HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1984-10-17, Page 121; rye'. N WBORN NEWS GODER1CH SIGNAL.rg41, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17,1964--L'AGE 11 The MacKay Centre for Seniors held a bazaar on Saturday. It featured a white elephant table, home-made baking and a variety of crafts. Lunches were served at noon and tea was served later in the day. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) Lodge holds Divine Service Morning Star Masonic Lodge Number 309, Carlow held its annual Divine Service Sun- day at the Dungannon United Church. W. Brp. Doug Feagan, South Huron District Chaplain, read the first Scripture lesson, followed by Wor. Master Wayne Snyder leading the responsive reading from the ser- vice book. Rt. Wo.Bro. Greg Hazlitt, D.D.G.M. of South Huron District, read from the Gospel of St. John. Twenty-five members attended the service conducted by the Reverend Robert G. Roberts, assisted by the C.G.I.T. Social News Vi Petrie is on a bus tour to the Lancaster area in Pennsylvania. Visiting with Nancy Corkum is her Aunt Brenda Thomas from Fonthill, and her daughter Shan from Sarnia. Church News Communion was observed at the after- noon service at Christ Anglican Church Sun - PORT ALBERT NEWS Tom Livingotone, 699-7646. day. The Reverend Robert Crocker con- ducted the service. History Note By'1867 there were 13 schools serving Ashfield Township. The first school in this area was at the corner of the North one-half of lot 13, concession 2, W -W, two miles south of Dungannon. It was a log school built around 1848. Pupils going to the school paid a penny a day. In 1841 the first Grammar School for the Counties of Huron and Bruce was established in Goderich. West Wawanosh Council Three permits issued West Wawanosh Township Council held its regular October session on Tuesday even- ing, October 2. Building permits were issued to W. Young (house) ; R. Woods, (shed) ; and R. and B. MacAulay (garage). A permit was denied D. Boel for a garage due insufficient space on the lot for such a building. The Drainage Superintendent reported on work done on the Young's Drain, and the Murray Drain. The Road Superintendent reported that he would be on vacation during the second week of October. A narrow section of road with a deep ditch of water beside, plus drainage problems on the second concession were discussed and it was agreed that an at- tempt would be made to correct the pro- blems this year, if possible. Road accounts in the amount of $9,457.83 and general accounts of $12,735.71 were ordered paid. An Application for loan for tile drainage, submitted by E. Robinson, was approved by council. A resolution, passed by the Village of Zurich and received with c request for en- dorsation by West Wawanosh, requested the Provincial Government to amend regula- tions governing Waste Management in On- tario because the present policy to control disposal sites in large urban areas is much too stringent and costly for small rural disposal sites. West Wawanosh Township unanimously concurred with Zurich's resolution. By-law 12-84, the rating by-law to impose special rates on lands to cover tile drainage loans, was given third reading and finally passed. The Reeve and Clerk were authorized to apply for the Interim Subsidy on road ex- penditures to September 30, 1984 in the amount of $138,000. The meeting adjourned to November 6. Robert Bell is also candidate The race for warden of Huron County has turned into a four-way battle. A news story appearing in last week's edition of the Signal -Star outlined the decision of Goderich Reeve Harry Worsell to withdraw from the race. However the Votes increase - It was incorrectly reported that Huron - Middlesex MPP Jack Riddell stated he had increased his majority in the last provincial election. In his norrunation speech made at the beginning of the month, Mr. Riddell actually said that over his tenure he had increased the number of votes and the majority with the exception of the last election. We apologize for any inconvenience the error may have caused. Need A New Car from •7' ae.7e Omar time $156.15/mo. These brand new 1984 DODGE COLTS are one of the top rated imports. They are equipped with front wheel drive (ideal for getting through snow) and have a genuinely economical four cylinder engine that uses regular gas. Other equipment includes radio, rear window defrost, sport stripes and reclining bucket seats. STK84213 & STK84236. CHRYSLER tic '48 month cease/25,000 FREE Kilonvetres per Year GODERICH 1'1 .•nt•(111TH'CHlkYSIEi 1 TO nC, ted 444 H'urt,.%kd ad 'it 111P ntrAnce T i r+cdeneh 524-7383 ,IIb11V{%l • story neglected to mention that among the other candidates was Tuckersmith Township Reeve Robert Bell. Reeve Bell is running against Grey Township Reeve Leona Armstrong, Turnberry Township Reeve Brian McBurney and Stanley Township Reeve Paul Steckle. DA,RNBROUGH Finally! Gary and Winnie Darnbrough are pleased to announce the birth of their first born child, a son, Devan Alan, at Clinton Public Hospital. Devan arrived at 3:40 a.m. _on Thursday, October 4, 1984 weighing in at 6 lb. 13 oz. Proild grandparents are Harry Darnbrough, Bayfield and Bill and Maude Armstrong, RR 3, Bayfield HEEL Harold and Louise (nee Brellisford) on pleased to announce the birth of their tirsi, a daughter, Kimberly Nora, born 6:53 a.m., October 7, 1984, weighing 7 lbs., 12 oz..Proud grandparents are Earl and Irene Heipel of Clinton, and William and Nora Brellisford of Hamilton SCOTT Arnie and Joel of Wawa, Ontario, are pleas- ed to announce with loge the arrival of their baby brother, Jarred ayne, born October 3, 1984, at General Hospital, Sault Ste Marie, Ontario, weighing 7 lbs. 15 ozs. Measuring 21 inches. Proud parents are Wayne and Marie, and Grandparents are Bill and Dorothy Ferguson of Goderich and Ken Scott of Auburn. Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Rodges and Mrs. Ernie Holtzhauser of Goderich. SHARPE David and Leona are pleased to announce the birth of their first child, Daniel Robert, born Sept. 25, 1984 weighing 7 lb. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sharpe of Goderich and Mr. and Mrs. John Howard, RR 7 Lucknow. WATSON Russ and Betty thank God for the safe ar- rival of their son, Matthew Charles, born on October. 13 at Strathroy Middlesex Hospital. A brother for Joshua and a second grandson for Charles and Beverley Orr of Goderich. WHITE Steve and Kim are proud to announce the safe arrival of their first child, Christie Ann Florence, born at Goderich Alexandra Marine & General Hospital on Sept. 23rd, weighing 8 lbs. 6 oz. Proud grandparents are Lawrence and Patricia White of Goderich, and Lorne and Sharon Schakel of Strathroy. First great grandchild for Florence Dorothy McMullian White of Toronto. Special thanks to Dr. Wacker, and Dr. Holligworth and to second floor staff. Vanastra School is on forecast From simple 'Kiddie Knits to high fashion with Brother Knitting Machines and Have you enough insurance to protect your home and contents against Toss or damage by fire, thieves or vandals? Protect your home and the things you own with a plan from The Co-operators. For information call C your local office. !411) the co—operator INSURANCE SERVICES 31 WEST ST, GODERICH "Knit -One" Create great little fashions for children and elegant fashions for yourself with the fabulous` Brother Knitting Machines from "Knit One". Design gifts. Knit sweaters. Make lacey summer wear. Create high fashions for birthdays and Christmas at home easily with Brother Knitting Machines. Call "Keit-one" for information & brochures and alar) your Christmas gifts today! "Knit -One" JIM BELL BUS: 324-2138 RES: 524-8521 LIFE • HOME • AUTO BUSINESS • TRAVEL Wendy Elliott R.R. No. 1 Kincardine, Ont. NOG 2G0 519-395-5858 Tues. to Sat. 2-6 p.m. BY STEPHANIE LEVESQUE While it doesn't top the list, Vanastra Public School is included in the Huron Coun- ty Board o Education's annual capital forecast. The list, w 'ch includes the replacement of over 188, quare feet of roofing at 12 elementary cools, was presented at the board October session. Every year boards of education submit a list of priority projects for which they need capital grants from the ministry of educa- tion. The roofs of schools qualify for grant money once they are over 20 years of age. No final decision has been made regar- ding the future of Vanastra Public School yet it is included in the list because 1985 capital funding requests have to be submit- ted to the ministry by Nov. 1 of this year said director of education Bob Allen. Estimated figures for the cost of renovating the school are $475,000 and if ap- proval is given by the ministry, it would pay about $420,000 or 80 per cent of the cost. Ap- proximately $105,000 which includes an estimated purchase price of about $50,000, plus operating costs would be paid by the school board. Annual operating costs have been estimated at $30,000. Trustee Tony McQuail reminded trustees that they need to think about the future of the Vanastra school as it will most likely be on the board's Nov. 5 meeting agenda. FREE SHIRT AND TIE WINTER WHEAT INSURANCE Featuring: -Winter kill Benefits -Multi Peril Coverage -Buildup Equity during good years -Subsidized Low Cost Deadline For Winter Wheat Insurance October 31, 1984. For More Details Call: GEORGE TURTON Lyon & Mulhern Ins. Brokers 46 West St. G o DERICH, Ontario. 524-2664 TURN TO LIFE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCHES GODERICH NOVEMBER 4th -7th Montreal St. 'CLINTON Huron St. NOVEMBER 8th -11th 7:30 p.m. Visiting Evangelist/Local talent PLANNING ACT, 1983 NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF A ZONING BY-LAW BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF GODERICH TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Town of Goderich passed By-law No. 81 of 1984 on the 15th day of October, 1984 under Section 3,f of the Planning Act, 1983. AND TAKE NOTICE That any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the by-law by filing with the Clerk of the Town of Goderich not later than the 19th day of November, 1984, a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the By-law and the reasons in support of the objection. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the by-law describing the lends to which the by-law applies, and a key map _showing the location of the lands to which the by-law applies are attached. The complete by-law is available for inspection in my office during regular office hours. Dated at the Town of Goderich this 17th day of October, 1984. Larry. McCabe Clerk -Tr surer Town of Goderich SCHEDULE 2 BY-LAW No. 81-1984 j, By-law No. 81-1984 has the following purpose and effect. By-law No. 81 of 1984 amends the Comprehensive Restricted Area By-law No. 29 of 1972 for the Town of Goderich. By -low No. 81 of 1984 will rezone the subject lands to C4-5 from C4 and R2. to permit the use of the subject lands for a range of core commercial type uses. The Applicant has also applied to redesignate the subject property on the Official Plan from "Community Facilities" and "Residential" to "Core Area Commercial". This rezoning would then implement this amendment to permit the use of the subject lands for commercial purposes in conformity with the Official Plan. In addition, any development of this property shall be in accordance with Schedule "B" to this by-law which Illustrates the development standards that apply to the subject lands. jj. A Key Map showing the location of the lands to which the by-law applies is shown below and is entitled "Location Map". Location Map By -Law No. 81 of 1984 TOWN OF GODERICH u- i ti 1v c% c r y TOWN OF GOOER1CH SAVE (sold at regular price) 20� ON ALL -JACKETS -CAR COATS -DRESS COATS air•---�---- � ;� � ,,,z. , ' .-- -- :-- ----=--- •--::-:�I moi`-,.." ��,_ i .-W .� .Ll•...0 7-7 `a _ ,,=.0eTsc E- • Com mils lands o which the by-1\aw applies Agriculture Canada Oman° bfino rry 0' Agrecunum e'd Pcod r