HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-7-1, Page 1'l oRTy-SEcoND YEAR --NO 2216
Some July Bargains
Our July Sale of Summer Goods always gives you. Something New at Reduced Prices
Colored Crepes A Big Counter
full of all colors
at only 1,2% cents per yard
New Voiles just in this week.
Some nice patterns
25 cents to 40 cents a yard
Galateas A Splendid Fabric for Dresses, Rompers or Boys Suits, all colors
stripes at rs cents per yard
Curtain Nets By the yard in White or Cream. WASH NETS; Prices
15c, 20c, 25; and 35 cedts
HATS, a fine selection to pick HATS, some of our very best hats
00 2
from a bargain areh'
on this table. them
White Waists
We are showing a Real Nice Lot of Waists for g8c each.
Better Waists from I dollar to 2,5o. Dozens to pick from
Summer Suits
For Ladies, Girls and Children, all at reduced prices, Ladies
Dresses x to $3; Girls Dresses at i to $2; Childrens Dresses 65c to I dollar
gen.'s Furnishings
Straw Hats for 5oc and $ r; Fine Shirts for $I to $2;
New Outing Shirts at $r.50, Fancy Sox 25c to soc; Suspenders, Invisible Braces,
Ties, Collars and Underwear.
Ladies White Wear
Now is the time for your White Skirts, Cors,Csayerkr
Princess Slips, Night Gowns and` Drawers: A big .variety 't6 show you for the
warmer weather.
A Parasol BargainA real swell bunch, $r, 1.25, 1.50, 2. [�Q^
Parasols, your choice while they last.. 78c
Coeds of QUALiTY and Reoutation
New Perfection
Oil Stove
For Safety and Economy t,
2, 3 and 4 Burners
$8.00 UP
Ovens $2.75 up
'Wicks 20e
Toasters 30c
Estimates cheerfully furnished. IRON PIPE and
Size TANKS made to order.
;a'1 Oil, 15c a gal. Gasolene, 18c a gal.
12c per Gal.in Drums 17c per Gal. in Drums
Pipe Wrench $1.25
Heaman's Hardware PHONE
27 A — and Stove Store 27 B
SELMAN—In Exeter, on
June. 90th, to Mr. surd Mrs. W. W.
,Canaan, a daughter.
•QVl W 1GN--1;uean, I , June
1015,' :to 11Ir, vend Mrs. Wen. Sover-
f ei'gn, (Lunen Sunk a daughter.
SAM TON 1— McG•REGUR-1n IJxon�
, treal on 23rd of June, by Rev. Dave
ialson, Mlisc
Elizabeth 'Campbell Mc-
.Gregor, only' daug'litcr of Mrs. Jajs.
11InGregor to Albert J".. Luxton.
son M an
' .(13nrt.), of Ottawa, TIT, d
! Iters. Itred ;Laxton, of town.
WIT) ••- stAintT--In Exeter, on Wed,
eeasdne, June 80,th, dries, Plor.pa; Plays
on13 daughter of Dr, rtnd 11Irs. tWm.
Sweet to Dr, John. Georgie, Reid, bs
Rev, W. ';G; Ii, McAlisten.,
I11I'NJJ—In VJsborne, on June 27th,
John Hind in his 85th Jeer.
DINGWALL-1n iIlensall .on the 23rd
Roy E. infant son of Mr. and hire:
:lobo Dingwall.
11IlNERS—In Windsor, oie Monday,
June 28th. William Miners, 'aged, 08
months rind
a;ars :3 mo 28 doll,
S ♦ y
W'1fNN—In Exeter, on Tuesday', dune.
201;11, Miss hTin ni to 'ViTsnn. e , .god- i'rJ
At high noon on Wednesday; Suite
nOth a prette wedding took place at
the residence of Dr. tend Mrs. Sweet
John street, when thleir only elaugh-
ter, Flossie May, was united in mar.
riage to Dr. John G. Reid, of the
firm of Sweet & Reid.
The Rev. W. G 'li. McAlister,s ot
James street 1llethodiat church, offi-
The 'bride, who was elven Tawas' by
her father, was gowned in white silk
voile sand carried •a bouquet of ,whit;tia:
roses. Dr. sand Mrs. Reid deft on the
evening train for Goderieh. The
bride's' travelling suit was of ,Belgian
blue with 3vors,silk walet'land black
end white hat. On their :return, they
will .reside in Exeter.
The :many friends of .Dir. !and Mrs.
Reid will join; with the Times in wish
lag them bon vo},age throu,g1i life.
Q,memee, June 23rd, 1915-A. wed-
ding of ,considerable inteuest in this
localit3 was solemnized at the "bio,
Oro Memorial Parsonage" when Lau.
ra Men, eldest.rlaughter of Be;v. J,
Wesley land Mrs. 'Down, wee united
in marriage to Rev. Afndrew rbirr..
Lauchlin, B. A,, of Toronto
Rev. W. Down, father or the bride,
performed r'the gere:none, Wad. Miss
Ctonstance McLauchlan, sister of the
groom, play cd the wedding march
The !bride ' was attended lbe her sister
Y'lord:ice ; ,the groom be 11Ir. Cartes,
of Toronto. After the usual congrat-
ulations and dainty wedding lunch-.
eon, the bridal couple ,felt pn their
trip west, to Toronto, Woodstock
London, Exeter And I1amilton !arid on
their 'return .will go to their new
charge at Bancroft, Hastings Co.
On Pitesda3 of this week bliss 11Iin,
,nee. Winn pa sed away at the age
of 159 Sears. The deceased has been,
citing for a number of years and has
been quite ill for seaveiral months. She
was born in the Township of Usborne,
where she Jived until coming to Ere -
ter with her brother and sister, She
is survived by'five brothers and thrfee
sisters, 1 enre and John in Saerame;n.
tot Wm. in Los Angeles, Calif., a s , lis, and
:David at home ; hire. Powell, of Exe-
ter, Bliss E. at home and Mrs .L0•w, of
fl'oronto, The funertfl, pirieste, will
he held on rF;ridae
Exeter Council EXI.TER CrWLIMs AWNG
A. regular meeting. of thie coon
was held on Friday evening June 25
with all the members present. Tia
Minutes of the meeting field au
and a
11hwr adapproved.
t -were o,e
1p d,
with printed of •
A letter .rl ja u . r
lal s
A fro
Polish Relief Committed ar Caned
eskin:g for 'aid was ,read. The tette
WAS ordered filed and the circular
sent to the .Patriotic neague. Axon
per hind and Beavers.-Ctirriied.
A petition wns runt -vied signed b
the officers of the Woman's .Institut,.
and 34 other ratepayers asking tha
taxi electric light he plttded at the
entrance to .ttiverenety Clark. Per
I'faxtonendRoulston that the petition
be granted and` Mr Zuel'le be instruct-
ed to place to light nt the park a
once ; the rate chargemble to be th
same as other series, ;farteel3' 4c pe
sti g'ixt'.—;C'arried,
The following; accounts -vete order',
ed 'paid b3 .the Fin'enoe C"'oj>1Lttiti et;
G. T. a $29.00; Thos. G. Creech, 43;.'6
0. T. Brooks 95o; Sam'l Senders 27c
E. A, rollick '25c ; G. T . Steer 1 25
.Sidney• 'West' 60e; gen. Gillespie 50
E. IHewett 2.00 , Jno.. Nom l 25,00,
Fred Hatter 17.74 : Geo. Vospfer '2.00
Geo. 'Powell 750• ; Thos: ;Cornish 21..10
Frank 'A7:•allett 17.81; Isaiah 'Hell 8.43
Ed, Coombes 17.81: Rd, Davis 2.80
D. Russell, Sr:, 16.(57; Geo. Cornish
17.81; 'Root. Gillies 3M0; T. Ilouiden
2.00; Thos. Flynn 6.00; amountiug In
nil to' $231.05.
bar. 'Samuel
Martin asked that a
cement -alk be built along James
street betweeen Albert ;rind Edward
streets offering that tl',1e ratepayers
pas onc&third of the total cost. Per
Heavers and Roulston that a four not
cement walk be built„ es d�•sixed. —
1ll.r. Mawson, auditor, gave his re-
port for the month or 1W y and re-
viewed the work back :to the first of
the year. Adopted on :motion of Beth
vers sand Iloulston.• Several suggtes-
tions were made be the, emitter which
were eft with the counejl,
Per Beavers 'and i-11trton that thee,
recgmerdation of the auditor in re -
nerds to the eemetletry accounts be ,
referred to the Special committee an
the .couneil and that Me. Mawson ie
named as a sitting menneer with the
',crtn,nittee •and report.
A deputation of youtig "Mee led by
T. Q. Southcott waited on. the council
:-ad Asked for the use or.thhe.strip of
,'kround behind the 'emery building
for a tennis court.
Referred to the Library Board.
Per Beavers 'aid Herten that the
Hydro .Electric 13y-1at4' pow under
,discussion. be now .re:a,�d,'ca' first and
second time. The s:ame';being done it i
was. provisionally adopts , the vote
•of the ratepe ers to be td ere oil )? i:.a
day. .July 10th.
Per Roulston, adjournment.
Jos. Senior, Acting Clerk,
"l'.'Cessrs, '0.73.. Snell and R. 'AT. 1C, lech
Flt •soon the consoIatioo :event et thek•Lon-
3 dory •tournaineut of Scotch Doubles in
ne ;'that kits last week while EI. J. White
land W. J II n.
ca a were .•
m the, u
r .one •
to u o r Press for sr.
�' ss tr
p ophs. .The
fornaer 'brought borne with them then
r Ed. She Trophy and two beautiful
s 7cndiners, while the lnttier /two 'were
on, whiners of two handsome out glees
fern note set in silver. Four aeries
3 took in tbe tourn=ament, W. D.
;Clarke and W, W. Tamen ; 3. A,
t Stewart and R. G. Seldon .composed
the other two rinks. In the first nee
ent for the .11xonerch trophy White.
end Neaman went into the semi fin-
als when they ;were beaf•en by n Lon -
t don Thistle rink. Stewart :33rd: Sei-
ts don were defeated( in lin .second round
r while fellrke and Tatna,n ; Snell and
Creech went down in the Prelrnain-
ary round. For the Free Press tro-
Now that the council has got prices
from the .FIe dro Commission 'for pow-
er •which price looks to them quite
eatisfactor3, end have provisionally tion to the good work ladies have acne
passed is b3 -not' to wise by way of in Red Cross societies and in other
debentures the 7iectssehe amount for capacities, and declared that the fats
installation it is up to the,citizen3 to sex of Huron County to•iday performe
decide whether thc3 are willing to en act worthy of turther laurels. The
vote the 'necessary amount of money troops in action require good food and
to provide equil,neut for the; town. such kitchens are calculated to main -
It is necessere to 'borrow $20,000 taiu a supply of the; bast available.
which is to be paid back • in. tweets- Mr. Musgrove facetiously- expressed:
phy White and, Idearnan went into't.b,o
finals `winning second prize. Clarke
and Taman went down in the third
round ; ' Stewart anal Seldoa in the
fourth; Snell and Creech in the fifth.
In the consolation, event for the Ed,
Shea Trophy Creecb and Snij11 stop •
ped the London Thistles from enakine
a. clean sweep of the trophies be: de,
(eating Keane and Beeman 17 to 10
in tbe finals. The other rinks went
down in the fourth trou,ad.
Mr, Bert Luxton : and his 'bride, of
Ottawa, visited leis parents in town
over Sundae'. •
Miss Edna Foll'zch an passed her
Associate Vocal exam3Aetiona of the
London Conservatory of Miele with
,creditably high znarks, taking .honors.
1,Xrs. R. L. Stephens, of Bunting;,
ion. ,E'.g. addressed a publics tree ing
of the Women's Institutt;.in th,e,Car-
negie Library on Manday, 'Afternoon.
The attendance was not as huge. as
the occasion warranted as Urn, Ste-
phens ,gpl.ve an texciedlent address in
connection: Burse home life and also
civic improvement,
The ladies Patriotic League held (a
meeting in the Opera. Rouse on. Tues-
day afternoon. , The meeting• was 'call-
ed for the Carnegie Library but thPs
building would not ahold there all.
The chief speakaer was Miss Arnoldi,
who with Miss 11um.mer w:00 appoint-
ed be the. Governjntent to look after
the comforts of the soldiexs at the
front, with headquarters in England.
Miss Arnold; is 'making a tour tell-
ies. the needs of the soldiers and the
was in which the donations of the
women in ganada ere being ;distri,
bitted. She paid a high tribute 'to'
tbe ladies of the Exeter society stat-
in' that she and 'Miss Plummer al-
ways gave' a good cheer ivhea n bale
from Exeter arrived because it was
packed and itemized so carefully. She
told. litany interesting ivauadents of
the Canadians at the front of their
cheerfulness and of their 'bravery.
She urged the league to formulate
de(inate plans to carry can the work
of supplying the soldiexe with com-
forts and specially spoke o(f the .need
of socks 3t1 all times.
Two splendid field kitchens of the
is p : perfected by the illeClary Mamie
featuring 'Company,' of 'London, were,
presented to the 33rd Overseas Bat-
talion bs a delegation of .Eturon Coup
ty ladies at Darling's heights at noon
one Wednesday of last week.
The 18th \!ts given such kitchens
prior 'to their departure from! London.
and the 34th Battalion received its
quota in Guelph. The 33rd had only
the ordinary equipment and the gen-
erosite and .patriotism of the donors
is accordingly rery much appreciated.
One of the kitebens is the large type
for the men of the rank and file and
the other for officers, A. couple ,of ad-
ditional kitchens are yet required for
the needs of the men.
The ladies were introduced by Dr.
Shaw. Mrs. F. Jean Fitton, of Exeter.
reading the address which was signed
by Mary E. 'Redmond, of Wingham ;'
M. G. Manning of Clinton; Elizabeth
Gibson .of Goderieh prevented the re-
receipt for the kitchens. which •were
delivered to Lieut. -Cal. 'Wilson, itho
repliedd. suitably: Mn,sMcTaggart, of.
: GInrrfon ;.. -Of -O f 7 Cli nton :
Mrs. Colson, of Se.ifdrth ; Mfrs. Fleamh
an, of Exeter; Mrs. and bliss Elooper,
of Exeter ; .airs. Dickson, of Exeter;
Mrs. (Rev,) Collins, Mrs. Hastings, .or
Exeter, and others accompanied the
A. II. Musgrove, III. P. P , came
"down with the delegation and addres-
sed the troops, who were paraded at
full strength briefly. He called atte.n-
five equal annual installments oe in- the hope that they would' never ,fall
terest and principal amounting to into hands that would utilize them .to
$1419.05. After the town .is proper- line the Germans. Thu British he sa4
13- equipped with new poles, new wires have embarked upon a very difti2ulr
new_ transformers, and in tact every, task and it le up to those at home to
thing'new, the cost of the power sup- take good care, or the men to the Geld
plied to the town will be. ,$9.3.70 per .Dr. Redmond of Wiegham, Capt.
horse 'power. This price is breed on Heam'an, of the 33rd Huron Regiment,
the town using 200 horse power and end others were with the party,
we are supposed to take tbree'.quar While it was the intention to make
ters of that amount or 150 horse pow- the presentation iniornaal, CoI L. W.
er but we are given five years to Shannon, commanding officer of the
work up to that load. That is, for division, and others of the steel were
the first five 3 cars we pay for just present. Later the ladies were encr
what we use, whatever sinount that ertained by the officers of the 33rd
teas 'be. If we use only 40 h. p, wo Battaliou, at luncheon in th : ofticer's
pas for only 40 nc roes;,.
We must have light'and it is uli to The address read by _3Irs. Li.toe, fol'
the citizens to sae whether they want lows,
113dro, .a twentyefour hour service, or '1'o Lieu.:,'•Col .:1 Wilton. Commanding
whether" thc,3 arc 'satisfied with the name ern 1 uollteitta Ip•aEe aq;
Present ssstban." If th • byelaw is de- Ove:rseae Con tfug ent.
Seated, it 'means the council will have sir—The severe' organizations work
to r'negotiate with lbs. aaompan3 now ing for the. ,upport ot cur forces on lic-
suppl3ingi ,power, and 'after Making tive service. and representing the var-
the best terms with them, cannot give ions tnuuicipal.ties of the County of
an extension of the present franchise Huron feel deeply honored in being
without ,a. vote of the peoples, :allowed to participate ie au additional
kl dro may not be perfection but it manner to the regular activities and
is the nearest to it w4 can get and;.weto further assist in the better equip
feel sure 'that the citizens will be al- went of your splendid battalion or
tnest unanimous in, voting for the h1' the more vigorous prosecution of 'the
do by Isic, and thus give the ;council tnig•hts work rconfronnog the empire.
their support in improving our light- We appreciate the sacrifice made by
in g system, this fine ' body o: inn representing
Evert property owner should, boost many •departments of li,'e, men who
for the by law and help to Make this have heard and responded to the ,call
;iro0ressive little town another link from Bing and country and who have
in the chain of the places having the of;'ered their services in defense of
white light from Niagara.
Sunday last wee Decoration Day
with Exeter Lodge No. 67. LO,O.F.
when about sixes brethren uiet at
rhos Exeter' cemeter•3 to honor ina
vera•. appropriate way the maomory of
the departed brethren, 'Tb;: dos was
quite warm nevertheless a large num-
ber of citizens found their wa3 to
the cemetery during the afternoon.
Twelve little girls, dressed in wh;te
headed the,proceansion, The placed a
flowering plant on the grave and re-
cited a vera appropriate verse.
the heritage we so highly prize, of
free institution's and civil and relig-•
ious freedom, In th, arduous, work in
which you are :engaged, the long
flours of mental and physical train-
ing, we desire to as=sist in some tan-
gible vvaa ; iu providing that every,
facility be given your brave men .to
insure that the most wholesome and
properl3 cooked food be ample and.
conveniently supplied during their any
tied service. ht ill eau, Colonel Wil-
son on behalf o: your officers, non-
commissioncd cileccrs and men, comae
losing the 33rd. Battalion, aeee:pt from
us these: two field kitchens; and it he
eer sincerest eieb that the may
meet the fullest requirements of Sour
rk. We regret thatire are tumble
equip Pune the battalion with.
;;se kitchens, but w•e trust the other
unties trona'trbieh the 33rd battaln
a is largelt drann will follow our
ample, so that ,your battalion anhy
ample supplied with thee: co -
p � ail
t c u
ical, sanitary and convenient kit -
ens. We will he ample rewarded if
re often sour breve `men will :drink.
t7otatintied on page 5
Mr. W. Bradt, .V„ G. delivered a, to
very inspiring oration while Mr. C. th,
MacLeod performed the services of eo
Olattplain. The entire proceedings to
wore very int ('nesting; • e
The graves decorated were those of
Brothers Brooke', Ilagshaitr, Snell, Carr owl
ling, Gidlee,. Crocker, Willie, ilodgsou ch
Hunter, Knight, Book, FP1•tor. Balt; ec
Dignan, Salter, Knight, White. Howe
USA a o .
d Flo
and _. p
Granton Man is Killed by
Saw in Father's :mill
Accidentally falling. against the big'
saw in his father's mill at. Granton
abtaaat4 Wein k Friday afternoon, 011f -
too Langford. aged 20, had one of hitt.
severed near the trunk by thei
machine and died talenoot inatantiyr
from shock and lase of blood,
The mill, owned by Ajmer l angforde
father of the victim, is just south of
the railway tracke, and Clifton had
been worsting theme for some time,.
Other employees who were in the saw
room at the time of the aceident, wite
nessed`the her fall against the whir-
ring steel blade. but oonid do nothing
to prevent'his terrible end. Dr. Lang
was summoned at once, but the young
man was dead on his arrival, onis
having been completely seyeeed and
parts of his body anangled,
It is not decided whether or non:,
there will be an inquest. 'ii`ha tuneral
was held on Sunday. Besides Lang
ford's parents, a brother" and sister
Clifton Langford was an Dundee r'ad-
nate of Toronto University, having re-
cently completed his secontayciar-
there. Ile was a second cousin of
Mrs. (Dr.) Roulrjtota.
The Ladies ,Aid of the ;team street
Methodist church held. their annus/
gn.rden parts on Wednesday evening
of last week. Main streiet hale moil
been fortunate in the selection - 015
their dates daring the ,past fete sears
as the weather has in.vaaiably been
sold sand disagreeable necessitating
the holding of the en:t{ertainment tine
side. There was a good attendance,
however, and several encellestt: 3e1-4
ections were furnished by the
The proceeds amounte:,d to over' rain
A Shipment of Traveler's Samoles
Hosiery, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Towels, Collars,
Braces, etc., to be sold at a special discount.
Plain Lawn Hemstitched Handkerchiefs,
at 10 for 25 Cents
ES Princess Slips at One -Third off regular price
Men's Four = in= Hand Ties
Regular 25c to 50c each, cleating at 2 for 25c
Soni Excellent Values
eady-Made Clothing, Made -to -Measure Scuts,
Guaranteed to give Satisfaction.
Onr stock in is lar°ae giving yon excellent choice
and the price is the lowest.
4.11ooe e0.ense en eese netaroe4•ma m00e.am440ncahohnI¢teiennlenn.0414
We Are re } .redeit
With -ate Eaeceptionally Fane Line of
Goods for Men..
Are Yo
En Need of Any New Clothing or Furnishings.
For Correct Styles for Dressy Men, We
Can Meet Your Requirements.
• Always Make a Man Feel Dressed. Let us `how ''oat
See Our Nifty Knit Ties
d This Seasons .aa ST. ,HATS"
1' A �'V'. are',ier >• Natty
�►5 and
• Becoming, We Carey the Leaders,.
i Ordered Clothing, Ready -to- Wear Clothing, S ren. er
Suits, Flannel Trousers, Odd Pants, Overalls, etc.
1 A
P H O N E 8i a