HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1984-08-15, Page 6r.� '.r 5J$&; Liar 'nteec( N7r*es CertiflOMOS:, REST RATE. el*" 'Subject to change Gaiser- Insurance • Inc KneaIe Erokers; ' GODERICH ';'24.2118 CLINTON 482-9747 GRAND BEND 238-8484 EXETER 235.2420 you're NEW IN TOWN and don't know which way to turn, call .the 940171/WF t S hases at 524-7165 or 524-2544 LTD yy icycle rt ng is governed . This week we deal with Tow; of Goderich By -Law NOT of 11114, BjI,CYC14S: No person shall, ride a bicy- cle upon any sidewalk or footpath within Goderich: No person, shall ride any bicycle on the lawn of the Court House Park. Any resident of Goderich shall obtain a licence' for bicycle before using the bicycle on any street within the town. Cost of a licence is R. and it is good for the life•of the bicycle or un- til` it changes hands out of the family. Np person shall ride double on a bicycle that is designated for onlyone person. Area farmers want answers Farmers want_ answer§ and that's why the Huron County Federation of Agriculture, is sponsoring an All Candidates Meeting, says Brenda McIntosh, a director of the county federation. The meeting, the first to be announced for the Huron -Bruce riding will give the three candidates, Murray Cardiff (PC), Bruce McDonald (Lib) and Valerie Bolton (NDP) an opportunity to speak about their election platforms, more importantly; farm related issues. The public willbe invited to question the candidates at the Aug. 22 meeting at the Londesboro Public School. The meeting will start at 8:30 p.m. "We're interested in family farms. People want questions answered. Farmers want to plan for the long term"and right now, that's difficult to do," says Mrs. McIntosh. I 21INCH IIIIIII IIII1�1 L�IIIII IIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIII lllll'l Illllll ►IIIII IIIIIII l�llill Illlfll IllllIl III"Ill 3I 4I SI I is �I I SI I 9I I' 1AI - ul al � i - of .i -. OPEN EVENINGS & SUNDAYS 200 SHEET 1 0� BINDER FOR BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS LINED REFILL $1.49 X1.39 PLUS MANY MORE SPECIALS This Area's Largest Ever CARPET Liquidation and Truckload Sale �`/ •'ter`'• ...: i' ,l Bring -1''y,,.,; -j,,,,,:':!..0.,!1\ 'fl your Room easurements CACI rr.rr.r r� 1111 tit/ ta;i1 Beautiful carpeting can be yours for a fraction of the original sq. yd. prices. Cut from our regular wall- to-wall stock, or special factory clearouts. our selection of elegant remnants are at terrific savings now, Come and select from famous name brands in styles and colours to fit your decor...ond your budget! 3 days Only Thurs. -Fri. - Sat. / Thurs., Fri., 9 - 9 1 Sat., 9 - S A Sale So Big We Were Forced To Rent The Soutb Iluron Ree Centre In Exeter Over 100 Remnants upto 67% Off Over 100 Rolls up to 50% Off Free Delivery Outdoor 12.99 Turf eq. yd. Vinyl Flo ring � oa 57% Over 100 Rolls me ive.f ve 44.97 off Over 50 Short Rolls 67% Off Expert Installation can be arranged Armstrong Designer $% olnrian x lowv ae / 097 DIRECTIONS: Turn East Off Main St. At Fire Wall Nylon Level loop $4•87, Rubber Backed A rmstrong Candide (2.1..4.67 Sale conducted by Dinney's Fine Furniture and Flooring, Exeter "Our Reputation is your guarantee of Quality" NEwNEW Liberal candidate for the riding of Huron -Bruce, Bruce McDonald, opened up his campaign office for the Goderich area on West Street in Goderich on Thursday. The Goderich office is one of six Liberal campaign offices in the'riding. Shown with Mr. McDonald, second from left, are some of the people who will be helping out with his campaign in Goderich, from left, Charlotte Anderson, Richard Madge, Auleen Theriault, Nancy Pickell, and Shannon Pickell. (photo by Darrell Kloeze) Progressive Conservative candidate for the riding of Huron -Bruce, Murray Cardiff, opened up his campaign office for the Goderich area on Hamilton Street here Wednesday. Shown here with Mr. Cardiff outside the office are, left to right, Mary Donnelly, president of the Huron -Bruce P.C. riding association; Joanne Muck, secretary of the association; Sheila Donnelly, Betty Cardiff, Kathleen Donnelly, Joe Morrissey, Teresa Donnelly and Tom Jasper, chairman of the Goderich P.C.s. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) Residents enjoy barbecues BY SHIRLEY LITTLE The residents at Maitland Manor have been able to take advantage of the warm weather and enjoy many barbecues. Some have been held at the Manor, while others took the residents out for an afternoon. The Manor's Wood Supervisor. Joan McDougall, held a barbecue at her home in town and rumor has it that Gary Westgarth has improved his culinary skills so much from last year that his burgers are actually* quite edible. resident this month -Shirley MacHardy. The Bert and Ernie Club returned to the Manor again this summer to the delight of the residents. September will soon be here and the residents will be resuming their fall and winter programs. They look forward to see- ing the familiar faces of volunteers and possibly some new ones. If you have a spare morning or afternoon, won't you come out and lend a hand? As a Bicentennial project, the Residents' Council has decided to erect a flag pole and • Various wiener roasts werr held at St. flag at the Manor. Christopher's Beach and the residents en- Thanks to the Rotary Club, many joyed strolling along the new boardwalk. residents were able to attend the Ontario Gord Harrison and the Rhythm Band Bicentennial Showcase at the arena. It was entertained at both the July and August bir- a night they will long remember. thday parties. Those celebrating birthdays Beginning next month, Louise Farrell, the this month are: 1,awrence Baxter, Isabelle Katimavik Group leader, will be taking over . MacIntosh, Clarence Salisbury. Della Gib- the writing of this article as I shall be mbv- bons, Emma Bramley, Uretta Winters. ing out of the area. I would like to bid a fond Ruth Taylor. Sidney Palmer. Beatrice farewell to the residents, staff and fellow McGee, Sadie Watson and Martha Million.. volunteers at the Manor. Yqu have been a Happy Birthday to all. terrific group of people to know and work The Manor is pleased to welcome one new with. Residents take part in Games '84 HURONVIEW - Civic Holiday, there were read the scripture lesson, Elsie Henderson no planned activities for the day. Special presided at the organ. Mra. Prouty sang a Care folk spent their social hour ort on the solo and took charge of the study. lawn, where they could enjoy the sunshine, The Lambton Youth Theatre which was to fresh air and refret4hments. On August 8, have presented a play on Friday was several residents took part in the Ontario cancelled, so in place of it, residents played Seniors Games '84. It was held in the Clinton bingo. j arena. In the morning, cribbage and scrabble Huroiiview welcomes George Mann of were played. In the afternoon, everyone Clinton, who has come to reside at Huron - joined in for the euchre event. While the view. George is no stranger to us, as he has games were in progress, the volunteers been here on vacation care served lemonade. To the families of the late Mrs. Marjory At the close, prizes were awarded for high Boyce, the late Flora Wilson and Mr. Mark and low scores, and each person received a Sproat, sincere sympathy is expressed. certificate for participating in the event. Residents, Mary Vancamp and Pat This was sponsored by the Older Adult Cen- Thurlow boarded the van Friday morning tres' Association of Ontario. In spite of the for a holiday at Albion Hills. There, amongst intense heat, everyone enjoyed the suc- the streams and hills, these two campers cessful day, and thank all the people involv- will enjoy 10 days of luxurious living. ,Mary ed. and Pat have been there before, so we hope Huronview chapel service was held this time will be equally pleasant as the first August 9. Mrs. M. Prouty who is the leader experience. These camps are sponsored by of worship, led in the singing of hymns. A the March of Dimes. Norm Gowing and prayer time took place, followed by prayer John McTaggart escorted the ladies to tie iv requests from the residents. Olive 14it utlen camp. a