HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1984-08-15, Page 22J,1 •. PAGE SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNFSPB,Xr Ai,/OT jet ,1904 opiiiiiiiiiimemommommomprowwwwwrimimposion BIRTHDAY CLUB Ids, I would like to join your Birthday Club. My name is Jeremy James William Huff and I will be three years old on August 16. I live at 358 Krohmer Drive in Goderich with my dad and mom, Watson and Susan, my little sister Heather and our pets Ben- jamin and Nipper. I am going to have a party with my. friends, grandparents and uncles. I would like to wish my dad a `Happy Birthday' on August 18. Bye for now, Jeremy Hi, My name is Matthew Swan and 1 would like to join your Birthday Club. I will be two years old on August 17. i live in Mississauga with my mommy. I would also like to wish Stacey and Lori - Ann a `Happy Birthday', as they have bir- thdays in August too! Bye for now. Love, Matthew. Funk offers scholarship Again this year, Funk Seeds is offering a .$50$ Vholarship Award to Ontario 4-11 club members To qualify, 4-11 members must be entering the first year of the Agricultural degree Pro - ,it the University of Guelph, be a member of an Ontario 4-11 Club and hay e ,i(lit vcd a 111111111111111 of fib per cent III (grade 13 ,tu(Iies • :lpphcants will be judged on their leader- ship qualities as demonstrated ht their par - t11 Ip:Ition in 4-11, Junior Fat )lois and com- munity activities. An one who thinks thcs qualify fur this Si how -ship, should c ontac t Karen l(roar) .11 the Clinton Agricultural Reach for Top competition will be held T he to st :Inrru,,! Huron (outit> •t Il 1e:,t tot the 1 op ( ontpctition e4,111 be hell) •m _'8,It t u Clinton .\Tena at 8 p ni 1 his night ill be an Int.'restlnl: III,ht eehrn' the wit- of se,i•r'al 4-11 1111"nh1 is 1,k 111 tester) on gencra-1 questions the ques- rlons h,iee been selected from all the 411 It ssons from the carious clubs hill this ',ear- ls I luron along with general 4.11 Knot'. le lkt' this everting should prove to he quite en - lo\ able and educatiincil. .1t the , prt_s:icnt the re ,ire six clubs entei eel and we are look - in.. for a maximum of elt'ht if eou are in It t I sten I11 taking part, please (t nicht i .,it I n i{odnlan. at the t iu:ton (4'.1A1 (Iffn 1,01 'wort, information 1A - W -3C FR 1-1E- PC..)Fi 1 - I BY RON GRAHAM 'The Algobay arrived likht for salt from 1lainilton on August 1 and (feared harbor the same day for Montreal The Agawa (canyon arrie Isb,1 light for salt from Serpent Harbour ' n August 6 and cleared harbor the same tat for Thunder Bay. The Algoway arrived light for salt from Parry Sound on August 8 and cleared harbor the same day for Chicago. The Algorail arrived light for salt from Ashterbula on August 9 and cleared harbor the same day for Chicago. The Kingdoc arrived with grain from Thunder Bay on August 3 and cleared harbor light the same day. The Oakglen arrived light from Midland to load wheat on August 6 and cleared harbor the next day with wheat for Port ;McNickle. The Beechglen arrived light from Sorel to load wheat on August 9 and cleared harbor the next day with wheat for Port McNickle. The Birchglen arrived light from Quebec City to load wheat on August 10 and ,cleared___ harbor fo; Owen Sound the next dan. Prices effective thru Saturday, August 18th, 1984. A&P reserves the right to limit quantities to normal family requirements) SAVINGS SHOWN IN THIS AD BASED QN A&P CURRENT REGULAR RETAILS. } ti You'II do better with A&P's GREAT 5, t II `unlit `2 kt'z.E WHITE Heinz. inegar STOCK UP FOR PICKLING SEASON ■ 4 litre plastic jug ASSORTED FLAVOURS, BEVERAGES Chateau Dry CASE OF 24-280 mL TINS (A&P Beverages 750 ml btl-.45-plus .30 btl dep) SAVE .70 PRINTED ORANGE, GREEN OR GOLD White Swan Towels PKG OF 2 ROLLS .99 SUPER BUY! SMALL 500 mL SIZE 3.59 -LARGE 1.5 LITRE SIZE 5.79 Mason It Jars medium size4 ctn of 12 In • CRYSTALS (PRESERVING CERTO LIOUID 170 mLpBgTL-:3� 49g Certo Light HUMPTY DUMPTY, ASSORTED VARIETIES SAVE .30 Potato Chips 2pkg 1 •39 TRIPLE STRIPE TOOTHPASTE. MINT OR NEW MINT SAVE .9090 100 tube ■ mL 1,19 FABRIC SOFTENER (REGULAR DOWNY 2 LITRE 3.89) SAVE .70 Downy Super Concentrate pl3i btl 1 litre 4.99 Aqua Fresh SAVE .60 CHO1OLATE CHIP. BEST ASSORTMENT. DIGESTIVE, CHOCO- LATE FUDGE CREAM. PEANUT BUTTER CHIP, SHORTCAKE Colonial 1 69 Biscuits 44batgn ASSORTED FLAVOURS McCAIN SAVE.50 Drinkin' Boxes 250�mLbboxes 1.19 PLAIN. WITH GARLIC OR POLSKI Rick's Dill Pickles YUM YUM, SWEET MIXED, BABY DILL Bicks Pickles cPUI ':ORNEIS GRAPE STRAWBERRY APPLE Fruit Roll -Ups MOUNT ROSEE Mineral Water PURINA Dog Chow PURINA. BEEF OR GOURMET Tender Vittles SAVE .70 1 jar 1 ■ 89 SAVE 50 1jare2s39 OP APRICOT , SAVE 20 1p10 kgg 1.99 SUPER BUY 750 mL bll ■ 79 - SAVE 1.30 bag 10.49 SAVE .20 34° P g91s29 PERSONAL SiZE (ZEST DEODORANT SOAP -4 s 2.59) SAVE 20 Ivory Soap bandedPackof 149 4 bars DEODORAN r -REGULAR OR SUPER Ptaytex Tampons SAVE 1 00 P340°14• kg0ot4s 29 IES WHITE SWAN. BEIGE, WHITE, YELLOW Facial Tissue box of 200El sheets '. 9 NEW. POWDERED LAUNDRY All 99 Detergent 6bo litre 4. PROD. OF ONTARIO FRESH, TENDER YOU'LL DO BETTER AT �EFAR4 AT A&P! cunsGreen' or Yellow ■ Tropical Fruit Festival PROD OF U.S.A., CASABA SANTA CLAUS, CRENSHAW Fancy Melons each 2.99 PROD OF U.S.A., JUICY SEEDLESS. REFRESHING Fresh imes 10/ .99 PROD. OF U.S.A., SWEET, JUICY Fresh Mangoes each .79 PROD OF NEW ZEALAND DELICIOUS IN FRUIT SALAD Fresh Kiwi Fruit 2/ .99 PROD. OF HAWAII. SWEET. DELICIOUS Fresh Papaya PROD OF FLORIDA. BUTTERY SMOOTH Fresh Avocados PROD OF B C PEAK OF THE CROP. IDEAL FOR PRESERVING -JAM -DESSERTS. WHILE SUPPLIES LASL A POUND 2 IBlkg-.99 Ib Fresh Apricots case „49 CANADA NO. t, PROD. OF ONTARIO, SNOW WHiTE Fresh `J 9i99 Cauliflower each 99 PROD. OF CENTRAL AMERICA Fresh Coconuts 2/ .99 CANADA NO. 1, PROD. OF U.S-A., CALIFORNIA, GREEN Seedless Grapes 218 /Ib 099 PROD. OF U.S.A., LARGE, SWEET Fresh Blueberries pint 1.69 PROD. OF ONTARIO. DELICIOUS IN SALADS Fresh Broccoli each .99 CANADA NO. 1. PROD, OF ONTARIO. SWEET each 1.49 Corn -On -The -Cob 12/ 1.49 2/ .99 SAVE .00: CHIPS AHOY, FUDGEE-0, PIRATES Christie nn Cookies 41ie bag50 g tin NUU CHRISTIE Ritz Crackers BREAD & BUTTER Heinz Pickles PROD. OF ONTARIO, DELCIOUS IN SALADS. SNOW WHITE Fresh Mushrooms,pkg ■99 SAVE .70' STUFFED MANZANILLA Unico 129 olives 37' ml . SAVE .30 UNICO 2:g91.29 Sunflower oil SAVE 40 UNICO (FLAT ANCHOVIES 50 g lin-.99) SAVE 16 ASSORTED VARIETIES BUY 2SAVE UP TO 51. SOOmI 1e g Red Wine Vinegar, 3413;11411.19 Green Giant Vegetables 2-SAVE ltirtsz ■99 jar SUPER BUY! 50 mL 2.19 btl s PROD. OF U.S.A.. CALIFORNIA, SWEET. JUICY Nectarines 218/ lb n 9 Ikg CANADA N0.1, PROD. OF U.S.A.. CALIFORNIA 2 Fresh Plums '8 /Ib .99 PROD. OF U.S.A.. SWEET JUICY Ripe Watermelon ONTARIO MINI GRADE, PROD. OF ONTARIO New Potatoes 20 lb 3.99 aver 4 Titre basket 1 ■ 9 PROD. OF ONTARIO, CHOICE OF COLOURS Reiger Begonias 4*h 1.69 CANADA N0.1, PROD. OF U.S.A.. SWEET, RIPE Fresh Cantaloupe each .99 NEIN AT A&P! GENERAL MILLS. PEANUT BUTTER& CHOCOLATE FLAVOURED E.T. Cereal p gg 2.59 ASST VAR -NOODLE RON! 6 OZ OR Rice -A- Roni BUY 2 -SAVE .89 2pkg1■9 NEW" SIZE, MOTHER PARKERS Instant 3 Coffee 20arg 49 SAVE UP T .76 SUGAR FROSTED FLAKES 525 g OR SUGAR CORN POPS 375g Kellogg's Cereal pka • 99 SUPER BUY! NO NAME Foam Plates pkg of 50 2.49 'ER= ,r CAPRI Bathroom Tissue 4 roll pack .99 SU IES BUY! STRAINED & JUNIOR BABY FOODS Heinz Meat 70 Varieties 3 jar O2 BUY STRAINED, MEATLESS VAR OF F000S & JUICES 4 5 FL OZ TIN Heinz Baby 3/ Foods99 • 0