HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1984-11-21, Page 31t
Huron Farm News
Grants available for. commercial dryers
A grant for automatic controls on com-
mercial grain dryers was announced Oc-
tober 25. This is a Joint program of Energy
Ontario and the Ontario Ministry of
Agriculture and Food. This is a one-third
grant on the installation and capital cost to a
maximum of $30,000 per dryer. With this
type of equipment, energy cost can be cut by
10 per cent.
On-farm dryers do not qualify unless the
owner is registered under the Ontario Grain
Financial Protection Program. Farmers
who dry their own, or do custom drying, do
not qualify. Corn or soybeans would have to
be purchased by the elevator operator to
qualify. The emphasis on this program has
been placed on commercial dryers, as they
dry more than 70 per cert of the grain corn
in Ontario.
Grants are retroactive to operations
which have completed projects since April
1, 1984. Project proposal forms are available
from the Ontario Grain and Feed Dealers
Association (622-3800 in Cambridge),
Broadwell manager of the White Bean, Pro- renowned for timely and well written
ducers' Marketing Board, says that the newspaper articles, speaking appearances
average yield for 1984 will be around 1309 on numerous programs and as an active
lbs./acre. The 1983 crop sold for over $28 per participant in planning and carrying out
hundred weight. If the 1984 crop sells for a numerous programs. His wide range of ex -
similar price, this would bring an average perience made him a valuable worker in the
gross return of $364 per acre. This return areas of soil and crop production, pork pro -
Ott L, >
came from tuts that are only slightly duction and rarrn business management. ctft.0. •4 •
than be grain. Art will be assuming the Farm Business �tl
` 395®3352
11/a inline north of AnnberI.y,
west off Hlahwoy No. 81
PRICES: Cars $16.
Pickups or Vans 318,.
Toe Inductor!
Open ° am to 6 pm Weather permitting
Denture Therapy
Charles Doo
451 Main St. S., Exeter
Opposite side of Canadian Tire
Phone 235-2889
1-434='1101 Cell collect
more soy ans andspring5
Two other crop meetings will deal with Advisor role December 1. Farm families
Soybeans and Alfalfa. The soybean produc- wishing to set up an appointment with Art
tion meeting will be held at Seaforth on may do so through the Ontario Ministry of
March 1.
There will also be an alfalfa production
meeting at Atwood on January 10. You must
preregister for these meetings at the OMAF
office in Stratford (1-800-265.8502) or Clinton
(482-3428 or 1-800-265-7044). The cost for the
alfalfa production meeting will be $10. This
fee is to cover meals and hall. ental.
Farm Business
Advisor Appointed
Perth County Farm Management
Ministry of 1Jnergy(Zenith 80420 in Toronto) Specialist, Art Lawson has been promoted
or the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture anvil-.-----te Farm Business Advisor for the counties of
Food office, Clinton (482-3428 or 1-800-265- Huron, Essex, Kent, Lambton, Elgin, Mid-
7044)' dlesex and Perth.
Winter Crop Art is filling the position left vacant by
Production Meetings Herb Norry in the London Ontario Ministry
A series of crop production meetings for of Agriculture and Food office.
producers this" winter have been planned. In his new position Art will be responsible
The first to be held is the Annual White Bean for the guidance of farm business manage -
Growers' Meeting. At these meetings there ment programs in the region and in
will be a summary presented of how the counselling farm families on farm business
solid seeded direct harvested white beans matters including transfers of the farrn to
did this year. the next generation, estate planning and
These meetings also feature an overview farm business agreements.
of some of the white bean research from Art brings extensive experience to his new
1984. Meeting dates are November 30 at the position. He had a wide range of expertise
Brodhagen Community Centre; December 5 accumulated through graduate studies in
• at the Stanley Township Complex at Varna; crop science, experience with OMAF in
December 6 - Warwick Township Hall; Wellington County and a full-time farming
December 7 - Masonic Hall, Ilderton. All career in the Milton area.
meetings start at 10:30 a.m. Art is known for his valuable trouble
h tin on crop production and farm
The white bean crop from - He also
Agriculture and Food office in Clinton.
Are your Corn/Soybean
Sales Covered?
The grain elevator protection program
announced by Ontario Ministry of
Agriculture and Food Minister Dennis Tim-
brell came into effect on October 15 and
licenses have now been issued.
The program is funded by a 10 cents per
tonne levy on corn sales to dealers but not on
farm to farm sales. Licensed dealers will
automatically make the 10 cents/tonne
deduction required.
If you sell corn to a licensed dealer, and
the dealer does not make payment to you
within 10 days of delivery, you may make a
claim to the program.
Although most dealers have now been
licensed under the program, new licenses
are being issued every day.
You will know if your dealer has been
licensed, beSause he will have on display a
license certificate issued to him.
I'm sure there are sales of corn and soy-
beans being made to non -licensed dealers.
Such sales of course are not protected
should the dealer default on payment. It is
not a case of trusting your dealer. There are
individuals and businesses in all phases of
agriculture that are facing difficult
economic times.
Each grower must.decide if he is willing
the risk of non payment by sales to a non-.
3tOt1i4fI L
dally satisfying to most growe�s...��a. �=�-�---------_---
1984 was furan shooting g
dally to growers. Charles business management matters. H licensed dealer.
Want to work with council on hydro line
The Huron County Federation of
Agriculture wants to work with Huron Coun-
ty Council on the hydro line corridor issue.
Federation president Doug Garniss of RR
4, Wingham, along with other federation
members, approached county council at its
November session.
Warden Tom Cunningham assured the
federation that council has not taken any
Former federation president Tony Mc -
Quail of RR 1, Lucknow, said the hydro line
process has been going on for a number of
years. Two years ago, the Consolidated
Hearings Board, after months of hearings in
Stratford, adopted a hydro line corridor
alternative presented by a group of
far{ners. Mr. McQuail was .the spokesman
for that group.
lied for improving and in -
stand regarding the hydro. However, it was i"he prop
noted that Ontario Hydro has contacted NuclearstalPower transmission
lines from the Development to EssaBnear
some individual municipalities to make Barrie, and a route along the 401. Hydro's
Soil map is being upgraded
The Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement
Association in cooperation with the Ontario
Institute of Pedology and the Ontario
Ministry of Agriculture and Food are
presently in the process of upgrading por-
tions of the soil maps for Huron, Perth,
Bruce, Grey, Wellington and Waterloo con -
The objective of this pilot project is to col-
lect pertinent data that will complement the
existing soil information. It is hoped that
this additional information will allow for
better and more accurate soil interpretata-
tions (i.e., improved C.L.I. maps, soil con-
servation and soil management recommen-
Eight employees have been hired for the
project through a Canada Employment and
Immigration Centre Job Creation Program,
which sponsors the employees for the six-
month duration of the project.
Five field workers are travelling the study
area in private cars making slope length,
slope angle, crop, stoniness and erosion
observations, as well as taking soil samples.
The soil samples are taken with a small
hand shovel a few meters into the field. In-
formation gathered during the study ill be
processed by the three remaining people
working in lab, computer and ad-
ministrative positions.
The data collection phase of the project
will be completed during the first ten to thir-
teen weeks of the program, after which the
data analysis and interpretation phase will
follow. The final stage of the project will in-
volve the synthesis of new information and
its prese on on 1:50,000scale maps.
These mals v then be distributed to the
interested parties in the above mentioned
If successful this project will demonstrate
the ability to upgrade existing soil maps
without a full scale soil survey. It is an-
ticipated that in the coming year this pro-
ject will be expanded into areas of the pro-
vince not slated for regular soil survey up-
dating in the near future.
The cooperation of the landowners and
agricultural representatives in the concern-
ed areas is greatly appreciated.
Sheep rearing courses offered
Pre -Christmas Sale
CONTINUES...NOV. 21 to NOV. 30
ale Ever!
Save, Save, Save
Zwiesel Crystal
30-50% off
...Dining room fixtures ° Royal Albert & Paragon
S5 ...Ceiling fixtures 26.50% off .:.
...Bathroom fixtures Waterford 20% off .,
4 ...Outdoor fixtures Hummels 20% off `'":
n GREATLY REDUCED Brass Lamps 79O°-139°°
Free coffee and cookies Selected Tiffanys
In stock items only 9900-129°0
preferred route was M1 which would take a 12
t' i r e Stock n e e d
transmission line right through Huron Coun-
Mr. McQuail said if the route proposed
hadn't some merit, the hearings board . A
wouldn't have accepted it.
However, another court has turned down
the route saying residents in the areas
weren't adequately notified of the hearings
Ontario Hydro is now back at square one.
Mr. McQuail said hydro will be holding an
"information meeting on Saturday, Nov. 24 at
the Western Lamplighter Inn on Wellington
Road in London. The meeting starts at 9:30
.0 50%
Hotson Lighting ak China
Hwy. #21, 1 mile North of Grand Bend
As sheep farming gains popularity in LUCKNOW - Lucknow and Distict Com -
Western Ontario, producers should consider munity Centre, November 28/84 - February
every possible method for improvement of 6/85. ( Wednesday evenings 7:30 p.m. -10:30
efficiency. p.m. 1
t expand your knowledge of sheep MITCHELL - Town Hall, 169 St. David St.,
management, enroll in one of two courses Mitchell, November 20 - December 18/84.
offered to you by Centralia College ( Tuesday evenings 7:30 p.m 10:30 P.m.
TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to the direction of the Supreme
Court of Ontario, United Co-operatives of Ontario(UCO) hascalled
a series of meetings of various classes of Creditors for the purpose
of considering and, if thought fit, approving the Plan of
Arrangement as more particularly described in the Information
Circular dated November 5, 1984, prepared by UCO.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the said meetings of
Creditors will be held on Thursday, November 29 and Friday,
November 30, 1984, as follows:
Class of Creditors Date Time Location
Holders of Member Thursday, 10:00-a.m. Skyline Hotel
Debentures & Member Nov. 29, 655 Dixan Road
Capital Investment 1984 Rexdale, On rio
Certificates Ballrooms A,B,'C
Windsor Grain Thursday, 2:00 p.m. Skyline Hotel
Terminal Nov. 29, 655 Dixon Road
Bondholders 1984 Rexdale, Ontario
Elgin Room
Residual Creditors
Thursday, 3:30 p.m.
Nov. 29,
Depositholders, Holders Friday,
of Promissory Notes Nov. 30,
and Trade Creditors 1984
Skyline Hotel
655 Dixon Road
Rexdale, Ontario
Elgin Room
10:00 a.m Skyline Hotel
655 Dixon Road
- fl xdale, Ontario
Ballrooms A,B,C.
who shops
or everyoneaet an
Christmas oiler t in our store Chs hop s
special pre-Christmas
any during our Pre-Christmas
re- NoVem'
at he Co-op • h discount ben 22. Friday, automatic -10% Thursday, November
2A 1984.
Bonus Days,Saturday, November tl Ik$
13t1t1US I‘Si$
()CIben 23and
Institutional Lendors Friday, 2:00 p.m. Skyline Hotel
Nov. 30, 655 Dixon Road
1984 Rexdale, Ontario
Elgin Room
DATED at Toronto, this 7th day of November, 1984.
United Co-operatives of Ontario
151 City Centre Drive
Mississauga, Ontario .LSA 3A4
For further information 1-800-387-9332
please telephone... 1-800-387-9336
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