HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1984-10-10, Page 141 1 County GODERICH SIGNA!„ S 'AR, WEDNESDAY. L EER 10,11964 -PAGE til. 1. Articles for tale SINGER - For authorized sales and service, sew - ng machines, vacuum cleaners, parts and no- tions, service to all makes, and machine rentals. iSen's Sewing Centre, now located at 56 The Square, Goderich, 524-8431.--1 tfar AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoff- meyer Plumbing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich.-1 tfar TE•EM FARM, our own cauliflower, broccoli, cab- bage, new potatoes, cucumbers, pick your own peas, large selection of other vegetables, and fruits. RR 1, Bayfield. Phone 482-3020.-28tfar USED RAILWAY TIES: Pressure treated, uniform quality bundles guaranteed. Delivered semiload lots only (445 minimum). Reasonably priced. Phone (204) 725-2627, offite hours. 0-38-44 LANDSCAPING TREES - Spruce $1.50 a foot; Blue Spruce $3.00 a foot: Dig your choice from sod. One and a quarter miles east of Wingham, Hwy. No. 86. Mrs. Marsh second house east of school. 1 -357-2387.---40,41 ,42x BULK grape juice for wine making starting Oc- tober 3rd, red and white French hybrid from $4.50 to $7.50 per gallon. For more information calx Forest Hill Orchards, on Lambton Road 2, Forest, Ontario. 1-899-2595.----40,41 WHISKEY BARRELS, solid oak, fresh load . Oc- tober 16, $20 cash & carry or 5 and over s18.00. Tolman Sweets' Custom pressing cider. Call for an appointment Art Bell's Fruit Farm. 524- 8037.-36eowar ONE PAIR of ladies, size 4 figure skates. Worn only six times. Also, one pair of little girl's skates size 12. Phone 524-4817 after 5:30 p.m. -40,41 McINTOSH and courtlond apples, prune plums, and pears, apple cider, apple butter, honey, potatoes and onions. Gerald Bell Fruit Farm. Phone 524.8008.=38tfar TRADITIONAL style, swivel roacher, covered in dusty rose velvet, in new condition. Paid $325.00, asking $175.00. Also, aluminum storm door, brown enamel finish, 34" x 80", new condition $70.00. Ph. 524-2748.0,41 ADMIRAL 24 inch electric range, 2 years old, al- mond. $300.00. Phone 524-7753.-40,41x 8" TABLE SAW with stand. 100,000 BTU Gas fur- nace. Car top carriers. Assorted wood stove win- dows. Ph. 524-4226 after 6 p.m. -41x SET OF BUNK BEDS. $120.00 or best offer. Burner for an oil furnace. Phone 529-7605.-41 STORE SHELVING, bins, show case, cash register and scales. Like new condition. Ph. 1-238-2925 Grand Bend. -41,42 GUNS AND SCOPES - Storewide sale on all shotguns, rifles and ammunition. Village Market Guns, Underwood, phone 368-7182.-41-48 ALLIS CHALMERS mono frame 5-16" trip beam plow (4-5 bottom), excellent shape. 529-7607 after 5 p.m.-34tfnx 1. Articles for sale TWO SNOW TIRES on wheels A78-13 off 1977 Mercury Bobcat $35.00 pair. Phone 524-9343.--41 WOOD FRAME storm windows. 2 - 44" x 253/4. 2- 62" x 333/4", 2 - 52" x 20". 1 - 44" x 26". 1 • 52" x 36". 1 - 62" x 323/4". Phone 524-6289-41 nx - ONE KITCHEN table and three matching chairs in excellent condition, 535.00. Call 524-2907 after 5 p.m. --41 9,000 BTU Sunbeam kerosene heater, used only two months lost year. Excellent condition. 5100.00. Phone 524-9446.--41 ONE PAIR boy's Bauer skates size 6. Boy's suits - one blue three piece size 14; one navy pin stripe 3 piece size 16. All in excellent condition. Phone 524-9033 after 6 p.m. -41x CABBAGE PATCH DOLLS and Care Bears, taking orders. Girls clothing sizes 8 to 14, very reasonable. Phone 524-7628.-41 DISTILLERS for purifying water in the home. Slightly used display models.. High quality stainless steel. Full warranty, big discount. Call Harry (416) 639-0503, 537 Brant Street, Burl- ington, 17R 206.-0-40,41 BROWN SOFA and chair. $85.00. Chrome kitchen table with 2 leaves. $20.00. Ph. 524-7418 after 4 p.m. -41, 12 The Woodburn p i IN ■ • WOOD STOVES & FIREPLACE • INSERTS BY iii • i :IMI+ NAPOLEON IN JOTUU - . m • CHIMNEY & WOOD BURNING • • ACCESSORIES El "'John Stanbury Kathryn Stanburyll III Dungannon 529.7949 III • Showroom Hours Tues. to Fri. 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. • Sat. 10 a.m to 5 p.m. i••lir. •p•n•i •e• di MIXED hardwood, seasoned two years. Phone 524-8198 or 524-6311.-41 tf • • W4 INTERNATIONAL tractor, with pulley. Good shape. Ph. 482-9868 after 6 p.m. -41 ELECTROHOME 26" colour television, excellent condition, 5185.00. Phone 396-8569.-41 OVEN READY chickens. Average six to eight lbs. 90 cents per Ib. For more information. Call 529- 7615.-41 CLASSIFIED RATES & DATA: DEADLIHRSt 12 NOON TUESDAY. Too to to classify; ads will be accepted until 4 p.m. Tuesday for Wednesday publication. '4.15 min. 22 words 19' ea. additional word thereafter. In Memoriam; '4.15 min. plus 354 per line of rhymed verse. Card of Thanks; '4.15 min. 25 words plus 64 for ea. additional word. Public Notice; '20. for 3 insertions. Notice to Creditors; '30. for 3 insertions, '25. for 2 insertions, '20. for 1 insertion. Drawer Number; '3. first week. '1 each additional week. Consecutive Insertions; 10% discounts available for word ads running 3 weeks or more with no copy change. Prompt Payment; 50e discount per week for word ods paid in full at time of purchase or within 1 week of insertion. Available only on word ads run ,ing 1 or 2 weeks. Display classified; rates available on request. rrts. To place your hard hitting Classified ad PHONE OR VISIT OUR OFFICE: MONDAY - FRIDAY 3:30AMm5:00 PM 524 -8.33...1. Address mall correspondence: C1LASZIFIED- S'Ct:'rT., Ma -Ccx;:aallet rvli ; f= .Neo, "C:e. d .r ke neliereve vd. €fodartch. PITA 486 1 FOR SALE - 1979 SP 370 Suzuki, 5,500 km, En - dural, on road, off road. Excellent condition. Asking 5700.00 or best offer. Must sell. Call 524- 4766 anytime.-29tfnx 87100 Kubota tractor, 16 horse power, diesel, 4 - wheel drive, PTO, two years old, 330 hours. 482- 3312.-37tfnx BEATTY gas clothes dryer; Beatty electric washer; walnut triple (9 drawers) dresser and 54" panel bed to match with mattress and box spring; 5-4" walnut bookcase headboard with mattress and box spring; Frigidaire Imperial frost proof fridge, 17 cu. ft., bronze. Call Harold Tyndall 482-7409 Clinton. -41 '1. Articles for sale USED FILE CABINETS, desks, storage cabinets, bookcases, office chairs, stacking choirs, • lockers, drafting "boards, restaurant tables. Lovers New and Used, 254 Adelaide Street, South, London, (519) 681-2254, Mon. to Fri. 9- 5. Sat. 9-12.-0-41 ANSWERING service machine 5150, valued at over $300; wall unit 575 phone 524-6596.-41 PUMPKIN, cauliflower, broccoli, squash, tomatoes, red and white potatoes, kraut cab- bage, onions, etc, All available in storage quan- tities. Also, garden mums, fall bulbs, and U -pick tomatoes. TE -EM farm, RR 1 Bayfield. Ph. 482- 3020.-41or FISH 'N CHIPS! For the best, come to the only Fish and Chips shop in town. The Court Restaurant. Fast take out. Phone 524-9111.-39,40,41 HOCKEY JACKETS - 516 - up. Buy direct from the factory and save! Peter Upton Jacket Works. Call toll free 1-800-661-6461 for your free catalogue. -O-39-41 MACS, Snows, Courtlands, Woynes, Empires, fresh apple cider, red and white potatoes, apple butter, honey, 'bulk cookies, onions, whiskey barrels. Special Mac windfalls $4.00 a bushel plus container at Art Bell's Fruit Farm 524- 8037.- 0tfar PROSPECTOR invents lightweight, low cost suc- cessful SLUICE BOX. Aluminum construction. Pro- ven ground testing unit. 99.8% controlled recovery test. 31/2 feet of sluice. Complete weight 28 pounds. The "Yekon Pinch" from "Sluice Box City" 180 - 13425 King George Hwy. Surrey B.C. V3T 2T8, Canada. -0-41 WOOD AND'METAL Working Machines. Quality tools, lowest prices. Bandsows, table saws, jointers, planers, metol/wood lathes,many more. Free cotalogue: Busy Bee Machine Tools Ltd., 18 Basaltic Road, Concord, Ontario LAK 1G6. (416) 738-1292.-0-41 HOME VIDEO Catalogues. All titles copyrighted. Colourful boxes. Call toll free 1 - B00-663-6555 or write Ontratk Vision, 13381, 72nd Ave. Surrey B.C. V3W 2N5.-0-41 DISTILLERS for purifying water in the home. Slightly used display models. High quality stainless steel. Full warranty, big discount. Coll Harry (416) 639-0503. 537 Brant Street, Burl- ington, L7R 2G6.-0-41 GODERICH LIVE T AND TACKLE WATT •worms •Mmnnws •Spawn• Leeches • Crayfish 201 Huron Road CASH or VISA Hwy 8 by Canadian Tire) 519-524-2360 GOOERICH, ONT TEEM FARMS *Pumpkins *Tomatoes •Cauliflower *Red & White Potatoes *Broccoli •Kraut Cabbage *Squash *Onions All Available In Storage Quantities ALSO Garden Mums, Fall Bulbs & U -Pick Tomatoes RR 1 Bayfield 482-3020 "SWIMMING pool sale" "End of season clearance on above ground pools, with filter, motor, skim- mer, deck, fence. 10 year warranty. Regularly $2295.00, now, 51295.00 while supply lasts. Beat next year 15 percent price increase. Call 1-416- 523-6467.-38-42x FOR SALE, tires. Two FR -15" radials, like new. Two HR -15" snow radials, heavy tread. One pair 225 snow radial, like new. Phone 524- 7998.-40,41 x ANYONE interested in Amway products, please phone 524-9802.-40-44 A FEW real cabbage patch kid's dolls by Coleco, adorable, new, in package with birth certificate, for that special gift. Phone 482-7205.-41,42 CHRISTMAS CAKES - The Lucknow Skating Club is selling Christmas Cakes. Call 395-5617 or 529- 7939 to place your order. Please support your club. -41 C & E FURNITURE NEW & USED We Can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY 1/2 mile south on Hwy. 21 GODERICH 524-7231 We even take trades 2. Yard Sale SAT. OCT. 13th, 150 Sunset Drive. 10 a.m. - ??? Weather permitting. -41 3. Garage sale NOW AVAILABLE! Beans Tomatoes Squash Cabbage Pumpkins FOR ALL YOUR GARDENING NEEDS ... SEE US TODAY ... martin's market Please Telephone 5_2(21,-8098 y4nilloPrintetBonnU!orlad doxoHi t,seyNo.e (Huron Road) ANT ADS 4. Antiques for sale ANTIQUE SHOW AND SALE, Cataraqui Town Centre, Kingston, Ontario. Oct. 10 - 13. Bill Scott, (416) 623-3074.-0-41 5. Cars for sale 1972 VOLKSWAGEN. Good condition. Easy on gas. As is. Phone 524-4676 after 6:00 p.m.-36tfnx 1977 CHEV Caprice Classic, four door, power steering, power brakes, power windows, tilt wheel, AM/FM radio. Phone 524-2302.-39,40,41 1978 750 HONDA, good condition. best offer. Phone 524-4169.-41,42,43nx 1976 BOBCAT wagon 2300 4 cyl., new body, cer- tified 51000.00. 1974 Novo 350 4 bbl., good body, best offer, will certify. Phone 524.7841.-41,42 OCT. 13th. 10 a.m. - ???. At Harvey Culberts, one half mile south of Dungannon, on County - Road one. Heated garage. Something for everyone. -41 5. Cars for sale FOR SALE 1975 Ford Pinto 4 cyl., 4 speed, selling as is. Best offer, Phone 524-8445.-41 nx 1975 CHEVY VEGA. Will be sold safety checked or as is. Make an offer. Phone 524-4841.-41 '74 Vrdeime d6 %ire C''reat Deaf' Has an Excellent Selection of TOP QUALITY USED VEHICLES 1983 Plymouth Horizon 5 door, like new condition with balance of new car warranty. STK 84186-1 $5495. 1983 Plymouth Reliant "K" 4 door models, 2 to pick from. Well equipped. These 2 cars carry extended power train warranty. STK 20540 STK 20541. Your Choice. 57195. 1982 AMC Spirit D/L F/B A super clean car with many extras. STK 84235-1 54995. 1982 Toyota Tercel SR5 with many extra features Including a sun roof. STK 84220-1 56195. 1981 Honda Civic 2 door. A super sharp one owner with automatic transmission. STK 84146-1 54875. 1981 AMC Spirit D/L, F / B This car must be seen to be appreciated. STK 84141-2 54195. 1981 Buick Regal Limited 2 door. Looking for an intermediate luxury car? See this one today. It is equipped with many extras. The car speaks for itself. STK 84125-2 $8995. 1981 Buick Skylark Sedan A fine compact economy type car. Well equipped. STK 84245-1 1979 Plymouth Horizon 5 door. An extra clean car. See this one for extra value. STK 20537-1 54995. 53495. 1978 Toyota Celica Lift -Back A very popular model. STK 84117-1 54195. 1977 Volare Custom Sedan Slant 6, Automatic transmission, power steering, vinyl roof. See this car for extra value. STK 20539-1 52895. SAVE BEFORE CER1f1FHCA.TI•ON 1 `s 76 AMC HORNET Sport -About STK 85205-1 1975 GRANADA COUPE STK 84243-2 1974 PLYM•.UTH FURY 111. 4 door, STK 84269-1 1971 DODGE POLARA 4 door hardtop STK 84318-1 YOUR CHOICE §495•°® ea. Ct-ERICH C+I ,t (, ITH(`h4FfYSIEf11TD' ocr tedxf4 Hur..n lyasdl 'it The'Eofrance 7 POLICE CARS, TRUCKS STATIONWAGONS, VAN & 4x4's 3-1983 Chevrolets; 20-1980-82 Plymouths, Fords & Chevs; 7-1978-62 Volares, Fairmonts & Malibu; 1-1982 Oldsmobile Regency Brougham, Loaded; 6-1978-81 Station Wagons; 1- 1978 Ford 6 cyl. Van; 1-1978 GMC "Jimmy" 4 x 4; 2-1978 Chev. Suburbans; 9-1977-80 1/2 & 1/4 ton pickups; 5-1976- 80 Club & Crew cabs; 8-1974-77 1 to 4 ton dumps & cab 8. chassis; 1-1977 Ford ton 4 x 4 with plough; 1-1976.GMC 1 ton wrecker; 1-3 axle tag along trailer; 1-1984 Yamaha Blue Venture V4 1200 cc motorcycle; 8 -utility bodies and Kan bodies. MIGHTON'S CAR SALES 6 miles East of Hanover on Hwy. No. 4 or 4 miles West of Durham on Hwy. No. 4 Phone -1-369-3136 1 6. Trucks for sale 11. livestock, for sale VISTA VILLA FARMS OFFERS o good selection of bred York x Landrace gilts due over the Aext six weeks, bred to coloured boors to produce the most popular feeder pigs. Also our usual selec- tion of pure bred York, Hemp, Duroc, and Hamp x Doroc boars. Contact Bob Robinson, RR 4, Walton, 345-2317.-38,39,40,41 DISPERSAL SALE. Registered HEREFORDS (Horned and Polled). W.S. O'Neil & Son, RR 4, Denfield (519) 225-2205. Saturday, October 20, 1984 1:00 p.m. Carson's .Auction.. Arena 1 mile east of Listowel on Hwy. 86. 40 lots, 60 head. -0-41 ECOHZ ANNUAL SHOW AND SALE. Prebred Herefords, Lindsay Fairgrounds, Saturday, Oc- tober 13. Show 10:30 a.m. Sale 1 p.m. -O-41 ANGUS SALE (The Source 84) Glen Islay Farm, Nottawa, Ontario, Oct. 13, 1984. 66 lots of high qualify optimum performing Aberdeen Angus Cattle. A reliable place to purchase superior breeding stock or start a new herd. For free catalogue, information, contact Don Currie, Not- tawe, Ontario. LOM 1PO (705) 445-1526.-0-41 12. Real estate for sale TWO BEDROOM older home on quiet street. This 11/2 storey home offers two large bedrooms and partially completed third bedroom or rec. room. Central air conditioning, main floor laundry room, 1'/] baths, attached garage, large kitchen with breakfast bar. Pantry and dishwasher, din- ing room, family room, patio and privacy fence. Priced in mid 50's. Serious inquiries only please. 524-4511.-36tf J.L.S. Investments 1141 KINGSDALE RD. Box 334 NEWMARKET L3Y 4W1 HANOVER N4N 3H6 •First. Second & Third Mortgages • Loans on Milk or Poultry quotas •Other Financial Problems (All Sizes) BROKERS & CONSULTANTS APPRAISERS (519)364-5315 1 TRACTOR FOR SALE 65 Massey Ferguson Gas Tractor Live P.T.O. with Loader EXCELLENT CONDITION caul 529-7055 7. R.V.'s f'or sale RICK'S TRAILER SALES Dealing in Northtander Park Models and good used trailerr. For more information come to Fisherman's Cove Trailer Park or call (519) 395-2757. 8. Marine 24 Foot WILKER, 1965. 565-2124 evenings. -41 9. Automotive See The MUFFLER EXPERT Right In Your Own Neighborhood. That s us' We install only the finest exhaust system parts - Walker And weve got a muffler espeCially designed for your car domestic or Import Designed for long life, too What s more, well give you the kind of neighbourly service you wont find in assembly line muffler shops So stop In Wed be happy to check your exhaust system at no charge, any time Walker mufflers and pipes Installed by. 411111W NiSSAIN GODERICH AUTO SALES & SERVICE 258 Bay'e'd 144 Gode.Ich 524 21 31 ASK ABOUT OUR LIFETIME GUARANTEE! 13. Mobile homes 10. Pets for sale FOR SALE - 2 bedroom trailer in Meneset Park. Terms to suit purchase. Call 527-0702.-38tfnx FOR SALE 12' x 70' mobile home in Meneset Pork with cash or terms. 524-4589.-41 tf 14A. Vacations 1 FISHING WEEKENDS, Bruce Peninsula. Perch, Bass, Pike, Salmon Charters available 549.00 quad. Cottage for 2 nights, boat, mptor, bait, pnd , gas. Anchor's Landing (519) 534-0461. (519) 534- 1270.-0-41 16. for rent MOTORIZED WOODSPLITTER for rent, $30,00 per day plus deposit. Phone 524-4877 after 6 p. m.-33tfnx FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do it yourself with Deep Steam Extraction BLUEWATER CLEANERS 324-6231 give yourself a lift in one of our fine cars vans trucks prices start at s212 INCLUDING FREE 100 KM •weekly & weekend rates available • 20' van truck • 12' van truck available available 524-8411 olid TRICKLANDS 334 HURON RD., GODERICH 17. Apartments for rent SALTFORD, available October 15th - two bedroom apartment, fridge and stove supplied. 5225.00 per month plus utilities. Phone 524-2028 or 524-9166.-40tf r18. Houses for rent HOUSE FOR RENT in Goderich - three bedrooms. Available December 1st. Call 524-4146.-41,42 THREE BEDROOM duplex for rent. 171 Newgate St. Available now. Call 527-0702.- 4otfnx THREE BEDROOM house, one storey, on large corner lot on Suncoast Drive. One year lease. In- formation phone 4-4589.-41 tf ONE PUREBRED Shetland sheep dog, less than o TWO BEDROOM house. Immediate possession. year old. Phone 524-8418. -40,41ar 5275.00 per month plus utilities. Phone 524-4226 b after 6 p.m. -41x ONITOBA KENNELS REG. Purebred American Cocker Spaniels, good lines, guaranteed. All TWO BEDROOM Townhouse fully carpeted with shots, dewormed and papers. Blacks and blonds. fridge and stove $349.00 a-monthplus utilities. Ready to go now. Phone 396-2537.-40,41 Available Nov. 1, 1984. Coll 524-2879.-41x TWO YEAR OLD, black and white gelding horse. Quiet nature. 1969 Volvo, 1971 Chevrolet for sale for parts. 529-7962.-41 THREE BEDROOM house with four acres of land available November 1st on Highway 8, east edge of town. References required. Phone 524-4103 or 529-7225.--41.42 DOBERMAN, red, adult, male, neutred and 'be- dience trained. Very friendly. Too loving and in- LOWER FLOOR duplex. Immediate possession. door home only. 529-7851.-41 Central. 524-8480.-41 SIAMESE CAT, Seaipoint, neutred, adult male. Preferably to o retired person or couple. 524- 2781.-41 1 1 . Livestock for sale ARABIAN MARE. 5 years old, boy. Zubar breeding. Hos been shown successfully at Halter, English- and- Western ploosov - end- lRroatern ;..;iii . Mune 396,771--3731-343C7''5'i''�+o"'7N"-4rMiii,rnt FOR RENT x, immediate possession, three bedrooms, central, stove and fridge. Call 524-8480. I 1