HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1984-11-21, Page 21SPORTS
Impressive scores prevail in loca
local bow1ng tournament
Fi day night, the Littles hosted. another Ole. The big roller for the Oldtimers was Tiger `°Lillies", led by Barb Pigg with 248 The Night Owls moved into second place, May Moore, John Miller, Larry Million,
pairs 3.6.9 tournament. In this tournament, Nancy White with a 219, 599 triple. and Mary's Gold, with 209 from Yvonne with a 5 - 2 win over the Copy Cats. Margaret Dick McLean and Dennis Schmidt for corn -
Cook with a 245 single and 575 triple led the ing out and bowling.
the third, sixth, and ninth frames, leading to a five- tut ni ht over the Blazers. Del Sweet Peas, in spite of Karen Founder's attack. Elsa Fickert tried to rally the Copy On Sunday, the Muscular Dystrophy Zone •
the wayfor some fairlyimpressive scores. po g 327 and 718, were taken for seven points by Cats, with an impressive 262 single and 606 Tournament took place in Hanover and
p came up with a 2N, 586 triple. Donna Dun- Forget-Me-Nots. Shirley Smith turned in a triple, but to no avail. Wingham. Top place in the juniors was won
Jimmy Harrison and Mary Helen Blue can rolled a 212, Pauline Jacques 193 and 210 and 616 while Mabel Cummings bowled • Deb Good, with singles of 208 and 214 and by Robert Marshall, with a three game total
rolled the team High 8 score, with a total of Jean Mundle a 198. The Blazers made a gain 71 pins -over -average. 584 triple, led the ' `A" Team to a 5 - 2 win of 190 over his average, with Corey Haylow
4353 pins. Janet nig and Bruce Carrick of two points as Jean Pinder led the way Helen Russell's 239 and Marg Horn- over the Sharon and Bob Johnston picking up third, at 146 pins over average.
were a close second d with 4231. with a 199 single and a 531 triple. Not far p ButtercupstriplesrespectivelyRumig
In the High 4 game category, Mary Lamb behind her was Joyce Hamilton with 192, 525 blowers 217 topped the and with 597 atilt res ectivel were Derek was to s m the Goderich
helped them take five points from Roses. the top shooters for the Semis. bowlers with 22 pins over average.
and Sonny Moore took the honours, with a triple. Lorraine Jones with a 197 and High lady was Mildred Cook with 573. SENIOR CITIZENS " The Senior competition was won by Cathy
2113. Manfred Popernitsch and Yvonne Earleen Spain's 198 helped the Blazers. Joyce Hamilton, with a 210 and 579, spur- Ed's Girls gathered four points from the Miller with 177 over average. Jeff Coulter
Dougherty came in second with a 2065. The top position in the league changed red the Carnations to five points from G&Ms, with Math red fou Hornblower, having a 230 was second with 16 pins over average. Top e
Ladies high single for the night went to hands as Shirl's Girls took seven points 1 lm t 200 h finishers in each class were awarded
Karen Pounder with a 368. Jerry Rivett took from the Marionettes. Betty Fisher was the
the men's high single, with a 399. high roller for the Marionettes with 233, 234
A tentative date for the next tournament, and a 647 triple. Kitty Smith also had a good
February 8, was discussed and opinions night with a 210, 550 triple. High singles
would be greatly appreciated. A meeting of were added by Alice Mero 200 and Ett
the Little Bowl 5 Pin Bowlers Association Bradley 175. Shirl's Girls had some high
will be held at Little Bowl next Sunda y• nd rollers going at the pins. Shirley Kennedy
everyone is invited. Plans will likely be led off with 289, 730 triple. Barb Alrnasi 246,
finalized then so if you have any suggestions 661 triple. Dorothy Bourdeau 266, 660 triple.
please come out and support your associa- Mary Lynne Telford 218, 560 triple. Joyce
tion. Pettus 193, 542 triple. The team's total pin -
MONDAY NIGHT MEN fall for the night was 3709 with no handicap.
Slinger -Wood proved the value of well TUESDAY MIXED
thought-out match -ups, as they took a big 25- Three teams are in a battle for first place,
5 win over the Tail Ends. Carson Milley was with the Bold Eagles holding a one -point
their high man with a 644. This win, combin- lead over the Dirty Half Dozen and two
ed with a loss by French Cleaners, puts points over the Tricky Six. The remainder of
them solidly in second spot. Dennis Schmidt the league is not far behind, ready to move
was the leader for the Tail Ends as he had up should the top teams falter.
two match wins and a 629 triple. In this week's action, the Bold Eagles took
Murphy's Landing trounced the Poverty seven points off the Unpredictables, behind
Pak 26-4. Steve Allen was the big gun for another fine night by Diane Sutton, who roll -
Murphy's with an 839, but was helped by the ed a 596 triple. Helen Durnin rolled a 558 tri -
rest of the team as they rolled scores of 820, pie for the Unpredictables.
823, 743, etc. Earl Lawrence was top bowler • Hilde Popernitsch rolled a 262 single,
for the Pak with a 588. which Manfred Popernitsch had a 308 single
French Cleaners dropped a spot in the and 708 triple, as the Dirty Half Dozen took.
standings, as John's Jokers defeated them five points from the' ?'s. Chris Littlechild
19-11. Bob Glenn had a big night for the was high for the ?'s with a 557 triple.
Jokers, as he turned in a 706 effort. Kevin Chris Connor and Colleen McGregor led
Rumig was high man for French, with 680. "the Frame Up's to a 5-2 win over the Tricky
Gerry Ross threw �a 782 for Little Bowl and Six. Chris and Colleen rolled 695 and 626
helped them take a 21-8 win over the A triples. Dick McLean had another good
Team. Ron Klages scored a 664 to lead the A night, rolling a 324 single and 768 triple for
Team. the Tricky Six.
MONDAY NIGHT LADIES Barb Chapman, Bruce Carrick and Kathy
Auleen's Angels got off to a flying start Dougherty were too much for the Tailenders
and now have taken over first place in the to handle as Barb's Gang handed them a 5-2
league..The Angels bowled over 80% of their setback. They bowled 684, 683 and 655 triples
averages to take seven points from the Cap- respectively. Jim Martin had a 602 triple for
tain's Kids. Joan Burleigh was high roller the Tailenders.
with a 206, 246 for a 597 triple. also lending a Ted Rowe led the Unknowns to a 7-0 win
helping hand were Brenda Dineen 210, over the Pin Pickers with a 623 triple. Sib
Grace Mugford 206 and Auleen Theriault Riehl had a 596 triple for the Pickers.
202.Charlie Callow led the ,G.M.C.'s to a 5-2
Trouble took seven points from the win over Bell's Angels. Charlie rolled a 288
Oldtimers. Ruth Ann Brennan led her team single and a 642'triple. Rita Powell was 140
with 237, and 555 triple. Liz Kruste had a pins over her average, with a 575 triple for
steady three games, with a high of 191, while the Angels' two points.
Jennifer Brennan rolled a 185. The WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON LADIES
Oldtimers fought back as Melba Maillet roll- The league -leading Bluebelles took five
ed a 206 single and a 557 triple. Also helping points from the Snapdragons, who had a 229
her team was Bev Million, with a 208, 552 tri- from Sheila Brownlee. ,
Fish Contest closes soon
There are only three weeks remaining in
the 1984 Molson Big ,Fish Contest operated
by the Ontario Federation of Anglers and
Hunters. Fish caught in Ontario waters dur-
ing regular open seasons until November 30
are eligible for entry in one of the nine
classes in either the catch and keep
category or the live release category. Every
class remains open for entries and every
angler has a chance to win.
Prizes offered in the 1984 Molson Big Fish
Contest include 18 Evinrude electric trolling
motors and 270 Mitchell 2230 RD spinning
reels with matching rods. A total of $38,000
in cash and prizes will be divided among 270
possible winners. As well, a 9.9 horsepower
Evinrude outboard motor will be presented •
to one lucky sportsman who is awarded the
title of Molson Big Fish Contest Angler of
the Year.
Every angler entering a fish meeting the
minimum length, or weight standard will
receive a personalized Award Certificate
and a beautiful Michael Dumas print,
suitable for framing.
There is no entry fee required of par-
ticipants in the Molson Big Fish Contest, but
every entry must be accompanied by an of-
ficial entry form and a photograph of the
fish. These forms are available from bait
and tackle shops, sporting goods stores,
tourist lodges, or directly from the Ontario
Federation of Anglers and Hunters at Box
28, Peterborough, Ontario, K9J 6Y5. The 1st
date that contest entries will be accepted at
this address is December 7.
Winners will be announced on Monday,
December 31.
Hosts cross-country race
VARNA - Hully Gully will host its first
cross-country endurance race on November
25 at 2 p.m. It will consist of a three-quarter
part motocross track, some field running, a
bit of bush running, a few mud holes and
open trail. The objective is to complete as
many laps as possible in the two hour time
Riders will be allowed one gas stop during
the event. Motorcycles and ATVs will be
running. The motorcycles will start on the
first wave and ATVs on the second wave.
More of these events are planned for the
'85 season with all classes to run. Entry fee
is $5 per class and prizes will be awarded to
the. top five finishers.
Everyone is invited to participate, "just
for the fun of it."
is pleased
to announce their
with the purchase of a NEW or
Q'1.N°`` yon\s
``\tete o�e� o`
Supe and
(To Qualified Buyers)
Doreen's Daisies, who had a 207 from
Doreen Willis.
Good scores of 261, 230 and 668 from Daisy
Scott and 249, 219 and 634 from Janet Rumig
insured' Daffy Dillies and Tulips of a 3 - 4
split. Brenda Good turned in another good
day of 113 pins over average.
Sandy Graham's 301, 727 and Ron McCart-
ney's 600 triple led the Leftovers to a clean
sweep over Lane Busters. Lee Ryan, 582,
and Tami Kroon, 558, were best for Lane
Country Kids took seven from R -Gang.
Larry McDougall, 649 and Bonnie Bells, 444,
were best for the Kids. Jeff Cox and Mary
Helen Blue were top scorers for R -Gang,
with 522 and 585 respectively.
Hotel Bedford took the league -leaders
Falcons for seven points. John and Judy
Allen were tops for Bedford, with 598 and 514
respectively. Mary and Sonny Moore were
best for the losers. Mary had 659 and 595 for
A & P took five from Ernie's, with Dale
Fisher leading the way with 626. Steve Allen
was best for the group with 577. Top bowlers
for Ernie's were Judy Gardner 245, 538 her
best ever and Ed Britnell tripled 553.
Ghost Busters had no opposition. Roy
Harten had 566 triple, while Bev Britton's
401 was best for the gals.
Dianne Scott with a 602 triple helped the
Wallbangers take five points from the
Nighthawks. Mary Lamb was the high
bowler for that team -with a triple of 486.
The Alleycats managed to seize .all seven
points from the Trouble Makers. Pat Brown
had one good game of 213. Kim Pontes was
the high bowler for the Trouble Makers,
with a 479 triple.
With only four bowlers the Spare Parts
came through to take five points from the
YoYo's. Grace Young's 505 triple meant she
bowled well above her average, but both
Dorothy Ziegler, 219, and Shirley Middel,
198 had good games also. Barb Adair's triple
of 563 was the highest for the YoYo's, but
there was' good bowling by Chery Smith,
who had two good games of 181,196.
Leone Thom keeps up her terrific bowling
with a 621 triple to help the What Not's take
five points from Team Canada. The What
Nots had three games near or over 1000.
Alice Koopmans bowled well with a 513 tri-
ple for Team Canada.
Girls your secretary made a mistake on
thi J•ow score sheet. Please -check to see
if any of theca THURSDAY
The Dizastors remained in first place, by
salvaging a 4 - 3 split with the Four Seasons.
Gerry Good led the Dizastors, with a 508 tri-
ple. Ray McClinchey, with a 500 triple, gave
the Dizastors a tight battle.
excludes freight pre -delivery
tax 8 licence.
single and 617 trip e, a os over er trophies and t -shirts.
average and Helen Russell a fine 226 for the p FORRESTER'S MIXED
Girls. G&M
s got a 558 and 543 triple from Dan's Fan's are still holding first place by
Gwyn McRae and Mildred Cook. a small lead.
Mad Caps were also on the winning ride, e
Bomber's took five from the top place
taking five from Art's Tarts. Art Young was
again in good form, with a 222 and 571 triple team.The Brian MacLeanled the Bombers lacwith
for the Tart's. . a 301 and 209 singles for a 707 triple. This
Up & Downs took all 3 games from the was top single and triple for the men. Team-
Jems. Irene Sparks, 557, Jim Boys 481 were mate Brian Johnston had a 234 single. For
best for the winners and Mable Young had a Dan's Fans, Dorothy Mero had a 212 single,
175 for the losers. Gerty Morgan 228, Rod Johnston 212 and
Pin Pickers split gimes with the Scatter- Leecey Johnston 202.
brains, with the Pins getting four points. "President's Choice" took "Spark -E" for
Percy Blundell had a 185 for the Pin Pickers the big seven this week. For President's
and Kay Glen a 526 triple for the "Brains". Choice, Nancy Willis had a 201, Jim Bissett
Vitus won 2 games, for five points, from 242, 226 for a 661 triple. Libby Wilson 203, 221
the Headpins. Mike Sanderson bowled a 538 singles. For the losers Sandy Fisher 220
for the Vitus, Ed Smythe 609 triple and Min- single.
nie McNeil 157 for the Headpins. Madcaps Ups & Down's took the "10's" for 5. Jack
are at the top with the Virns just a point Gelbut had 265, 214 for 652 triple. Ted
behind. Johnston 208 and 209, Barry Sullen's had
YOUTH BOWLING singles of 210, 206 and Lee Cairncross a 249
Saturday was an exciting day of bowling for the "10's". ,
with regular team coMpetition and the "I "Arbees Harlees" went all oft and took
Beat My Coach" game. The members all Haskell's Rascals for five. Steve Johnston
had a chance to beat a coach which was a had a 217, as did Doug Haskell with a 203 and
challenge and a chance to see some ex -.,ii
204 for the Rascals. As for "Arlee's
cellent bowlers. Thanks go to Janet Rumig, 'arlees' they had no over 20's at all.
Learn to assemble & decorate and take home a miniature
Gingerbread House.
-at 7:00 P.M.
Victoria School - Home Ec. Room
Fee: 510.00 (includes all supplies)
Pre -register at the
Recreation Dept.,
166 McDonald St.
by November 30, 1984.
Sponsored by the Goderich Rec. Dept.
Illustration Only
,rffer expires Friday, November 30th at 6 p.m.
Take a Pony for a ride
62 3 ERIE ST. STRATFORD 271-7202
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ppoowniNITIES secretanat
fro you have an idea you'd like to turn into a reality? An idea you'd like to
turn into your very own small business? If you're between 18 and 24,
not attending school full time, or between 25 and 29; and a recent post-
secondary graduate, maybe we can help. through the Youth
ft you qualify, Ontario Youth (Enter
Venture Capital program can provide you with a 12 month interest-free
loan of up to $5,000, to help get you started
Think about it. You could be yo0r own boss, get valuable experience
and give that idea of yours an opportunity to grow in the marketplace.
For more information, phone the Youth Hotline.
Secretariat for Social
Gordon Dean, Provincial Secretary
William Davis, Premier