HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1984-08-29, Page 23DAY, AUGUST 29, 1984 PAGE. 8A—GODERICH S.IGI�JAI..�TA,R, WEDNES TOWN OF GODERICH PUBLIC MEETING CONCERNING A PROPOSED OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Goderich will hold a public meeting on Wed., October 3, 1984, at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall to consider a proposed Official Plan Amendment under Section 17(2) of The Planning Act, and a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment under Section 34 of The Planning Act. The proposed Official Plan Amendment would change the Plan designation of the .086 hectare parcel shown on the attached sketch from 'Community Facilities' to 'Core Area Commercial'. This would then permit the lands to be used for future commercial purposes. The proposed zoning amendment would then rezone the property from "Commercial C4 and Residential R2" to "Commercial C4" (Special) zone categories in conformity with the proposed Official Plan Amendment. The proposed zoning by -low would permit the lands to be used for core commercial uses. ANY PERSPN may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of or in opposition to the proposed Official Plan and Zoning Amendments. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed Official Plan Amendment and proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is available at the Town offices during normal business hours. Dated at the Town of Goderich, August 29th, 1984. L rry.1. cCabe Cie k, T n of Goderich (5 19 -8344 SCHEDULE 2 BY-LAW NO. P 1984 By -laky - 1984 has the following purpose and effect. By-law of 1984 amends the Comprehensive Restricted Area By-law No. 29 of 1972 for the Town of Goderich. By-law No. of 1984 will rezone the subject lands to C4-5 from C4 and R2, to permit the use of the subject lands for a range of core commercial type uses. The Applicant has also applied to redesignate the subject property on the Official Plan from "Community Facilities" and "Residential" to "Core Area Commercial". This rezoning would then implement this amendment to permit the use of the subject lands for commercial purposes in conformity with the Official Plan. In addition,' any development of this property shall be in accordance with Schedule "B" to this by-law which illustrates the development standards that apply to the subject lands. A Key Map showing the location of the lands to which the by-law applies is shown below and is entitled "Location Map". Location Map By -Law No. - 1984 TOWN OF GODERICH PARK STREET ELGIN STREET m IO 0 10 20 30 40m t 1 1 1 A. l,,•,•l w'hr_h t'. Ir ; c1 '1ficial plan „, nt ,rr,a 7 .., 1 t-rndment apply. TOWN OF GODERICH PUBLIC MEETING CONCERNING A PROPOSED OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Goderich will hold a public meeting on Wed., October 3rd, 1984, at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall to consider a proposed Official Plan Amendment under Section 17(2) of The Plan- ning Act, and a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment under Section 34 of the " Planning Act. The proposed Official Plan Amendment would change the Plan designation of .077 hectare parcel shown on the attached sketch from "RESIDENTIAL" to "HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL". This would then permit the lands to be used for future highway commercial purposes. The proposed zoning amendment would then retone the property from "RESIDENTIAL R2" to a special "HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL C3" one category in conformity with the proposed Official Plan Amendment. The proposed zoning by-law would permit the lands to be used for highway commercial uses. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of or in opposition to the proposed Official Plan and Zoning Amendments. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed Official Plan Amendment and proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is available at the Town offices during normal business hours. Dated at the Town of Goderich, August 29th, 1984. Larry i. McCabe Clerk, Town of Goderich (519)524-8344 SCHEDULE 2 BYLAW No. - 1984 i, By-law - 1984 has the following purpose and effect. By-law of 1984 amends the Comprehensive Restricted Area By-law No. 29 of 1972 for the Town of Goderich. By-law No. of 1984 will rezone the subject lands to C3-11 from R2, to permit a broad range of Highway Com- mercial uses. The Applicant has also applied to redesignate the subject lands on the Official Plan, from "Residential" to "Highway Commer- cial". This amendment would then implement this amendment to permit the use of the subject lands for Highway Commercial purposes in confor- mity with the Official Plan. In addition, any development of the property shall be in accordance with Schedule "B" to this By-law, which illustrates the development standards that apply to the subject lands. Ili. A Key Map showing the location of the lands to which the by-law applies is shown below and is entitled "Location Map". Location Map Prrgposed By -Law No. - 1984 TOWN OF GODERICH ;FARM NEWSigiiiiaiRasa STON EHOUSE STREET 1135 1118 1134 1H 9 1129 1124 1128 1125 1127 1126 1 10 0 IQ 20 30 '40 m ,' 1 1 1 it BLAKE STREET lands affected by the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment Lot 1129 R.P. 457 Town.of Goderich PERSONAL LOANS 14i°"o * Completely Open for prepayment * Simple Interest * Interest calculated on ikle unpaid balance * Life Insured If you have a good reason to borrow. a new or used car, home renovations or repairs, insulating, refurnishing, holidays, paying off your charge cards or even consolidating bills... turn to the Credit Union. We have a good rate to borrow on. FIRST MORTGAGES i4..o A 41- 409117\10 01 39 ST. DAVID STREET, GODERICH PHONE 524-8366 "Member Oritario Share and Deposit Insurance Corporation" * Completely Open * Weekly Payment Plan (Reduces lifetime of mortgage in half. See example helow.) 1 EXAMP LE: (Based on 12.25%) WEEKLY PAYMENTS vs.MONTNLY PAYMEii tS '30,000 MORTGAGE AMORTIZED OVER 25 YEARS MONTHLY PAY ENT PLAN MONTHLY PAYMENT. .. '314.83 TOTAL COST OF MORTGAGE REPAID IN 25 YEARS '94,449.00 WEEKLY PAYMENT PLAN WEEKLY PAYMENT '78.70 TOTAL COST OF MORTGAGE '70,908.00 SAVINGS '23441. REPAID IN 17.33 YEARS People Helping People GODERICH COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION; - OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Thurs. 9:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. Fridays 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. - Craig McNeil and Andrea Smith, both of R.R. 6 Goderich, were the reserve and grand champions, respectively, in the showmanship class of dairy calves. The 4-H club members were showing their dairy calves at the Dungannon Fair Achievement Day results The Dungannon 4-H Calf Club Achieve- Andrea South, RR 6, Goderich and• Reserve ment Day was held at Dungannon Fair irn Champion - Craig McNeil, RR 6, Goderich. August 18. -Beef Conformation - Grand Champion - Results were ag follows: . Judy Walter, RR 4, Goderich and Reserve Dairy Conformation - Grand Champion - Champion - Barry Nivins, RR 3, Auburn. Lisa Feagan, RR 6, Goderich 'and Reserve Beef Showmanship - Grand Champion, Champion - Andrea Smith; RR 6, Goderich. Judy Walter, RR 4, Goderich and Reserve ' Dairy Showmanship - Grand Champion - Champion - Barry Nivins, R,R 4, Goderich. Livestock Management Tour The annual Livestock Management Tour farm management practices and will in- . is being held from November 7 to 9. This is elude visits to a number of farms to observe an ideal chance for young farmers to and discuss the economic .factors as they, become more aware of current livestock relate to the feeding, breeding and housing management and marketing practices. of livestock. As well, those taking part in the tour will This year the tour will be visiting Grey have the opportunity to gain experience in and Dufferin Counties. As well, Marketing judging and evaluation. Facilities in Toronto will be visited. As • usual, the tour will end "up at the Royal If you are interested in taking part in this Agricultural Fair where.members will par- tour, please contact Karen Rodman at the ticipate in the Evaluation Competition. Clinton Agricultural Office i 482-3428 or 1 - The tour will concentrate on improving 800-265-70441. . ' Information Night coming up The Cattlemen's Associations of Huron, Perth and Middlesex Counties, in conjunc- tion with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, are sponsoring a Beef Informa- tion Night on Thursday, September 13 at the Kirkton-Woodham Conununity (:entre. A social hour will continence at 5:30 p.m. with dinner at 6:30 p.m. and the speaker pro- gram at 7:30 p.m. Three speakers will be featured that even- ing: Charles Gracey, Executive Vice - President of the Canada Cattlemen's Association, will provide an !"Outlook or. Lookout for Beef"; ."Bookkeeping for Pro- fit" will be the topic handled by Carl Lane, a Chartered Accountant with Touche Ross and, Company of Hamilton; The Executive Director, Advisory and Technical Services of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, David George, will provide an update - onthe "Red Meat Program". ''1'o reserve a meal, call the Clinton Agricultural Office at 482-3428 or 1-800:265- 7044 by September 7. The cost for the even- ing is $8 per person. Everyone is welcome! Huron County cattle weighing club forrned . Beef producers in Huron County have em- barked on a new endeavour, a County Weighing Club. This club will provide a weighing service to its membership so they can obtain weaning and yearling weights and check the progress of their stockers and feeders. As well, information meetings will be co-ordinated by. the club. Club guidelines and the initiation of the weighing program will be handled by a com- mittee of five producers who were nominated by the 80 beef producers present at a meeting held in Clinton on August 23. Neil Dolmage of Walton will chair the com- mittee. which consists of Bob Higgins of Brussels, Hilbert Van Ankum of Wroxeter, ,Joe Hendriks of i,ucknow and John Love of the Grand Bend area. This committee will be implementing the weighing program in conjunction with the Red Meat Incentive Program of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Currently, the club is seek me to lure a '.veighman on a part-time basis. This person will be responsible to travel to the pro- ducer's farm with the portable scales and record the weights of the calves. Interested persons in this position should immediately contacit the Clinton Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food Office at 482-3428 or 1- 800-265-7044. Similar to all other clubs, membership is very important. In order for a beef producer to be eligible for the Red Meat Incentive Program of . the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, they must be a member of the Huron County Cattle Weighing Club, Details on thh program and club membership are available at the Clin- ton Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food office. With this new co-operative effort. beef producers in Huron COunty will be able to evaluate the efficiency of their cattle which will help ensure the continued success of the beef industry in Huron. - OFA taskis to make politicians stick to promises says Pelissero The Three major political parties have all form, which outlined solutions to many of reacted to the Ontario Federation of the problems facing Ontario's farmers. Agriculture's i 01•'A 1 agricultural issues County .federations of agriculture used the platform. 'their commitments were platforrtt ,at the local level, and the OFA presented to the (*'A's monthly board of 'solicited ruction from the party leaders. directors' meeting Meld August 22 in 'Toron- to. 1 ..We've got their promise's in writing. now we have to make sure that the wirinirig party follows through on those promises.'. Harry Pelissero, OFA president said to the direc- tors. "Darr task now, as farmers: is to ensure the winning party acts quickly after September 4 to address issues that are vital to agriculture." At July's board of directors' sleeting, the OFA released an agricultural issues pat_ -Fin satisfied that these agricultural issues got good play in the election coverage. particularly at the local level," Pelissero said. "I'm hoping that when Parliament reconvenes that the Hpuse spends as much time on issues relevant to our industry. No matter which party gets in, the promises they have made to the farm community are substantial, so they should figure prominently in the discussions scheduled for the next session of Parlia- ment." Corn Producers~ to hold meeting other OCPA activities." A $10 registration and lunch ticket can be purchased in the morning registration period. Those planning to attend are re- quested to call the Gu 1ph office at 519-837- 1660 to ensure sufficient meals are ordered. The Ontario Corn Producers' Association has announced the agenda for its semi- annual meeting to be held at Ringeman Park, just off Highway 7 on the east side of Kitchener on Wednesday, September 5. According to Ed Kalita of West Lorne, )n- tario, President of the Ontario Corn Pro- ducers' Association, the program will begin at 9:30 a.m. with morning presentations -on crop financing, crop politics, and an Ontario cash -crop outlook. Ed Kalita also states that, "The three speakers making these presentations will he Del O'Brien. Chair- man of the Agricultural Advisory Commit- tee; Royal Bank'Agrologist, Vaughn Stuart; and Soil and Crops Specialist, Pat Lynch. An afternoon business meeting will include an explanation and update on the impending check -off to fund the Association, the new financial protection fund for grain corn, and your FEART FUND