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Exeter Times, 1915-8-12, Page 1
Worry-SEcoND YEAR— N 2222 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 12th, 1915 'wA.a:a,:.,suucrpa,: t Wan 4 rt PHONE 32 LBW Vl JONES .AND MAY PHONE 32' Wirt COATS OR LADIES, IS ES: AIND CHILDREN N 1 JUST ARRIrED` 50 Brand New Winter Coats In the seasons most stylish makes'and fashionable cloths Ladies Fleavy Cloths in all the popular shades; Navy, Cadet, green, grey, brown in tn $20. and mixed colors BLACK COATS n Plush, Baby Lamb, Persian Lambkin, Caricul Cord and Kersey, The Prices are .... 1 U to g CHILDREN'S DRESSES Always hard to get a good assortment. We can show you a first- class lot (of cloths and styles that will be hard to beat. Navy Royal, Cadet, Grey and Fancy Tweeds .in thel'at= `= est. styles for Little Folk. N; . two ladies' garment? alske This is the secret of our `success. ALL SUMMER GOODS To Go 25c to 5oc Wash Goods all to goatlgcyd. White Waists for 50c,: 75c and 98c each. 15c and 20c Wash Goods a,ll to go -for lot yci. .r DRESSES Childs' Dresses Girls° Dresses. Ladies' Dresses • ..•49c ....59c 79C, JONES AND MAY QUALITY 6001308- USE 'Plllrnouth Bin 1 r Twinos .Plymouth Special; 500 ft.-9.1.or. Salmon Tag, 550 feet -9 3-4c a lb Silver Sheaf, 600 feet— 11c a ib. Gold Medal, 650 feet 14 cts lb. These Twines are made in the largest Twine Factory in Canada. How is Your Hay Fork Rope ? We can supply you with PLYMOUTH GOLD MEDAL ROPE e. 18 CENTS A POUND Tinsmithin _and Plumbing g e us Estimate on Your Eavetrougbiug. Furnace work and Plumbing ' Heamans Hardware . PHONE ardware 27 A w andStove St e Store PHONE 27 B DIED i3LARX --At 'Verna, a,. on July 30th. Uiriliir:m Clark, aged 73 sears and 2 months. •,OHA.NA'HAN-.Th Clinton on .juts 30th Sarah Salvage, widow et. the late , Daniel Shanahan, aged 77 sear9. .,, Fisher, Gdl' ESI " r$lla e " :and S Mi.. Mr e. have .returns'' to their erne after holideeiag with the for- kner s parents, .l dr. and 'Ori, ;W,f obot,, Patriotic League Notes The (following contributions have been received since last acknowledge* recut:. Mr, Geo. Hawkins, Raj• $L00 (Mr. T, Sweet .1.00 Mrs. J. 'Johns d4Xrs, 100 'Jas. Stewart 1100 Patriotic. )Col. 1iiviltt 'Men ial slc xtcr church 20,50 Mrs. John Wood , .4,00 II. Walters ! 9,0,0 ; llxr, 04.• XI., §AP. gt Usborne Council Council met at Township Hall, Aug. 7th. All the members were present. The minutes of the last meeting were. read and approved. The following rates were levied for the current 3ear•: Counts tate 2.125 mills Provincial War Tax L mill Township rate .. ,., 1.5 mills General school rate 1.125 mills Total 5.75 mills The 'bridge on Con. 0 & 7, wars in- spected and approved; t he contractor to do a little more finishing and ,clear the 'watercourse of obstructions, A ,numberof accounts were passed and 'orders issued in pa3ment. Council adjourned to meet Sept. 4th at one o'clock. I+, Morles,.Clerk. APPRECIA:TION`) To the Editor of the Times Deer Sir, -=Will sou' kindle give me a little space in which to,tbank those> who so freely gave us of ,their time in order to make the Patriotic ,con-' siert a success. First, I wish the band to .accept our heartiest :thanks for the magnificent rendering of those 'Patriotic airs wh:bh were 'lis- tened to with delight be all. ;We .al- to give our sincere thanks to the gen- tlemen :who erected the ,booths 'sand in various wa,s s made the work oi' the ladies light. The Tableau given be the 3oung ladies was certainly beau- tiful, and brought, in to very realis- tic way, the situation of Great Bri- tain and her Allies before' the people,. The ''e oung ladies will kindly accept our .congratulations and thnkns. We must !also thank all who sent in the various articles of fond, thereb3 en- abling the ladies to serve such de- licious :menus. The committee o" management give ..herr heartiest thanks to all the ladies who took an active part in catering to ,the public Finalle X must say, we are greatly cheered and encouraged bs.the very large land appreciative audfenoes who in ;no stinted measure voiced thein delight ::and approval. Mrs. Ilenr3 .blooper, President. Women troubl el with constipation. to ,d .rlie far superior o find.Iteral' Or s 1 p don harsh , :%wc ` oi 1 the usunl" s les N. S, 1001.00 The ite:'rall 5totp, 10c,, 5Co, and 55004 !boxes•,, . ;_, t.161 37.:., el, Fifty -Four Rinks have Entered Bowlers' Tournament amiin9 taktpi3'9,`'s?°;:}i sy. is metol ; !'?.ammool!'.YB:r em gyva'c.',le reit_ MlWrw tm" u P't1aIOUS i''L• Y.ERS VIVA SERVICE, E, l.l '.ti en...nnr a rn x=ee«rraz7: raraeyaws.an oltiti wrw itivamwm lniami x ue.X.X.• .401 cwmwer This Grunt P ct1' w { #$ mom till'. Agit ie The ¶fifth annual bowling touran- tnent of the Exeter Bowling Club opened Wednesday morning with 'a record entry of fifty-four rinks% Forts -five entries have been 'made from outside points. '1'bi:' bowler4 got off to a good start fine weather pre- vailing. For three dints ;he town will be in possession of the I'titte chesere and we extend theta 'a-clew/if: and hope their sojourn .may be a pleasant ore. Some of the rinks bane alreade met their :t fate in the firstevent. A !full ,report will be give/), next weep. 1Fnllowing was the drawee Exeter 'Atsviaocl G, detsou H. Porter r. ExeterAn'Clinton Bev, t7.'W.r Collins John ? adiger Atwood c Gi Meson 'J. 1L R tcliffe C. ?1I .1V ebb Goderich Exeter Adr. Monter R„ 'A' ;Creech Seaforth •God' rich U. E. Bright Fred Davis Seaforth Atwood.j, IL Taman, Geo, Ictiugheed Ilarrietsville Hensel' Ed. Paces r Geo 'gase Forest ;itrathio3 J. W. Gordon A. Malone Rens ill St 'elar3 s Grans Harr3 Arnold L, . Bartstone Stra throe ;I.3 cell ix Glencleieenieg . _^_ : It ige ides Goderich W. J. Nesbitt ,Clinton C. E. Dowding Exeter II. 3. 'White Seaforth J. M. Best Lon. Rowing Ashpiant Goderich C. H. Humber Dashwood Jonas 'Itartieib /313th Dr. McTaggart •Seaforth Dr. Grieves Parkhill A. 'E. Benh'tm Atwood Wm. Ross Forest Frank Ross • First Parkhill H. N. Punter Exeter R. G. Seldon. Strathros L, I:l:, Dampier Exeter C. B. Snell Blitch:11 'W.ElUott Seaforth W, Ament ' Ingersol1 C. IL Summer I3•ensall Fred Bushhs Granton D. ltowcliffi Exeter Writ. Blatchrord Lon. Thietle:; A. A. Langford 3Litchel 1. 31. Durkin Round Mitchell Dashwood • Dr. ,Maier D. Tien: in St. ,Mares Lon. h.sties • It. 3I. Northgraves Ctl3. Laur Exeter ` St. :tares Gran. W. ;Q. Lovell Lona Rowing Tom; Loveless Norwich Reg :Elliott N. D. Burdon Exeter E. W. ,Gtadrnan Lon. Thistles A:. M.. freeman f6 Festival of Nation A Success One of the most sucee:sful enter- ( tiainments held in Exeter for some time was the "Festival of Nations" given be the Ladies of the Patriotic League in Leavitt's rink on Fridae evening last. The da3 was very disagreeable. A heave downpour of rain kept up most of the day and quite a lot of water found its was into the rink making the ground .wet and imudd3 in places. The rain, clear- ed off in the evening and a largo number of citizens turned out for;the occasion. As Sou entered the rink to the left was a booth representing Great Bri- tain. The ladies were attired in na- tional costume and served, ice cream and cake. With the exception of Japan all the booths 'were decorated with red white and ;blue bunting and with flags rep- resenting the nations. ,japan, was decorated with leaves end pink flow - ens. The booths and decorations' made a vers picturesque scene. The booth of Prance sold sandwich- es and coffee; Belgium and Servia doughnuts and buttermilk; :tale pea ruts, popcorn, etc., Russia,; ice cream; Japan, tea and biscuits; and Canada home-made 'cand3, The booths .d. d a good :business all -evening. A fishing pond was alio well patronized. • Lalla•Baba. one of our 3oung •men dressed es a°fortune teller, did a good'b•usiness all evening. One of the interesting features was a series of tableaus put on 'b3 the eoung ladies of town, The Citizen's Band was present and added greati3 to the entertain- ment by their excellent selections. Just: 'at the close of the evening the ladies in costume held a grand: march presenting a vera fine spec- tacle.. During the evening the Scout Hus- tlers Sunday school class of Main .St. presented to Reeve Te31or ;a very fine 'Union Jack to he floated from the . pole of. the writer tower to,. re- place the one that has been torn io shreds 113 the elements. In very ,be- fitting words the Reeve thanked 'the class. As the wet weather bad kept. a rumba`s from attendiag it was decided to hold the entertainment attain on staturda3 evening when it was . well pnt7onized. The proceeds antaunte*d to $368,75 and after expenses are paid the eoci.ets will 'huge a twat surplus, ----+--'--- Miss Irene Handford, daughter of Mr. and : Mrs. T. E. Handford, 'of In- gersoll, and formerly of Exeter, leaves this week' for France where she will be engaged as a Red Cross nurse: Miss Handford left Exeter several sears ago for NeW York to tele a course in training inone of 'the hos- pitals ,there, graduating• about two years ago. Since that time the has been nursing in New York. Shortly after war broke out Miss Hand f ord Europe 1 .a 1 GatiOn to o t o as a mde z r~ lila Red 'Cross nurse but there 'worn_ two 1tlrnusand applications ahead of her. She has at last been accepted and ex- pecte. ;ten •shortly to sail for France EXETER COUNCIL DONATES A alAGH1NB GUN. At a special meeting of the Exeter council last week a grant of $1000 eels given for the purchase of a ma- chine gun for use of the overseas for- ces. Reeve J. W. Tailor wired the mil- itia department to inctuitre in what was Exeter could most effectually help in arming the overseas forces.. The following reply VMS received v 3. W. Tailor - Exeter Government 'rill grate tu11) accept gift of machine gun. Lewis rnachi'ne gun, costing one thousand dollars only 1 one available. Purchase of gun for presentation to overseas forces can, be arranged through this department. Please aonve3 to citizens of Exeter appreciation of 'Government for their. Patriotic spirt James A. Loughead .Acting Minister. CiosCi wItvizarthn o2 ;sii20O,OO{! to Ikroduee and :toot: alk;nionti:E' Worhullii%Gitc 3 work ki,,;usn,- plete, BIOGEKE IPE A:TtIL0 ,eyes eat acro©:e the Atlantic Admission iOc and 15c Wednesday and Thursday, August 1 tth and lwth Dome ' iientre rf. c e m pssm^ 11 f. aMIRM =s a u THE EXETE] BA,R&AIN STORE Pesti:r. a `r<i%.:rG . .cpae... ab::<:i r r! rl . isE: :teeMe.A' . ..°.:.C.:. 41! 1; Ode 4y? 4r, 4pe A/,a a,AD els CAr few dT" ¥1,' (IN 4,A14/,l 47,2,.47,:v I,a 4;At, 4k. ) E x, Clearing all broken lines atprices that Will surprise Ua will buy any pair in our South Nlirindfxx $1 00 ----watch 3t1 0c A PAIR will give you a choice from a 'lou on the First Table insade. still buv you a pair of Men's Tan $5.00 $3 075Shoes frons. a Table at the Back of stere $2.25 o $3,00 will buya palr O dltl 1fen s Heavy Shoes, which are extra value. B. W. F. BEAVERS Accordingl3 the council .took im- Mediate action and passed the amount' ***tea* a....0os. nt:eessar3 to make the gift. The ac- tion has the hearty endorsation of the business men and the great ma- jorit3 of our citizens. woit'Ia Y A VISIT The poultry farm of Mr. Jar. Grieve of town is a very inferesttng sight these d t3 s and has been a resort Lor tua:n3 Visitors during the past season. Mr. Grieve seems attached to the white breeds and his large Doak make breeders will remember hie prize-win- ning White Rocks, but at present he is handling the White W3andottes and White Leghorns. I3'e has met with excellent success this summer;. While a number of breeders have lost a larger percentage of their 'chicks this year than other years owing to the 'cold wet weather Mr. Grieve has been 've3 fortunate with his flock, At present he bas .etno 800 chickr,nL Tiles were all raised on a free range of two acres seeded ,down \lab oats and clover. Besides this Mr. Grieve has raised ,corn, mangeolde and pota- toes for winter feed. Ile has recent- 13 erected 40 feet additional to t:bo mein bi.ilding, m'akitng it ,now 100 ft., long be 20 feet Besides tiai•s building is the storehouse and s vc til smaller buildings, The first chickens raised in the erring are now about full drown and will no doubt be laying in a vera short time, He hale some ex- cellent stratus, , ome o. his ;tock ,coyer ing tram some of th hest Voultr3' breeders in the provino,i. Wath his most up-to-dtt btril'iugs and his long experience the ealaeriment .l stage is passed and the success 01 big ,under4 taking is practica113 aseur'red., Mr. L. Blatchford was in London• this •week. •- • Rev. Dr. Crews, of Woodstocke oe- cupid' thea pulpit of the Mehr Street Methodist hodist G ntCY hest Stabs fh awl preached two erre able sermons. . Dr.r. Crews, swil' and datighten are e the enests of Rot'. S, W. and Mrs. Mux- w'orthe !tt Gra,nr1 I3cndk i •• •• • ate • • • i. • • •••• • • SUMMER EEP • _ • ?iNDwRW ,AR (' t L. 1 •• • "ARROW SIHRTS AND COI.x.ARS14 •• w Always Make a'Alan .F eel Dressed. Let us Show "ou • • • See Our Nifty Knit Ties • • This Seasons STRAW RATS" are Very]Matt and • y • Becoming.' We Carry the Leaders. ••• • Ordered Clothing, Ready -to- Wear Clothing, Surr,r • • Suits, Funnel Trousers, Odd Pants, Overalls, etc, • •• • •4r0e•$G''•4•d 4104Td!•004t"r'edele(e0e`?:nte iefeeeeeFi Are repal With an Exceptionally Fine Line cf Summer Goods for Men. .A:' En Peed of Any New Clothing ori Furnishings, For Correct Styles for Dressy Men, We Can Meet Your Requirements. ? 1 OUR HOT WEATHER UNDERWEAR e w TAMA PHONE 81 a 4,70 .040 f: • • • 4.