HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-7-29, Page 8741 4•'(/ TBE •EXETR ritio., • Market Reportaahe felleiening the reeort ot the Exear ter Mket corrected up to Jute 28th, 1914 ; Whet $1.10._ see' sa ate; Oats ri5o . '01 • Barley 10a eat %tee Eluekwheat 6e j., Peas $L00 e ' Flour $3.30, 1J it. 1 Low Gide Floe"' $LiHts ' • Bran $28:00 per ton 1: Shorts $30,00 per ton ' ' Sager Beet -pulp $27.00 pee, ton.. Butter 22 to 2i Eggs 18 and 19e k • Preainers ttea:' 3O ,Potatoes 36 to '60a Bogs, $8,30 kkat t te, I Young ,citiekee 140 ' tat Old. Hens lie, 1,etzer Ducklirig 13o ' I 1 Old Roosters 7c, 1j 1 DackS tlek ,,,•1 • •.R<S'Or.ver) THAT YOU SHOULC LOO( BErORE "You LEAR COME IN AND LOOT< AT OUR, VALUES AND Yot.r "WILL BUY FROM U$ ALL WE ASK oF YoU IS To CoME 1N. WE KNOW WE'VE GOT THE STUFF, AND WE KNOW WE'VE GOT A FAIR PRICE; So TF YoU WILL CoME IN AND LET US SHoW YoU, WE ARE CoNFIDENT YoU WILL GET eIUST WHAT YOU WANT. WE WoN'T ASK YoU To BUY WHAT YoU DoN'T WANT. WE WANT YoU To GET WHAT YoU Do WANT So YoU WILL STAY WITH US. MEN'S SUITS Last week we had a shipment of Men's Suits arrive, which were bought away below regular prices, Call and get one of them and. save money, WHITE SKIRTS, $t.50 Your choice of our $2.50, $3.00 and $4.00 White Skirts in Reppe Bedford Cords and Ratines. Take your pick for $1,50. BLEACHED LINEN TABLE CLOTHS The size is 6S by 00 inches. They are hemmed and. ready for use. The material is a very fine quality and is easily laundried We think this particulary good value at $2.00. WOMENS RAIN COATS in colors Grey, Olive and black. The cloth is a fine mercerised material seas will keop out the ram. $7.50. Large sizes 0.00. BLEACHED COTTON SHEETS $1.25 A PAIR This Sheeting is 2 yards wide und 2 yds long. It is a good. weight willed, and bleached. Very Special value at per pair $1.25. STRAW HATS If we have the size you want in a Straw Hat, the price will be sure °please you. As we are selling them at less. thaa Poet Price.. ' WHITE WAISTS; 9Sc Regular $1.25 values. A very dainty waist with long sleeve and eon collar. Neatly made and a good wearer. All sizes, 98c. NEW WOOLEN SWEATERS The very newest Styles, in decidedly new weaves. A splendid aiding Coat for women or men, at 4.50, '5,00 and $6.00, TOILET SE rs AND DINNERWARE If you want a Toilet Dinner Set, we can save you money. Some new ware in good decorations at low prices. STEAMER TRUNKS These trunks will stand Iots of hard usage. They are well made with double locks reinforced ends and straps, 6.00 and $6.50. This Store closes every THURSEAY AFTERNOON at 12.30 during MOTICE the months of July and August. J. A. STEWART PHONE 16 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• -1; LOCAL • • ••••••• •••••••• Mr. Jos. Dawden lost a valuable cow Gast Prides, aliss 'Ethel Sweet, of Tillsonburg, is visiting at her home: Mrs. ,William Westcott spent Sane dee with friends in Exeter. atr. and Mrs. T. 0. Soutlacott spent a Sew days last week at Grand, Beata. Mrs. M. Sheere and son rrarsla 'are visiting for s week. in Lansing. Mich. Mrs. johie Colwill and, Miss Bezel Young have 'red sagely ia Wart- nipen. Mrs. 'Georg , ipton, ot is visiting her parents, Mr, and OYfre. Dan. Davis. Mrs. Oxtabs, of Brantford, who was isitieg in town left last meek to visit iz& Clinton/. V. and.Man W. Phillips and .child, of Toronto, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Phillips. ir.air.ti Mrs. alma Beale are hoti. (laying in lastrole, • atr. aziewee Aeheso as accepted a position In St. This. Mr. and Dare, Thos. rreneli, of Port HuroXi, are visiting With their, nee*. Mrs. E. A. Folliek. (51r, and, Mrs. Hemphill, a Wrox eter, Spent Sunday •at the borne o Mr. estnd Mrs. S. Martin, Mr, and Mrs. Xnksater and dauglen ter, Of ilaaris, are the guests of Alla and JSins. W, 3.1 Bissett, • 1 airs,G, Brownlee and fatally, of Seaforth, arc visiting tbe former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T Favaa 4.1,011.M110111.1110110M, Notice of Closing We the undersigned merchants of the Village of Exeter agree to close our places of business at the hour of half past twelve o'clock on Thursday afternoons during the months of July aad August. A. Stewart T. Hawkins & Son S. !Martin & Son S. Fitton F., M. Boyle Exeter Times Ptg Co, W. 3. Beer E, W. g • 131eavers Lawson & Trick F. E. Wilns Spackman. 1'. Frayne J. Grigg 3. Senior E. A. Follicle 7.W, W. Tamen; A, E. Moore. Joneg & May„, W. J. Statham Dirs., Yeo A. -Wambold J. W.. Powell W. S. ):Lowe FIRST 1110,VE MADE ONE YEAtEt AGO , , • , , • The :first move of meet was made gust one year ago 0.0. Feiday east when the Austrian ultimatum tts See -via, which led up to the wear (was delta, ered; With the war going on close on ,to n ear the /forecasting of peace is about as uncertain :now as even,. One •thing Germany at the maximum of ber power has been, held in cheek while the allies, so to speak, , have been just getting 'onto their iecet. The seriousness of the 'situation has moit et dawned upon, many orf our couritrsimen land real sacrtfiees have not been felt ,by !the vast majority. Peter McArthur in a short /article in the Globe meets the, !condition well when be writes follownt 'While eelleceing on the twilit' I was Suddenly etruelt by R. contrast tbse setyrine can fill ir. tar himself,. 'We have all •read letters Ifrem boys in •'else trenebes telling oe the inferrer irk Whieli, ',they etre fightirtg the battle for ;Canadian freedom. 'Besides dee- cribing the horrors the are obliged to endure, 'many of theta ask pathe- tically .for letters from home. Letters from those whom they love alre fret- aed (more than anything that reaches them, Now it occurs to me ,that if a spirit of truthfulness suddenly struck some people they would write to the soldier boys somewhat he Oi- se:Ws: "Dear Jim„ -I take my pen in hand to write you these /few lines to let you know tbat we are all „well, and hoping that you are enjoying • the same great blessing. Judging from e our last letter you must be having quite a lively time on the Conti -Along. You will be glad to know that our steers wintered 'Well, and, are fattene lag on tbe back pasture. IZ the war keeps on 'for awhile longer we expect to „sell them for at lenst 'Mee cantsat pound. The wheat is lookin' well, coo, pnd if the allies do not manage to force the Dardanelles and jet out that Russian, wheat we will probable get p. big price /tor jt, "You will be glad, to !know that actur 'Unele Bill, who Is in the mann ufaeturing 'business, has got g lot of good ontraets ,to supply ,war meter-. ials at a nice profit, and his girls are getting a new automobile. "Well Jim., I guess this is about eall at ;present, Take care of eourself, "our Affeetionate COUS113, • r "Josiah Granata', Services as 'follows in the Main St, Methodist, church next Sabbath Fel- lowship 'service at 10.15 anon preach- ing tat Wean, (followed by the S rament of the Lord's Supper, alorte:1 ing subject "The Neeessary Rowena', brance” Evening subject, Veda Cure for the Blues" Miss Viola Ncil of S.S,No,1 Stephen who was reported last Week as hav- ing received 5e0 marks should have been credited with honors. She is to be congratulated ori xeoeiving the Mrs. E. A. rollick returned home last week after spending several weeks at Grand 'lend. 51r. W. 3. efurray was ix. Hamilton Last week attending the Grand Lodge of tbe 'Masonic Order. Miss lia Bernick returned to Tor- onto Saturday after 'visiting for a few weeks with Mrs. M. Sheeire Mrs. Alice Bailie, of Los. Angeles. Cal., motored -through tows. on Mon - k,4 caned on a few friends ea- rs:ate. A band concert was held in Victoria isark on Sundae afternoon last from four to five o'clock. A. large number feathered and enjoyed. the 'mink. Mrs. Artnstrong and daughtger or Brandon, Man., Mas. McKnight, of Pt. Tarte. aliss Carrick, of Goderith. and .Mrs. McCreath. f Lneknow, are guests Of Mr. and Mins. I. Armstrong of Itown. • Mr., • E.. Handford, of Ingersoll, accompanied by about thirty young men. left last week for the Peace Riv- er district where the young men ,purs pose locative on farms. Mr. Mitch -11 Willis, of Stephen, was one of the party. e. Mr. and Mrs. David Haziewood, of Kirktot, 'Oat., announce the enrages went Of their da eghter. Nellie Alecia, to Mr. Charles DPaul, oE Kiraton, the wedding to take place at their home "Maplehurst", the latter part of August. Mr. Daniel Prior, of Clinton, had a fall of 'about 10 feet while engaged ir. mason work last week, alighting on his neck and shorlders. No bones were broken but he NM S badly shak- en up end is et present corsfined to his bed. • Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Penhale left' last week for San FranciseniCalif., where they will attend the Panama Exposis tion. They will return by British Columbia and will visit at Vancouver and other. points in the westereeprov- :incest They will be gone ' several / • months, Mrs. Jas. Sweet, Miss Sarah. Jamcs end lasters John and Duecan !Mc- Callum motored with Mr. Nelson! Stanlake to Clinton on Sunday and visited with Mr. and. Mrs. Robts N. Sweet. Miss myrtle Sweet returned with them and will visit her iserawV -parents for awhile. 'Quite a number of young men front town are ca.mping at G rand Bend, this week. amon.r them being: Leta irate' Grieve, B. -Rivers, ,C,Laix Woora, Leon Treble, 0. Atkinson, H. Piarsona, W. Heideman, Gerald Huraon, Jack Efurdoe, Trueman ; Elmo How- es. Beg. Bissett, and Harry Windsor. Main street Sunday Behooi held their annual picnic to Grand. Bend on Thursday of last week. The day was ideal and several loads of schola.ne got an earls start for the lakeside. The lake was cattle mad a most enjoyable dee evas spent. One 'feature of ithe dee was the treating by the school of 'the scholars to h motor boat ride nn the lake. Last week we rn'adc mention' of the death 'oX Ur. 3. 0.. Abell. of Toronto, brother-in-law of Mr. Stephen. 'Pow- ell of town. Thu Toronto Star con- tained the following in refetrence to the deceased "Maw friends, among whom were a number (from western Ontario, attended the 'funeral& the late 3, C. 'Abell, ou Saturday altare noon ;from the *nails acsidence at 035 Euclid avenue to Mount Pheasant cemeters, The late Mr. Abell was a highls respected business man. Barn at Seaforth., Ont., in 1871, be mar- ried 'Miss 'Rhoda 'Willis, and, carat to Toronto about twelve seas ago. Aife ter travelling for C. 11. Westwood & Co. for several 3 e'ars, he founded the Ontla.rio Cloak Co., with Ma. Ohep' pard, and was associated with . the business for six 'seam Two years ago be 'became cormected with the Princess Manufacturing Company, With 'which he was identified 'until his death. The deceased was a meme ber of Zetland alasonie Lodge and ,of the Lodge of ' Perfection (Scottie's Rite). He was a staunch Conserva- tive and atteaded Triuits Methodist Catereb, Besides 'his widow he leaves a son and daughter and two brothers: Genef Stratford. and Joisseee of Sealforth He is also survived he his tined mother, Mr. Jobe 'Abell, of Seaforth, wbo' was present at the Misses Am). Johns anci. aene. ,Coates were ;successful in passing the flatlet. aal examinations of the Londor, Con- servatnry, • Mr. Bobt, E. Pickard who has been la ti,c west for several months on his farm ex Fxobisher is visiting at his home 'here. This is the time of the sear that can blevabilatd.thtsevegodbeelsrt lobu=rgadealtheaet- eure those results. Rev. W. G, McAlister is enjoying a. visit from his mother, Mrs. (Rev.) /McAlister, and sisters, the Mis- es McAlister, of Galt, Mrs. S. Fitton returned Moeday af- ter yisiting for a few weeks ita Tor- onto. She :Wee accompanied home by her sister, Mrs. Drew. third highest 14,a,rh.s 111 'Meat .Thiroia, fun00, -. TIrUESDAY, jETLY 29th, 101-np Mr. Jos. Lawson, soutlawest of Crediton, lost a valuable horse last weele The aorse fell oia ,the gang.' wee and broke its neck) laic Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered at the yclose of publia worship Al James Street Meth- odist church next Sabbath. Mr. Bruce 3. McColl, e hose mother lives in Parkhill, has been reported killed be action wane serving with the 15th Battalion, on June 29, Mr, And Mrs. Thornton and daugh- ter 'Jean, of Woodstock, !motored •np and spent Sunday with Mrs. Powell. Miss jean i,s rercanniag bere saa ; a visite • Don't scald the child if she is oras give her Rexall Orderlies ,aa the trouble is probably with tbe bowels. Sold. only by W S. Cole, the Rexall Store, 10c., 25c., and 50c. boxes. Mr. Wilbur Mitchell, of the 81st Battalion, Winnipeg, is visiting hasi parents. Mr. end Mrs. Wm. atitehell, of itowni. Ile was granted( twelve (lass' ifurlought Mi George Burling, of Bleth, had, the misfortune to have bis collarbone breiken 'and will be 'hid up for some time in consequence, wbile playing a game of football with a Hallett team. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Sweet and son, of Hamilton, and Miss Mae Portage as Prairie, Man., motore4 up and k'visited for a few dans in tOW:11;. Hiss Gill will remain lase several weeks. It has been called toaeur attention that the 'nenelser of mee at elle Peek oa-Steitatiffalafteitioen 'eh° removed tl ear hats while the national anthem was being sung, were away in the minoxity, Mr. Geo. May has ,returned after spending a week at the "Mayflower" astaage, Grand. Bend, with his sis- ter Mrs. J. G. Jones and is now leaving to spend a month with Mr. Joshua Harding in Usborne. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Acheson end two (children motored to -St. Thomas and orient Sundae with lir, and ears. Chas. Dale. The were accompanied home be their little daughter Amalie who has been visiting there. , The Woman's institute wish to think those who generously contri- buted miscellaneous comforts for the soldiers ; cash and comIrortg amount- ing to $00.00 The Institute also sent a ,box of magazines to Paptain Smith A. M. C. Carlings Heights. The xerciains of the late. Jos. Far- mer, aged 28, son at 'Mr. Dennis Far, mer, at Centralia, were brought to his home and. the :funeral held on Suuda3,„ The eoung man died iquito. sudelenlyi in a hotel at Ste. alone de Beaupre, following en apple attack of indiges- tion The Ladles of the Exeter Patriotic League will give a grand entertain- ment "Festival of Nations" in the Dome lRink on Friday, August ilth. 'Refreshments will be served at booths representing the different nations .by ladies in national costume: Tableux representing Britain and her allies. Music be the Citizen's Band, one feature of which will be tha ren- dering of the national airs of the Al- lies Finale, Grand March be ,41 in costume. Admission 25 and 10c. Finger Hurt- While at a barn raising 'a few days ago Mr Myron Gulbert bad the misfortune to get. one of his fingers badly squeezed ;and for some days after the accident the injured. [member seemed to he doing all right, but 'about tea daps ago it begran to pain, which 'became almost( unbearable and medical aid was mum roone.d, when it was fella. that he wee suffering from gangerine. The finger has been taken'oft at the ac - mond joint and last reports are that. he is now doing alma and, that no further operations will be required,. Lucan Sun. HICKS' FORECASTS a, regular storm period, having 115 beginining in the clos'Ag dEl3s 01 Jule, will bring threatening weather to the central and extreme eastern sections of the country during the first to second of August, with fair and ebange to cooler weather com- ing behind storm areas from west- ern parts The first reattionars storm period is ;central on the 4th, 5th and ath. The Moon is in apogee on the etlaand at greatest north declination O1 the ath. The barometer will tall, and the temperature will TiSO to ver, high readings, on and cat to ,these data. Mid -summer 'steads, ;thunder gusts tend scattering tains will vasa many localities, during the progress at these dieturbances, from west to east across the countret It will be natural to expect tem ot the warmest turves of the summer during this te- Stettonart period, with little or no olodifieation of the high temperature, until atter the Moon's (conjunction with forth and Sun, en the 1.0th. , The ''''People• in Exeter • 'Want • to So�nd Money ONEY is for use not for hoarding.lViost of us want what money will buy more than money, so we are always spending our money. A.Isg, most of us do not make enough money to keep or hoard it—we mast spend it on necessities. • Much Exeter money le spent with firms outside of this cernmunity- evith the big city znil arder houses; ;money that •ought to be spent at home. • More money will be spent in Ex- eter if more of our merchants Would advertise, and if those who do advertise would advertise more, • To the People hi and About Exeter Spend your money in Exeter. Sending money out of this community makes the community poorer for you and everybody else. Building up outside business won't help you any. Favor Goes to Those Who Woo It The English chureh Sunday! Soboot held their annual picede to Gavad Bend on Tuesday. The day was fine and la large number availed -theme selves of the opportunity to ',vend' a day ,at the lakeside. It was the aarge est ,picpic ever held, be this school. Spoxts and root races were held. and a•vers enjoyable time wan spent, • INJURED IN PRA:NIGH' Mr. Gordon. Braund, son cif Mr. Edwin S. Braund, of Erantford, ar.d grandson of Mr. and Mrs. D. Braund. of /town, has been injured in France He was stilt:Lek be a piece of shrapnel in tbe band. Two others were killed Ind five seriously wounded by pieces from ;the same shrapnel. aiis father nho has been at Ashford, Kent in England. in order that he might be tear his son. was called -to France, owing to the serious nature •olhis son's wounds. It is thought ael xel- ativese here that blood-poisomeg had set-in. His speedy recovery is hoped. for' A. item; weeks ago tae printed a 'poem written be air. Braund and published in the Ashford paper. Be- low `we reprint another poem tvhich will be read with interest. LIEUT `WARNEFORD, V. p: , . Brave Warneford has done his dui, He has taken his last long ttlight As a meteor was his beaute, • Like a herp In his Might: aft (King and Country Reed me. Mather, said hen and. I will And 'come back home to England.' To 'give the world a thrill. Three braves went out one morning, To bomb fa Zeppelin. shed.; • When 'Warneford saw the monster, Saida the raider for Me instead. Like the king bird chases the raven, As a sword fish strikes h whale; Waraeford sears through the hea- vens, The 'Zeppelin turns its tail. 'Twas In the earlt dawning, When the eagle strikes bare e This airship was returning As a tiger to its lair. Down 'weeps Warneford the hero, Till above tit scarce :fifty yards; His fear. 'tis said, ,was zero, Right wehIbe plan ed. bis cards. Se dropped three bombe on ' the monster, Then rail was in such confusion; And just to finish the lobster, , There eame an awful explosion. Huge (wreck that ifell ocl a Convent, Burning nrtd killed all the Aunst. Adds to its record without consent Killing two other worrien: Nuns • Our hero was blown high ske wards, /3 Such an explosion of gee; He looped the loop ,did Warne/ford:( Gliding to earth, it was class, Bat he lit in. enemy's country, Just over the German line; His resources were his bounty, Now ne's filling the tank behind., Then as the Germans rush forward, 'ao gather up 'Warneford as dead; Ele started his; airbird homewards, And paned. high over their heads. Then comes the king's glad. nee,ssane, Since eou are 'first, said he Single handed to destros a raider, I honour eoa with the V.G. • With 'pride we remember Warneford, May his spirit ever remain, To uphold the British watchward, And plas the hero's game. 1 Big Variety Store IP 0 W E S THE HOME OF EDISON PHONOGRAPHS EDISON INSTRUMENTS are acknowledged to be the pest sound producing instruments yet discovered. They reproduce every sound wave and tone col- or perfectly. There are no needles to change, The records do not break or warp. • Tilly WEAR LONGER PLAY LONGER COST LESS We have EDISON INSTRUMENTS in stock . • at the following prices: No. 10, 12 records, cylinder, $ 48.40 No.. 8. 12 " 66.90 No 6, 12 " 11 84.40 No. 5, 12 " 93.90 No B60,, 12 •" dise, 80.25 No, 3380, 12 " • 0$ 118.25 Vo. A200, 12 " $i 268.25 • 500 Cylinder Records and 200 Double Disc re. cords to choose from, Every EDISON we sell we guarantee for x year to adjust free. If yoU are think. ing of treating yourself Co music—see us first. We will meet any instrument with. an EDISON.. You are invited to call and see and hear the many styles—no trouble to show them. • Friday and Saturday are Bargain Days 114 THE BAZAAR—WATCH THE WINDOWS POWELL'S BAZAAR Phone - 5. Exeter, Ontario Genuine D. L. & W. Scranton Coal KESTLE, ROWE & WOOD PHONE 40 Exeter, Ontario AGENTS for British American Oil Co. , • R. N. Rowo Funeral DirefitOr and Furniture Dealer COMPLETE STOCK ilLERYS ON WIND PHONE 20a. Western University, London. Another Great Advance Income Doubled "-Now $75,000 Another large addition to Faculty' and Epuipment in Arts and Medicine Greatly Increased Enrollment fix View. Write for particulars to B. E. Braithwaite, al.Ae ,rann• President. • "A Mane Ability is ais Passpert„"` Frank Weaver Professor of Musio, , .London, Onte Teacher of Organ and all brauchleat . of Piano Playing ; Voice Culture ar.dt Artistic Singing a Specialts. 16 yearet practical experience. For Terms app ie at S. Martin Bonts Masai Stare _ ; PERRY F. DOUP,E, Licensed Ac;e tioneer. Sales conduoted in any lox eality. Terms moderate Orders km at Times office will be promptly,. at-4 tended to. Phone 116, rtaktona Ad4 dress Kirkton P.O. • ‘..t WITNG MEN WANTED: HANDLI1 MOTORCYCLES, AUTOMOBILES*, Accessories, Etc., Looal .positionese Machine furnished; 5c. brings the offer aiso spooial easy payinent termer General 'Motors Agencies, 703 P. :ea, 'Bldg., Toronto, Ontario.: NVANTED-To 'Buy' or Rent. * fleet class farm Of: about 100 nerego Good buildings, fenees and drainage Handy t6 etation, church end, sehwit, Waite y)/..,0. i,re,inga1, ot,