HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1984-09-19, Page 271. OpendOiy 9 a.m. to 9:.30 p.m. rideot-Pkt' e9 o 0117 r bort)%J • POWDERED LAUNDRY Tide Detergent 12 LITRE BOX GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19,1984 -PAGE 11A gaioNsionomeiminionommwomposiommoimailowommow Prices effective ttwu Saturday, September 22nd, 1984. A&P reserves the right to limit quantities to normal family requirements! SAVINGS SHOWN IN THIS AD BASED ON A&P CURRENT REGULAR RETAILS. •f'%i/i.''''..,M1;';r1y'''it;;;:5 i'ft,% /'<{/''•r'')C%/%::;i"• • �.: tio, As 4. 1i4r , twat , .lilt::y akw ).1 • BATHROOM TISSUE, ASSORTED COLOURS WHITE SWAN, 2 -PLY, PRINTED GREEN, ORANGE OR GOLD White Swan Tissue PKG OF 4 ROLLS PKG OF 2 ROLLS CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE "A" BEEF OUTSIDE CUT, EYE REMOVED Butch -r AT A&P� Boneless U Round Roast.k9/ SAVE 1 ■10/kg-.50 Ib CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE 'A' BEEF SIRLOIN TIP, RUMP OR INSIDE CUT ROUND Boneless Beef Roasts 6°/2 99 /kg IbIb SLICED Town Club Side Bacon SAVE 40 500g2 59 vac par A FRESH Lean Ground Beef / /1! (INSIDE CUT STEAK 7.25fkg-3.29 Ib) Round Steak (Full Slice) 6/kg /2 Ib POINT (CENTRE CUTS 5.93l4-2.69 Ib) Brisket Beef End Cuts 51/24! PORK LOIN RIB PORTION (COUNTRY STYLE Spare Ribs 4Ikg /1 FRESH, SHANKLESS, PICNIC STYLE (SHOULDER BUTT 244I 0.129 Ibl Pork Shoulder Roast 2 /VT PICNIC SHOULDER (SHOULDER BUTT 3.95/kg-1.79 Ib) Boneless Pork Roasts3lkg/ Ib FROZEN, NEW ZEALAND Loin Lamb Chops 6 r/2` OMSTEAD, FROZEN, DRESSED Breaded Smelts 351 59/1. U.M.F., FROZEN (SOLE FILLETS 454 g PKG 4.39)g 3 � 19 Cod Fillets SAVE .88/kg-.40 Ib PICNIC SHOULDER OR SHOULDER BUTT Pork Chops 3'/1 59 IMB ID SWEET PICKLED Back Bacon RO5 /229 End Cuts Ikg lb GLOBAL MEATS, BRISKET Corned Beef 5/111/21 GRADE "A", FROZEN, EVISCERATED, 22 OZ AVERAGE Cornish Game Hens/4"/1 CANADIAN QUEEN, HOT OR SWEET Sausage Italian Style 41/k1/1 lb SWIFT OLD MILL Breakfast Sausages 379/162 SWIFT PREMIUM, SLICED Cooked Ham SWIFT PREMIUM Sliced Bologna vac pac 1.79 175 g 375 g vac par 1 ■ 89 LAND -0 -FROST THINLY SLICED, ASSORTED VARIETIES Cooked Meats PURE BEEF Shopsy Sausages SCHNEIDER'S Oktoberfest Sausage 71 g pkg ■ ■ 9 5gg2■79 500 . 2 79 SAVE .80 REGULAR, FINE OR EXTRA FINE GRIND COFFEE Nabob Tradition vdC [a.0 149 (Regular or rine Decal 369 9 vac par 3.99-SiWPt .90 NORMA, 2% PARTLY SKIMMED Cottage _ Cheese 500 g4 • 79 Ib SAVE .66/kg-.30 Ib COMBINATION PACK CONTAINS: 2 RIB ENDS, 2 LOIN ENDS, 4 CENTRE CUT CHOPS Loin Pork Chops 4°I1 99 �a Ib (FIREBRAND WIENERS, REGULAR OR ALL BEEF 450 g 1.99) Swift Premium Wieners vac pac 1.49 450 g "DeliSho, (Available al selected stores Only) at A&P! OLDE-FASHIONED Schneider's Hams 119 /539 n00 9 Ib SCHNEIDER'S, JUMBO Summer Sausage 11mo cg/' lb 59 SHOPSY'S, CREAMY Cole Slaw ■ 28 noog /1 lb Fresh Pizza Small 10" Medium 12" Large 14" X99 3.99 4.99 SAVE .30 IPGULAR 8 DIET COKE OR REGULAR Si DIET SPRITE Coca-Cola 750 mL Btltad: NiNta SAVE.80 FROM, CHOCOLATE, VANILLA OR LEMON Sara Lee 139 Layer Cakes 1pkq m SUPER BUY! PARTLY SKIMMED Fresh 2% MiIk z 4 LITRE BAG SAVE .34 JANE PARKER, SLICED 675 g LOAF 100% Whole Wheat Bread .69 (made with 100% pure vegetable shortening) JANE PARKER Spanish Bar Cake JANE PARKER, SLICED Cheese Bread JANE PARKER, SNOWFLAKE OR Twin Rolls SAVE .40 539 91 39 cake ■ SAVE .26 4509 99 loaf ■ SAVE .30 pkg o1 09 12 ■9 CHEFMASTER, PARCHMENT WRAPPED SUPER BUY! 3/pkgs 1.59 Margarine SAVE .60 SOLID WHITE, ALBACORE, IN OIL OR WATER Clover Leaf 9n Tuna tip1 • LIGHT 'N LIVELY, ASSORTED FLAVOURS Sealtest Yogourt 5°,11,91 ■49 SAVE .34 FABRIC SOFTENER (SUPER CONCENTRATE 1 L sn 4.99 -SAVE .70 Mel MI 5.4 3 Downy Liquid EXTRA ABSORBENT 60'S, TODDLERS 40'S SUPER BUY! Pampers Diapers box 9.99 COLD WATER WASH, POWDER 340 g OR SAVE .40 44eachi 2.49 Zero Liquid LARGE, MEDIUM OR BEEF FLAVOUR SAVE .40 Milk -Bone elms pkg 2.39 WHITE SWAN (2 PLY DINNER PKG OF 40 1.79) SAVE .50 Serviettes dao 1 ■99 REGULAR OR SUIT UNSCEJI1tO 1 DEODORANbox TVE . T ld New Freedom Maxi30 REGULAR OR DEODORANT (BOX OF 48 3.49 -SAVE 1.00 box of1 9� 30 ■ ' Kotex Lightdays YOUR CHOICE, TOOTHPASTE Colgate or Ultra Brite 1 !MTH THIS COUPON FRITO LAY, LAYS OR RUFFLES, ASSORTED VARI Potato Chips SAVE UP TO .60 50 mL 79 tube ■ ■ VE r30.-. ES 200 g 99 pkg1/1 VAUDsaea§ aha v m'& 1e*.4 1~1 Sake 121 valhout apoun, VC. 1 1 1 VIIfTH THIS CotNPi1N 1 AA, C$DSEES (9 VOLT PKG OF I) Duracell nn' Batteries Pkr I NUU:: e BIRTHDAY CLUB Hello, My name is Philip Bartliff. I turned three years old on my birthday, September 17. I live on Hincks Street with my mom and dad, Anita and Paul and my sister April. I would like to wish "Happy Birthday" to my Nana and my neighbour Betsy whose birthdays are also in September. Love, Philip Hi, I would like to join your Birthday Club. My name is Cory Sherratt and I was six years old on Friday, September 14. I live with my dad ,and mom, Pat and Faye, my big sister, Nicole and my little sister, Erin. I have enjoyed Kindergarten and I am en- joying Grade 1 with my classmates and teacher, Mrs. Eedy, at St. Joseph's School, Kingsbridge. Please wish "happy birthday" to my cousins, Jimmy and Todd and my Aunt Janet, who also have birthdays in September. Love, Cory Centre sponsors a logo contest TID BITS 13y Joanne Buchanan To celebrate seven years of. service, the Huron Centre for Children and Youth needs a "logo" and is asking young artists to sub- mit design for it. The logo will be used for displays, stationery and announcements pertaining to the Centre. The Centre's logo Should tell people that the Centre is a good place for families, children, and teenagers to come to talk about problems. With the assistance of the Clinton Op- timists and MacLean Home Hardware in Exeter, prizes of a portable stereo are being offered for the best design in each of three age groups and a bonus fourth stereo is to be awarded to someone chosen at random from all non -prize-winning entries. You could win simply by entering the contest: Rules are as follows: The contest is open to anyone under the age of 19. Age groupings for judging will be: 10 and under, 11 - 14, and 15 - 19. Mail or br- ing your logo to the Huron Centre, 160 Huron Street, Box 100, Clinton, Ontario, NOM IIA by November 30, 1984. Draw, paint or colour your logo on 81 inch by 11 inch (or metric equivalent) paper. Print your name, ad- dress, telephone number and birth date on the back of your entry. Enter as often as you want. All entries become the property of the Huron Centre for Children and Youth and will not be returned. Feel free to call the Huron Centre 1482- 39311 if you have questions about the con- test. +++ The last Rotary Club paper drive in Goderich brought in 20,660 pounds of paper which should net the club about 1;353. Puppets visit GODERICH TWP. - Marion Doucette and her puppets were special guests of the Goderich Township Women's Institute on September 10, Miss Doucette, of Clinton, is an employee of the Huron Country Library, where she uses her puppetry talents to entertain children at local library branches throughout the county. She has also taught puppetry and has con- ducted children's workshops at the Blyth Festival. The next Women's Institute meeting will be held on October 12. It will include a tour of the boat works factory in Goderich. This informative meeting is being planned by Marion Powell and grace Walter. For more information on the tour please contact thein or any other WI member.