HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-8-5, Page 8THE EXETER t[Ma bLarket Report.—The following is the -report of the 'Exete>r market ctarreated up to Auauet 4th. RESt LVCdr' THAT IT DOES N T MATTER HOW HOT TOE WEATHER MAYBE le ARE THERE WITH TuE VALUES. S, FOR., WHEN'WE BUY THE_ Coot cY CAPS OUR, PATTRP ! =3 © 191 .� YES, YES, or COURSE IT'S HOT, BUT TH REMEMBER WHAT TIME of THE YEAR IT I YoU SEE WE ARE NoT LETTING IT DISTUR US. WE WILL RECEIVE YoU WITH POLITE- NESS, AND WILL GIVE YoU EVERY ATTEN- TIoN AND THE BEST of WELCOMES. IT'S HoT ALL RIGHT; THAT MAY EFFECT THE PRICE ,or ICE, BUT OUR GooD, HONEST GooDS WERE MARKED AT AN HONEST, FAIR PRICE IN THE FIRST PLACE. WE ARE KEEPING CooL, BE- CAUSE WE'VE GOT THINGS RIGHT, BEST GooDS FoR THE FAIREST PRICE. WHITE SKIRTS A few white skirts in good styles made from repps and piques. Reg- ular $2, $2,50 and $3 values, Special Clearing Price $1,50. MEN'S RAINCOATS These Raincoats are absolutely rainproof. Made good and roomy and will stand lots of hard wear, all sizes at $4.25. RAIN OR DUST COATS FOR WOMEN Made of fine mererized repp, which will keep out the rain and also make a. fine dust coat, colors are black, grey, green and blue, Extra $7.50. STANDARD. PATTERNS We stock Standard Patterns and we want our many customers and friends to remember that in future they can always get than at this store Call each month and get a Fashion Sheet. GIRLS PRINT DRESSES These dresses are worth 60c to 75c, but they are underpriced for quick selling, sizes 8, 10 and 12 yrs„ any size 4Sc. 40 PIECE MOSS ROSE TEA SET The last Tea Set we can get in this patterr. Splendid quality of fine china, with pretty moss rose pattern, only one set to sell, 40 piece $6.00. LACE CURTAINS Ptetty Lace Curtains, 24 yards long of fine Nottingham lace with neat pattern in centre, ani heavy border, special at per pair $1.00. CHINA CUPS AND SAUCERS Scarcely two of them alike. Very fine quality of English China in. new and neat decorations, 35c each or 6 for $1.50. TAPESTRY AND VELVET RUGS Rugs of all kinds have advancers 25 per cent. We are fortunate to have a good supply at old prices, Extra values in large sizes. NEW BRASS GOODS Brass crumb trays $2. Brass candle sticks per pair $1. Trays with handles $2 50: Many other articles of .solid brassware, that have just been placed in stock. Non" This This Store closes every TsuRSDAY AFTERNoov at 12.30 during the months of July and August. J.A. STEWART PHONE 16 Notice of Closing We the undersigned merchants of the Village of Exeter agree to close our places of ,business at the hour of half past twelve o'clock on Thursday afternoons during hhe ,months of Ju15 and August. J. A. Stewart S. Martin. & So> F. M. Boyle W. J. Beer Lawson. & Trick H. Spackman J. Grigg E. A. Folllck A. E. Moore T. H was, & Son itton xeter Times Ptg Co; R. W. E. Bleavers F. E. W ill1s I?. Frayne J, Senior W W. Taman T. ed '& May: Our Duty to the Blind 'Wheat $1,00 Barley tire, Oats '5c • Buckwheat 65e.• Peas $L00 b` Faour 43.30, 'LJ G.1 Low Grade Flour $1,90 Bran $23.00 per ton i Shorts $0.00 per "toxo • • Sugar Beet pulp $27,00 per ton. Butter 2a to 24 Creamery butter 27 to 20e. Eggs 11+ and 1.9c ,Potatoes 33 to coo. " Hogs, $8.30 t , Young chicken 2 lb, 14o • Old Hens 9cr1 Old Roosters 70 1 , . L I Young Ducks 4 lb. 10o •Ducks 9c • • LOCAL • i ♦*iii.*♦ ' ♦ON+O• he Ladies of the Exeter Patriotic League will give a';grand entertains :resent "Festival of Nations" in the Dome '.Rink on Friday' Angust 6th. Refreshments ,will be served at booths representing the different nations by ladies in national costume, Ta.bleux representing Britain and her allies. Music by the 'Citizen's Band, one :feature of which will be the ren- dering of the nationat airs of the _M- lles Finale, Grand March by a$1 in costume. Admission 25 and. 10c, From Vienna, from Paris and from Montreal come reports of arrange- ments that have been made for the as- sistance and instructian of soldiers blinded is the war. The French re- port states that a larger proportion of the combatants have been, and will be, made blind in this war, on account of the difference in weapons and in the character of the fighting. Ontario has provided amply for the instruc- tion of blind children, but has not been a Ieader in provision for amelior- ating the condition off the adult; blind. With the added claims of the soldiers who will en -le home from Europe tlese, action in this matter cannot ng delayed. Our blind soldiers fellow citizens must not be left to ar out their lives in idleness and ow, when timely aid and proper ruction can enable them to resume r planes as useful members of the munity. The Ontario School for Blind at Brantford is mentioned the education of children whose ht is so defective that they cannot taught in the regular public .hools. Thin School is not intended or adults, and it cannot do what is .equired for the class above referred , without reducing, if not destroy - .ng, its efficiency as an instructor of the young. Bona fide residents of Ontario, between the ages of seven and twenty-one, who cannotsee to read ordinary type without Injury, are admitted to the School without charge for hoard, tuition or books. Applications should be made to the Principal, H. F. (4ardiner, Brantford, ri', time to have all arrangements com- pleted before the opening' of the ses- sion in September. of tin - list at ust, Von,. es to have acted a,c- 1. "1910. Xtexall Orderlies a ,Gree ;from harsh drugs 'land a the nicest ,Iaxa= tive for children Sold on :•-0* W. S. 'Cole, the Hex 1 bre lie. 2zie„ : x '& 50c; g rst -- Holiday s over half gone. Gar,'ada enters her second year of the war. Mrs. E. D3 er, of Erantford, is vis- iting her lather -in-law, Mr. A. G. Dy er. The boys sa%ho were camping at Grand 'fiend for a week returned home last Saturday. Masters Charlie and Ernie Prout are spending their vacation with rel- atives in Port Huron, Mrs, W. S. Cole and son, Harry, re- turned home Monday atfter spending several :weeks in Lucan, _lir. and Mrs. `.Conelinson and son, end Miss Lizzie 1 ra3ne spent Sunday and Monday with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. 12, Hueston, or London spent Sunday and Monday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jap,. Tay for. Mr. rand Mrs. Wallace Fisher, of Peterborough, are hotidayieg with the former's paret:ts, Mr. and Mrs. Win: Fisher. Mrs. Jas. Stanley and two children, of Winnipeg, who have been, visiting the : ormer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. McLaughlin, belt Tuesday for their home, Will C. Cook, lance -corporal Royal Canadian Engineers, a former liensall resident, ivho has been lighting in. France far some months, is reported wounded. Tsesa ! kle 1 Orderlies e hes 'for Chronic, , CEmsUpati.on ; they are gentle Ira ace tion, mild and natural. Sold only bn W. S. Cole, the ilexalb Store, 10e, 25e. and 50c, boxes,. A ,gentleman who was visiting sown during the past wieek enjoy ed a trip through this section in his auto and remarked that the bad motored over 7,000 miles but that the ,road, in this locality were the best he had travelled over, isborne Voters' List— The voters' list of the township of Usborne. has been posted in the Clerk's office. Ir contains the names of 739 voters; 559 of ,whom are entitled to vote at both parliamentary and municipal elections 119 at municipal elections on15 and 91 at parliamentary elections onlya 358 are qualifir:d to serve as jurors. Exeter Voters' List—The voters' !iast.for Exeter nas been posted up xn the Clerk's office and contains the Lollow•iag information. Total number of voters 643. Of these 420 are en titled to vote at political and mon•. cipal elections ; 164 at municipal elec- tions 01113 and; 59 at political,el ectiors only. There are 283 eligible td serve es jurors. On Saturday last the new ,prices tor .ford cars were announced,: Or. Monday deliveries were made or the ears which had been sold at thg new prices and about fairy autos passed through town during the day for points north. It was aneounced that there would be no (bonus to .Ford pur- chasers as the number sold, had reach- ed only a Iittle over 17,000. Mr. P. Philips left here last ,Tues- da3 for a months' vacation during which tie expects Co visit Toronto, Ot- taws and Montreal. In Montreal or Toronto he intends to try the Practi- cal and remaining part. of the exam for the Licentiaty. r' tree of. the L.toyat Acadcm3 of Music, which is the high- est in the academy and no,outside co.- lege o-lege 'has nay greater. During• his ab- sence Miss McFaul will preside at, the, organ of the James street ivlet,hodist church. The following statement has been issued by the Ontario millers through the Board of Trade at Toronto "On account of the heavy losses sustained by millers during the past year , on flour ,made from wheat togged with smut (or containing soul' balls, wheat of 'this description will tardy 'be ,sale able for feed, svhicb means it will be worth 10c to iSa pt,r bushel less than No, 2, Lail. Grain dealers should mote this careLully to avoid heavy losses. An3 J'armer who ,sows his 'seed without lla°st creating it is not onJ.3 injuring himself, but giving the Pro- vince a bad name. Mr. John Giltillan, Woodside Vann, E.izklou. Jett; on Monday in, company with his brother-in-law, Rev., Dr. J, A. Turx.buJI, of Toronto, on a trip to tllilnforniat They will go by way of the 'Canadian, West and, the Eoc.ies, visiting Me, G:,1lillan's son, at Win- nipeg, and stopping off at other points along the was. From Portland Oregon, thes will proceed to San Erancisco, b3 boat. Mr. Gilfillan w;11 visit his daughter, Mrs. J. ,H. Clarke, at San Francisco and will attend both of ;the Oalifornia.Jdrpositions. The at - Om journey will be made via St. Louis and Chicago, They expect to reach home some time bttfore the lend l.x. a 1� a of September;•-Stt Mona Journ'alc Miss Effie Treble visited hi London this .week, Mrs. L. Heideman is visiting with relatives in Berlin. Miss Jean Murray is vils,ting with relatives tri • Toronto. Miss Ida Armstrong is visiting with relatives in Goderieh. .ilfiss Sarah Sweet returned to Tor- onto. 'I1londay morniugi. Bliss P.arsong, or London, is visi,tint her sister, Mrs, 1L,. Het wood„ Mrs, D. Ross is ;visiti•,ng with Xe1- atives and 'friends in town: Miss Laura EIarvey has xeturued at - ter holidaying at Grand, Bead. 'Rev, S. W., Muxworth3 and .family are holidaying at Grand Bend, Mr. I1s. Hooper, oC London, spent the S.v.eek seed. at his. home here.. Mc. A. Hastings visited h;p brother at Crosshill during the past wec.k, Mre Chester Ilarvey is holidaying for a couple of weeks at Grand Bend. Some fins new benches and seats have been provided for Victoria park, Bir, 'Gifford Ring, of Toronto, is visiting at the home of Mr. E. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. 3„ M. Flynn, o1 Staf- fa .pert Sunday in town with relax tives, Mr. Will Heideman has returned to Toronto after 'holid'a3ing at his home here. Miss Ethel Braithwaite., of London, is visiting her grandmother, Airs. (•G. Piper, Misses Dorothy kind Veda Gleeb, 'of London, are visiting Mr. ar:d Mrs. W. Sweet. Misses Muriel and 14Varion Bassett, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Irwin of Norwich,. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Spackman and two children, of Guelph, are holiday- ing, in ,town. Mrs. Rd. Treble and Mrs; George, Brownlee spent a couple of days in London last week. Onion growers have started to pull their crops. The crop this year is just an average one. Miss Case 'and Miss Margaret Case, of Toronto. are visiting with relatives and friends in towa. Mrs. M. Sheers: and son Frank re- turned Saturday after spending a week at Lansing, Mich. Six rinks of bowlers 'vent to Clin- ton last Thursday and were defeated b3 the Clinton kitty chasers. Mr. Geo. Thomas and Mts. Pearson, of London spent Sunday and Monday with relatives in town and at Zion. Mr. 'Nelson Sheere. who has spent the past few months in Galt rea turned to town bast Saturday ''"' i i. Mrs. N. Creech and Mrs. Oxtaby' have returned to Brantford after vis- iting relatives Find friends in Exeter. A petition has been circulated re- questing that Thursday, August 12th be proclaimed as Exeter's Civic holi- days, Mrs. Wm. Foster and two children Harold and Dorothy, of Toronto, are guests at the, home.of Mr. Jas. Hand-, t` rd o . The Citizens Band gave a vers an jo3abie band concert on Mr. M. Amy's lawn. Exeter North, a. last Friths cvenine Miss Laura Campbell, of Detroit, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs: T. 0. Southcott for a few days during the past week. • - Mrs. .Grieve and son Latimer, Mrs, W. Snell, and Miss Johnston have. re- turned after spending two wanks at Grand( Bend. Mrs. Griffiths and child. of Toronto who have been visiting at the .home of Mr. Jas. Handford, returned to Toronto last Week. • ; Monda3 being Lond'ou's .Civic Roli- da;, Seven coaches were ,required to couve3 the passengers up the London, Huron and Bruce. This is the time of the dear that sou want the very best brad that can be had. Use Model Flour and se- cure those results. r 'hos. Harvey has purchased a new Ford auto for his son Ern, to bo used os the road in ..connection with Harvey •Bros. mill. Mr. H, 0. Southcott and friend Mr. S. Crawford. returned to Toronto Dlonda3 after visiting the former's mother at Grand Bend. Mrs. E. Howard, of London, is vis- iting with relatives in town. .{cnsr;..' Lionel and Roy Howard. also of Lon- don, spent the, week end 'here. Mr. J. Elston. of town, avaa in Hers- salt errsail ;for a few flats ;.insisting in re- 'fitting '3. Urquhart's oatmeal mill, wh.lah is ('gain. to be pur iia operation, An urgent appeal has been made' through the press for old razors for the boys over the sea. The svar of- fice will receive all and any old raz- ors Land will send the same ito Shell field to be regtround: No razor is too old. Leave your old razor )with the Patriotic League and they will be forwarded to the ;wiar (sffice. Officers Installed— The installation of the officers of the h O. 0. F. for the current term took place Tuesday evening by Past D. D. G. M. Bro. W. Afurray, and were as follows ; J. • P. G,. Bro. W. 13,radt ; N. G. I3ro` J M Southcott ; . V. G,, Bro. "L. ,Wilson; Rec. Secy., Bro. it, N. Creech; Secy., Bro. W. Johns ; 'Treas., ; j.3_ro, B. 51. Dignan ; lt, S. N. G,.; Bro ',W Martin ; ,L S 1Y G., Aro, E. °llowaid; War., Bro. C. McLeod ;Con•., .Croi A. Penhale ; Chaplain; Bro, F. Triebner; I, G,, Bro, . Rivera.; 0 G Bro W Kidd ; t't. b. V. G., Bro; 0 Atkinson;. L S V ,G., Taro. 11., Smith; Ei,. 5. , Bro„ 11. Wand; T, 5 b.. Jiro. 1., blas- kervillec Mr. Statham, of Acton', is visiting at the home of hie sari, Nm,• Mrs, X. Johns is :visiting her daughter, Mrs. Gootlison, ,of Sarnia. 11fr, and ,Airs Voltaic and sox{. A.J1-an. df xianaiiton, visited tivdtth friends town for the week (card, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. 131,,13eavers and :'roily spent the ,week end with 3ir.. and 31rs. L. Aldworth,'Tfayflebd. The storehouse behind Bir, 13ed4 ford's store has been removed to .the rear and 'is being converted into , a, dwelling house. 1? QUND--In Exeter, on Thursda3 of last .week a pair of eye glasses. .Owns er may have same by proving pro- perty and paying expenses. Apply at W. W. Taman,'s, The Exeter lawn bowling taurna Went will commence text Wedses- da3, August llth. Everything is being put in readiness and the pros- pects are for a good attendance. Among 'those in town who were successful in passing their examina- Lions for Entrance to $•acuity 'were Pt. 11. Linden Ilairve5 ; Part L llade.leine Carling, honors Bruce Walker. Rev. H. W. Craws, AI.A'., A.D..pas-4 for of Central (Methodist •ehurohi, Woodstock, ex -president of Hamilton conference will preach in Main St. Methodist church, Sunday, August 8th at 11 a.m. and'7 p.m.• ]Ir. Alonzo J. Heywood, who has had ch'arge of a circuit lin ,the west durinn the past rear, arrived home Last Wednesday. Erle will continue his studies in. Toronto when college opens after v'acation4 Thursday uOtb, 1915. One of . the war's effects is the de- plorable ;condition of. the Indiana an the Northwest, whoselivilhood de- pends, principally, on trapping. ,Ilos- tilities have caused a anemia decline in the demand Icor furs', owing ;to the closing of several European maritetcc, principal of which is Leipzig, as a dyeing end distributing centre. Can- adian and United States dealers al, ready are heavily stocked with on - sold furs, and the demand for a con-, siderable 'time at beast, is certain to be greatly less44d,, , , , , ' HICKS' FORECA,ST3 - - The ,'first regular storm period is central on the 10th. coircident with the `neer Moon or Moor's conjunction with the Sun`aand the Earth. Disturbing Causes and what to look for.—The nncc:ring autumnal equinox will begin to) be a factor in storm and weather conditions by this time. The Moon will not only be in conjunction with the Earth and Sun or. the 10th, but it will be an eclipse node. This fact will 'add grcatfy to probabilititcs of excessively high 'temp•eratures. menacing barometric readings, ,and violent to dangerous storminess, The Moon is also on the celestial equator at the clow of this period• on the 13th. Temperature will remain phenomen- ally high throughout ' this pefriod, 'making n prolonged "hot spell"• Ifrotn the preceding reaction'ar3 period, and reaching a culminating crisis on ani touching the 13th. Low barometer, with very black and ominous clouds and 'blustering thunder stortnls, will set in dto the west on and about the 10th, and 'during llth, 12th and 13th„ stlorms of caul, high winds, and thun- der will pass over the •country, grow= ing in extent :and severity as they; reach and pass the great central ,vale less of the Missouri, MisssTlssi,ppi and Ohio rivers. This period will ;bg•eak up by rising barometer change • to westerly winds, and welcome ;respite from every warms to decidedly coolers weather for several. days. Crediton Miss Lulu Gasser has returned home after earn ping at Bayfield. Miss Pearl Holtzman has returned to her duties in Toronto. Mr. Russell Clarke has arrived home after a two weeks' vacation spent at Algonquin Park. Mr. and Mrs. Webb of London visit- ed the tatter's parents over Sunday. Miss Alexa Hill is visiting in Berlin. Mrs. John Smith and children are visisting relatives in Pigeon. Mxeh. Mr. and Mrs. James of London were the guests of Mrs. Louis Wain on Sunday. Miss Katie Zwicker of London visit- ed her uncle, Mr. Chas. Zwicker, for a few weeks. Dr. and Mrs. Ornie have returned home after spending a few weeks in their cottage at Grand Bend. Frazer and Melvin Brown of Berlin spent Sunday at their home here. Mrs. Geo. Eilber is visiting her hus- band at Gillies' Depot, N. Ontario. Mrs. 14y. Kuhn and Miss Reta Kien- zie are visiting their sister in ,Deiaoit. Mr. Chas. Ewald visiting . his mother. - Mr f,am. Finkbeiner of Sarnia was tixe guest of his parents for a few days. Mr. Bailes has returned from a va- cation spent at his home in Ottawa. Mrs. Thomas Lawson and Myrtle • are home after spending two weeks at Grand Bend. The Stars played an interesting game of ball at Parkhill on Friday last, with the team of that place. the score amounting to 6-0 in favor of Parkhill. Several auto loads were down to witness the game. HENSALL Civic Holiday.—Our annual civic holiday was held last Mondry, August 2nd, when all places of business were closed. and the day was observed as a holiday. Some took in the different lake -shore resorts. but the great ma- jority took in the Union Picnic of the dunday Schools in Mr. P. D. Bell's Grove, a little over a mile west of the Village. The day was fine and it was one of the largest and best picnics held. The funds arising from the sale of ice cream, summer drinks, candy, etc., were applied to the Red Cross Fund. The grove is most admirably adapted for an occasion of this kind, there being a fine. large, green field, bush and fresh water, so that rn,thing is wanting in the way of the grove which had. been kindly given :by the " Bell Family " for the afternoon, BRIEF'S. The Misses Sproule, of Liman, are at the Manse visiting their sister, Miss Jessie. Dr. J. W. Peck has purchased a fine Studebaker auto from the Messrs. Cook Bros., of this vxilage, Mr, Thoiinas Weigh and: Mr. Boland Cade/sore are each making good head way with their fine, new, red -brick dweoivhave llings at and now' end tl,hew well Vit. m P0 W La l SWAT THE- FLY. Swaters, • n 5 cts. and 10 cts Wire Traps, = - 15 cents Tanglefoot, = = 5 cts. and 10 cts. Tanglefoot Racks, = = 10 cents Get Your Supply Here POWELL,'S BAZAAR THE HOME OF EDISON PHONOGRAPHS Phone -55. gommumemommar Exeter, Ontario MEM 5111.11111=1111MIL e New, transcontinentai . NEW SHORTROUTE to WESTERN CANADA 4, Can. Govt. Rya, T. & N. 0. Ry., Grand Trunk Ry. System TORONTO=WINNIPEG via Math Bay.Cobaltaad Cochrane. Throughthe Scenic Wrgfdands of Ontario; / - Across New Ontario. Route of innumerable Marvels. Finest Equipment— r Splendid Roadbed. Commencing Tuesday. ,July 13. Ly. Toronto 10.45 p.m. Tue. Thu. Sat. Ly. Winnipeg 6.00 pm. daily " North Say 7.15 am. Wed. Fri .Sun. Ar. Regina 6.05 a.m. " " Cochrane 4.45 p.m. Wed. Fri. Sun. 1u Saskatoon 938 am. t Ar. Winnipeg 3.50 pan. Thu. Sat Mon. t' Edmonton 10.00 P.n."' J Through tickets. via the "Canadian Rockies at their best" to Prince Rupert, Yukon, Alaska. Vancouver. Victoria, Seattle. 4 Electric lighted coaches. dining, tourist Sc. standardsleeping cars, J Time tables, sleeping ear tickets and other in- formation from any Grand Truck. Can. Govt. ar T. & N.O. Ry. Agents on application. �a4 closed. The Misses Cudmore and Mrs. A Cudmore and little son are all here from Toronto visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roland Cudmore. • A fine new stretch of cement walk has teen laid•on the East side of the London Road, running North from our Main street, and n which was badly needed_ One or two more short stretches would leave our village com- pletely provided with excellent ce- ment walks on every street. Mr. T. Neelands° tine, large Egypt- ian form of verandah is now complet- ed and presents a, fine appearance. be- ing one of the largest and best in our village, which is'Saying a good deal wherethere are so many fine veran- dahs. Mr. Charles Pepper, of Toronto, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Pepper of this village, had the mis- fortune recently to have his leg brok- en while operating a motor cycle, Mrs. Charles Redmond has been vis- iting relatives and friends in Listowel and vicinity, Mrs. Anderson, of Chicago, and granddaughter. Miss Harter, are vis- iting their many 'relatives and friends iu Reread! and vicinity. Mrs. (Rev.) McL. Smith and daugh- ter, Miss Janet, are visiting Mr. Smith's mother, at Hawkesbury and relatives and friends at Montreal and other places. Mrs. Carling, of Exeter. visited Mrs. Wm. McEwen last week. 'Mr. N. P. VVarrener intends having his dwelling on Main street nicely painted. Mr. F. W. Smallacombe and Mr. D. Urquhart combined a pleasure and business trip last week through Essex and Kent Counties by auto, and re- port the crops as never better wher- ever they went. Mr. Owen Geiger will soon have a large number of Indians with their families from Muncey, Moravian and other points to pull his large flax crop. Miss Jennie Murray was here re- cently visiting her relatives and friends.. Mr. William Welsh has been adding a verandah and other improvements to his dwelling near the Hensall Plan- ing Mill, which he recently sold to Mr. Dinsda'e, of near Blake.. Mrs, J, D. Shoat and members of her family are visiting Mr. Andrew Johnston of the London Road, (Mrs Shortt's father). Genuine D. L. & W. Scranton Coal KESTLE, ROWE WOOD PHONE 40 Exeter, - Ontario AGENT S for British American Oil Co, Meet ire at he Doxnie rink Prides( evening., R. N. RowG Funeral Director and Furniture Dealer COMPLETE STOCK flLW!YS ON WIND PHONE 20a Western University, London. Another Great Advance Income Doubled $ —Now 75000 Another large addition to Faculty and Epuipment in r A isd n Medicine a 'n li'I d lee e Greatly Increased Enrollment inti View. Write for particulars to • E. E. Braithwaite, M.A.., I ' ,,,. _- : C , President, "A Alan's Ability is his 'PassportF`A' Frank Weaver Professor ce Music, , London, Ont Teacher of Organ and all breaches of Piano Play ing ; Voice Culture ard Artistic Singing a Specialty. • 16 years practical' experience. �• For Terms apply at S. Martin & Son's Music Store PERRY P. DOUPE, Licensed Aimee tioneer. Sales conducted in any le. cality. Terms moderate Orders left' at Times office will be promptly,. at. tended to. Phone 116, Kixktonee Add dress L irkton P.O, a 4t YOUNG MEN WANTED: 1IANDL J MOTO1W CLBS, AUT01110131LESs Accessories, Etc., Local position,: Machine furnished ; 5c. brings the; offer; also spacial easy payment terms' General. alotors Agencies, 703 0. Pit H. Bldg., Toronto, Ontario,,. WANTED—l+.o Buy or Etent. A first olds; farm o° about 100 .nacres., good buildings, fences and draina.gei,.. Handy to statiur, 'porch and scho i i 1,J e "t.:l" '. j' 'ingaa1, 'O* -Ls(