HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1984-10-10, Page 13PAGF42, i tl[CU SI r AIWA , WEDNESDAY, O4 rop R 10,1984 Trust Companies CENTRAL TRUST COMMUNITY TRUST FINANCIAL TRUST ROYAL TRUST STERLING TRUST VICTORIA e1 GREY FIs of October 4, 1984 y :ar 12'/4 13 13 123/4 13 123/4 ABC ANNUITIES Chartered Banks CAN. IMPERIAL COMMERCE BANK OF MONTREAL BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ROYAL BANK Life insurance Co. LONDON LIFE MUTUAL LIFE NORTHERN LIFE DENNIS LITTLE 123/4 123/4 123/4 q 123/4 123/4 123/4 123/4 WHY PAY MORE? ANNUITIES AB BROKERS FOR INVESTMENTS - INSURANCE ANNUITIES - MORTGAGES a 53 WEST ST., GODERICH 524.2773 (collect) (Rates subject to change) 5 years 14 14 14 133/4 133/4 133/4 133/4 133/4 13 3/4 133/4 133/4 133/4 133/4 FRANK LITTLE ARGAINS HEBY Scope MOUTHWASH Bayer Children's ASPIRINS 750 ml Sine -off SINUS MEDICINE Secret Stick DEODORANT Faberge Organic SHAMPOO Vaseline Intensive CARE LOTION 24's 12 60 g 600 ml Alberto Mousse HAIRSTYLING FOAM NABOB COFFEE 369 g O 200 ml 150 g ground decaffeinated $3.39 $ .69 $1.39 $2.39 $279 $1.69 $3 49 $4.29 TRINGLE DISCOUNT' 172 The Square. Goderich / Main Corner Clinton /Main Corner. Seoforth No more busy SIGNALS.... As of October 17, 1984, the Goderich Signal -Star will have a new phone number with more lines to handle incoming customer calls...so call 524-2614 COMMUNITY ► N The community calendar is a special Health Psychologist at the University event,,�infoimation column provided by the Hospital in London: Topics "Family and Godetich Recreation ent in co- Epilepsy - Improving Communication De operation with the Signal -Stay Tt►e service Skills ' to be held in the temporary Clinton is offered fr ethof charge and is available to .Town Hall Meeting rooms (52 Huron any non-profit group who would like to make Street). Everyone welcome. their special, event known. Please call the October 19 - MacKAY CENTRE Recreation Department at 524-2125 by Mon- DANCE On October 19 at 8 p.m., at MacKay Centre day noon if you wish to include your event for Senior Citizens, a dance featuring music for the following Monday. October 10 -EUCHRE CARD PARTY by Gord Harrison's group will take place. Euchre card party will be held at the Admissionwelcome. $2. Please bring lunch. Everyone Dungannon Senior CitizensCentredtrssion October 17,20, 21- Wednesday, October 10, at 8 p.m. CHRISTMAS COUNTRY FAIR is $1 per person. Ladies please bring lunch. The 19th annual "Christmas Country Fair" October 10 - EUCHRE AND 500 is an all day event being held at Saltford CARD PARTY all and is being sponsored by Bluewater MacKay Centre for Senior, Citizens of Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. Goderich is holding a Euchre and 500 card October 20, 21 "WALKERTON party, Wednesday, October 10 at 8 p.rn. Ad, HERITAGE FAIR" mission is $1 per person. Lunch provided. The sixth annual Walkerton Heritage Fair Everyone welcome. For taxi phone 524.6594. takes place Saturday, October 20 at 9:30 October 11 -THE LIVERY takes and Sunday, October 21 at 10 a.m., You are invited to attend a meeting of the Highway 9 south of Walkerton. One of On - Huron County Branch of the A.C.O. at the tario's finest craft shows featuring 38 Lavery, Goderich, on October 11 at 8 p.m. booths. Antique china and quality tradi- Mrs. Dorothy Wallace will give an il- tional crafts for sale by artists and craft- lustrated lecture on her recent trip to Crete. smen of Bruce, Grey and surrounding coon Lunch provided. ties. 1984 special features: Metal and October 11- `-'AUTHOR, AUTHOR" c tiles. Quilted articles. Join the `Goderich Branch Library , on Quober r les. NIGHT Thursday, October 11 at 8 p.m. to welcome OctGoderich and District After Five Club, Fri - the well acclaimed author Christopher day, October 26 at 6:45 p.m. at the Moore, winner of the 1982 Governor-General Candlelight Restaurant. Dinner: $10 per Award for non-fiction novels. The topic of person. Guest speaker: Dean Prentice, the night will be "The Loyalists and the Writingof Canadian History." Everyone former NHL Hockey Player. For tickets call: 524-8055, 482-7973, 524-4166. Reserva- welcome.tions in by October 19. October 12 - LADIES NIGHT OUT October 28 - OPTIMIST Ladies night out sponsored by Beta Sigma GENERAL MEETING Phi will take place at the Saltford Valley he Optimist Club of Goderich is a male Hall at 5:30 p.m. on October 12. organization that raises money for youth October 13 - "SPECIAL EVENT" groups such as minor soccer, ringette and The public is invited to attend a "Special minor hockey, etc. The Optimist Club of Event". The Goderich branch of Goderich needs members to continue these Toastmasters International is proud to host services. Any person„ interested in joining, the Area Humorous and Impromptu speak - can attend a general meeting at Saltford ing contests. Contestants from London, St. Valley Hall on Sunday, October 28 at noon. Thomas, Stratford and Goderich will be Lunch provided. For more information, con - competing. Agenda includes: beef din -tact Richard Schoemaker at 524-7579. ner/complimentary wine/speech con- October 31- HALLOWE'EN DANCE tests/live entertainment by The Jug Band. The Hallowe'en dance sponsored by Saturday, October 13, Bedford Hotel. Social Goderich Recreation Department will be hour 5:30. Dinner and events 6:15. Price: $15 at Goderich District Collegiate In - each. For reservations call: Mark Sully,stituthelda from 8 p.m. - 11 p.m. Tickets Elgin Fisher or lilt* Ross at 524-2601. Space available at the Recreation Department or is limited. G.D.C.I. For more information, contact the October 15 - MONDAY NIGHT GAMES Rec. Dept. at 524-2125 or G.D.C.I. at 524 - Monday night games will be held at the 7353 Dungannon Senior Citizens Centre on Mon- day, October 15 at 8 p.m. Games such as The Goderich Figure Skating Club has a five Euchre, Shoot, 500 and Cribbage will be year diary now on sale for $5. The diary is featured. Admission is $1"per person. Ladies called "FIGURE SKATING MEMORIES". please bring lunch. It will hold pictures, newspaper articles and October 17 - EPILEPSY AWARENESS other valued reminders of your child's y ears EVENING in skating. The diary can be purchased at An Epilepsy Awareness Evening will be the Figure Skating Booth at the Arena or held on October 18 at 8 p.m. Featured guest through one dfhe Figure Skating Board is Dr. Robt. Glueckauf, PH. D.C. Psych., members. Children's enter tainer at Blyth Wondering what to do when you're waiting in line at the bank, grocery store, bus stop, or anywhere else? If you're Bill Russell, and you brought your string along, you can amuse the world (and yourself) by creating a witch's hat, Jacob's ladder, a man climbing a tree and a dozen other designs using just your fingers and that piece of string. Bill Russell, who appears Saturday, October 13 at 2 p.m. at Blyth Memorial Hall, is a children's entertainer whose specialty is string games and music from h's native Louisiana. Bill's concert is the first of four children's concerts offered by the Blyth Festival this fall and next spring. Tickets for the four concert series are $10, while single tickets to each concert are $4.50. Both series and single tickets are available by calling the Festival at 523-9300. Bill Russell was born in Baton Rouge, CREDIT UNI PERSONAL L If you have a good reason to borrow, talk to your friends here at the Credit Union. We are the "People Helping People" with simple interest, open personal loans. We are the people with your best rate Mr. and Mrs. Roger Newcomb Roger Newcomb of Warsaw, New York, son of the Reverend and Mrs. Paul Newcomb of Pike, New York, and Deborah Bodges, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rodges of Goderich, were married in Victoria Street United Church by the Reverend Paul Newcomb in a double -ring ceremony on September 8. Flower decorations were done by the bride's cousin, Mrs. Marie Scott of Wawa. Maid of honor was Colleen Rodges of Goderich, sister of the bride. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Janet Hamm of Clinton, Maryland, sister of the bride, and Mrs. Paula McLellan of Ottawa,. sister of the groom. Flowergirls were Melissa Campbell and Virginia Rodges, nieces of the bride. Best man was Ted Hale of Canadeat New York, .friend of the groom. Guests were ushered into the church by Brian Smith - Newcomb, brother of the groom and David Rodges, brother of the bride. Ringbearers were Stephen Campbell, nephew of the bride and Jacob Smith -Newcomb, nephew of the groom. Following the wedding ceremony, a reception was held in the church hall. After a wedding trip to Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Newcomb took up residence in War- saw, New York. (Photo by Gord McLellan) Louisiana and came to Canada in 1966: "When I arrived," he says, "people in Montreal wouldn't believe there were really French-speaking people in Louisiana." "So I started singing my Cajun songs ... I've learned from my work in schools and libraries what works, what is fun, ,vhat the kids like, what they can pick up quickly, even if they hardly know any French to begin with ... anyone can sing along." The next children's event at the Blyth Festival will be Mermaid Theatre's presentation of Just So Stories on November 17. The children's series will resume in March with the traditional band, Eritage, on March 30 and concludes with story -teller Helen Porter on May 4, 1985. More information on any of these events, or on the Blyth Festival's fall events for adults, is available by calling 523-9300. ANS 1/2 % *Completely Open for pre -payment *Simple Interest *Life Insured PECK APPLIANCES "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" *FILTER QUEEN SALES & SERVICE •VACUUM CLEANERS• Males i Service to Most Msltesl •FM COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS (For rsrr. a Basin°..) •WHIRLPOOL APPLIANCES •WOODS FREEZERS •CENTRAL VACUUM SYSTEMS •INSECT & FLY KILLING UNITS (For Indoor A Outdoor Usel •GIFTS & MANY MORE ITEMS VARNA, ONT. 482-7103 Mr. and Mrs. Join Warr John Leonard Warr, on of Mrs. Alyce Gardner of Goderich, and Barbara Anne McNeil, daughter of Colin and Cecile McNeii of Goderich, were married in St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, Goderich on September 8 by Father J. Hardy. Matron of honour was Virginia Hoggard, sister of the bride. Bridesmaids were Joyce McNeil, sister of the bride and Ursula Ardy, good friend of both the bride and groom. Groomsman was Keith Hoggard, friend and brother-in-law of the groom. Guests were ushered into the church by Dare McNeil, brother of the bride, and Paul Warr, brother of the groom. Following the wedding ceremony, a dinner and reception was held at the Royal Canadian Legion. After a honeymoon in Bermuda, Mr. and Mrs. Warr took up residence in London. (Photography by Nephrew) Ever wonder if you have the insurance protection you need for your car? State Farm offers modern, comprehensive protection The cost is low, and the service is fast Ask one of your neighbors. then give me a call BILL BARWICK-Agent 388 Kingston St., Goderich 524-7551 Slate Car' M',4,d A Il r'O0.,e ^Su' '.. Ceeva'V l.a'adan Head OI'.fe Scarborough 0^farm 39 ST. DA VID STREET, GODERICH OFFICE HOURS: PHONE 524-8366TM Mon. to Thurs. 9:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. People Helping People Fridays9:30a.m.to6:30p.m. "Member Ontario Share and Ooposi4 Insurance Corporation" ���� �'�� ERICH - swanomia ii!I ISA ii v ... �. DON'T WAIT TILL SPRING! We have a good selection ©f evergreens, shade trees, fruit trees and flowering trees and shrubs ALSO IN STOCK: •full bulbs •Winteriaer (Weed N' Feed) Fertilizer • Arborgurd - rodent repellent • burlap,- f winter evergreen protection •cloy pots rnartifl'S market Please Telephone 524-8024 ,, ogo..ma4t_nt S ooatellitatRoad oln kitcdory®y no ® (Huron Road)1 vt Ih11gt1 seat of God®rtebo