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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1984-09-26, Page 27
.1,1 PAGE AOA—GODERICH SIGNA,I.'STAR,. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26,1984 aAutumn Flair" fashion show held at United Church Sharon Jeffrey and Judy Williams were two of the local models hi the [`Autumn Flair" fashion show presented by the Clare McGowan Unit of North Street United Church last Wednesday afternoon and evening. The latest fall lines from The Fashion Shoppe were presented along with fur coats from Kaufman Furs in Kitchener. Sharon wears a natural bob cat jacket -length coat while Judy models a full-length Norwegian blue fox coat with white fox collar. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) Iola Robinson of Beauty Counselor applies make-up to model Katherine Yates prior to the "Autumn Flair" fashion show presented by the Clare McGowan Unit of North Street United Church last Wednesday. Local models, along with two professionals from the Elegance, School of Modelling in London, paraded the latest fall clothing lines from The Fashion Shoppe in front of large audiences during both the afternoon and evening. ( Photo by Joanne Buchanan bigb a utu for 71 n Super One -A -Day VITAMINS Dry Idea Roll -On DEODORANT .2.99:50m1 , : �......,..._,:....__„_-____._-.....-..,,_..77_77.-_•,...,.....___..._.._.. .. ,. Jhirmack Mother Parker CONDITIONER loomi. INSTANT SHAMPOOCOFFEE 59 l Only 2.09 22® ml. 60's DEEP HEATING RUB worm • 2.79 P aytex TAMPONS 3.9 30's TRIIANF L<E D1SCOUNTQEO 172 The Square, Qloderlch/Moir Corner, Clinton/Main Coroner, Se aforth "Autumn Flair” was the theme for a fashion show sponsored by the Clare McGowan Unit of North Street United C1>wru ch last Wednesday afternoon and even- ing. 1 Sixteen local models and two profes- sionals from the Elegance School of Modell- ing in London (including Cindy Willen, Miss London 1983), paraded before "their au- diences in the latest fall lines from The Fashion Shoppe in Goderich, including Kit- ten ensembles, co-ordinates, separates, coats and jackets, full coats, dresses, lingerie and robes. There was a heavy ac- cent on accessories such as stylish hats and silk scarves tied in a variety of ways. And while earth tones and basic black were featured, there was also a splash of color, in- cluding bright reds, purples and blues. Commentatorfor the show was Phyllis Hugill of the Ele attne\School of Modelling. The models were made -4 by Iola Robinson, a local representative of Beauty Counselor. Door prizes were provided by local mer- chants and refreshments were served by the Clare McGowan Unit members. The local models participating in the show included Doris Hamilton, Bonnie Flynn, Col- leen Smith, Penny Hart, Connie Macaulay, Sharon Austin, Cathy Morris, Kay Duncan, Janet Bentley, Della Rodgers, Cathy Hamilton, Katherine Yates, Mary Beth Britnell, Judy Williams, Sharon Jeffrey and Pam Bender. Ducks Unlimited to hold November banquet Dere GODERICH - The newly formed Goderich Committee of Ducks Unlimited (DU) Canada has announced that its first annual banquet will be held at the Candlelight Restaurant in Goderich, on November 16, 1984 at 6 p.m. Committee Chairman Bruce Sully of Champion Road Machinery feels the fund-raising function should be marked on the calendar by anyone who is interested in the future of North America's waterfowl and Wetlands. "Ducks Unlimited has been preserving and restoring wetland habitat in Canada for more than 40 years," says Mr. Sully. He went on say that he volunteered to help Ducks Unlimited because of the organiza- tions impressive track record. Since 1938, this private, non-profit organization has constructed more than 2,100 wetland pro- jects throughout Canada. As a result, DU has reserved over three -million habitat ,,,acres and created more than 13,000 miles of crucial nesting shoreline for waterfowl. "Now there's growing interest from Cana- dians to contribute financially to the future of waterfowl and wetlands conservation. These banquets are one way for sportsmen and other conservation minded individuals to make a solid contribution to Ducks Unlimited's time proven habitat,program." Mr. Sully explained that natural wetlands throughout Canada are under continuing and intensive pressure from a variety of developers. "Ducks Unlimited is the only private, non-profit group in North America actually doing something to offset these habitat losses," he says. Concluding his remarks about the impor- tance of DU's conservation effort Mr. Sully stated, "Our committee will be calling on conservation -minded individuals and businesses within the community to help support our DU fund-raising banquet. Businesses have found their generosity returned in kind by participants in these events. We're going to have a lot of good food, great prizes and fun for everyone, 'and those who attend can rest assured the dollars we raise are going to a very good cause." Mr. Sully said he and any member of the Goderich Committee would be happy to talk to anyone interested in DU's grassroots con- servation program and can be reached at 524-2601. 44 1. gd INFORMATION MEETING ON FOOD ALLERGIES Friday, October 5, 1984 at 1:30 AUXILIARY ROOM ALEXANDRA MARINE and GENERAL HOSPITAL If interest is sufficient, a self-help group will be formed to make life more bearable for those with Food Allergies. If you cannot attend on this date, please call Barb Cause 524-8323 to indicate your interest. We're at your service OUR EVERYDAY SERVICE PRICES RING SIZING Sizing up- Iirst size 1 2. Each additional size up Sizing Down - regardless of how many sizes 6. 35o All our service work done at Anstett Manufacturing Limited, by our own certified Goldsmiths Estimates and consultations at no charge. RING CLAWS 4 Claws /� Retipped 24■ Each additional claw GOLD CHAIN c Solder V 5. W . INSTALLATIONSATCHBATTERY ....4. ANSTETT JEWELLERS Main Corner CLINTON 482-3901 Mystery Discount Days cnonotnnTt ' la' CAS.... t iketop With your Mystery Discount Card, you'll pay less towards the purchase of automotive prvduot&r OMB and automotive service charges (exclude gasoline or propane), only dee earncant eUsed per purchase. THIS WEEK ONI-Y1 See complete detailsin-store, M(rnday, Ste, 24fh.. to Saturday. Sept, 29th,19811.-r curt 5 au rallncittrlcs TORS SEX Applies to ei ".... automotive service bide 8H1V1Cr charges, too. This 1 -•"r-" . Week Only—Hurry! Save even more on these car -care items, too! Wlnler 114(11 (ij of •,5 riot 449 1• 601. '• r 144 'ti IIA x .14%909 Salt 1x44 •next--. J., 4649 • 1•'.) 1 ••I 4499 16 99 •. • . 4,49 -•• • •57 99 ONO HP O 14 • Asn a •1 1 • 5, 49 -1' 1 II} 61 99 004.9,'9 • 1 • I 1 • 64 99 ,t c It • - • 1.16949 t1'4• +- I •519 x'9'1 I •4 x • .•16'99 7911140 fawe4.a Olen 1a Sal DO 679 191 014 Super-Lastic Supreme steel -belted winter radials. Deep snow frac f.on at deep discount pnr_es Two steel belts with twin 7o111nq nb5 hold the tread firmly f0 the road for excellent directional stability and larva m lead. P'llyester body plies PLUS a nylon Gal) ply ensure casing Strength unlformlty and a smooth ode Seasonmaster XT all -season radial at XTra-savings. Computer designed 4,9ad is xTra wide XTra deep and specially compounded to p'nvote tr>p tra(hon through rain or snow Two steel belts with an XTra Low:. p<,1yester r. a4ing for prec4Se handling XTra wide raised whitewall 1'•, added (1,,, 11,41,4, Performance rating 65,000 km. PILE* • GUARANTEE • INSTALLATION • TIRE VALVE 'Our 5 -year unlimited -mileage. pro -rated guarantee 111019. •r at „111 5955enger ra' and ;'qh"4.44.0 ...e.. ,,P.. 1''0'. wh1(h arc rendP4444 .•<ean. 1.:P 4.9,1994 a, 'sad r"a9a'd'. '.' r O 4' '4 plant '.•'P' Pr( Ask in ',tree lnt 7:777 ��Q`;:♦ Save 510.00 Air compressor 19' Reg 529 95 P6,,s .nf., 1,•anlPr socket With buil 'n nressl,•e gauge 160 psi "ice <a..•..:.J.,, Save $3.Ot ®g5 Micro grease gun O Reg 511 95 Compa( nnP hand ooerahon 3 07 all p,Jr00Se grease ;677 ; "4 9 Save $9.00 1995 Booster cables Re•i 528 95 M9''19944 s Grade 200 amu •a' no 4 as 3 66 m 12 - ionq H1,r', .. • 4 Save 51 00 229 Anti -splash funnel Req $) 29 Buie in 'Iter r;>, 4h91rnOQ 1', 0,,14 99 luar' 140 i Save 16°,. Battery tester Seasoama4le. Y1 . Nix•. . • t •. Nu . •44• a 4'40 4 4 44 1 44 J4 44 14 Salo each 44 49 46 w 92 99 54 49 57 49 99 49 62 99 • • 4 • 66 49 6447 6949 a•,• 7349 0 4' 44 7749 9) 14 82 49 784 1111 9,417 m1814110 9.h!ri.9 01 00.17 614 1964 Installation Includes 4 qt vy valve and .14 941 Pr m i.141'ny •1' time ')1 pllrrha'•P. '!n n'.opr.'ert (' r nP id .94' r:eaned l'i pu'•'' vn a•• .Pa' A 4. 1 aa'e 4' 40 CHAR(,) Save $200 997404kite c nni a in e' container Perma-fill coolant Reg $7 99 Helps pro tett against boot over and freeze ups Ideal for most ',Iden automobiles and diesel engines 29 (048 4 99C Req 51 19 For sate 9959 and oaiable <;h9rk of rot, halter, 4 harglnq 110991 Save 510.00 Fog or driving lamp kit 2995 Rny 539 95 y',ur ' 110.4.10 parr of 6 . 3' J . 2' • '(.911,' haingPn Ing or dr,ving lambs 1 -odes ^ar1ware 29) 755•, Save $42% 69C Oil filter wrench o7 Req 51 19 Durable metal nnstrof, hnn Available 'n Small 1, Lar4P 29 1508• Save 32', Transmission fluid 169 Regular 52 49 46,,t: mat.<. tran5miss'0n .1111 for an GM or Ford ",oke; 2r. •5r2r Perma 3 coolant Req 59 49 Ideal for ve- h1Ues equipped for towing or air conditioning 100^6 aluminum compatible for new engines 29 1004 B Save 29% Motomaster Supreme multigrade oil 5W30 10W30 0110W40 Save 52.00 6 -ounce oiler 249 Req $4 49 Single drop 0' steady stream 5', spout Tnggpr action 29 2522 2 19 each. lore Regular $1 69 Our premium motor o,1 meets Or exceeds API Service Classifications SE SF CC 1 litre 29 73030 Save 52.00 10'5 Auto blanket Regular $12 95 Warm and cosy Leopard pattern 48 72' Washable 41 3519 2 Save 51.00 Steering wheel cover 199 Regular 52 99 Handsome lac9 on 91919 BAJA Black Red nr Brown 099' t' Save 53.00 4955 Splashguards nm• Regular 57 95 Durable rub ber accent stnoes Cholre of 5 r olor9 17 '284, . . . a lot more than tires T.R. O'NEILL ENTERPRISES LTD. 223 HURON RD., GODERICH 524-2121 OPEN THURS. & FRO. 9.9 Save 540.00 4995 3 -way stereo speaker Req 589 95 Flush nr Surfa(R mount Each sneaker 64' with 5 • woof et 20 07 "19,1'1#4 and 40W 75 4• •7 n linnnDIHR1 Tlfil 123 456 789 0 R J ROBERT Save''" 5.0095 Auto stereo speaker kit ,J•• Reg 539 95 Wedge style convertible for flush surface mount 5 woofer 2 mid range 40W each 35 4105 6 VISA USE YOUR CARD or get 4% Casa Bonus Coupons Save 51S.00 1 A 95 Economy stereo speikers p4•4 Reg 529 95 Flush -mount rear deck 5 woofer 1' tweeter 3 -oz magnet 8W each With hardWare 35 4103 0 SaVe 25% fa SS% 199 999 t© each Thermoplastic wiper blade .Reg $2 99 to 53 99 11 to 18" for Ford, OM Chrysler and Imports Non -rust, nom - glare black finish Streamlined design Natural rubber squeegee 21 11510