HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-7-1, Page 8THE EXETER clM., t<rt-2so1D IT IS, A PICNIC To SHOP AT OUR.. �,��STORE.re_-,Lror�+s or 6DaD 3 r-1 )N�j $ AT TEMP1"iNc PRIce -, r THE GooD DIE YOUNG, No MATTER HOW LNG THEY LIVE. GooD THINGS ARE THE BEST; THEY ARE GOOD UNTIL THEY ARE READY To Go. WHEN THEY ARE GONE, THOUGH, COME To US AND BUY MORE GooD THINGS. THAT'S THE KIND WE ARE SELLING. IT IS A PICNIC FOR YOU TO BUY HERE; WE KNOW OUR STOCK AND CAN ASSIST YOU To FIND OUST WHAT YoU WANT, AND YoU CAN DEPEND oN oNE THING --THE PRICE WILL BE RIGHT, DINNER SETS- Call in and see our new decorations in Dinnerware. The patterns are new and dainry. The prices are lower than you would expect them to be. TOILET SETS- We have been fortunate in securing a crate of Beauti- ful Toilet Sets, all have very pretty decorations, The price areaway below what we would have to pay for , he n to -day, $4, $4.50, $5 WHITE SKIRTS- Made from white repp, bedford cords and ratines, Neat and stylish wash skirts at 2.00, 2,50 and $3,00, LADIES RAIN COATS- In brown, grey. olive green and black. The material is a mercerized repp and makes a splendid dust coat as well as a rain coat, very special value at $7.50. WHITE SILK AND FELT HATS- For outing wear these are cool and comfortable and look stylish for hot weather wear, 50c and 75c. STRAW HATS FOR MEN- We have the shape you are looking for at the price you want to pay. In coarse straws at 1,25, 1,50 and $1.75, THE DESIGNER FASHION BOOK AT 35c A YEAR- This offer is good only for a short time. At this low price you should subscribe for the Fashion Book for one year. You can get any Standard Pat- tern from as os we are now stocking the patterns for the conven- ience of our customers. CUSHIONED SOLED SHOES- Wear a pair of our cushioned soled shoes during the hot weather if, you want real shoe comfort. All sizes for women and men. HOLEPROOF HOSIERY- Be sure to have a boz of Silk Holeproof in your suitcase when you start on your vacation, They_ will wear 3 months without holes or new ones are furnished free of charge. WALL PAPERS- People who were not able to do their papering earl- ier in the season. can get pretty and suitable papers for any of their rooms at per roll 10c, 155e, and 25c. OUTING SHOES- White canvas shoes with rubber soles are becoming more popular every year. We carry a complete range of sizes for young women, boys and men. CREX RUGS- Are the best made for porches or verandahs. Ask any- one.who has used them, we have several sizes of this popular make, TRUNKS AND SUIT CASES- If you a going away no doubt you will need a Suit Case or a Trunk. We can give yon special values in trunks or suit cases, See the suit case we are showing at 1.75. NOTICE This Store closes every T URSDAY AFTERNOON at 12.30 during the months of July and August. J. A. STEWART PHONE 16, i'MADE IN CANADA" Ford .Touring Car . Price $590 Your neighbor drives a Ford --why don't you? We are selling more Fords in Canada this year than ever before—because Cana- dians demand the best in motor car service at the lowest possible cost, The "Made in Canada" Ford is a necessity—not a luxury Runabout $540; Town Car price on ap.plidation. All Ford cars are fully equipped, includingelect- ric No carslnequipped. Buyers of Ford cars will share in our profits if we sell 30,000 cars between August I, 1914 and August I, 1010. Milo Snell, Dealer, EXETER, i Market Report - .The 1!ollowkng Fe the report of the 'Exeter market cgrreoted up to June 30th, ... Wheat $1.00 Oats 50c• Turley G rc 0,0 Kms: Buckwheat 05c,, t ! . ! 1 ei Peas $1,25 Flour $2.55. Low Grade Flour $1,90, Bran $28'.00 per ton t ! r ••• Shorts $30.00 per ton Sugar Beet 'pulp $27.00 per on, Butter 20 to 22. Creamery butter•.29e, ' Eggs 19 to n0, ,Potatoes 36 to 50e. Dogs $8.85. r f r l f r, Young Chicken 20c Old ' Hens 10a Old Roosters 7e I9uckliug 13o Old Ducks 100 I 1 1 ills •♦00.0♦♦•0••♦0.0♦N••0♦•.♦♦ •• LOCAL •; ••• ••••• ♦000000 Mr. A. Hastings was in London last Frida.3 , Mrs. Harris is visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs. S. Davis. Mr. Nelson Stanlakespent the week end 'in Goderich, Mr. S, 1\Lartin spent several days in Toronto and Port Hope. Mrs. ltd. Davis is speeding the holiday visiting her sister in Windsor. Mrs. E. Christie is visiting with he_ daughter, Mrs. It. R Rogers of Tor- onto, Miss P. Fisher has 'returned home after spending several months in Tore onto. 'Mrs. \Vin. Treble and Mrs. S. Pare sons are visiting w;th relatives. In London. Mr. ']3. E. Huston and family,! left last Friday for their %summer home at Grand Bend. Mrs. A. E. Birk left last week to visit et lit. Clements, Mancelona and Flint, Mich. Mrs. W,. Bissett left this week for Rochester, N.Y., to visit hes.• neicet Mrs. A. Erickson. Mrs. ColwiIl and Miss Hazel Young left on 'Tuesday to visit with relatives In Winnipeg, Next Sunday will be observed as Patriotic. Sunday in the Main, street Methodist Sunday School. Mrs. Phillips was in London this week visiting her brother wvho is returning to England. Mrs. R. Graham a.nd two children, of Edam, Sask., are visiting her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Walters. Seven scar loads of choice young cat- tle were shipped from Exetr on Mon- da3 France being their destination. ,Mr.'and ]Mrs. W. J. Mallett add familytand Mr. end Mrs. P.,,G, Gillies. Motored 'to Sarnia for the we ek' and, .Bliss' Madeleitle Carling ie expecfed home. toy -day (Thursday.) from Toron- to where she has 'been attending% school. . Mr. and Mrs. A. Ochm and fancily; of Stratford, motored ' up and spent Sundae with Mr. fed Mrs. F., W. Hodeaon. Mrs. John Snell left on Tuesday for Windsor where she will spend several weeks with her daughter,Mrs 0. Smith. Mr. Willgoose, of the London Con- servators 'of Music was in town on Monday examining several pupils of Miss Glad s Bissett. Mr. henry Parsons, who has been working with Mr. F. Boyle, as barber, left on Monday for Lucan. where hie has secured a position. Dr. 'Rinsm•an has organized a quar- tette in town and on Monday evie;n- ing they supplied, the music, for,ardenie tertainment at Hi]lsgreen. Dr. Cambell, who for the past ,3 ear has been engaged as dtelntist with Dr. Roulston left on Saturday lent for Toronto where he tivil1 open a prac- tics. . Mrs. Southcott end daughter Stella left this week for Grand Blend a to spend the summer.: Miss Marjorie Seldon is spending a few days with them. The .Mission Circle of James Street Methodist church; about forts in number picniced in Riverview Park on Monday afternoon when.% very enjoyable time tuns spent. SIr. Merman Elliott, who bas been working at Lucan, has moved to Sar- nia. where he •has ee;eured a position on one of the boats that saft from Sarnia to 'Duluth. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Gladman 'and family accompanied by sMrs, W. J. seaman, motored to Toronto Iast Sat-, urday. Mrs. Gladman and family will ineend the 'summer et Mimico. . Jiev. Mr. Barnard, of Elimville. preached in 'the .Main strieet Metho- dist church laist Sabbath, while 'the nester, Rev. S. W. 1,fuxworthy con-• ducted Sunday . School Anniversary Eel vices it Blirnville, Russell, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Collingwood, was operated on last 'Thursday for the removal of the adenoids in his nostrils. Dr. ayndman performed the operation The little fellow is doing ni4ea . _ Eari3 Gardening -During the 'past week, Mr. Chas. Biene3, of town, has nreineed some early ripe tomktoct:, 022 of his 'own vines. Mr. Markham has also enjo3ed some new potatoes from his garden. Thus is remarkable early ,considering the backwardness of the season. . . - r e ,.,...",t 1.' f.', : Patriotic Sunday was observed in James street r ce Sunday sc o last hn l t Sab-' bath afternoon. The room was de- costed with flags and pennantls, and was 'vary attractive, Addresses' in keeping with the day were giv1en'by Rev. Mr, 1l-.icAlister and Leon Treble, The Orchestra gave an exc'elle'nt very acceptable cornet sole. A'm(en'W chorus also sag•a picasi• ng number: The school 'roovaspacked. In the. nxorning thpstor preached a very 4irsa patiotisebion rend iin the. even•. :Lgxx;:D6ioniiotoioiz1ata ,ahegi-en.t,woisvsitfltigwith Mrandrs. ; LsonStnlake, •occupied the .Miss Birdie Eoele its Speeding thle holiday in Detroit. Miss Walrond,. of Wiitt,il:en, le vis- iting with relatives in towns 'Mr. A. Rollers of Detroit, Yisi,tcd to town 'luring the* past week. Mr. H. McNee, of De'ti•oit, ie. 'spend - Mg his holidays at his lime here. 1wlrs. Pond and twit ehildre'n of Toronto, are visiting with )1r.. and Mrs. 1I. Diningz 'Wade in Canada" .that'ts the word, made in Exeter emends one bettor. Use MODEL !.+lour, It Headache is your trouble consult •'110 WEY, TIE 0 PTICxAN" are' have the cause. removed. Miss Edna 'Luxton left on, Tuesday '!Horning to Visit with friends In :Winnipeg and 'Fillmore, Sask. Private Ile W. White, sen of Blr. and Mrs: Wm, 'White, of Centralia, is ztported' among 'the wounded. in France. ' Mrs. ' W. U. ' eo a•eture.ed home on Frida3 evening after visiting two weeks with friends at 'Toronto and Omemee, • Rev, Andrew McLauchlin, 13. Ae and Mrs. McLauchlin are visiting Mrs. W. I7, Yeo, and her niothe,r, 'Mrs. Tom Mrs. Yeo entertained Mondex .even- ing; Mrs. Fowler and Miss Fowler, rind Miss Flora Yorke Miller, of London, visited Rev. W. G., TI. and Mrs, Mc- Alister at the! James street parsonage this week, To -day (Thursday) is Canada's birth- day and a public_ holiday, Centralia, Elimville, Grand Bend, Seaforth and 'Parkhill will receive their quota of Visitors from town. Mr. Thos. Hazlewood received word Wednesday morning that his oldest sister, 'firs. Freeman, of MarkdaI•es is ill and cannot recover. Ile immediate- ly, left for that place. Mrs. Scott, of St. 'Thomas, iras the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Burwell dur- ;,ng the past wweeik. Mrs. 1Burwwell Leaves 'this week .to spend several weeks at Owen, Sound and St. Thomas, Miss Marie Kest.le, who lies been teaching school at Portage la Prairie, Man., has returned home for the holi- days Mrs. Ready and little son, of St. Marys are also guests of Re V. J. D. and Mrs. Kestle. Dr. Bennett, wife and child, el Rs- semer, Mich., Miss Gertie ,Bennett of Tilcnheim, and Mrs. Mnrdoek, of near Ohsth'am, were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. ,Quackenbush during the past week, Mr. Bert Gillies who spent his holi- days visiting in Port Huron, has re- turned home accompanied by his cou- sin, Miss Elsie. Kelso of that city. Mr. Lloyd Rivers, who has been convalescing at his home here return- ed to his duties at the Molsons bank at Forest Miss' Vera Muxworth3, who recent- ly graduated from Alma Ladies' Col- lege, St. Thomas, returned to her home sat the Blain street parsonage on Thursday of •last week. On Sun- da3 morning Mise nluxworthy sang "0 Perfect Peace" in filaven Presby- terian church. Presentation to Teacher' . The close ing exercises at S. S. Nq;‘ 4, ;Laden, were more than of ordinary interest. The' ;pupils took this occasion a to honor their teacher, Miss Alma May, who has r: signed her, position at i he school They presentied her with an •address.' and beautifully engraved 'silver fern pot. Miss May made a very suitable reply. Caven Presbyterian Sunday Schobl held their picnic in Riverview Park on Tuesday afternoon. There was a splendid turnout but a slight Shower late in the afternoon kind of damper; - ed the proceedings. Races and other sports and 'amusements tette, held,. On account bf the rain lunch was ser- ved in the basement of the church. A very lenjoyabie time was spent. • The Ladies Guild of the TrivLtt Memorial church held' their"' annual garden party on the Rectory lawn last Friday evening. The weather was pleasant but none too' warm for: ice cream and the like. There, was a good turn out. Mr. • Steer, %enter, tainer, of. 'London, gave a number of readings and other seltectiong.to -the delight of those present. , IT PAYS TO FEIi,TILIZE A rumor has been :circulated that Gunn's Sure Crop Fertilizer would not be manufactured anymore. In contradicting this rumor we tare so-. Uniting orders for fall and winter de- liveries. We ere prepared to ' give you better service than ever.; If there has been no one' ,call on' you'. teljephone or write A. H. WILFOItD, WING'HAM . :District Agent, Telephones-Itesidence 108; Office 17.4 P�WELL'S BAZAAR A 1 Worktn.u.lrinished � BUSINESS AS USUAL L Watch Announcement Next Week Step in and Have a Look at us Now Po1Neli's T.U+URS1).AY, (TLY let, 19115, .. Advertisements Show Where We Are Welcome i� advertisement is a beckoning hand, a token of invitation, a sign of welcome. A busicess serving the public should most certainly advertise -- beckon, welcome and show an eagerness to serve. The attitude of a business serving the public, yet which does not adver- tise, is not one of courtesy or appreci- ation. A business which uses the exp and ing factor of advertising is on a fair way to reach its fullest possible poten- tial development. To the People In and About Exeter ! Yon will have a better service, not to say better values, if every retail- er in Exeter and vicinity will advertise his business every week in THE WEEKLY TIMES. Shop Where You Are Invited To Shop • ROUSE AND LOT FOR SALE Propert3 of Wm. ;Balkwill, Sr., Huron St.. one storey frame house. ; good cellar; hard and soft' water; one quarter acre of land; good stable and drive shed. Apply to Wal- Balkwill carpenter, John street. 5-13,tf Miss Annie Day left last week tor Brantford where she h'as secured ev. position. Mrs. Win. .Bawden and Mrs. H. Vnight have spent the peat , antek visiting Mrs. I. Sarkelde of ;Goderleh- Mr. Ware Oliver, Sr,. .was in town with several teams on Thursday tak- ing out his shipment of twine to Gr- and Band. His shipment this ,Year amounts to eleven and one-half tone of twine and 800 pounds of rope.% bis. Oliver in his twenty yeans selling twine has handled over 200 tone valu- ed at over $50,000. -Parkhill Gazette Rev. R. Hicks will preach hie con- cluding sermons of his pastorate here next Sunday. After spending thtree% ;;ears among us he leaves with the. respect and good -will of the peonlei of Hensel', irrespective of creed. Hie has proved a faithful painstaking pas;: tor. As apreacher he is clear-aut,log, ical, with matter fresh and up-to-date Without any '%attempt at oratdely lie is very impressive and instructive. Hie inakes .careful' preparation and is in- tensely practical. The ,Highest comp- liment that .can be paid a Methodist minister is to be invited back to a charge where he had previously spent 4 years, as is the case with M. Hicks Mrs. Hicks will be very much missed from the Sunday school, where she has been a most efficient teacher, also in all other activit:res of the church, in which she hats taken a great interna est.-I:Iensall Observer. ' HICKIS' FORECASTS The Hirst Reactionary Storm Period is central on the est and 2nd. The Moon Peeing on the celestial equator on the 2nd, the temperature will rise to very high readings on and next to that day. Spasmodic flights of barom- etric, .readings, causing severe, if not• dangerous, local gusts and thunder storms, On and touching the 3rd and 4th. the barometer will retake a dee: ided rise, bringing Lorthwestcrly Winds and change to cooler, pleasant weather. The first Regular Storm Period is 'central on the 7th. extending over the 5th to tb,e 9th, inclusive. Disturbing Canes and what to lcok for -The Earth is in aphelion, or 'at the greatest distance from the Sun on the 5th, from which point it will meet with. grevitation'al; magnetic and electrical restraint, begin itus perihel- ion, or nearest approach to the Sun, which Will be in January, 1916. Moon. will be in apogee on the ,8th, aadt at greatest north declination on the 9th, The regular vulcnn influence will be the chief cause of whatever disturb= lances may appear in this. period. By the 5th and 6th a very' warm wave, attended by low and failing barometer will develop in (the west, icloudineos will follow. and; storms of rain, atten-• ded by wind and thunder, will take up their march eastward, Very• warm .fair weather will precede'these storm 'centres in central and enetern sect- ions of the country, bringing what are familiarly dulled "storm breeding day s." Good observers will naturally look for the cloudinesis and stormts that will follow, progressively from the west. Your barometer wi.1 prove sour hest friend and safest counselor ,,t this as well as all :other storm per- iods. 'Do pot take oux word for all this we are constantly saying about 'a gene 'barometer, Inform 3ourself in a pr- actical way -get a barometer yourself and watch the weather and . storms hi connection therewith,you will soon decide that "the half has never been told." Rising barometric pressure w.11 bring up the western flanks ot. atoms briaiging cooler winds from the wrest and north. about 0th to 11th. There are no special reasons to apprehend more ,than moderate to normal distur- bances at this period, Rains genewrall5 will be moderate to ;vein" light, but enough to refresh growing crop', esp- ecially where the soil in properly ,e.nd thourougbly stirred, after the r,aih. Ali who learn sand pxactice. this ,im-' portant, lesson will appropriate to themselves the benefits and senor- +eta of the mien's. of " Dry Farming.,' v.q STRAYED Strayed Onto the property of Mr., 'John Campbell, Lot 10, Don, 2 Tp. of Hay. a young heifer, palrt Jersey. Owner [can have same by; plroving property and paying exphresele, ONTARIO STATUTES, 1915 Justice's of the. Peace and others en- titled to copies ,of the above statutes are requested to call at, me office or to send there for them;; or if mere convenient, to ,evrltie to me for the same with the addrejssee to which; it is desired Ulu should be sent, Godericla, 19th June 1915. SEAGER Clerk of the%;`.Peace, Notice of Closing We the undersigned ,mnerchants of the Village of Exeter agree to close our places, of (busiiiness at the hour of half past twelve o'clock on Thursday afternoons durinb the ,months o1 Ju13 and August, J. A. Stewart T. Hawkkns & Son S. Martin & Bon. S. Fitton F. M. Boyle Exeter Times Ptg Co: Advocate. Printing Co. W. J. ileaman W. 3. Beer Lawson & Trick. H. Spackman 3. Grigg • E. A. Follick A. E. Moore W. 3: Statham I. A. 'Wambold W. S. Howey' W. F; Beavers F. .E.„ W ill js P. Frayee J. Senior • 1 1W W. Tames' Jones & May,, 'Blrs., .Yea 3. W. Powell AUTO For Hire Government Chauffeur No. 272t Family or Pleasure Driving a Specialty PHONE 80, EXETER 0••O♦ iloliday..: e • SEASON IS MERE 0 4. s 50 ARE WE WITH HOLIDAY GOODS • O See oar New Autographic O • Kodaks $7.50 to 22.50. It is a • • • pleasure for us to show you how • • to use them, also full instruc • 4. •tions with each camera €ree. • • We have a huge supply of • • Fresh Chocolates. See our win- • • dow Saturday -600 bars of :5 ct. •• • goods, also assorted chocolates • • creams and fruits from 25c to $2. ♦ Genuine D. L. & W. Scranton Coal KESTLE, ROWE & WOOD PHONE ,{o Exeter, Ontario AGENTS for British American 01l Co. HOUSECLEANING TiME MAKE Housecleaning Easy by buying a Domestic. Vacuum Cleaner from us. It will clean your Rugs and Carpets better than beating them and with much lees labor. Then get Bottle of Sunny Polish to clean your furniture, and if yon see you need any new furniture, we have a big stock to choose from. R. N. ROWE Embalmer & Funeral Director PHONE 20a Western University, London. Another Great Advance Income Doubled -Now $75,000 Another large addition to Faculty and Epuipment in Arts and Medicine Greatly Increased Enrollment is View. Write for particulars to E. E. 'Braithwaite, M.A., .I3',b;gllt President. "A Man's 'Ability is his Passport" Frank Weaver Professor o' Music, . London, Ont.. Teacher of Organ and all branches of Piano Pleeiing; Voice Culture anti Artistic Singing a Specialty. 16 years! practical experience, For Terms apply ad S. Martin & Son's Music Store • 25. To see them is to want them. • IDon't miss our Saturday Special ♦ O B x, regular 50e on Satnrcley0 ,T of at 9c n 3 Qg qr� ,-� idc a ti. Chewing Gum,We have all the • popular makes, just received 700 • i bars, just think, $35 worth. We 0 ♦ have the thirst wencher too. • • Welsh's Grape juice on Ice. He 4 • 25e and 50c bottles. • ; We have the celebrated Fra- • • • neo Flashlights and Batteries, • These are the best as .well as the • • cheapest on the market, See 'em • • on display evenings, 85c to $2;35 ♦ • The above are a few Specials at • s • ♦ I . r i� the place to ay 22 g �i Howey's!�,Stores ♦ EZE1 ERAle'ti GRAND BEND • Grand Bend Store ,opens for the O♦ „ summer Tuesday June 29th • • • ♦ We Clore E'srv'reettdsy Afternoon During O ` t •• eon, and Angt,s 1]', W. H0DGSON' Carpenter and Builder Plana; furnished ; Estimates given f.tpy' on aft classes, or buildings. 3-1S-tll PERRY F..1bOUPE, Licensed Anee 'dancer. Sales conducted in any lo-' , cal y er msod m .crate Orders left at Times office will be promptly at. tended to. Plume 316, Kirkton., Ad* dress ,K•irkton P.O. FARM FOR SALE SU:tented in the Township of Hay, in .the Couoty of Huron, ,Province. 0Er Ontario, known and designated ash part lot No. 10. Lake, Road, West, Corte cession near Dansercau Avenue int the Village of. St. Joseph. Contain adsoutt 26 acnes., price, f, 3500.00 "Easy' Teents" Apply to Lamontagne Lime eted ,, 33S Notre Dame West, 1blontreale