HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1984-10-10, Page 11Avellebble from:
PlU9trelght, preservlce and licence.
►1Cf'�' INC
General Meeting
Thursday, October 18/84
7:30 pm
to be held at
Community Room
■w• ■ • ■ ■ 11
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11 ■
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ollie's brotheriu4awvisits
(Intended fort week]
Bill and Marie Perk were pleasantly
surprised on Sunday"vkten Wilfred Bennett
of Henley on Thames, England paid theist a
visit. Mr. Bennett is a brother-in-law of
Jolln. Whiteside, whoet everyone knows is
the husband of Mollie Whiteside. He is
spending a holiday here in Western
Ontario with son, Stephen Bennett in
Kincardine before visiting with another on
in Montreal. He has just enjoyed a stay
with Mollie and John in Ireland and reports
that Mollie is still busy writing, collecting,
speaking and as always being a goodwill
The Dungannon Sunday School met on
Saturday- for their bike-a-thon to raise
money to help with the cost of supplies.
About 35 youngsters and eight parents
made the 10 kilometre ride. They all
appreciate the generosity of their sponsors
for the success of their ride.
Nile United Church held anniversary
services on Sunday. Rev. Glen Wright, a
former minister was guest speaker. Mr.
and Mrs. Warren Robinson and family
provided the music. Nile choir also
favoured with a number. Lunch was served
and a social hour enjoyed.
Wiletta McWhinney has returned to, her
home from Stratford hospital where she
had been a patient. She suffered a broken
ankle in a fall.
At the seniors bi-weekly euchre held
the centre, high lady was Kathleen Glenn
with two low ladies' scores being Maxine
Pollock and Marie Park. High white card
was held by Margaret Errington with, a
three way cut for the low man between Mel
Jones, Ted Bowers and Cecil Pollock. Mel
won the cut.
Congratulations to John and Marina
Park on the occasion of their 25th wedding
anniversary on September 26. To celebrate
their special occasion, their family, Wayne,
Glenda, John, Kathie and Jason treated
them to supper at Robindales in Goderich
last Wednesday evening. They will also
enjoy a four day bus tour to Nashville,
Tennessee given to them by their family.
Hope you two have many more anniver-
Bill and Marie Park had a visit in Kippen
Marls Perk, 5213 -7718 -
on Monday with Marie's sister, Marilyn
Schultz and Tina.
Jean Broughton returned home on
Monday from a two week holiday with
relatives in Winnipeg, Manitoba. On her
return to London airport, she was met by
her - daughter-in-law, Janend grand-
daughter, Becky, who took (ter to their
London home where she had a reunion with
a cousin she had not seen for 45 years.
John and Marina Park accompanied Ken
and Marie Petrie of Kincardine to Kitch-
ener on Sunday where they picked up their
uncle, Case and aunt, Mary Black, then
travelled on to Oshawa for a visit with
Norman Petrie, a cousin of Bill Petrie and
Mary (Petrie) Black.
Dungannon 4-11
The first meeting of the Dungannon I
club was held at Judy Gregory's home on
September 5. Leaders are Judy Gregory
and Joanne Sproul.
Members did quiz #1 and discussed
when to say the speeches. They decided to
start them in October. The lesson, History
of the Computer, was read and the quiz
Elections were held: president, Andrea
Smith; vice president, Laurie Hayden;
secretary and press reporter will rotate
every meeting. They decided to call the
club, The Whiz Kids.
At meeting,#3 the members learned how
a computer worked. They went to Hodges
Mill where Greg Jervis talked about the
computer at the mill, how and why they use
it. _
Dungannon C.G.I.T.
The Dungannon C.G.I.T. have had two
meetings in September. The first meeting
was an organizational meeting with nine
girls in attendance. They discussed plans
for the coming year. Things they would like
Students will have access
Grades 7 and 8 students at Seaforth and
Goderich schools now have access to both
family studies and industrial arts.
While technically not new, superinten-
dent of program Arnold Mathers said
female students now take industrial arts
and male students take family studies.
And that is new.
He said that previously students had no
choice because they took the subjects as a
class - either of boys or girls.
Now, he said the students, in a co-ed en-
vironment, take one subject for half a year
and the other for the rest of the year.
The integration comes about as a result
of the revamping of the Grades 7 to 12
education system in the document known
as OSIS •
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to do and special speakers to have.
The second meeting opened with the
purpose and GG1T hymn. Roll call was
taken with 12 girls in attendance.
They discussed going to' Jamboree in
Algonquin Park in June and CGIT week
from October 14 to 21.
It was decided, they would take part in
the church service on October 1,4. Also
during that week they are having a special
evening for the mothers and grandmoth-
Kim and Kim are thrilled to announce the
arrival of Darnien's new baby sister, Lind-
say Elizabeth Ann, on Thursday, September
27th, 1984, at Queensway General Hospital,
Toronto, weighing 8 lbs. 3 ozs. Her proud
grandparents are Babe and Susan Arbour,
Goderich, Marjorie Irving, Toronto, Ralph
Smith, Bayfield and great grandparents
Joyce Smith, Goderich, and John and Marg
McCowan, Seaforth.
Alan and Debbie (nee Horton) are proud to
announce the arrival of their first born, a
son, Alan Marcel. Marcel was born on
September the llth, 1984 at 3:08 p.m.,
weighing 8 lbs., 7 ozs. Proud grandparents
for the first time are Everett and June Hor-
ton of Goderich,. and Rinalda and Klara Fac-
chinato of Auburn. Proud great grand-
parents are Helga Herlufsen of, Goderich,
and Maria Rosa Facchinato of Bolzano, Ita-
ly, Frank and Eva Horton of Goderich, and
Audrey Bissett, also of Goderich.
John and Jane Hindmarsh are pleased to an-
nounce the birth of Lisa Ashley, born Oct.
2nd, 1984, weighing 81bs. 7 ozs. A sister for
Christopher. Proud grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. John Hindmarsh and Mr. and Mrs.
Vern Smith.
It's another boy! Mark and Barb announce
the arrival of their third child, Michael
Mark, born on September 29, '1984, weighing
in at 8 lbs. 5 ozs. A wee brotherand
playmate for Gerry and Gary. Proud grand-
parents are Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lassaline
and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Fisher.
With thanks to God for another miracle, Bill
and Lynda Steenstra, R.R. 3 Clinton
announce the birth of Jessica Lyn, 8 lbs. 1 oz.
on Wednesday, October 3, 1984 at Alexandra
Marine and General Hospital, Goderich. A
sister for Tessa and Mathew. Proud
grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. W. Pierson,
R.R. 2, Goderich and Mr. and Mrs. M.
Steenstra, R.R. 3, Clinton.
soon in
Canadian Radlo-laN,dslon and
T.lacommunksdons Commission
Conseil de u radiodtluslon .l des
Wicomm,wdcadons canadlannes
CRTC - Notice of Public Hearing 1984.87. The
CRTC will hold a public hearing beginning
on 27 November 1984 at the Conference
Centre, Phase 4, 140 Promenade du
Portage, Papineau Room, Hull, Que., to
consider the following: John C. Word 12.
BRUSSELS, Ont. Application (841625700) by
JOHN C. WARD, Gowanstown, Ont., NOG
1YO: a) to change the authorized
distribution of the television service, by
deleting the distribution of CHCH-TV
Hamilton (off -air) and by adding the
distribution of CHCH-TV Hamilton, 'received
via satellite from the CANCOM network;
and b) to amend the licence for the
broadcasting receiving undertaking serving
Brussels, by increasing the authorized
maximum monthly fee from $17.00 to
$17.70. The present maximum monthly fee
was authorized on 27 June 1984 (Decision
CRTC 8.4-512). The application may be
examined at the: Office of. -the Town Clerk,
Where may 1 examine the documents?
You may examine all relevant documents
during normal office hours at the local
address given in this notice, at the CRTC,
Central Building, Les Terrasses de la
Chaudiere, 1 Promenade du Portage, Room
561, Hull, Quebec, and at the following
regional office: Complex Guy Favreau, East
Tower, 200 Dorchester Blvd. West, Room
602 Montreal, Quebec H2Z 1 X4.
How can 1 forward my comments to the
CRTC? You may submit comments or
interventions on each application, in letter
or other form. You must indicate clearly,
whether you support, oppose. or propose
changes to an application, and whether you
wish to appear at the public hearing. Both
the applicant and the Commission must
receive your intervention, and you must
send the CRTC proof that you have so
served the applicant, along with the
original document addressed to the
Secretary General. It must be signed with
your name, address, and telephone
number, and be received by the
Commission on or before'. DEADLINE FOR
INTERVENTION: 7 November 1984.
Where can 1 get more information? To
know more about your rights and
obligations at a public hearing, please refer
to the"CRTC Rules of Procedure" -available
for $1.50 from the Canadian Government
Publishing Centre, Department of Supply
and Services, Hull, Quebec K1A 0S9. You
may also call the CRTC Public Hearings
Branch at (819) 997-1328 or 997-1027, CRTC
Information Services in Hull at (819) 997-
0313 or the CRTC regional' office in Montreal