Exeter Times, 1915-6-17, Page 4TH11: 9XETER 'TINESy alt's �x, rN .17th,r xk ; o Zion. jubilee a Success _.. . Child . . H .M `� bion CoCon - ze at)oIl Celebrate ThEiii' Fiftieth Anniyersar Inncorporated NS BANK ^ HOS' GIVE UP , ,. • i4 - AG ENERAL Bpl'�l4CINVG �U51NES;*s � ; .:.-� '1''RAN$ACTEq Th lk Q A rismA quffm)tur , At NNLCtunjhai , INhe Mauna. 'iYou Have .,A.lw ays BoU $lits And 1rlaacQb ly.a.� 'been in use Jor over 30 years, has borne the aignaturea of somaas beeat xnaae under Ills' per-,' l sxxpervisis�ra sinter its sxafaxacy,, + Allow no one to @�,w''C'i ire You in this. X13 cCtraxtsterleitsy graaittta`iuns xaex' Off -ast a -govt �' xire xit l xpa / rciaeaits that fri;`Is) ro�^itlx and endanger Ric beoltla: mI Infe % and CliiSa rexa - I*erkesnee against ExPeZimento Whax is CA S"' TO RIA e, �aa;tt ri gs ;�• harmless snbstitut •oric, Drops and Soothing Syxxxpc. It 1,J pleasiant. It; contains neither ®,pixxxxi, Norpliine nor- other' 19areotit2 substance. Its aige is its guarantee?. It destroys' Worms feet and what I did do was b a O F C O'lvi Ind �'�:, druid allays Feverishness. For more than thirty- years it y great has been in constant use for thesrellef sof Consapa''tton, ZION 11l:ETHODIST 01 iR'CH effort I could not Kasen at night and of course felt very bad in- the morning, ;5rnataa;?cney, Wind Collic, all Teething Troubles and Elimville Circuit Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach ad Bowels, and hada steady headache. SIR: I] D , Gep WALKER, C.�C.Ar..JO D„ D.C,L., Asp'[ ent. assianilates tine 7r'nod, givirpb heaitlxy atrxlll >rxt>iryep� "After taking the second bottle I no-'.IiXANDER LAIRD, Geperal Manager JOHN AIRi), E1ss't General 14isiaaa*r The, CbIldr enIz, kanaeca-Thea 11lothE:•Is- -Friend, • Zion Alethodistchurch bn'the Elim- v'iile circuit, celebrated its Golden Ju- bilee on Sunday and Monday Jung' 5 L 1r3th and '14tk and .the officers and members of the church have evor CASTORIBeaFS C g%SRtl3I of' reason to cangiatulate the+mseive:s on • the. exctllient success of ;thv occasion ' " ' On Sunday morning Rsv. W. Quance a former pastor, ocmxpied the. .pulpit I Y and in the evening, ,Iev. John Veala, +: also a former pastor conducted the services. The church wais filled both f � morning and evening and large num N hers Nv,ere unable to 'gain admittance ' "_^' both at the morning and -evening seer= i s arsr vices. The isermova w�cre listened to y = Ike For 30,yu with a great deal of interest and iver�• both belpful and inspiring. The Kind You Have Always Bought The Granton Methodist choir pro- aaz C;Quraur, nr;ros:a.era•�, ea�vxVoca,a c,rV, .vided .`thv music for the dos and an �s:s. si �z�i a .� interesting co -incident 'ryas tht: fact `"�;� r" that the Granton choir sang the same anthem as did the Kirkton choir f}f.t$ 5 ears ago at the opening. This waa --- without the l noivledge of the Granton a choir -orho . selected the anthem but , R l D �win�� �oiinar]l Notes was reco�-niz'ed h3••some of those pre - tired that the headache was not so bad,----—� I rested better, and my nerves .were I its it th F Dug g� Last Found Help in Lydia C'ANTU CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT , _ _ F. Pinkbanes Veget - i BANK MONEY ORDERS ble Compound.EStitV► . 5 woman in need of a good medicine I highly praise Lydia 19. Pinkham's Veg- Richmond, Pa. -- "When Ii started WISOP)o0o. $8YIt1 *S Bank Departrr - fit �At upwards. Careful attention is given to every account. Small account;• CLARx, 3146 N. Tulip St., Richmond Ps. taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable CompoundIwasina all Branches s for forty years how Lydia E•Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has restored their dreadfully rundown leterest allowed at highest current *a This accounts for the enormous demand state of health, ,a *, had internal trou- 92 Branches In Canada p''' �ExETEI4lBRANoxI -'W. Exeter Branch— IT. J. WRITE Manu{ger: ����� ' troubled with any ailment peculiar to women why don't you try Lydia E. tiles, and was so ex-, D. CLARKS, Maness®t' will pay you to do so. Lydia E. Pink - tremely nervous andoy ham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Notice to Creditors J. A. MASON Prostrated that if I 'Notice to Creditors In thio matter of the estate of 425 Dundas Street, London,r Gfunra M, George Josnt of the Village of 1 -fen- teed cost of buildings; no extras; li ll f in t n tl, g ' iven m in to 8'i y •• feelings I would e s a have been in bed. °s As it was Ahad , THE E CANADIAN BANK r g hardly strength at times to be on my substance. Its aige is its guarantee?. It destroys' Worms feet and what I did do was b a O F C O'lvi Ind �'�:, druid allays Feverishness. For more than thirty- years it y great has been in constant use for thesrellef sof Consapa''tton, ZION 11l:ETHODIST 01 iR'CH effort I could not Kasen at night and of course felt very bad in- the morning, ;5rnataa;?cney, Wind Collic, all Teething Troubles and Elimville Circuit Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach ad Bowels, and hada steady headache. SIR: I] D , Gep WALKER, C.�C.Ar..JO D„ D.C,L., Asp'[ ent. assianilates tine 7r'nod, givirpb heaitlxy atrxlll >rxt>iryep� "After taking the second bottle I no-'.IiXANDER LAIRD, Geperal Manager JOHN AIRi), E1ss't General 14isiaaa*r The, CbIldr enIz, kanaeca-Thea 11lothE:•Is- -Friend, • Zion Alethodistchurch bn'the Elim- v'iile circuit, celebrated its Golden Ju- bilee on Sunday and Monday Jung' 5 L 1r3th and '14tk and .the officers and members of the church have evor CASTORIBeaFS C g%SRtl3I of' reason to cangiatulate the+mseive:s on • the. exctllient success of ;thv occasion ' " ' On Sunday morning Rsv. W. Quance a former pastor, ocmxpied the. .pulpit I Y and in the evening, ,Iev. John Veala, +: also a former pastor conducted the services. The church wais filled both f � morning and evening and large num N hers Nv,ere unable to 'gain admittance ' "_^' both at the morning and -evening seer= i s arsr vices. The isermova w�cre listened to y = Ike For 30,yu with a great deal of interest and iver�• both belpful and inspiring. The Kind You Have Always Bought The Granton Methodist choir pro- aaz C;Quraur, nr;ros:a.era•�, ea�vxVoca,a c,rV, .vided .`thv music for the dos and an �s:s. si �z�i a .� interesting co -incident 'ryas tht: fact `"�;� r" that the Granton choir sang the same anthem as did the Kirkton choir f}f.t$ 5 ears ago at the opening. This waa --- without the l noivledge of the Granton a choir -orho . selected the anthem but , R l D �win�� �oiinar]l Notes was reco�-niz'ed h3••some of those pre - tired that the headache was not so bad,----—� I rested better, and my nerves .were I its it th F , CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,000 stronger. continued use until _ _ made a new woman of me, and now I; can hardly realize that I am able to do so much as I do. Whenever I know any SAVI GS BANK AWCO dJ NT S woman in need of a good medicine I highly praise Lydia 19. Pinkham's Veg- Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $1 ando etable Compound." -Mrs. FRgNx upwards. Careful attention is given to every account. Small account;• CLARx, 3146 N. Tulip St., Richmond Ps. are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail, Women Hale Been Telling Women - Accounts may -be opened in the names of two or more persons, with - for forty years how Lydia E•Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has restored their drawals to be made b an one of them or the survivor. 13SI18� 1' y y health when suffering with female ills. This accounts for the enormous demand for it from coast to coast, If you are Exeter Branch— IT. J. WRITE Manu{ger: ����� ' troubled with any ailment peculiar to women why don't you try Lydia E. .4141, , , m ( ,•; DREDIr;ON BRA NCH - A, E. KUHN, Manager. ,izl '> �f� � Pinkham's Vegetable Compound? It will pay you to do so. Lydia E. Pink - ham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Notice to Creditors J. A. MASON ARCHIT,ECTI 'Notice to Creditors In thio matter of the estate of 425 Dundas Street, London,r Gfunra M, George Josnt of the Village of 1 -fen- teed cost of buildings; no extras; li ll f in t n tl, g ' a s k> • .; - a q sa , o e • oun 3 o uron, gen �- years New York experience, pho halm sent who ,mr- at the opening fift3 REV. G. A. 73AT3NAR1l, PAS7`0It different Committees man, d.'eceas.jd. 2725. The following are the reports the ?airs ago. In 'the matter of the estate, of Samuel Notice is hereby given pursuant to Anyone intending to build will dv e ittees at the session n of On• 11londa.y Jurm.:l4th a picnic was Thomson, of the Vownship of Ray, Statutes in that `behalf that all ored- ell o write me, No charge for copes' RO V"'�E TRIPS the Count Council wbich recentiv bead in the school grounds. The lvea- y in the !county of Huron, farmer, hors and others having claims ag sulat on ..net in G'oderieh, ther was ideal. and a large number Prior •to- the' e�rb,ction 'of the present ,decease'd. ainst the ;estate of the said G-.orge ' 'M TO ecativa Q oraaniit$ee wero ~present, maxis. -coming for quite building • a ilYi^skoka hakes Lake o€ Sa-s long �distauce: An open .air imeeatin a Preachinn seaviee was held Notice is 'hereby ;given pursuant to Jos nt, Nvho died on or about 2�pri1 1st y The Executive Cona•mittee reported was held and 'sevex<rl int zeatin. add in the old log school house and before Statutes in that hebalf that all ored 1915, are required on ox: before the C J. �1�7. KARN M. D. C. 1YI �r Georgian Day Algongtiin Park as follows:'deliveredr "nv g' that in :shanties. That Nuns when itors and others havingclaims a- 15th day of July tcl send by past pro- � .' `- French River Isawartha Lakes , . airesses vvex a b3 -Revs. W, there, were , a reit ninny more , r ' w•a •anetewan River :timaganai, et -2 Be application of J . H. Mci.(rnton G. ,H, Mc.Mister, John 1reah-, J. R. preacbin . aces Lan there a gainst -the estate of the --,aid Samuel paid or deliver to 112essrs. Gladman 425 RICHMOND 5T. LONDON `r fi for a grant to .11 or County t'oultry llolmes, W. Z2ttRnce, and C. W. Bal�ex. g, P� t e E . re to -d,* lhomsoir. who •di d on or about the utanburS, of the Pillage of rare- ONTARIO. and P' t Stock association. We re- , and iiRhen, tra,vell n.g preachers used c Round trip tourism tickets moss cry Some of the speakers told mesa3 in- to labor v 24th of:tlla3, 1J15, ar:r regnizi•�d' on °r ter. Solicitors for the Administrators 1 sPEciAGIST IN ,sale from certain stations in Ontario commend that no grant be made this tcresting xeminiscence-s in conn;ction ° .'district. Mans before thin 15th day of July, 1915, to of the said deceased, their Christian SURGERY AND ENITO-o'NINAR7P sa lour fares, vritkr liberal sto overs, year. with the •church and 1 ohanecs hale 'tai,Mn .pluce sinre that send b prepaid or de- and surnames, addresses and desert p• people,, 3 Post P- DISEASES OF AND WOMEN Re ?xiation of Messrs. Taylor and time• liver to Aressrs. Gladman & Stanbur tions, the full particulars of thew, y The Centralia, Qu xtette rendered J. Lobb, asking' for a grant of $1,000 to- excellent service and others who help At the time, of the opening lieu. Mr. of the Village of Exeter, Solicitors claims, 'the statement :of ['heir ac, k Muskoka Express wards providing field kitchen for the ed to ruakc th • gram a 0 hel '' Roberts was paistor, and according to for th-e Executors of the said, d•eceas, counts and the nature of tbie secur- DR G. r. ROULSTON, L,(D.S!., QRS' f" a e of the'. ted 1;e en:ent. Wereeom- ' program the best 'information av�ailabl'c Rev, ed, their ohristain and surnames ad, [eti•es, if an, held by tEem. And r k were VS illiam Mills, ,of �'4''oodha'm, s' DENTIST a � Leaves Toronto 10,15 a.m. daily, ex- mend that no gran.: for sraeli purpcse Charlie Paul and Jack Josc, of Kirk- air, Bunicley, conducted thoe idedicaLion dresses'and descriptions the full liar, further take notice that after said refit Sjmclays, for Muskoka Waif, be made owing to the fact that the ton and Cec{i Skinner. services. Some of the 'min{ste.rs wbo tioulars of their elaims the statew last+ mentioned date the said Admin- Honor Graduate of Toronto Untver.4- Huntsville, Algonquin Park and North &'3rd Regiment is practieally nil, being A baseball match bet�iti:r�i Centra- have labored on this :circr.it. but which ment of their accounts and the na, istxators will,proceed to dilstribute the eiR3. Office over Dickson '& •- Bot Connections are made at 14'tusko- merged in a military division, and we 'We do not prcta:iid aae,in corr: ct or- ture of the securities if any, held assets .of the deceased amongtbti= ar- ling's Law office. Closed Weddaes-- kaV,,7arf for Mmkoka Lakes and at�donotconsider itnecessary for prac- Ila and.Thvames Road reiaulte,:d in £a- der are J. C. .Peer, I3 ;, `Newco'mbe, by them, And further take notice ties •entitled ;thereto, bgvi • regard day afternoons. Phone O.ffioq 5&13 - Huntsville bf the fonmz r 8 to U. R,ey. Russell, J..Q'uanae, W. H. '''ene, that after such last mentioned date only to the; claims. of 'which they,;shall Residence 'Sb, Library -Buffet for ,aka of Bags. .Parlor. tied eve [Hiatus the stammer season, One very mndarkablo thing was the W..Penhall, Geo. Te3Vctt,.A0v. Co i e the said executors will roceed to then have notice :and that thip• Ad- _ :;libraay-Bu'�et cal' to Algonquin Park. arid even if necessary, °r useful, such 1�resc�nce of d inan5 of .those who p p ' - Parlo -Library Bufft'et car ar tl f est- commodit'ns sbould be supplied by the a land, :W> l:I•. Cooper,., R'e•P,.,. Wadi jh distribute the assets of tba deceased l;,tinistrators will. 'not ,be lita,ble, , for were. also bras.a `rt at the opeh)ng, - :,:)ase coacixes to North Iyay- Full par- Government, avitera the distribution , . _ •: Rev, .Pharr, li,ev,,'W'atsoni. T,:a. Stead- among the parties entitled thereto, said assehsor esus, part thereof, to any ,:GR, A. R. SINSMAN L)„17.x,5, D , There til ere about seventy and;.:cach. r tictalars and tickets on application to of the Dost vtould be more egdally mar and tare preseri.t paStax, G. A. having regard only 'to [tele claims of person or"persons- of whoue ola:ma ;ends. N. J. D�iRE, Agent, Exeter. ' ansae, was presented with a badge, "Che garxiaxd,. Honor Graduate of Toronto II t inen were. seated. an the: which' thea :41all then have zotioe notice shall not have been received. f platform' t ersity ) `r lmtrt�3i ' Fe ei_cular letter of R. W. Wade, _ 2n response to dile invrtat�on to at- and that, thte Executors will .sot be tis the(ni(at the times. of such di,stribu- l DENTIST ( i tl�tl iii -- Secretary of Winter Fair at Guelph, while the women occupied the front tend the Jubibae the'Clinton New Era liable for said assets or any part tion. seats.Teeth extracted without pabL Y in ]December next, We recommend of last week prints,Irocu+. comments "of thereof to any person or persons o't GLAD�IiAN &•STANBURY that no grant be made this year. The proaereds for the Sunday ;and J3ev, 11Iil. Weiveoinbe.. as fnliows "in whose olaims notice shall not have Solicitors of AAministratom any bad effects. Office over Bisii� p Monday amounted to over $260. g pian & Stanibury's OfficA gain Fal Be motion of Messrs, Thompson and - speaking to the 1t:ry Era Mlr: New- been received by them at the time of Dated at Exeter this 1'5th da3' of June Exeter, Ml:urrav for grant to a publle library Thera are Yrw of the real old pio- combe. stated `that owing ,to his ill such distribution. +� ers! neers of the. net hborho°d who are 1915. , I lral it at Bayfield. We recommend that no g health be would bb unable to a'tt'end, GLADMAN & STANBURY. t action at presdnt be taken as we un- living eto-day, the most ;of them bav- and was 'indeed, sorry, ala thrice of derstand that the library is mot yet inn passed +away ,to tha great 1}eyanil, his best years .rve,re piit• in: there. Solicitors for Executors. � i - W, BROWNING 14f I):, �, ib e`• established. and of those �tivho .are left Mrs. Tha:. True' he said W'the salars paid ,then Dated at Exeter this 15th'dA5 of,June Notice to Creditors ve P. B; Graduate Victoria 37ai lay Re judgment of the Count Court Pienavarden and Mrs. Wm. Jaques are was'onl 1915; 73*a W aver iTe Fence g y about the oldest :residents,. r 9400 ,but the oth•, r things _ , y v sit Office and residence Dom,iaojogj for aria: of $335 and costs to Police provided, to his household- made u fn. 'the. matter of the estate of The church 'has .under ane a num- , r „ [ o Thomas B. Mart g Labratory., Exeter-; Magistrate F. 13iolmested, of Seaforth, g for an sipal.}nes of salary. Rev, ,yup of• the Villa e ?^ below Mail ulactur= for office rent for the past five years- be of �itinprdve(mieaits for the occasion. Mr. N'e3vco be'.r.QeentlF celebrate•d'his of Exeter, I0bunt3 of Huron, g+en.tie- iAssoo)ate Coroner of Bur" 1196 The n erio .tip as re -painted and two To baLtbe the world in wankor;, tears, rman, thee-easic,d. _ 9 We recommend that the county solid, fits new doors ivlare added to the 82nd birtbdag, and despite ;his .frailty For whom the ;Canadians have zo Notice is hereby given pursuant to � � Prices, either itor' be instructed to appeal the case to and 'd'eafness 'hie still .•continues to IfearsZ .; a b p front. 'Bestirs these a handsome• new Statutes in that' behalf that all or' d- •D XCSSON & CARDING I the 3bipisional Cotirt, avor7 fon his _Master tri helping+ .the. ��{ organ was installed and opened on. the boor and attending, the. ,cb%r-qh cervi- The Germans. itors. and others leaving claims 'ag Barristers, '-SSolicitors Notaries e� Peeress or M0,q= Special lreix miiites Sunday. According to 31:r. Robt, Tay oes when at all ,able. liar. Newcombe Who is ' preparing the zc ainst the estate of the {said Thomas B. veyancenes Commiesioners, iaeliaittijjS� The special eommrittee re enforce- lor, who while comparatively ;young, regrets that he is ,unable ton go back . And Iso th� 'll g o Lon on lob 'llartsn, who !died on og about May for the Molsons Bank eto.. A AA1 anent of Canada Temperance Act re- is onie of the oldest imembers of the 3 y be ovle,r 10 London For 15th. 1915, 'are irequirn,d on or ,before Money to 'L' a t t ard” makes and see his. old friendrs at Zion circuit lunchE y o a a lowRI zetas st W o ported as follows: present can negation, avhaeavas at the but trusts that i they swill have lin en- We'll make miuge, meat o! rile sa 5th, rias• of. July tq send' by bast Pre- terestl , i , "� f Acting on the letter rrdceivheeg y tee opening, be nervier remem.rers of any nosable Jubilee and that the Ee paid or deliver .to. Messrs. Madman $ Warden from L: Sanders, C r good Huns_ t,�r.a, OFFICE—MAIN STREET, EXET bray at once nicht upon the ;congregation. This is work alreads acomplished. will go on �' 4 , & Stanbury of 'the Village of Eae= � � of the license department of Ontario, s vers '•worthy record, in tha �r The Gexinansi : I. Rti Carling B. Ah ia, Hp DiaitiraA� as these ,rices will not lae:, which outlines the dzaty of the County stints to tom• ter, Solicitors '.for the Execdtor very long. Council in regard to the Canada Tern- — ---- ----- VVhois nvatehing us hneak the Dard: of the said deceased, their christian G Wire Pence lac per Rod perance Act and enclosing the esti- for Court House We recommend the anelles rocks and surnames, parricides and descrip- MONEY, TO LOAX I .J I.,( :I;, ,l t i 7 5* « 250 •� mate as prepared by the Board of Li- That they m:ay: b•e rsu.re of a fete amore Pts quite a,,haxd Job, but awls Vial ftbt .tions, the full particulars or their same tad paid, digs, shirk, i ,K claims, the statement of their ac We ,have a large ambua3 of SIP S o: 28c ., cense Commissioners nasi endorsed by House of Refuge counts and the nature of tole Occur. ate fundis to loan on farm card` YIA* Hon, W,, J, Hanna, Provincial Seere- g The• Germans. Others ,are watching Jars IYL11 +as the iwtles, if any, held by them. And loge properties at lowest rape. l43 figla Lumbey and man tail, We recommend that thier esti- The House of RefugeCorn'mittee re Turk_ ,, mate be accepted by the council, commended that the tender of Fitz- Who inakes r:uch D'ffort.s to erose., tb�a Th�ec Germans, further take notice that after. said, keroct, ]!0,003 Cedar Posts on hand l'Ve also recommend that all county simmons for beef at 15 cents per, Yzei? last mentioned date the said . Exe G BADMAN & 6TANBURS i1A --also Anchor Posts. constables be, re. aired to do all %n pound ltd accepted.... .Rad' he know-�ivho••tvas++there' li '�ITlio is:nlhaid oS'the'"Alli s''' c4itpr: ivill proFeed to distribute the Barr' reran Solicitors,, '4 e,d a airtberr ia., p their power to assist the Inspectors in. That the tender eif`Leevp and Wbst,� `'bt'`e4" ft)0h! ~riser iron: they %ire spdrrss uhnil''` 1� "- ii mets of jAe.,deceased among the par- ' Kxeter.� Cedar and t� their enforcement of the Canada Terry= wood for a washgr and drier with,otlir' 'TIL!'trluch di'spiscd and brutal Kizer. game fair, `then � 9, : � :�' ttcs,.pntitIdd.ther•eto, having regard Let me •uaate Does nn love P equipment of 300 '4rd only',lo t�bie,cl'jims of ivbjeb he. shall — crane Act. er s w $ ! arta; , ' The Geirmav' , :. S" thd•'st{ll�a',iite' then r ev not ce and t ; r �++'i He �.e(e7tis to destrb prices on your te you require- She following ig. the estimate of the, accepted„ and that a -motor be purdh= 'r .#ar'•em? �;t, .A, hat the Said h MUM } i t >n License Comtoissioners of the cost of: ased to operate the sbasher'aL a cost of ,tt O? Po:,solis by order the �'ErFrcan Tho Ger Lxequtor �)iall! not be liable The USborae and tubber anenvs, whether large or crania _ 200 y.el{.� ( ;