HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1984-10-17, Page 17PAGE 16 --GQI I C 1 SJGNAI,STAR,, WEDI!ll 'SPAY, 1 ' $ BER )2, 1004
Stratford Pres aerial . eelebr : e an versary
"Jesus Christ the Light of the World"was Seven` Past Presidents were presented Glen Allen of Milverton at the piano.�� After ' followed wh�iveeeand1e ceremony
' dleli
the theme of the 160th Atudversary of Strat- with corsages by Mrs. Robert McTavish of the Call to Worship by Mrs. Peebles, ve rom each of
ford Presbyterial, Women's Missionary Stratford, First Vice -President, Mrs. Stuart of Light" was sung. the Societies in Stratford - Huron
Society, held in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Peebles, President, was presented with an Mrs. Elaine Thomson of Harrington ' Presbyterial lit a candle from a larger can -
Church, Stratford on. Tuesday, October 9. Hohorary Membership Certificate and pin W.M.S. presented a tribute'to Daniel dle lit by the Co -President, Mrs. Peebles.
One hundred and eighty-five ladies signed Gordon, - First Presdient of Stratford
Presbyterial. Holy Communion; was served by the
The special music was a trio from Avon- Reverend Linda Brown, an Area Educe -
ton - Mrs. Oliver Stacey, Mrs. Henry tional Consultant. The Communion Hymn
MacNeill, and Mrs. Jack Mathison who sang was "When 1 Survey the Wondrous Cross".
"The',F,,pve of God is Greater Far." The Prayer of Confession and Litany of
TheOld Testament scripture was read by Thanksgiving were read responsively. After
Mrs. Donald McTavish and the New Testa- a prayer of Thanksgiving and the Lord's
ment by Mrs. Peter McTavish both of Prayer in unison, a hymn was sung and the
Shakespeare. They were Isaiah 60:1 to 3 and Reverend Linda Brown pronounced the
19 to 22 and John 8:12 to 20. Benediction.
the register.
At 2 p.m. Mrs. Stuart Peebles of Atwood,
Co -President of Stratford - Huron
Presbyterial, started the afternoon pro-
gram with Call to Worship and opening
prayer. She announced that the hymn, "The
Lord's My Shepherd," was also used to open
the 50th anniversary service. Continuing on
the theme of light, Mrs. Blanche Dougall,
Mrs. Beatrice Ersman and Mrs. Kenneth
Knight of Exeter used as their scripture,
John 8:12 to 20, for the devotions.
Greetings were given from- Stratford
Presbyterial by its President Mrs. Peebles;
from Stratford - Huron Presbytery by its
Moderator Rev. Ross Macdonald, minister
of St. Andrew's, Stratford; from St. An-
drew's .M.S. groups by Mrs. Norman
Coulthar e,... d from Huron by Mrs. Clayton
H. Edwar ' s f Goderich.
The ladies of Listowel groups presented
a historical sketch, dressed in fashions of
the day. They were holding their first
meeting and their speaker was Mrs. Daniel
Gordon, first President of Stratford
by Mrs. H.H.G. Strong of Exeter, a Past
President and Mrs. Clayton H. Edwards,
Co -President of Stratford - Huron
Accompanying herself on the piano, Anne
Gilchrist of St. Andrew's Church sang, "It is
Better to Light one Little Candle" and "May
the Good Lord Bless and Kep You."
Mrs. Norman Coulthard of Stratford in-
troduced the speaker, Mrs. Kenneth Rayner
of Paris, President of Hamilton - London
Synodical. She said when Christ is guiding
us, His light shines through like the prisms
on a chandelier reflecting the light of the
sun. The first W.M.S. members left their
light burning, and she recalled how they did
their housework. Mrs. Robert McTavish
thanked her.
The offerings were to be used for the
African Famine Relief Appeal.
The afternoon closing hymn was "To God
be the Glory."
The anniversary dinner was held in Knox
Presbyterian Church at 6 p.m.
The evening program held in St. Andrew's
started at 7:45 p.m. with a hymn -sing led by
Mrs. William Harvey of Newton, with Mrs.
Presbyterial rally is held
The 23rd annual rally of the West Huron
Region of the Huron -Perth Presbyterial was
at Victoria Street.United Church October 3
with 61 ladies in attendance.
Marilyn Verbeek welcomed everyone and
read selected verses from Psalm 78. Mary
Currell led in the singing of He's Got the
Whole World in His Hands and Come Let Us
Sing of a Wonderful Love. Reverend John
Wood of Victoria St. United Church extend-
ed his welcome ,and reminded those in atten-
dance not to dwell on the theme, "Our
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Future -Rooted in Our Past" but to
remember that, "all the way the Lord has.
led us."
Alma Langford brought greetings from
the Presbyterial and made the following an-
nouncements: a Presbyterial officer's
workshop will be held at Lambton Centre
October 29; the annual meeting will be at
the Wingham United Church January 25,
1985 with February 4 as the alternate date
and all presidents were thanked for atten-
ding meetings and social functions.
In closing she stated that life is like a
journey of stations and that each stage
should be enjoyed.
Jean Hanly and Winnifred Dow gave the
treasurer's report and Leila Finkbeiner
gave the literature report and a review of
new books. Six ladies from Holmesville
United Church presented an amusing skit
entitled, Criminy-It's the Preacher. Special
music was provided by soloist Ann Feagan
of Nile.
The offering of the day was donated to the
Mand S Fund.
The rally broke into five workshops;
stewardship and finance; Christian develop-
ment; leadership development; church in
society and world outreach.
The ladies of Victoria Street United
Church prepared the buffet.
The afternoon session began with a wor-
ship service conducted by Betty Marsh of
Auburn who offered an inspiring message,
relating the many changes in the United
Church since the days of John Wesley, but
leaving with the thought that God's love is
Guest Speaker, Rev. Gordon Pickell, a
retired United Church minister spoke on the
theme, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.
He gave a brief statment of church union
and the formation of the UCW. He told the
group that obligations go along with bless-
ings and that some of the dimensions of the
group's work today and tomorrow are that
the church must be inclusive, exclusive, ex-
tensive, intensive, evangelistic, educa-
tional, comforting, challenging, con-
servative and progressive.
Gloria Dow of Donnybrook sang two solos,
He's Everything to Me and My God and I.
With the roll call each UCW president
showed an artifact from her church and
outlined its history, tying in with the
Bicentennial tneme. Homesville United
Church extended an invitation to attend the
1985 rally there.
tickets stolen
News and Views this week deals with one
aspect of THEFT.
Last week 250 Wintario tickets and
Provincial Lottery tickets were stolen from
a local store. The Wintario tickets are .for
the October 18 draw and the Provincial
tickets are for the draw on October 19.
We are `enlisting the aid of anyone who
may be approached on the street, at school,
work or in a bar by persons attempting to
sell these tickets.
This week's statistical data concerns
thefts where the value is in excess of $200
(motor vehicles are not included as they are
dealt with separately) :
1974 - 5, 1975 - 16, 1976 - 20, 1977 - 21, 1978
20, 1979 - 30, 1980 - 28,1981- 42, 1982 - 71, 1983 -
56 and 1984 (to 30 Sept.) - 33 for a total of 342
and average of 31 cases solved )cleared
total 82 or 23.98 percent.
Inflation shows up here as articles that
were stolen increased dramatically in value
the past few years. Thefts from motor
vehicles accounted for 60 percent of this
type of theft and in over 80 percent of the
cases, the vehicles had been left unlocked.
Stereo, tape deck and tapes were the main
items stolen from vehicles.
even your cassette tapes. In this way, they
can be readily identified and returned to you
if they are recovered or seized from
someone else.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray
Byron Moffitt
Murray Byron Moffitt, son of Murray and
Phyllis Moffitt of Guelph, and Elizabeth
Jane McMillan, daughter of Donald and
Shirley McMillan of Goderich, were united
in marriage at North Street United Church
on Saturday, September 8. The Reverend
Robert Ball officiated at the double ring
ceremony. Matron of honour was the bride's
sister, Eleanor O'Brien. Patti McMillan,
sister-in-law of the bride and Dana Perry,
Tracey Ingle and Joy Hueston, all friends of
the bride from Emmanuel Bible College,
served as bridesmaids. Groomsman was
David Westfall, friend of the groom, and
guests were ushered into the church by
Brent Moffitt and Craig Moffitt, brothers of
the groom, Ernie McMillan, brother of the
bride, and Jake Wolters, friend of the
groom. Special music was provided during
the ceremony by vocalist Andrea Jackson,
saxophonist Blake Smith and trumpeter Bill
Loeprich, accompanied by Robert
Blackwell. Tom O'Brien, brother-in-law of
the bride, acted as master of ceremonies at
the dinner and the Craigellen Singers enter -
tallied the guests with several selections.
Following the wedding, the couple travelled
to Banff and Calgary. Mr. and Mrs. Moffitt
have now taken up residence in Kitchener.
(Photo by Colleen Maguire)
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy
William Dobson
Timothy William Dobson and Joni Marie
Burbine were married on August 25 at
Wesley -Willis United Church im Clinton.
Rev. Stan MacDonald officiated. The groom
is the son of Marj and Bill Dobson of Clinton
and the bride is the daughter of Joyce Bur -
bine and Bill Burbine of Goderich. Kim
Isaac, a friend of the bride, was bridesmaid
and best man was Tim Addison, a friend of
the groom. Terry Dobson, brother of the
groom, was usher. Following dinner at
Wesley -Willis Church, a reception was held
at the Clinton Legion hall. The newlyweds
are residing in Toronto. (Fitzgerald Studio
The Airport Committee will meet on
Wednesday, October 17 at 7 p.m. at the
airport terminal.
The Administrative Committee will
meet Thursday, October 18 at 8.30 a.m. in
council chambers at town hall.
The Iandfill Site Committe will meet
Thursday, October 18 at 3.30 p.m. at the
landfill site in Goderich Township.
The Parks and Waterfront Committee
will meet Thursday, October 18 at 11 a.m.
in council chambers at town hall.
The Works and Engineering Committee
will meet Monday, October 22 at 7 p.m. in
council chambers at town hall.
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