HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1984-10-10, Page 24Ladies' division season champions at the Sunset Golf Club proudly display their awards. Pictured from left are: Marilyn Graham, most improved; Dorothy Bourdeau and Joan Bar- rie, two ball champs; Mary Lynne Telford, handicap champ; Rosemary Armstrong, club champ. Absent from photo was Gwen Trebish, mini -bowl champ. (photo by Patrick Raftls ) Top mixed two ball players this season at Sunset Golf Club are, from left: Bob McDougall and Betty Fuller, runners-up and Pat Dockstader and Tony Bedard, two ball champions. (photo by Patrick Raftis) PTS GODERICH S8GNAI.STAR, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1984—PAGE 3A . MVCA nroperties open to hunting Deer season is last approaching in area Deer season is fast approaching as an- nounced by the Ministry of Natural Resources: Unit I (Perth County) - Ontario Residents, archery only ... October 15 to December 9; Unit 85 (Huron County and Minto Township in Wellington County) - ar- chery season ... October 15 to November 4 and November 19 to December 9. Four day shotgun and muzzle loader season ... November 5 to November 8. This is a controlled hunt in which all participants must have their deer licence validated by a special tag. Maitland Valley announces that all pro- perties posted as public land of M.V.C.A. Chess Club ho1dsiirst meeting The Goderich Chess Club had their first meeting for the 1984-85 season, on October 3, with a turnout off 17 players. The club would like to extend a welcome to new members and to those who have returned. Brian Phillips took the lead in level one, with three wins, followed close by Louis Stadelmahn, Eric Hallam and Walter Gottschalk, each with two wins. Robert Nau and Mark Maurer won two of three games, while Gerry Ross and John Crawford recorded one win for the evening. Anyone wishing to play chess Wednesday evening, should phone, 524- 8674. STANDINGS AS OF OCT. 4: Level 1, Brian Phillips, three wins, no losses, no draws, percentage 1.000; Louis Stadehnann, 2-0-0, 1.000; Eric Hallam, 2-0- 0, 1.000; Walter Gottschalk, 2-0-0, 1.000; Ben Stedeimann, 1-0-0, 1.000. Level 2; Robert Nau, 2-1-0, .666; Mark Maurer, 2-1-0, .666; John Crawford, 1-1-0, ,500; Gerry Ross, 1-3-0, .250; Dennis Luiting, 0-1-0, .000. Level 3; Mike Cox, 0-1-0, .000; Don Bogie, 0-1-0, .000; Dennis Fox, 0-2-0, .000; Barry Page, 0-2-0, .000; Dan Crawford, 0-3- 0, .000. are open to hunting with the expressed per- mission of the Authority. -I, Agreement forests owned by M.V.C.A. and managed by the Ministry of Natural Resources account for 850 acres of the 3,261 acres of public land open tohuntingby the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority. Eighty-eight percent of all Authority pro- perty is open to hunters with the exception of: NO HUNTING AT ANY TIIVIE AT THE FALLS RESERVE CONSERVATION -AREA, - Lot 5, Registered Plan 12, Colborne Township; and the GALBRAITH CON- SERVATION AREA, - Part Lot 1, Conces- sion 9 and 10, Mornington Township; and NO HUNTING shall be permitted from February 15 to April 15 at the MAPLE KEYS SUGAR BUSH, - Lot 30, Concession 4, Grey Township; and trom September 1 to October 16, (Saturdays excluded) at WAWANOSH VALLEY CONSERVATION AREA, - Part Lot 30, 31, 32, Concession 7, East Wawanosh Township. This is the first year Wawanosh Valley Conservation Area has been closed to hunters. During the dates outlined above, the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority will be offering its first of a continual con- servation education program at the Con- servation Education Center located at Wawanosh Valley Conservation Area. For further information, please contact: Maitland Valley Conservation Authority, Box 127, Wroxeter, Ontario. NOG 2X0. Phone No: (519)335-3557. fhe Goderich Squirt softball team won the Western Ontario Athletic Association (WOAA) championship this season. The feat is°especially remarkable, as it is the team's first year in the league. From left: Jason Pearson, coach John Philips and Kevin Moss, display the WOAA trophy. (photo by Patrick Raftis) Men's division runners-up at Sunset Golf Club this season are, from left: Tony Bedard, first flight low net; Brian Reeve, most improved; Don Elliott, third flight low gross, two ball. Absent for photo are: Leroy Bedour, first;flight low gross, Bill Neal, second flight low gross; Steve Allen, third flight handicap and John Scott; two ball runner up: ( photo by Patrick Rai- ds) ASPHALT SHINGLES Top quality by brand name menu- Iacturers Colours as available HEAVY DUTY 1 099 Only 23%ro more cost and you get 50% longer wear bundle 15 -year warranty 2'x4' SONOFLEX LAY -IN PANELS The simple ceiling solution, Easy 10 install, thgy bend to fit, then snap back Into place without chipping or crumbling Washable, Insulating, sound absorbent Pebbled or etched Pattern as available FIBERGLASS INSULATION BATTS bundle Panel Reg. $3.99 Sunset Golf Club ladies' division runners-up in 1984 season play are, from left: front, Shirley Baechler and Darlene Crawford, two ball; back, Mary Lynne Telford, club runner-up; Joan Barrie, mini bowl and Marilyn Graham, handicap. (photo by Patrick Raftis) LH 'S SF.F. YOl DO IT Ot,T I X)( )R S I er paRrrr»arriarn� tB Ave, era* The deadline for Sports copy is Monday at 5 p.m. lou Are Jnuited Jo Attend "Volunteer flau #Lturdag, Mrtober 20. 1884 from 1 - 3 p.m. (Sobering Arena 1Tobbg Volunteer non-profit organizations working with children will have table displays to provide information to parents and citizens about their group, its aims and objectives, why volunteers are needed and jobs for volunteers. otunteero Are Needed-tea.ge Attend And *Motu roar'uppt rt! ! r Mare .3uforuuntitm (Qall tile Recreation (Office - 524-2125 Authentic woodgrain reproduction panels Get one FREE with every six you purchase LI HURON BIRCH 49 LU HURON PINE r1 HURON ELM L1 HURON OAK each Req. 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PRICE Single Window Rut seals one 3 it 5 window Line Window kit seals live 3 x 5 windows Patio Door 101 sealt one.average patio door $ 3.99 2.99 $1299 7.99 $ 7.99 4.99 4' x 8 WAFERBOARD ALUMINUM & VINYL DOOR SET Onr .3 and two 7 sections With weatherstripping That remains flexible In winter for siding, fencing etc for roof work ALUMINUM & VINYL THRESHOLD 311 with weatherstripping T&G for sub floors MONTHURS. 8 AM -5:30 PM/FRI. 8 AM-9PM/SAT. 8 AM- GODERICH ATWOOD: 155 ANGLESEA ST. AT CAMBRIA RD. MAIN STREET ON 23 SOUTH OF CNR CROSSING 524-83821524-8383 - 356-2214 E. LrV R. (A,T Y�l GO ERICH YARD!::..