HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-7-15, Page 5BD
J1JI,5i 15th 1.015
Mr. Wen; Wenzel spent a few days.
;in Detroit last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Hy, Dyer and daugh-
ter of Detroit are visiting relatiyea,
Miss Merle Clarke is spending her
'vacation at St, Thomas.,
Mr. Eckert of Sebringville spent a
tday with his brother of town.
Mr. and Mrs, Bert Clarke and faun
ly of Exeter are visiting in town..
Miss Katie Zwicker of London is the
meat of her uncle, Mr. Chas, Zwicker.
Mr. Wm, Smith and Mr. McKenzie
zaf 1iamilton have left for Grand Bend
*Rae visiting relatives he town
Mr. John Neil raised his been on
Tuesdfl.y. 'Hewill now have ample
froom for all his crops. .
Quite .a number frown this locality
attended the Orangemen"s Celebra-
tion at Locate. on Monday.
The funeral .ot Mrs. Blair on Mon-
day was largely attended.
Mr, W. Wood of London spent a
couple days tlbe guest of the Misses
` Mrs, F, Colwill and babe are visiting
with her parents at Lucan.
During the heavy storm on Monday
Morning lightning struck the large
willow tree only a few rods from the
barn of Mr, Geo, Hicks, The tree
Rev,. Grand Jefferson Benduhd family ars camp- vyaabakly shattered.
ting at this week. Mr. John Colwilll is haying his bone
Miss Pearl Holtzman of Toronto and improved by the painters.
;her.iriend. Miss Yost, of Cleveland,
(visited the former's parents this week Mr. Grosvenor and son of Strathroy
_tend left for Grand Bend on Sunday to spent a con le of days the guests of
amp Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson.
Mr, Chas. inienzle and Mr, Gottlieb Mrs. Marshall of Blythe spent the
. Town are visiting in Detroit. past week with Mrs. G. Rieke.
Miss Lizzie Oestreicher is visiting a
lfew weeks in Berlin,
Miss Queenie Hodgins is spending
}her holidays at the Summer School in
int. Thomas.
Mr. Ezra Feist had the misfortune
to fall and sprain his ankle on Friday is able to be around again.
/sat, but is able to be about again withg
the use of a cane. Mrs. A. Hodgert and son Kenneth
visited friends in Staffs and Cromarty
on Sunday.
Mies Lulu Geiser is camping at Bay- Miss Vera Robinson has returned to
field. her home in Walkerville after spend-
ing a few weeks with friends here..
Mies Grace Blanchard of Stratford
Mrs, Brown of Detroit is at present
a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Alex. Dow,
Miss Nellie Russell, who has been
confined to the house through illness,
Miss Lucille Swartz spent a few
.lay's in London last week. •
Ontario's Best Pract-
ical Training
ea Teachers are competent, tours- •
S es are thorough and graduates o
succeed. We received more ap- s
i plicatlous this month than we •
' bad students graduate during
el •the past six months. The three
applications received most re- •
lit cently were for •
ret Lady Stenographer at $780, to
o Bookkeeper at $1,000 and
�' Commercial Teacher at $1,400 i
per annum. •
'411- Business men want our gradu- o
D ates. Get our free catalogue at z
4 once, s
set o
D, A. MoLACHLAN. r i 1 o i 1 , Principal. R
`�pll�rglhtutRtl inure II1111A1t1@IU4Itemarg
W by
not give your et
boyandgirlan ne I think, 72 others. She said she
opportunity to = wouldn't have known me if 3 hadn't
maketheirhome = spoken first I recognized her at first
study easy and = glance, although I haven't seen her
effective? Give - for about ten years. She bas been
them the same E verygood-to me and brought -me in a
chancestowinpro- P. nice fresh little basket of strawber-
motion and success m ries, and by the way, this is her writ-
-. Vit. T1 astheladhavingthe E ing paper, She is just staying in the
advantage of E British Hospital till they get a
ran Field Hospital ready where she is
5 ;d'innro+"w,-iiiU. WEBSTER going. She was in talking to Mrs.
EW iNTERNATiONAL e.= Gould gust before she left Exeter and
she was showing her that photo
Dictionary in his home. This new _ of mine.
creation answers with final author- = I was indeed fortunate to get oft so
F sty all kinds of puzzling questions 2-.
easily as there are many boys here
en in history, geography, biography, = with glaaat y wounds, and they have
- spelling, pronunciation, sports, arts, to go tltraatgll a little Hell of torture
and sciences. = every day when their wounds ere
• 400,000 Vocabulary Terms. 2700 Pages. = dressed; then again there were a great
- Uveretwei lustrations. Colored Plates. 7-_- many of our boys killed in the charg-
and M. Martyrs Balfour of Toronto
are at present visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Balfour. '
M iss Marie Hodgert bas passed her
vocal exam with honours at tba Con-
servatory of Music. London.
Mr. Milton Balfour has returned
home after spending a few weeks with
iriends in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Noah Dietrich o
Dashwood span t Sunday with Mr
John Dietrick.
Miss Susie 'Keogh spent Sundayf
with Miss Dorthy O'Rourke,
A number froze here attended the
funeral of the late John Madden. Sr.,
in Mt. Carmel on Monday.
Miss Ethel Lynch spent Sunday
with Mrs. Mathew Regan in Mt. Ca: -
Messrs. Garfield Finkteiner and
Harold Gower spent Sunday at the
home of Mike Finkbeiner.
Miss May Sutton, who was visiting
at her home, bad returneo to London
Mrs. Jim Baxter and son spent Sun-
day in Parkhill.
Miss Viula Geiser is spending a few
d age in Crediton.
Letter from the Front
(Continued from page 1 ' 1 '
started duty that morning, She left
Exeter May 35th and came over with,
The only dictionary with the Divided Page.
The type matter is equivalent to that
▪ of a 15 -volume encyclopedia.,
More Scholarly, Accurate, Convenient.
•o Sind Authoritative than anyother Eng.
Ilsh Dictionary.
AND = is just a flesh wound and it is healing
INDIA- N. fast. My ankle will take the longest
PAPER E as I can't put my foot flat on the floor
specimen pages, ff-
it ustrations, etc.
FREE, a set of Pocket
'Maps if you name this
I am writing this sitting on the side
of my cot. I can manage to hobble
around a little already, so it won't be
long. I guess, hefore Inn back to the
front again. The wound in my thigh
yet and haye to walk on my toes,
1 was hoping to get a little holiday
in England, but P1l have to go back
and get something a little more seri-
ous I guess.
paper. a I'll close here hoping this finds you
G. & C. MERRIAM CO., _ • all well.
(IplIIIIIIIUIh(WIIIIIIIIW�LIplilllllllllallJilUllllllNUfc; ELMMORE.
Creaf Lake.
Cru ises:
To the
"Fresh -. - e
Water Sea eh.
Voyages" --
On the Great,.?_
Lakes -Ideal 'Travel
and Recreation Cruises
-with all the material comforts-luxuriom °.
appointments and llleas2nt enjoyments of ocean
travel on the Largest Liners.
With the added attractions of delightful excursions to Beaudiul Farts, -interesting t"olta and Ship
Locks -Fishing Trlpa-•Basket Picnics to Nature's Wildest Nooks -Finest Meals --and comfort
able berths all included.
To Duluth, Fort William, Port Arthur, Soo,
Mackinac, Georgian Bay
and the 30,000 Islands
�>N7I1r •'-7-g"-•"'"""•r •
The Big Northern Navigation Flea covers all the
hest routes through the enchanting oaten of Lake
SuperiorCcor¢ian Bay. and the woedesfrd ,
30.000 Islands.
From the light draft' ""Want,ie • which wends ber
Way among the myreide of Wog to the big steel
Floating hotel Noronic"-alt are admirably.
farted to the routes they eerre.
Choose Your Cruise
ter us assist you is planning your outing.
We have booklets fact of valuable infoma.3ra
regarding these different cruises -
Check the ones that interest you and song thiaad
IE. W. Holton, P
Personally Conducted Cruises.
Cruise No. 1. -Sarah, (Int„tonulnt,
Minn., and returm, vat Soo, Pl.
Arthur, 8 days, $4t
Crisis*BN,o. Saan via0
Sa, oat. 9e
Cruise Ks. S -• Prom Toronto via
Collingwood, (Grana Trunk to Cd-
ltngwoed,) to Duluth, Minn. and re.
turn, Vie Owen Sound, Soo, eight
days 551.25 from Toronto* 547 from
Cruiser No. 4 -• From Toronto via
Colilnnvood, (Grand Trunk trains to
Collingwood,) to Soo, Mackinac and
return, veva Georgina Bay Perts. Five
stays 529.28 from Toronto* fay from
erase No. 12..aa,000 island Cruise,
Optional. Stela Trio for all Georgian
Bay cruises. Parry Sound to Penetang
Sarnia , Ontprio
Three Days Vacation
The following interesting letter was
received. by .Mr. and Mrs. T. Road-
house,, of 'Usborne, from their son 11.
T, who is with No. 3. Stationary hos-
pital, Shorneliffe, Eng., ,and describes
how be spent three days leave of
tabsence in seeing the siglits of „Loa=
Sborncliffe, June 15, 1915
Dear ,Mother;-
We landed book from London all
0..1C, We left on the 8,35 a. re. Tues-
day, On landing in, London we
went to a hotel, registered, had lunch
and started out to see the sights: We
went first to St. I',aul's Cathedral
which we were allowed in being itn
uniform, here Lord Nelson, Duke of
Wellington. General Gordon, Sir
Joshua /Reynold's, famous poet. Bishop
Creighton rand •m'any ,other fatuous
men are buried 'in the crypt of the
On the *main floor is the ' organ
installed 200 years ago and is still
being used. If you pay tid. you are
allowed to climb the greet dome. 040
steps. About half way up there is
probably ,what is known its the oldest
library in the world, consistitng pf
1200 books, ntostly to Latin, and pre-
served for the use of the Bishops only
The floor of the library is of small
wooden blocks, hand carved by Jonatlt
an .11faine in 1706 at 6 pounds, las., ,0d;
each, about 4f 32.00 in Canadian money.,
Prom here you keep going up until;
you tcome to what is called ,whispering
Gallery. You go wi
in nd walk ;around,
You ,get just half way around when
some one saes "sit down". You 'can
ace no one, but mechanically- sit 'down
and start talking. The Gallery is per-
fectly round and when the man at
the entrance is talking to you the
sound travels around the wall. You
are not allowed on the Dome, „outside,
es it has been closed since war wee
We went from here to London
Tower Bridge. Rad the pleasure of
walking across accompanied bS. an
escort with fixed bayoneit as we
curried a. camera. We were not Billow- 11 .T. Roadhouse.
ed in the Tower of the bridge, same No. •3, (Stationary- Hospital 2nd C.E.F.
being now closed, of G. P. 0. London, Eng.
The London :Cower is just across
the bridge, We were only allowed
through part of this, the underground
passages and rooms bt'illg Ietpsed
to visitors. On leaving here we took
the Tube, en underground road to the
National Art Gallery. The ground
floor was the only one or this build-
ing which we were ,allowed in and not
then until we had handed our •camera
over and signed the booties for a pass=
From here we went to the hotel for fur sot u'» net tt 'ten un tufo vee.
dinner and took in the Gaiety "To -
Night's the Night" in the ievenin,g.
I believe the greatest feature of
the day is yet to follow, namely, when
we returned for the night. Now, say
if 3 ou could have seen us when we
stepped into the room. We both just
happened to stop, and loa+k at it to-
gether heaved 'a geeat sigh. and Oh.
#•o Chink of sleeping in a real live
bed. We slept. We were rather latae
in the morning, naturally, so went
direct to Westminister Abbey after
breakfast. ,
Public worship was going on when
we arrived. It is open io,publict from
11 to 12 :t.tn. and 2 to 3 pen- We
sew the place where the royal family
worship when they come to the Abby,
also where the roy rty have • been
buried; also .Henry V11 and Edward!
the Confessor. There is a corner t_tcpt
for the poets. Rem Irving. Johnston
Carrick and all the great poets are
buiried. The coronation chair in which
Charles I was crowned, with his
sword and shield standing alongside,
are to be seen here. Had the; honor
of sitting in the chair and had my
hand on the place where the bomb
struck it. thrown be the Suffragets
a year ago while trying to ,blow up
the Abbey.
'We .left here ,and went to the -
Art .Gallery where we had lunch al-
ter going through same. We went to
the British Mussum from there. Th's
museum +contains one of the largest
'b theworld ' four 'ted a hall
raid on London,
We took in Regents Park +and the
Zoo same afternoon and leutPirc
theatre in the evening,
Friday .morning we went through
Ilerneds, Peter Robinsons and Warxl..
lug &. Gallows great stores and the
United Service Museum, A great
.utany relies of Nelson are found .here.
The telescope used on the Victory ;
uniform ,last worn before the battle t
a bottle. of his fatuous pard; ,the must
of ships it was (tarried away by
allots; . e goldknife sand fork a1-
ways used by hint after losing his
rmond big glass cage showing
the position o French and Spanish
fleets, his own and !tow be attao.ked
and wow the battle. Ilere also ere
models of all the guns and warships.
,catrr;, ing from 32 to 10 guns trona
1300 to present .date,
On leaving here we went to Par
'lament buildings. We were not al-
lowed through here but were allowed
into the House of Lords where ad
appeal case was in seitsion. It was
an rappeal of Lord Beelines estate
The +chairman was Lord Lou Barrie ;
Lords of 'Appeal, Lords P'armour, *At-
kinson, Warnburn, Summers ax;wd Par-
ker. Leading IL. C,'s Sir Robt. Fin-
ley. Sir Wm. Sun. Lunched out and
went to seer Dalley's "Betty" by much
,the better show we had seen. Saturn
day morning we went .through the
rest of Parliament buildings. booked
around the city and, took the 4.25
train for home. Landed home; 0.35.,
Had tee and walked to the barraclts.
It was certainly some trip.
Axa in the medical inspection ward
and see all the eases as they ender
the hospital. Rad one fellow who
left here, was in the firing ,line 'and
back in hospital wounded in 48
hours. quick work, eh?. Ant sending
some more snaps and should have
some good ones of London when they
are finished. A camera gets ,you in-
to all kinds of trouble here. Was
cat ght taking snaps on water front
et Hythe 'without a pass in the after-
noon and"•was in, the guard room for
two hours uuttL they got the .Colonel
down. Bust close this time.
Love to all.
No man ran do effective work if
constbpated-Rexall Orderlies are an
efflective laxative. Sold only by W.
S. Cole. The Rexall Store, 10e. 25o.
& 50c. boxes.
tenet' lose 1111 o),}n,rernity nor bunt
Politeness is It virtue that
he highly enitlentea at ;tome.
ought to
The man who sees things as they are.
Not as they ought t( tie,
Whose vision 1s not tangled up.
Whose mind from myths 1* tree.
When starting on some sperfal tack
Before he has colnmerfceC
fie very clearly understands
What ne is up against.
it Is not Lair and airy d1•Pams
That make the world ,u rennet.
'The master Danders are me (Iles
%Vhose feet are on the yloond.
Though splendid castles 10 the air
our idle efforts crown.
You cannot move the family in
And calmly settle down.
Imagining that black is white
%VIII not remove the speck
Upon the collar that surrounds
Your small and shapely neck.
Nor does 1t buy you bread and cheese
Or get you anywhere
To think tor three hours at a stretch
You are a milllonatre.
The man who sees things as they are
May have beneath his hat
Less rosy prospects, but he knows
Exactly where he's at.
1 e passes an elusions up
Without regrets or sighs.
Nor does he stop to take a shot
.At folly as it flies.
:w1 r
-Victor auausris, 01. w "eirarta, mer-
chant, was found guilty on a charge
11 rarys in of treason, in tradingwith the
million books. A large number of enemy, and a fine of 500 was im-
these are records. The rest are) posed and paid at once. He remitted
used mostly by bishops latvytlydq and money for aliens to their families.
Several ;rooms here contain the old •
ilashioned ,caskets, coffins and boxes
with stuffed forms and face painted
on some, of all Lha great rulers of
foreiign countries. Some date as far
back as the 13th century.
From here we went to the hotel,
bad dinner, and toast in the Palace
Theatre. "The show, 1914, starred by
Elsie Jarvis" .We very accidentally
and unaccountably, got an early start
Thursday 'morning arriving at Buck -
1 nham Palace 10 a.m. sharp. We
were not allowed in, here but 'after
holding a conflab with the Capt. for
a short time got a special permvU
providing we ' would return at 2 p.m.
We saw them mount guard on ,the
palace and march the a'etiring guards
to Wellington barracks. We went
through St. James Park, stew Lord
Lonsdale's home ; which he has turnr
cd into a hospital; White Hall; Naval
dept., War Offices e had lunch anal
went back precisely at 2 pen. We
were met by a guard, provided with
an escort and shown around. Saw all
the horses, saddles and harnettis used
for each royal and state occasion also
all state carriages used for opening
parliament, coronations, etc. The one
used for the coronations is 30 feet
long without the pole; is drawn by
six .cream 'colored horses, saddles and
harness to match. Two • footrace*/
stand on batik while guards walk
each side. We were shown through
the gardens and were allowed to take
a .snap of Queen Victoria's Monument
standing in the square in. front or
palace. o Ma-
dameleaving there we went t
dame Tussard's. The ' work of the
wax artist here is wonderful. Some
interesting figures - Queen Vi;etoria
sitting et desk writ:tng ; Queen Alex-
andria in grief over death of her hus-
band ;,the Babes in the Wood; Exc.
cation of Queen Ann; Death of 'Nel-
son ; Destruction of Mess! no. by
Earthquake ,in 1008; King John sign-
ing the Magna .Charta in 1199, and
the Suffragette (4reep, Mrs. Prink-,
burst end daughter with Miss Kern
Hedy .flitting at tea table. fled the
honor while here of holding in my"
hands the only bomb in existence
dropped by the Germans ou their 'air t
Opening gravel pit. 813. 43 e0. James
Rerun'. Concrete culvert. 11 ,20. eeiltert.
Fainrter, Culvert 3rd, S. Rd, $1„75.
Henry" Clark Opening gravel pit,
(J)tetnch). $4,00. 'Nelson Raker. Cone
resets. 3 divisions 178.47. henry Dllulle
Commissioner. $0,344 John Schroeder
Cowixiissiorer rand rep. lfCud (%reels
'Bridge, 8.00, James Neil. ICulverts..$7
00, Jos. Loo son. Pt. tCeutralia Drain
Contract, $100.00. Henry Link land
others. Commission work. $20.20. Jas.
O'Rourke. Commissioner, :13.00. J. B.
;Hodgins, Commissioner *3,00. Cecil
Walker, Plank. *1 30. Municipal. ;work
Supplies and Express. e5.55. ,Beery
l'ecllar People Limited. 'two culverts
for 3rd, S. Rae $201.20, G I' Ellber
tile, E.B. *4,80 ; 12. J,•Iutebison, ball,
of bridge contracts. *317,05. Wm.
Sanders. Commissioner. :ESR,. $4,25,
3. W. Bowman. Hauling gravel, $3.00.
Joseph .Banes. Refund Statute labor
10,00. Paul Schenk. 'Commissioner land
hauling gravel, $0.25,,
Counciladjourned to meet again in
ithe town hall, Crediton. on Mendes
the 2nd of August 1915 at X p. ml.
Henry Either, Clerk,
Rev. W. L Armitage of tint A.ng-
Bean Parkdalc .Church, " in moving Ia
a resolution to prohibit the sale of
liquor during the war, et the Toronto
Synod, stated. "1 have seen the ,aloft
disgraceful things night 'after night
when it has bean me duty to coeur
home .at 10, 11', 12 o'clock` to see the
soldiers of the king carried, borne ori l
jitneys, thrown on the street fighting 3
I can tell you as I,havo gone up and
clown the country speaoking oat beheld'
of local option, tbat when the ehuxeh
of England said; "1 am not going
to Jake, any part beoeuse it is a pot -
Rica! dodge" the thing remained.
"Stripped of every rag .ol 'revolts,
ibility, the liquor frantic in ,Ontario
continues to flourish and the Govern-
ment covers it with a weenie of pro.
tection, rand asks us to perpetuate it.
We will have nothing to do with
license, under a comeassiion or with
out a Commission. We are out toan',
nihilate the trade. --General Superin-
tendent Chown et the Toronto Meth-
odist Conference, -
Drink, we are told, has been the
Miss McEwon d£ Ottawa, is; home prime hector in currailing the out -
Spending the holidays with her Tar- put of the great Armament factor-
ents. 'I les and shipbuilding yards. The king
.Miss Rhetta Treleaven, of Ripley, has set a personal example ,to his
`Stas the guest recently of Miss gaud subjects by abstaining from liquor
McAllister. 1 during the "war, and has banished it
'Mfr. and Mrs. W,• E. Ilogarth and from the Roe -al household. The Arch
family are spending a week or . so bishop +of. Oanterbury leas appealed tso
With their relatives at Walton. the whole nation andto all Church
Mrs. C. A. Mc'Donnel was recently people in this country to set an ext
in St. Thomas,Port Stanley and Lon- ample to the soldiers and to help
don, 'visiting relatifves and friends, 1 them to fit themselves for the count -
.Dr. McAlister and Mrs. McAlister+ r3 -'s service. Now in this grave hoer
and little daughter are here spending surely all men worthy of the name
a couple of weeks with their many' of churchmen, from the parate to tle
relatives land friends. cottage and the trench, will consider
Our bowlers have been making good this matter seriously and respond, to
use out of their fine green and elub-t the appeal of the Bishops of the
house, ,find we believe have a number Church and choose voluntary abstin-
of matches to play with neighboring ence (furling this critical time. -The
clubs. I Bishop of Niagara at the Anglican
Mr W. McLean, who holds a good Ssnod, Hamilton. , •
position in Chicago spent the last
The council of the Township of
Stepheo cons'e.rled in the toper Hail
Creditor on. Monday, the 5th pf June
1915 at 1 p,m, A11 members were
preseet. The minutes of the ,previous
Sniveling were read and. adopted.
Mawhinney -Webb, That By-law no
221 being a by-law to commute, the
statute 'labor charged ,against the
sot1ihrres 40 acres of Lot 1, in the L.
IiW. Concession n ession of the Township bf
Si t:pher. having been. read three times
be passed and signed he the reeve
and .clerk and the seal of the corp-
oration attach d thereto. Cerind.
Love -Webb, That the reeve and
clerk consult with the solicitors re;
£ ienzle and others. Grading $110.80.
Pollock Award D.rain.-Carried,
`rhe following orders werle passed;
James Boyce, Commissioner, $1.5.15.
Link. Two culverts. ESit., $3.00
3. J. Cornish. Tile and ditch. $lcf'O(t.
Wesley White. Contract. Blk 3. Sri.,
428.20. James Rowe, Contract. 731k. 26
S13 54.72 ; Dennis Farmer, commission-
er. Bit:. 2. S. *5,50.. John Bftrry,
Drain. Pon. 14-15. $10.00; Thomas
Neil, Commissioner E.B. $10.00; Jas.
Rowe, Contract. 13L9t 4. Sri., *58.34.
James W. Willis, commissioner *2.50 ;
John Jacobs, gravel coetract. $11.30 ;
William White, Contract. 331k. 1., S'k.
$60.90. M. Mitchell. Commissioner. S
13. *5,25. John Jacobs, Contract. J_31k
3. ESR. *23,40. (frank Triebncri. Com-
missioner. $4.50. Will:atn White. Con-
tracts. 2-3-4. fat 8. Rd,., 535.00. It
Davy*. Commissioner. *3.00. Benny
Clark. Work on ,Con. 14.,, $0,00. Remo
Clark, Contract. 131k. 5, and 6.
-1st S. ltd. $141.70. Frank Triebners
gravel and work in pit, $40.00;
Wilson Aderson. Contracts. Elks,. 1,
2, 3. 4. C. ltd. $3501. David !Richard,
Commissioner. $2.50. James Parsons
file. E, 13. *8.12. Thomas Webb, Cont;
missioner.A €e 13. 30125. John Wilhelm
and others. Work on side road (;130 00
1t, '[Illi .Gravel. *30.55, James Cock -
well. Commissioner. ) $11.00. Jacob
Schwartz acid others. Conimissioli'
work on 3rd S, -ltd *25.00. genre Clark
week with his parents,_1Lr. and ,Mrs•I
D. B. 15lateen an
visiting h:s sister Jta_ie.
d is now, On Roth ster
Mr. and Mrs. • F. G. Bonthron
and children of Detroit, spent a few
days recently with Mr. and Mrs.
13onthron's parents. Mrs. S. S. Vair.
of Barrie, is also visiting Mr. and
Mrs. R. Bonthron's parents.,
Our teachers and scholars are now
enjoying the summer holidays.
The Misses Reynolds and the Mites
C'udmore, former Hensall girls, and ,
who now hold good positions elso
where, are here visiting their paernts.
1\lr. John McAllister has treated
himself to a fine automobile.
Mrs. Hart, of London, accompanied
by a rt lalive from the. Forest city
is visiting her parents, Mr. and idrs.
Thos. Peart,
Mr. and Mrs. George Troyer of
Courtland, and Mr. and Mrs. „House
and family of the same place and. Mr.
Case Troyer of Glencoe, are visiting
their many relatives and Iriends in
Hensel' and vicinity.
Miss Bessie Urquhart, who holes a
good position on the teaching staff
of Ealen College, Ealen. North Carol-
ina, is home here spendieg part of
her vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Scott 'end,child-
ren, of Toronto, and formerly of this
village, are spending a few weeks
with relatives and friends.
Miss C. Carrell of Beachville. spent
a day or so recently with her aunt,'
Mrs. 3. Sutherland.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McGregor
have been spending a few weeks;
here with their xelatives. They are
from the West, and among the num-I
ber who have prospered there
The new cement w,ilk running south
on .Albert street, is now in course of
construction slid will add much to,
the nine residential part of the vide'
Dr. ,IeAilister has given the con-
tract to 'fdr. Alfred Taylor for some
improvements to his dwelling on R:,ch
mond St., and will soon have it very
much improved and a most desirable
property in every respect and that
with a very comparatively small
outlay. : rt
The monster petition •orf tlaa . P,
T, U. asking that tho Imperial COtta
erne ettt ,1oboule sibolitoh the wet 40X.1
teen for :Canadian " Soldiers, whir*
has .been .)resented to the 'rim
Minister, has the Tatter's promise that
the petition would go to the imperial
authorities with the hearty envtot'aa
tion of the Oaltadian G'overnxnout.'
llr Moore e,t the 81. Ma:ry's AxeLhodiet
Resolved that 's'cr record our gr'ati"`
ligation that the authorities hovel:
prohibited the sale of intoeieatitg
liquors at the Niagl.tra,.on-theoLak f;
encampment, and we pledge our bear-(
ty support to this and. all tisirnila1e anti
tion, earnestly wishing', that Chet rev,
strictians were ''made .to include the
witole Dotninian--liesolutiou of UM'
Hamilton and Niagara Baptist Assentelation. ..;, a ee)
What Russia has done with her
vodka and France with her absinthe,
we 'in Canada can do with %the saloons
that imperil our youth and lead somal
of them to an untimely grave. o11
that is needed is the united, effort not
of narrow bigotry, but of national
self-tnespect and on energetic chri*sts
len sentiment to sweep this curses
away. -Dr. Berridge, rearing Modera-s
tor, Presbyterian General Assembly.
The Wretch.
"How can you say such thins to
"But I know that you are .a hind
hearted girl."'
":Prue, but I am titian„ tregintealt few
the difficulty."
"Are you sure that tats is real but.
"Gerta inly."
"There can he no mistake ahont it?'
"Norte whatever. 1)1,11 t so', see that
it bas the miner -my stamp DO It .f."
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-eon. _, t L,t f
;n1v` y 1t lll.-
of the
is now being prepared, and additions and changes
for it should be reported to our Local Manager
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will tell you that it is the most precious of modern
Why not ordereto-day and have your
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The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada
Tee..•-occorert'ag to tord 'Kitchener,
the big war hos only beguni.
War Summary"
Almost 'from the very day the great Eorenean war began in August
last. the outstanding feature in Canadian journalists covering the conflict
Illus been "The War Summary" daily on panes 1 awl '-' of T}IE (.LOBE.
h readers 0
r writer
'lyse ih r
., t � form th
"t ] ..il ,f
h ll.'t(`15CS n
In the
pen pict:lre of the developments in all party of the world. While the.
details of the movements along the extended frontiers have not been
overlooked, the readers of THE (87.0331: have be,,, enabled to follow
intelligently and with confidence the '"euersl outlines of the stepeodous
conflict. "The Woe Summary"' of TOLE GLOBE is reproduced daily by
several papers throughout the Dominion.
The Editorial Page
THE (:LOBE on its editorial page has striven to place before the
public in proper perspective the broad background of tho tltanic
struggle. Tilia series or artielea has attracted the attention not only of
the ('anadi:nt poopk', but of leading num and Journals in all purls
of the world. Tile ('nuse8 leading up to the war, the elements entering
into its conduct, and the results likely to flow from the cessation of
hostilities have been dealt with in that bold and clear -tut fora) charac-
teristic of THE GLOnE'S editorial page.
News Service
The above features. in addition to n table and better 80r4100 from the
front ltmmatclte(1 in Canada, have placed THE (1L01374 far h1 the lead or
Canadian pa pets. and partly explain the phenomenal increase of ;131-3
pet'("Ont. in TIM GLOVE'S circulation during recent .moutl1s.
Other Features •
The sporting Niece, the financial enol eommereial pages. the Wein:Ufa
pages. etc., etc., with the additional pages in Wednesday's Mahe devotes)
to "Vann and Country Life," are maintained at a high, .standard of
execilence, a standard that has Justified. TUE 0L01311 in its title of
Canada's National Newspaper, and lies given ft by many thousands the
largest circulation of any morning paper in the Dominion.
Local and City Papers
1?'y all Ineans tette your local paper, but in the Held of metropolitan
newspapers Tin (;LOVE unquestionably offers you the greatest value
to be had 1n Oneida. Order it today. 25 cents per month --one dollar
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THE GLOBE, Toronto.