HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1984-11-21, Page 1524. Wanted to rent FARM HOUSE In Goderich or Clinton area. Phone Peter Bachmann collect 1-416-832-2761 weekdays 9 a. mi Aq 4:30 p.m. -294f TWO BEDROCIM apartment or house In Goderich, Clinton, Benrniller or Auburn area. Please phone Jeannette 1-357-1656 or 524-4167.-46,47 WANTED TO RENT - In Goder„jch area, three or four bedroom home. Phone 524-8440 or 529- 7497.-46,47 25. Wanted to buy. WANTED TO BUY a cottage on the waterfront between Bayfield and Goderich. Write Wayne McMichael; 929 Hemlock St., Sarnia, Ont. N75 1K1, or phone 1-337-3144.-44,45,46,47 WANTED TO BUY, a movie protector screen in excellent condition. Phone 482-3739 after 6 p.m.-47tfnx ELECTRIC HOSPITAL BED WANTED. Please write Post Office Box 505, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 4C7. -47x EXERCISE BICYCLE in good working condition Phone 524-8754.-47x 26. Help wanted TRUCKING CAREER. Become a professional transport driver. Contact Mery Orr's, Kingston (613)549.3914; Toronto (416)251-9073; Ottawa (613)523-3489; London (519)432-1726; North Bay (705)472-2910; Thunder Bay (807)623-8686; Sault Ste. Marie (705)759-0177; Cambridge (519)623- 2430; Sudbury (705)560-3351. Member B.B.B.-O- 30tf MAKE MONEY for Christmas, have fun selling our products to your friends, relatives and neighbours. Must be of legal age. Phone Fuller Brush Co., S't. Thomas. 1-631.4363.-46x,47x RELIABLE person to babysit a newborn, preferably in my home. Monday to Friday. Apply in writing to Drawer III c/o Goderich Signal -Star, P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ontario N7A 4B6.-47 7 DAY CARRIERS WANTED FOR TORONTO STAR TRAFALGAR & VICTORIA ST. AREA PHONE 273-2915 1 7 DAY CARRIERS WANTED FOR TORONTO STAR VARIOUS ROUTES IN GODERICH PHONE 273-2915 27. Wanted (general) NEED A RIDE to London, Mondoy to Friday. Please phone Boyfield, 565-2132 between 7 and 9 p.m.-44nx,45nx,46nx,47nx WANTED. Reliable person or family to share with other family a four bedroom house. Call between 7 p.m. • 9 p.m., 529-7060. -47.48,49 28. Business opportunity $10.000 SECOND INCOME. Sell high quality distillers and filter kits for purifying water in the home For more information Water Purity Systems. 537 Brant Street Burlington, Ontario. L7R 2G6, (416)639.0503. 0.44,45,46,47 30. Employment wanted i PROFESSIONAL typing service provided of com- petitive omepetit ve rates by experienced typist Will type reports books manuscripts. term papers. etc. Coll 357 1554 any time. - 45.46.47,48 WILL BABYSIT in my home except evenings. References available. Phone 524.9588. any time 46 47 48 HOME CLEANING. dependable with references Phone 5247490 47 48 RESPONSIBLE MOTHER will babysit in own home Huron Haven Trailer Park, 574.7419. 47 PRODUCTION WELDING Also. hand work for elderly man required Contact Owen Martin Manufacturing RR 3 Wollenstein Ontario NOB 250 Phone 15191699-4144 0-47 31. Service directory 1 If your vehicle is in need of repairs A&G TOWING & REPAIR Its pleased to Serve You 24 HOUR TOWING AVAILABLE Days 524-6205 Nights 524-2856 Gid D SEAL CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING *Steam Method *;Auto interiors` *Home & Office Complete Janitorial Service *Windows, Floors,. Etc. *Pres Estimates PiHONE524 42 G .......- W BARFOOT 31. Service directory WE REPAIR small electric motors and other elec- tric tools, small and large appliances. We also buy and sell. Phone 524.2Q05.-41 tf DISC. JOCKEY STEVENS COUNTRY GOLD ROCIC'N ROLL Good recorded musk for weddings, dances. anniversaries, pq,rtlei, etc. PHONE BRUSSELS EVENINGS 887-6159 146 Elgin W. Goderich, Ont. ROBERT B. WOODALL LTL PLUMBING & HEATING GODERICH, ONT. Telephone Bus. 524-2833 PIANO TUNING and PIANO LESSONS DAVE McKEE CALL 524-7774 NON GODERICH,SIGNAL-STAR, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1984 -PAGE 15 31. Service directory LAKE RE CHIMNEY SEEPIN Are Yell Burning Wood ? Cut down on 'Creosote Build-up Have your: chimney Cleaned Today CALL, Harold Leddy 524-72371 �►RDINER'S DELIVERY USED FURNITURE J APPLIANCES - bought and sold. We deliver and move anything large or small FREE ESTIMATES 524-2421 'JERRY RIVETT Bookkeeping Service 345 Huron Rd. 524-6931 All bookkeeping functions Including: Payroll Financial Statements Ledger Controls Tax Preparation All or InPart H.T. DALE Septic Tank Service Serving Goderich and area for 13 years Clinton PHONE 482-3320 Seoforth 527-0284 ART'S LANDSCAPING NURSERY it GARDEN CENTRE 166 Bennett St. E. . Goderich 524-2645 WINTERIZE YOUR LAWN NOW *CIL. WINTERIZER •WINTERIZER FEEDER •FALL BULBS BOOK NOW FOR SNOW PLOWING 524-2645. JACK'S REFINISHING Stripping & Refinishing Fu,fniture, doors, etc. ALSO Good wood refinished. 'Articles For Sale eg: rockers, chairs, small tables, etc. 74 Hamilton St., GODERICH ONTARIO 524+2796 K.K.N. CONSTRUCTION •Liquid Manure storage tanks, solid or slated tops • Barn Foundations • Barn Remodeling •Retaining Walls For Free Estimates call 519-345-2042 Dublin, Ontario JIM'S Renovations and Handyman Services NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL CALL JIM CARRICK 524-4338 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Authorized Appliance Service Centre for all •WHIRLPOOL •INGLIS •SPEED QUEEN •ADMIRAL •SIMPLICITY •HOTPOINT Appliances ) Hl1FFMEYER PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. 35 Kingston St. Goderich D&K CONSTRUCTION CONCRETE FORMING AND FINISHING floors • patios • driveways BILL DOWNEY g HERMAN KLAVER Dublin 345-2888 SID BRUIN MA Excavating Ltd. CONCRETE FORMING and FINISHING Walls • Floors • Concrete Driveways Backhoe -Trucking Bulldozing -Drains and Septic Systems Suppliers of •Gravel•Sand•Stone• •T psoil• 524 8668 R.R. No. 2 GoderIch DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC Ch. DOSA DT. 1-235-2889 451 Main SI. Opposite Side of Canadian Tit44 sl TaJtesdet -. T FP -Iv Y 9.5 EXETER BIG JOBS OR SMALL WE TACKLE THEM ALL 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE in all Facets of the building trade WE CARE ABOUT YOUR SATISFACTION KEN KELLER CONSTRUCTION GODERICH 524-6637 / 33. Farm services BUTLER - Ring Drive Silo Unloaders, Big Jim Silo Unloaders, Volume Belt Feeders, Convey -n -Feed Cattle Feeders, Single Chain Conveyors, Barn Cleaners, Oswalt Ens11-mixers, Manure Pumps. FARMATIC - Blender Hammer Mills, Blender Roller . Mills, Augers, Leg Elevators. ACORN - Cable Barn Cleaners. WESTEEL-ROSCO - Grain Bins 1350 to 250,000 bu., Bulk Feed Tanks. HEAT EXCHANGERS 8 VENTILATION SYSTEMS HOULE - Liquid Manure Pumps, Barn Cleaners, Piston Pumps. BBL and BILL'S STABLING Complete Hog Confinement Systems. WIC - Liquid Manure Spreaders, Electric Feed Carts, Straw Choppers. CLAY - Parts dHd' Service for Clay Equipment. HURST - Flex Augers HUSKY - Replacement Cleaner Chain ALSO - Fibre - Funnels, Ritchie Heated Bowls. We Handle Everything -Almost 1.(1V1 K 1 FAK'S1 Sl s i'F':ti1s L7'I). K.K. No. 1 Kincardine Phone: 395-5286 N"Personal 35. ' otice to creditors IS ALCOHOL a problem in your family? There is 'help for you. Call AI -Anon 524-6001 or write Box 53, Goderich, Ont. N7A 3Y5.-21 tfnx MEET your match. For all ages and unattached. Thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances. Call toll-free 1-800-263- 6673. Hours noon to 8 p.m.-O-41,42tf DRINKING A LOT? If you want to talk to someone about it. CALL the Alcohol Educational and Counselling Program of 524.4264. DO IT TODAY! - 46,47,48x NOTICE T. CREDITORS In the Estate of EDWARD GEORGE ELLIOTT, late of the Township of Colborne, in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, Dearborn Steel Products Inc. Employee. CREDITORS AND OTHERS having Claims against the above Estate are required- to send full par- ticulars of such Claims to the undersigned on or before the 8th day of December, 1984, after which date the Estate's assets will be distributed having regard only to the Claims that have then been received. DATED at Thedford, On'lario, this 5th kgy of November, 1984. . J. J4IILIP WALDEN Barrister and Solicitor P.O. Box 121 THEDFORD, Ontario Solicitor for the Administrator. -46,47,48 36. Announcements, notices WANTED VOLUNTEERS to work with "Women in Distress" two hours monthly maximum, to assist with child care. sewing. knitting, crocheting, baking cooking. or to provide experienced assistance in implementing household budgets. Also required volunteer drivers with vehicles (payment for mileage will be negotiated). Please reply in writing to Drawer 108, c o Goderich Signal -Star, Post Office Box 220, Goderich, On• tario. N7A 486. . 44.47 38. Auction sale LARGE CLEARANCE and Consignment Auction, Friday, November 23rd, 10 a.m. Approximately '65 Tractors, Crawler, and Truck, Snow Blowers, Combines and a large variety of all types of new and used equipment. Special note. This is our Annual Fall Clean-up Sale featuring a mystery row of tractors and farm equipm'nt that will be sold totally unreserved and absolutely to the highest bidder, as this will be our last auction of 1984. Terms Cash or good cheque day of sale. Trucking and lunch available. Tractors to be sold inside. Auctioneers, Cliff Gilbert, Don Glpver and Eric Dix. Wayne Ward Farm Equipment, Hwy. No,. 6, Wiarton, Ontario. Phone (519) 534- 1638.--0-47 SATURDAY, December 1, McLean Auction Cen- tre, Lindsay. Consignments wanted. Skidoos, farm machinery, tractors, cars, trucks, con- struction machinery, tools. Recreation vehicles. I o consign, phone (705) 324-2783 or bring to barn by November 24th. -0=47 Richard Lobb Auctioneer CLINTON - 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR WED. NOV. 21 AT 6 P.M. - Life -time collec- tion! 46 antique mantel and kitchen shelf clocks, 8 old pocket watches, 60 antique oil lamps, furniture and glassware etc. to be held at Saltford Valley Hall, Goderich for Mr. Earl Mcllwain of. Goderich. SAT. NOV. 24 AT 10 A -M.: Antiques, furniture, appliances, etc. at Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton. SAT. DEC. 1 ST 10 A.M.: Household sale of Richard Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton. AUCTION SALE Consignment Sale at Brussels Arena. Brussels, Ont. NOV. 22, 1984 6 P.M. ANTIQUES AND COLLECTABLES Depression glass; china; coal oil lamp; press back potty choir with tray; child's rocker; pine child's school desk; press back chair; large oak buffet with dark stain; platform rocker, settee and chair; settee with 4 matching chairs in excellent condition; pine corner piece over 100 years old; oak book case; 2 wardrobe closets; Jenny Lind bed (striped); Duncan Phyfe table; chesterfield and chair in excellent condition (green); 2 overstuffed chairs; 1 counter with 3 top cupboards; 2 night lamps; 1 hanging Tamp; 1 table lamp; pillows; blankets; bed covers; 2 portable sewing machines; Frigidaire dishwasher; Hoover spin washer; 2 horse collars; FRENCH IVORY MANICURE SET; and many misc. items, plan to attend this good auction. Weisbrod Auctions Walton, Ont. 887-6050 TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I.D. Auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale, or r errors or omissions. 38. Auction sale d Clocnring Auction for John Jur Ionz Miscellaneous, Machinery, Hoge, Farm E'/a Lot 8 Con. 8 Ashfield Twp. E.D. Three blocks south of Lucknow, go west ✓,,.-• • 1/2 blocks URDAY, D EMBER 1ST at 1 P.M. MACHINER . Overun plow 3x14-", Cockshutt dis hyd. lift 40 plate; Int. trail disc 36 plate; eber cult. hyd. lift 13 ft.; J.D. 494A corn planter 36" rows, extra plates; M.F. 33 17 run seed dril with fert.; Brillian packer 10 ft.; JB -D sprayer 3 pth. 100 gal, new pump; Arts way 200 mix mill, extra screens; Schultz manure spreader 120 bu. pto.; 71/2 ft. Smyth snow blower; ffert. spreader 3 pth.; 5 harrows, 5 bar and 3 bar; hay rack 16' on 6 T Helm wagon; tractor duals 18.9 x 34 tires 16.9-28-2: bale stooker and loader; Skeleton hay elevator on wheels; Massey Harris manure spreader wheel drive; utility trailer 4'x8' box, 15" tires; tractor cab; 2 hydraulic rams with hoses; small disc. scuffler. HOG EQUIPMENT: 6 Hackett farrowing crates (new) and several old crates; numerous hog panels 6, 8, 9 foot lengths and posts; 2'Ax2' x8' galvinized water trough; feed barrels; hog drinkers; heat lamps; grain auger 4" x 14' and motor; portable grain aerator; hog feeders; barn fans; mineral feeder; milk house heater; hog scale balance beam (approved for quality swine); milk step saver; hydraulic motors; quantity of iron and lumber 2x4s. HOGS: Approx. 20 sows (York-Landrace) various stages of pregnancy, Quality Swine Grade; Quality Swine Boar (Hamp- Duroc); 50-60 .wiener pigs; 3 steel fuel tanks 200-250 gal.; manure loader and frame to fit 8N Ford tractor; electric motors. -- MISC.: Too numerous to' mention. Also some household effects. FARM; 100 acres, 85 acres workable; barns 48'x88' pole, 20x30 stud wall; 2 floors; dug c0e11; 200 amp hydro; 'older frame home. TERMS: $5000.00 cash or certified cheque day of sale. F.C.C. mortgage assumable. FARM TO BE PUT UP FOR AUCTION AT 3:00 P.M. UNLESS SOLD PRIOR TO AUCTION AUZTIONEER: Col. Cletus.Dalto' [5191529-7420 Agent For Agropole Realty Ltd: OWNER: JOHN JURJENS (519) 528-2246 Not Responsible for accidents All announcements made the day of auction takes precedence over any and all printed material. All information contained herein derived from sources believed to be accurate but not guaranteed by Cletus Dalton Auctions! Cletus Dalton. '". Auction R. R. 3, Goderich 529-7420 • 39. Educational TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND 1N ARREARS OF TAXES COUNTY OF HURON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a tax sale will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House, Goderich, Ontario, on Tuesday. December 4, 1984, at 10:00 A.M. re: any unpaid taxes still outstanding at that date, as shown on the list published in the Ontario Gazette on September 1, 1984. NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that if any of the unpaid lands remain unsold, an adjourned sale will be held on Tuesday, December 11, 1984 at the earne hour and place. List of properties involved may be secured at ray office In the Court House, Goderich, Ontario. 13111 G. Honly Clerk -Treasurer & Administrator County of Huron AUCTION SALE Appliances, furniture, wood stove,planer, garage, den, electric door opener etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction ' barn Clinton, Ont. for the Estate of George Colwell of Luck now and other consignors SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24 AT 10:00. A.M. Westinghouse frost free harvest gold fridge; 2 Kelvinator fridges; Enterprise 24" gas or propane stove; Woods upright freezer; Norge upright freezer; Sylvania portable colour T.V.; air conditioners; G.E. 24" electric stove w/glass in oven door; portable G.E. clothes dryer; Hoover spin dry washer; Coronado vacuum cleaner; portable sewing machine; 4 matching press back chairs; spool bed; Hoosier type Kitchen cabinet; Vitas 42" round table w/leaf; 2 Krug Bundling tables; Vila Cannon Ball foot board; Morris chairs; Modern davenport style chesterfield w/matching chair; trunk; davenport couch or/matching swivel rocker; modern maple chest of drawers; 2 antique chests of drawers; dressers w/mirror; lawn chairs; Modern and chrome table & 4 chairs; wardrobe; tin wardrobe; antique childs sleigh; chesterfield & chair; odd chairs; 4" planer on stand; two wood burning stoves; old store scale; Kelvinator milk dispenser for restaurant; hot chocolate maker; washstand; swivel rocker; floor polisher. FROM TOWN OF CLINTON-3 flush toilet's; urinal; basins; 12-4 ft light fixtures; 8 ft electric heater; garage door & electric opener; wooden doors; 60-2 x 4 ceiling tiles; large floor polisher; counter w /cash drawer; 2 aluminum storm doors plus our offering of dishes pots & pans etc. pots e, parrs era. TERMS CASH Auctioneer:Richard Lobb CLINTON 482-7898 CAREER IN TRUCKING, Transport Drivers need- ed. Now is the time to train for your Class' A License. For interviews contoct Mery Orr Transpolt. London (519) 432-1726, Ca abridge (519)623.2430.-- 0-41,4211 FREE 128 Page Career Guide describes 200 cor- respondence Diploma Courses. Start on your new career today. Granton Institute (Dept. 5A) 263 Adelaide St. West Toronto. 1-800-268- 1121. -- 0-461f SIR SANDFORD FLEMING COLLEGE • Haliburton is offering a 20 week Sawmill Management Pro- gram starting November, 84 sponsored by the Canada Employment Centre. For further informa- tion call Barb Bolin or Susan Little at (705) 457• 1680.- 0.47 TRUCKING CAREERS. Job training and placement help. Among Canada's top 10 wage earnings group. Phone Mery Orr's nearest branch. Com - bridge (519) 623-2430. Toronto (416) 251-9073. London (519) 4321726. 0-47 41 . To give away TO GIVE AWAY four adorable kittens eight weeks old. Phone 5247215 47tfnx 43. Miscellaneous 41.26. CANADIAN Travellers to Florida. Rooms available • Lake View Inn Junction 1.75 and 25W, Exit 134 Coryville. Tenn. Triple AAA approved. For reservations Information 1 •800-431 6887. 0-47 46. In memoriam MITCHELMORE In loving memory of our beloved daughter and sister who left us suddenly five yeors ago. Nov. 23. 1979. If we hod a lifetime wish. One dream that would come true, We d pray to God with all our hearts. For yesterday End you. If teardrops were o star away. And memories were a lone We would walk all the way to heaven And bring you home again. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by your dad, mom, sisters Diane, Denise, Debbie, and brother Del. --47 ARMSTRONG In loving memory of our dear father and grand- father Leslie John. who passed away, seven years ago. Nov. 23. Little did we know that morning, the sorrow that day would bring. • The call was sudden, the shock severe, to port with one we loved so dear. You didn't hove time to say farewell, or us to say goodbye, You,had gone before we realized and only God k Jws the reason why. Sadly missed by Bonnie, Larry and Michael ---47