexrlini ' Mrs. Iii. Lankin and daughter have returned to .Lucan after visiting her parents Mr. and -Mrs. J. G. Youngt,. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Benhke have returned to their home in Detroit. Mrs. John Finkbeiner and daugh- ters Edna and Leona left On Monday for an extended trip through the west. Mr. and Mrs, August Kuhn enjoyed a motor trip Iasi week to Berlin, Nia- gara Falls and other places. Liquor Kase Fails— The 'adjourned case against 'W. Bender, of lEIcnsall, for selling liquor without a license was tried at ,Clinton last Thursday and dismissed.The same man face.s another charge next week, as the outcome of lk shipment of:liquor sent into the :county under an assumed, name 'A similar case was tried. in Goderich where the shipper, express agent and hotelkeeper were each fined $50,00 and costs. Inspector Torrance has also laid -several charges in Seaforth as the result of recent raids. One young ,inan paid into the county• treasury '$50 for supplying li- quor to a dry citizen of Seaforth. Cases of drunks are also berog severe- ly tleait ,with and in no ,case get off with less than $20. . .—oma L'AT.RIOTIC LEAGUE. NOTES • The annual meeting of the Petriotio League will he held on 'Monday• even - in August 30th, in the Carnegie Li - •concert near the Metropolitan hotel brary at 7.30 p.m. A,full attendance last Tridae evening. It was. greatly I trequested as there will be an elec- i enjoyed by the citizens in that part ton of 'officers. of the town. Miss 'Jessie .Bowey• has returned home after visiting for two weeks ,in Hensen. 3Iiss 'Fannie Bowes 'left on Wednesday to visit in Port Huron and Detroit. Mr. I. S. Clubine, of Walkerville, a.rrived'lionda3 to spend a few days with Mrs. 'Clubine visiting relatives in town prior to the opening of the school term. ' Mrs. W. V. Bissett has returned home after visiting yvith Mr. and Mrs. Inksat i s era of Paris. While away 'Lrs. Bissett enjoyed an extensive auto ride through Michigan. Mr. Henry Passmore, one of 'Cis- borne's oldest and most prosperous farmers was in town this week the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. ,Cluff,-Sea- forth Expositor. Miss 'Winona, Howard and Miss 73e or to cher tives trice Howes left orf Wednesday the west, the former to Edmont resume her ;duties as school to and the latter to visit with re ia]axcombr C .. Mr. Roy and nd Miss Edna 13 and friends and Mr. Stanley. called on friends in town on. on their was 'to Grand. Bend . was Mr. Fisher's last trip to tow before leaving for. England with the Medical Corps. AI Thos. Stephens, of the Querns hotel, Seaferth, was fined $50 and costs ,un- der 'the Canada temperance act for keeping liquor for a•a:e. Th -caw! was the outcome of a raid made be iConn- te Constables sPeilow and Willis. Ste- phens also faces another charge; which rill be, tried this we nrridge Fisher ndas his Mr. Ben. Either, of 'Wily, Mich., pent a few days this week with:rel- trrrs M . • is visit= Mrs. Hesse.Y of '`v� 'snipe,,, ing her sister, Mrs. B's, Motz, Jr. Rev. Jefferson is in London at present undergoing au operation. His many friends hope for a speedy re- covery'. Mr. hand Mrs. Daphner and family of Sebewaing, 'Mich, arrived here by auto last week to visit the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Brown- Mrs. Fred Young, of Wyoming. is renewing acquaintances tin town. Miss Chrissie Brown, of Pigeon. Mich., is -visiting her parents. Mr. C. Kuhn and daughter Carrie, have returned home from a visit with relatives in Bad Axe land Sebewainge The 'Misses Erb, of Brantford, are spending a few daes'at the 'home of Mr. and Sirs. Jos, 'Iiaist. - Mr. and Mrs. Lgyi Carter, .of IClan- debo3 a 'spent Sunday with Mr. IC, Kuhn„ • VARM SOLD ' Mr: Thos. Cameron has sold the Geo. Moir farm consisting of Lots 28, 27 and west half 26 concession 4, con- taining 250 acres to 'Albert Ether- ington of Usborne. This makes Mr. Etheringt:on, one of the largest land owners in that district having 350. acres in one 'block. INFANT DAUGHTER PASSES '• The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Hawkins, of Osborne, in the loss of their little daughter, Olive Edna,_who • died on Wednesday morning after be- ing ill onls a few days. The funeral will be teld Friday afternoon at 1.30 interment in the Exeter cemetery. 'LOVING PICTURES An extra interesting subject In motion p will be h0 Vn at 5 'ictures r Leavitt's Theatre to -night and to- morrow night (Wednesday and Thurs- day) when the story pf Joseph's ,Trial in Egypt will be portrayed. This f Biblical study .will be well wort a f.' e seeing.Saturday' On evening y feel program will be given. PATRIOTIC: P1CNI'C Kirkton is preparing to old, a +nQnster. 'Patriotic picnic n Labor Day, Sept. 0th, mornin and. •after- noon PartiesK ' ' r11 provide e thea own baskets, 33rd Battalion Huron, under command of Col. Wilson, with mili- tttr;i bard accompanying. Canon Tucker, Major Sutherland. Prof, Rei- thdorf and J. C>r. 'Gardiner M iP.P. are expected to give addresses. A pro- gram of sports and a concert in the evening has been arranged. See hills, mommiammoixosissmisaimarissirmilmsollimilm _-� Powell's FARMERS WIVES' REMINDERS Bowls 15c up, Soup Plates 15c., Cups and Saucers 15c up,Berry Bowls, a pretty line at 25o, Tea, Desi ert, Table Spoons (solid nickel), 5c up. Look over our lOc, 15c and 25c display of various handy dishes. COME HERE FOR — Toothpicks, Needles, Pins, Combs and small wares; We dare not try to mention , everything we have in stock. Bring along your friends and look over our fine stock. ---1 Our Candy Counter awaits you. j— ' STEP IN AND LOOK AROUND ANY TIME POWELL'S BAZAAR THE HOME OF EDISON PHONOGRAPHS HICKS' FORECASTS The 'third' reactionary storm period is central on the 26th, 27th ;and 28th. The Moon 'being on the equator on the 29th, the disturbances from the preceding period will hardly disap- pear before renewal of storm con- ditions will be apparent on and ;next to that -date. The •Mercury, Venus and Earth forces will be intensifying at this period, promising' many active disturbances and.calling for watchful precautions on land and sea. • A regular storm period is central on 'the 2nd of September,,: beginning the last two days. of August and fex- tending to September 5th: (Disturbing causes and what to look for. -The Moon is at last quarter, in apogee and at extreme north declina- tion. The regular Vulcan 'period. is intensified by the Mercury and Venus � disturbances, with Earth's auturnnal equinox advancing toward its center, We do not hesitate to say that 'the: probabilities of very forceful and dangerous storms are multiplied at this time. With low menacing con- ditions of the barometer, it will , be wise and prudent to anticipate ga:n- eral and violent • storms. This warn- ing applies with special emphasis to all the ,Gulf 'coasts and south Atlan- tis regions. As counterparts to great West India storms, yast inland st ms from 'western and northwest- ern cgions will sweep eastward and sout ward, forming a junction with d sweep- ing Sri s soot ern c-� clonrc'storms,p ing n ,furs through ' cntral states ah over the northern lakes, east- w rd to the Atlantic, ocean. In all estern sections, and on . and about the Gulf, &cep 'y our eye on your ,bar- m r. i oda s of Se to be t r the first ome c P 3 If its reading is below normal and falling, you may safely make ready for `violent•atrhospheric disturbances. They will .eulminate on and about Thursday, the 2nd, to Sunday the ,5th, notabl;; the third and fourth. 'Au.n apos- sibly n nal thunder, , oar d tum inland tornadoes, are among the things possible and probable, es - neatens in regions to the southward. After these earls 'September storms do not be surprised if very coot nights with trosLs northsvartl, at-' tend the xisieg barometer and north- erle winds that are sure to follow, Western Fair LONDON, CAN A U September loth to 18th, '15 $30,000 in Prizes and Attractions Prizes increased this year by $3.000. Fireworks Every Night Excellent Program of Attractions Twice Daily. Two Speed Events Daily. New Steel Grand Stand Midway Better Than Ever Clusic by the Best Available Bands SINGLE FARE— over all Railways West of Toronto, and Fare and One -Third from Outside Points. Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all Information from the Secretary W. J. REID, PRESIDENT A. lI. HUNT, SECRETARY r i MApN 1N CANADA 1 floe i,tt 5,t0T a D7 r •' - "lits iy 4 #.U..n g. hot %.ahoy 44 iAq nar[,sd tsar#A" itJieserore avr PILLSA barytas comb' 00 of thug,+ w6icl. amove many diab • r Headadbe, Toothach wenitt and Ncr.«i. Pai4 S6Eue*, Tacit* Somas oe Navoue Ez augioa due to impute 4s 16ia BIood. !!A BO sac. X (:ROM ALL DRugois l5 L_. lila A sox mom GEORGIAN MPG. 4.. Cowl+vyroop, Qt1ie. • TAKE; AWA ACHi J NEW TAILOR SHOP N. Sheere desires to am nounce to the public that he will, on SEPT. hi 1915 open up an up-to-date LADIES and GENTS Tailoring Business in EXETER He will put in a full line of fashionable goods and will al- ways have a large assortment of Samples to choose from. Our motto will be to give the best possible yala3 at the least possible price. A Call Solicited N. Sheere Stand Upstairs—Opposite the Central Hotel. •••••••••0•••••••••••••••• • BEST _ • • • OF• • THRESHiNO • • • • • OAL • AT • • ` 4 • Centralia•• • AND• • • • • • Exeter. R. N. Rowe Fan6ral.Director and Furnitur6 DVaiWr COMPLETE STOCK fiLWIWs ON tiflND PHONE 20a E Western University, London. Another Great Advance Income Doubled Now $75,000 Another large addition to Facultgr and Epuipment in Arts and Medicine Greatly Increased Enrollment its View. Write for particulars to E. E. Braithwaite, M.A., Ph.IT I• »' President. "A Man's •Abillt3 is his Passport' Frank Weavi err -Pnfessor or Music, London ask.. Teacher of Organ and all brazcheer of. Piano Pies ing ; Voice Culture an& Artistic Singing a Specialty. 16 years practical experience. For Terms apply a'tS. Martin Id , 8on,s Music Moro ? •' q. i -..t „,.. PLs'11111Y E. IOUJ.'E, Licensed Au.. •o tt,oneer, Sales conduetcd in any , •1•f F• G� S LL30�1 Terme moderate 'Orders left • .. • • at *J' toes *elide Will be promptly, OA • F rtended 'to. 'Phone ; 15, E i,rktisn,, A4 0NN41:N'd;teAs a ixk,,on l'1'• Q,, . c ., 1,1 1...12t..1_1