HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1984-10-17, Page 19• • • • • • • i PAGE 18 —GGDERIcti SIGNAI STAN WaptisSTDAY, Oo OBER 1984 i Mr. and Mrs. Paul Joseph Franken Paul Joseph Franken, son of Mrs. Emma Franken of R.R. 2 Auburn and the late John Franken, and Lorraine Ruth McClinchey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David McClinchey of R.R. 1 Auburn, were married in St. Augustine Roman Catholic Church by Father Frank Dentinger on Saturday, Oc- tober 13. Maid of honor was Susan McClin- chey of Auburn, sister of the bride. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Anita Bromley of Blyth, friend of the bride and Mary Anne Franken of Auburn, sister of the groom. Flowergirl was Jenny Cook of Glencoe, cousin of the bride. Groomsman was Mike Franken of Auburn, brother of the groom. Guests were ushered into the church by David Franken of Auburn, brother of the groom and David McClinchey of Auburn, brother of the bride. Following the wedding ceremony, a reception was held at the Blyth Community Centre. After a wedding trip to the Barbados, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Franken took up residence in Auburn. (Photo by Frank Phillips) Mr. and Mrs. Gregory E. Arthur Gregory E. Arthur, son of Harry and Lucile Arthur of Auburn, and Sherry Elizabeth Verbeek, daughter of Peter and Marilyn Verbeek of R.R. 1 Belgrave, were married in Knox United Church, Auburn by the Reverend Gordon Pickell on August 25. Matron of honor was Janet Denny of R.R. 1 Gowanstown, friend of the bride. Bridesmaid was Claudette Richard of Ben - miller, friend of the bride. Flowergirl was Sarah Cieslar of Goderich, niece of the groom. Groomsman was Leon Sprung of Goderich, friend of the groom. Guests were ushered into the church by David Glousher of Goderich, friend of the groom. Ringbearer was Scott Arthur, nephew of the groom. Wedding music was provided by Mrs. Barry Millian and Lori Milian of R.R. 5 Goderich. Following the wedding ceremony, a reception was held at the White Carnation in Hohnesville. Mr. and Mrs. Greg Arthur are residing at Kilmarnock Estates, R.R. 2 Jasper, Ontario. ( Photo by Harvey McDowell Thanksgiving is UCW theme DISTRICT NEWS UCW guest speer dhows slides on the Yukon Unit La Knox United Church Women held their October meeting in the Sunday school room of the church last Tuesday evening. The conveners of the meeting were Mrs. Robert Worsell, Mrs. Dorothy Grange and Mrs. William Craig. A worship service on Thanksgiving was presented by the committee members and Mrs. Marjorie McDougall was pianist for the singing of the hymn, "Come ye Thankful People Come". A Thanksgiving Litany was read in unison and a meditation on "Thankfulness" was given by Mrs. Dorothy Grange. Mrs. John Hildebrand was guest speaker and showed slides of their recent trip to .Whitehorse in the Yukon. Her commentary was very informative and interesting. Mrs. Dorothy Grange thanked her and presented her with a gift. President Mrs. Ernest Durnin took charge of the business part. The minutes and reports were accepted and the visits with the shut-ins were arranged. Members are requested to knit children's mitts or touques for A White Gift Tree in December. The general meeting will be held on Oc- tober 24. Mrs. Worsell, Mrs. Grange and Mrs. Craig served lunch and fellowship enjoyed. Unit 2 of Knox United Church Women met for their October meeting at the home of Mrs. Donald Haines. Mrs. Emerson Rodger and Mrs. Haines were in charge of the meeting and chose for their theme, "Parables". The meeting was opened with the singing of member's favourite hymns. The members were then divided into three groups to write a parable on trees, stones and garden. Many good ideas were express- ed by the members. Mrs. Haines gave a paper on the Tom Crosby Missionary Ship that operates on the British Colurnbia coast. The minutes were accepted as read by the secretary, Mrs. Jack Vincent.: Business was discussed which included plans for lunch after the church anniversary service. After the` meeting -was closed with the benediction, lunch was served by Mrs. Haines and Mrs. Rodger. Church News Knox United church in Auburn held their annual anniversary service last Sunday morning with their minister, Mr. Gary Shut- tleworth in charge, assisted by the Reverend Gordon Pickell. The church organ was in the charge of Mrs. Barry Millian and her daughter Lori Millian was at the piano. The church was decorated with chrysan- themums and bouquets of cattails, grasses and grain. The Craigellen Singers of Goderich were the guest singers and sang three numbers, "Sing Unto the Lord", "I Just Came to Praise the Lord", and "My House is Full", under the direction of Mrs. Ila Worsell and accompanist. Mr. Shuttleworth spoke on the theme, "Pressing on for his Thanksgiving Message. The offering was received by the ushers, Peter Verbeek, Teade Bakker, Greg Park and Gordon Gross. The junior congregation was in the charge of Mrs. Marinas Bakker and Tammy Shut- tleworth. The Reverend Gordon Pickell of Goderich was in the charge of celebration of Holy Communion, assisted by Mr. Shuttleworth. Lunch was served following the service in the Sunday school room of the church. St. Mark's Anglican Church, Auburn will observe their Harvest Horne Thanksgiving service next Sunday, October 21 at 11 a.m. The Rector, Reverend Robin Lyon, will be in charge, assisted by the Reverend William Craven and the guest speaker will be the Rt. Reverend William Townserl'd retired Suffragan Bishop of Huron. The con- gregations of Trinity Church, Blyth and st. John's, Brussels are invited to attend. A reception and lunch will be served in the Community Memorial Hall following the service. Thanksgiving was the theme of the Holmesville UCW October meeting. The meeting opened with the group sing- ing the hymn, "Sing to the Lord of Harvest". Scripture was read by ,Jean Perdue and leader of the group -Muriel Grigg, read an article, "Thanksgiving Blessings." A poem was read by Grace Walters and Phyllis. Cox gave a reading. A thanksgiving poem was read by Charlotte Norman. Vice -President, Charlotte Norman opened the business portion of the meeting in the absence of President Isobel Harris. Reports from the committees were given and fin& plans were made for the bazaar which will he held at Goderich Township Hall on Wednesday, November 7 at 2:30 p.m. Phyllis Cox's team is the penny saver winner and a runner will be held on Mon- day, October 22 at 6:30 p.m. The hymn, ' Come ye Thankful Come", was sung and Muriel Grigg closed' the meeting with a prayer. A delicious lunch was served by Barb Betties, Luella Yeo and Doris Batkin. AUBURN Eleanrr iarednock, 62B-71596 • Booster Club The members of the Auburn Booster Club met last Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. George Collins, with only about half the members present. A discussion took place about the upcom- ing Christmas Fair to be held on November 17 and it was decided to set the hours as 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Since the gingerbread houses are not available, it was decided to buy a Chocolate Christmas House for the raffle draw. Tickets have been printed and members have tickets for sale. They will also be sold at the door the day of the Fair. It was reported that there was still space available, so if you would like a table, please contact Mrs. George Collins as soon as possible. Bridal Shower Pink and white was the theme of the decorations in the Community Centre last Thursday evening when Mrs. Eldon Chamney was honoured with a bridal shower. Mrs. Vickie Hanna was chairman for the short program. Mrs. Ross Andrews had a "guess the mint" contest in a dish and Mrs. Allan Craig was the winner. Mrs. Ross Daer had a "move around" contest and Mrs. Betty Debold was the winner. Mrs. Ross Daer read an address of con- gratulations to Patti and Eldon which she had composed herself. Patti was assisted in opening the gifts by her mother, Mrs. Evelyn McCabe and her mother-in-law, Mrs. Gordon Chamney. Patti thanked everyone for the lovely gifts and a bow covered hat was made by Julie Daer and Vickie Hanna and tied on her head. Lunch was served by Mrs. Joe Hanna, Mrs. Gordon Powell, Nettie Blok and Julie Daer. The bridal shower Ross Andrews, Mrs. Joe Hanna. Obituary Many friends and neighbours of John Foran and family of RR 2, Auburn attended funeral services for Mrs. John Feran at St. Augustine Roman Catholic Church last Wednesday morning. She was the former Sophia Mary Kilim- nick and was born at Coniston on January WMS The Presbyterian Women's Missionary Society held their October meeting at the home of Mrs. Roy Daer last Wednesday evening. The president, Mrs. Eleanor Brad - nock, gave the call to worship -"It's a good thing to give thanks to the Lord". The Glad Tidings worship service followed, with Mrs. Lillian Letherland and Mrs. Frances Clark assisting. the guest speaker of the evening was Mrs. Oliver Anderson and she gave an inspiring message on giving thanks and gave out papers on which members and guests filled out the things to which everyone was giving thanks. Mrs. Anderson was thanked by Mrs. Bradnock and presented with a gift. The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted, as read by the secretary, Mrs. Lillian ' I.etherland. Mrs. Frances Clark gave the financial statement. The Glad Tidings subscriptions were renewed and reports given. Mrs. Letherland and Mrs. Roy Daer reported on the Knox W.M.S. 100th anniver- sary which they had attended in Goderich and Mrs. Bradnock reported on the 100th an- niversary of Stratford Presbyterial held at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church last Tuesday at Stratford. Daylight Saving Time Ends Corporation of the TOWN OF GODERICH reminds you to turn your clock bock one hour SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1984 at 2:00 O'CLOCK .a.m was planned by Mrs. Ross Daer and Mrs. 27, 1923. She was a registered nurse and nursed in Wingham hospital for many years until she retired two years ago. She died in University Hospital on Sun- day, October 7 after an illness of over a year. She is survived by her husband, John Foran of R.R. 2, Auburn; four sons, Con of Centralia, Frank of West Wawanosh, Terry of London, and Tom at home; ten daughters, Ilene (Mrs. Harry George) of Edmonton, Alberta, Anne (Mrs. Ted Symonds) of Wind- sor, Cathy (Mrs. Gordon Drennan) of Ashfield Township, Janice (Mrs, Gerry Bowland) of Montreal, Donna (Mrs. Brian Auger) of Wabasca, Alberta, Rosemary of London, Mary Ellen of Guelph, Margaret of London, and Kathleen and Betty Jean at home; also 13 grandchildren; and two brothers. She was predeceased by one sister. Burial took place in St. Augustine Cemetery. Social News Mrs. Yvonne Bennett of California visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bean. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Carter of Woodstock spent last weekend with his sister, Mrs• Jack Armstrong and Mr. Armstrong. Mrs. Tena Fmpey returfied home last Saturday after a three week's visit with her daughter, Mrs. Ted Sandvall and Mr. Sand- vall at Cranbrook, British Columbia. The community is sorry to report that Robert Armstrong is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. He is wished better health soon. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robinson and Jim Schneider spent the weekend in Newmarket with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Robinson and fami- ly. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Eaton of London visited Bob Armstrong in Clinton Hospital last week one day. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Weston of Toronto visited on the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Mary Rollinson and brother Murray Rollinson. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Rodger and Gary Rodger of Goderich visited last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Pentland of Dungan- non. A very successful Tupperware party for the Walkerburn Club was held on October 2 at the home of Mrs. Leonard Archambault Men's & Ladies Fashions ,11 NFs1 9ng7'rn GMnsr C3„ len h. 524.4312 • • • I ` • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • J.M. CUTT LIMITED RED & WHITE FOODMASTER 91 VICTO IA STREET GOD ICH WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • OPEN MONDAY TO SATURDAY - 8 A.M.-9 P.M. SUNDAYS 10 AM -A PM Prices in effect till closing time Saturday, October 20, at 9 p.m. or while. quantities last. • Operated/•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••10 SCOTT PAPE TOWE• LS $ 2 ROLL PKG. � ET � 9 • HEINZto FL. OZ. TOMATO SOUP 2 9 � EA. PEERLESS 400 G- CRACKSODAERS $1 � q HEINZ FANCY 48 FL. OZ. TOMATO JUICE4 9 9 PARAMOUNT 7% OZ. PINK $ SALMON 69 • BLACK DIAMOND 500 G. SINGLES CHEESE $ 2 7 9 9 SLICES • PKG. COTTONELLE 4 ROLL PKG. BATHROOM $ 59 u •4•• FOOD MISS MEW 170 G. CAT FOOD $ 0 0 GERBER STRAINED BABY 4.5 FL. OZ. 3F0. 1 O0 • CORDON BLEU 680 G. STEWS BEEF CHICKEN 1 9 9 IR1511 $ o LAURA SECORD 15 OZ. $ 1 09 FAMILY PUDDINGS • Q LAURA SECORD 4 x 5 OZ. MINI PUDDINGS 1 9• KRAFT DELUXE MACARONI & CHEESE 405 G. $ 1 7 9 • McCORMICK HALLOWE'ENp KISSES 350 GRAM O 9 McCORMICK'S HALLOWE'EN $ 2 2 9 TREATS 360.500 G. BAGS ALLAN'S HALLOWE'EN KIDDY of $ g 9 p PS 101 • TIDE 6L. $4 4 9 •• OLD DUTCH 3.6 L. BLEACH' $1 49 FABRIC SOFTENER SHEETS 2BOUNCE $ 1 99 ALORA 490 G. FROZEN 4'5 PIZZA... $1 7 9 dikt L0bN MAIM C0OTTAGE MA ; ;' at T PORK;. UM SP �f 1i(tit•S E Ro 4IU• � r $109/KG. OUS. $ 430 0. � � � -fxii. OA T tENO RLO1N ASTS �' x439„��, . /KG. POLISH °AIL ... SAUSAGE.:.., MARY MILES 9�..., BACON FROZEN NEW ZEMANn 4 9 LAMP SHOULDER • CHOPS 5CHN 1iEIZ'� Kra OKTOBERFFST . p� U AGE .,-500 SAUSAGE RIB.END 4103. y. $ �",Lg. , COLGATE TOOTHPASTE 2 39 • _._ 39/KG. t $1.,110.01. $2. . ': '439 q�'�'°. 4 lLllx. _._._... G :28647. CLAMATO JUICE T L 1 LITRE BOTTLE 99 LA_ 5CHNEIDER'S CHEESE COLBY MARBLE $ 227 G. 9 • V-8 JUICE 48 FL. OZ. $1 29 AORODUCE KRAFT CHEEZ WHIZ 500 GRAM $ 49 t1tt011flt_ �q 7r ONTARIO NO. 1 GRADE RUTABAGAS GIANT SIZE EA. J 7 T BANANAS PRODUCE OF ONT. PEPPER UASH SQUASH$1 73/KG. 3LBS.FOR 3 o 0 0 PRODUCE OF CAULIFLOWER $1®o ONT. 9 9 4 CANADA NO. COOKING PRODUCE LERY BALKS 1 SMALL —` ` OF ONTARIO 4 4 / EA...._..._...5 OF ONT. FANCY GRADE MacINTOSH APPLES I4 9 LB. BAG • ONIONS e Q 4 OUTSPAN ORANGES $299 • DOZ. 4 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO NO. 1 GRADE 9 9 MINI 400 CARROTS GRAM G. 5 9 �• 24 /10 FL. OZ. CANS COCA COLA PRODUCTS $ • 9 _. A CASE , DEL MONTE FANCY VEGETABLES 14 FL. OZ- 6 9 4 FOUR STAR MUSHROOMS 8 / STEMS A PCS.9 10 FL. �Z. ESEA NABISCO 450 i �o % BRAN VAN CAMP 14 FL. Oa. COCA COLA HUMPTY UUMPTY 200 G. BY H 6 • BEANS WITH PRODUCTS POTATO FLAKED PORK »©ML. SOT?LE CHIPS 9 9 TUNA IN OIL Ptus ire CHIPS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •' 0 0 • • • • • • 0 0 • 9 9 4•