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Exeter Times, 1915-8-5, Page 5
i „. "Iitaredirea August 5th lila DASIltW OOI1 'Mrs. J. Fried au.d tensity of Toronto a►t'e visiting at the home of Mrs. J. •. ellermen, Mra. Local Preeter and ehildren of Stratford is visfting her brother, John aitidt, and other relatives, Mrs, Ld, Ldigboffer and children ?rave returned to her home in Yale, after five w 1 her Nicheetweeks* visit e. Rtr. Miiferd alclsaae left for Detroit July 28th, where he has secured a po- aaition with the Maxwell Motor Co. fire. Merman Tyler passed suddenly %way at her home here on Sunday aicvening, July 25th. She was ill for ;only about an hour, when the sad end .came. She leaves to Mourn her loss Ater bereaved husband„ three children, live brothers and two sisters. The neral was, held on Tuesday, inter- ment taking place in the Bronson amine cemetery, A still born babe was ;uried with her, Stephen : �atephen Voters List - 1'llc voter's s'rst !for the Township of Stephen, ,vas ifirst 'posted in the clerk's office mu 'July .16th. It contains the :names oil 3.222 treaters. Of these 924 are entitle d to vote at both political and, mun- ircipal elections ; 233 at municipal clec- tions and 65 at 'parliamentary eloe- ltions only. There are 668 eligible to r'serve tas jurors and 129 'female yoters ,tien the list. Children Cry ° 'FOR iLETCHER'S, CASTO R,I A 1 Ontario's Best Pract- ical Training School Teachers are competent, coats- . es are thorough and graduates succeed. We received more ap- y plications this month than we se aa bad students graduate during e the past six months. The three .a applications received most re- 2 Gently were for : Lady Stenographer at $780, Bookkeeper at $1,000 and Commercial Teacher at $1,400 per annum. Business men want our grade- d ates, Get our free catalogue at s once. 1). A. Mo141lH1LAN, ' Principal. 4F 71*f.4011•440114•4040444040004441) 0114.4454444444®404444 C. �Itmimtmnmmimnmm�mnnnnttrRttlmramrte Why not give your boy and girl an opportunity to make their home. study easy and effective? Give al them the same chances to win pro- motion and success as the laic having the advantage of 4 -ll* h,wtul„'..,.!!Rini•• WEBSITE $ NEW INTERNATIONAL Dictionary in his home. This new creation answers with final author- ity all kinds of puzzling questions in history, geography, biography, spelling, pronunciation, sports, arts, r and sciences.. 400,000 Vocabulary Terms. 2700 Pages. Over 6000Illus tradons. Colored Plates. The only dictionary with the Divided Page. The type matter is equivalent to that of a 15 -volume encyclopedia. • More Scholarly, Accurate, Convenient, -' and Authoritative than any other Eng- _ fish Dictionary. REGULAR AND INDIA - PAPER EDITIONS. I WRITE for , specimen pages, illustrations, etc. FREE, a set of Pocket �Maps if you name this paper. G. & C. MERRIAM CO., SPRINGFIELD. MASS. miuuumnuniuumn iuimn ,111Qlilitf1110IIll111111lulalLJitallat Mallei IIIlI(r; zMttf'CXH, , Flax pulling started last week. Miss Illizabeth Bennie of London is visiting :at her bottle here at present, Miss Carrie Gall.inan of Clinton is spending her bolidays at her home here. Mr. Leonaid Mop of Stratford is spending his holidays with relatives here, M. Joseph Carse and family, .of Tor- onto, are occupying the rrside nee o Dr. B, A, Campbell, during the ab Bence of the latter and his family in Tot onto, The youngest daughter of Mr. Josi- an Geiger narrowly escaped injury, while playing near her home on Main Street. She was knocked clown by a horse, but by the merest chance was not trampled upon as the horse walk 1 ed on. The little one escaped with only a few bruises. Mies Margaret Bess is spending two weeks' holidays in Goderich, Among the successful candidates who passed the recent Senior Gradua- tion exams we note the names of Gor- don Manson end Clayton Hoffman, two pupils of Mr. G, S. Howard, Prin- cipal of Zurich Public School. Mies Diana Kaercher of Berlin is the guest of her aunt, Miss Agnes Kaercher, at present. The community was deeply shocked to hear of the death of Mrs. Alexand- er Voisin, which sad event occurred at he biome on Monday evening, July 26th, on the Gesbep Line south, after a very short illness. The sympathy of the section is extended to the be- aea,yed husband': and to.the deceased's parents, Mr.. atad, Mre.. Kr'auskopf., Besides tbe husband a month old baby survives. The funeral was held last Friday morning, interment taking f! f place in the R. C. cemetery. The first report of the eoualization committee for Middlesex County re- commended the following schedule, which was adopted: Adelaide, $1,885,- 068; Caradoc, $2,780,415; Delaware, $1,153,630; Ekfrid, $2,259,550; Lobo, $2,551,813; London, $5,844,9U0; Met- calfe,- $1,395,185: Mose, $1,629,246; North Dorchester, $2,870,470; West- minster. $4,287,272; East Williains, $1,440,440; West Williams, $1,190,122; West ]Missouri, $2,649,246; Strathroy, $1,181,358; Glencoe, $319,202; Newbury, $75,802; Wardville, $60,490; Parkhill, $373,664; Ailsa Craig, $164,726; Lucan, 8297.455. Biddulph, 51,879,410; McGil- livray, $2,877,580. -..- The Seaforth Voters' List -The voe ters' list fon the Lown of Seaforth has been issued and posted in, the office of the clerk. There are 833 names on the 1.1st. Of these 413 are eligible to vote at both parliamentary ; and municipal elections; 330 at municipal elections and 20 at parliamentary' elections only. The total number on the dist last year was 852 and, in 1912 the total number was -788. SUBSTITUTES FOR POTASH, • There seems to be no rent sub stitute for commercial potash that. will be available this year at reasonable prices, says l:loartl's Dairyman. It is generally recommended. 17 that sulphate of potasb is the D desirable form for' use In peta- 1 cause they seem to create condi- tions farorabie to the grf wtb of scab, do not make a. goof] form of potasb. In Tiew of tbe above facts we suggest the use of well rotted manure this spring or of n field that was neannretl last fall, If •this is not available and the lata., needs re -enforcement nitl-ife of soda, terrl;age and acid phosphate O may be used. We would omit the use of potash entire};. this; year unless it can be procured at a reasonable price. It is quite possible that deeper plotiring will bring np to the sur - n face an ndt1itionnl serpply of pot - 8 ash that will he eaffieient for Otbe next few years. OOOCvJQOCCOCOCCC CC0C 00000 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 8 1 MININI•1•---= 6r Cru!' To thee- North Country o "Fresh Water Sea Voyages"- - n the Great Lakes -Ideal Travel and Recreation Cruises X11 to mem • -with all the material comforts -luxurious -- tip / appointments and pleasant enjoyments of'ocean - travel on the Largest Liners. With the added attractions of delightful excursions to Beautiful Fails, -Interesting Forts. and Ship Locks -Fishing Trips -Basket Picnics to Nature's Wildest Nooks -Finest Meals --and comfort- able berths all included. To Duluth, Fort Wiiham, Port Arthur, Soo, Mackinac, Georgian Bay and the 30,000 Islands The Big Northern Nadir/idea Fiev t corers all the best routes through the enchanting waters of Lake Superior -Georgian Bay, and the wonderful tD.000 Islands. From the light draft "Mythic” which wende,het way among the myraids of Isletsto the big steel Floating hotel 'Noronle”-all are admirably suited to the routes they serve. Choose Your Cruise Let us assist you In planning your outing. We have booklets full of valuable fnformtden regarding these different cruiser- Check the ones that interest you and vend 'Woad to us. titE. W. Holton, Gen. Pass: Agent, NORTHER: Sarni Personally Conducted Crulsea Cruise No. 1. -Sarnia, Ont, to Duluth, Minn„ and return, via Soo, Pt. Arthur, 8 hays, $40. Cruise No. 2 --Sarnia, Out.. toGebr. gian Day and return, via Soo, 6 ds Cruoi'eo541. No. S -. From Toronto uta Gollingwood, (Gland Trunk to Col. lint wood,) to Duluth, Minn. and re. turn, Via Owen Sound, Soo, eight days $51.25 from Toronto, 547 from Collingwood, Cruise No. 4-: From Toronto via Cotlinuwood, (Grand Trunk trains to Collingivood,). to Soo, IVfaokland and return, via Georgian Bap Ports, Five days 524,25 from Toronto,. VS from Colltngwood, Cruise No. 12..30,000 Inland Cruise, Optional Sitio Trio for all Georgian Day cruises. Parry Sound'to Penetang 1 It. MAKES A DIFFERENCE. t) Ink we Would enjoy the .heat and revel in ,tory When winter )cats around the lob 11's features to supply, Quite certain that it couldn't bring So neatly baked a bluff That 11 could overdo the thing And melte us cry ''1 nought" 1i3ut when it's ,Johnny on the spot, On all the spots to uoat. ,1t In the run, minute details Does notexactly suit, And lucky we may cal)ourselves It the have got the price When 0 Is running; unrestrained To trim it ort with ice. When snowballs In the air are thick Wherever boys are near we do not quite appreciate A ripe One on the ear, ,But when 0's ninety In the shade And humid Is the air We reel at such a time as that We'd take 11 anywhere. Around the sulky winter stove We sit and have a chill And think that August and Its kind Would surely fill the bill,. But when It cornea with all Its force With heat blasts unoontineu It doesn't seem exactly then The thipg we had to mind. K',eyx the Requisite. "Can you make my daughter happy, young man?" "1 think so." "Your salary must be larger than I thought." He Had Faith. The office buy had been mixing up the signs on the door until be had one reading: "Gone to Europe. Be Back in Twenty Minutes." "Sit down and wait. Mariah," said Uncle Ben after be had spelled out the sign through his glasses. "He mast have taken one of them there new- fangled airships." In These Days. "Grocers ought to be happy pimple." "Groeers Y' "I should say so.99 "Why r, "Every one of them aeeans to have his own weigh." I _ Ali'. 28 Canadian' Sept. 13 National EXHIBITION TORONTO t$r150,000 MASA? fl55is $150,000 "PATRIOTIC YEAR" Model Military Camp Destruction of Battleships Battles of the Air MAMMOTH Military Display MARCH OF THE ALLIES Farm Bander Cultivation Millions in Livestock ' Government Exhibits THRILLING Naval Spectacle REVIEW OF THE FLEET Belgian Art Treasures Creatore's Famous Band Biggest Cat and Dog Show I WAR TROPHIES Field Grain Competition Greater Poultry Show Acres of Manufactures One Thousand and One New Things to See. REDUCED RAILWAY RATES FROM ALL POINTS PILES CURED at HOME. 4- by New Absorption Method.* If yoq 'suffer, from' ;bleedingo itching; blind or protruding: Piles, send.Ine your address,, and( I.will tell you how to cure your t self at home by the absorption treatment ; and will also sefiff some of 'this Moine treatinenti free for trial, with references from your owrf locality, if re-* quested: Iinxlnecliate relief and permanent cure assured: Send .no ,knoney, but tell: others. of this offer: Write 'to -day to mrs, M. Sutrnl2ersr 7.30.7; ' s•4]. Wixlds©r i 0.44 ID . TIIE EXETER RETREAT IS DELIBERATE Russians Are Falling Back at Their Own Pace. Pressure of the Enemy Has Failed to x:t r 'h Accelerate the Schedule of the Grand Duke Who is Removing. All Supplies As lle Goes Teutons Are Showing Signs of Staleness, Says Frederick Rennet. LONDON, Aug, 3.-Cooliy and de- liberately the Russians aro retiring to tbeir newly prepared nines be- tween the Vistulc and the Bug, but no einem:: of pressure by the enemy has availed to accelerate the Russian retreat beyond the time, schedule pre- pared by the Grand Duke Nicholas. Holding off the Austro -Germans on every front long enough to complete all arrangemente for the withdrawal of everything of military value, the Russian armies ars failing hack only at points where plans for evacuation have been carried out and the safety of the retiring forces secured. Lublin and Chole have been evac- uated, rearguard actions showing that the Russians are well in hand and retiring safely according to, pre- arranged program, covering the re- treat on Ivangorod from RaeQional' arranged fortified positions. In the north the German men- ace against Kovno has been with stood; Alla Warsaw frontrevaains nu-, shaken, and the only advance made is the occupation of Cholm, reported by Berlin. In this southern sector the Russians are being pressed vig- orously by the enemy, but there is no confirmation of the German re- port that the Russian army in this region is finding its retreat in serious danger. The Petrograd correspondent of The Daily Telegraph cables: Even yet the evacuation of Warsaw is not an accomplished fact. The de- liberation of the Russian withdrawal is an encouraging f :ature of the:nitu- ' ation. The semi-official statement says: "The strategic aspect of the situa- tion at Warsaw has not changed. The front which is nearest Warsaw remains as yet unshaken. There are deep reasons which demand our with- drawal from tbe Polish theatre of war. The abandonment of territory is only testi orary, an,: judging from all data available will not be pro- longed. "The retirement of our troops to positions prepared in advance between the Vistula and the Bug was accom- plished with absolute freedom. The enemy in no way impeded our occu- pation of the new front, the flank of which rests an a fortified position j (Brest-Ltowsk). This circumstance shows how the enemy's strength is being reduced through exhaustion to impotence. The retirement of our army was carried out at our own good -will and not under pressure, and shows the initiative is on our side." Frederick Rennet in a despatch to The London Daily News from Petro- grad says: The Russians have inflicted such losses en the invaders that the latter have been unable to interfere with the prearranged falling back on the' front of the Vistula and the Bug. This remarkable staleness of the German troops in Mackensen's army is due to his merciless dressing dur- ing the last month, when the Rus- sians found themselves faced with 3oa machine guns to every thousand men. They drove the Germans from three and even four lines of trenches, but found in the rear another array of field and machine guns awaiting them, besides hundreds of guns con- cealed among the trees and others buried in the ground. Hal: of Mackensens' troops pressed „head, lightly clad and carrying only their rations, slee-eing little for two or three days. The other half was held in reserve to take their places. These men had plenty of cognac, ether and water. A captured Ger- man said this war: necessary owing to the strain on the nerves, as Macken- sen's discipline is exceedingly strict. The Russian infantry has inflicted such terrible losses 'upon. the Ger- mans that the 1a:_er are unable to hold the territory they gained with their enormous preponderance of ar- t:liery. I hear, however, this su- periority cannot be maintained much longer. LOANS 515,500,000,000. , Total War Cost So Far Estimated by New York Bank. NEW YORK, Aug. 3. -How the world stands from a financial view- point after a year of war is ably set forth in a review issued by the Na- tional Cita Bank and published to- day. ' "The war expenditures have equal- led the moat extravagant predic- tions," sayer tbe review. "Excluding Italy, which came into the war at the end of the tenth month, and for which few figures of expenditures or loans are available, the war loans of the combatants have aggregated approximately $15,500,- 000,000, and this abcut represents the Governmental expenditures for the year." To Ask Removal o/ ] tnbargo. LONDON, Aug. 3. -Agitation for the remcval of any restriction placed on the importation of Canadian cat- tle is being continued. The associa- tion for the free itnporta'tion of Can- adian cattle has been convened to meet in London ten days hence, and a deputation will wait upon Loi'd Sel- borne, President of the 13oard of Ag- riculture. Honor for Borders. PARIS, Atsg. 3. --Sir Robert L'.. Borden, Premier of Canada, ,who 111 now in Paris, has been decorated with the Grand- Cross of the Legion ofI.tt.s"t...;(• STARRY WONDERS The Changing, Drifting, Crum- Wing Constellations. NOT SO PLACID AS THEY SEEM They Are AH In a Whirling, Restless' Rush, preparing to Assemble In Oth. er Formations -Wild Flight Earth- ward of the. Andromeda Nebula "That spectacle," said a friend of mine one night, pointing up to the stalti'y sky, "always overwhelms we with a sense of unchangeableness." "Yet," 1 replied, "it .is tbe grandest type of continual and stupendous, change that the imagination could pos- sibly,conceive. Its apprlreat uncbange- ableness is that of a distant landscape. Seen by a flash of lightning, the wheel 01 a racing auto seems to be motion- less. Your whole lifetime is but a lightning flash against the spinning wheels of the universe. The entire history of the world since tbe tradi- tional time of Adam Is but a lightning flash in the existence of the sidereal systems, "They are all in motion, and they are all changing within, themselves. Loois yonder at that rlekt•'Pam of: the 14.114 way, where the millions of apparent, 3y crowded stars resemble luminous clouds. If you could stand watching those star clouds for a million years instead of a few moments they would sbift and roll before your eyes like the whirling vapors of an advancing thun- derstorm. "The astronomer arrives at a knowl- edge of tbe fluctuations of the unlTerse by projecting his imagination back into the past and forward into the future. He gazes through a telescope which penetrates time instead of space. Its lenses gather together and bend to a focus beams of ages instead of rays of light. With its aid he sweeps ail past and coming aeons into the field of his mental vision and strives to view them in the mass, as they are seen by the 'ancient of days himself. "It is in this way that we know that all tbese brilliant constellations, which to the eye of the casnal looker base not altered their outlines since record- ed history began, are in reality as mutable and ephemeral as so many swarms of snow crystals. "Yes; it is no exaggeration to affirm that tbe firmament of stars would ap- pear to an eye endowed with immortal vision as restless and as swiftly vani- nble as a winter storm sky filled with eddying flakes. "Ursa ;Major, the Great Bear, Leo the Icon, Taurus the charging Brill, Orion the mighty Minter, the Southern Cross, the Northern Crown, the Lyre the Whale, tbe Scorpion, the Seales, Virgo the Virgin,- Hercules the Doer of Deeds, Draeo the Great Dragon, Opbi- echus tbe Serpent Bearer, the whole refulgent cycle of the zodiac from Aries round to Pisces, all tbese, v;ritb- out exception, and every starry com- pany in the whole sky that mankind has admired and rnetle legends about, are breaking up, crumbling, drifting asunder and preparing to assemble in ether formations, like the new heaven that is to shine upon the new eartb of tbe Apocalypse. "Look up at Aldebaran, the red first magnitude star in the eye of Taurus. It is going away front you at a speed of thirty -tire miles per second, seventy times as fast as the swiftest cannon ball. Every successive night It is 3,000,000 miles farther than it was twenty-four hours before, and yet its distance is so great that it has not ap- preciably diminisbed in brightness in a thousand years. "Then fix your eyes on a little star under the feet of Orion, whicb astrono- mers call Delta Leporis. It is flying away from us at the rate of sixty-two miles per second. That means a re- treat of more than 5,250,000 miles be- tween one night and the next, and yet Delta Leporis does not sensibly fade. It is like a distant steamer's night -so far away to begin with that no altera. Pion of its distance can produce a change in its apparent magnitude until the time elapsed begins to bear some appreciable proportion to the space that intervenes. `11 you will regard another litt?e star In the Whale, called Eta Cephei, yon will be looking at a projectile as big as a sun, which is shooting toward us more than fifty miles a second. The great dog star, Sirius, which crossed tbe milky way hundreds of centuries before history began, is speeding in our direction at the rate of fifteen miles a second, and the little dog star, Procy- on, Is chasing after him with the los ing stride of ten miles per second, "The magnificent Arcturus is retiring Into the depths of space with dignified step -three miles a second -while Al- pba Centaurus, a twin star, each of whose components equals out sun, is drawing a million miles nearer every twenty•fonr hours. The vast Orion Nebula is retreating eleven miles a sec- ond, but that wbirling wonder called the Andromeda Nebula is rushing hith erward 180 miles a Second, or more than 15,000,000 miles per day! "Luckily for us, it bas plenty of sky re*M 1 "111 clew of all this, do the beavens still seem to you so placid and un- changeablei'"-Garrett P. S.erviss In Washington Post. Thorp is no man that bas not Mt honk', nor Is there anything that Ilas foot Its WM.. '-Rabb] 1Bem 4.sL THE TIMES CLUBBING LIST 1915 Times and Toronto Globe • ......... • ,. ,. , , . , , . , . 3,75 Times and Toronto Mail and Empire , ... 3 75 Times and Toronto Daily News— .. . ....... . . . 2 85 Times and Tornto Daily World-- , - . , .. , , . 3 25 Times and Toronto Daily tar ...... • ...... 2 Ss Times andLondonEvening or Morning Advertiser 2 go Times and London Weekly Advertiser . , , .... ,... i 75 Times and London Morning Free Press .... , .... 3 50 Times and London Evening Free Press ....2 90 Times and London Weekly Free Press ...I 85 Times and Toronto Saturday Night ............. 3 so Times. and Farmers Abvoca,te.,...:r ....... .«...,.? 4o, Times and 'Capiian Farm ..... o ,.......'x 85. Times a27;1;i.. 'Toronto Sun .....,.... ...:.,..t .,,..; `Times kid Farmer„and Dairy. s . . .. Times and Montreal Family Herald & Weekly Star I Times and Weekly Illustrated Globe Times and Weekly Mail and Empire Times and The Country Gentleman Times and Canadian Poultry News, Times and Montreal Weekly Witness Times and Christian Guardian .........2 Times and Prespyterian Times and Westminister Times and Presbyterian and Westminister 8,5 85 185 175 25 35 185. 45 2 25 3 25 ••3 Send your remittance by money order, post office or express order (not by bank cheque unless excbaage i; added.) Exeter Times Printing Company, Limited Exeter, - - Ontario Probably souse pessimist will Qn,,:.; succeed in inventing a doughnut that Is all bole. Being thin skinned may be aristo- cratic and dainty, but there can be no doubt that it is also uncomfortable. Some cities seem to think that any season is the open season for graft hunting, The people who go round saying that money will not buy happiuess are sel- dom in position to put up the material to prove their proposition. It seems that it doesn't take nearly so much money to buy a wan as it does to make him keep still about it afterward. Too Modern. "Oh, fly with me,” the Inver said, •"I'n some far distant spot:" Her cruel dad unsrrnw,' i one wing, And thus he foiled the plot. The Reason. "Why is he benpeeksd?" "Because be is so chicken hearted," MAIM t CANADA Dissatisfied. "The cost of living is very high.'° - "Yes, and that Isn't the worst of it.'"• "No?" ".No. The worst is that tbe living It- self tself is anything but high." Just So. 1 1,. 11•by can't a v�1 n- n wan under- f stenrl baseball?" "Why c'an't a. man trite a hat:" 51 al Use For It et Last. "1 suppose the aviators will work np a new set of signals," "That will be easy enough." "How will they work it ?" "Just give the high sign." Disputed. "Lots of men are afraid of women." "Are they?" "Yes." "But not unless they are married 10 02 "FAKE AWA'1' ACHE. "*rephars, a Pellowryy dui fes/1ru71, the naked truth"ti)srefore use A harmless combination of drugs which remove mangy duabilitist, 111 Headache, Toothache, Muscular and Nervous Pain, Stiffness Twitchin, Soreness or Nervous Exhauafon clue to impure or thin Blood. PRICE SOo. A BOX PROM ALL DRUGGISTS -�_ Atick.A.aox FROM GEORGIAN MFG. Ga„ C91-LINGWOOG, Ogle. :.,, t....,...-=--___.%. ...... .....as Western Fair LON D ON,CANADA September loth to i8th, $30,000 in Prizes -and Attractions 5 Prizes increased this year by $3.000. Fireworks Every Night Excellent Program of Attractions Twice Daily. Two Speed Events Daily. New Steel Grand Stand Midway Better Than Ever Ilusic by the Best Available Bands SINGLE; FARE... over all Railways West of Toronto, and Fare and One -Third from Outside Points, Prize Lists Britty norms and all information from the Secretary W. 3. REiD, A.11, AUNT, PRESIDINTf SECRETARY