HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1984-11-07, Page 12PAGE 12-GOD1aRICi SIGNAL .STAR, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7,1984 rown &County CLASSIFIED 1. Articles for sale SINGER - For authorized sales and service, sew- ing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts and no- tions, service to all makes, and machine rentals. Gen's Sewing Centre, now located at 56 The Square, Goderich, 524-8431.-ltfar AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoff- meyer Plumbing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich.-1 tfar TE -EM FARM, our own cauliflower, broccoli, cab- bage, new potgtoes, cucumbers, pick your own peas, large selection of other vegetables, and fruits. RR 1, Bayfield. Phone 482-3020.-2Btfar USED RAILWAY TIES: Pressure treated, uniform quality bundles guaranteed. Delivered semiload lots only (445 minimum). Reasonably priced. Phone (204)725-2627, office hours. 0-44,45,46,47 RUSSETS, Golden and Red Delicious, Courtlands, and other varieties. Apple butter, apple cider, red and white potatoes, onions. We deliver. Belleview Fruit Farm. Phone 524-8011.-44tfar TEAK BUFFET with matching mirror. Contem- porary styling, chrome accents. L 68" x H 29" x D 18". Excellent condition. Phone 524- 8184.-44,45x GIRL'S Sweaters, jeans, ski jacket, size 14 to 16. Lady's figure skates, size 5. All good condition. Phone 524-9273 after 5:00 p.m.--45nx SKATES - Boy's size 10 Bauer Turbo, $25.00. Phone 524-4624.-45x GUNS AND SCOPES - Storewide sale on all shotguns, rifles and ammunition.. Village Market Guns, Underwood, phone 368-7182.-41-48x APPLES, Macintosh, Courtland, Russets, Red and Yellow Delicious, Spy, Empire, Wayne, Ida Red, red and white potatoes, apple butter, honey, bulk cookies, whiskey barrels. Special cooking Spy, $6.00 a bushel. Mac's C $5.00 a bushel. Fresh `cider $1.50 a gallon or 4 litres, plus con- tainers. Art Bell's Fruit Farm. Phone 524- 8037.-44tfar ALLIS CHALMERS mono frame 5-16" trip beam plow (4-5 bottom), excellent shape. 529-7607 after 5 p.m.-34tfnx MOVIE CAMERA with sound - Bell and Howell Super 8 with all accessories, excellent condition. Phone 523.9723,-44x,45x CHRISTMAS CAKES AND PUDDINGS - fresh homemade Christmas fruit cakes and carrot pud- dings. Order now for Christmas. 529- 7048.-44,45,46 SATELLITE TV FROM $1499 WHOLESALE PRICES CANTEL COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS Wholesalers. Distributors and Manufacturers LUCKNOW PHONE 528-2900 New and Used Systems Available Over a decade of antenna Installation and service. Authorized service centre for many brand name electronics. LEASING AVAILABLE SMALL WOODBURNING Stove, downdraft. Ap- proximately four cords of wood. Phone 524-7227, after 4:00 p.m. -44,45x TWO PAIRS girl's figure skates, size 3. Phone 482-3312.-44tfnx C & E FURNITURE fp NEW & USED We Can Offer BATTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY /, mile south on Hwy. 21 GODERICH 524-7231 We even take trades PEREGO (large) baby carriage, infant car seat, baby swing. Very good condition. V -type snow blower. All reasonably priced. 529-7861.--44,45 CULLIGAN WATER conditioner. Two tank model, excellent condition, used only 8 months. Must sell. Asking $750.00. 519-565-2946 evenings. -44,45 GLEANER G combine, 4 row corn head,grain platform with cutter bar and pick-up, comes with chopper; two self unloading wagons, 250 bushel boxes, one with 10 ton Martin undercarriage, one with truck frame undercarriage; 8' Hagedorn snowblower. 527-1487 evenings, 482-3339 days. -44,45 SEVERAL unclaimed maintenance free steel buildings at huge savings. Call 519-439-4573.--45 PAIR OF boy's hockey pants, size 12 $10., pair of boy's Bauer junior supreme hockey skates, size 41/2 , $40. Both worn one season, in excellent con- dition. Phone 528-3232 after 5 p.m.-45tfnx CHRISTMAS CAKES and puddings. Phone Brenda Phillips at 529-7048.-45nx 1980 KDX 175, excellent shape, dependable bike. 529-7132.-45nx NATURAL GAS space heater with vent pipe, 30,000 BTU in good condition. Apply 524- 7760.--45 BROWNIE UNIFORM. Baby buggy. Highchair, Walker, B.&W. portable TV. Phone 524-7813.=-45 LADY'S WINTER coat size 16, light brown, beige trim. Worn only few times. Phone 524-7540.--45x 13' UPPER CABINETS. 9' lower cabinets. Sink, taps and range hood. Ph. 524-8920 after 4 p. rn.-45 36 INCH antique box stove. '75.00. Phone 524- 9413 after 5 p.m. -45x STEEL BUILDINGS. Direct Factory Clearance. Up to 40 percent discounts. Widths 30' to 120' any length. Limited quantities. Act Now, SAVE. Call toll free 1-800-461-7689.-0-42,43,44,45 1979 650 SPECIAL: A-1 condition. Under 20,000 kilometres. Needs absolutely nothing to safety. New Dunlop Qualifiers. New 0 Ring chairs with new front and rear sprockets. New battery:, Ask ing $1,400. 524-2275.-43,44,45,46 LADIES size 16, blue vinyl jacket. Never worn. Phone 482-3739 after 6 p.m., or any time on weekends.-45tfnx CLASSIFIED RATES & DATA: DRAW 12 NOON TUESDAY. Too late to classify; ads will be accepted until 4 p.m. Tuesday for Wednesday publication. '4.15 min./22 words 19' ea. additional word thereafter. In Memoriam; '4.15 min. plus 354 per line of rhymed verse. Card of Thanks; '4.15 min. 25 words plus 64 for ea. additional word. Public Notice; '20. for 3 insertions. Notice to Creditors; '30. for 3 insertions, '25. for 2 insertions, '20. for 1 insertion. Drawer Number; '3. first week, '1. each additional week. Consecutive Insertions; 10% discounts available for word ads running 3 weeks or more with no copy change. Prompt Payment; 50a discount per week for word ads paid in full at time of purchase or within 1 week of insertion. Available only on word ads running 1 or 2 weeks. Display* classified; rates available on request. To place your hard hitting Classified ad PHONE OR VISIT OUR OFFICE: MNDAY m FRIDAY 8:30 AM m 5:00 PM. 524.2614 Address masa correspondence: CLASSIFIED DEPT.. The Godorkh SI42nal- Star, P.O. lox 2242, Industrial Park, Goderlch. N7A 4116 The Woodburner Shop WOODSTOVES & FIREPLA 1 �j INSERTSQQBY r/��, NATOOJ1VTUL neserreesesesemsS ,J SHOWROOM HOURS Tues. to Fri. 6 pm to 9 pm Sat. 10 om to 5 pm or by appointment John and Kathryn Stanbury DUNGAJiNON 529-7949 CONGRATULATIONS TO MRS. RUTH LAMONT N.R. 1 HOLYROOD WINNER OF A 380 LOPI STOVE CALLI 0014TRACT 1. Articles for sole ELECTRIC AIRLESS paint sprayer, only used three times - 524-9053 days, 524-7764 afternoons, 6:00 p.m. Ask for Gord.-45x SET OF Maple bunk beds with mattresses. Good condition. Phone 524-8560 any time. -45x LADIES, red Hudson Bay coat with hood. Nearly new. Two large for odvner. Size 16-18. Also a red coat with black fur lining, wrap around. Would fit anyone 14-16. Excellent condition. Off white with beige undertones, nearly new rug. 12' x 14' ex- cellent quality. Ph. 524-4867.-45,46 QUANTITY new lumber, walnut, ash, pine and cedar. Phone evenings 524.8883.-45x PICK YOUR OWN - !ergo red or white cabbage, 25 cents; Brussel Sprouts, 50 cents per stalk; Kale 40 cents per plant. Cedar trees still available. Red and white potatbes, onions, fall bulbs, and squash. TE -EM FARM, RR 1, Bayfield, Phone 482- 3020.=45ar 6 DRAWER CHEST, vanity - 42" long, ladies 1 length leather coat; 2 AM FM car radios. Phone 524-2730 after 5 p.rq.-45nx SMITH -CORONA typewriter '50.00; Singer elec- tric sewing machine in cabinet '50.00. Philips 12 cup coffee maker '20.00. Phone 524-8944.--45 HOCKEY JACKETS - $16 up. Jerseys - $10 UP. Buy direct from the factory and save! Peter Upton Jacket Works. Toll free 1.800-661-6461 for your free catalogue. -0-43,44,45 SWING-0-MATIC, 2 dozen cloth diapers, diaper pail, baby clothes, toys and many more baby items. Also. wicker cat bed, Docket books. Na- tional Geographics, Chinese wok and many household articles. Wedding gown, shoes and veil. Call 524-2879.--45 WARNING - WAIT. This ad may save your $ Money $ on your next building purchase. Three Quonset buildings available at unbeatable prices. No gimmicks. Call Bob at (416) 486- 5149.-045 HOME VIDEO catalogue. All titles copyrighted. Colourful boxes. Call Toll free 1-800-663-6555 or write On Track Vision, 13381 72nd Ave., Surrey, B.C. V3W 2NR.-045 NEW YORK STYLE EARRING$., Hypoallergenic, fantastic assortment, single carded'. $7.50/Doz. Distributor inquiries welcome. Lake Village Mer- chandising Inc. 3135 Universal Drive, Unit 18, Mississauga, L4X 2E6. (416) 625-8412..-045 TWO NEW glass fireplace doors. 31" x 38" wide, and 28" x 36" wide. Ph. 524-7163.-45 Check us out for your complete PETROLEUM REQUIREMENTS •Best Prices on BULK FUELS & LUBES •Commercial Gas & Diesel '24 HOUR KEY LOCK' Fueling •Largest stock of Automotive and Industrial Lubricants in Western Ontario BROTHER Precision portable sewing machine in carrying case. Seldom used, new condition. 524- 2397.-45 FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING at its Is je 't - The Lighthouse Gift Shop - The Music Box Store with other attractive gifts opposite the bank in Blyth. Open Thursdays 10-3: Fridays 3-6: Saturdays 10- 12 and appointment phone 482-3079.-45x INFANT CAR BED, $25.00; Snuggler baby carrier, $15.00. Phone 524.9484.-45tfnx WOODBURNING stove with double brass doors - glass for viewing. Down draft air supply. Like new. $400.00 or best offer. Ph. 524-4700.-45 GODERICH LIVE BAIT i'as: 4, AND TACKLE WATT •Worms •Minnows •Spawn• Leeches • Crayfish \ 201 Huron Road • CASH or VISA Hwy. 8 by Canadian Tire) 519-524-2360 GODERICH, ONT. 2. Yard Sale SPARE ROOM SALE, Saturday, November 10th, 9 a.m. Household items, tools, musical in- struments, toys, girls clothing 10-14. Yellow house at intersection in Saltford, 2 houses from Saltford Hall. -45 5. Cars for sale 1978 MUSTANG. 4 cylinder, auto. New paint, ex- cellent condition. $3,150 certified. Phone 524- 2034. -44,45x 24- 2034. -44,45x 1978 FORD VAN. V8, automatic, good condition, $3500.00. Phone 529-7930.-45x 1977 FORD GRANADA. 3 speed with overdrive, as is. Asking 5800.00. Phone 524-4593 after 4 p.m. -45 WINTER CAR, 1975 Dodge Valiant, with snow tires, new exhaust, Best offer. Ph. 524-4700.-45 6. Trucks for sale 1981 FORD half -ton. New topper. Excellent shape, low mileage, Certified or as is. Call 524- 8725 after 5 p.m. -45.46 1. Articles for sale 5. Cars for sale 75 POLICE CARS, TRUCKS, VANS STATION WAGONS AND 4 X 4°a 221980-83 Fords, Chevs, Plymouths 101978-82 Aspens, Volares Fairmonts; 6 cyl. 5 1978-81 Station Wagons 41978 Suburbans and Vans with seats 1 1978 Ram Charger 4 X 4 11976Chev %ton4X4 1977 Ford 3/4 ton 4 X 4 with plow 14 1977-80 1/2 & 3/4 ton pickups & crewcabs 1 1976 GMC 1 ton wrecker 7 1974-78 1-4 ton cab & chassis and dumps 1 3 axle tag -along trailer 8 Van bodies and utility bodies MIGHTON'S CAR SALES 6 Miles East of Hanover on Hwy. 4 or 4 Mlles West of Durham on Hwy. 4 Phone 1-369-3136 A D 16. for rent MOTORIZED WOODSPLITTER for.rin„t, $30.00 per day plus deposit. Phone 524-4877 after 6 p.m.-33tfnx FARM FOR RENT - Cash Crop Farm fbr rent. Phone 524-7560.-15 give yourself a lift In one of our fine cars $21 ?� vans 2 1 trucks prkgs start at •weekly & weekend rates available •20' van truck available INCLUDING FREE 100 KM ,4,12' van truck t available oli 24-841 TRICKLAND 334 HURON RD., GODERICH 9. Automotive looking for a quality muffler at an economy Maybe your car is still great transportation. But not worth Investing much money in for a new muffler. Well, Walker's Royal Scot is your answer. Top quality yes. Expensive, no. Plus, there's a Royal Scot to fit most cars on the road today Rugged unitized construction for strength ...designed for positive sound control and long life. Don't look any further ... see us soon for a free exhaust system inspection. Walker mufflers and pipes Installed by: .v440.4 S NISSAN GODERICH AUTO SALES & SERVICE 261 layneid Rd., Goderkh 524-2131 ASK ABOUT OUR LIFETIME GUARANTEE! vimAVsrC +.AsrC+2Asr ►sC+ >►rlWst'CQf ►rC+iS?srC�I►�►�sr , UNIQUE CORPORATIE GIFTS CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FOR BUSINESS ASSOCIATES, IMPORTANT CLIENTS, EMPLOYEES. We've got some great ideas to help you out! LINDT CHOCOLATES FROM SWITZERLAND....from 4.99 DOWNEY'S ORIGINAL IRISH WHISKEY OR CHOCOLATE BRANDY CAKE a THREE POUNDS OF PURE PLEASURE.... 31.25 to 38.95 CALL OUR CHRISTMAS HOT LINE q FOR MORE GOOD IDEAS -524-.7241 10. Pefs for sale GERMAN Shepherd Pups for sole . Auburn 526- 7230.-45nx FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do It yourself with Deep Steam Extraction BLUEWATER CLEANERS 524-6231 17. Apartments for rent TWO BEDROOM apartment available December 1st at 154 Nelson St. E., Goderich. Phone 524- 6554.-45tf TWO BEDROOM apartment, ground floor, near Square, available December 1st. Phone 524- 2004, after 5:00 p. m.-45tf L18. Houses for rent DUPLEX, private entrance, stove and fridge in- cluded. Immediate possession. Central locations 524-8480.-41,42,43,44,45 SALTFORD, large lot, river view, 3 bedrooms, well insulated house, $250.00 per month, plus utilities. Phone 524-2904.-45,46 FOUR BEDROOM well insulated Bavarian style 11/2 miles East of Dungannon. Phone 529- 7060.-45 11. Livestock for sale REGISTERED Palomino, American saddle bred gelding, fryears old. Has great show poten- tial, well mo?9'l red. Must sell. 482-3947 after 6 p.m. -45x FOUR SEASONS FARMS has a large selection of quality plus bred gilts due immediately. For your replacement needs call us first. Ron Burgsma 529-7704 business or 529-7697 residence. -45,47,49,51 19. Rooms for rent 12. Real estate for sale PT. CLARK - 4 bedroom, 2288 square feet, all aluminum, bungalow, work kitchen with dining area, dining room, living room, rec room, 4 pc. and 3 pc. baths, laundry room, 8' x 12' storage shed,- 70' x 150' landscaped corner lot. $63,000.00. (3 bedroom, 1184 square feet, frame bungalow, country kitchen, living room, 4 pc. both, laundry -boot room, 66 x 190' landscaped lot, 542,000.00.) Both houses all redecorated and located close to kid's tennis park and beach. All reasonable offers considered. Phone 395-5454 even ings.-43tf HOUSE FOR SALE. Auburn. Private terms. Ex- cellent starter, or retirement house. Sell as is, or with woodworking shop, or renovute to suit. 1- 526-7254 any time. -45x LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room equipped with stove, fridge„ TV etc., close to Square. Phone 524-/51'6.45 23. Commercial property for rent FOR RENT - office space at 58 Elgin Avenue East Telephone 524-9372.-51 tf 24. Wanted to rent FARM HOUSE in Goderich or Clinton area. Phone Peter Bachmann collect 1-416-832-2761 weekdays 9 a. m. to 4:30 p.m. -291f WANTED: House to rent. Reasonable price, in Goderich. Phone 524-2002 after 5 p.m.- 5tfnx APARTMENT, 3 or 4 rooms with private bath on ground floor, for one senior citizen. Phone 524- 9993.-45x, 46,47 GARAGE, shed or space available for wood- working hobby. Preferably heated and centrally located. Ph. 524-2280.-45x 25. Wanted to buy WANTED TO BUY a cottage on the waterfront between Bayfield and Goderich. Write Wayne McMichael, 929 Hemlock Ste, Sarnia, Ont. N75 1K1, or phone 1-337-3144.- 44,45,46,47 26. Help wanted TRUCKING CAREER. Become a professional transport driver. Contoct Mery Orr s, Kingston (613)549-3914; Toronto (416)251.9073; Ottawa (613)523-3489; London (519)432-1726; North Boy (705)472.2910; Thunder Bay (807)623-8686; Sault Ste. Marie (705)759-0177; Cambridge (519)623- 2430; Sudbury (705)560-3351. Member B.B.B.-0- 30tf BOYS OR GIRLS wanted for morning paper route in Goderich. If interested, please call collect 271- 6392.--45 HOUSECLEANER - for Goderich area home. So- meone who's capable, careful, and competent. Car required, as are references. Apply to Drawer No. 109, c/o Goderich Signal -Star, P.O. Box 220, Goderich, N7A 486.-44,45 BABYSITTER wanted in my home to look after eight-year-old boy after school. Phone 524-7632 any time.-44,45nx GET IN ON SOMETHING 110 FULL OR PART-TIME, business is good! We need honest, sincere sales people to join us now and stay a long time. Don't worry about experiences. We will show you how to be successful and receive rapid promotion. You will earn while you learn and receive Trainitlg )Allowance plus com- mission weekly, plus cash bonuses for extra par- ticipation. This is pleasant dignified work. Apply in person to Ed Bauer at the Cedar Lodge Motel, Goderich on Wednesday, November 14th at 2 p.m. or 7 p.m. sharp.-45ar NEW COUPLE moving to town require a respon- sive, reliable person to care for their 1 yr. old. Hours are 7-3:30 p.m. 4 days a week. Would prefer person to come to our home in the Huron Rd. area. Please call 1-526-7296 after 3:30. References Please. -45,46 QUALIFIED DEALERS: 1867 Confederotion Log Homes require additional dealers, highest com- missions paid. Contact Mike Murphy, Box 9, Bob- coygeon, Ontario. KOM 1AO, (705) 738-4131.-0- 45 mmarnxvw�,,..._.n„mn,manc+»mraw --