HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-7-29, Page 1FORTY-SECOND YEAR No 2220
PHo NE cgs
Early y Arriva1 of New Fall. Goods at
Practically old. Prices
11n spite of the fact that nearly all lines of Merchandise have advanced considerably
in the last few months, we were fortunate in placing large orders
early, so that with a few exceptions we are able to offer nearly all
goods at OLD PRICES. Every department in our store is rapidly
filling with new fall goods, so we would advise early buying in order
to obtain old prices on many lines.
Clearing of Summer
In order to make room for new
goods we are offering many
lines of summer goods at
greatly reduced prices,
Ladies' Hosiery at 2
Pairs for 25 cts
100 pairs ladies' cotton hosiery at
2 pairs for 25 Cts.
Summer Wash Goods
Clearing at 12.1-2c
Per Yard
Two hundred yards fancy crepes,
good pattern, to clear at only
twelve and a half cts per , yard
Wash Dresses
All summer wash dresses at
greatly rectuced prices.
Extra Special Values in Men's
Worsted Suits
we have just placed in stock sixty, men's navy worsted suits in ex
•cif material and workmanship, all sizes. This will positively be they
last .opportunity `to secure one of these specie,l suits at exactly the
old price.
A good range of 'men's and boys bathing suits in stock
?Wilma Binder Twines
y. Sp 500 ft.—91c lb.
Salmon Tag, 550 feet -9 3-4o a lb
Silver Sheaf, 600 feet— 11fe a Ib.
Gold Medal, 650 feet — 14 cts lb.
These Twines are made in the largest
Twine Factory in Canada.
How is Your Hay Fork Rope
We can supply you with
Tinsmithing and Plumbing
Let us Estimate on Your Eavetroughing.
Furnace work and Plumbing
PJtoNE Heaman's Hardware PHONE
27 al`; . _ 27 B
.�, and Stove ,Store
oOL EY—in Exeter on Wednesday,
Ju13 28th, to Mr, and Mrs. Georgoi
w'EIOG1iC .
3, A. s0n
: Y!c•DOII(xA,LL—fn Use>ornc on July "Zak
to Mr. and Mfrs. Alex MaDoughll,
Jr. as son.
ke(CYWARD—In tJsborne, on July- 10th
to air. 'and Mrs, 'Geo, (Coward, 'Jr.,.
:a ]daughter.
' 0EE—In `tsborne, on, 'Jarl:ya 16,th ta
'ltir. and, Mss. Luther Oke, Vi daugiak
4 telt'
' 'RASEi3—In E.'rettes on July 16th to
,lir, and, Mers,, 'Wnit Fraser, Ald,001,
Vera. iwa
WAL PER --In Exeter on'
July1.6th t
Mr, and Mra. John W.-rralper,
daughter, ,
GRBNZEBACB — In Dashwood,, ` on
July loth, 'infant twin soon, of Micky
J. R. and 1MIrs, G,renzebach, aged,
3 weeks.
sc%TLUN'r—In Stephen, 'Oil. tub' loth
Mrs. Michael Schlant•a.ircd 68 .ears
8 nuinths'and ]g
Bender --At ,tile Babylon Line, on
Monday* July loth, Dors. Beed.er,
aged 88 years and 4 lwoU.tbse.:
.Dir, 'C.. P•, Hooper visited in Toronto
last week.
Mr. John Farmer, of London, was
in town on. Monday.
Mr. Fred G. McAlister is visiting
for a few days at James St. ,parson,-
Agar, y a
Dr., Will Browning, and son Regi-
nald, of Caledonia, Minn., are visiting,
tie Iormer's father, Dr. Browning, of
tea n;
oaf's. and Mrs. J.: G. Jones and. fam-
ily, ;who are holidaying at theilr sum„
mer cottage "The •a\fayflowver" at
dGrand Bend were 'home dor 'a fe,wtr
ays tats week. , i
A big electrical storm accompanied
b3 wind and hail passed, over London
oinalonday doing quite It bit of dam-
age 'to the crops in tsome sections.
It .missed this part aa there, was no
storm here. But iif we missed the
storm ori: Monday we got the rain on,
Wednesday. ,Wednesday "morning
leave Were visited by ,gate of the hea-
e t downpours of nain that has
visited this esceti'on tor tconniderabie
ti;•me. The grain is yer5 theavy thins
sear land 'muchiof it is down owing to
the ',rain.
Mrs, D. Edwards and daughter,
Edna. of DIcGillivra3, spent a couple
of weeks with the Tornxetr's sister
Mrs. F. Anderson, of Fullerton.
eIr. Serial B'utter's 'b'arn was des.
ores ed by dire on. Friday last. The
Eire was first, noticed, in the has mow.
6. shed some diatanoe away also took
fire and was burned. Mr. ;Hunter
'had just !finished his haying and was
away at the, time the 'fire broke out
rMr.'1#a3 Dobbs was visiting jai Mc-
Gillivra3 on. Sunday last,
,Mr. W. Jaques is driving a car ,this
summer, t
'Air, E. (hicks spent Sunday in lMc-
0 iilivr ay,
(Mrs III. eSimpson, or Luatan, is .veil
latktime of writing,
(Mrs. Art. 'Tay lora of Toronto, isM vis-
iting her mother Mrs.'W:m, Jaques,,
air, Ir It b
, e t, 'Taylor is still under the
doctors' lease.
The Ladies Aid of Elimville Meth-
odist church intex d holding an. lee,
Cream social in the Sunday- bohooi
room of the Church on Wednesday,
August 4th. Refreshments Wir bo
served. from 7 to •s &Cl'.ock ,after
which a social entertainment con-
os, s eGitltt`
g , r tinNt, instra-.
mental' .rnusie will \be fxetd inthe
church, nbair to be taken. by Rev,
l0. A. P�Yriai d „es„ eleCtei.,.e.0\.e.Leri ls,
Exeter Council
The ireg•ular meeting of the. council
ot the Village of ,Exeter Ives held on
La ides, July 23rd, All members pre-
sent. The (minutes or the meeting
held J'uls Jth, were read and approves
The report on the result of the
vote taken for ad against the D3"
Law on Hydro Electric was rend, The.
total vote polled Lor the 133 -law was
2500 Against; the bp -law 7; majority
for the bs-Jaw 241,
A. report rro,n the Counte Clerk.l
giving notice that the sum of $1,143.-
68 would be required:,trom this.muni-
cipality ;was read; also a provineltal
war ,taxof .$538.20, husking a total
oft $1681,86.
A letter was read from Miss Eve.
1s n ,Carling conveying the family's t Is left Wath1.31:iandivadual.
• IOI1,E ABOUT Il YD`RO Successful S holar. -- Moral mho
Fogineer Castor of the Ontario Xis were ,Suocessfuf in puisne tin. hoover
dro Electrio commission, was tin town school examinations for entrance
on Tuesdai3 and met. with the coffin- to the Normal schools and faculties
ellin the morning:: Plans for the of education .from the Exeter high
system (for the town were gone ,over. school wvcre as follows: 14. Oliver .Da-
Alr. Castor suggests that 'a ditetribu- vis ,Melville Glaciroan, Mary Hanlon,
ting station be built k:. short! diastanne Alberta Lorton, 1:1o3d Johns, Willie
south of town The object is ,not ,to S. iylsx.go,h, Zeta N. Lowe ; L. W.
bring the high voltage line nny ,[tare Rawcliffe, Dorothy E. Kung s, Hoy
tber than necessary, thus reducing Thofmrison, Ada V. k'tiillls, It. Xaxip
the cost. It will also ,be iia a better Southcott. The Lotter 'missed this
to serveC
p adi on •wn 1 C � - ��
ar t r in
exam s
x. everal fl
trolls. • � 3 .ars ago and wrote ,it
DIr. Castor was uncertain • ,fust off 'Wig Sear along with his ,other
exams" M. t i.dman is required to
when. ,the line would be corn;naenced a;eteite the aubfret of Art, ilei
but assured the cpuneil that'ever,
thing would be in readiness when
til franchise with the present EIec- ra•`a ax , ; xn ..,
Patrl otic League
APona for •
aliss "Vesper 2.00
Mr. John Pedlar 4,00
Mar. late Sanders 18+.00
otes ,t
The Lague would lice those frot�e
the ..ountr,} f ;i supply creast to* f lie;
ice 'cream for the "Festival (IV ;lda-{
tions,. (Ad request that it he left at
$ol.licic's or Statham''s Thursday eveni
ing•. August 5th. or Ji ids naorxain,kt
ore ten o'cloek,
tile Light Company expires •
1 3 tn Deo,
The matter of wviriitg the houses THEFAMOUS PLAYERSirorrDI SERVICE, I3rnrrED
heartfelt thanks to the Council 'fag already Councillor 13. W, F,t Rea-
vers chairman of the Fire, 2lleat ,and
Light Com., has received e. commuter
ica.ion ;from Messrs. Weir t. Weir, of
St. 'Marrs, wishing to contract for 25
horse grower ac .lKirkton fund" 15 at
Creighton's ;Corners.
The rates fixed tor the different
places by the commission are as fol.
lows: 1 he hist figures Is the c.s.t;r
mated power to be used and. the see"
Lind the rate per b. p. Exeter, 20(1, bi
p, $43.70; ,Granton 100 h p $44 15;
Creighton Corners 60 h,p., '05.83;
Kirkton and .Woodham 50 h p, .$„48,24 ;
Crediton 75 li.p., $52,12; f.:entrelia,
75 h.p. $47.37.
The estimate of the cost of power
to the farmers between St. Marys and
Exeter will be about $100 per sear
.for• two horsepower, 24-hour service,
the kindness shown, in, their bereave -i
A circular letter was read from.the
Railway Passenger's Aneurance Co. re
liabilit3 imposed against rnunieipali-t
ties b3 the new Ontario Workmen's
,Compensation Act.. The Clerk was
instructed to write to iglu ;133dro
Electric Commission in regard to
A letter_ from the Western Fair
Association was read wiling that the
reunieipalit3 try to 1Jiix eiwic hol;day II
a for our citizens during the week of
London Pair, which commences Sept.
131.h. The council recommends that
the 'Reeve tri to proclaim Thursday
~Sept. 16th its .Civic, holidag.
A letter with cops of resolution at-.
lathed was read from the Stameford
Board 'of Trade. Said resolution ask-
ed co-operation in secul'ing Dovera-
ment operated telephoner. Filed.
A deputation of citizens led by Mrs,
13, Gould asked for material to erect
as platform and seating iin Victoria
Park. The labor in the construction
guaranteed b3'the citizeus,Pcr Bea-
vers and Hind referred ,to tale Spec-
ial compait,teca,
Per lioulston and Barton that the
report oaf the Special ,Committee re-.
po.anm.cnding that an amount not ex
seeding ,lift) dollars (a50.00) be made
for material to be used tri ;onstruct, in and about the only use made, cel it.
beg a platform and providing' seats was for taking off a has crop, The
for Victoria Plark.—,C,arricd park is in a good location with a
Per kl:auiston and Barton that the, beautiful lot of shade trees. This
Water, ,fire and Light Com. be ema-,
powered ;to secure more oil fol+, use
op. the roads 'to the extent of $100.
The (chairman of L ubiie Works re-
ported the grading of ;".rain street
tram Ia point north of the: bridge to
the north boundry, also tliorth street
from, Main street to Aindrew street,
and would recommend that gruvel be.
placed thereon;.
.Per iioulston and Beavers that the
commissioner lie instructed to have
thegravel rn d and the
.� p up
gravel las used bescreened ixlnecesar3
The lollowvingaccount, • were ;read
and approved:; iCeetle, Bowe : Wood,
4:80:..68_; T. i.l. 'Creech, 36.51; W. T
Acheson 7.50; The London. Foandry
Co.. X28.20•; The Rational lion Works,
Ltd., Toronto,. if$0.UL; Juba: Nona,
13,4n ;.&6LC. ,Sanders 1K,00; George
orange 17.00.; Geo. Sanders 13:00;
The "Citizens Bend will give an open
air concert Friday evening vt 1.':3t;te,e;
North.. _ , .. . _ _ . _ ._ . Lai
.!• , A
,FI:x.ING UP THE P3iu . ,
The citizens at the south end of
the town have taken a .great deal of
pride and devoted much time in fixe
tug up Victoria, .Park on ,hturoa; street,
For ,years the p'ar,k has been fenced
sear, the fence has been taken down
and during the past week the resi-
dents in that vicinity have,. undertal.-
en eo make a beauty, spot ox it, The
trees have all been nicely trimmed.
and tiered up. A deputation waited
on the council last 1friday . evening
received a grant Lor the,purchase or
lumber ,;to erect a band stand, and
some seats, The band ,stand is al, -
l -ready nearly completed. The ground
is ,to be levelled up and some graas
seed Planted, At ore corner or. the
park a cinder tennis court twill be
t for
'red ., � m se e l
w.i u n
la um,
the 5 Linin; people. With "the advent
of hydroelectric in.Exeter itas hopect
that the .par,it :will not be nverlooeed
nen/ that sufficient lights be install-
ed ass to 'tiral:e. the pant a desirable
resort during the summer evenings,
It has been, intimated that a fountain
Flynn,' 14.00; E. Coomhes 12.19; M. mai ;be donated and, connected with
Westcott 8.75,; ltobt. Gillies 4.00; T. Oa tvatertvorks,
pornisai 12.60,; Win. Creech 8•CO-; D..
Mussell Sr., 7,00; "Lid Davis\ $16,00
'Phos, golden 10.50; Silas B andford., OFFICIAL OPENING. OF. FIRST
10.00 ; • Jos. Senior, 5„110; amounting in U y:,DIt0 kt•3DIAL IN '0NT,
all to vos.s4.
Jos. ,Senior, acting clank_ The ,first .H,idra Radial ani Ontario
was olficia113 opened in London on
TOLi111I UL Mato Thursda3 or.last Weak 'when about
Airs. (Chas. Smith, of Kintore, Oats, eight hundred guests from the !dile.
is visiting with her daughter, Dlra. ferent imunicipalities enjrt d a aide
Chas. i`arve3. On Tuesday, July loth over the London and. laart Btaialcy.
Mrs. Smith celebrated her 80th Lirth- road oliowved b3..'a banquet. in the
day and is hale and hearty. She ,has M,a,son1c hall. .
a 'grandson at the trent who has The ,gueets arrived in. the cit3 in
shown grea t bravery and .t ie Lonr
the morning and immediately after
don free Press recently contained the dinner were conveyed to Port Starkey
fallowing account,: "The supply oc making ;the trip in just about an
bombs ran short, and Private Smith, hour. About lour o'clock thea lett
al Southampton.. Ont., son of a Methagain icor London, and on arrivaltth,:re
odist :minister, and hot much Moreeelcb ed to the •Dlasonic Temple to
than 19, was almost the on13 source celebrate ;with a banquet., A most ine
of replenishment. lie wais, tits teresting part ot the proceedings
Armageddon, a student at the Lis -
was the presentation to Lads
'C carriage; a handsome clectrr a
towel Business College. .t1istory re_ Lech of las t, 1
fates he was singing the trench ve,r- and to Sir Adam, Beck of a beauti-.;
slon of "I wonder flow( the Old furls also
prise gold. plate. Sir Adam, �,
was also presented with two illumin-
Folks care at lionxe" when the miaoeti ated adu:resses, one b'y Mayor Steven- •
'exploded and he was 'buried. SS son. on behalf of the oily council and �•
the 'time he had dug himself out he the other by Afayor 'Church, o1 Tor-
discovered that , all ins world, include onto: on behalf •of the Toronto City •
ing his rifle h.ed,disappeared. But Council, The presentation, to Lads t
his her brtsirssant active eg toldiderhl'd that
lox Beck wes made by P. \V . Ellis, of Tor-
therms for the active
trenches a onto, who paid high tribute 'to the:
fewv score 3ards away. So I°'xfvate debt Ontario owed her in the inspira
Smith festooned himself with .bombs tion she had' been to her husband,.
from ,the dead and wounded ibom,tr Lady Beck. very gratetuliy acknuw-
ehrowers aarouna him, tend set out ledged the gfft.
ANIEL F off AN presents
:he papular d. 'aml,tis roman
h Bettor n'
By Rev. Cyrus Townsend Brady, L.L.D.a with
°zn four reels of motion pictures.
ole Theatre
August 4th acid tilt
Wed iesday piid 'Thursday
Admission )10c
er nant sale of prints, flannelettes, ginghams, dress'
goods, 'fc.
Same specials in embroideries, trimmings, laces etc),
5c per .yard,
f only Princess Slips worth up to.$2.50 f 31 •
a h,.
Mena Belts 25o
Mans Ties 2 for 25c,.
.bens night shirts, regular $1,00 for 56c.
SHOES: A clearing line sizes 3 anti. 4 worth
3.00 for $1.26 per pair.
Meas tan shoes, regular 65.€ltl for $3.75,
Some cheap mens and boys suits.
mainly on all fours to supply ,that de- the presentation to Sir Adam was
maedi ale did it fire times, He wasmade by Stephen Pocock, chairman of
not himself a bomb thrower, but ,a the Ontario Municipal l:lectr,e Asso-.
mere middleman, dation.
Twice he went up do the trenches Con. I. la Lutes, responded to the
and handed over his load to the busy coast to the Lwork
and cola
mer;. Thrice, so hot was the fire, gfzed the:greatt wwork of Sir Adana in,
that h,: had to lie down and toss the (living to the people the •113 dro sys
bombs (they do not ocplode until th
Safety pin is withdrawn; ioto the
trench to the men who needed them
most. iris .clothes were literally shot
into 'rags' and ravels, but he himself
was untouched, and h:a explains his
escape 'by saying "Oh l kept moving"
So tiirougn all these halls the
'+nidi of roan endured and rejoiced Lai-.
drernitablel. After all, the (supply of;
bombs ran out and the casualities ,,re -
suiting drom heavy machine gun and
rifle ,lire from "Stony :Mountain" con-
siderably increased the difficulty of
holding' the line. ' The [bombers
could 'fight no , more. Ono unknown
man ;wvas sten wounded sta,tading on
the 'parapet of the German front line
trench; he had thrown every bomb
he carried, and weeping with rage,
continued to hurl bricks atnd 'stones
at the anerny . until his end von*,
Every effort Was made 1;0 'War Mit ,t:he.present cost when it ,tt`tiehes 250,»,
the wounded and rcinlorctrn ats for 000 horst power,
the.,3rd Battalion were sent'ro
/logese w•l
ao rcre. `es,nt from,
but Still no work ecid be
a hxrth r supply of bombs were sottlo'n. r;l' ter the opening vertReeve ,a3-
lor. Councillor 1 oulston, Cleric Jos
I ei; talallabiei , - ., ...,i 4..:. t=J..ta., S:nor, and J Southcott�; ... , _
tent wraith was rnitkind for cheap
power, light, heat and ;transporta-
tion:. Major 7'olmie, member fort
Wir.•dsnr, also responded to ,the toast
and gave the best address of toils
J. W. L3ot of Guelph spoke on the
IIy oto Radial Association and follow-.
ivt5 his remarks Sir Adam spoke. He
traced the history of hydro from its
inception to the present and told of
the plans iortnulated lsi the commis-
sion to look. after future development.
Re stated that the present supply Lie
power will her exhausted some time ;iro,
hut that the tc mn e. fission have
t t o x .
coanpleted the ' preparation of Caniw
prehensiv,' 'plans to meet the publlo,
demand for power ,and when these.
plans are carried out the commission
will b:' able to develop ultimately
000,000 horse power The chairman,
predicts a bw'ecping ,,Cut 'o. ono -third
i6ARRow SII1 'r5 4Nn COLi.AKF°"
x, L sways Make a. Man Feel Dressed. Let us S
L �•a
h ed
With an Exceptionally Fine Litre r*f Su:^:et
Gods for Men.
y (° ' � l
,k't st
ffn Need of Any New Clothing or Furnishings,.
For Correct Styles for Dressy Men, We
Can Meet Your Requirements.
See Our Nifty Knit Ties
* This Sea-sons"STRAWHATS"are Very Natty an,t
3ecomiig. We Carry the Leaders.
• Ordered Clothing, Ready- to - Wear Clothing, g� �runz��aes'
Snits, Flannel Trousers Odd Pants, '�` � t,, Overalls, etc.
i:in A :N
p 1-EtK 5 a'
Att !Veit•<!t*s14•41,4*** *rC!**** Ayl. tON%?1ir ' • •itt;