HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-8-26, Page 7:t`: D C L RA INF NT Doctor Said He was in a Vary Dangerous Condition; Metiers cannot watch their children too closely for signs of cholera infantuni, lie this disease carries off tllousenda of infants during the hot summer months. Mrs. Oeo. W. Garland, Prosser Brook, ,13., writes: "Last summer my boy Yea then a year old, was taken siok wi • th �iaolera infantuin. Ile was ab bed the ate matter from the bowels looked 4,31 if it had come from a broken boil, I e; zit word to the doctor who Wad at a i hbor's, about a mile distant, end he eld my boy was hi a very delugBtDus bibdition. He sent me sortie tablets Neil made the ohild vomit, and when. learned that they caused vomiting Ai sant 1ne more tablets to stop It, Xn lie meantime X had been giving 1)r. o'w1,cr's extract of Wild Strawberry, Vlach I continued using, and when the tittle was ail used .my baby was cored. though it only fair to let you know bout it,", Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry has been on the market for the past 70 years, and is known from one end of Canada to the other as a positive erre ter all bowel complaints. When you ask for "Dr, Fowler's" be sure you get what you ask for es there ate many rank imitations on the market. The genuine is manufactured by The T. Milburn Co„ Limited, Toronto, Ont. Price, 35 cents. EUROPE SWAMPED IN DEBT. ,.r Britain's Ability to Finance a De- structive War. England is now paying out daily fifteen million dollars, while the daily War expenditures of all Europe are Sixteen times as great. Great Britain is spending the most money, with Ger- Many second, Russia third and Prance fourth. One reason for Eng- land's heavier outlay is the greater pay she gives to her volunteer army of 3,000,000 men. In the other coun- tries the conscripted soldier receives practically no pay. The end of the first year of this greatest of all wars shows that the banks of the four leading belligerents collectively have over $100,000,000 More gold than when the war began. The banks of France and Russia have approximately $800,000,000 each of the yellow metal, but both have fallen slightly during the year. • The Bank Of Germany has gained $170,000,000 gold since this time in 1914, but its total is still $200,000,000 below that Of either France or Russia. The Bank of England gained $70,000,000 gold in the last twelve months. In discussing Britain's ability to finange a destructive war, Sir George Paish, the ablest economist in Europe, enumerates some interesting facts. First of all England owns twenty bil- lions of foreign securities, of which only one -fortieth has been sold during the year. The nation has built 1,226,- 000 tons of new ships, exceeding by a vast margin all the tonnage destroyed by hostile fleets and submarines. In normal years Englishmen invest hun- dreds of millions in foreign stocks and bonds. At present the surplus is going into Government war loans. At the end of the present year Bri- tain's total debt will reach nine bil- lions. The other countries are ac. Stimulating burdens which will be even more difficult for them to carry. Fog generations half the civilized world will still be struggling to liqui- date debts contracted to -day as the' sequel of regal pride. •Hot Weather Yearn. I wish that I could find a cool And quiet glade, And spend the summer by a pool Of lemonade. • .I. According to Professor Cole, fleas are very fond of music, particularly that of the trombone. Dog -collars studded with pearls, and costing between $3,500 and $4,000 have, in several cases, been bestowed by society ladies on their Pekinese pets. S EA Wi CULL HAVE T STAY IN v ®. Midburrs's Heart and Nerve Pills Cured Her. Mrs, J. Day, 234 John St. South, Hamilton, .Ont., writes: "1 was so run down with a weak heart that I could not even swee,,pp ,the floor, nor could'I sleep at night, ; rives so awfully sick sometimes X had to stay in bed all day as I was so Weak. X used three and a half boxes of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and I ain a cured woman to -day, and as strong as any one could he, and am doing my own housework, even my own wash- ing, "I doctored for over two years, but got no help until I used your pills." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 50c per box, 3 boxes for $1,26, at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T,. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont, Dainty Dishes. ; ly; with mullgntawnay ,soup serve Bananas in Cass„erole.=-Peel six boiled rice, bananas, lay in shallow casserole and Add the grated rind of an orange sprinkle with three' tablespoons sugar and, a few tablespoonfuls of juice to :nixed with pinch of salt. Add a lit- a sponge cake, Xt gives, it the right tl ellemon. juice and one tablespoon flavDry or brow prevents that has uick previous m d butter, voolc about remove' 1 been treated with saltpetre water minutes with cover on, then remove ?' p cover and brown, j and a little dried lavender will clear Blueberry Betty.—Remove crust the air of disagreeable cooking odors from slices of stale bread, Butter if butted on a flat tin. bread and alternate with blueberries I Xf a thud stain is rubbed with the in pudding dish, Sprinkle each layer , eut halves of a raw potato, it will of blueberries with sugar, a little nut- come out, though sponging with clear• meg and lemon juice. Bele in covered warm water to Which a little alcohol dish until berries are tender, remove has been added may be necessary over and brown top, and serve either afterward. hot or cold with cream and sugar- It is unnecessary to spend time in White Hashed Potatoes.—Butter shelling peas. Wash and place the omelet pan and put into it cold boiled , pods in boiling water. When they potatoes chopped . rather fine, crack, the peas go to the bottom and Sprinkle with salt, dot with butter the pods float on the surface- and are and add a little stock or hot water, skimmed off. Cover and cook slowly until heated New agate and tin cooking uten- through. Turn out upon hot dish with- ails that require seasoning before use •out stirring. Do not allow potatoes should be filled with a mixture of ono to br'%wn, but merely to absorb stock teaspoonful of bicarbonate of soda to and butter, Creamed Chicken.—One and one- half cups diced, cooked chicken, two eggs, one and one-half cups milk, three tablespoons butter, four table- spoons flour, one-half teaspoon cel- ery salt, salt and pepper. Boil eggs hard. Melt butter, add flour and stir milk in slowly. Season with salt and pepper, add eggs (cut up), diced chicken and celery salt. Serve on toast if desired. Plum Pudding.—Stew one quart plums. Remove pits, sweeten to taste, add a little grated orange peel or nutmeg aid pour into well -buttered earthen pudding dish, or custard cups. Cover with spoonfuls of rich biscuit dough, soft enough to drop from. spoon, or with drop batter made of one cup sweet cream or rich milk, one egg, one teaspoon baking powder and flour enough to make soft batter. Steam or bake one-half hour and turn, out into serving dishes, with fruit on top. Serve with hard sauce. Fairy Salad.—Use medium sized po tatoes. Wash but do not peel. Scoop out soft part, and slice thin, making rings of red. Take seeds out of green peppers and slice peppers into rings. Slice Bermuda onions and separate into rings. Toss lightly in French dress; to give a shining coat to each ring, being careful not to break tomato rings. Serve in a glass dish, surrounded with ring of parsley. Parsley, by the way, is said to destroy the odor of onions on the breath. Brisket of Beef With Beans.—Put one quart of beans (or one pint, de- pending on size of family) to soak overnight. Drain off water and par- boil, changing water three times, and to the last water adding teaspoon soda. Boil slowly, until easily pierced, put one-half into stone jar or pot, lay on top, carefully trimmed brisket of beef and follow with rest of beans. Make a mixture of three tablespoons molasses, one teaspoon mustard, one quarter teaspoon salt and a little cold water, enough to mix. Add enough hot water to make sufficient liquid to cover contents of jar, pour into jar, cover and let cook very slowly seven or eight hours. Quick Brown Bread.—Two cups graham flour, two cups whole wheat flour, one and three-quarters cups milk, one-half cup brown sugar, one very smart and up-to-date. level teaspoon salt, one and one-half . Pattern No. 8908 has a slightly long cups raisins, three level teaspoons shoulder and waist with vest effect, melted butter. Mix dry ingredients having roll collar and full length or thoroughly. Add butter and milk and shorter sleeves. Skirt in four gores mix quickly, Add raisins, floured. with belt and pockets. Sizes 14, 16, Bake in well -greased pan in moderate 18, 20. Size 18 requires 5% yards 36 - oven. Forty-five minutes makes one inch material, with lee yard 18 -inch large loaf. By substituting molasses or wider lace. for sugar and two cups sour milk and' Patterns, 15 cents each, can be Aur- one and one-half level teaspoons soda chased at your local Ladies' Home for sweet milk and baking powder an Journal Pattern dealers, or from the equally good, wholesome and satisfy - Home Pattern Company, 183-A George ing bread can be made.' Nice for pic- nic sandwiches. Remains fresh for several days. Just Common Salt. a quart of scalding water, • left for two hours and washed and dried as usual. Sheets of blotting paper slipped in the back of a piano, by raising the top lid; will keep the wires from rust- ing at seashore or near water or when the house is closed. Let down the panel under the keyboard and put some in there. If a kettle, to be used for fruit pre- serving, has been slightly burned on the bottom, or if there is a fear of the syrup burning, put several ordin- ary china marbles in the kettle and by their movement about . this will be prevented. SMART SCHOOL 'DRESS. With the approach of the opening clays of the fall semester, the young ladies will have . to turn their atten- tion to the provision of their ward- robes with appropriate school clothes. The Ladies' Home Journal design here shown is excellent for school use for it is simple and practical, net ITALY'S KIND QUEEN. What She Did to Help the Coral Fish- ers of Torre del Greco. Salt in solution is an antidote to A kindly little act that shows some - many poisons. thing of the quick wit and ready sym- All skin diseases are relieved by pathy of Queen Helena of Italy is re - salt added to water. corded. Some years ago the coral. A pinch of salt added to mustard fishers of Torre del Greco, near Ne - prevents its souring. pies; were in hard straits. The value Salt in the water cleanses glass of coral had fallen so low that they bottles and chamber ware. were no longer able to find purchasers Cut flowers may be kept fresh by for their harvest. At last in their adding salt to the water. despair they besought the Queen to Brooms soaked in hot salt water come to their aid. wear better and do not break. At the first great• court ball that Salt dissolved in ammonia or al- was held that year at the Quirinal, the cohol will remove grease spots. Queen, to the surprise of all behold - Salt thrown in any burning sub- ers, wore about her neck a collarcorn- salee will stop the smoke and ),laze. posed of six rows of coral instead of her superb collar of pearls, and her Around the House. black hair was crowned with a dia- • No matter how your home dem of coral and brilliants. From may meek cleaniorate if ex-, e that evening the mode changed, Old posed be,o milk will.coral ornaments that had been hidden sed to the sandwiches es ectal! away for years and years were again cheese mixtures, are appetizing 1yi' displayed at the jewelers, and were snapped up by eager purchasers. slightly browned in a hot oven, ! Queen Helena's object was attained, Iron rust can be taken out of a gar; and that court ball marked the begin- ment by continued wetting on the ning of more prosperous days for the spot with a paste of .cream of tartar coral'' fishers of Torre del Greco. and water. To make jani or marmalade look clear without skimming it add a pious Not Bard. of butter the size of an egg before How long did it take you removing the flint from the fire. to run a motor car?" With pea soup serve croutons; "Oh three or four." with mockturtle soup serve lemon "Weeks?" cut in quarters and passed separate-; «,No, motor ears." to 1 BIUTJSF: WOMEN'S PAGEANT, ; I11Ez,eentin ENGLAND. SCaT%AND. The picture shows the representatives of Ireland, England and Scot- land in the recent munition workers' pageant in London, when more than 50,000 women marched through the streets demanding that they be allowed to take the places of the men in the munition factories La order to allow the men to go to the front. A CURIOUS COINCIDENCE. Newsy Notes of Britain's Fighting Men In the Field. Soldiers are forbidden by Interna- tional law to pretend to be dead or W unded with the object of taking the enemy at a disadvantage. Eight companies of cyclists can carry 256,000 rounds of ammunition as against 72,000 carried by a whole cavalry division of nearly 2,600 men. The Life Guards are the o'hly regi- ment who now retain their own medi- cal and veterinary officers and have mounted pioneers, who ride before the regiment bearing the axes. It is said that one of the newest types of British torpedo has an effec- t' ve range of four miles and a force sufficient to blow a hole as large as a haystack in the side of a battleship. A British army corps is approxi- mately, 38,000 men; an Austrian is about 53,000 men; while the strength of French, Russian and German army corps varies from 40,000 men to 65,- 006 5;006 men. An artilleryman invalided from the front relates that in one 6 -inch Ger- man shell there was discovered a brass candlestick, whilst another con- tained a bicycle crank and a quantity of broken glass. Motor -wagons used by the allies on the Continent have their hoods paint- ed in a gigantic check design of vio- lently contrasted colors, thus making them less easy to "spot" from aero- planes. By a curious coincidence, the 15th Hussars, quartered round an old cha- teau in Flanders, have tethered their horses to stout iron rings used for the same purpose by the 15th Hussars a hundred years ago—after Waterloo. All our guns at the front are peri- odically , examined by experts, and it is said that though some of these wea- pons have now fired many thousands of rounds, they are, for all practical purposes, as good as when they left the shop's. Self-satisfied people have reached the jumping off place. •c NSTOPAT110 CAN BE, CURED. There is Nething To Equal Milburn's L axa Liver Pills For This Purpose. Mrs, A. Cumming, Manchester, Ont,, writes: "I have been troubled with constipation for over flYe,years, and feel it my duty to let you known, that your Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills have cured me, I only used three viols, and cao faithfully say that they have saved me from a large doctor bill," Milbt rn's Lara -Liver Ails regulate the flow of bile to act properly on the bowels, and tbus keep theta regular, Irregular bowels are the main cause of constipation, The price of Milburn's taxa -Liver Pills is 25c. per vial or 5 vials for $1.00, at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. betide the lusty singer with a taste for fresh air 1 In Germany, even in normal times, freedom of utterance is not allowed. Rail against the Kaiser or the Gov- ernment at one end of the street, and you will be arrested at the other end. A copy of every paper printed has to be lodged with the police authori- ties. Each paper must bear the name of a nominal editor, who is held re- sponsible for its contents. Some pa- pers run a prison editor. Should an action be brought against the paper, this man undertakes to suffer the im- prisonment inflicted, To dwell in safety in the Father- land, it is a wise plan to carry about a condensed list of the regulations and laws "Made in Germany." TRIBUTE TO BRITISH NAVY. "Saved the World From Destruction By Barbarism." The London Daily Express pub- lishes an interview with M. Augag- neur, the French Minister of Marine, who said that the British fleet "sav- ed the world from destruction by the barbarians of the twentieth century; ' it saved us all from utter desolation. I have no patience with people who hint that France is not satisfied with the British efforts. You promised na- val co-operation, you gave it, and you created an army for our mutual bene- fit. The question of munitions has nothing to do with it. All our ideas of modern warfare were at fault; we based them on what had taken place in the Russo-Japanese war and in the Balkans. We even went back to 1870, and what happened? We had to be- gin all over again. "But do not you think that Germany made mistakes too? She thought of a war that might last four months. I know that the enemy was not prepar- ed for a war that will last as long as this one will. If she had she would not have left undone certain things that have been so left. "I read your British papers and I have seen some of them keep calling on the British to wake up, but .what country in the world could have pro- duced a voluntary army such as yours has done? "After a year of hard fighting I see the path leading to victory. "What reasons are there for being pessimistic? I know of none. In the Dardanelles we have a hard job be- fore us, but this is no time for fault- finding or for seeking broad shoulders to bear the blame of possible mis- takes. Wo have to force the Narrows, and force them we shall. With your army you have achieved the appar- ently impossible. Your navy is work- ing in the dark, without a word of its daily doings being chronicled. Vic- tory is in sight, I do not pose as a seer, and when I say that victory is in sight I do not mean that it will come 'within the next few weeks, or even months, but in the spring, well, you .will see." Most Patriotic• Word. The drill sergeant of one of the crack regiments has discoveJ;ed that "Lewis" is the most patriotic word in the English language. He 'informed a body of recruits the other day that "D" stood for England and "W" for, Wales, "I" for Ireland and "," for Scotland, "And what does the cL,,' stand for?" inquired one of the re- cruits. "'L,' oh, that's for the Kais- er," explained the sergeant, rejoiced at getting an opening for the com- pletion of his joke. LLOYD -GEORGE NOT A SMALL MAN.. Short, But Weighs One Hundred and Eighty -Nine Pounds. In ail his ways Mr. Lloyd -George is very human. To give a little exam - plc Hearing Mrs. Lloyd -George tele - Phoning for one of the maids to go from Downing Street to Walton Heath, he at once said, "I should let her stay at Downing Street to -night, This is the girl's night off, I expect sho will want to meet her sweet- heart, It would be a pity to disap point them." Not only is Mr. Lloyd -George very human, but in his own home he is one of the most domestieated of men. But there is one task he does not like, and that is carving. Mrs. Lloyd - George usually carves, and when she is away her husband's performances with the carving knife are the sub- ject of much amusement in the fam- ily circle, No one, however, enjoys the fun more than Mr. Lloyd -George himself. Incidentally, it might be mentioned that on Sunday afternoons he always has a special dish—an ap- ple pasty or turnover—prepared for his tea. Owing to his shortness in stature many people think that Mr. Lloyd - George is a small man and lacking in physical power. This, however, is quite a mistake. The truth is that Mr. Lloyd -George, who weighs thir- teen and a half stone, is a very stur- dy, powerful person, with a wonderful' physique and nervous system. Gift of Sleep. Ile has a great gift of sleep. When he is tired he will go into a room, lock the door, lie down, pull a shawl over himself, and go to sleep for hale an hour. When he awakes he is as fresh as a new pin. Being by profession a solicitor, it is scarcely surprising to learn that Mr. Lloyd -George takes a keen interest in criminal cases. He will follow the evidence of a big murder trial very closely, and will afterwards describe to you, in course of conversation, what questions he would have put to the witnesses, and what verdict he would have given if he had been on the jury, Rt. Hon. Lloyd George He is a great reader of newspapers. Very little escapes him, from foreign news to breach of promise cases, while in regard to books he loves most historical novels. Mr. Lloyd - George is a great philosopher and has carefully thought out most of the problems of life, placing courage above all other virtues. Sometimes, he says, patienceis the highest form of courage. Possessing the Welshm=an's natural love of music, Mr. Lloyd -George rarely misses an opportunity of go- ing to hear an oratorio. But nothing seems to please him better than to spend an hour singing Welsh hymns, accompanied by his daughter Olwen on the piano. When he has finished one of his favorites he will usually I say, "That is a splendid old hymn; now let us have so-and-so," Theatricals and Music. Furthermore, everyone present must join in the hymn, and those who cannot sing Welsh have to do their best in a foreign language. i Theatricals as well as music inter- ests the Minister of Munitions, for he himself is a born mimic. When he returned from a recent trip to Wales he gave a most graphic description of the manner in which the various types of soldiers—the collier, farm I laborer, mechanic, shop assistant, etc,—marched, finishing up, however, with the appropriate Observation, "But they will all bayonet the Gee. mane the same way, They are all actuated by tho same marvellous spirit.' His friendship is coveted by those who know the human character of Mr. Lloyd -George, oustantay. Troubled With Bolls.. RAO NINE ON WS IWMS AT ONCE Gunlock Blood Bitters GLORIED Hit7. Boils - are caused by bad blood, and Unless the blood is made pure you cannot expect to set rill of thein. Ointments and salves will do you no good. You must get at the seat of the trouble by using a good internal' blood purifying medicine such as that grand old remedy Burdock Blood Bitters. Mr. Samuel Buckler, Tatamagouclie, N.S„ writes: "Last summer I was constantly troubled with boils. I bad nine on my arras at once. I thought it was caused from bad blood so I got two bottlea of Burdock Blood Bitters, and before the first bottle was done I began to feel a great deal better, and befexe the second one was finished I did not have a boil, nor have I had one ,ince. I cannot recommend B.B.B. too highly." Burdock Blood Bitters is manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. THE E SUNDA } SCH t 91 INTERNATIONAL LESSON, AUGUST 29TH. Lesson IX,—God's Care of Elijah, 1 Kings 17. 1.16. Golden Text: 1 Peter 5. 7. 1. Elijah's Prophecy Concerning Dew and Rain (Verses 1-7). Verse 1. The Tishbite—A native of Tishbe in Gilead on the east side of the Jordan River. The place has not been definitely identified. Elijah's ap- pearances are always sudden, and he does not remain long. His coming to Ahab is abrupt and his prophecy without any warning whatsoever. Other prophets appeared in the same way: for example, Ahijah (1 Kings 11. 29); Shemaia (2 Chron. 11. 2); Azariah (2 Chron. 15. 1). Where evil is rife the word of the Lord is sure to come with all the force of the unexpected. As ... the God of Israel livetlei - Elijah spoke not oh his own author- ity, but on that of Jehovah. "God," he said, "will speak through rne, ac- cording to my word." 8. Hide thyself—His life would be in danger because of the anger of Ahab and Jezebel his wife. They would consider Elijah not the "announcer," but the cause of the drought. Brook Cherith — Not elsewhere mentioned. It was not a brook in the ordinary sense, ,but a ravine, down through which the torrent rains of winter were rushed to the Jordan. It was dry except at the place where Elijah was to hide. As it was long and narrow and deep, it would make a good hiding place. Tradition lo- catesiCherith in the neighborhood of Jericho, but "before the Jordan," is now thought to mean "eastward," hence the brook is to be thought of as one of numerous water courses flowing into the Jordan from the east. 4. I have commanded the ravens to feed thee—These birds would make their nests in the coves of the rav- ines. The word ravens in Hebrew can be made to mean "merchants" or "Arabians." As the "ravens" were "unclean" birds, the Jews'have favor- ed the reading "merchants" or "Ara- bians" (that is, travelling caravans) who gave Elijah to eat as they passed by. 6. And the ravens brought — The tradition is that they brought bread in the morning and flesh at night. II. The Widow of Zarephath (Verses 8-16). 9, Zarephath — On the sea -coast, about eight miles south of Sidon. I have commanded a widow there to sustain thee—This was as precari- ous a source of sustenance as the dried-up brook and the food of the ravens. For with a drought in the and, a widow would not have more than enough for herself and family. 10. Gathering sticks—The poverty of the widow is indicated by the fact she was obliged to pick up every stray bit of wood for fuel. 11, Was going to fetch it -- Her hospitality, even with starvation face ng her, was as ready as her faith, a moment later, was responsive. 12, far ... cruse—The jar (or bar- rel) and cruse were the necessary domestic articles of every home, and would thus be particularized. That we may eat it and die—The ast meal, another evidence of her material poverty. 15, She went and did—Faith, the substance of her spiritual riches, was great. Five tunes in the history of Eng- land the British Navy has stood be- tween the would-be master of Europe and the attainm=ent of his ambition, Charlemagne, fharlema ne Charles V.,Philip S airLouis XIV. of rane, axed Napoleon all aspired to universal do- minion, but each of them was check- ed by British sea power+, Her Idea of It, IIe-- I am joining the Seventy - Fifth Infantry. kt o ---1±y brother, Jack, is in the Seventy:Sixth, So glad you two boys will lee near each other, The word "canon" is Greek for "rule," and nd is �tself d erived from "canna," a �eslwhich was selected bycarpenters qn account of its sraightness, Hence from a measure ing-rule, it became a figurative rule for measuring and regulating :church doctrines.