HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-7-29, Page 211 HE GOLDEN KEY Or "The Adventures of Ledgurd." By the Author of "Whet He Cost Her." 11 CHAPTER II.—(Continued). "That's all very well, my friend," Ile said, "but kindly remember that you are young, and well, and strong. I am old,and an invalid, 1 need sup- port. Don't be hard on me, Trent. .Say fifty again." "No, nor fifty hundred," Trent an- ` swered shortly, "I don't want your think of you if you did:' Monty burst into tears. Sherizlter from Leeds, England. ,, e- , 11c• YIke au moaned; , "Youoz n ,deo P rm the o nearertothehe money, Don't be such a fool, y don't want it, Sorry, mother, said never live to enjoy it." Monty moved a little ' "what's my little girl to you? You „ Monty shuffled on to his feet, and opening of the hut. Ile drew thei " . er, We turn a hundred women and walked aimlessly about the hut. Once photograph hesitatingly from his never saw her, Suer you never will see gevery Wait pocket, and looked at it by the moon- ; her in your life." girls away morning. or twice as ire passed the place where, P t "She is nothing to me, of course," till the new wing is finished. That'll the bottle rested he hesitated; at } light. His eyes filled with maudlin • ., last he paused, his eyes lit tip, he I tears, He raised it to his lips and " Trent answered. "A moment or so be your time," kissed it. ago her picture was worth less to you ",A German killed my son," she ex - stretched out his hand stealthily, But „My little girl," he whispered. "My thane quarter of a bottle of brandy" plained in a shaky voice. "I want to before he could possess himself of it little daughter." `'I was mad," Monty moaned. "She make a bullet to hill a German. Trent's. hand was upon his collar. was Amy own little daughter, God help ,a en it's "You poor fool!" he said; "leave it Trent had re -lit his pipe and start- 'Appen I'm wrong PP . alone, can't you? You want to poison i standingfie in the opening, game of began to , j herr never heard you speak of her be- wicked to 'ev such a wish . �. „ but a German killed my son. wwi a shortly, "I've named the stake; I'll not consider any other." Monty's face once more grew black with anger. "You are a beast, Trent—a bully!" he exclaimed passionately; "I'll not part with it!" "I hope you won't," Trent an- swered. "I've told you what I should iz moan. His eyes were fixed with a fascinating glare upon those five cards which Trent had so calmly laid down. Trent took up the photograph, thrust it carefully into his pocket without looking at it, and rose to his feet. "Look here, Monty," he said, `;you shall have the brandy; you've no right to it, and you're best without it by long chalks. But there, you shall have your own way." Monty rose to his feet and balanced himself against the post. "Never mind --•Shout the brandy, Even the Very Old Occupants of the he faltered. "Give me back the photo- graph." hoto- Poor -Houses Are graph.,, Trent shrugged his shoulders. Working.. "Why?" he asked coolly. "Full hand beats three, don't it? It was my win She was very old, with as kindly a and my stake,"' "Then—then take that!" But the She as I have ever seen, She hob - blow never touched Trent. He thrust bled up to the gateway of the muni - out his hand and held his assailant . tions works and enquired if there was away at arm's length. any chance of a job, writes James ALL LEEDS IS DOING WAR WORK WOMEN AND GIRLS . MAKING MUNITIONS FOR ARMY. yourself I know. Well, you mutter to himself. you jolly well like when you are out "I am sure to win—Trent is always of this: not before." unlucky at cards—such a little risk, his Mo tone yremained evil fires, e. and the brandy—ah!" "Trent," he said, "be reasonable. with sucked n higs liin for o sound. a moment mHt Look at I ask you now whether' looked over his shoulder, and his face 1 am not better for that last drop, I grew haggard with longing. His tell you that itis foodan eyes sought Trent's, butTrentv fore, Trent remailted. There was a moment's silence. Then Hope lit up her eye as she ho Monty crept out between the posts away with the renewed intimation into the soft darlcness, and his voice that an oportunity for work would seemed to come from a great distance. "I have nev4r told you about her," come with the addition of the new to win he said, "because she is not the�sart By the courtesy of the manage - of woman who is spoken he t ment I was permitted to see the wo- h t d wine to ue was such men as you. 1 am no more 1 need it to brace me up for to -mor- smoking stolidly and looking at the worthy to be her father than you men and girls of Leeds making the row Now listen! Name your own cards spread out before him, as a are to to ch the hem of her shirt, war material for the men at the chess -player at his pieces. There • was a time, en , , ro k and night in "Such a very small risk," Monty whispered softly to himself. "I need the brandy too. I cannot sleep with- out it! Trent!" Trent made no answer. He did not wish to hear. Already he had re- pented. He was not a mien of keen susceptibility,• but he was a trifle ashamed of himself. At that moment hwas tlepted to brandyraw outhe cork, and upon the empty ground. „ "Trent! Do you hear, Trent? He could no longer ignore the hoarse, plaintive cry. He looked un- willingly n- over nhim up. white, Monty was twitchingnface and bloodshot eyes. "Deal the cards," he muttered sim- d sat down stake! Set it up against that single glass! I am not a mean man, Trent. Shall we say one hundred and fifty?" Trent looked at him. half scornfully, half deprecatingly. "You are only wasting your breath, Monty," he said, "I couldn't touch money won in such a way, and I want to get you out of this alive. There's fever in the air all around us, and if either of us get a touch of it that drop of brandy might stand between us a and death. Dont worry me like spoilt child. Roll yourself yup and get to sleep! I'll keep watch. "I: will be reasonable,"Monty whin- ed. "I will go to sleep, my friend, and worry no more when I have had just one sip of that brandy! It is the finest medicine in the world for me! It will keep the fever off. You do not want money you say! Come, is there anything in this world which I possess, which you will set against that three inches of brown liquid?" Trent was on the point of an angry negative. Suddenly he stopped— hesitated—and said nothing. Monty's face lit up with sudden hope. "Come," he cried, "there is some- thing I see! You're the right so t, u • Trent, many, many front. They Ivor day years ago, when i.was proud to think turns, and they work on Sundays as that she was myldaughter, my own well. There is a keen competition flesh and blood. When I began to go in the matter of output. The winners down an wasw different.till!Then Downheand hold a challenge shield, which is de - .down and lower still! she ceas- ed to be my daughter! After. all it is corated with the flags of the allies best. I am not fit to carry her pie- and hung in • a prominent position ture. You keep it Trent—you keep over the machines at which sit the it—and give me the brandy." successful girls He staggered up on to his feet and crept back into the hut. His hands were outstretched, claw-like and bony, his eyes were fierce as a wild -cat's. But Trent stood between him and the brandy bottle. "Look here," he said, "you shall have the picture back—curse you! But listen. If I were you and had wife or daughter, or sweetheart like this'!—he touched the photograph al- p y, en a 'd go Trent hesitated. Monty misunder- most reverently— why, stood him and slowly drew the photo- through fire and water, but I'd keep graph from his pocket and laid it face myself decent; ain't you a silly old downwards upon the table. Trent bit fool, now? We've made our piles, you his lip and frowned. can go back and take her a fortune, "Rather a foolish game this,"he give her jewels and pretty dresses, said. "Let's call it off, eh? You and all the fol -de -tars putt women shall have—well, a thimbleful of the love. You'll never do it if you muddle brandy and go to bed. I'll sit up, I'm yourself up with that stuff, old 'un. t tired " Trent. Don't be afraid to speak ou . Chuck the drink till we've seen this It's yours, man, if you win it. Speak But Monty swore a very profane thing through at any rate!" P ! and a very ugly oath. "You don't know my little girl," up'I will stake that brandy," Trent "I'll have the lot," he muttered. ! Monty muttered. "How should you? answered, "against the picture you ; Every drop; every — drop!Ay,She'd care little for money or gew- let fall from your pocket an hour ; and I'll keep the picture. You see, my' gaws, but she'd break herheart to ago." friend, you see; deal the cards."1 see her old father --come tc, this— Then Trent, who had more faults ; broken down—worthless—a hopeless, CHAPTER III. than most men, but who hated bad! miserable wretch. It's too late. language, looked at the back of the 1 Trent, I'll have just a glass I think. For a moment Monty stood as photograph, and shuddering, hesitat- : It will do me good. I have been fret - though dazed. Then the excitement; ed no longer. Ile shuffled the cards ting, Trent, you see how pale I am." which had shone in his face slowly i and handed them to Monty. He staggered towards the bottle. subsided. He stood quite silent, mut 'Your deal," he said laconically. Trent watched hint, interfering no : g tering softly to himself, his eyes fix -'t "Same as before I suppose?" longer. With a ti tle chuckle of con- tory. 1 trust that it will be thrown ed on Trent. ' Monty nodded, for his tongue was , tent he seized upon it and, too fearful l on every kinema screen in the coup "Her picture! My little girl's plc -! hot and his mouth dry, and speech 1 of interference from Trent to wait I try It will help recruiting, I am ture! Trent, you are joking, you're was not an easy thing. But he dealt for a glass, raised it to his lips. Th xe sure.These women are not working "Amma !" I. Trent answered nonchal-E the cards one by one with jealous was a gurgling in his throat—a little;for money alone; they are working to ?" 1 care, and when he had finished he' spasm as he choked, and released his aptly, "Perhaps so! Anyhow those lips for a moment. Then the bottle ;help save. the lads who are saving snatched upon his own, and looked at are my terms! You can play or not each with sickly disappointment, 1 slid from his nerveless fingers to the ! them. "How many?" Trent asked, hold- 1 floor and the liquor oozed away in a "What about the men?" I asked. 'Where' a Flavour of Distinction in every cttp `Qi something intangible but truly entrancing. Skilful blending o£ the finest'hill..grown' teas and scrupulous cleanliness in preparation is the secret. This flavour constitutes the individuality of SALADA ani.wig 1. never change, no matter how costs may rise. Poultry Alphabet. A utility bird is rarely worth doc- toring, the axe being an excellent surgical instrument to apply to sick foss Is. Balanced rations supply maximum of nourishment with 'minimum of waste. Cull closely, for it does not pay to board idlers. Do not attempt too much to accom- plish thoroughly. Every insect left to mature will de- crease the profiits of the flock. F -i -1 -t -h spells failure. Good stock is the best foundation but it must be handled with common u sense. Soldiers' Wives Work. Hens are not magicians; so cannot maunfacture eggs unless given the If a girl is taken ill or feels faint! proper materials. she is at once helped to a cosy rest- Indolence and poultry -breeding room, where a charming matron and make a combination which would a trained nurse wait upon her. UP bankrupt a wealthy financier. and down the big yard tramp armed Just a little observation will prove sentries in khaki, and a Boy Scout that the I -know-it-alls never make conducts the visitor to the official successful poultrymen. whom he wishes to see. Kindness shown to' fowls pays in All sorts and conditions of women increased egg -supply- . come here. It is difficult to -day in Lice multiply rapidly in uncleanly Leeds and the surrounding districts surroundings. to get a servant because domestic May chicks pushed to maturity, servants are giving up their work to make fall layers to fill in the time go and make bullets. Girls of good when earlier hatched birds are rest - middle -class families are here. Sol- ing. diens' wives are here and soldiers' No mixed flocks can give the satis- mothers; and it is fine to see the faction of a single breed. smiles of satisfaction when they in- One's favorite breed is usually the crease the output. Ladies in all parts best with which to win success. of the country write asking to be al- Pullets should be separated from lowed to help in the work. A clergy- cockerels as soon as sex can be dis- man's wife has offered to come along tinguished. and bring her daughters, and appli- Quickly kill the chicks which are cations conte from places as far dis- dwarfed or crippled when hatched. tont as the Channel Islands. Rush young birds towards matur- l I am glad to learn that a film has ity if you wish large profits. I been made ,showing the women and Select breeders early and dispose of i.,1c at work in this munitions fac- all other male birds. Try to waste no feed, either by • over feeding, careless methods, or one-sided diet. Unless you give your flock regular care, they do not pay to keep. Very few poultrymen know so much that they can learn nothing from the experience of others. What to Wear and How to Weare it. Fashions come and fashions go, but the male critic thunders on for- ever. Short skirts, long ones, liar - revs skirts or full ones—there is al- ways some reason for his disapproval! Heaven grant that we may never fol- low his example and clad ourselves in ugly uniforms, In the days of 'our great-grand- mothers a lady possessed one very fine gown and that, usually, was of black silk "that would stand alone." At that period this new country praL- ^S ticed thrift and economy. Silk • c+as scarce and expensive, and all sewing was done by hand. Fancy the emo- tions of a Puritanical fore -mother who returned to earth and beheld her descendants clad. in silk hosiery, silk underwear, silk petticoats, and a silk frock worn for "every day." It is not a very long time ago when a silk lin- ing in a gown was considered a lux- ury, but now the little factory girl goes to work with her high -heeled boots displaying glimpses of silk stockings. Luxuries have become so common, in this rich country of op- portunity and waste, that we no long- er regard them as luxuries, but as the most ordinary necessities. The stiff, heavy Silks, such as our grandmeres wore, are coming back from the buried aisles of the past, along with numerous quaint fashions of the 1830s. In Lyons, France, where the finest silks in the world are woven, this heavy grain silk is in the lead. They are careful, over there, that the French couturieren shall have first, Hens are Profitable Assets. Possibly no farm live stock pays as big a profit for food as do hens. Seems strange, but true, that one egg will pay for the keep of a dozen hens one day. A hen if given a chance to forage will find a large part of her feed and during certain seasons of the year will be able to lay a goodly num- choice. It is always a great secret ber of eggs without any further feed. about the designs, texture and colors This fact has caused the hen in a of silken fabrics for the coming sea - great many instances to be neglected son. Winter silks are ready now fox and shift largely for herself. Of the market. The great gownmakers course when thus disregarded she cannot be expected to be as profit- able as when given good care and attention. The refuse from the kitchen can be profitably turned into eggs rather than given to some worthless cats and dogs. The table scraps are excel- lent diet for fowls. Care must be exercised in feeding refuse from the kitchen or the outcome may be fatal. If foods where large quanti- ties of salt were used in their pre- paration are given to the fowls they may gorge themselves on this salty food and great loss of fowls may be encountered. One party who had salted a quantity of sweet corn found late in the spring that this corn was no longer wanted for cooking • pur- poses and thoughtlessly threw it to the chickens. An excessive amount prepre are for the soldier's needs next of it was eaten and in a few hours } P many of the fowl had died. In much ! snow-time. ow-ti Hirers of twhe over-watchful have bunch same way un a farmer lost a fiineg designed the knitting apron• l -'th of young chickens by feeding large pockets for wool and r,e�dles them salted mash potatoes: and all the rest. as you like) I don't care. A red spot burned in Monty's cheeks, and a sudden passion shook him. He threw himself upon Trent and would have struck him but that he was as a child in the younger man's grasp. Trent held him at a distance easily and without effort. "There's nothing for you to make a fuss about," he said gruffly. "I answered a pain question, that's all. I don't want to play at all. I should most likely lose, and you're much bet- ter without the brandy." Monty was foaming with passion and baffled desire. "You beast!" he cried, "you low, ill-bred cur! How dared you look at her picture! ture!How dare you make me ! Let Let mego,I sa offer! Y H such a me go!" But Trent did not immediately relax his grasp. It was evidently not safe to let him go. His fit of anger bor- dered upon hysterics. Presently he grew calmer but more maudlin. Trent at last released him, and thrusting the bottle of brandyinto his coat - pocket, returned to his game of Pa- tience. Monty lay on the ground watching him with red, shifty eyes. "Trent," he whimpered. But Trent did not answer him. "Trent, you needn't have been so beastly rough. My arm is black and blue and I am sore all over." But Trent remained silent. Monty crept a little nearer. He was begin- ning to feel a very injured person. "Trent," he said, "I'm sorry we've had words. Perhaps I said more than I ought to have done. I did not mean to call you names. I apologise." "Granted," Trent said tersely, bend- ing over his game. "You see, Trent," he went on,; "you're not a family man, are you? If you were, you would understand. I've been down in the mire for years, an utter scoundrel, a poor, weak, broken-down creature. But I've al- ways kept that picture! It's my lit- tle girl! She doesn't know I'm alive, never will know, but it's all I have to remind me of her and I couldn't part with it, could I?" "You'd be a blackguard if you did," Trent answered curtly. Monty's face brightened. "I was sure," he declared, "that upon reflection you would think so. I was sure of it. I have always found you very fair, Trent, and very reas- onable. Now shall we say two hun- dred?" "You seem very anxious for a game," Trent remarked. "Listen,, I will play you for any amount you like, my I 0 U against your 10 U. Are you agreeable?" Monty shook his head, "I don't want your money, Tren " he s aid. "You knowthatwant that brandy. I will leave you to name the stake I am to set up against it," "As .rogttrds .that/' Trent answered ing out the pack. Monty hesitated,) little brown stream; even Trent drop half made up his mind to throw away ; ped his pack of cards and sprang up three cards, then put one upon the (tartled. For bending down under table. Finally, with a little whine, he the ng slopiroof was a European, to laid three down with trembling fin-` all appearance an Englishman, in gers and snatched at the three which, linen clothes and white hat. It was Trent handed him. His face lit up, • the man for whom they had waited. a scarlet flush burned in his cheek. It. (To be continued.) was evident that the draw had im- proved his hand. _ Trent took his own cards up look- His Status. at them nonchalantly, and 'helped himself to one card. Monty could re- Longhorn Luke—Are you for the strain himself no longer. He threw i allies or for Germany, stranger? his hand upon the ground. Affable Stranger—I'm neutral— "Three's," he cried in fierce triumph, ii I've been swindled in every country "three of a kind—nines:" in Europe. Trent laid down his own cards calm- ly down. "kings up." It's sometimes hard fox a man ; to "A ,h in said, heg business. hand," his full fit to religion his Monty gave a little gasp and_xlien � adjust Paupers Helping. "Well," said my local friend, with a laugh, "if you can find a man under eighty out of work round about here you will have done more than I can do. The war was not very old when the workhouses were appealed to, and now hundreds of men who were paupers are helping to serve the guns. Hundreds of men who left their work years ago have returned to it. Turn- ers and fitters who believed that their working days were gone seem to have found a new lease of life and energy. The habitual loafer, the street -corner man—they are all missing from their old too - They pts. axe0 ha customary of Paris get first chance—that is of extremely high-class materials—and the buyer must have not a hint of anything until August, when he is permitted to make his honorable se- lections. However, a little birdie says that the finest of the Lyons output has a metallic effect, and the stiff, heavy, rich brocades and plain silks are go- ing to be strong again. Stripes and plaids, which will rage this summer, will disappear. Among the expensive fabrics of the next season will be a faille silk with velvet design. There promises to be a great apron fad—another note from the dim shad; ows of the past. Women who were knitting their fingers down to skin and bone last -winter will resume now, to join the colors but they are young enough to make things that matter most to -day." "/' '•'�IP.•:liY'• 'Xti� j Y''S '\ r��^ ' ? �} \ y,•V/ ..S+a. w......+a« .� .:S any ur/061FW�vtr ON, } 01,11,0 Rop - })}:<% , tiJ?!ytr,':•;:tv,: +,>�?c: ..'.• ,,:::n:; ��3y...r�✓,:,r..rn, a..�s...--..,, �•. ONT ..T Fe PPS -C1- o Sat "i' h E. ` W E ..7T E R N R2 ----- _ . His face reddened as he spoke of the charges of slackness made against the working man. "There may be a few men who slack," he said fiercely, "but I'll swear we've got none in Yorkshire. We've got men here working regularly 110 hours a week. That isn't slacking. Take, for example, the men who work in the Canary Cage." I smiled. "Never heard of 'em? Well, the Canary Cage is the room where we make lyddite. If you remain inside it for long your skin becomes as yel- low as a. canary's wings. But we don't grumble, never fear!" i t Henr • of Prussia, are.seen on a visit to the headquarters In this picture the Kaiser and his brother, Prince 5 and discussed the of General von IIeeringen, who is in conrrnanci opposite Sthoims• The three sat. down to tea plans., of carnpaign, - r:r,.••.a:.;;:� moi:^. While linens are used, the most An Advantage. popular knitting aprons are of sheer "There's one advantage in being white plaited organdy, in jabot effe,,et, chronic dyspeptic," grunted the with turned -over, two-inch hems. a If you wish to buy something nice man. } for your small daughter, get her a baby doll parasol. When opened, the ruffled skirts of the doll form a Iittle sunshade. The youngsters are inter- ested in fashions, and this combines fashion and fun. "What is it?" "Your relatives quit getting up basket picnics for your benefit." Did a Marathon. "So papa jumped from his chair when you asked him for my hand. And what did he say?" "I'm not sure he said anything." "Not sire? Didn't you hear any- thing?" "No; but perhaps I was travelling faster than the sound of his voice." Few tips come to the waiter sits down while waiting. ,r•..:•:::•::::....:r;:•... n••cCi who 60 years ago Grandfather got au individual sugarpackage— "Ye Olde Sugar Loafe"rade by John Redpath, in what was then Canada's only Sugar Refinery. Now, at less than half the price, his granddaughter gets a much improved article, also "ilndividual""" Extra Granulated' Sugar in Sealed andCloth Bags ags Cd`e't'"lt8n ? Th* 2•lb. and 5 -Ib. 10, 20, 50 and 100 lb. "Canada's Favorite Sugar for three Generations" CANADA SUGAR REFINING CO.. LIMITED, MONTREAL• 128 f:. .::r s:x:y i':r;•::;i': C :.- nn/rr/.•::".vg rx.•Atilt:'•`./}i�::!lfy!Y r:!!%•5}vfirJ.UN.. 'r'lY✓.t:'•iii� �r:'� :r �,{3;,c1 a,.:...t•, .. r.... n: Pulp Production Increases. Some economists hae termed this the "paper age" from the increasing use of paper in all walks of life: This being the case it is gratifying to know that Canada is one of the great paper countries of the world and is destined to become still greater in this respect. In spite of, the war the consump- tion of pulpwood in Canadian mills was over 10 per cent greater a ter i n 19 14 than in 1913. Since 1910 the pulpwood consumed in Canadian mills has a little more than doubled. The consumption in 1910 was 598,487 cords and in 1914, 1,224,376 cords. The commonest and cheapest kind of pulp, made by the grinding process and known as 'ground -wood pulp, ince eased by 9 per cent over 1913, but that made by chemical processes increased by over 14 per cent. This increasing use of chemical processes helps the coun- try greatly as the product is worth nearly three times as much as the ground wood pulp. Quebec is still the leading pro• vince in pulp production, having 31 active mills out of a total of 66 mills for " all Canada. Quebec produced 56 pet; cent of all Canadian pulp in 1914. Ontario came second with nearly 87 per cent of the total production and the other producing provinces in or- ider were British Columbia, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. The total value of pulpwood consumed in Canadian mills in 1914 was• $8,089,865 and of that exported to foreign coun- tries in a raw state $6,680,490 mak- ing a grand total of $14,770,858 for the value of the pulpwood pror ed ! last year. It is interesting to know that the proportion of pulpwood manufactured into pulp in Canada is increasing over that exported in tho raw state. Pearl Divers Feel War. Hawaiians who depend for a living onthe pearLcliving industry are hav- i ing a hard ,time as a result of the • war. The entire absence of a Du- ronean ma;tiket ie given as the main came. Thursday Island is a centre 01. the issiastry.