HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1984-10-03, Page 6PAGE 0 GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDI SDAY, OCTOBER 3,1984 uoi N 4 : members entertained .��Cfrcle with flute selections by Abby Srnallvood I,ee"M'MCalliii opened the first meeting of Knox Presbyterian Arthur Circle since sum- mer break by welcoming everyone and hop- ing they had all had a good summer. She then read a poem, "The House of a Friend", followed by a prayer. Mrs. McCallum welcomed Bill Cameron and Abby Smallwood. Abby is the daughter of John and Linda Smallwood of Quebec Street, and is in Grade 6. She played several selections on her flute, accompanied by Mr. Cameron. Mrs. McCallum thanked Abby for her WHAT IS BECOMING AND BEING A CHRISTIAN ALL ABOUT? You are welcome to come and learn with us during special meetings with Rev. Clarence Hunking As our guest speaker at: HURON CHAPEL MISSIONARY CHURCH AUBURN Dates Wed.. Oct. 10 -Fri., Oct. 12 And Sunday, Oct. 14 8:00 p.m. Every Evening beautiful music and presented her with a Grace Cameron took over the meeting and asked Marg MacKenzie and Pat White to give a report on Jubilation 1984. Both = ve an interesting review of the convention, say- ing how much they enjoyed it, and that it was a very rewarding experience. Sandy Davidson led in a sing -song of the songs they had learned at Jubilation '84, ac- companied by Mr. Cameron. Joyce Thorn gave the responsive reading. Everyone sang, "To God be the Glory" NOMINATION MEETING for HURON -BRUCE PROVINCIAL LIBERAL ASSOCIATION is to be held THURSDAY, OCT. 4 at the LUCKNOW COMMUNITY CENTRE at 8:30 P.M. IMO Sean Conway, Deputy Leader of the Ontario Liberal Party is the Guest Speaker. Membership for new members must be purchased 72 hours before the meeting to be able to vote. 1983 Memberships will be renewed at the door. and Mrs. Cameron led in the Chalice Prayer. The secretary's report was read and Mrs. McCallum discussed some activities members could be thinking of for '85. Hazel McCreath gave the treasurer's report and a discussion about buying plates and mugs took place. Lucy Johnston made a motion to buy 200 plates, seconded by Ruth Keene, with everyone in favour. Dorothy Blake reported on cor- respondence. The offering was received by Winnie Walters and Vi Fuller and dedicated by Lee McCallum. A social time followed. "Jesus and the Poor" is UCW worship theme "Jesus And The Poor" was the theme of the worship service when the Evening Unit of North Street United Church met for their September meeting. Glennis Van der Ende and her group were in charge. Mrs. Van der Ende read a story, "The Bent One", taken from the study book. Several members of the group read articles pertaining to conditions in many different parts of the world. Mrs. Van der Ende introduced the guest, Malcolm Campbell, who has a keen interest in "The Great Lakes and Its Ships." By means of slides and commentary, he took the group on an interesting cruise on the Great Lakes. Lois McGill chaired the business portion of the meeting and read an article, "Good Intentions." The members were' asked to sew pyjamas for the Christmas. Bureau. Everyone is welcome at the U.C.W. Thankoffering to be held at North Street Church on October 14 at 7:30 p.m. The meeting closed with the benediction and a poor man's lunch was served by the committee in charge. PERSONAL LOANS 1/2 If you have a good reason to borrow, talk to your friends here at the Credit Union. We are the "People Helping People" with simple interest, open personal loans. We are the people with your best rate *Completely Open for pre -payment *Simple Interest *Lite Insured 39 ST. DAVID STREET, GODERICH OFFICE HOURS: PHONE 524-8366TM Mon. to Thurs. 9:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. 'Member Ontario Share and Deposal Insurance Corporation" People Helping People Fridays 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. GODERICH COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION Church Director 1 1 J i7 I Enter to Worship BEREA-BY-THE-WATER LUTHERAN CHURCH Suncoast Drive, 1 Block West of Hwy, 21 Chris Wicher, Pastor Office 524 2235; Home 524.4134 17th Sunday After Pentecost 9 15 Family Education Hour 10 30 Thanksgiving Service (nursery service available) Bible Study: Wednesday 2 Come, Ye Thankful People, Come Knox Presb rion Chu j I I Depart to Serve THE REV. G.L. ROYAL. M.A., M DIV.. MINISTER SHEILA B FINK. B.A PASTORAL ASSISTANT` LORNE H. DOTTERER, DIRECTOR OF PRAISE Sunday, October 7th 11 00 a.m. Divine Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 7 OO p.m. Chapel Communion THANKSGIVING AND HOLY COMMUNION (Nursery Facilities) North Street United Church i.I OCT. 7, 1984 THANKSGIVING t_ 11 :OO A.M. c % ' 56 NORTH STREET 524-7631 HEI - SERVICE S SUNDAY SCHOOL Nursery and Tot Care Every Sunday - Nursery and Tot Care Every Sunday - REV. ROBERT O. BALL - minister MR. ROBERT BLACKWELL - director of music 1 rTjiT�iiiiTch MONTREAL STREET. GODERICH 1 Sunday 9:45 a.m. - MORNING WORSHIP Thursday 7:00 p.m. - PRAYER & BIBLE STUDY ,s `! ORGANIST: MRS. ALYCE GARDNER } (j PASTOR. REV. GILBERT KIDDj .->.....�..•....�.�. 524-9130 ._.•�..-.....-�.•- ,.•--,it do Calvary Baptist Church ^� BATIFIELD ROAD AT BLARE STREET %7 10:00 a.m • Bible School 11 a.m 8 7 p.m. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Guest Speaker. REV. REUBEN BRUBACHER SPECIAL MUSIC BY DAVE & NANCY Wed Eve 6 30 p.m "Olympians" for boys and girls ages 6 to 12 7 p m. Mid -week Service Nursery Facilities.. available WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH 1 ISOth ANNIVERSARYYEAR 1 i ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Anglican -Episcopal } % North and Nelson Streets, Goderich % fl'ector: The Reverend Robert J. Crocker t% HARVEST THANKSGIVING Sunday. October 7th l `/8 30 a.m. Holy Communion. 11:00 a.m. Choral Eucharist. Sermon: His Inexpressible Gift" - 2 Cor 9:15. ' Mr. Robert McIntyre at the organ. J ��� /,F Nursery available, but no Church School S r. 2:00 01,.tn Harvest Evening Prayer, Christ Church, Port Albert. % -Come, ye thankful people. come- Note: 2:00 p.m., Thursday, October 11th, Harvest Holy 1 Communion for seniors and shut-ins, followed by Tight refreshments and fellowship. 1 Over the past year, North Street United Church has undergone extensive renovations, namely the construction of a new roof over the gymnasium and the refurbishing of Sunday School rooms and other facilities. One of the more notable aspects of the ambitious project was the construction of an elevator to transport the handicapped. Rev. Robert Ball, Edith Walker, budding committee secretary and Doug Bundy, cut the ribbon to officially open the elevator Sunday. (photo by Dave Sykes) For the past 25 years, Donalda Hadden has Church. Her efforts did not go unnoticed as ceremonies Sunday. Doug Bundy and Rev. memorative cake and gold watch. (photo by toiled as the secretary at North Street United she was feted by the congregation at special Robert Ball presented Donalda with a com- Dave Sykes) Man, 23, accidentally killed DANIEL JAMES ROBINSON Daniel James Robinson, 23, of Parksville, British Columbia was accidentally killed at Duncan, British Columbia on August 4. He was a member of the Canadian Coast Guard Search and Rescue Unit, Hovercraft Base, Parksville. He is survived by his parents, Glen and Norma (McWhinney) Robinson of Par- skville; one brother, Edward of Edmonton; one sister, Nancy Rice of Sherwood Park, Alberta; and four nieces, Shannon and FRANK EN - McCLINCHEY ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. David McClinchey of Auburn wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Lorraine Ruth to Paul Joseph Franken, son of Mrs. Emma Franken and the late John Fronken of Auburn. The wedding will take place Saturday. October 13, 1984 at St. Augustine Roman Catholic Church, St. Augustine. SEE What You Buy NI hing tau huh w111 rser he a, permanent a, a L• Is monument. It, purr•ha,e nrranl• thought and guidance. See %hat Sou hut. ♦i.il the monnnnen( dealer who ha' a r plate di'.plan and s hr, ran dr.ign a per•onalize•d nuinunu•nt to har i7.r• with it`" •Ilrrnllneling,. I>re has,. the ewerienrr•. hase• the ersmplrM, di.pla, . 't. a •perialize• in fulh guaranteed ru,t deigned Granite Monument,. Mill( DE N4()Ni1MEN'TS LTD. suNcoAST MALI, MHO% ROOM _GUDER.F1f.:.k _.ONTAILto 524-2337 11.66111, OBITUARIES Amanda Robinson, and Laura and Donna Rice. A memorial service was held at Knox United Church, Parksville, August 7. Cremation followed with interment in the family plot at Mount Pleasant Cemetery in Edmonton, September 4. WINGHAM MEMORIALS •Monuments •Marker •Cemetery Lettering • Large Modern Showroom BUY DIRECT AND SAVE REPRESENTATIVES COMMISSION Bus. 357-1910 Rea. 357-1015 or 357-1535 Filter "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" 48-7103 SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS PRI 1)1-; SINCE 1919 Goder,ch Area ROBERT McCALLUM 11 CAMBRIA ROAD GODERICH 524-7345 Clinton Aran MICHAEL FALCONER 153 HIGH STREET CLINTON Q a