HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-8-19, Page 8W ARCUPW1TFC TfMES.WE %YoU A REOEPTK M As WARM AS 11-11$ P`ViEM WrA 'HER, oBt T OUR. I --`12;d0OD VALUES WILL MAKE. You HAPPY 4c Q►= C©i \foR,TABLiee SO 3.4 WI 1.14 04,lRE DON'T WEAR "JUST ANY oLD THiNG" oN YOUR HEAD, BECAUSE YoUR HEAD IS THE FIRST THING PEOPLE SEE WHEN YoU MEET THEM; BUT COME IN AND LET US ToP YoU OFF WITH ONE of OUR NIFTY NEW LIDS. CoME EARLY --LEAD THE FASHION --DON'T FoLLoW IT. WHEN YoU ARE LOOKING AT THE HAT, YoU WILL SEE EVERY THING ELSE yoU NEED FoR YoURSELF AND THE WHOLE FAMILY. WHITE SKIRTS All of our White Skirts have been greatly reduced in price. To clear every skirt we have marked them at the low price of 9Sc. STANDARD PATTERNS The new patterns for Fall have been placed in stock. Call and look through our Fashion Books and get a Fashion Sheet. BIAS CORSETS We have a corset for every figure, at a price you are willing to pay Our popular lilies sell at $L00, $L25 and 1.50. SHOES! SHOES 1 You will get happy satisfaction out of every pair of shoes we sell you. Wear a pair of our Men's or Women's cushioned shoes and get real Shoe Comfort. THE, EXETER. r tut t Market Report -The, following is the 'report of the Exeter market corrected up to August lith, Darien, t$1.00, 50c„ �� Oats e5e 4 t c . + � Buckwheat 65e. Peas ,81.00 1 1 Irlour $3.:30. u k 1 ! Low Grade Flour $1,90, ' Bran $26.00 per ton i " .i i • !Shorts $30.00 per ton Sugar Beet pulp $2?.00 per top. Butter 22 to 24 ... tart aneere butter 28.,to 30e, . •+ Eggs 19 and 20e. et - t • l '* ;1 BEDROOM CURTAINS In very neat patterns, 2a yds. long, made of good Nottingham Lace -which will wear well, 85c and $1.00. SWEATER COATS In a great variety of colors and styles. The yarns are absolutely pure wool. A. splendid coat for the cool evenings -$4.50 and $5.00. NEAP TOILET SETS We have 40 sets to choose from, in very pretty decorations and the newest shapes. Compare our prices with others. NEW DINNER SETS Three New Patteans of Beautiful Dinner Ware, with Kermes Cups. The Cups and Vegetable Dishes have Gold. Handles. Be sure to see these before you buy. Water Glasses- good quality 50c a doz Jelly Glasses- 50c =' Sherbet Glasses -clear glass •••$L25 _` Odd Pitchers -special value... 30c each 3ardineres-in many styles 30c -50c -75c BEST SPICES & VINEGARS When you do your Pickles be sure to get the rUnEST and REST VIN- EGARS. We have them at lowest prices. NOTICE This Store closes every THURSDAY AFTERNOON at 12.30 during the months of July and August. J.A. STEWART PHONE 16 Bogs, $8.30 Young chicken 2 lb, 140. Old Rens 90 Old Roosters 7c iluc'ks 90 l-:-1;• bliss L, Zue•fle is visiting in. Wal- kerviile and. 'Detroit, ?Miss Blanch Senior is visiting Mrs. Powell at Grazed Bend, 11Ir, and Mrs. T.'llet,rton are spend- ing a few day s at 'Grand 'Bend(, • LOCAL •• Oo®OOi. •iA•••• Mrs. ID. Woods is visiting her Incr. then Dfr. Brownlee, of 'Bath, N.Y • Miss Tillie Ba11iwill, of Hamilton, is /visiting with relatives in town. 'Mr. Geo, Smallltconnbe, of Strat- ford, visited ,for several day s in town, Mrs. McDonald and son, of Guelph are visiting with relatives in town;, Mr. aucl Mrs. Fred Mae are holiday- ing at the "Mayflower' Grand Bead, Miss Ethel Grieve, or Seaforth; is visiting with 'Mr, and Mrs. R. G. Sel- doi. ' • Mr. A, E. Wood, of Regina, is vis- iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wood. Misses Stella Gillies and Stella Southcott are visiting in London this week, Master 'Jack Goodison, of Sarnia, is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. D. Johns. " Mr. and ,Mrs. W, Connor and two boss are visiting with relatives in Woodstock. Mr. Frank Toni, of Toledo, Ohio, is visiting with ••relatives in towtint Mr. and Mrs. A. J. 'McDonald vis- ited in St. Thomas over Sunday. [Miss Louisa Sweet has returned home alter visiting in Kincardine. Mr. Jas. Collingwood, of Hamilton, spent the week end with relatives. Lee Wilson returne•d home this week after holidaying at Grand Bend. -airs. F. Mallett. Sr., was in .Strat- ford last week attending Rebekah Lodgte. Mr. IR. King has returned to Tor- onto after visiting with Mr. E. El- liott'. ROYAL EDWARD IS SUNK Only 600 Saved Out of .1,570 Troops and Others, Gerald Fitton returned home last week atter visiting for several weeks in Brightoi.. Miss Pearl Eacrett. or Brantford, is visiting her aunt, Airs. B. W. F. 'Bea- vers this week. Dr. and airs. A. Ramsay and fern - i.13. of Hamilton, are visiting with relatives in town. Mrs. P. Frame and daughter, Loxia, have been visiting with relatives is Brantford and London, Miss Louisa Eacrett, of Toronto, is visiting with relatives and friends in town. Miss Charlotte Sweet has returned home after a pleasant visit in 3Iar- tette, Mich. Mrs. T. 0. Southcott and ?Miss .l)e- lieht Hobbs spent several days at Grand. Bend. Miss Beatrice Wilcox, of Winchel- sea, has been: visiting with Mr. and Mrs. T. Bakere Miss 0. Quance left Monday even- ing for Toronto to attend the ,millin- ery openings. Messrs. 'Harry Gormley and Earnie Lashbrook, of Mitchell, visited in town on Sunday; Mrs. Thoroton, of Sarnia, visited her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. S. Hand- ford over Sunday. The Canadian National Exhibition will be formally opened one reek from next Monday: Mrs. W. J. Bissett is visiting' in Paris and Miss Glades Bissett is •holi- dae ing in Peterboro. Notice of Closing ' We the undersigned merchants of the Village of Exeter agree to close our places of business at the hour of half past twelve o'clock on Thursday afternoons during the months of July and August. J. A. Stewart 5. Martin & Son F. M. Bye W. J. Beer Lawson. & Trick S3. Spackman J. Grigg E. A. Follick A. E. Moore W. J. Statham 1. A. Wambold W. S. Howes T. Hawkins & Son S. Fitton Exeter Times Pig Co; H. W. Heavers F. E. Wilijs 1'. Frayne J. Senior W W. Taman Jones '& May•. 'bars. Yeo J. W.. Powell CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POST-. ING OF VOTER'S LIST Genuine O. L. & W. Scranton Coal KESTLE, ROWE & WOOD PHONE 40 Exeter, Ontario AGENTS for British American Oil Co. Voters' List 1915, Municipality" of the Village of Exeter, County of Huron.. Notice is hereby given. that I have transmitted or delivered to the per- sons mentioned is section 9 of. the Ontario Voters' List Are: the pies required be said section. to be tnaz.emitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act, of all Per- sons ersons appearing on the East revised !Assessment- Roll of the said DMunici= palite at Elections for Members of the Legislative Assemble' and at Mun- icipal elections and that the said list was first posted up at m3' office at .Exeter on the 2nd dos of August, 1115 and remains there for inspection,. And I hercbs call upon' all voters to take immediate, proceedings toace on, errors or omissions corrected eer•lina try 1''w' of. Alt its!. 1411[;. need the 3rd dal JOS. SENI011 Acting Clerk Mrs. Mary Gould, of Hay, visited her sister. Mrs. S. Eacrett for ;several days during the week. Mrs. Prodgers and children, oa London, are visiting the former's mother, Mrs, Jas. Ford. Mr. Robt. Pickard returned to 'the west on 'llxonda3 after spending sev- eral weeks at his home here. Mrs. Orville Cann and little sort of Thames road, visited 31'r. and Mrs. Cann the first part. of the week. Mrs. Wilbur Phillips returned to Toronto Saturday after spending, a month with Mr. and Mrs. Bk S. Phillips, Master Reg. Beavers returned last Friday after spending a week with his aunt, Mrs. W. A. Turnbull, of Farquhar. Mrs. John Passmore and children of Hensall. was visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dann a 'few da3 s last week, Master 'Ronald Witwer of Exeter, who has spent two weeks holidaeys at 'James Greene's returned. home Tuesday! -Zurich Herald. Constipated women find Rexall Ord- erlies a gentle, natural laxative. Sold only by W. S. !Cole., The eRexall Store, 1.0c., 25c. and 50c. boxes. %Aline. on Her Way Front England to the Dardanelles, Forme' Cana- dian Northern Liner is Destroyed by German Submarine - Cnna- diens for Straits Operations Be - HOW to Be Already 'There. LONDON, Aug. 17, -The British transport Royal Edward has been tor- pedoed and sunk by a German sub- marine. Announcement to this effect was made officially to -day. Six hun- dred men were saved out of 1,350 troops. and 220 other persons on board. The Royal Edward was sunk in the Aegean Sea Saturday, presumably while en route to the Dardanelles. This is the second transport lost by Great Britain since the war began. In an engagement off the Turkish Asia Minor coast, near the Gulf of Smyrna, a transport was sunk sev- eral weeks ago, but without heavy loss, according to the Admiralty statement. The Royal Edward, sister ship of the Royal George, was a Canadian Northern .triple -screw ship, formerly running from Montreal to Bristol. She was equipped with electric pas- senger elevator, Marconi wireless, submarine signalling system, and other improvements. The ship was 526 feet long, 60 feet beam, and 26 feet in length. Her speed. was 19 knots. She was built in 1908: Her gross tonnage was 11,117 tons. While there may be, pending fur- ther information, anxiety as to Cana- dians bound for the Dardanelles, the fact that their departure for the East has been announced would lead to the supposition that they are already safely there. Misses Mary and Bertha Mack, eel Throe to, are the guests of their'par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Mack. Mrs. 'Geo. Young and children, of London, are visiting the former's par- ents, Mr. 'and Mrs. Jas,, Beer. Mr. and .Mrs: Jack Collingwood and three 'children, of Pt. Huron, are -vis- iting with 'relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Denman and son. George, of , Sarnia, vre 'visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Davis. Dirs..S. Prior left last week,to visit her daughter, Mrs. E. Beebe of Midge - town and also with relatives in ,Lon- don( Mr. Frank Johns and 'friend, Miss tiellie :Hardman, of Toronto, are visit- ing the former's parents, Stir. and Mrs. W. Johns;: Mr. and Mrs. Roger Crocker ,and son Will, and Miss Rube Treble. all of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'Treble during the past week, Mrs. Will Foster and daughter, of Toronto, have returned to their homy; after visiting with the former's fath- er Mr. Jas. Han.tford, IDEBENTURES FOR SALE The Village of Exeter offers for sale :20,,0000 hydro Electric debentures bearing interest at (five per cent. per annum and repayable with inter- est in 25 annual installments. These debentures are offered at par in amounts of $1,000.00 and, the: council prefers to sell the debentures locally as they' .believe • it is a good invest - meat for the citizens, Persons wish- ing to purchase any of the same will make application to the elerk up to Wednesday, September 1st, 1015. JOS. SENIOR) Acting !Clerk: Harvest Thanksgiving services will be observed ,in the Trivitt' Memorial church the first Sunday in Septem- bore ;. , ..'Lmota &{i= stif.4! To Go to Dardanelles. VANCOUVER, B.C., Aug. 17. - Hon. T. Chase Casgrain announced at the Canadian Club banquet in Van- couver yesterday that he had been officially advised by the Minister of Militia that 15,000 of the Canadian soldiers now in Britain will be sent to the Dardanelles. It is stated unofficially that the Canadian hospitals which . have Left for the Dardanelles are No. 1 station- ary, in charge of Col. McKee; No. 2 stationary, in charge of Col. Cas - grain; No. 5 stationary, in charge of Col. Etherington. Avoid harsh purgatives for children The ideal laxative is 'Rexall Order- lies. Sold only' by W. S. Cole. The Rex all Store, 10e., 25c. & 50c. boxes. 'llr. and Mrs. Wm., Coultis and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Coultis, of Toronto, have 'been visiting with relatives in this ;vicinity during the past week. ' Mr. W. H. Graham and daughter, and Mrs. W. Butcher. of St.. Maris, motored over and spent Sundae with Mr. and Mrs. Wickwire, and Miss White - Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ferguson, Mr. and :,ire. Witt Hornet. of Kipper, and dams. Calvin rinser. of Chestervilfe. spent Sundae with Mr. and Mrs. Syi- vanus Cann. Mr. and Mrs, W., Sadler, of Hamil- ton, who have been the guests on Mr. and Mrs. Wes;. Armstrong. of T.:sborne, visited with Miss Spicer over Sunday. 'Messrs. S. Martin and Wibt; Jones, Thos. Harves and Ches. 'mo- tored to London Monday and witness- ed the manouvrcs of the 33'•1 Battal- ion on Carling's Heights. • Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lutton and fan ily of London. visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. Barton and other relatives in town. Mr. Lutton left Tuesday to visit 'for a few dans in Wingham. In the junior matriculation scholar- ship examinations Miss 'M. J. Tom. of ;Goderich, daughter of'Inspector J, E. 'Tom. ranks 'fifth in general pro- ficiency. Miss Tom was winner of the third. Edward. Blake Scholarship. Mrs. R. Samuel and daughter Mary, of Alvinston, are visiting the former's mother, airs. Jos. Bawden, the latter being ,quite ill at her home. Ina Kathleen, the little daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm,, Winer, of Ste- phen, was christened at the English church last Sabbath -afternoon, Rev. E. G. and (Mrs. 'Powell and family, of Clinton, motored through town en 'Monday for Birr where Mrs. Powell and 'family will visit with rel- atives. Miss ,Mulligan, of Wardaville, Miss B. Hobbs, of Birr and Rev. and Mrs. Cornish, of Forest, were guests at the English !church Rectery during the past week. Mrs. Stuart A.:McCalium of Lon- don, 'visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs Jas. Sweet during the week. Her children John and Duncan returned home with her. Mr. and Mrs. EeFfowald and dau- ghter Muriel returned .Mondaet after spending a week in Stratford where the (former was attending Grand Lodge of the I. 0. 0,,E. Mr. (Douglas. Stewart last week un- derwent an operation for inward trouble, The operation was success- ful and Mr. Stewart is getting along nicely; Rev. Mr,n','Yelland preached, ler the Main street Methodist church last Sabbath morning and Mr. A. 3; 'J3ay- wood occupied the pulpit in. the wenn 'rig. • . In naming the different booths at the festival 'of Nations we inadvert- antly omitted the booth representing Australia which was vers beautifully decorated. e L Log Broken -Mr. Thos. Johns, of town had the misfortune to have :his right leg broken above the ankle on 'Wednesday evening 'of last week. etc v off a 011 wagon inthe was getting o tie, z ge dark and missed his 'footing with the above result, He willbe laid up ,for several weeks in eonsectuencgi , Mr. 'Fie. Swickler. of Hamilton, .vis- ited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. The Second Regular Storm Period N. J. Dore. ' Mr. and Mrs, Dore mot- is 'central on the 22nd, extending from ored to Hamilton Monday aceompan- the 20th to the 25th, inclusive. 1 Disturbing Causes And What to Look For -Added to the regular Vul- can forces at this period, the planet Venus is in Perihelion and the Moon xh:ursdas, August 19th, 1115., T ii -19[ 1, NEW EDIS DIAMOND ULSC PHONOGRAPHS N() NEEDLES TO CHANGE The Greatest of all reproducing instruments HEAR IT and you will buy no other, Indestructible Records • � POWELL'S BAZAAR V(/ THE HOME OF EDiSON PHONOGRAPH& Phone 55-J. Willis Powell -Exeter Mrs. 3. D. Atkinson, of Clinton, is visiting in town,. Mr. and. Mrs. W.. D. Clerke'and son Gale have this week for South Ham- pton to spend their holid.aes. Mrs. Langford and children have returned to Toronto after visiting for a (few weeks with Dr. and Mrs. Hanle sten. Mr. and Mrs. W: M. Thompson, ,oft Canfield, !visited Mr. and Mrs. T. Newell at the New Commercial Hotel' ager the week end. Miss J. Brown, of toe. n, and Miss Ellen Brown, of Toronto, have return= ed to town after holiday ing in Mon- treal. The latter is spending a few dans at her home here. Mrs. Burwell has returned to town after holidaying for several weeks in. St. Thomas. She was accompanied home be her mother, Mrs. Scott,. and brother, [Norman Scott. There twill be no service in the Trivitt Memorial church next Sab- bath morning. In the eveinng Rev. Re att of Iiirkton, will preach. Mr. F. W: Gladman accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Senior, motored to Toronto, on Saturday last. 'Mr. and Mrs. Senior are expected home to- day while Mr., Gladmant will ,remaizi for a few des s with his family. HI0R3'S' FORECASTS led Ibb Mr. Swickler and Miss L. Hu- ston, the latter returning to Toronto to attend the millinery openings. Mr. Nelson Sheere is opening up a new tailor shop over ,J. A. Warn- in 'perigee together on the 20th. bold's store and will 'do ladies' andThe moon is in opposition to the Ear- hents' tailoring. He expects to open' The moon is in opposition to the about Sept. 1st. See adv. in another column Mr. Sheere has rented Mr, J. N. Howard's house on Main street and will move his 'family here Dr. and Mrs. Folliok and Mrs. Rea Leave Wednesday for a holiday at the I3end.-Grand (Bend is a Mecca for St. ,Marys holidayers these days. T. Odett has been vers' 'busy the past two weeks motoring parties to the Bend for the Wednesday holidays and •week -ends. -St. Mars's Journal. Dir. Leon Treble returned, from London last week and after spending the week end with his parents left again for sLondon to enlist for active service, This makes four to go from. Exeter within the past. (few days as Ed: ,Anderson, Herb. S1itchell and P. Lawson, the latter from Stephen, en- listed several dans previous. Dr. 3,'W. Harrison and son Wilfred of Detroit, visited the former's moth- er in town for the weeks end. He was accompanied home by his son, Gerald, who has been. visiting for several weeks with 'Mrs. A. Francis, of Lsborne, also 'Mrs. Francis and two children, Dr, and Mts. Harrison have just returned' from an extensive trip through the western states Vis- iting the 'Panama Exposition. 'Ir. and Mrs. 5, Sham), of 'Bridge- port; Messrs. S. Hessener and R. Flynn, of Watterloo, and Mr. Milton Ehlers of Brantford, motored through to 111a.shwood for the week lend. :Mr. Flynn remained with his parents In Exeter. Mr, 'Ehlers is just getting around. Ifrom the injuries he !received. in an elevator aceident at !Brantford some weeks ago when he. had ,his nose Earth and Sun on the 24th, the aut- umnal equinoxis gaining in 'force, and the periods of both Mercury land Venus are beginning to be felt, These' combined causes are sufficient to .ex- cite expectations and 'very decided disturbances 'during this period. The period will come in with falling bar- ometer and growing cloudiness in western extremes. Conditions at the same time will be changing to warm- er and threatening further east. The fallingbarometer will shift to east- ward :daily, and storms of wind rain, and thunder will pass gradually to central and eastward parts oft ' the country, ,from about Sunday the 22nd to Wednesday the 25th. 'While we de not say that West India hurricanes and ,cyclones are imminent, or neces- sarill certain at this tiime, we , do undertake to warn our readers and all 'concerned, of possible and 'prob. able danger, along all exposed sect- ions of the Gulf and South Atlantio coasts. ;Disturbances of this period reach the culminating climaxwithin sixty hours of sunset on the 23rd. This warning will be of increased im- portance during the remainder of this month and into September. Peon plc in exposed districts along the southern coasts are in the greater danger, 'because they erroneously sup- pose that these destructive, equinoc- tial storms and tidal waves pare not due until about the middle of Sep- tember. Should great baromet tin dis- placements and violent equinoctial Storms occur in the south, 'during [any of these late August periods, atmos- iheric tides will drift from northerly regions and vers cool weather tor ;the his right leg and right arm ,broken; season 'will spread over most interior He .gets around with the aid. of I sections !froth northerly parts of the crutches.. . , s .. . e s „ t • . COuntry, • .. , neeenneigniennelienTIMSM .... >' i, t a,'tt�,,:., ' • u'y,, , � Z.1:; I1A . m. .>i�N. ::i :..,.,e Western Fair LONDON, CANADA September loth to 18th, '15 $30,000 in Prizes and Attractions Pekes increased this year by $3.000. Fireworks Every Night Excellent Program of Attractions Twice Daily. Two Speed Events Daily. New Steel. Grand Stand Midway Better Than Ever !Music by the Best Available Bands SINGLE FARE- over all Railways West of Toronto, and Fare and One -Third from Outside Points. Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all Information from the Secretary W. J. REID, A 1, BUNT, PRESIDENT SECRETARY senneneennesnexectioneennnennUNK MA(OM IN CANADA,, (rlAo5 t. Asx vimsr,:nec) 'TS:70 v1e &Wswap, in {asl raig la Mer naked irarth" lhara,bro seas 11Ls A hart mess comb}nation of drugs rt�yyhic u remove tnsny diuliil Headache, Toothnehe Muscalar and Ncivotu craze. Twi Socener or Navour ExhnuStion due to impure qz thin Blood, PRICE SOc. A SOX FROM AAL DRUQGr3T$ L_. 4,ia. A atm. raoM GEORGIAN MFG. 13,, COLUN9.W000, Q TAKE AWA ACH 31191111Enlinn160033110111310S11513111114Pinni NEW TALOR SHOP N. Shcere desires to an- nounce to the public that he will, on SEPT. Ist 1915 open -up an aip•to-date LADIES and GENTS Tailoring Business in EXETER He will put in a full line of fashionable goods and will al- ways have a large assortment of Samples to choose from. Our motto will be to give the best possible yalu3 at the least possible price. A Cal1 Solicited D• Sheere Stand Upstairs -Opposite the Central Hotel. MIME 321§IIMMESSEIESEESEMI WHALEN R. M. ROWS FnfGIdi Dilutor and Furniture Ded1Gr COMPLETE STOCK I LWf1YS ON BAND PHONE 20a Mr. and Mrs. John Wright spent Saturday with :friends in London. Mrs. David Parkinson, of St.Marss spent the past week with her bro- thers and sisters here. DIr. and Mrs. Luther Oke, of near .Exeter, spent Sunday here with her sister, Mrs. Thos. Movies. Miss Irene and Retie. [Denham, df Kirkton, visited their cousin )♦Miss Bertha Batten here on Sunday. Othello. Breathe, off Clinton; spent a Caw 'day s of last weekwith her you= sin, Laverne 'Morley here in the vil- lage. Thomas Flazlewood, of Kirkton, ocr cupied the pulpit here on Sunday,. Next Sunday Mr. Israel Taylor, o London, will preach. quite a number of our 3oung pen- pie have been holidaying at Grand Bend. Those damping there are Miss Vera Hodgson, Miss (Hilda Gunning, Miss Edna Gunning and Miss Bessie Merles. 'Phase ,who have driven back for a day's outing ore Wm. Western University, London. Another Great Advance Income Doubled -!Now .,,,.,,....,... $75,000 Another large addition to Facultg' and Epuipment in Arts and Medicine Greatly Increased Enrollment it. View. Write for particulars to E. E. I3raithvaite, ,SI.,A,, IE'thi President. _. ;e1 A, Man's •Abilit, is his . Passport. Frank Weaver .L II --r 6i 'Professor o° Music, London; Ont. Teacher of Organ and all breeches - of Piano Fleeing ; Voice Culture are*. ,Artiati{i Singiog a Specialty. 16 pear' practical experience. For Terms apply aft, S. Martin de Son's Mutsio Store ,t PEORY F. DOi:TPE, Licensed AWS-* tioneer. Sales conducted in any calif v. Terms moderate Orders lett Hodgson, Earl .John4ton, Clarence at Times office will he promptly, a4' Mitlson, Delbert i fortes and, frac k tended to. 'Phone .116, gia',Woite, • ''x Squire. _,-. - Lens Ata...dress Kirkton '.iD; . t.. L.t'1_.1,1.lr•1