HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1984-08-22, Page 12G412-••GODERICEI $ G AL -STA WEDNFS AOil$7 i"2t - r -Collo a 'his -Fat l ye'V %I SHOP THIS WEEK AT THE Winy1 Sales Arena FOR INCREDIBLE SAVINGS ON NEW FURNITURE Desks, chest of drawers, dressers, night stands, beds, book cases, wall units; table and chair sets, living room suites and much more. Double pod. desk S89.00, compare at 5166.00; 4 drawer chest of drawers $69.00, compare at $127.00; 24" bookcase $49.00, compare $84.00; double dresser with mlreor 5119,00, compare at $229.00; 1 drawer night stand $39.00, compare at $72.00; single wall unlit with eliding glass 5139.00, compare at 5255.00; 6 drawer high boy chest 578.00, compare at 5149.00; twin size boa and mattress 5129.00 for set, compare at 5258.00. ALSO A FINE SELECTION OF CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY AT BACK TO SCHOOL SAVINGS. Cash, Cheques, Visa, Master Card Accepted WINGHAM SALES ARENA 357-1730 Just North of Wingham on Highway #4 OPEN MONDAY TO SATURDAYi9 - 6 P.M. FRI. NIGHTS TILL 9 P.M. `ti r MILUPA 200 G. BOX BABY FOOD LOWNEY SNACKS $' 2 9 LOOSE LEAF REFILL 300 SHEETS FLEX SHAMPOO OR CONDITIONER 600 ML. s HEINZ 398 ML. TIN SPAGHETTI OR BEANS' 7 -UP 24 CANS PLUS FREE INDIANA JONES POSTER S 1 • 9 9 • In -Store Photofinishin IN BEFORE 3 P:M.... SAME DAY SERVICE NAKAMURA PHARMACY SUNCOAST MALL, GODERICH, 524-2195 ; ............... RCA Well open your eyes RCA For The Finest In Home Entertainment...... . Come To Rivett's....... ColorTrak Monitor - Receiver 16" Picture Tube Rear -mounted 'interface panel with direct video and audio inputs; Designed for use with many home computers; ChanneLock digital remote control with time set and channel scan programming; On-screen time and channel number display; Multi -bond timing of up to 122 channels; Superb color picture from both broadcast/cable sources and video components; Unitized Xtendlife chassis. Model EKR36OR X68900 Selectavision Video Cassette Recorder Remote Control; i }Front loading convenience; f iUp to 14 day, 4 -event electronic programmer; High speed picture search and stop action; f }Express recording; LlElectronic touch -button tuning; f iA- hour recording time. 1;11t, $5990° MITT RADIO & TELEVISION LTD. 34 SHOPPERS SQUARE GODERICH 324-9432 Only God c BY THE REVEREND GERRY McMILLAN BETHEL PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY You have often heard the expression, 'there must be more to life'. In a nutshell, I believe that is the plight of many individuals today. In fact, society as a whole is crying out, 'there roust be more! ! !' Something is desperately wrong. Something is missing. Families are increas- ingly breaking up. We have made tremen- RELIGION n fill our spiritual vacu MINISTER'S STUDY dous advancements in science and technology, but as the Reverend Billy Graham has stated years ago, we are still at the ox cart state in human relationships. Because of the breakup of the home, many children are torn apart emotionally and psychologically. I know, I've talked to them. Alcoholism and drug addiction is increas- ing to epidemic porportions. People, young and old are increasingly taking their lives. It has been said that much of the young people's philosophies today are suicidal philosophies. There's no future, no' hope - what's the use. As the old Grass Roots, rock hit goes - "LA -LA -LA LET'S LIVE FOR TO- DAY - DON'T WORRY ABOUT TOMORROW." A lot of people have a lot of answers for the world we now find ourselves confron- ting. g Some say- I - "It's the bomb we need to rid ourselves of the Bomb". I appreciate the discussions and debates concerning the bomb, b1LI believe at times it clouds our mind to t'l:.other problems we are now fac- ing. We seem to be so concerned for the future of our children, but at the same time we are miserably lacking in our concern for them here and now. The bombs can be dismantled tomorrow, leaving us no more threat of a nuclear holocaust, but there still remain problems so severe, that they can spell our doom., Some will say it is the economy. No doubt it is a problem. Yet we are still scratching at the surface. We're only fooling ourselves in believing that as soon as the economic woes Baha'i youth descend on, London The influx of 2,500 youths from over 40 na- tions attending the International Baha'i Youth Conference, August 24-27, has promp- ted a colorful variety of public events in London. Acting Mayor Orlando Zamprogna is pro- claiming August 24-30 as Baha'i Week in the City of London. The week witnesses a tree planting ceremony, 10 a.m., Saturday, August 25 behind. the University of Western Ontario's Alumni Hall - the chief 'location for Conference proceedings. The tree is a gift from the Conference to the University. Representatives of the Conference, the Canadian Baha'i Community, and the University are attending the ceremony. Throughout the three-day Conference, participants are examining the growing Baha'i Youth Movement, and their in- APPLE - PARK PRODUCTS *Early Apples *Peaches *Tomatoes *Sweet Corn *Peppers *Pickling Cucumbers *Beans *Cauliflower *Peaches Located 1 mile East on Hwy. No. 8 dividual and -collective preparation, for in- ternational service. Other highlighted topics include the unique contribution of Baha'i youths to International 'Year of the Youth, 1985, and the challenging standard of Baha'i conduct. An entire afternoon of the proceedings is dedicated to Mona, a 16 -year-old Baha'i high school girl who was hanged for her faith in June 1983 in Iran. Miss Rouhi Jahanpour, a former fellow prisoner with Mona, who herself was tortured, is scheduled to speak about Mona's ordeal. Specially invited guest speaker is Senator Jacques Hebert, President and Founder of Canada World Youth, Chairman of the Organizing Committee for the first North- South Youth Assembly; 1981. Owner Naida McClinchey Suncoast Mall, Goderich Inside the Mall at the Entrance to A&P Phone 524-8113 WE NOW OFFER... Wedding Invitations Social Announcements Personalized Stationery and all your Wedding Novelties. FULL LINE OF MINIATURE DOLL FURNITURE CRAFT CLASSES... Starting September Please calt for more information. are healed, that then we'll find happiness. Loneliness, depression, apathy, hnnelessness. that now confront us. d esn't know any boundaries, especially eco�iomic ones. It seems the individuals who have. the most in this lifetime are in many Oases the tinhappiest and they are the ones calling out, ' There must be more'. Many more answers would be given. Here's mine. I believe it's a spiritual problem. I believe there is a Creator. God - who has made us. `Who has made us to have fellowship with Him. He's a God of Love, but also a God of Justice, and becay a of our sins, our tran- sgressions, we a& out of fellowship with Him. I believe we are physical, mental, and spiritual beings. We are feeding ourselves emotionally, mentally, physically, yet we are still hungering for more. We have a spiritual vacuum. Only God can fill that vacuum. And the only way to come to God is through His Son Jesus Christ., He sad, 'I am the Way, The Truth and The Life, o one comes to the Father, but by me'. Mnhas erred I sl believinghe is basically ood and he lone can solve the problems. History, .past and present nd doubt disproves hi: claim. Things are not getting better. They are getting worse. Jesus Ch st wants us to have more in life. His joy, H love, His peace, the promise of eternal lif Jesus say in + -, ttlfl;l0, "I came that they might have life a d have it more abun- dantly." Rev. 3:20' Says, "Be old, I'stand at the door and knock, if an ' one hears my voice and opens the door, I wi r e in to him and eat with him, and he with me" There is more! There ha to be! He is Jesus Christ! Recognize r cause of your sins (transgressions), you are out of fellowship with God. Jesus paid for your sins on the Cross. He died for you so that our relationship with Him can be restored. Confess your sins, ask for His forgiveness. Let Him become the Lord of your life. Come into fellowship with Him, let Him restore you, and fill you with His love. As sacred singer Dallas Holm me n i one d ina songa few ew yearsago, "JESUS CAN SATISFY YOUR SOUL". St. Peter's has new priest Father Joseph Francis Hardy is the new priest at St. Peter's Roman Catholic Chur- ch, Goderich. He arrived July 31 to replace Father Arnold Francis Loebach who has gone t6 St. Brigid's Roman Catholic Church; Logan (near Mitchell) . Father Hardy has known Father Loebach for many years. He worked with him on Lay Retreats and was taught by him at St. Peter's Seminary. "He was my Spiritual. Director and I owe a great deal to him for his kindness over the years." Father Hardy is the son of Joseph and Mary ( Geary) Hardy (now deceased) and was born in Chicago, Illinois. He has one brother, James, who is married to Marj Medd, formerly of Clinton. They have four children, Mike, Pat, Brenda and Dan. As a boy, Father Hardy lived in England where he received some of his early educa- tion, and then moved to London, Ontario. • He worked eight years for the O.L.D. Co. as a clerk and entered St. Peter's Seminary in 1959. On May 29, 1965 he was ordained as a priest and said his first mass at Holy Cross Church in London. He has served in the following parishes: Sacred Heart, La Salle ( summer of 1965) ; All Saints, Strathroy (five" years); St. Andrews, London (two years); St. Mary's, London (two years); St. Joseph's Hospital Chaplain (summer of 1974); St. Joseph's, Clinton (six years) and Holy Cross, London ( four years). Some of Father Hardy's former PEACHES • Apples - 'Plums •Pears • Blueberries • Frozen Cherries • Frozen Blueberries • Frozen Raspberries •Fruit Products OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK ROCK GLEN FRUIT FARMS LTD. Arkona Ont. 828-3644 First Batist Church MONTREALSTREET, GODERICH Sunday 9:45 a.m MORNING WORSHIP Thursday 7:013 p.m PRAYER & BIBLE STUDY j ORGANIST MRS. ALYCE GARDNER [ PASTOR REV. GILBERT KIDD 1 •. _ ..-..9130 Calvary Baptist Church E AYFIIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET' t 1000 a.m. • Bible School 11a.m.&7p.m . t MR. DICK HORNER Special Music Wednesday 7 p.m • Mid -week service t DAY CAMP BEGINS MON., AUG. 20 Nursery Facilities....air-conditioned auditorium WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH ' �......—••-`..-s..-- s--.".-sees..-...a9 ? Knox Presbyterian Church THE REV. G.L. ROYAL, M.A., M. DIV., MINISTER SHEILA B. FINK, B.A., PASTORAL ASSISTANT'4. - DR KATHRYN J BAKER DIRECTOR OF PRAISE ) i ii ii i S E 4aEate�toW�rsh�p Depart to Serve g Sunday, August 26 Summer Schedule 9 00 a.m. Chapel Service -Mr. Stinson 11 00 a.m. Main Church -Mr. Royal BAPTISMAL SACRAMENT AT 11:00 A.M. (Nursery at 11 a.m. only) BEREA-BY-THE-WATER LUTHERAN CHURCH Suncoast Drive, 1 Block West of Hwy..21 Chris Wicher. Pastor Office 524-2235: Home 524.4134 August 26 9:15 Family Education Hour 10:30 Divine Worship (nursery service available) August 23 10.30 Mustard Seed Bible Study The Church ,f the -Lutheran Hour" 150th ANNIVERSARY YEAR -...i ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH / Anglican•Episcopal North and Nelson Streets, Goderich Rector: The Reverend Robert J. Crocker Organist -Choirmaster: Lorne H. Clotterer Sunday, August 26th 8.30 a.m. Holy Communion. "" 9:30 aim. Holy Communion Chri;t Church. Port Albert. 11.00 �. m. Morning Prayer. Sermon The Reverend Douglas Pitts. Guest organist: Grace Datema. -You are always welcome• r.,• -•••••.•.•••••,•"\.••,............1,.....1"....•. -...-6•_".....•-.. -1 I THE UNITED CHURCH of CANADA ,. `';' WELCOME TO WORSHIP 7i Each Sunday 5; 10:OOA.M. % Services during August i at e Victoria Street United Church S t7 I?North St. United Churches- tj L Congregations of Victoria St. and Pev. John Wood: minister Paul Howe: organist parishioners may not recognize him these days. He has lost 70 pounds and says the secret is diet and exercise. "I am still strug- gling to keep it off," he admits. During his 19 years as a priest, Father Hardy has been a member of various com- mittees in the diocese on Immigration and -Ecumenism. For 12 years, he was a part of the Anglican -Roman Catholic Dialogue of Canada and is now part of the Ontario Bishop Commission on•Ecumenism. Father Joseph Francis Hardy WINGHAM MEMORIALS •Monuments •Markers •Cemetery Lettering •Large Modern Showroom BUY DIRECT AND SAVE REPRESENTATIVES COMMISSION Bus. 357-1910 Res. 357-1015 or 357-1535 SEE What You Buy "nthing %mi Inn Hill e.er he a& permanent n. a family monument. Its purchase a. arrant• thoughtanti guidan -. - Self' '.hat gnu hug. �i.it the\monument dealer a.ho ha. a ph tr dig; y. and ..h., ran dr.ign a per•nnnlized mor ument In ha • a.ith it. surroundings. Re hags the evperienr•e. Vi a has.' the complete di•piny . R r .per•ializr• in full guaranteed cu.tona tle.ignerl granite onumr nt•. PR Y I)E :V 1()N LITEN'I ;s LTD. SI NI:O AST:VIAI,1. SHOW R())M (;41/ER ICH. ONTARIO 524-2337 SUPERIOR MiORIALAS EST BASHED OVER 50 YEARS. Goderich Area ROBERT MCCALLUM 11 CAMBRIWi#OAD, GODERICH 524-7345 Clinton Area MICHAEL FALCONER 153 HIGH STREET, CLINTON 482-9441