HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1984-08-22, Page 38Mrs. Jo' Haft lsop has returned home from a ftVe-week rtisit to Red Deer, Alberta where she visited her daughter, Mrs. Frank (Dianne) Naegele and grandchild, Kelly. mpaacli HARBOR REPORT BY RON GRAHAM '''NJ The Agawa Canyon arrived light for salt from Ashterbula on August 13 and cleared harbor the next: day for Gladstone, Michigan. The Algobay arrived light for salt from Sault Ste. Marie on August 14 and cleared harbor the next day for Montreal. The Algoway -arrived light for salt from Cleveland on August 15 and cleared harbor the next day for St. Joseph. The Algoport arrived light for salt from Ashterbula on August 20. The Kingdoc. cleared harbor with a load of wheat for Port MacNickle on August 14. The Cedarglen cleared harbor with a load of wheat for Port MacNickle on August 15. Programs available„ Programs for the Turning Point Con-. ference are now available. The conference for rural women who are leaders or poten- tial leaders in their communities will be held November 16-18 at Geneva Park Con- ference Centre near Orillia. The three day residential conference is in- tended to provide rural women with the skills necessary to establish and maintain self-help groups. Turning Point Conference programs and further details are available from Betty Stephens, R.R. 5, Owen Sound, Ontario, N4K 5N7; telephone: 1-519-371-4350. Local police look for robbers LOOKING BACK 80 YEARS AGO The Star is informed that Mr. Reuben Graham of Clinton has leased the new King Edward Hotel in that town and will have it in running order within the week. Robert Sharman is renovating the interior of the St. David's Ward School. •• Messrs. Dean and William Watson have put in granolithic walks at their residences on Elgin Avenue. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, "Her Strange Wedding", "The Heart of Texas",_ and "The Great Counterfeiting Case", respectively, were presented to large audiences in Victoria Opera House. The tax rate for the town for 1904 will be 27'2 mills on the dollar, as against 25 last year. 50 YEARS AGO Local police officers were called out of court this week to patrol the roads of the county. They were looking primarily for the bandits who robbed the Cargill bank but they were also on the watch for the kidnap- pers of John Labbatt, wealthy London businessman. Mr. Labbatt was later releas- ed by his captors. The Goderich Collegiate Institute Board is taking legal action, under the High Schools Act, to compel town council to approve the school estimates.. Council had asked the board to reduce teachers' salaries by five per cent. When the board refused to cut salaries more than 2'2 per cent, council reacted by slashing the school estimates by an amount equal to a five per cent reduction in teachers' salaries. North Street United Church has added its voice to that of other congregations in de- nouncing the liquor warehouses which have been proposed for Goderich and other Huron County communities. . 25 YEARS AGO Municipal officials started yesterday to move into a new theatre of operations. The police • department moved office furniture and equipment out of the present town hall and into new quarters in the front of the town -owned Capital Theatre on West Street. The fire department may be moved by the end of this week. The Huron County petition seeking a vote on the repeal of the Canada Temperance Act is scheduled to be in Ottawa today. The vicinity of Goderich District Col- legiate Institute has all the appearances these days of a building boom. Not only are many melt at work building a new gym- nasium and extra classrooms at the Col- legiate but many men. are also at work building new houses right across the road on South Street. A total of seven semi-detached ental houses, providing 14 units in all, will provided when complete. , 5 YEARS AGO Goderich town council wiiwait for a report from the finance committee in September before pledging any money to a relief fund to assist recent tornado victims in Southwestern Ontario, particularly Woodstock. A Quebec Company, Hero Navigation In- corporation, has begun dredging work on the Goderich harbor. The tender with the company is worth $29,190. The Goderich Economic Development Committee learned last Thursday that there is really nothing to stop Borg-Warner Ltd. from developing in Goderich's Industrial Park. The only objection holding up the in- dustrial zoning for Borg-Warner's property here has been withdrawn. However, the . town has not heard from the firm in 18 mon- ths. I Prices effective thru Saturday 9 August 25tholl184,, A&P reserves the right to limit quantities to normo! family requirements! SAVINGS SHOWN IN THIS AD f3ER ON ASP CURRENT REGULAR RETAILS. You'll do better with A&Ps REGULAR OR KING SIZE, CANADIAN Popular Brands POWDERED LAUNDRY ABC Detergent 12 LITRE BOX Carton of 20's or 25's LIMIT 3 CARTONS PER FAMILY PURCHASE Cigarettes WARNING: Health & Welfare Canada advises that danger to health increases with amount smoked -,avoid inhaling SAVE .26 SPAGHETTI, ZOODLES OR _ Libby's Alpha- GO. , 19Inca 99 McCAIN, PEACH, RASPBERRY OR STRAWBERRY SAVE .30 Yogurt Drinks P ner9 L 1 ■59 PINK, WHITE OR GREEN-SATH SIZE SAVE .16 Palmolive Soap baof 3 barrs k l ■69 DISHWASHER DETERGENT ( JET DRY 125 mL btl 1.79) .B kg Electraso LAVE .46 1box 4.99 A&P (PEACH PRESERVING TIME) Pectin Crystals WHITE, YELLOW OR CHAMPAGNE Viva Towels PKG OF 2 ROLLS 99 a 9 (Scottowel Holders each 1.89) YOU'LL DO BETTER AT 4E FAQ! AT A&P! Red HavenTIElePRRoCiD. OF ONTARIO aches SUPER BU ! CANADA NO.1 PROD. OF ONTARIO SNOW WHITE 5;14 7 g 4 Fresh pkg ■ SAVE .24 REG, UQUID (FLEECY FABRIC SOFTENER 1.8 L JUG 1.99) SAVE .30 Javex Bleach 1.8 LHre past ■ 19 jug IN TOMATO SAUCE (8 OZ 2199) SAVE .20 Heinz Spaghetti 28t::,°11.49 FANCY ASSORTED, CUT OR SEASONED GREEN OR WAX BEANS OR Del Monte Peas tins ■59 A&P (SANDWICH BAGS PKG OF 200 1.79) SAVE .20 100 foot roll ■ 9 Plastic Wrap GRAPEFRUIT OR ORANGE SAVE .30 Libby's Juices k8 L 1.49 LIBBY'S BUY 2 -SAVE 29 2 insZ1.49 Sauerkraut CUT -RITE SAVE .20 Waxed Paper Refill FAMILY Scott Napkins TOOTHPASTE 100 ml Ultra Brite tube 1Q��t 1.49 SUPER UY! pkg of 80 s 9 1.19 REG ORM SHAMPOO AND REO i EXTRA HOLD CONDrI,0NING RINSE Mink Difference 300 nil 216 i1 E'ER BUY! SMALL 500 mL 3.59 -LARGE 1.5 LITRE 5.79, MED SIZE Mason Jars canon 1litre of 12 size . °I99 Cauliflower 4Nceach PROD. OF U.S.A., LARGE, SWEET RIPE Blueberries pint 1.49 PROD. OF SOUTH AFRICA, SWEET JUICY Valencia Oranges bar 3.99 PROD. OF U.S.A., SWEET JUICY, LARGE SIZE Whole Watermelon each 3.99 CANADA NO.1, PROD. OF ONTARIO, TENDS Corn On -The -Cob 1 / 1.69 8/ .99 6inp01 6.99 PROD. OF U.S.A.: JUICY, REFRESHING Fresh Limes PROD. OF U.S.A.., ASSORTED COLOURS Azaleas SUPER BUY! ASSORTED Tropical 12 99 Plants 1Opontc h A&P, DELUXE, DRY, BEEF, CHICKEN OR SEAFOOD SAVE .30 Cat Food 141.49 A&P, SANDWICH CREME OR (CHEESE WAFERETT S 1.39 Assorted Cookies g is9 VE.. 74 FRAY BENTOS Corned Beef 34G g . 99 Un FRUIT PUNCH, GRAPE, LEMON LIME, OR ORANGE FLAVOURS uench poly pkg of Crystals 3-90 g viva 11.09 4 litre basket CANADA NO.1, PROD. OF U.S.A., CALIFORNIA, GREEN Seedlessmg/ nn Grapes Ikg/IbiZO PROD. OF ONTARIO, DELICIOUS IN SALADS, SNOW WHITE Fresh Mushrooms 1p21:1.99 PROD. OF U.S.A., CALIFORNIA, SWEET JUICY Nectarines 218/Ib ■99 PROD. OF ONTARIO, DELICIOUS IN SALADS Fresh Spinach 2 pkgs 1 e 4 CANADA NO.1, PROD. OF ONTARIO, VINE RIPE Field Tomatoes basket 2.99 litre 2 .99 ONTARIO MINI GRADE, PROD. OF ONTARIO 4 litre 1 99 basket ■ New Potatoes CANADA NO.1, PROD. OF U.S.A., Prune Plums Ft/ lb ■ 79 SWISS ROLL OR JOS LOUIS Vachon Cakes p 1204 .. 79_ PALANDA SUPER BUY! Mandarin Oranges LUXURY, ASSORTED VARIETIES Dr. BallardsZogd CANADA NO. 1, PROD. OF ONT., JUICY Clapp's Pearse . 99 CANADA NO.1, PROD. OF U.S.A., SWEET VINE RIPE, JUMBO Cantaloupes eachl a 6 PROD. OF ONTARIO, DELICIOUS RAW OR COOKID Fresh Broccoli ° each ■99 CANADA NO. 1, PROD. OF ONTARIO, SEEDLESS Cucumbers 2/1.49 PROD. OF U.S.A., EX LARGE SIZE, JUMBO Honeydew Melons each 2.99 PROD. OF U.SA., BUTTER SMOOTH, GREAT IN SALADS Fresh Avocados 2/ .99 PROD. OF NEW ZEALAND Fresh Kiwi Fruit 2/ .99 SAVE 40 SPAGHETTI, SPAGHETTINI, READY CUT MACARONI Lancia Pastas 59 500 g 111box LANCIA, FINE, MEDIUM OR BROAD 10tir+flsoz s59 Plain Noodles SAV 12 BRAVO, WITH MEAT OR MUSHROOMS 14 02 tin■9 CEREAL Nabisco Shreddies 500 g 11,69 pkg ASSORTED COLOURS Kleenex Tissue VE.40 box of 200 sheets 9 Soaahetti Sauce SAVE .§3 375 g pkg • SAVE .40 2811 oz 1 79 tin SAVE .30. BRAVO (TOMATO SAUCE 13 OZ .99 -SAVE .20) Tomato Paste 13flo2 99 tin MI SAVE 1 90 CONVERTED Uncle Ben' 99 Rice pkg • •