HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1984-09-19, Page 121 6• • FSR' I ra4Y4 40 4014DNOPD SE M01ft 19 ,1984 CLASSIFICATIONS: 1. Articles for sole 2. Yard sole 3. Garage sole 4. Antiques for sale 5. Cars for sole 6. Trucks for sale 7. RAH'S for sale 8. Marine WORD. CLASSIFIED DEADLINES: 12 NOON.TUESDAY, Too late to classify; ads will be accepted until 4 p.m Tuesday fur Wednesday publication. WORD CLASSIFIED RATES: '3,95 min. • 22 words 18C ea, additional word thereafter, In Memoriam; '3.95 min plus 354 per line of 'rhymed verse. Card of Thanks; '3.95 min. 25 words plus 64 for ea additional word. Public Notice; '20 for 3 insertions. Notice to Creditors; '30. for 3 insertions. t25 for 2 insertions, '20. for 1 insertion. Drawer.Number; '3. first week '1. each additional week Consecutive Insertions; 10°0 discounts, available for word ads running 3 weeks or more with no copy change Prompt Payment; 504 discount per week for word ads paid in full at time of purchase o'r within 1 week of insertion. Available only on word ads running 1 or 2 weeks Display classified; rotes available on request. Phone our Classified ad -visors MONDAY to FRIDAY 8:30 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. 524-8331 1. Articles for sale SINGER - For authorized sales and service, sew- ing machines. vocuum cleaners, ports and no- tions, service to all makes, and machne rentals. Gen's Sewing Centre, now located at 56 The Square, Goderich, 524-8431. 1 tfar AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoff- meyer Plumbing and Heating. Kingston Street. Goderich.- -ltfar TE -EM FARM, our own cauliflowerbroccoli, cab- bage. new potatoes. cucumbers, pick your own peas, large selection of other vegetables, and fruits. RR 1, Bayfield. Phone 482.3020. 28tfar STEEL BUILDINGS Direct Factory Clearance. Up to 40 percent discounts, widths 30' to 120' any length. Limited quantities -' Act Now SAVE. Call toll free 1-800-461.7689• 0-38 USED RAILWAY TIES: Pressure treated, uniform duality bundles guaranteed. Delivered semilood lots only (445 minimum). Reasonably priced. Phone (204) 7252627 office hours. 038.40 WEEKLY SPECIALS' See our ad in "Focus". Clinton Boxed Meats just off Hwy. 4, north of Clinton, 1' miles, south of Londesboro. Wotch for our sign. Coll collect 523-9508 43eowtfar GOLD SHAG CARPET 12 x 20' plus Good condi tion. Call 524 2286 after 3 p.m 38nx WE HAVE electric fencers for sole. Most powerful available Repairs to all makes, including American. Phone'Dublin 345 2305 20-40emx SAIL BOARD complete Excellent condition. Phone 524-7953 38 BOXES of little girls clothing for ages 1 to 2 years. cor seat three -in one buggy. 5242910 38 PUMP ORGAN made by Goderich Organ Co Perfect condition 5275 00 firm Call 482 7584 any time 38x 21 PORTABLE TV black and white toaster' broiler oven electric bun warmer electric broiler All items never been used A bar and two stools Ash tray collection 524 8856 38 STEEL BUILDINGS Odd size and types Must sell. need factory space. Buy direct at factory prices. Call now collect (416) 676 1343 0 38 ANYONE looking for Amway Products please roll 524 9802 3539 SWIMMING pool sale End of season clearance on above ground pools with filter motor skim- mer deck fence 10 year warranty Regularly 52295 00 now 51295 00 while supply lasts Beat next year s 15°0 price increase Coll 1 -416.523- 6467 38 39 40 41 42x BUNK BEDS 1 mattress 5115 3 draw dresser 525 brown arborite table 520 apartment size white table and 2 choirs 525 gold fireplace doors and screen 540 block fireplace screen $10 drapes and drapery rods 510 and up 565 2746 38 A BOX of girls clothing hardly worn size 12 to 14. 529 7441 38 FRESH PRODUCE Pick Your Own FIELD BEANS 11 quart basket s3.00 Bushel S9.00 TOMATOES 11 quart basket s2 00 Bushel s6.00 And Much, Much More Available Weekends MENNONITE HOME BAKING FOR ALL YOUR GARDENING NEEDS --. SEE US TODAY ... martin's market Please Telephone 524-8024 14 mile east of aenmlller Road on Highway No. 8 9. Automotive 10. Pets for sale 11. Livestock for sole 12. Real estate for sole 13. Mobile homes 14. Recreational properties 15 Out of town properties 16. For rent 17. Apartments for rent 18. Houses for rent 1 -Articles for sale WHISKEY BARRELS, solid oak, fresh Toad September 7, $20 cash carry. Custom pressing cider. Call for an appointment. Art Bell's Farm. 524-8037.- 36eowar ONE 1982 Suzuki GS650G, one f983 Suzuki GS650L, one 1984 125 Suzuki quad -runner, all low mileage. In good condition, price reasonable. One Como electric guitar with amplifier like new, used for guitar lessons. 524- 4318.-38,39 24- 4318.-38,39 FOR SALE: Oil furnace complete with power humidifier and -oil tank. Good condition. Call 524- 2265 after 5 p.m.-38nx BALL 'JACKETS • $16 up. Buy direct from the fac- tory and save! Peter Upton Works. Call Toll free 1-800661.6461. For your free catalogue. -0.38 MINI - Quartz Clock movements 1-24 $6.95, 5-24 $5.50, 25-99 $5.00, 100 plus $4.40, Numerals, Nuclear, Chimes, Maple Burls, Free catalogue. MARCO SALES, 8836 Selkirk St., Vancouver, B.C. V6P 4J8. (604) 261-4245.--0-38 PIRATE PUBLICATIONS • Electronic projects, law simplified, consumer tactics. Written by experts dedicated to the freedom of information. Something for everyone. Send self addressed stamped envelope for free information to Pirate Publications, 214 King St. East, Suite 204, Hamilton, Ontario. L8N 1B5.-- 0-38 BEAVER uniforms, 1 large and 1 small, 55.00 each. Boy's Skates • Bauer's size 13 515.00. Peter Puck Skates size 13 $5.00. Phone 524- 6393.--38nx NURSES UNIFORMS pant or dress, various, size 7 to 11. Priced very reasonable. Colonial Head- board for twin bed. Asking $5.00. Phone 524- 6393. -38nx 1981 SUZUKI TF185. Excellent condition. 5800 cer- tified. 529-7001 after6 p.m. -37,38 AMFM stereo receiver cassette recorder with speakers and stand, price $275.00 or best offer. Apply to Drawer 99, c o P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A 486.-- 37,38 WOOD COOK STOVE with warming oven, 1926 McClary "Kootenay" in use, sound condition. Reasonable offers. 527-1860 evenings. -38 ELECTRIC STOVE 30" in good condition, 524- 6506. - 38 TWO 14' x 8" x 8" steel I -Beams ' 1" thick. Best of- fer..Phone 524-9441. 38 DELICIOUS sweet corn. for fresh eating or freez- ing. White variety, tender and sweet. 51.00 for 13. Please phone. 529.7260. 38 McINTOSH and Courtland apples, prune plums,. and pears, apple cider. apple butter, honey. potatoes and onions. Gerold Bell Fruit Form. Phone 524-8008. 38tfar GODERICH LIVE BAIT AND TACKLE •VI,,rrr,', •M,nnnwz •Spawn• WATT I,.r•, ho,, • Crayfish 201 Huron Road CASH or VISA 1Hwy 8 by Canadian Tire) 519-524-2360 GODERICH ONT WANTED TELEPHONE SOLICITORS to work out of own home for Toronto Star. CALL 273-2915 C & E FURNITURE NEW & USED We Can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY '/z mile south on Hwy. 21 GODERICH 524-7231 We even take trades TE -EM FARM You Pick Tomatoes, Beans Garden Mums - s3.00each or 3 for s7.50 Onions Peppers Potatoes Squash Cauliflower And Much More TE -EM FARMS R.R. No. 1 Bayfield 482-3020 19. Rooms for rent 20 Room & board 21 Cottages for rent 22. lets for rent 23. Commercial property • for rent 1. Articles for sale FRUIT OF THE VINE - quality wine and beer mak- ing products. Full inventory of all ingredients and equipment required by the beginning or season- ed brewmaster. Phone Kincardine 396-8569 anytime.-23tf ALLIS CHALMERS mono frame 5-16" trip beam plow (4-5 bottom), excellent shape. 529-7607 after 5 p.m.-34tfnx PRUNE PLUMS, peaches, Bartlett pears, apples, red and white potatoes, fresh cider, honey, bulk cookies, whiskey barrels at Art Bell's Fruit Farm. 524-8037.-37tfar i The N000�■•■ito p ; ■ I. III WOOD STOVES & FIREPLACE S NI INSERTS OF III .iii NAPOLEON II •• JOTUU ?J: ' ` ■ III �. • 1 CHIMNEY & WOOD BURNING II • ACCESSORIES II • John Statlbury Kathryn Stanburyl • Dungannon 529-7949 RI Showroom Hours Tues. to Frl. 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. • a: • • or by Appointmentor MEN'S & LADIES Top^Quality Snowmobile -jackets and suits $30 and up while quantities last. Lynn Hoy Enterprises Ltd. Highway No. 86 east at Wingham. 1-357-3435.--37,30 MULTI -FAMILY yard sale. Saturday, Sept. 22 10 a.m. till 4 p.m. Rain or shine. Dungannon east at Dawson's Store. Baby needs including a buggy, clothing, toys, small appliances etc. -38 PONY -' two year old black and white Gelding quiet nature. 1969 Volvo and 1971 Chev 6 for parts. Phone 529-7030.---38,39 1 - 45 foot trailer and 1 - 40 foot trailer. Both of these units are on wheels and can be easily mov- ed. A number of 45 gallon drums at 55.00 each. These items can be seen at Signal -Star Publishing. Contact George Vonderburgh at 524- 8331.-38tfnx ONE BLUE bathtub, basin and toilet with taps, pipes and shower head. Phone 529-7939,-38 MASTERCRAFT electric 12" chain saw, like new, 560.00. New 30 gallon aquarium light - 530.00. Carpet sweeper - $15.00. Phone 524-2787--38 GROW by lights. Assorted sizes. Ph. 524- 9216.-38x WICKER furniture, six pieces - loveseat, two round chairs, one wingback chair, two round tables, good condition, need cushions, 5250.00. Phone 524-6649.--38 CUTTER - very old one horse open sleigh. Needs paint and upholstery. $150. Wooden highchair makes into table and chair $40.00. Old six - drawer vanity and mirror needs refinishing 540. 524-6649.-38 ONE J.V.C. S.E.A. 50 Equalizer with 10 bonds, two tape monitors, S.E.A. record, tape terminal on front. Asking 5200 or best offer. Phone 524- 2496 after 5:30 p.m.-34tfnx HARVEST TABLE - pine, 3' x 8', 1 drawer, antique (Square nails) - refinished, in excellent condi- tion. Reasonable offers. 527-1860 evenings. -38 KITCHEN TABLE and 4 high back padded chairs. Yellow and brown floral pattern. Excellent condi- tion. $68.00 cash. Can be seen, Kitchigami Trailer Pork, Lot 17, Clark. --38x BULK grape juice for wine -making, starting Oc• tober 3rd, red and white French hybrid from 54.50 to 57.50 per gallon. For more information call Forest Hill Orchards, on Lambton Road 2. Forest, Ontario. 1-899-2595. 38 MAN'S & LADY'S bicycles. tricycle. Phone 524- 9443. -38nx MATTRESS from spore bed, like newstandard double. 524-2036.-38 DESKS 5100.00. 550.00. Coll 524.2727 or 524- 2036. -38 40 BUSHELS Augusta wheat seed Phone 529- 7680. -38 24. Wanteif to rent - 25. Wanted to buy 26. Help wonted 27 Wonted (general) 28 Business opportunity 29 Tenders 30 Erriployment wanted 31 Service directory - 32 Custom work '1. Articles for sale U -PICK Tomatoes - $6.00 bushel. Also available,' beans, cauliflower, mini carrots, broccoli, let- tuce, mushrooms, peppers. Evan's Farm Market - 2 mlles,N, of Bayfield. 482-7562..-38nx CM 450 Honda 1982, 17,000 kilometers, bock rest. Certified $1600. 524-6649.---38 2. Yard .Sale YARD SALE - 5 families, Sept. 22, 1984. 92 Nelson St. E. 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Rain date Sept. 29, 1984.-38nx SAT., SEPT- 22. 8:30 a.m. Corner of Elgin Ave and . Waterloo St. South. Clothing, tools, furniture, crib, toys and much more. -38 SATURDAY, September 22, 186 St. David Street, Goderich, 9 a.m. to ?. Several families sale. -38 SATURDAY, September 22 at 9 a.m. 170 St. David St. Goderich. Rain or shine. -38x 3. Garage sale 1 USED parlor wood stove. Heat shield and pipes. -5125.00. Call any time 524-8820. --38 20" COLOUR Portable TV, excellent working con- dition, 5185.00; 26" Electrohome colour console TV. cabinet and picture like new 5175,00. Phone 396-8569,--38 GOLD flowered Colonial chesterfield 6 ft. x 9 ft. gold rug; 16 feet x 89" gold sheer curtains. Phone 524-8812. --38 WOOD STOVE (Wood King). Two years old Ask • ing 5190.00, worth 5500.00 new Kerosene heater, 10,000 B.T.U. One year old 5100 00 new worth $165.00. Call 524-7029 any time. 38x FOR SALE - 1979 SP 370 Suzuki, 5 500 km, En• dural. on rood, off road. Excellent condition Asking $700.00 or best offer. Must sell. Call 524. 4766 anytime.-29tfnx 17 CUBIC FOOT fridge, 30' stove in good condi tion. Phone 4823388.- •37,38nx 87100 Kubota tractor, 16 horse power diesel 4 wheel drive. PTO, two years old. 330 hours 482 3312.--37tfnx GARE KILN with kiln sitter. 7,200 watt unit with 3,600 watt extension. Also 25' heavy cable for connection. Phone 524-8761 days or 529 7253 evenings. --37.38 ADMIRAL portable colour TV. 20 Asking 5100.00. Portable TV stands. Men ladies and girls' skates. Assorted sizes and prices. Phone 524-4309 after 6 p.m. --38 2 used PARK LAWN VACUUMS one 5 hp and with extra bags 2 used ROTO TILLERS Shp $150 one 31/2 hp each Coll: SMITH'Sa5 iS FARM & GARDEN 82 Stoll Pc 524-9522 HOUSEHOLD ITEMS, dishes, pots, pans pictute frames etc. New queen size spread set. 135 Keays St., Goderich. 9 a.m. till 3 p.m. Saturday, September 22.-38 SAT., SEPT. 22. 95 Brock St. in Goderich. 10 a.m. - ???. Games, dishes, odds and ends. -38 CARPORT SALE - Saturday, Sept. 22, 1984 8:00 a.m. --? at 93 Britannia Rd. W. Tools, bicycles, quarter -inch plywood, crofts and misc. items.-38nx SATURDAY, `September 22, 1984, at 161 West Street, Goderich, 8 a.m. to ?.-38 5. Cars for sale 1972 VOLKSWAGEN. Good condition. Easy on gas. 5750.00 as is. Phone 524-4676. --36tfnx 1977 FORD Granada, two door, 6 cylinder, only 57,000 miles, very good condition, 4 new tires and battery. $2500 negotiable. 529-7715.-- 37,38 1981 FORD ESCORT, 2 -door, in excellent condi- tion, 54000 negotiable. Phone 524-2476. ---38 AiNTIQUE CAR ' MGA 1960, frame deteriorated_ body fair condition. Best offer. Phone 524- 9441, =38 1974 VOLKSWAGEN, Beetle automatic. Good condition. Ph. 524-2462 after 5 p.m.- 38,39 WINTER STORAGE for boats, cars, vans. Sound building with good cement floor in Clinton. Phone 482-7706 days. --38ar 70 POLICE CARS, TRUCKS, STATION WAGONS, VANS & 4X4's 4 -'1984 Chevrolets 22 - 1980-82 Plymouths, Fords & Chevs 5 - 1980-82 Volares, Fairmonts 8. Malibu 1 - 1982 Oldsmobile Regency Brougham, loaded 7 - 1978-81 Station Wagons, Volare, Chev & Ford 1 - 1978 Ford 6 Cyl. Van 1 - 1979 Ram Charger 4X4 6 - 1977-80 1/2 and 3/4 ton pickups 6 - 1976-80 Club and Crew Cabs 6 - 1974-77 1 to 4 ton cab and chassis and dump 1 - 1977 Ford 3/4 ton 4X4 with plough 1 - 1976 GMC 1 ton wrecker 1 - 3 axle tag along trailer 8 utility bodies and van bodies MIGHTON'S CAR SALES 6 miles East of Hanover or 4 miles West of Durham on No. 4 Hwy. Phone 1-369-3136 7. R.V.'s for sale 1974 VOLKSWAGEN camper von automatic. sleeps four plus child, icebox sink cupboards, rebuilt engine new muffler good runner some rust needs heater boxes, Sacrifice of $2 500 00 firm Con be seen at Kitchigami Trailer Park lot 17 Clark -37,38x 23 TRAVELMATE motor home 460 Ford all steel frame, one owner. 22,500 miles clean condition 516,000. Phone 482-3292.- 38,39x RICK'S TRAILER SALES Dealing in Northlander Park Models and good used trailers. For more infor- mation come to Fisherman's Cove Trailer Park or call (519) 395-2757. 9. Automotive WRECKING - 1973 Pontiac Bonneville, good 400 engine, automatic, air and cruise, rusty body - 1975 Ford Torino wagon for ports. Phone 524- 6649.-38 24- 6649.-38 10. Pets for sale REGISTERED long-haired dachshund, block and tan, mole. 3 years old. 1-395-5039--38 33: Farm services 34 Personal 35. Notice to creditors 36 Announcements, notices 37. Mortgages 9. Automotive ALL TYPES! ERIES1 Ep_i BlS • ALL SIZES! SPECIAL OFFER GROUP 77-510, CRANK AMPS SUGGESTED RETAILs919® NOW 90 ONLY ■ WHILE THEY LAST!' EDWARD FUELS GODERICH TEESWATER • 524.8386 392-6100 A CHEAP MUFFLER COULD COST YOU MORE. How? The wrong muffler on your car can reduce your engine's efficiency A poorly installed system could even tad early That's why we install Walker mufflers and pipes. They're designed specifically for your car. And we know how to install them professionally Our price? Very' competitive! And exhaust system Inspections are tree. Walker mufflers and pipes Installed by: 268 Bayfield Rd • Go • rich • 524-2131 ASK ABOUT OUR LIFETIME GUARANTEE! 11. Livestock for sale. VISTA VILLA FARMS OFFERS a good selection of bred York x Landrace gilts due over the next six weeks. bred to coloured boars to produce the most popular feeder pigs. Also our usual selec- tion of pure bred York. Hemp. Duroc, and Homp x Duroc boars. Contact Bob Robinson, RR 4, Walton, 345-2317. - 38,39 12. Real estate for sale FARM FOR SALE by public tender E-1 2 of Lot 8. Concession 8, Eastern Division Ashfield Township. Huron County. 100 acres with 85 workable (clay loam). 1-1.2 storey frame house and a 44' x 30 pole barn. Offers to purchase must be received prior to September 24. 1984. For fur- ther informotion contact Farm Credit Corporation Canada. Att'n Steve Wright. Suncoost Shopping Mall, 397 Bayfield Road. Goderich. Ont. Phone (519) 524.8381. Please refer to file number: 32204 5A3. 36,37.38 TWO BEDROOM older home on quiet street This 1' t storey home offers two large bedrooms and partially completed third bedroom or rec. room. Central air conditioning. main floor laundry room, 1' , baths. attached garage. large kitchen with breakfast bor. Pantry and dishwasher, din- ing room, family room, patio and privacy fence. Priced in mid S0's. Serious inquiries only please. 524 4511. 36tf J.L.S. Investments 1141 KINGSbALE RO. Box 334 NEWMARKET L3Y 4W1 HANOVER NSN 3H0 •First, Second & Third Mortgages • In Term Funding Available •Other Financial Problems (All Sixes) BROKERS & CONSULTANTS APPRAISERS (519) 364-5315 Weekdays 9 am - 5 pm fit �h N"11 i CALL 8:30 A.M.•5:00 P.M. \MONDAY TO FRIDAY 524-8331 38. Auction sale 39. Educational 40 Lost & Found 4 ),. To give away 42. Death notice visismisess 43. Mi,scelfaneoul 44. Engagements 45. Marriages 46. In Memoriam 47. Card of thanks 16. for rent MOTORIZED WOODSPLITTER for rent, $30.00 per day plus deposit. Phone 5244877 after 6 p.m.-33tfnx FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do It yourself with Deep Steam Extraction BLUEWATER CLEANERS 524-6231 17. Apartments for rent TWO BEDROOM apartment for rent, near Square and hospital, available November 1st. Apply in writing Box 353, Goderich, Ont. N7A 4C6.-37,38 TWO BEDROOM, available November 1st at 154 Nelson Street East, Goderich- Phone 524- 6554,-38tf 18. Houses for rent A NEW three bedroom house Ducharme Estates in Bayfield. Available immediately 236. 4230.-35,36,37,38 THREE BEDROOM two storey, close to schools and Square, $350.00 per month • plus utilities. Available Oct. 1, 1984. Apply to Drawer No. 102, c/o P.O. Box .220, Goderich, Ont. N7A- 4B6.-38,39x FOUR BEDROOM House at Port Albert with op- tion to buy. Call 524-9042 after 2:00 p.m. -38,39 Lower FOR RENT duplex, 3 bedroom central, immediate posseslsion. °325. per month. 524-8480 13.11obile homes 19. Rooms for rent WEEKLY and off-season rates, One bedroom apartment, Gardiner's Motel, 4100 Bayfield Road, 524-7302.-38,39,40ar 20. Room & board THE OWNERS are very anxious to sell their five year old Northlander mobile home, located 6t the picturesque Meneset Pork in Goderich. One block from private beach. Give us an offer. Calf 524.4629,--37x.38nx 12' x 60' mobile, two full bedrooms, 8' x 10' addi- tion, fridge. stove, drapes, carpets, extra insula- tion in roof, oil furnace, nice lot in Meneset Park, help finance to reliable party. 59500- or offer. Available now. 524.7615.-38x,39x 12' x 70' mobile home, three bedrooms. for sale in Meneset Park. Goo4 terms. 524- 4589.-37,38,39 FOR SALE - 2 bedroom trailer in Meneset Park. Terms to suit purchasers. Call 527.0702.-38tfnx ROOM/BOARD for reliable tenant - with references. For more information. Phone 524- 2459 after 5:30 p.m. -38nx OPENING OCTOBER 1 - Aunt Martha's For Seniors, located on highway 21, of Kingsbridge, half way between Goderich and ;Kincardine, room and ,board, completely renovated home, only accepting four people. Large" spacious; private rooms. For more information tall Betty Lou 529-7346, before 8 a.m. or after 4 p.m. -38 23. Commercial property for rent FOR RENT - office space at 58 Elgin Avenue East. Telephone 524-9372. -- 51 tf OFFICES for rent. Deluxe office space available Oct. 1, 1984. Carpeted throughout) Prime loca- tion. Approximately 1500 sq. ft. all 524-7186 after 6 p.m. 35tfor 24. Wanted to rent FARM HOUSE in Goderich or Clinton area. Phone Peter Bachmann collect 1-416-832-2761 weekdays 9 a, m. to 4 30 p.m. -- 29tf FOR WINTER months • housekeeping rooms or a small apartment or a bed sitting room for an elderly person. 524-2040. 37.38 URGENTLY required October 1st, by a reliable retired couple. Ground floor, 2 bedroom, unfur- nished apartment, preferably west side. Can supply excellent references. Phone 529- 7735.- 37,38x WANTED immediately or at beginning of month, a bachelor or one bedroom apak•tment furnish- ed/unfurnished 524-2731. --38 25. Wanted to buy GOAL TENDERS hockey skates size 9, Must be in good condition. Call Larry 524-8331 days.-37,38,39nx PIANOS WANTED. Give height, name, piano number shown beneath top lid. Refinlshing,- reconditioning a specialty. Village Piano Shop, Elmira. Call any time. (519) 669-2280 or 669- 2198.- 0.38 WANTED - Bird cage, large enough for a cockatiel. Phone after 6t00 p.m. 482- 7869.-38,39nx WANTED: Good used piano, call after 6 p.m. 524- 6605 ask for Laura. -37.38 26. Help wanted TRUCKING CAREER. Become a professional transport driver. Contact Mery Orr's, Kingston (613)549-3914; Toronto- (416)251.9073; Ottawa (613)523-3489; London (519)432-1726; North Boy (705)472-2910; Thunder Bay (807)623-8686; Sault Ste. Marie (705)759-0177; Clambridge (519)623- 2430; Sudbury (7051560-3351.IMember 8.8.8.--0- 30tf ` COMPUTERS salesperson required to sell corm ptete business systems td professionals and businesses in Goderich rind surrounding area on lucrative commission basis. Please send resume in complete confidence to Nielsen Computers" 275 Lancaster St. W. Kitchener, Ontario N2H 4V2. -37,38,39,40x ti\