HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1984-08-29, Page 101 •ss &Country CLASSIFI .`3 GODERICI'I SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29,1964 --PAGE 9 a " CLASSIFICATIONS: 1. Articles for sale 2, Yard sole 3. Garage sale 4. Antiques for sale 5. Cars for sole 6, Trucks for sale 7. R.V.'s for sale 8. Marine 9. Automotive 10. Pets for sale 11. Livestock for sale 12. Real estate for sale 13. Mobile homes 14. Recreational_propertdes 15. Out of town poperties 16. For rent 17. Apartments for rent 18. Houses for rent WORD CLASSIFIED DEADLINES: 12 NOON TUESDAY, Too kite to classify; ads will be accepted until 4 p.m. Tuesday fur Wednesday publication. WORD CLASSIFIED RATES: `3.95 min., 22 words 184 ea, additional word thereafter. In Memoriam; '3.95 min. plus 354 per line of rhymed verse. Cord of Thanks; '3.95 min. 25 y>rords plus 64 for ea. additional word. Public Notice; '20. for 3 insertions. Notice to Creditors; '30. for 3 insertions, '25. for 2 insertions, '29. for 1 insertion. Drawer Number; '3. first week '1. each additional week. Consecutive Insertions; 10% discounts available for word aijAp running 3 weeks or more with no copy c ange. Prompt Payment; 504 discount per week for word ads paid in•full at time of purchase or within 1 week of .insertion. Available only on word ads "--rnitrittlg'tor 2 weeks. Display classified; rotes available on rec)uest. Phone our Classified ad -visors MONDAY to FRIDAY 8:30 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. 524-8331 1. Articles for sale SINGER For authorized soles and service, sew- ing machines, vacuurn cleaners. parts and no- tions, service to all makes. and machne rentals. Gen's Sewing Centre, now located at 56 The Square, Goderich, 524.8431 -1 tfar • AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner cg your toilet tank. Available at Hoff- rneyer Plumbing and Heating. Kingston Street, Goderich. 1 tfar TE -EM FARM. our own cauliflower broccoli. cab- bage. new potatoes, cucumbers, pick your own peas. large selection of other vegetables, and fruits.RR 1 Bayfield. Phone 4823020. 28tfar WINDOW GLASS. 36" x 32' x 3 16 eight pieces,; man's suit size 46 regular like new:. sports jacket size 46 regular. Phone 5247660. 34,35 FIREWOOD. mixed hardwood. 530.00 delivered, 525.00 picked up. also 128 cubic foot cord 5100.00. Phone 529 7879. 34.35x to39 1. Articles for sale u , SMALL DROP leaf table and two chairs. Excellent for small apartment. Like new. Phone 524•- 7464.•--34x,35 FOR SALE: one von sofa bed in blue - in•good shape and a ladies' 10 speed bike in excellent •condition. Phone 529-7113 in the evenings (or 529-7134 during the dqy).----34,35x BUNK BEDS complete with mattresses, good con- • dition, reasonable; kitchen table: coffee and end tables. Can be seen at 247 Cameron Street, Goderich, any time. -35 •-s OLD SHAG CARPET, 12' x 20' plus. 'Good condi- tion. Call 524-2286 after 3 p.m.- 35 • FOR SALE• Moffat, fridge and stove, Harvest Gold. Good condition Phone 524 2265 after 5 P m. 35nx BROOD MARE -Dainty Debbie Her two year old Ameswoy by Ames Hanover and Yearling Baybo Bobe by Arses Hanover For further information call 524 9846 35 36 STEEL BUILDINGS Duect Inc tory Clearance Up to 40 portent disc ousts widths 30 to 120 any length Limited quantities Act Now SAVE Coll tall free 1 800 461 7689 0 35 URINE ERASE Guarantees removal of urine (dog. rot people) stoles odors from carpets, Regardless stain age free brochure Rendell Chemicals Limited Box 1500 London Ontario N5Y 4X8 0 35 RICE We sell 26 comities of rite F or full par nrulors on prices qualities and cooking direc trans sand 52 to RUBE 5 110 Hope Street Toron to M6E 119 0 35 ',INGLE MAPLE BED with mattress and box spr Ings like new asking 5180,00 small steel dog ',tele asking 535 00 Phone 524 6870 35 RECLINER CHAIR brown plush upholstery in ex ,.11ent I ondition Phone 524.9028 35nx 1'1 AC HES apples rioting and cooking plums potatoes tomatoes and apple butter Gerald 8,11 full form 524 8008 31tf CAST IRON round wood stove, good condition, including pipes. 5150.00. Phone 524-2817., 35 ANYONE looking for Amway Products, please . call 524-9802. - 35-39 YAMAHA AMPLIFIER 35w. channel; like new; $125,00. Phone 524-6637 after 6 p.m.--35,36nx RED HAVEN PEACHES, cooking -eating apples, potatoes, bulk cookies, apple butter, plums, fresh cider, whiskey barrels at Art Bell's Fruit Farm 524-8037..-35tfar "SWIMMING POOL SALE". "Manufacturer is hav- ing an inventory clearance on all 1984 brand new above ground pools. Included is a filter, motor, pump, skimmer, deck and fence. Regular $2095.00 now $1295.00 while supply lasts. Nobody beats our. price. Call 1.416-523-6467 for details."-- 33,34,35,36x PEACHES, Duchess, Astrachan, Early Red Melba apples, potatoes and tomatoes, apple butter. Bellview Fruit Farm, RR 2, Goderich, 524; 8011.--33tf 15' GLASTRON ski -boat, 65 h.p. Mercury out- board Ramco trailer, 2 tanks, water skis, tripod, and accessories. Excellent condition. $4,200.00 or best offer. Phone Steven' Arbour at 524- 2350.- 34nx,35 :FRUIT OF THE VINE - quality wine and beer mak- ing products. Full inventory of all ingredients and equipment required by the beginning or season• ed brewmaster. Phone Kincardine 396-8569 anytime. -230 BIKE SALE 1 013/° off ALL NEW BIKES IN STOCK - ON AUGUST 31 AND SEPTEMBER 1, 1984 ONLY DON'S BICYCLE REPAIR 305 ONTARIO ST. - CLINTON 482-9941 C & E: FURNITURE NEW & USED We Can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY '/2 mile south do Hwy 21 GODERICH 5244-7231 We evenitake trades PATTED GARDEN MUMS Our Own New CROP MELONS By The Bushel TOMATOES Pick Your Own Or Picked BEANS & BROCCOLI RED & WHITE POTATOES Plus Much More. . 'Where Quality Comes First' TEEM FARM MARKET & GREENHOUSES R.R. No. 1 Bayfield 482-3020 ALLIS CHALMERS mono frame 5-16" trip beam plow (4-5 bottom), excellent shape. 529-7607 after 5 p.m. 34tfnx TWO CAPTAIN'S beds with mattresses, in good condition, $100.00 each. Eight kittens to give away. Phone 524-7655. -35 - 20" COLOUR Portable Television, excellent work- ing condition, 5185.00. Phone 396-8569. 35 WELL TRAINED American saddlebred, of good temperament, trained English style. Phone 529- 7861. -35.36 ELNA SEWING MACHINE Al condition. Silver tea service, like new and half price. Phone 524.2569, after 5:30 p.m. 35 1974 VOLKSWAGEN Beetle automatic. Good con- dition Just been certified. Phone 5242462 after 5 p.m. 35,36 NECTARINES and peaches. Phone Greg Mon• tgomery at 524.7060 or 5248588. 35 NEW POTATOES, 8 cents a pound while they lost. Sold in 40 lbs. and 100 Ib containers. Contact 524 9052. 35 FOR SALE three living room lomps (table swag and wall) four caned chairs three small tables. Phone 524 9110. 35nx BEETS $5 00 per bushel. sweet corn, peaches and cream (available In larger amounts) 75 cents per dozen. red potatoes, carrots. (available in baskets or bushels). Spanish onions and dill For more Information call 529- 7615. 33.34 35 ANT 1'9. Rooms for rent 20. Room & board 21. Cottages for rent 22. Lots for rent 23. Commercial property for rent Mile and a half south of Goderich on Boyfield Rood. Miscellaneous items. All weekend at Ab Leitch's.--35x FIVE fpmily yard sale, September 1st, starts 9 t Art Bell's Fruit Farm. -35 a.m. MISG LLANE0US items. Saturday, September 1, 8 a.ry4 - 2:00 p.m. Different items to see on Mon- day $ ptember:3, 8 o.m. - 2 p.m. Rain or shine. 244.Cdiibbons St. ---35 3. Garage sale MOFFAT Frost Free Refrigerator. 14 cubic feet Harvest Gold Excellent condition Also an older fridge Call Port Albert at 529 7055. 34.35 ONE J V C SEA 50 Equalizer with. 10 bands two tape monitors 5 E A record, tope terminal on front Asking 5200 or best offer. Phone 524- 2496 after 5 30 p m 34tfnx FOR SALE 1979 SP 370 Suzuki, 5.500 km En duralon road off rood Excellent condition Asking 5800 00 or best offer. Must sell. Coll 524- 4766 anytime 29tfnx USED FILE cabinets desks, storage cabinets bookcases office choirs. stacking chairs lockers drafting boards restaurant tables. Lovers New and Used, 254 Adelaide Street. Lon- don (519) 681 2254 Mon. to Fri 9-5. Sot. 9 12 0 34 35 1 GARAGE SALE at Kitchigami Camp. 1 p.m. till 3 p.m. Saturday, September 1.- 35 SATURDAY, September 1, 181 Mary Street, Goderich. Bikes, children's clothing, numerous items. 9 a.m. till 1 p.m. -35 SATURDAY, September 1. Paint and assorted hardware items, 252 Bennett St. W. 35 5. Cars for sale 2. Yard Sale SAT SEPT 1st 800 a.m. - 12 00 p m First farm next to Clittiton Boxed Meats 35x SAT SEPT I starting at 900 a m. household items mini bikes bicycles good used clothing riding lawnmower etc. 275 Christina Court Goderich 35x SATURDAY September 1 8 o m corner of Elgin Ave. W. and Wellington St. Multifamily sale Men's leather car coat -size 46, Colonial bed 'rime sewing machine etc. 35 SATURDAY September 1st. 221 Bennett Street East. 9 a m. oto 1 p to Two family miscellaneous 35 SATURDAY September 1 8 a m tdl 4 p m at 51 Blake St W 35x SATURDAY September 1st. 9 a.m to 12 noon 242 Huron Road Goderich. 35 SATURDAY September -1 8 a m till 12 noon 271 Cameron Street. Weather permitting. 35 YARD SALE at 91 Wellington St. at Picton. Sotur doy. Sept. 1. Sewing machine. 78 records 1982 FORD MUSTANG G.L. Low mileage. 26,000 km. Excellent condition. Lady owner. Phone 524- 8941 before 5 or 524-4849 after 5. - 33,34,35nx 1976 CHEV Belair 4 door, low mileage, excellent condition. new tires, muffler, etc. certified. Phone 524-7998.- 34,35x • 1975 PONTIAC Astra Stationwagon. In good con- dition. Best offer for quick sale. Phone 524- .2422. 34x,35' 1977 DATSUN, F10, 4 cylind r. 5 speed. Good condition. Coll 524-8445 after-. m. 35x 1971 FORD Mercury Comet. , Best offer. Telephone 524-7130. 35 BUICK from Manitoba 1972 350 - 4 Barrel. Solid safe and dependable. A bargoin of 51200.00. Will Safety. Phone 524-9012 evenings. 35x '76 DATSUN for sale 5600.00. Phone 524-8727 between 5:30 and 7:00 p.m. 35 1972 PLYMOUTH Fury, 318'. New brakes, tires, shocks, Asking $350.00. Phone 1.526- 7238. - 35,36x '6- Trucks for sale CUT FUEL in half. Truck Diesels, 5 speed, over drive. Guaranteed. From 51634.00. Fits all size trucks. Lotsa Supply in Vancouver, installation items. Dealers -Required. (604) 465-5006 or 110 Woolridge St.. Coquitlam, B.C. (604) 520- 3611. 0.35 24. Wanted to rent 25.' Wonted to buy - 26. Help wanted 27. Wanted (general) 28. Business opportunity 29. Tenders 30. Employment wanted 31. Service directory 32. Custom work 8. Marine 171 WOOD lap boat, full top, '50 hp, Mercury outboard, shore lander tilt, trailer, etc. Could be set up for salmon fishing. Asking $2300.00. 524- 2297,-35x 9. Automotive HIGH PERFORMANCE PARTS, auto, van, pick-up and 4 w.d. accessories. Open 6 days a week. Walker's Speed and Custom, 368-7614, Tiverton. ---.611 7. R.V.'s for sale FOURTEEN foot travel trailer, sleeps five. may be seen at Mustang Drive -In. Goderich Phone 524 2279. 34.35x 1980 33' Terry Trailer sleeps six. Excellent -condi tion. Can be seen at Maitland Trailer Pork Highway 21, North. 34,35x 1978 GMC '2 ton truck and camper 3 way fridge. 3 burner stove with oven clothes closets 2 pc. bath. Could. be sold separately Phone 524 4351. 35.36x NEW lightweight Winnebago travel troller built to be towed by 4 or 6 cylinder car or truck $1500 complete 482.3723 35x RICK'S TRAILER SALES Dealing in Northlander Park Models and good used trailers. For more infor- mation come to Fisherman's Cove Trailer Park or call (519) 395-2757. I 10. Pets for sale DOBERMAN Pinscher, 4 months old, has all its needles, ears are cropped, and tail done. Call 529.7945.-34,35 FOR SALE, ,1 four year old blue tick and walker, male dog. Guaranteed to hunt coon only. Phone 524-6042 or 524-2314, after 5 p.m. --34,35 Et. Marine 14 FT Fiberglass fishing boat with 9 9 H P Johnson motor and trailer $1500 complete 482 3723. 35x 10A. Animal Services 9. Automotive HORSES BOARDED, modern horse barn, single or double stalls available, turn out field, 5 miles from Goderich. Reasonable rates. Phone 524- 9876. - 33,34,35 11. Livestock for sale MUST SELL double registered Arabian Gelding - Owner going away to school. Goes both English and Western. Phone 524-2318.-330 12. Real estate for sale We can install the muffler you want at almost any price you want, too Tbp-quality original equipment type mufflers high-performance Red Line Z to economy Royal Scots Every one is built toalker s high standards And built 14 last See us to get the right muffler at the right price - Walker And stop in soon for your free. exhaust system inspection Walker rnrL4fiers eed ptpe4; Installed by: EZIEMIZI CJIOOE: I.CfH '`O SALES-&' SER rrCE 46e ®n,y4leld Rd., Goderich sea -21 THREE BEDROOM white bungalow. 2 blocks off main street in Lucknow Sunporch,.modern living room, large kitchen with cupboards, 3 pc. bath, new clothes closets, wood stove, oil furnace in basement. New utility shed. All new carpets. Large Lot. Priced low. Phone 528-2746 Lucknow.-34,35 FARM FOR SALE by public tender E -1i2 of Lot 8, Concession 8, Eastern Division Ashfield Township, Huron County. 100 acres with 85 workable (clay Loam). 1-1/2 storey Frame house and a 44' x.30' pole barn_Offers to purchase must 6e received prior to September 24, 1984. For fur- ther information contact Farm Credit Corporation Canada,. Att'n: Steve Wright, Suncoast Shopping Mall. 397 Boyfield Rood, Goderich, Ont. Phone (519) 524-8381: Please refer to file number -32204-5A3. 35,36,37 HOUSE FOR SALE near Lake Huron. Must be seen to be appreciated. Reduced. Moke offer.. (416) 447.6717 or Write M. McRae. William Street, Brussels, Ontario NOG 1HO. 0-35 Hog Farm For Sale 1-50 acres with,approximotely 130 acres workable, 4 bedroom dwelling, renovated frame born for 100 sows with finishing area, 3 silos anda large implement shed. The property is located approximately 2'/z'miles south- west of Blyth, Ontario. For more information please contact Farm Credit Corporation, c/o S. Wright, Suncoast, Shopping Mall, 397 Bayfield Road, Goderich, Ontario. (519) 524- 8381. 33. Farm services 34. Personal 35. Notice to creditors 36. Announcements, notices 37. Mortgages 16. for rent MOTORIZED WOODSPLIT1wER for rent, $30.00 per day --plus deposit. Phone 524-4877 after 6 p.m. 33tfnx STUDENT TYPEWRITER RENTALS NEW -ELECTRIC OR ELECTRONIC MACHINES AVAILABLE Call: SKEOCH BUSINESS EQUIPMENT 524-8652 {-- 17. Apartments for rent J.L.S. Investments 1141 KINGSDALE RD. Box 334 NEWMARKET L3Y 4W1 HANOVER N4N 3H6 • First, Second & Third Mortgages @Loans on Milk or Poultry Quotas • Other Financial Problems (All Sizes) BROKERS & CONSULTANTS APPRAISERS (519) 364-5315 THREE OR four bedroom apt. on main floor. Fridge and stove included. $325.00 o month. Call 524-9075 after 5 p.m.- 34,35 BENNETT STREET APARTMENTS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS FOR APARTMENTS CALL 524-6653 13. Mobile homes FOR SALE AT MENESET. 12 x 60 Mobile Beautiful lakeshore lot.'carpeted. includes fridge and stove. sundeck and drapes Phone 524 4143. 34,35 16. for rent FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do It yourself with Deep Steam Extraction BLUEWATER CLEANERS 524-6231 give yourself a lift in one of our fine cars vans trues prices tart at 1 $2 1 95 INCLUDING , F tEE 100 KM •Weekly & weekend rates available • 2O' van truck • 12" van truck available available ix,"." mo; -:, 24-8411 `** TRICKLAND GODERICH 334 HURON RD., ^1.11111-o" tilum hand®hand�"'� � 18. Houses for rent A NEW three bedroom house Ducharme Estates in Bayfield. Available immediately 236- 4230. 35,36 19. Rooms for rent Room for rent. Phone 524-2731.- 35,36 20. Room.11 board COUNTRY ROAD LODGE. Private rooms, meals, 24 hour supervision, etc. For senior 'citizens and retirees. Dorothy Farrish, RR 3, Lucknow, Ont. 395.5283. 33,34,35x • WORKING FEMALE looking for room and board in Goderich from Monday until Wednesday,' and some occasional weekends. Would prefer living with a single older lady. Call 524-8331 or after 5 30 call 524.6637. 33tfnx LADY living in attractive apartment central loca- tion, offers room and board ideal for business person, preferably with car. Apply to Drawer 96 c o P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A 486 35.36 CALI, 8:30 A,M.-5:00 P.M. MONDAY TO $RIDAY 524-8351 38. Auction sale 39. Educational 40. Lost & Found 41. To giveaway 42. Death notice 43. Miscellaneous 44. Engagements 45. Marriages 46. In Memoriam 47. Card of thanks NMI 26. Help wanted 23. Commercial property for rent FOR RENT - office space at 58 Elgin Avenue East. Telephone 524-9372. 51 tf RETAIL STORE. presently being operated os a variety store. Phone 524-9995. 35tf OFFICES for rent Deluxe office space available Oct 1 1984 Carpeted throughout,Prime loco - tion Approximately 1500 sq. ft. Coll 524-7186 after 6 p m 35ar TRUCKING CAREER. Become a professional transport driver. Contact Mery Orr s, Kingston (613)549-3914; Toronto (416)251.9073; Ottawa (613)523-3489; London (519)432.1726; North Bay (705)472.2910; Thunder Bay (807)623-8686; Sault Ste. Marie (705)759-0177; Cambridge (519)623- 2430; Sudbury (705)560.3351, Member B.B.B. --0- 30tf LIVE IN babysitter to care for three children. Phone 529.7040 ask for Terry. • -34,35 COOK, full time, experienced. Apply in person to Blyth Inn, Blyth, Ont.. 35 Currently available: 2 MANAGEMENT TRAINING POSITIONS in this area, These positions include company benefits and management opportunity for those who qualify. Ask yourself, "Where will I be in 5 years if I continue doing what I do now?" Are you currently earning 520,000, $30,000x., $40,000 per year? Would you 'like to deal with business and professional people, where 50% to 75% of your time is involved in servicing established accounts in the insurance field? For those who qualify, your professional career op- portunity will start with 3 weeks of intensified sales training. If you are sports minded and bon- dable and would like to work witli on organiza- tion that is No. 1 in its field, call.JessNeale, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. today or tomorrow. (416) 922- 7992.- 0.35 24. Wanted to rent FARM HOUSE in Goderich or Clinton area Phone Peter Bachmann collect 1,416-832 2761 weekdays 9 o.m fo 4.30 p m 29tf WANTED: Licensed Mechanic. Also Body Repair Man, for a General Motors dealership. Excellent wagers and benefits. Apply to Doug Purdy, Highview Pontiac Buick, 137 Water St.N. Cam- bridge, MR 5S9 (519) 621.3681. - 0-35 VOLUNTEERS are needed to assist with the Lody Diana Nursery, Vanastra with handicapped preschoolers one morning per week, particularly Tuesday for swim program. For more informa- tion call Brenda McEwin-McConnell 524-4315 or 482-7634. -33.36 BABYSITTER required, before and after school. Pine Lake Comp area. Hours and salary negotiable. Contact 482.9951,--35 SERVICE MANAGER REQUIRED Immediately, for area efarm equipment . dealership. Good benefit package. Phone Fred Lobb for an inter- view. H. LOBB & SON LTD. 482-3409 Electrolux Canada is expanding its Sale Force in Goderich and Area For a full or Part Time Franchise call 519-743-8278 Collect Electrolux Customers FOR FREE PICK UP AND DELIVERY phone Al Riley at 524-8889 WANTED TO BUY. A quantity of used ash wain- scotting in reasonable condition. Phor'e 524.2265 after 5 p.m. 35nx 26. Help wanted RELIABLE person needed for a two year old to babysrt in my home Monday to Friday. MusD hove references 524-4315. 35.36 1 Leading National Company with Branch Office in Goderich REQUIRES General Office Help male/female. Duties to include processing cash flow reports, inventory control and general office duties. Typing and the operation of calculators necessary. This Is a permanent position with a wide range of company benefits. Interested applicants reply to Drawer No. 95, c/o Signal -Star Publishing, Box 220 Goderich, Ont. WE BRING BUYERS & SELLERS TOGETHER I n•. v Itr our In.IYer pi.rr tar ytlndr- Old rrniili rkt Crr;er,ilsdir We make It dm,pte. BUYING OR SEELWNG.THE CLASSIFIEDS WORT YOU! SIGNAL -STAR $44-1331 3 THE GODERICH CANADA EMPLOYMENT CENTRE has j.: b openings for FULL TIME and PART TIME Waitress/Waiter Positions in Goderich, Clinton and Bayfield Experience preferred, but will train. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and be flexible as to hours of work. Please apply in person to the Goderich C.E.C. 44.0 4