HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-8-5, Page 11 FORTY-SECOND YEAR --r No 2221 d' EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MO I' G, AUGI7 S T 5th, 1915 iPHONE 82 JONES AND MAY I PHONE 82 8eczar Jtnnouncement for gall Fall Goods at Arrival of Newa Early Practically Old Prices In spite of the fact that nearly all lines of Merchandise have advanced considerably in the last few months, we were fortunate in placing large orders - early, so that with a,few exceptions we are able to offer nearly all goods at OLD PRICES. Every department in our store is rapidly filling with new fall goods, so we would advise early buying in order to obtain old prices on many lines. Clearing of Summer Goods in order to make. room for new goods we are offering many lines of summer goods at greatly reduced prices, Ladies' Hosiery at 2 Pairs for 25 cts 100. pairs ladies' cotton hosiery at 2 pairs for 25 cts. Summer Wash Goods Clearing at 12 1-2c Per Yard Two hundred yards fancy crepes, good pattern3 to clear at only twelve and a haif cts per yard Wash Dresses All summer wash dresses at greatly reciuced prices. Extra Special Values in Men's Navy y Worsted Suits 'r have just placed in stock sixty. men's navy worsted suits in excellent quality of material and workmanship, all sizes. This will positively be the last opportunity to secntre o fe of'these 'sp tial suits at" exactlythe old price. A good range of men's and boys bathing suits in stock. 1 JONES AND MAY QUfl�1TY GOODS use !Imolai] Biliflor Twins Plymouth Special; 500 ft. -91c ib. Salmon Tag, 550 feet -9 3•4o a ib Silver Sheaf, 600 feet- 11ic a Ib. Gold Medal, 650 feet -- 14 cts ib. These Twines are made in the largest Twine Factory in Canada. ow is Your Hay Fork Rope We can supply you with PLYMOUTH GOLD MEDAL ROPE - 18 GENTS A. POUND it Tinsmithing and Plumbing Let us Estimate on Your Eavetroughing. Furnace work and Plumbing ONE Heaman's Hardware PHONE 27 A - and Stove Store - 27 B "'WARM' WEATHER R OLPS GRAIN IN ME WEST. The epecial weekle erop ,report of •\the Saskatchewan Deportment of iingrieulture, issued on (!Monday statees that with warmer weai:herthe wheat .crop has improveddaring the past (week, and is ch'engit g color .nicely in theSouthern portion of the province ' west al ,1Vloose Jaw. With a continue once of favorable weather, harvest should: be general in that .part ,of the ,province during the last week of An- grunt, white it is 'expected that Borne Ifi.elds of barley will be cut •during the ,next ten dean, r Tug ,3rIDWAY AT 'TORONTO, There will be no freaks on ,the Mid- way at the Canadian National Exllilen- tion this year, but the carnival ,world has been scoured nor attractions at4 "The Pike" should be livelier than ever. A. Wild West show and a circ nus bealuding log rolling, rli;vin$ 'Ven- ues, trick canoeing, etc:,; Streets of Cairo, the Garden of Allah, the ,Giga.4 ler. the Hippodrome and 'a dozen oth- er thrillers are among the features, Join ,the big "crowd at the Festival of ,Nations in the Dome rink ,FFitda e9enipg.,. , ........., ... e. . 'Join :the ' big crowd. at the .Festival of Nations in the Dome, rink Friday• evening. • The banks in town, tare accepting contributions for the Overseas nobac- co club. 25c subscriptions are, bee. in accepted, Air. ar.d DZIrs. He, Elevorthy, Mr. find .Mrs. M. Doyle, Mr. and .Mrs. G. Armstrong and Mr. G. Dow motored to Sarnia and Pt. Huron on .Sunday, 11r. and Mrs. l3ruce Dignan, Master Allan anda`laiss Helen, will arrive ,ilu .Exeter Wcdnesda evening aadi will be tbe guests or .fomror's par- ents, Mr. and ,Mrs. Jas,_ Dignan. Mr. and frXrs. Shaundelmeer and Bliss Shaundelmeer. Mien A. Sanders, and Mr. Russel Fijian, of Waterloo, Motored over and spent Sundae and Monday in town. Miss Seeders is re- maining for a month. Ethel, the, little daughter, of Mr,. and Mrs. Jas: .Dearing, of Stephen, had the misfortune to get her henci caught in the cogs of some machinery on AIondae causing a very paiaitel in- jury, Dr. a3.yndman arc ask ,the wounds,. Mr. Chris Campbell has thisweek soul his fine farm containing 100 acres, being Lot 9, ;Con. 2, Township ot Llay, to Prouty Bros., al the Thames Road, Usborire, po session . to be given on April 1st, l;116. The deal was put through by 13. S. Philips, real estate agent, Exeter,. lir. i'112s rou Culbert, of the 2nd con;e cession. o,: 13iddulph, while aas.sting in• a burn raising at James Hierbert's had at flinger jammed so badly that.it was neeessare ;co nave it amputated at the first joint. Since thatteem: ganger- Inc has developed and two mare ,ani potations have been necessary, Mr, Vulbert is in a verb critical condition at present Service of Intercession-`Wiedr.esday (August 4th, was proclaimed a don ,ot in2,Greession on behalf o1 the Allipn engaged in the present European war, throughout the British Empire. Ace cordingle :the hour between 10 'and, 11 'o'clock in the ,morning was pro- 'claimed for intea'ccssion by ;the clue hens ail' Exeter. Divine service ,was bold in the Trivitt ltternorial ,church and ri large congregation assembled, Most Cdr the busincas places lit town were (closed the majority of the ,busi- ness ,.nen attending the .service, Env, 1). W. ;Collins ,conrluetedt the service . r and ,two 'ver, ;able and Irisins ng tad; edresses Were delivered by' Move ,x,r, ktic01 tit d rev„ alar..• XZ:tA bliido Exeter Girl in France Tie following Interesting latter has been received by nliss Edna Follick..of Sewn, from, ' Miss Edna Dow, who is stationed in a ,hospital in France. Rouen, France, ,Tuly 13th, 19.1,5 Ms Dear ,Edna—nm going to make fou heeSquarteis, as it , were, this hand time, and Sou can share my letter 'Dominion holds on sea and land, with any friends, whom, you think In Peace and War thy will we see might be interested. It is going to Shaping the larger liberty be quite impossible to write to them Mations amay rise and nations ,fall- �, an individually.. i Thy ohan6eT.ss purpose .,leas them all It is pouring rain to --days bet i - pours almost every Bay, and then maybe in fives vei•nutes'the sun. will be shining so brightle that to Iook at the ground, eon would never think that we had had a drop of rain, As e rule we have a lovely sunset, no matter how enue n ]airs there hes been during the day', . We are having a veryquiet time at present. There does not seeni to be much fighting going on. although this morning we got in a. small convoy. But we will be nnaaciinn use of every t vailebl.e spot ju::t ki5 soon as this dreadful engagement commences around — (streak out ire Censor) They are making tremendous prepar- ation land I 'believe the casualties will be 8 opining. Wasn't it so funse that Elmore x an'g should conte to t.hie very hospi- tnt kind in me ward? He was here three weeks and now the. have sent him over to England, r aro so glad. ifor he wanted to to go so much, and I em sure he will not be well enough to enter the Calais engagement. You know I met Gordon Howe in London and we spent the week end together. He case ::over to France two or three days after I did hut I have no idea where` he is now He was going right to tine trenches, and 1 em just moping be won't be in this Gest battle, for I am sure be would never some out alive. How is everyone and everything? I read "The:'Tines-each week wish Zia- limited interest, and notice that eon have been Nubian ,tine streets oiiedti am sura it 'roust be. a decided iron, 'FOR THE MEN AT THE FRONT The tfollowing beautiful bs nut has been distributed. thzi u >hout the nisi: terent churches in Toronto and has been pasted in the front of the !semi, books, ,for use at the x;erviens, 'rune, Melita Miss A. 1 'orl©ck, as lielidiae tog J'raiat the Stainlej, ae X'eticaris vetsis Are you going to the ffi'estav,ai Nations :nridaj evenint t Mr. Malone, of `T'ilsornburg, visited friends in town over Sundae. ;sirs. Fred Mallett xeturn,ed to Lon- don last week lifter visiting with rel- atives in town. Lori Gad of '.Hosts, .whose piighty 6W,a'f,,yy.. When death flies swift on, wave and. Held,. Be thou a sure defence: land shieidt Console ennd suciuour those who tall, And help and hearten each awl. ant Ohl hear a people's prayer for those. Who ,teariess face their country's Loess For those who weak and broken, In ;weariness nand. agony— Great 'Healer, to their beds of pain Come, {toe eb and ,make, them whole again. Ohl hear a people's prayer and bless, Thi Servants In thew hour of istress. For ;those who minister and heal, vd Spend themselves,• their: s'i.lL their zeal -- P enew their inea•rts with Christ -hits; raith, And guard them Intern<ieease and, death t . Arid in Thine own, good time, Lord aeons, Thy Peace on earth, till time shall en'L --.�--� AN APPEAL TO IlL7RCN, ,C O sTY. FROM T13.1; CANADIAN, ?ATRIQTIQ G'MA The following letter was receives] be the Executive or Huron County Branch eel: the Patriotic Fund, and is be them eubrnitted to the people or this county througb the local press, The appeal speaks for itself and should call forth a response from all those places in. the county ,which have not Set sent any contributions to tans Mrs, Geo. ,31linerS end cbildien, bf Windsor. visited with Bins. A Bowen during .the taunt °reek. ag exovr d at the xt: the Rowe :ink 'lar. A., 3.. Forel, wife wren,l n ixti a spent the weelt tend ira nea[bi'th, illi: gweets ,of Mrs. John Abell, er. :tar. end Mrs. J. In, A.ikineor; entd:Rs'. Diss Eileen left on Sante -dee fan Granton. when; thee' Vienna, ono: Sun-, dal with friends. and 'es Moonan.. went on to Ingersoll where 4lie) leer# present at a 'tannin ;pienie, nn, aurum aftsiir among the tannins * onn etione, IJYTII-x fit s . n .p.i n, on Sundae, Aug, j of :Mrs. Atkinson, who arevery uumw ust int, torr, and, Inns, WM. Ble Ui [ emu's in that vide:Litt, a'a :'44%Eslcty,.: a daughter. 'Clinton •IneweeSteoor :. / .-r can .s-aanemea.,aoerias.,rsa.,v u,.r.ltrm. .... THE: FAMOUS PLAYERS FP 1 214 Sl, RiT!<i';ie, .L:atz Aura. PRESENTS , rd Ten yson's Famous POOP11, in four reels of motion pictures. Saturday and Monday t 1 Admission 1Oc owe 'Theatre a ti provement. Patriotic Fund. As lou see, we are in Rouen, but We are now drawing from that temporarily, vve are glad to Fund Over $1,060 pec' month to meet only te have this opportunity of being here the allowances made to the families Tor it is so aneicitt a of soldiers who have enlisted tion this Counts and there will be a con tirzual increase as other men enlist, Oen we not "do our bit" still more be further contributions to the Gene erel Fund, which, as is showua.b3 the Letter. Ls being so sevonely taxed? :and the end is not ,let. Ane contributions intended for this Fund may be sent to our Treasurer, Mr. Andrew Porter, Goderich, who will duly acknowledge' same and for- ward the amounts to the Executive et. Ottawa, B3 order.. J.- 'Ii , ]teennton, 'Chairoa:an James Alitchelt, Secretary (Cops of latter) Canadian Patriociz,Fund Ottawa, 23rd June 1915. As ,time goes on and the number of Men 'which Canada is sending to the front increases, the demands on the Canadian Patriotic, Fund coa:;stantle grow. This month we shall .assist upwards of sixteen thousand tamed. ies at an expenditure amounting to aearls n300,000,00 During 'the sum, finer gad earl] fall we expect this to be still further increased. In looking over what the various counties are doing, 1 lino, that wh-te your county grant of, $1:,0610.00 a month is being regularly paid there does not seem to be any money cora-, iii.b in from Tiuron County as the re- sult of voluntary subscriptions. Durr iily the past lew weeks we have re- ceived Ca number of cheques from dif- ferent parts of Bruce County, where 1 understand they are holding patriotic meetings and stimulating interest ; but ,Crow Huron, with the exception of $133.z5 'rem Heinen x'eceived en tbe 26th April, nothing has nems, • iu during elle past three months. Would it not he possible ;tor your .committee to undertake to stimulate interest throughout the County in the fund? We shall need generous contributions if the.work is to continue, ;and I am sure that there must be many People in 'Huron Go. who cannot go to the trent and who would be willing to- Du, o pay, being unable to 'fight. With Such a valuable auxiliary as your county press, you ought to be. able to wort' up a splendid campaign. I shall be very glad to'hear from yon on this matter at your :arly con- venience, lours truly , Llerbert 13. Ames FULL 1VHEA1' Honorer) Secretary. - need historical. The river Seine runs through the, town and affords some vice siittle .pleasure trips. TheStown itself dates back, to the third co:Ink:ey and many of the buildings and streets remain in the primitive stage. Many o.6 the buildings :are made et flint. 'Did I send sou one on the Jeanne d'Arc postalsi You knONV it Wia,S here ed and burned that she was stip! " at the stake.' Thee ha^ce a vers beau- tiful monument erected over .iter burial g!rounkL , ' T'lieri too; R eti n «nus nnentes been the capital of Normandy.. So we have the forest Wm. of Norm`landy p ed tor his hunting ground, 60 miles of it. Joe will remember all this from his history. Robert-tha-Devil's Castle is' one of the interesting sights. Of course, it is -mostly is ruins. Right near our hospital is the house of Matilda. where she lived when the King ,came to court her. There ,are dozens of such places of interest and Sou ear. imagine bow glad we are to have the opportunity of seeing them, 'We 'expect to have. our pwn hospital organized in the near future, but don't know just where we are going to be. Will be glad to hear from any of the „iris aiud I will endeavor to ,ans- wer their letters. Address to 36 Vic- toria. St. London,S. 'Wee Eng�r.d., Care of Matron -in -Chief McDonald. Love .1:0 all. M. Edna Dow KIRKTON FIELD CROP PRIZE WIN NEHS The following are the prize win- ners in the Field Crop competit;ore conducted be the liirkton Agricul- tural Society, •• BARLEY;. The 'variety in every case was 0. .A. 0. No., 21. 1st. Amos Doupe 89 points. 2nd, Jan Robinson, 79 points. 3rd, Bobt. Berry, 78 points 4th, Harvey Webster,, 77 points. 5th, Wesley' Shier, 76 1-2 points. 6th, Wm. Harding, 76 points. 7the ,Adam M. Doupe, 75 points.' Judge, J D nMeKenna Toronto, THE EXETER. NiA.RGAIN STORE Kisu mer peciais cl, Glaring lines of handkechiefg, 'lass towels 10c each. Ladies hese worth 25c to 500 at 2 pairs f'or ? ; Ladies summer vests 10e each. Ladies: fancy collars 2 for 25c Dress r �bIfalds at 2. pairs for 25c ac The ,variety- int every' case was Daw- son's Golden Chaff. 1st; Arthur 11. Doupe, 88 points and, Jas. More, 87 1-2 points. 3rd, ,los. Whiz: & Sons 86 points. 4th, Wm. Robinson, 81 points. 5th, ;John Morphet 81 1-2 points. 611r, Adam M. Doupe 80 1-2 paints 7th, Wan. Denham 78 1-2 points The oats are not judged yet. Judge of wheat, P. L. rancher, O. A. IC., Guelph. Join the big crowd at the aestival of Nations in the Dome rink hnena3 evening,. An additional coat of cal has been opplied to the centre of the main street's The hvrrvy rain$ h tvt:`, been gr,a.duelly washing the oil to the sole of the road and the couneil Gave deemed it advisable to retouch the centre of 'the road. of tsborne receiv- 1VIr, Thos. Smalc., ed a nasty cut in the forehead on Thursday of last week while aasist- ir.'g in placing a heavy tile in a well or. the Germ of Mr. Geo. 'Wright, The tile weighed little over hall 'a tor. and several men were in the out. ;of rais- ing it 'to pl;iec it in the +bell when the tramp supports on one ,side gity way one plank striking '1Xi. Smile in the forehead inflicting 'a nasty gash which 'required several stitches to CEN TItALIA Mrs. \Vebb is visiting with Mr. And Mrs. J. Coiwill Mr. and Airs. S. Andrew visited at Winchelsea one 44 last week,, Mr. ;and Firs. 11. £Viilla spent Sunday last with relatives at Woodham. Quite to number been the village and ,vicinite spent last Sunday at the l3ered. - 't • ' 'What about by dro? We are won- dering if it iv,11 coria this, was and supply us with the power and light xiaede:d. Ur. 1r. ',Walla has arrived to take charge of the Grand Trunk duties at the Depot. Mrs. Anderson has returned atter spending a month with h;r daughter at St. Thomas. ,Rev. I inne, wife atidesoet left on *u ' ,. the Blida , near 7.uesdaa. to sp.nd li y xoriJrind ,11taine,, IT, S. Mr. Alvin Essere started to shock thrash on Monden. `'Ile grain was of good quality and .'inkling will. The beave ,rains are causing the farmers sonic ane.xstncits as::orno 'of the wheat and barley is starting to grow, The corn and oats are badly flattened down and will seat mature Dra crl ; .; al l ids_� Ji. L. i p art ..� . See Our Table of Remnants Mens Ties, regular 25c at 2 for 25 cents. Mens Shirts at 50 cents each. SHOES Pee our so th window at $L a pair All Summer Goods Must be Cleared Wo F. B E A Cts E k(LO4nedfinnOnePnetne G en 0.000n vV^ fa net Int nen n Senn e00 ne) On:Mtn $ efeten:k as 4 0 4 4 4 A 4e M 4 ete ese 6 A 4 SUMMER.. MER. , UNT1ERWEA 4> 4 e Arereya o � �rt 2 ar Witte an EzoepHDnallyr Fine Line of Stenen.--r Goods for Men. re Y O J 6.n Need of Any New Clethint or Furnishings, ,%?or Correct Styles for Dressy Men, We Can Meet Your Requirements. 4 4 44• 4. • a 1 VEEP IN,00 IN OUR HOT WEATHER. UNDER WEA ' "ARROW S1I I RTS AND COLLARS" .Aiwa's Make a Mao Peel Dressed. Let us Show on See 'Our'Nrifty Knit Ties This Seasons "STRAW HATS" are Very Natty acid Becoming. We Carry the Leaders, 0G-derccx Clothing, Ready -to- Wear Clothing, n;;Su.rltr.e:•s Suits,' blauDel Trousers, Odd Pants, Overalls, etc. a; w t i. 414.40 . _ ie4.4t•:tt4.411;09.44 4dr 404+1 '6 .91D..2 +,' 141 04,•.la t; t PUONE E'81 nt .t++t • C nit en 4 8 8 8 e'. Nc. no 4•r .til►,'