HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-7-22, Page 8THE EXETER 1.1.tlt..J THURSDAY, JULY 22nd, 1.91%, DoN' T RESOLVEtDTHAT THERE'6 RRJE DOLL ARS AND DOLLARS WORTH OF 600D VALUE S IN OUR, SToRE NOW LOTS or RICKIII TO ENTICE THOSE 'H0 WISH TO SAVE' MONEY ATTRACTIVE MONEY SAVER'SFOR► CAR'EF'UL BUYERS THINK THAT EVERYTHING HAS BEEN PICKED AND CHoSEN oU T of OUR STOCK. WE HAVE LOTS of FRESH, NEW THINGS. WE NEVER LET OUR rSToCK GROW oLD. WE ARE NoT oLD FOGIES, WE WILL TAKE PLEASURE IN SERVING YoU AND DELIGHT IN SENDING YoU AWAY PLEAS- ' ED AND SATISFIED. IF YoU ARE LOOKING FoR MONEY -,S., -.V ERS YoU WoN'T HAVE To LooK ANY FURTHER, THAN OUR SToRE. N 1, int HOT WE..TEIER DRESSES Don't bother sewing making dresses when you can buy such dainty and servicenti'.e ones in white voile with Iarge black dots at $5 50. LINEN COATS In three stelee, spiendid duet coats fair driving or motoring, hong length, belted beck, $5 to $0. NEW EMBROIDERED RI: DRESSES A very l,r'e°tr -i tent in new embroidered. voile, jest a few of these to choete front: The pike is onty $u, BLACK SERGE SKIRTS For stein` women, a very tine ie tl t E of serge, neatly made and good frill skirt, sizes 27 2- :.l , ? waist Innen $5.30 and $0. S'I'ANDAI:L3 PATTERNS When von want i.attern, dent f.Mget that we are stocking the Standard Pati erns. Le: us take your order for the Standard Fashion Book at 35e a year, BLACK SILKS ifs}r Dreeses and Coats. If it is a black silk for a dress or a coat that voax are planning to buy, we want you to tee the values we are offering at per yard 41, $1.50 and $1.75. ALL MILLINERY MUST (Y0 Ihninie the next few weeks there will he some very cheap hats soli in our millinery rorirns, Be sure to get one of them. YOUNG MENS' CTRs.\V HATS Latest American Styles in the coarse straws in high crowns and nar- row rims. Some special vaiuexs at $1 and 81.50. 1 x 4. VELVET RUGS This is a large eize velvet rug and. the patterns and shades are sure to please you. If it is a large rug you want, we have it. BOYS COMBINATION UNDERWEAR In pores knit with short sleeve and knee length, sizes 24 to 32. just what the boys want for the hot weather — 50 cents 10LOIlF AST MATTING Is absolutely fast in color. We have neat. patterns in blue, brown and green. Fur verandahs it is unbeatable. 50c a yard. OUTING SHIR'1Si Vein -nifty entire; shirts for hot weather wear, in white crepe with reversible collars, all sizes at $1.25, oTEC" Thin Store closes every Tttumsn.. AFTERxoov at 12.30 during the months of July and August. LA0 PONE 16 Your neighbor drives a Ford—why don't you? We are selling more Fords in Canada this year than ever before—because Cana- dians demand the best in motor car service at the lowest possible cost. The "Made in Canada" Ford is a necessity—not a luxury Runabout $540; Town Oar price on application. Alt Ford cars are fully equipped, including elect- ric headlights. No cars sold unequipped. Buyers of Ford cars will share in our profits if we sell 80.000 cars between August 1, 1914 and August 1, 1015. Market Report --The following the report of the nxeter market corrected up to Jule 21st,, Wheat ;1,15 • Plats 55e Bailee 65o Buckwheat 050.. t Peas $ I.00 I ' Flour 'f3.30. Low Grade flour $1,90, Bran $26.00 per ton Shorts $30,00 per ton .: Sugar Beet pulp $27.00. per ton. Batter 22 to 21 Eggs 10' to 20o. :%reggae>re butter 30c, ,Potatoes 80 to 50c. Bogs, 58.30s.+ 'Young chicken Inc C>ld ileuo Duckling 13o Old Roosters 7c ' Old Ducks Oo Young . Ducks 10o i 0.490.000000000.40040.000.00 4r 0 LOCAL • 040400.00 0+00000 A men who lives in our tots -n. Thought he was wondrous wise.;. 1.1. »jump*d into n business, but wouldn't advertise. And when he found his business gong, lie triad a method sane ; He started in to advertise, And got it back again. Life, Master'Cl,ede Heitman. is holidaying in Detroit, Mess M. Wexler' is: visiting with gels ntives. In London Mr. Josh Inwood, of 'London,. spent the ,week end /acre. Pte I?, Mallett, of London, visited,ia town oder Sundaay. Mrs. S. Egan visited an the Parr Line, Hay, this week. W, S. ,foie spent the Sol—Wart Of the week in Lucent Mr. Leonard Bolton, or beeforth, visited in town on Sunday; l[r. Will Ashton; of Lotman, visited with friends in town on Sundae, Mr. E. Malone, of Tillsonburg, visit- ed with friends in town this week. Little Miss. Amelia, 'Acheson • is visiting ;with relatives in St. Thotnas lGarvoy Acheson is 'visiting with his parents et the Cental ho- tel. Mr. Thos, Hawkins returned to town ,B.Iondaeafter visiting itn Wind sort' Mrs. Carter, of Clandeboyo, visited with Mr. And Mrs.. I!. W. Hodgson, on Menden t llrs, Wm'- Redden, of Brantford, visited with Mrs. 'W. 'redden. of town this week. Mrs. 1. Langford and two children, of Toronto, are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Roulston, • Mr. fly, Parsons, or Ludan is boli- dayin; with his parents in town and at 'Grand Bend. 3.tain St. Sunday school are hold- ing their annual picnic to Grand Bend tc'-day (Thursday). Mr. J. W. Powell was in Toronto this week attending the funeral of his uncle, ltIr. Jos. Abel Mr, J. G. Stanbury and family mot Cored to Bayfield on Sunday ,in their new Studebaker auto Two rinks of. Howlers will talce• in the Stratford tournament on Thurss day and Friday or this week. Miss Muth Schosenbune, of f.ondon, is the guest of Mr. end Mrs, T. New- ell at the New Commercial hotel Mr. and Airs. Frank Delbridt a and Mr, and Mrs. W. Welsh motored, to Goderich end Bay field Iast Sunday. Mr. J. A. McDonald of the Bank of Commerce staff: r, has returned turned to town after holidaying in St. Thomas. 3Irs. Percy Webber, of Centralia, who has been visiting in town re- turned to her home on Wednesday. ltr. W. Bradt 'has secured a posi- tion in London with the Imperial Oil Mrs. W. D. C1.t.tkc was in I,onlon llondae, 31r. Edgar Torrance spent Sundae at his home in Clinton, Mr. Hubert Jones is spending. his holid:its' ,at Grand Beni,. Mr. Walter Harness is spending a few digs a,: Grand Bend,. Mr. Ern. Ilarvey spent a few dies at Grr.nd Bend last week. Mr. Iles. Knigire is holid,Iyic,g with his sister, Mrs. 0. Speckman, of Guelph. Mrs, J.'s. Grieve, Mips Jrhrs'on and Mies. Wee. Snell are h.olide.yieg at Grand Bend. Mrs. John hell nd -hiss Hodgert er, iii. in for a fen day s with riencls in Clinton. Mrs. Gills spi ,end two children, of the west. nre visitine the fiormer's tither, .lir. Wm. Iiidd. Sir. Eerie touch ct.t lett Tuetclee mornin:' for the west weer.- he will - Co. and left for .that place this week. sr end tbs summer.. 31r. Sam'I ITicks, of Iteborne. who 'Private Horace MaRobinson.• hnd his barn destroyed b y fire last Meteorite y elric,heii.- member on the nth Bat- inlien. is report -.-.d .a prisoner. iter. Mr. 13edeten•i preached a vert s �c. pt el le cern?on in Main 5ireet week ,at Crediton. ITer place at the 1t,chodi.t church last Si,ndas even: telephone office is being filled by \\'. inn. Hanson. - Mr. \ iril Minning. B.A., and wide Mrs. C..W, .Balfour; of .Mitchell, is of Vancouver. are visitinc at the visitinit with- Mr. and Rirs. A. f1. hoarse of llr, and Mrs. R. iIi1I, 'Cradle Doulie of the Thames Road for a few ton Esst, dips. Mrs, Jcseph` Corb: to and daughter- Mr. Will .Heideman. of Toronto and 'E Misses I e mala, and Ldith llei<leman, of Berlin. are holidaying nt • their home here. f•i11, raised a new building on Tues des . Miss Ella 73aker is holidaying for ;a of Flint. l t Miele. visited with� .i 1 Mr. and tfrs. Fred Corbett. of the I3lind Line H'ie. rhe past week. Mr. J. L. Burwell. Of'the A•Iolsons Bonk sieft ret.,irn•'d this week after in auto trip to (even Sound, St:. Thomas and other places. Mr. en:1 Mrs. Poem's, Mr. Perry- end lfiss Berry. of Mexico, New York: end lir. Berry. of Ingersoll, visited with air. ind Mrs. B. Mrs. Rt G. Beldon, dur- ing the past week. ' _Miss Ide. Armstrong has returned Miss Sarah Sweet, of Toronto, is hone after visiting in Lucknow. She home for h,: holidays. She was ac was accompanied home be her sister Miss Bia corn pnnied t' Masters John and s Armstrong . Dancer. McCallum, of London, whoMaster Fred Unman has returned will visa recti grandparents, lir, home after holidaying »at "The - Ite- and Mrs. Jas. Sweet: treat" at Kilworth, with his grand- parents, Mr. rind Mrs. Wm. Ileaman. SIr. Bell, of the Blind Lille, II,ayt, raised a vers large barn this week. two afternoons being required to do the work,. This is the time of the sear that sou want the verr best bread that can be had. Use Model FIour and se- cure those results. Mrs. John McSXihon and Mrs. John Mr. end Mrs. W.. Martin. Air. `and. Rowe. .who. hive spent the past two \Irs. T. U. Southcott and Miss: W. months visiting their mother at ' IToward motored to Sarnia an Tues - des, taking the boat to Detroit for a few idess. Yorkion, kiosk., and also wjih rela•- ties et ,tie.-.katoon and other places, have returned home. Pte It. Loftus ITern, son of 11Xr. and Mrs. Phillip Bern, of town, who several weeks ago was reported wounded, is now reported missing. Repeated ir:quiries have fatted to reveal his whereabouts. atr. »ind Mrs. Wm. Lewis and daughter, Ver1Sn, and 'little Bliss Olive Chandlicr, and Mr. and Mrs. ,W.' Stinoff, of London, 'motored up and spent Suncliy with Sir. and Mrs. ,Jas. Sweet:. Mr. rad Mrs. Blackwell and Mrs. Latimer of the Parr Line. ,Ran, were else guests. Messrs Inydd and Hamilton repres-• ' entirg The Fruit Branch of The De - The Misses Irene and Mars' Bastes brook returned to their benne in Est. eters salter spending a weeks'. visit at the home of 'Mrs. Wm, W'estcotta— Se'a forth - Expositor. A rink •of bowlers consisting •pf 1V, D.. Dorian, Trueman Elliott, Mr: Wilson and H. J. White motored to Hensall last Friday 'and. played two rimes winning one and losing the ether,. Mr. and Mrs. F. W,. Ilardgson are leaving ,this week ,for Detroit Where, thee will reside in future. Mr. Hodgson has been engaged in carpen- ter work around town. The best wishes of their many friends will fol - pertinent of agriculture. who are l low then. touring Western Ontario securing inform-ition for the department pas- sed through the village rnreotor on their Ivey to the farm of S. J, Hog-• Orth who has the largest and pan- te ns er••hens the best operated orchard in this locality. The inform'atipn bb- tained by these gentleim;en confirms the reports that ,Apples and all the Larger fruits are going to be scarce. 'through the Western district. It would be wise to take the best tarn of what there is and for those who have to purchase to secure their sup- ply early. A 'Growing Evil -One df the. mans growing evils of this »counters to day is the city department store. In our town where we have the best or stores, the most honorable mierch'ants, and where goods are sold at .ta ma:re girl so small as to afford a respect- One espectable living to our busitte.ste men, thousands of do:lars are annually gent to the department stores oQ our' great cities. Farmers expect +oitr tnerehants to pay them a +fancy price for butter. eggs and poultry, potatoes, antes and tomatoes. and then thee take the money received trolls our hobo &n rchnnts and send in to a city department store. There is neither economy or honor in» such n menner .of doing business. Our eitie tens who patronize them should be compelled to ship their butter 'and cows •to them. There is net .r Susi- ss flan inour town who twill. not uplieate 'their prices for the :eagle uality of goods, land be who turns own 'his home inerchar.ts to rat anise etheee fakirs it .far frog,, •being, loyal. patriotic ,arid good oitixcn, ziitchell Advocate, We heard 'a man say the- other day that at first he was opposed ,to oil - in(; ;the Main street of our town, but,' that now he was convinced that it' is a good thing and a great preserver of the road. bid eon 'ever notice how ',tree of rixts the road is where oil. has been used., Reeve J. W. Taylor, Councillor Dr. Roulston 'and Clerk Jos. Senior will attend the official opening of West- ern Ontario's first Hydro Radial rail - was from London to Port Stanley to - dee ('Thursday). It will include a, trip dyer the road and a banquet in the evening', i 1 1-,.., There is great interest being taken in 'the local bowling tournament that Is being played off by the »different rinks of the club. Some of the ,crack rinks have suffered defeat at/ the hands of less skilled bowler's and. ,1t this ;stage there is 'avery keen ,rival- ry among the rinks, . . r The data for the atiival Dowling tournament in town have been 'set. for August 11th, 12th land 13tb. The tournament somdnittce were in tones dors last week selecting the prizes, which are valued at ti 125. There will be three tropby eventsand a, special this sear, the Bawden trophy won ,by a London rink last yeast; 'the South iIuxen trophy won b'y In, G. Seldon's rink'; et consolation trophy donated by W. J. Haman and a special prize donated by the president, J, A.,Stew- art nor the rink losing out in ether first three events. The greens ore in excellent condition said reflect great »credit on the . dt.ietaker ,Bir. Sties e People in Exeter ant to Soond , oney ONEY" is for use not for hoarding. Most of us want what money will buy more than money, so we are always spending our money. Also, most of us do not make enough money to keep or hoard it—we mast spend it on necessities. Much Exeter money is spent With firms outside of this community— with the big city mail order houses; money that ought to be spent at home, More money will be spent in Ek- eter if more of our merchants would advertise, and if those who do advertise would advertise more, To the People ho and About Exeter Spend your money in Exeter. Sending money out of this community makes the community poorer for you and everybody else. Building up ot.tside business won't help you any. Favor Goes to Those ho Woo It !Miss A. Eacre tt is visiting svith relatives in Toronto. 91iss Wairond, who has been visit-' ing in town, left Wednesday to .visit in -Owen Sound.. 'Misses Ida and Lily Marchand. .left last week for Berlin to visit prier to going ;to Milton and 13uffelo. The Citizens Band will hold ane other Band Concert in Victoria Park next Sunday afternoon at four o'clock: Messrs. George and David Blacks, well, of the Parr Line, Ilan, raised their 'barn this week. Everything went well. Mr. and Mrs. Roth- Howey, of Lon- don, autoed up and spent Sunday with the former's nephew-, 31r. C. W: Christie. :\Ir. Fred 0. Sweet, an Exeter Old Boy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sweet, was this Bear appointed a member of the Board of Examiners of the Edu cation department in Toronto. Mr. and Mss. Wm.. Wood and, daughter Florence, of London:: 'Mr: and Mrs. Vrs. Vincent Wood and. son. Jack, of California. and Ma•. Wilbert Wood, of Ft. William, :motored up from London Monday and visited rel- atives in town. Mr. Russel Howey, teacher in the Ottawa Collegiate, accompanied be his wife and 9Ir. and Mrs. Raymond Wil- son. or London, autoed up and ,spent a couple of days with their cousins ,and. !Mrs. C. W. Christie and oth- er relatives. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F4 Beavers vis- ited the former's mother at Berreland on Sunday and were accompanied, home be their children who have, been visiting there for a couple of weeks, Mr. Lloyd Beavers also accompanied them home and is visititng in town. The English church will hold. their annami picnic to Grand Bend 'nest Tuesclay, July 2711. Granton Patriotic League will hold a monster Patriotic, Celebration on Wednesday next, July 28th. Anbig pregnant of Games. Sports and 'Foot [incest .Do not hiss it. See bills: Reran Orderlies work gently on the bowels. bringing to the cheek a hinge of good , health. Sold only by W. S. Cole, The fRexail Store, ,10e., 20 & 50c, boxes. WANTED—To Buy or Rent. A first class .farmat. about 100 acres. Good buildings, fences end drainage. Handy to station, church and school. Write W. 0. Pearse, Fingal, Out., Notice of Closing. We the undersigned .merchants of the Village of Exeter agree to close our places of ;`business at the hour of half past twelve o'clock on Thursday during afternoonsonths of Jul o the m and August. - J. A. Stewart T. Hawkins & Son S. Martin & Son S. Fitton In M. Boyle Exeter Times Pig Co. W. J. Beer U. W. It. I3iiavers Lawson. & Trick F. E. Wane R. ;Spackman P. Frayne J. Grigg . J. Senior E. A. Follicle A. E. Moore W. 3. Statham A. Wambold W. S. Howes ,W W. Taman' Sonet '& Mas Mrs, .Yeo J. W,, Powell ewer' • ' rte, screenternent . sere t, POWEIL, IL, 9 S THE HOME OF EDISON PHONOGRAPHS TnB iJ Vdriotu Moro rRi AY AN SATURDAY h I6 SPECIALS Big Lot of Whisks, large size, bright straw, 2 striyg, good value at 9_5p, S i iia E'ttio _2 Fo, 26g . _ M TOILET PAPE,, the soft strong kind, extra, large rolls retail for 10c. SALE PRICE 4 FOR 25c ' New Shipment of Preserve Kettles at 15o up also other Graniteware at 15e up, "Watch our Windows for Specials P O W ELL ' s BAZAAR. Phone -55. Exeter, Ontario Genuine D. L. & W. Scranton Coat CESTLE9 ROWS & WOOD PHONE 40 'xeter7 Ontario AGENTS for British American Oil Co. iMMELtglitlEntManSninnifttninnnetatennssl ROM f lilicrdI Dire6tor anti Furniture Dcaler 41.97 0.11.MING1116:30C11.7.191111101191.1,10.2p. 6011'1111TE STO iK DRYS OM iiIIND PHONE 20e Western University, London, Another Great Advance Income Doubled —Now $75,000 Another large addition to Faculty and Epuipnn eat in Arts and Medicine Greatly . Increased Enrollment • in View. Write for particulars to E. E. Braithwaite, M.A., ,P1.In President. "A Alan's Ability is his Passport'+, Frank Weaver •Pimfessor or Music,., London, Ont. Teacher of Organ and all branches of Piano Playing; Voice Culture and Artistic Singing a Specialty. 16 years practical experience, For Terms apple at S. Martin & j Son's Bfu.sio 'Store 1 IFERRY. I`, DOUPE, Licensed liege tioneer. Sales coziduoted in any het ,,;il'ty. Terms moderate Orders left at Tbzes office will be promptly at -t tended to, 2'hone 116, Kixkton,, Ade dress Iiirkton I',O, .. , , .,, , ;a i - •+., STRAYED St7raned onto the property Of Mr'1 'Joan Campbell, Lot 10, Oon. Ttte •of Ilay. u young heifer, pairt Jerseys Owner leen hate same Fes' pirovIngr- vrto{pertn 04 paving texp(ciose c.