HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-7-1, Page 4TIN S *' vHURSIIA'r, jVT,: E': 1st,, • 191 w, „ " ,, JWP**A—­W­--- I - __­___.___ .__ 1. ­ -1 - I ____.______ .... __ , . , % 11 . . 1. 11 I 11. 1. 11 I I ll . 1. I—— I 1. I . ."I I ; . I - .",:,% , 'i ;­ ­ I 11- - I I - ­ 7" ,iw , 1, . - ! . I I I I, i, 4 ` Qfi►Orptetl tWOMAN WHOLD 4!"t,t Children; '. . ) 1. , I ME .O i%1, x.. ,. ll►ON Ci l►r11 . . 19 I I NT IVB F ., . , . ICI B r EH TFIAIVSA TED U . , Iss s avllw*s M5 11, k i . t, VILLAGE OF EXETER s g. A '°"..' 1NoLulairac, Thou h Snckand Sufferin ,' t11 a., i CAPITAL CIRCULAq LETTERS Off' CREarr ,, Last Found Help in Lydia AND BANK MONEIC ORDERS $ Y= LA,W NQ. 0,r l g r 5 L R nkham'a Vegeta- ,. : h RESERyE ' -a . I . - mpou } k. 'til\ \' . _ _ ble i' ' 800 OQQ " BY-LAW to provide. for the issue of Debenttires to the extent .. ` . e Saw1 5 Baltk pepanmeim I.1,. Th1.e Kind You Ha v'e Always ]Bou ]hit axed; 'wbicti. Nes been. of twent thousand dollars $20,000.00` for the cost of a lant Richmond, Ps, - When I starto , ,, ,. F ` ]Bought, Y i i. taking Lydia F. I'inkbam's Vegetable , AVO Branches iia use tox over 30 years, stay 1borliethe signature o>C to distribute Electric Power to be sopplled by the Hydra . lec, Compoundlwa4in ; meatrrte and has beent made under his perms . Merest.Bowed at highest cu social super'visiiou siauee fes iini'axney. g , 6readfuUy qundpwn s2 Branches aaa I+alls txic Power commtssaon tate of.ha'alth;• °ExETBRR.l31iANCII r? ,° Allow no oue to deceive you 1:U I of Ontario frc ui 1liia Ili Canada •,,,,,,fir., .,..--„• . ,;,-.r_ An Couxrlterfleitt3 Imitattions'and 61 Just -as -good are but i t0 *astonally adapted,after the grid reading on the ,25th day of i had internal iron- , A , bles, and was ao !e . , , W, D. C, 11. Mar !a er' JGxpei 'uuent s that 'trifle wRith asses en'da Iger 'the ht+ea lth of i June, ISI 5, ` . l,. ` ' . tremely nervous and _. Iufant 9 and, Children Experience .a ,aiust Experiment% r o., _ NVUEREAS it is nieceasar3, to r-1100 And shall be payable annually from " .--% i, prostrated that if 'I K- u, bs say of loco on tau credit of the thlc dating, theit'of in each }ear'eLt ::•: had given m to my `" y ' villag,v the Sulu of tssl ata, thousand the place .where the said debentures `' : y ,: feelings I'vt+otrld tl' ' TOM . IL k dollars t, 20,000,00), to provide tor; the are made. parable. e ' have been''in bled. - caasto'ria is a, harmless substitute for Castor 09, X"are- cost of w rkls, plant, machiner3, and 6 The said debentures. shall have a and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It appiixnces, necte sax3 for the t3iatri- (<) a A$ it was I'ia`>}f!' V boric, l<Arogrs xi >, s l l3 printed across the face hereof the $ hardly strep at' THE' CANADIAN BANK, ' ,.contains neither Opium, Morphine nor either -Narcotics butioii of Electrio Power in thio Vil- words "133•dro Electric Debe'ntvm,V1, y :, a;tibstazie*e. Its age is its guarantee. It alesaroys'Iiiforipei lage, of Exett,r ,and in the neighbor- times - be on my . t'` . stood -thereof to be supplied bs the (0) During the curreto of 4 tial feet and what I did do was by a great : Iicl allays Feverishness. FO more that+ai darty Years it;' said debenturc:s there shall be raised OF COMMERCE ;' , lifts been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, T43•dro Electric ,'Commiwion rYower a nnuall3 -bv special rate ,om all that : effort. I could not ,sleep at,.night`and Company of Ontario, from Niagara of course felt very bad` in,thet,moroiiig, • Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething'jtroiulbles ,and Falls, and to -rovide for{ the expenue rateable •1irop3xt3 of the Village of Bad liesdstslie. lates. the Stomach and. Bos els p p _ :Exetor the sum of One thoulsand four end had a steady .y , SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O.,LL•D., D.CJ.j PresidePt sTiiairnc rea. It rebii a of:dtscount and of+hLt chaigel nelo- s sari?cies the P`ood giving healthy and YliitiilraY deep. ' ` iii the said la'an I. hundred and nineteen dollars and five After taking the second bottle. I no- ALEI[ANDEIt LAIRD. General Manage; JOHN AIRF; Asa'! General Mmes► + ,ass ys Panaceaving east Qr'S natural tial g cents. (,`51419.o5,), ;for the purpoise of tieed that the headache was not so bad, ' Th6' Childr AND \I';HEREAS the amount of the ,amount :duio in each of It rested better' and m, nerves were ! - - .. repay hiss ilii , y (nj ( c G u j j ( ( ( _• whole Rateable property of the Vil- said Seam toil the principal and in,tetr- stronger. I continued its use until it CAPITA.. U5;00%000 000 ..RESERVE FUND, $13,500,005 ;, .t'rt lagts,latf Eeeter iaccording to the last est L.n &,sp!c,ot of said debtt f_.. M .. made a new woman of me, and now I ' revised, Arssea.,ment Roll thereof is (7,) This b3 -law shall tkke reffe!et can heardly realize that I am able to do -- 4 , I , r six hundred and rorty -ono thousand, g so much as I do. Whenever know any % ( %' T T r; Bears s the ignature -Ol. , .' `.. " shrlhikwdr'ed and •;:iro dollar or., and ,after the passing th;elris f, ;SA•rr INGS BANK ACCOV , sy (4fi41,- (g) rt+he votes of the electore for . s, I 000,001. ar.d ' Inst thus b3 -law shall be tek- woman in treed of a good medicine I . 11 g Bit b3 ballot .an 1, ay, highly Praise Lydia E,. Pinkham s Veg- Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $1: an& . I A1VD> t1{Ii ,REAS the' existin De: +rid the 16th d'aY etable Compound." --Mrs, FRANK . , _ benture ,debt of the Village of 7JSc tcs of Jul3, 1cJ15, from the hour of nine Cox 3I46 N. Tali St Richmond Pa, ' upwards., Careful attention is given to every account. Small acro is fifty-five thousand, one hundred o'clock in 'the for,tnoon. until fivie , ; p ,: ,,. d Z4' ' and hightecn dollars sad sevent3-four o'clock in the afternoon of the same are welcomed: Accounts may be opened and operated by mail. . cents (155,118.74) da3 .it the lilaces within the laid coil- Women H870 Been Telling jYomen ,..4 for for ears how Lydia E.Pinkbam's Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, with 11-1 AND Wk1EREAS the sum of twenty potation of the Villlsge of uzceter,' y y on 3Q year - { thousand dollaxu (th U00.0Ci1, is tho and b3 the Deputy lleturninyr'_Ofeter Vegetable Compound has,restored their drawals to be made by any one of them or by the survivor. i debt intendlad to be created bs this hereinafibr specified, health when suffering with female ills. • ! D 333' -Cats That is to ata This accounts for the enormous demand f. Ti '' for it from coast to coast. If you are Exeter Branch-- H. J. WHITE, Manager -+4 ' , '' ,. . Kind 01 c Vt: H OD , AND 1i'I'IEIZEAS it swill require the polling Sub, Dirrs;pn No. 1, West side , . , ; g sum of one thousand four hundred Handford s houac on the west side troubled with any ailment peculiar to .( DREDITON BRANCH - A. E. IfUIiN, Manager. I _, l" 9' Ll oE,, ,,,R aoe,aay., w r ,oR ar'rv- anti niuktein dollars and five cents -of 1llain:Street; Sidne3 :Davis, Deputy o why don't o try Lydiawomen y you ` E _.. T ' . ,:---.-. a Pinkham's Vegetable Compound? It a (.~.'1419.05), to be raised annually- for! Returning Officer, will a you to do so. Lydia E. Ptak - the period of tii-wit)-five sears, by polling Sub Divis:lon 1`o. B. at the pay y . a special rate suffioieut therefore on Town slat, least tside of M'ai'n street, ham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. _, Notice to Creditors J• A. MA;$ > o,,,,,_„-..®.,,,®. - — all the rateable propert3, in the Vil Wellington Johns, Deputy Returning ARCHITECTI `— - ,{{!! la ;e of l xetter ; Officer. In thie matter of the estate of 426 Dundas Street, London,' GuaraA w1 i ,, g Perth ' oes Dr THEREFORE' the Council of tha .polling ,Sub Divisiton No. 3. at the George h -e C u the Village of lien- teed coat of buildings, no extras; I sail, of the County of Huron, gentle- ears New York ea thence, Ylio rt4tr. 1 a !' I Corporation sof the Village of Exeter Brick Office building at .the cornier man, deceamid. y ate. I B rth Couirt3 has spoken and bs er.lacts as follows:, of Wellington and Main streietlsy ler- Auction Sale 2725, • Notice "iS hereby given pursuant to Anyone intending to build will 13N- , f r lute a substantial majority declared o3 Gillies,:Deptity Returning Officer. Y g 1 N , q (1). It shall be lawful for /the T Statutes `ia that behalf that all cred- ell o write me: No charge for Boal itself in favor of ho licence. • tex and I'olling,Sub. Division \o.'4, at; the OF TWO DWELLING HOUSES, -- lt;:,tvta of the Village of Lae slots and others having claims wig- sulat on e The Canal:: -t Temperance Act. sub- the treasurer thereof to raise b5 way North Erid hire Ball; ,copn ea- of Mar_ HOUSL•HOLD BrFECTS AND I ARM ainst the ;estate of the said. George EXCURSION Al ES niii.t,,i on J, n J'ta, carried bay a Ret and J11inbelh street>a•,.Alex. Me: - . of T.oan, upon the securLts of tlye ,dc- - IDI 'LEMEN'TS INE -E Et JoSr_t, wbo died on or 'about April 1st . #s uttjorits, which ofiicai figures :tag- beniures hereinafter n:endoued, from Pherson,., eliat3 L eturndng Officer. SINGLE N(i;LE )FAbtE-Cocas going and re are, ~,lac+id at 301. a 1915, ail required an or before, the Ci .l. W. K'AR'N M. D. C. Com• " July I only. _ 3i hot, 15•=3 Verson or persons, body, or bodies (g) That on Tuesday evletning the There will b^ offered for sale. b3 15th da3 of July ,tq send bly post sitz- turning 3 y et y, As a r4 ult of th • vett, .soma corporate who mai be ~willing to ad- 13th ,day tof July, 1915, .tt th•a ,Council at='ublic. Auctimi on the pu.0 ur •deliver to Messrs. Madman. 425 RICHMOND ST., LONDON, - ,. ; ,els and a half duz.•a shops swill• be sai.ee the 'same upon' the credit of , Pre,aaises ou FAP,E AND ONE -1 HIRD-Good go -,closed throught the country within rti chamber:,ia the, said village of Exeter SATURDAY, JULY 3rd, 1915 & tanbury, of the Pillage of Exe- ONTARIO. in Jane 159th and July Ise, Return 1 ,t_ st ,h debentures. a sum of mone3 not at the: hd1ur of 8 n clock ix; the after ter. Solicitors for the Admini;st'rators I SPECIALIST lir g 1 ear. The rate was heavy in all s limit Jul 2nd, 1015, Return tickets: S excekding the whole sum of Twent3 noon, the raid ,Roweve shall appoint in at two o'clock p.m. the to.fowing valu of the sa:d deceased; their christian SURGERY AND EN17'o-VRMARw' 11 a y stets .u:, was expectryd. (• ), writing, .signed by himaalr; two Petr- able • ro and surnames, adrdresses and descrip- 1 thousand ,dollars 7LO 000.00 'and to 11 will be sold between all station in, douth Easthope. Logan and Eliicoc p p - , lotus„,illy ossncd by the' DISEASES of AND ovoI , d3ainada east of Port .Arthur. .Secure cause the .,zi4m,} to be paid into the sons to attend to the, final -sum late 'Phomas 73. Al ai-Lyv.; IDsquirc:;r. '11... I the full particulars o£ t'h'eir w ,nt :almost _olid against the mF asurr. i :sof Ithe V hila e 1'reasarer Por ;h+ otos afore add by'thc clerk = a your tickets early at Grand Trunk, and among them roll td up a vote on13 h` i d g up of the v itE L b1:A'1'1: nisi ns, the stltement of their ac ticket office. the iter inundri alit:es: 'CEic purposeu and with the objects of the Council and one plerson,' to ,at-. Consisting: of Lot'.42 om:'thc South -counts and the•' nature of t;hie secur DR G. F. !ROULSTON, L.ID•S., 201 has than h o P 1 tend 'at each polling puce on behalf i - eties, if an, 'held b them, And N. .DOBE, AGENT, ESETER, The majorit3 against the seasure .shows rrciited. ! Side of Sanders streets Asia b .of Lie- [ y, y DENT -18T ., 22: It'shall be lawful icor thuLuaid of the persons interested in, and d.e, t,er, on which is Lrc'cted a brick cot» further 'take ynot:ee that after said in Ellice was 33:1. _u Logan 3, in ( } • I South .iJ:Lsthope 135.. Re,:v- : and 'I'reiisurer to cause ani shows of promoting; _the passing of; tage tend frame stable,. Also- :Lot 41 lass+, mentioned. lisle 'the said Admin- Honor Graduate of ,Toronto Uiat SP,e - Fullerton..pe 13 ie and Blanchard. .number of Treasurer to 6e made for this b3-lalw, land •a like number oax on 'the South side of Sandler street„isfrators'will'pro'dw d to dilstribube the pit;3. Oflice over Dickson '& QaX- ss m had l esn under no lie; me such gums of moue3 as may, be, requir behalf •of, : the• persons interested in Pillage of Ext ter, on which is crccttj Bassets of the deceased among the par- shag's Law office, - Closed WednKs all of ho ave: big ma•oricits for the ,weasur,. ed for the purpos;s aforesaid .pa3abic and desirous of opposing the passing ed a frame cottage and stable: The,szl!kies ,entitled.Ithereto, having regard. day afternoons. , Phone Office ,fia.1 g g 1 irhdit 1 lma another local option township- toil not fess than Ont. hnn'dxe,d dollars of this 63 ia v, are both +desirable hotues soil small! ; oi13 to the claims; of vhich they shall l Residence rib. _ chi .also gate a fair, ,favorable ma-, ($10(1.041 each, and not `xecedin g in (10) Tliat•on the. l7th' &T of 'July families. i then have notice, nl that flue+ Ad- r' -__ o tt . -M the :Svhole the sum of tNveni5• 3iotrs- '1916.'fbe cf4k of.thej, oouncil'shail at - (:lIAT'LuLS -Coal heater; svood,',liirindstrators will; not be lip;ble for . 1­jumel"s 1 l x S u Milverton, however, was a. surprise. 'and dollar `( 20A00.s10), the clerk's •offio- in the said Viillaai stove, ,coral. oil isto.ve, glass „cupboar4• said asse tu or ,any psi t, thereof, to any Lei, A, R. 13:I1VSMAN L'.17.s9; D.D, , I In place of a large majoritS for .the: nd the said +debentures shall be of Exeterw:at •12..o'clocl,Z noon, sum up' sideboard, diol; leaf table, G..aiuinl ,i Person or persons of chase claims Honor Graduate of Toramta..Un p T vw"t:s, as was expected, tt.e temp.•rancs sealed with the I.ea1 of the i:orpora- tbte numbex:.of votes for and agratnut• room -chairs, a kitchen ebairs-; bed, t notice shall not have been receLved. Woven Wire re Fence forces s{ion bs 20. _l uch credit. Lor this tion and be signed l the Reeve rind this 63 law in the prese,nee of the bedroom stand's, Bing -ax a ass ins Lea- b3 th+elhk at the a timre of such,. di;stribu era , . „r_ u 1.J Is given Dr. J. L Gordon, th,. Winn1- Treasurer, and be pa3lable a.t tko of- perso>z; appointed to attend thereat. chic e, c:urp' t, lixioaeum, oiletoth; ,tion. DENTIST 1 a,1+t1If) i pea orator. }:ho recentl;c conducted a Tice of the said Treasurer in said vil or in tba, prc&,Vice of such. of them cloex, four xo,lor Minas, laungtl pie- GZA15l1IA15 & ST,ANBURY TeetL extracted withoua paiiR. below, Man f act cumpaign there. Stratford ,beiug a and iany • other person:, entitled by `by- tures, coppegr boiler, gots•,,,, taus laud Solicitors of Adtminiastratots any bad effects. Office over G14 cit3,. is not affected by the. vote last' law to be presk,ent, ate m'a3' be present. dishes. loL,g ladder, step y . er 3 Dated at 1';aefter'this 1'5tb das' of Jurie Paan & 8ta0bury'a Office lira er cc , el ft but there is t_ik of bringing on a (jJ The said debenturei shallLbear - . Prices, date from the +day, t issue: thereof, Signed '• neck Sokes,. eras cut raSs; -bucksaw 11J15, - Exeter, r - , ,_,,_ 1oca:1 option carne&illi in that city, logging ' criains, grind' Stoat ,'oat ,boy _ - •- tii • and shill be pa3 able yearly thereaf- . , ; i;l: „Lj M j t , .,,-; _ Reeve L j At Listovrd ,t h. -a. th,: rt;ulta %vera ' atriug belly, pile lulu heir, ShOveib; hOl'S Peerless Or ( n ter for and during tho, said geriod of . - WA BROWNING M. D:, _ made known a 3 : sic m•_eting was TsvEnt3-fdve years an'd be for the re- Seal '' ' I M,r i.,i • rakes rand fortis, ;wood,' a•ng plow, , M+ lb held at the headquarters of the temp- i` j:”` I'('" : ,' ' I !• disc. [svaa;ing plow, is .1 "'rf`]W; ' stop NOtice tO Creditors P. 6, Graduate aiotori D iit s arch a e spective amounts folioswing,t- a cranee assodatior irhen T. L. Hamilton Signed ` t i _!, _, d _; ; i I g xl , i:i E` buggS,:.cutter, and nud 11 ... s othler eity Office an rest Brae sainkgi That is to ea3r.:r In the matter of the estate of Labratory., Exeter, • ... I_W ' ` of Listowel. Ir rd : 'of the co=.tats , - articles.; : ' , - ga 9 once . temperance alliance :and Rev. John Year. Interest Principal -Annuit,3 _ Clerk, 'PER,lla OF 9r`1LE' Thdmas B. ;+bInrt3n of this Village ,Associate Coroner of Hunan ,lis as these Prices will not haat ) I.ittl•=. organiz,.•r, W,rk: 'th•- sp•-:akxrs. I91G 41000,00 $419.05 '$1419.05 REAL ES'1,'A'TA-1U per cent on -daS of. Exeter, iCounts of .Huron, gentle Ma" 1Ia;. 1917; 4079.05 $440.00 1j19:.05 NOTICE of sale land the baiductt in 3U da5s, tman, deaeas(eid. very long, + J• I Place For Againbt For Against 1918 4957.05 ;4462.00 $1419.p5 The above is. a time copy of the ,Q1:LAT'1`L+'Ld - .CAdkE Notice is nereby given pursuant to D ImsoN & ICARLING , I i s fi Wire Fence c per Roes Listowel xl3 s.2 21 •••... 1939 <933.r4 5485,11 $%1419,05 - osacti --law which has tak r'urther terms and particulars ,will Statutes in that behalf that all cred- p Barristers, Solicitors N tavles 41sgP 3 2ac lidtchell 2"r4 i::` yti 1980 4909:6) $&09,3614IJ,,U5 1'. P to.,c3sidrration anti which will oe made brawn ou hiss of sal or •may.•• hors and,others;.11aving claims ag- A S a, °' 28e °' $t. li1aT S 3;4 1.-+? >1 s 11 ''4 i veyanoen9 Commi198ionera, IQO Marys 4 19_ 0884,22 5534.8$ $1419.:05 bd finally pbsaed by the Council of oe had on apphcauon Lo t•hi unwer- •adnst the estate of,the laid Thomas B. for the Ddolsona Bank etas 141J , Milverton 112 ""3 :-lit 1932 4857.13 .4561.57 $1419.05 the Corporation of the Village of Sign Martin, who ,died on oV about May Wall 31`? 2t` ,14 19^23 $29.40 0589.65 $1419.05 >r tai t e event of'the consent of B. S. PilILLIPS, Auctioneers 15th. 1915, are le, cuiroid on or 'before' honey to Load at lowest rates of, Us' .umber and Cement _ Ex*tt , N, E. -hope nJ L LA1JAfAiv '&- biAN,bUA1,.00licitors 5th day. of July Ia send by post pre-' terest.. , I , , '. I . 10,000 Cedar Posts on hand P }_ ?lfi 34 1gZ# `?99:.2 $619.13 $1410„05 the I;lectoxs being obtained thereto tea »:xeautur. paid or deliver Eo 14lcssrs. Gla•dm;Ln OFFICE—MAIN STREET, ICS1>l i •i Puilerlon Sac sal 2lb „„ i9 x .,761;.9, $650.08 $1419,95 after one .month Lrom thtet first pubic for . , . <-, -also Anchor Posts.. Blanchard 3:17 15I 246 1926 4736.415 4682.59 $141,cJ;05 & Stanbary, of the Village of Exe- I. R, Carling B. A; U ih, ViskIWAI cation thereof in the Exeter Times e and Anchor posts Hibbert 20`2 235 17 19_17 4i0Z:33 $716,72 $1419,85 ail>d Advocate newspapers the first ter, Solicitors for the Executor - S. F. -hope sial 2:16 ...... 135 19.2'8 $666.50 $752.55 publication of ,which shall be on the of the' said deceased, their christian ;11419.05 Let ire uete you m low Elms 4155 ,364 .II 1929 4628.87 $79'0.18 $1419,05 and surnames, ad•dxesfses and descrip- MONEY, TO LO,AR i , i_i .IL. i! o - Y V - 24th day of June; A.1 ., 1915, and at , rices on our Lumber re wire- Downie .--,., 145 1930 ;589.33 ,$829.64 '$1419,05 Not'ic.e tO, Creditors; tions, the full particulars he their P y q --••• ., Elie hour, .las' ,a;nd places therein' fixed _ , We have a large amount o+2 jpll'b1 areata, whether large or small Ellice M6 193E 4547.8? 487I;18 $1419,05 for 'taking• the vote oil tUe electors, a •.• claims, the statement of their ac- ate funds to lean an farm and N.il* orders, Also Cement, Logan ...... ...... 22., 3;g32 :$504.3.2. $914.7a $1419;05 In the matter of the estate, of Samuel counts and the nature of tb!e secure poll will be held. leti'es, if any, held by thiem. And la•Be properties at. lowest rsito pf 11Eoringion (Ldaj 1g3? ;458.53 4960.17 r $1419:Q5 Evers tenant tivho,desires to.vote on Thomson, of ,the township of Sdas, tmreat„ ./ A. J. 1934 4410,51,, 51008.49 $131:9.A5 s• id ,p3-ll.asv mulct delvler to the in the ,counts of ;Iiuron, farmer, further. takb notice that ,after said _ , the a , eceased - ' , : ,.last rogptioned;” a •e the said Exe- GLAU,MAN 8c .BTANJEdJIlf31 "V 1935 4360.13. 610"15$.92 $1418,05 $ Uj clerk of the, D?unieipalit3 not.••latelr,., ,,, ..• err, ", ,;,,1•- :1. CLATWO T - - n. a 1 . -. ii RG 1419,01 n ornbe Ar ak ,,. Notice i,s berep,3'rGiven plusuant,to:I lutor 1Y111 r9cG '.to •distribute the Barristers, ,Solicitors, M R& WLE,D.s;•O.4 "[ VACANT LOTS 1.36 307.9 51 1._ b than the fOlh. d S Lapp dj I, , t 1937' $251.59 S1+167.46 $1419.05, assets of the decayed among the par- ?Teeter„ . , V '3E lT®N ins the said''ote, Jl•+timclaraton pro- .5tatutesl n,thrtiG°hebalf that all cred- - - 193? .19x2- ' I2?.a„$3 , 1.418AS • bisection 3 of section 265, hors an others+!sibling claims ,ties entitled the ,etc, having regard — dU l,at hirloubtedir constitute -.s a k $ a>ded bs, .,Sub di-` '' iiotC farinters svho are mak 1939 4131,93: $1287.12 •$1410:oa 192 of the M' nicipal Act,...,,,' „gainst the et ,abe` oh the 'wid•.Samuel,,';pn1T to ttie'clst,l>is of which he shall Menace to. :Ch. P.. li h ui h t hacasi Lfioit to kt: their 1340 $ 07.57 $13.51,48.. $1419,005 ” .. ed sxt. Eseui ,this 23rd da3 .61 --'.'Thomson;• whafdied'on or about':th ,then have npttce and that the ajtii'd Tile Usborne and sllbberY ing an P . , . Dat led Iania,C'hecra of wends fwi.nd 1915."t' 2 tli bf; hay 1315j.arSYrreggiz1et4kloP:ox. Executer assail riot bar liable for farms i • fl Jung A.D.,, said 'ast Uta or an '- patt thereof, to'any ► + ra s oVEr. S5 YEARS' rossirg on vacant tots and road (4) The said debentures shall have' r tarmdr Mutual Fire lana E,CQEs31ENCE S' coupons attached thereto for the J0&,SFNIOI; ltefore th[e .ieh'lCta jof,1. . 1915, te.. sides m and aroard our towns and send b3 post. firepaid or de,. `person or persons o£ whose claims "? edties. Th,:,se vacant lots are eftcn pa3 meat of the interest thereon, Acting Clerk of Elie Corporation oP liver to Messrs. Gladman & Stanbur3, notice shall not have been received sIlGe GOmAsOb r f b3 him at the time of such distribu- nothinn more ,nor lcts:i+ than nurselira Which interest 1=hatl.lve at the crate of the Village of Exeter. r a , , of •Elie Village •of Exeter, .Solicitors t ar-d breeding places for all kinds o. five per clent per annum from the date thereof. for the Executors of tfile said d, cease. tion. , I 3veeds, This is esp' cially true of tosvrs GLADMAN & ST'ANBURY Head Office, Farquhar, OD19 where large areas adjoining have beer+ ed, their christain and surnames ad, Solicitors for Executor. I _-.:_-r.---- _! ii, dresses and descriptions the full uAr- 1. . , subject: to wildcat subdivisioning and P.. Rear Necessity. Dated at Exeter this 15th las of June President' . ! I y„I ROBT, W40119f<i11 "Why .ate 95th worry so over tioulars of their vlaims the states , „u't r" 'm.ca MA:. -..3 have hod roadways ploughed. forming PERT PARAGRAPHS. ' y your went of their accounts And the, ria- 1915, DESIGNS lodging places for stieeda, which are _— son?' - ture of the securities if Any, held Vice-.E'res deuE ( i THOS. IiSA crpyRiGKrsar- allowed to grow vrniol sted Thes: The thin; you didn't do will never "by' by them, And further take. notice N • } M710nt 9endtngaokeleb.and:descrlptl nmsr Notice. to Creditors I panLCkiyasCertnin ottapp3nScrcXlroe'ar3 etn 1h produce 'Countle,. niinl le2S Of St:CdS Mahe the gossips tallc about vu, "Yes." that rafter such last nnentioned 'date '- AIIiEGTOh ` ki-I16'° &nsentian iaprobab33•Pnttssatubla. Comv,enica. to be biosrn clad scattered by win&,, y "Well,..I bare' to n•ol•r over some- the said executor's will proceed to xaonsstrictlycon0do„t7al. MANDBOt1K on Fnteatg — Rover tent free. Oldest narency lox somring PatontA. over the farn_a. So fah`. lulletinz. art- Patents y distribute the - assets .glia decea3ed -I N TSE ESTriTE. ' O.I' MELVIN Vl'aT, iiROiCIi ,..., + 'hI:' E'ntenis trhen tF,roa h Munn ct,Co.Secei7P -` )lfatrlinan is thing, dvn't,l't" x cctajj withoal,CM4e,inthe Ides ;a:nd nd:•lc; pertain;,rg to svred 9 getting to be a must among' the parties entitled thereto', ORAL DEAIiIING, late of ilia Vill(DO. J,; L, RUOSI:LL' i 1 :7, T. ALLIS0IC5 p n - control have been directed at l:h,v unstable condition. ,,Saskatchewan, Qle- t heaving regard onI,S 'to thle claims oP of Green Bxl,er 1 1 r farmer: A glance at the conditions. - Answered the Description. which' t'he3 av iall' then have notic,.> ceased.' k , AGEA'TS ' ' @ r La ,. baL is this sett of trouble 3 bear and that t'hte Executors will tot be .Jl.tasnde6mely ttlzas'satedv+eetcig aracst ctr. found in most of our and towns The inevltflbless•iil Cate care of itself,- ,, 'C h - 'eb - iven ur uant TOHN 13S8ERY Teeter. sge»]t >Z1as' ,rntntlon of any scientlao $&arms. '£Brans tar 5o rnueb llbatit, NOTICE is er $ g P s orne end jtliddulph, +c;nnaaa,$3.7.5 wy.ar,pmtagerrft=M acid v,r .6 m prove convincing to bla e. in th(, farmer so It really doesn't matter. liable for said assets or any part b i au nowedealers. is riot wnttrely' to blame in a.he matter 11 b,tt floes it 7oeS, like?" .. thereof to any person or persons of to the Surrogate Court i loins, that all ' HARRIS ;Munro eget tC ggyy yy p :>d roduction and dlArib- No Sympathy. "I dont lmocr." I Svh s o sae 11 no b v persons having claiLns iagrainst the ,es- OLIVER .. nt3 an. I wr WdNN &ca a.3i?af3roadxa.l9O l i oL tive,-d st.- P µ . « . , IIV ose plain n t she t a e „ tate of -Melvin Oral Dearing, who' died Stbbert E`ullarton a ..og N liraacaomce,tns,n $t 's9a3l,+naLan,DX. ution Sir, your daughter has promIsta to 11nst be tote judge's chair ,; . . been received b"S:'thedi at •idle time of In "the W, st Ali weed tnspeatort become f ' otic the,first AAS of; June, .A:D, 1912;, W. A. T17ltlVBdiiL?l ! e m Svt e. such distribution. ' I 9 are Irequir+ed to file with 14lessrs `W.i.l_ i. l,_ l $eCy.Trea9. Far[Itihi'PJ► o sire being trained >and dtastrrxrt d along Well, don't come to me for s .' GLADMAN & iSTANBU)R will enable'thcm to thssist 9mPa• lltr7'0'N , , wi E . loughb3, Craig & (Company, all 11loeso Its es tlxat i lei o„ro- > . . j try. Sfou might know soniethin coal' 11 ,..- Ss Ld control awhile d i . M Solicitors for >;xecutors, ,Jaw, Solicitors far !the Adminiistra- GLADb;'rA1V' & pTAl!lBblR''lit „seen' vow ,'.snvMg,w p';Okotw,,, the farmers Ln c .. r 6uTaoM ;'' tor,.ioAol ,,b6fore;.i;ha 1'5th da3, of Sep- , Solicitors. Exeter. i itt thy s:zm^ orne provixlon bs law happen to you hanging, around here ayeRSRecm Dated at T Xetor this 15th day of June tember •'1915 theft• jsaid claims„ certi- 0 S• is made to prevent ani farmer from Ste nlahts a'.Sweeh-"-Puuston Lost. fel' 1915. _ iX -PPaaltowii7g his faim to b-ccoavi a breed- ' China. - fled b5 Statutoxy-OLeiarati5n , and y /^._ , hiss. place for st ecd and a meraae to "She Is nlri;iys showing what securit;, if any, i(s held '. , ,..Uttoll I LOSE Eli •hbourc, In rnost towns there Roughing it: b,I thK ai.' ,. I !, his n fi Al rusks));: ti brenlc.11 NOTICE is fnrihox',givien that the d pro_ 153 -Md yowl etl,Juy yourself rangb- ., s ,,, r g t bo. inistrator, will after ithe: :fast P 4+ ^y Guaranteed are h3-LLtso Cov,_xine th, ssce A TO s 1. biem but tow ofteri tho;3 era not eafor- Ing It an your trill, incl tollt r.inisr>i= CAS • . ' •. •• to'tw ntia and citrus :do iii ss• . , . , ' : t) t} p tie 'w. moer;ttoned date, proceed ,to,distrLbutri ; ,, to ,,'/v ear ch!ed' Thos,, liwlri{, lu It st•ecl itlrir, t it. I thr> chef tutt6' nutid." the assets of the estate having regard s y ' should oo-operate ants- do theft blit .in For infatflt6 acid Clliidren a For Infantil an(1 Cllildreli» a {U 1 sit IY, then st,rrie ttlir' stl,fb afar N:lfs ry on13 to ,tire claims ofy which he shall - the Svar alrarr.st 'wrPoa,5. This is ao rtivtlrs, awl, to stili fl all, tll.r yrt,ilurlri In USA Ill nVAM 20v rga tb en have had. •notion T`he Kind You Hava'Always OWN.! ', ole w f fl shill$ ,, 1t..lC M R 1t f: Ar im ortnl 1t at,itter nd should receive - ti ' dDfi i i.. tits• tLi te37tirso it every .lo wn,. ails a j he tai vn at; once and . r, f, t1 - ,l;'l. ly". dt ?.,la,.. !ul .lt axil. , ., ,.._ , .... .. _, _.,.--,..-- w- .:; „ ,, . a , , r; a ,r .N . , 1 ) w ,. its !r. r0 Aloi . , ' , eke A, CO. + . `' : AT1;D' a' :. n o", ai t t t8th .1.' + fit Zo J ,sir h S dd.: oir;'June A D:: 1915 ' ; .. - '.' , , 6, * , ' r "i ".",.ter lleaxs thio t ries %sir eiN . ' ActiorL should err ai taxa salt dat£' ,;G; Z; IWILLOUG11BY, CRAIG & ,CO, si'gna.ttire of 4 4` ' •.+Y i 1 '1iV not deterred until tlic weeds .ill p l$olicitors far Abram 9];earing, a, p d mPfl y US A:, o.tid scatter their see s. t c., i .. ; •,_ ,• Administrator , 2 It i 1 ''I, , 11 , ,: , , , r-;. .. . A.: , . . .. r ... ,_, ,,,.,:,.., s . 1,.!'. q .. .,...