HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1984-08-22, Page 7PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE to a• n'a iitt4TAR,, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 33,4mo By .Stepha vesque The over 7,000 square foot addition to the Maitland Valley Co[Servation Authority - (MVCA) headquarters in Wroxeter was of- ficially opened on Aug. 16. Provincial natural resources minister Hon. Alan Pope and MVCA chairman Dave Gower of, Goderich opened the addition when they cut the ribbon in front of about 200 people. Represented in. the crowd were pro- vincial agencies such as the natural resources ministry, surrounding con- servittron authorities county councils from the watershed - Bruce, Huron, Perth and Wellington - politicians, former MVCA members and present staff. Mr, Pope started the ceremonies after ar- riving in the Howick Township village by provincial helicopter. Mr. Pope, Mr. Gower and other dignitaries were piped in to the platform to startthe ceremonies by two pipers from the Brussels Legion Pipe Band. A history of the MVCA headquarters, con- cluding with details of the $458,000 addition, was outlined by the .MVCA chairman. Mr. Gower said that in August of 1982, Mr. Pope visited the authority headquarters to view the crowded conditions. The chairman noted that although the pro- vincial minister, turned the authority down Shci'p'trr'ferson- It'.s Our Biggest Sale Of The Season „ IAUGUSTC Ilan, Pope in Wroxeter kidding when Mr. Elston commented on a news article which said he was on a Toty,, "hit list" to be replaced by a Progressive Conservative MPP in his riding if an elec- tion is called this fall. The Huron -Bruce MPP asked the provincial minister to put id. "good words" for him to Premier William Davis. After being introduced by Mr. Cardiff,, Mr. Pope Quipped, "I'd like to help you Mur- ray, but we don't have a senate." The natural resources minister said that earlier in the day in Owen Sound, he had an- nounced a fish stocking program for Lake' in Its request Ion funding for an addition, the *vino "left the door open". By February of 1983 the necessary ap- proval had been granted for a Federal - Provincial Special Employment Project, said Mr. Gower. It was almost a year ago to the day, Aug. 15, when the ground breaking ceremony for the addition took place. The project created 540 weeks of employ - Ment for 25 workers, said the chairman. 'Through the Unemployment Insurance Act, the federal government contributed $129,000 for wages. The ovince contributed $156,158 for materials, , wages and support Huron and Georgian Bay. costs and he authority' share w4,s $172,242. He praised the MVCA for using the job' The chairman emphasized that MVCA's creation program to construct the addition. share did not come from an additional levy Following the ribbon cutting ceremony; upon the member municipalities. Mr, Pope andMaitland Conservation Foun- Jack Stafford, reeve of Hoyvick, the host dation chaff Dr. Tom Sanderson of. township, said it was the second time he had Listowel unveil a,,.commemorative pla- attended an official opening on the site. que. The plaque is presented to WVCA by About 27 years ago, Reeve Stafford attended the foundation and lists foundation and the opening of the Wroxeter Public School. authority members. He had helped to build the school as a Mr. Pope was presented with a painting of laborer. It was noted that many of those who Galbraith Conservation Area near Listowel. had built the addition were on hand for the The painting was done by Olive Coghlin of, ceremonies. the Atwood area. Huron -Bruce MPP Murray .Elston and Ten Eastern White Pines were planted by, MP Murray Cardiff brought respective the dignitaries attending the opening. greetings from their colleagues. Tours of,the building and a luncheon There was some good natured partisan followed thceremonies: Neighbours object to rezoning application for nursing home expansion Town council decided to seek legal advice before giving final reading to a bylaw that would rezone five residential building lots behind the Maitland Manor Nursing Home on Bennett Street, Nursing home owner, Mery Good, requested that the five lots be rezoned from a Residential R-1 designation to a special R2-1 to allow for future expansion of the nursing home. While he had no immediate plans to expand the home, Good told a special committee of council that rezoning the land would give his company some versatility. However, a group of homeowners in the area, objected to the proposed rezoning claiming the lots in question should remain strictly residential. A petition bearing over 20 names was presented to council Wednesday. At the special meeting to deal with Teachers must be political Women teachers can no longer avoid political activity and involvement if they really care about their students, according to Susan Hildreth, Provincial President of the 31,000 -member Federation of Women Teachers' Associations of Ontario. Speaking to 600 delegates at the Federation's Annual Meeting in Toronto, Ms. Hildreth urged teachers to undertake political action against media violence and pornography and for affirmative action and peace. Attending the -Annual Meeting from this area were: Louise Wilson of Victoria Public School, Goderich; Ila Mathers of South Huron District High School, Exeter; Mary Ellen Walsh of J.A.D. McCurdy School, Huron Park; Flo Keillor of Huron Centennial School, Brucefield; Chrystal Jewitt of Vanastra School, Vanastra; Mary Jane Coxon of Howick Central, Gorrie; Mar- jorie Freeman of Robertson Public School, Goderich. Ms. Hildreth spoke strongly in favor of affirmative action in school systems, saying. "This generation of men and women must do something positive and effective r to eliminate sex stereotyping) or our female students will remain • in the same low- paying, low -status job ghettos women occupy now." The annual meeting heard a report on stress among women teachers, indicating that difficulties on the job ae the major source of their stress. Stress is often the result of the problem of classes too large to allow satisfactory work with gifted students, those with emotional and behavioral problems and those with other learning disabilities, according to results released by Dr. Florence Henderson, Executive Secretary of the Fedetlation. , In other discussions, delegates described pornography as a form of hate literature against women, and urged the federal government to regulate. and monitor television programs depicting people in sexually violent and degrading roles. HAIR DESIGN FOR WOMEN AND MEN EAR PIERCING AVAILABLE (Weads dip .SUNCOAST MALL-GODERICH. 524-8515 rezoning applications, a lawyer for one area resident said the residential lots would act as a buffer between the home and the residential area. In the petition to council, the objectors said; "We have numerous reasons for objecting but the devaluation of our property is our greatest concern," the petition read. Frank Little, a neighbour in the area, appeared. before council, arguing that the area should remain strictly residential. "I have lived in the area for over 40 years and I built my own home there. Other people have chosen that area of town to build their homes as well," he said. "I object to the zoning change and it would be disgusting to see anything ,but residential in•that area of town." Subsequent to an August 9 meeting, the planning advisory committee recommended that council approve the rezoning application to allow the expansion of the nursing home with certain provisions. The provisions called for a mandatory development agreement with Mervesto Inc., owners of the property and that four neighbours; Kathleen and John Leamen, Ray Young, Frank Little. and Peter Sturdy be notified of the meeting to deal with the development agreement. However, council was not sure ifitcould commit a future council to those terms and a motion to table the bylaw pending legal clarification on the matter was carried. BRUCE McDONALDZ , IN HURON BRUCE pC isrPim 1. Bruce McDonald believes (anadian initiatives for peace and freedom from nuclear war are vital to the survival of mankind on our planet. Prime Minister Turner has pledged Canada's continuing effort to bring Russia and The U.S. to a successful international pact on arms control and disarmament. Libemi BRUCE McDONALD • BELIEVES: 1. -One of the most pressing needs of farmers today is long term credit at affordable interest rates. The Liberal government under john Turner is pledged to do even more through the Farm (redit Corp. to meet the changing need of farmers. 2. Bruce McDonald believes the sale of a farm is a farmer's pension and should be subject to generous tax exemption. The Liberal Government under john Turner is pledged to Income Tax changes that permit farmers to transfer up to $120,000 from the sale of their farm -'businesses to an RRSP without incurring tax liability. (The Conservatives opposed this measure in the '84 budget) 4 Bruce Mc Donald believes the sec ret to a sustained economic recovery in Huron -Brute is a healthy agricultural and small business sector. When agriculture flourishes in Huron -Bruce, small business flourishes. Since 1980, the Liberal Government 'has paid $290 million in stabilization payments to Canadian producers of fruit, grain and livestock. A special farm assistance program will rebate 4-S% of interest charges for 2 y,kars. BRUCE McDONALD LIBERAL HEADQUARTERS: FORMOSA 367-5622 ' LIBERAL COMMITTEE ROOMS: WINGHAM - 357-1302 CLINTON - 482-3401 SEAFORTH - 527-1022 GODERICH - 524-2103 EXETER- 235-0151 For Election Information or Election Day transportation Please call! FOR: •YOUTH• •EXPERIENCE• •VITALITY• VOTE BRUCE McDONALD SEPT, 4th N.D.P McDONALD, BRUCE LIBERAL LIBERTARIAN • • D • Authorised by Barry Reid, official agent for Bruce McDonald. i MEET HON. DON JOHNSTON CANADA ,, MINISTER OF JUSTICE WITH BRUCE McDONALD LIBERAL CANDIDATE FOR HURON BRUCE WED., AUG. 12 - 1:30 P.M. HOTEL BEDFORD THE SQUARE' ALL CANDIDATES MEETING HULLETT PUBLIC SCHOOL 8:30 P.M. WED., AUG. 22 SPONSORED BY FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE Como Out And Support MEET HON. RALPH FERGUSON ,MINISTER AGRICULTURE CANADA .WITH BRUCE McDONALD LIBERAL CANDIDATE 1N HURON -BRUCE AT THE ZURICH BEAN FESTIV AL SAT., AUG. 23 HARBOUR tl. AIRPORT BRUCE MeDON AL® 2:30 P.M. 4o 4.36 Coats and Jackets At Special Sale Prices. See Them Today! 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