HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1984-08-29, Page 32GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29,1984 --PAGE 17A Time to Stock up for Back- to-Schooldays! AS$ORTED VARIETIES Lancia Pastas •uri'''c, i//'Fh 44,1,01%R60111 .11owehW444.4,, i10.:.1,g.'' AIS}nl:.•:�C'. 11: (Lancia Lasagna 500 g box .99) 900 g pkg PARTLY SKIMMED Fresh 2% Milk 4 LITRE BAG FRESH FROM%E FR#I For FrtahnesAs 8 Sarinps CANADA NO.1, PROD. OF ONTARIO Illustration for design only and not necessarily item on sale. AT A&P! ire MOUNTAIN DEW, REGIMR & DIET PEPSI FREE OR Case of 24 Pepsi-Cola 280 mL tins ■ (Limit one case per $5.00 purchase, excluding this item. Maximum 3 cases per family purchase) , (750 mL btl ,59 -plus .30 btl deposit) CANADA NO.1, PROD. OF ONTARIO BEST FOR PRESERVING4 Titre ao cob I basket ches i,„,,. CANADA NO.1, PROD. OF ONTARIO Seedless Cucumbers0'69 e . CANADA NO.1, PROD. OF ONTARIO Fresh Peaches 19V Ib .89 CANADA NO.1, PROD. OF ONTARIO, FIRM, RIPE Fresh Tomatoes et2.99 PROD. OF U.S.A., LARGE, SWEET RIPE Fresh Blueberries pint 1.69 PROD. OF ONTARIO, DELICIOUS IN SALADS Fresh Broccoli. bunch ■ 99 CANADA NO.1, PROD. OF U.S.A., GREEN, CALIFORNIA Seedless/118 99 Grapes L ,kg lb PROD. OF ONTARIO, DELICIOUS IN SALADS 10 o Fresh Spinach . ceriopzkg .98 CANADA NO.1, PROD. OF U.S.A. Cantaloupe Both 1.69 PROD. OF ONTARIO, DELICIOUS IN SALADS Fresh Mushrooms 1p241 1.99 CANADA NO.1, PROD. OF ONTARIO Green Cabbage 2/ .99 Prune Plums CANADA NO.1 PROD. OF ONTARIO Bartlett, e ,r Pearsoa ���° 4 litre ' basket.99 PROD. OF U.S.A., SWEET RIPE, JUMBO SITE Honeydew Melons each 2.99 PROD. OF SOUTH AFRICA, SWEET JUICY CANADA NO.1, PROD. OF ONTARIO, YELLOW Valencia Oranges blgec43.99 Cooking Onions1.29 CANADA NO.1, PROD. OF ONTARIO CANADA N0.1, PROD. OF ONTARIO Green Sweet Peppers 4/ .99 Fresh Carrots 91.29 CANADA NO.1, PROD. OF ONTARIO PROD. OF U.S.A., CALIFORNIA New Potataes bag 3.69 A&P Snack Raisinslpkozpkgs1.59 CANADA N0.1, PROD. OF U.S.A. 17g4 / Ib .79 PROD. OF ONTARIO. HANGING BASKET Boston Fern. 8 Proir 7.99 2 -PLY BATHROOM TISSUE, WHITE, YELLOW OR ALMOND BETTY CROCKER, ASSORTED VARIETIES Super -Moist Cake Mixes BRAVO, PLAIN Spaghetti Sauce SAVE .56 28floz 99 tin • BETTY CROCKER, ASST VAR INCL SWEET & SOURSAVE 24 Baking Sauces ";:1`1.49 ASST VARIETIES INCL CHICK PEAS & LENTILS SAVE 26 Bravo Beans t9tin°2 .69 BRAVO BUY 3 -SAVE 48 Tomato Paste, 35',Ins- I.29 LANCIA, ASSORTED CUTS Egg Noodles SAVE .30 375 g pkg 1 IN TOMATO SAUCE, WITH PORK, WITH PORK & MOLASSES Heinz Beans SAVE 30 14floz 69 tin ■ LIBBY'S RECONSTITUTED UNSWEETENED PINK OR WHITE Grapefruit Juice DEEP 880W11, WITH PORN IN TOMATO SAUCE WITH PORN IN MOLASSES Libby's Beans 48 110 1 tin SAVE 36 .49 SAVE 36 19 0 oz 109 tin r ZESTY CHEESE, TOCO, NACHO CHEESE OR ROUND SAVE .20 Hostess Tortillas 7:991.09 BEEF, IRISH, MEATBALL, HOT CHILI SAVE .80 Puritan Stews 244°21 PURE GRAPE JAM OR Welch's Jelly SAVE .70 500 mL 1 .69 jar HOSTESS, ASSORTED VARIETIES Potato Chips SAVE 30 200 g pkg 1.39 CHOICE PEAS, CREAM STYES CORN. CUT 08EEN OR WAX BEANS BUY 3 SAVE 50 Aylmer Vegetables 3/144:1.99 NEWBORN 24 S. DAY TIME 16S OVERNIGHT 14 S TODDLERS 175 Kleenex Huggies SAVE 20 pkg 3.79 FRUIT RED, TUTTI FRUIT VERY BERRY, WILD & FRUITY FLAVOURS SAVE .40 Hawaiian Punch nn Crsytals pkg . UU WHITE OR ALMOND STRAINED, MEATLESS VARIETIES OF FOODS & JUICES 4.5 FL Ol JARS Pronto Heinz 00 nn Towels pr211s 2 . Baby Foods 3 -PLY TISSUE, WHITE, YELLOW OR ALMOND Royale Facial no Tissue b stleef 00 .UU BETTY CROCKER, ASSORTED VARIETIES. CREAMY Deluxe uxe 450 g Frostings pkg SAVE 40 .79 CHARCOAL Kingsford Briquets 10W30 Shell Motor Oil RE Gut. AR OR OF ODORANT RONUS PACK 10 S PIUS6 FREE Stay Free Maxi SAVE 50 11)0aglb SAVE 30 piss cont 1 .19 1 litre SAVE 1 00 box 3.69 3 REGULAR, WINTERFRESH OR GEL SAVE 1.08 Colgate Toothpaste re =BM emafwe earr WITH THIS COUPON ,WITH C OR D SIZES I(9 Volt pkg of 1) 'Duracell 'Batteries ; n k L.ms1a eP qPa' coupon VAItO U8111. SEPTEMBER 1 1584 at^ix . k.A*RS In Ti""" b. n Kxw la Sbe.01 "�1 ago smax. 4A=o e-tm Mtn!, et=e1 100 mt. tube 1.05 pkg of 2 Outstanding Young Farmer program offered Are you willing to innovate and try new procedures? Do you have a good prodtaion history? Do you employ good soil and 11 ter conservation practices? And do you con- tribute to your community? If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, are between the age of 18 and 40, and derive 66 percent or more o€ your income from farming, then you qualify for the Outstanding Young Farmers Pro- gram. This program which is co-sponsored by OMAF, Bank of Montreal, UCO and Raision Purina is run by the Canada Jaycees. The three main objectives of this program are: 1. To increase the urban awareness of our young farmers and agriculture in general; 2y To promote better understanding between our urban and rural communities; 3. To recognize individual farmers in various areas of agriculture who excel in their particular fields. Nominees will be judged via application forms sometime during the winter and will be invited to the Ontario Banquet on March 30, 1985. There are two Ontario winners to be announced. Thee two people will then com- pete on a national level in Calgary. If you feel you qualify for the Outstanding Young. Farmer Program, please write to O.Y.F. Committee, '20 Morgandale Cres- cent, Bowmanville, Ontario LAC 3N2 and re- quest an application form. Town gets new industry LOOKING BACK 80 YEARS AGO That Goderich is forging ahead in many ways is evidenced by the hum of business at the various factories and other institutions in town. The latest to join our industrial progress is Mr. Fred Doty who has .established himself in the old brick church building on Brock Street. A Visit to the premises by a Star reporter revealed considerable massive machinery to be used in the manufacture and construction Of marine engines and other works. On Monday, the 7:15 train was about an hour late, the delay being 'caused by a freight train breaking in two and blocking the track fdr a time. Three boys were before the magistrate last week, charged with breaking street electric lighting lamps and they each had to 'MY $2.M. '- The The garden party held at Harbor Park on Thursday of last week, under the auspices of the ladies of St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, was largely attended and a success in every way. 50 YEARS AGO A local industry plans to manufacture hockey sticks, providing town council will assist with financing the necessary factory addition. Red MacDonald,. local fisherman, went clown the lake some 38 miles to a spot off Kettle Point last week and carne back with 400 pounds of trout. This was his best catch of the season and one of the best any of the local fishing boats had made during the season. William Downing, who had been presumed dead, drove into Goderich last week after an absence of 47 years. Beer, "half-brother to demon rum", stole quietly into Goderich on August 24 and took up its abode in one of the downtown hotels. It was a meek, return after an absence of 20 years. 1,icences had been applied for under the new beer and wine legislation enacted by the newly -elected Hepburn Government. Premier Hepburn said there was no reason why Goderich should not have a licence as the town council asked for it and the town clever had been under local option. 5. 25 YEARS AGO Tradesmen working on the GDCI additions. who went out on strike at 11:30 a.tn. on Wednesday of last week, returned to 1Aork on Wednesday morning of this week. No official reason was given for their decision to reutrn to the job. The strike of the tradesmen was the third one since work started last June. Resumption of work on the building of the .new ICA supermarket on South Street is underway again. Work has not been done for several weeks due to a delay in the arrival of steel girders due to the.steel strike. Ontario Department of Highways trucks and other equipment have been placed in the shallow winter of the Maitland River just west of the Saltfc>Ird bridge for some time now, taking soundings. The work is in connection with the million dollar bridge to be built over the Maitland River some time next yel3r. 5 YEARS AGO Vandals caused approximately $150 damage when they struck the grandstand area of Goderich on Sunday evening same time after 10:30. Town officials and business.m n comprised two teams of well-dress/4d donkey baseball players last Friday night for a gamein Agricultural Park. An Ontario'Municipal Board hearing to decide the fate of an oltone barn was delayed indefinitely Monday due to lack of time. The hearing was requested by the town of Goderich to appeal a decision by the town's committee of adjustment. That committee approved a severance application for Nick Hill of Hill and Borgal Architects and Plannets, giving the firm a clear path to purchase a barn just off St. David Street behind buildings facing The Square. The firm wants to convert the old •