HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1984-06-27, Page 177 ;co*N T '&, *moo" 127,10x34 ountry ASSIHED phone 524-5331 26. Help wonted 26. Help wonted JOB OPPORTUNITY We have an opening at our Goderich branch for a young person who Is anxious to learn the automotive and electrical parts distributing business. Must have neat appearance, excellent driving record, and be accustomed to physical activity. Interested applicants should apply in writing only by submitting a brief personal history to: IDEAL SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED 1045 Wallace Ave., N. ' Listowel, Ontario N4W 3H7 Attention: Mr. R. D. Smith Afternoon Shift Supervisor Required by Automotive Parts Manufacturer in the Exeter Area Past experience should include supervision of persons in a Union environment. Successful ap- plicant will be fully responsible for all produc- tion activities in themoulding, welding, ter- minating and cutting departments on the after- noon shift. Attractive starting salary and full benefits program offered to career oriented person. Send resume to Fleck Manufacturing Inc. Canada Ave., Huron Park, Ont NOM 1Y0 Attention: Mr. Max Learn 29. Tenders TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH APPLICATIONS will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m. on TUESDAY, JULY 3, 1984 for an employee for grader operator and general township work. Successful appli- cant will receive starting wage of $7.00 per hour for a 40-45 hour week. Wage rate will be reviewed after a 3 month probationary period, and will be increas- ed according to level of experience and ability displayed by employee. Applica- tions should be to wrltl!ng, stating age, marital status, previous employment, and experience. Mark envelope plainly "APPLICATION". For details on em- ployment requirements contact the Road Superintendent. No application necessar- ily accepted. GEORGE HUMPHREY, Road Superintendent, R. R. N 2, Lucknow. 30. Employment wanted DO YOU NEED'o babysitter' A reliable adult to look after your children. Days. evenings weekends. References if required. Coll 524 4481 -.25.26 MATURE RELIABLE babysitter required to cora for infant seven months old in my home starting Sept. 1 84. Hours ore 7-3.30 four days o week References please. Call Auburn 526-7296 offer 3 30 p. m. — 26-28x 31. Service directory J CHILDREN'S CLOTHING made to your specific°. tions. Excellent workmanship Also curtains placemats. choir cushions etc. Reasonable rates. Phone 524.7637 or 482.3312.-45tfnx FOR YOUR • Aluminum & Vinyl Siding • Replacement Windows • Insulation Needs —Contact — GODERICH INSULATION 524-6844 HOUSES BUILT BEFORE 1911 ARE NOW INCLUDEDINTIE CHIP PFI RAM 31. Service directory PIANO TUNING and repairs, used pianos bought and sold. Call Michael Lipnicki (Wingham) 357- 1049 3tf CUSTOM BALING of large round bates. Bill Robin- son, 529.7857. 24-27 ART'S LANDSCAPING NURSERY & GARDEN CENTRE 166 Bennett St. E. Goderich 324-2645 •SEEDING *SODDING *SHRUBS *TREES for Residential, Industrial, Commercial NOW IN STOCK Flower And Vegetable Seeds PAT'S DOG GROOMING AND BOARDING • Formerly Pat's Pet Shop of Exeter 1 mile West of Dashwood on Hwy 83 237-3779 IF YOUR HOME'S IN NEED OF REMODELLING OR RENOVATIONS... Then you're in need of our help. Experience and reasonable prices... WHEN IT COMES TO HOME IMPROVEMENT HELP YOU CAN RELY ON US! RonJuergens Port Albert 529-7377 JIM'S Renovations and Handyman Services NO JOE TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL CALL JIM CARRICK 524-4338 L.i R.ESHHORE CHIMNEY SWEEPING Are You Burning' Woad' Chis down, an Creosote ButicLup Have your chimney Cleaned Today CALL Harrold' Loeldy 5244231 31. Service directory SEALING ROOF & BASEMENT TARRING James Symes 524.93.71 Dauphin Roofing •ASPHALT DAR •S EL FREE ESTIMATES 5 l ear Warrant's R.R.N3 ' GODERICH 529-7083 ODD JOBS • Grass Cutting • Painting • Yard & House Cleaning & Repairs • Gardening If it needs repairing, GIVE USA CALL 524-7263 524-6936 CLIFFORD HUGILL All types of Backhoe Work 524-7170 mot( BRICK, BLOCK & • III ANGELSTONE CAM HOLLAND MASONRY FREE 527-1906 or 527-1012 ESTIMATES SEAFORTH 146 Elgin W. Goderich, Ont. ROBERT B. WOODALL LTD PLUMBING & HEATING GODERICH, ONT. Telephone Bus. 524-2833 PAINTING & WALLPAPERING Carpet. Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES Phone 524-4250 or 524-8892 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Authorized Appliance Service Centre for all • WHIRLPOOL • INGLIS • SPEED Q0E161 • ADMIRAL • SIMPLICITY • HOT1FOfNT Appliances HOFFMEYER PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. 55 Kingston St.Goderlch 31. Service rectory PAINTING &WALLPAPERING Galt Peter 5244774 GARDIN 'R'S DELIVERY USED FURNITURE& APPLIANCIS • bought a sold. - W• dellvir and owl,* anything'Igrge or small FREE ESTIMATES 524-2421 H.Ta DAEE` Septic Tank Service • Serving Goderich and area for 13 years Clinton PHONE 482-3320 Seaforth 527.0284 A & H CARPET CLEANING $4495 Any 2 rooms and hallway for CALL: A & H CARPET CLEANING - 524-7795 33. Farm services ATTENTION FARMERS' of on nickel in taxes more than your fair sh is .slogan at F.B.C. During the summer monf will be receiving your Notice of Assessment Nom Revenue Canada. If yours does not say "As Declared" you. need Farm Business Consultants assistance now! Serving farmers' needs 52 weeks of the year. Call toll free 1-800-265-1002.-0-26,27 34. Personal IS ALCOHOL a problem in your family? There is help for you. Call Al -Anon 524-6001 or write Box 53. Goderich, Ont. N7A 3Y5.-21tfnx MEET YOUR MATCH. For' all ages and unattach- ed. Thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances. Call toll free' 1-800-263- 9103. Hours: Noon to 8 p.m.—O-26 INVESTORS. If you invested 51,870.00 in Govern- irtent of Canada, 14 per cent Bearer Coupons on lie 8; 19134 -the G6Vernment bf Canada would redeem these in October 2006 at 535,000. In- terested call Ron Broderick, Welwyn, Stodgell, Cochran, Murray, Ltd. Call collect London 672- 5880.-24.27 35. Notice to creditors IN THE ESTATE OF LAWRENCE RANDOLPH CUNN- INGH'AM, late of the Township of Colborne in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 23rd day of February, 1984, ore required to file full par- ticulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 5th day of July,, 19,4; after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 5th day of June. 1984. E. 8. MENZIES, Q.C. Box 68, Clinton, Ontario Solicitor for the Executors. —24-26 36. Announcements, notices WHEELCHAIRS WALKERS The Humanitarian Service Committee of the Goderich Oddfallow and Rebekah Lodges have equipment for loan. Contact Amos Osbaldeston, 524-9623 or Fred Frtzley, 524-7217.--2eowx TOWN OF GODERICH Notice To Property Owners With ELM TREES On Their Property or Boulevards. Elm Trees within the Town have nizporlenc•d a severe dts-back with same trans losing 05% of their leaves. We would like to inform residents that this loss of loaves Is not Dutch lire Disease but a df• -back educed nsalnly by weakened conditions frons diseases and the hot dry weather of Inst summer. We have been assured by the Town's tree experts, Davey Tress. that these tress should corse back and should be as goad as ever next year. Do not cut down these tress due to this die -back. The trees should be watered heavily at least arcs i weak and fertilized. If you wish your tree inspected. please call the Town Hall at S24-0442 for an appointment. Kenneth C. Hunter. C.B.T. Commissioner of Works 38.. Auction sale CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of 100 acre farm, mobile home, complete line of farm equipment and household effects, will be held for JAMES CULBERT Lot 7, conc. 1 Ashfield`Township, 2 mi. N. of Carlow and 2 mi. W. of Nile first farm north. SATURDAY, JUNE 30,1984 11:00 a.m. sharp See last week's paper for complete list- ings. AUCTIONEER: Gordon. H. Brindley. 519-S29-7625 Richard Lobb Auctioneer CLINTON — 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR WED. EVE JUNE 27 - 6 PM: Three bedroom house and contents for Mrs. Margaret Moodie at 128 Princess St. W., Clinton, Ont. SAT. JUNE 30 AT 10 AM: Garage equipment, several metal lathes, punch press, vertical milling machine, horizontal milling machine, Universal grinder, Forge furnace heat treating and testing equipment, benches, cupboards, etc. 'for Huron Board of Education at Clinton High School. THURS. JULY 5 - 7:30 PM: Four bedroom home for Ida Close, 92 East William, Seaforth, Ont. FRI. JULY 6 - 10 AM: Self-propelled combine, 2 tractors, MF baler two years old, New Holland haybine; full line of equipment and ensilage; 7 Polled Hereford cows and calves; 7 yearly stockers; misc.: tools, etc. for Robert J. Smith, one-quarter mile west of Holmesville, Ont. on Cut Line,Rd. SAT. JULY 7 - 10 AM; Complete household contents for Mrs. Ida Close of Seaforth, Ont. at Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton, Ont. WED. JULY 18. 12:30 PM: 8th Annual Perth - Huron Harvest Sale of 47 purebred Jersey cows and heifers at the Clintoii Fairgrounds, Clinton, Ont, 38. Auction sale Harold Lamb AUCTIONEER 15 Years Experience 'Back In Business In Goderich' 524-7194 AUCTION SALE Of livestock, machinery and household Items will be held for John Rutherford Lot, 15, concession 10 West Wawanosh Township, 2 corners south of Lucknow then '/2 mile east of Belfast Saturday, July 7,1984 at 10:00 A.M. 35 crossbred heifers 500 - 600 lbs., sell by pound, weighed in Lucknow; AC 1938 WF tractor; Ford 8N tractor; 60 Cockshutt tractor .w/loader; AC model B tractor; WD tractor for parts; Case w/3 pt.h. tractor; AC model WF tractor; Allis B tractor for parts; 3, I.H. corn binders, running; 2 I.H. corn binders for parts; 5 corn cutters w/pipes; plows; discs; harrows; potato digger; I.H. 7' grain binder; weigh scales; 200 gal. gas tank; buzz saw; W.D. 45 loader and plow; W.D. 45 front end snow blower; chicken house; manure spreader; -land roller; remote ram cylinder; dual wheel flat bed trailer; PA h.p. air compressor; power washer as new; lawn boy riding mower with trailer; RX50 gas weed eater; electric fan; humidifier; comb. fan and heater; fishing and camping gear; ext. phone; out door lamp standard; wheel barrow; numerous articles. FOR INFORMATION PHONE 528-6744 TERMS CASH Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents BRIAN RINTOUL, AUCTIONEER oeta etk4a4 AUCTION SALE Of Educationally Related Items At F.E. MADILL SECONDARY SCHOOL GYMNASIUM Wingham, Ontario SATURDAY, JULY 7/84 - 10 am Consisting of: desks, riding lawn mowers, typewriters, ditto machines, etc. Preview: Saturday, July 7, 1984 from 8:30 a.m. to sale time. --Jack Alexander -- Auctioneer 357-1011 R.B. Alcan Mobile Lunch Terms -Cash Director of Education E. Frayne Chairman AUCTION SALE Combine, two tractors, farm machinery, feed, cattle, etc. to be held at Lot 26 Concession 11 Goderlch Township, 4 miles west of Clinton, Ont. on Highway No. 8 to Holmesville, Ont., turn left, go '/4 mile an Cut Line Road, FRIDAY, JULY 6 AT 10 A.M. COMBINE: Case 800 self propelled combine with Innes 7'/2 ft. grain pickup. TRACTORS: Case 930 Comfort King diesel tractor with cab, front end weights: sot of 98.4 x 34 dual wheels; Case 530 gas tractor with loader with hydraulic bucket era adlustablo rear wheels, hydraulic outlets 2431 HR. EQUIPMENT: Massey Ferguson 124 PTO baler, like new, 2 years old; New Holland 479 nine ft. haybine; New Idea 7 ft. trail PTO hay mower (late model); 18 ft. flat rack on 10 ton wagon with 11L x 15 tires; 18 ft. flat rack an 8 ton double reach wagon; Cockshutt 207 five bar side rake; Gehl FH84 forage harvester with hay pickup; Gehl FH84 forage harvester ,✓,Ith two row 32" narrow cern head; Gehl short trough forage blower and pipes; 2 - Gehl three beater forage boxes on wagons; 1 - Gehl two beater forage box on wagon, new conveyor belt for Gehl wagon; Glenco 16 ft. troll cultivator; White 14 ft. trail wheel disc; International 720 four furrow x 16" bottom toggle trip semi rnoune plow; Westfield 16 ft. pony harrow; Geo. White 200 gal. aluminum tank trail prayer with 27 ft. boom; Lucknow 7'/2 ft. heavy duty doable auger snowblower with hydraulic hood turner; Smoker 30 ft. hay & grain elevator with 1 HP electric motor; 1543. six Inch auger with undercarriage and electric motor; New idea 325 two row narrow corn picker with 12 row husking bed; two gravity bins on wagons: John Deere 34 PTO manure spreader; 2 - 11 ft. land packers; Ofd 9 ft. INC trail cultivator; INC three furrow ace bottom plow; John Deere 13'/2 ft. rotary hoe: Old Minneapolis belt drive corn crib 'holler; MF post hole digger; Bell 3250 threshing machine with straw cutter, grain thrower, all belts, on steel; Easy spread grass seeder; Surge vacuum purnp & motor, two Surge buckets & straps; GSW 3 HP water pump, one year old; Van Dale 13 ft. silo unloader, NO MOTOR; 6 ft. 3 pt. hitch blade. CATTLE: 6 young Polled Hereford cows with newborn calves at side: 1 Polled Hereford caw due In two months; roan cow with calf at side; Charolais sow bred one month; Black cow with calf at side; Yearling Polled Hereford bull: 7 yearling stockers approx. 4003o 500 lbs. FEED: Approx. 1000 bales of one year old hay: Approx. t ft. of corn silage In 13 ft. silo. TOOLS & MISC. NU Way 5/8 floor model drill press with motor; 25 ft. endless drive belt; new barb wire; 12 boxes Eslok baler twine; approx. 50 steel posts: quantity of cedar posts; sever9l rolls of page wire; 2 ton chain fall: Snap On tool box: Beatty bench press; antique wooden planes; 2 sausage presses: Beatty water well pump; cast Iran kettle; feed carts; buzz saw blades; Burdizzo cattle dehornor; Sunbeam cattle clipper; 2 - 16 ft. steel gates; 2 • 10 ft, steel gates plus n wagon load of misc.'terns. LAND RENTED - TERMS CASH - LUNCH BOOTH Auctioneer: Richard Lobb 482-7898 OWNER: R r BERT J. SMITH (519) 482-3340 WNER OR AUCTIONEER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ACCIDENTS DAY OF SALE SID BAU INSMA . . Excavating Ltd. CONCRETE FORMING and FINISHING Walls • Floors • Concrete Driveways Backhoe -Trucking Bulldozing -Drains and Septic Systems Suppliers of •Gravel•Sand•Stone• •Topsoil. 524-8668-7-- R.R. Nos 2 Goderich DISC JOCKEY 7 STEVENS I COUNTRY GOLD ROCK'N ROLL Good recorded musk for weddings, dances. anniversaries, parties. etc. PHONE BRUSSELS EVENINGS 887-6159 JERRY RIVETT Bookkeeping Service 345 Huron Rd. 524-6931 All bookkeeping functions including: Payroll Ledger Controls Financial Statements Tax Preparation All or In Part PAINTING & WALLPAPERING Carpet. Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES Phone 524-4250 or 524-8892 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Authorized Appliance Service Centre for all • WHIRLPOOL • INGLIS • SPEED Q0E161 • ADMIRAL • SIMPLICITY • HOT1FOfNT Appliances HOFFMEYER PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. 55 Kingston St.Goderlch 31. Service rectory PAINTING &WALLPAPERING Galt Peter 5244774 GARDIN 'R'S DELIVERY USED FURNITURE& APPLIANCIS • bought a sold. - W• dellvir and owl,* anything'Igrge or small FREE ESTIMATES 524-2421 H.Ta DAEE` Septic Tank Service • Serving Goderich and area for 13 years Clinton PHONE 482-3320 Seaforth 527.0284 A & H CARPET CLEANING $4495 Any 2 rooms and hallway for CALL: A & H CARPET CLEANING - 524-7795 33. Farm services ATTENTION FARMERS' of on nickel in taxes more than your fair sh is .slogan at F.B.C. During the summer monf will be receiving your Notice of Assessment Nom Revenue Canada. If yours does not say "As Declared" you. need Farm Business Consultants assistance now! Serving farmers' needs 52 weeks of the year. Call toll free 1-800-265-1002.-0-26,27 34. Personal IS ALCOHOL a problem in your family? There is help for you. Call Al -Anon 524-6001 or write Box 53. Goderich, Ont. N7A 3Y5.-21tfnx MEET YOUR MATCH. For' all ages and unattach- ed. Thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances. Call toll free' 1-800-263- 9103. Hours: Noon to 8 p.m.—O-26 INVESTORS. If you invested 51,870.00 in Govern- irtent of Canada, 14 per cent Bearer Coupons on lie 8; 19134 -the G6Vernment bf Canada would redeem these in October 2006 at 535,000. In- terested call Ron Broderick, Welwyn, Stodgell, Cochran, Murray, Ltd. Call collect London 672- 5880.-24.27 35. Notice to creditors IN THE ESTATE OF LAWRENCE RANDOLPH CUNN- INGH'AM, late of the Township of Colborne in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 23rd day of February, 1984, ore required to file full par- ticulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 5th day of July,, 19,4; after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 5th day of June. 1984. E. 8. MENZIES, Q.C. Box 68, Clinton, Ontario Solicitor for the Executors. —24-26 36. Announcements, notices WHEELCHAIRS WALKERS The Humanitarian Service Committee of the Goderich Oddfallow and Rebekah Lodges have equipment for loan. Contact Amos Osbaldeston, 524-9623 or Fred Frtzley, 524-7217.--2eowx TOWN OF GODERICH Notice To Property Owners With ELM TREES On Their Property or Boulevards. Elm Trees within the Town have nizporlenc•d a severe dts-back with same trans losing 05% of their leaves. We would like to inform residents that this loss of loaves Is not Dutch lire Disease but a df• -back educed nsalnly by weakened conditions frons diseases and the hot dry weather of Inst summer. We have been assured by the Town's tree experts, Davey Tress. that these tress should corse back and should be as goad as ever next year. Do not cut down these tress due to this die -back. The trees should be watered heavily at least arcs i weak and fertilized. If you wish your tree inspected. please call the Town Hall at S24-0442 for an appointment. Kenneth C. Hunter. C.B.T. Commissioner of Works 38.. Auction sale CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of 100 acre farm, mobile home, complete line of farm equipment and household effects, will be held for JAMES CULBERT Lot 7, conc. 1 Ashfield`Township, 2 mi. N. of Carlow and 2 mi. W. of Nile first farm north. SATURDAY, JUNE 30,1984 11:00 a.m. sharp See last week's paper for complete list- ings. AUCTIONEER: Gordon. H. Brindley. 519-S29-7625 Richard Lobb Auctioneer CLINTON — 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR WED. EVE JUNE 27 - 6 PM: Three bedroom house and contents for Mrs. Margaret Moodie at 128 Princess St. W., Clinton, Ont. SAT. JUNE 30 AT 10 AM: Garage equipment, several metal lathes, punch press, vertical milling machine, horizontal milling machine, Universal grinder, Forge furnace heat treating and testing equipment, benches, cupboards, etc. 'for Huron Board of Education at Clinton High School. THURS. JULY 5 - 7:30 PM: Four bedroom home for Ida Close, 92 East William, Seaforth, Ont. FRI. JULY 6 - 10 AM: Self-propelled combine, 2 tractors, MF baler two years old, New Holland haybine; full line of equipment and ensilage; 7 Polled Hereford cows and calves; 7 yearly stockers; misc.: tools, etc. for Robert J. Smith, one-quarter mile west of Holmesville, Ont. on Cut Line,Rd. SAT. JULY 7 - 10 AM; Complete household contents for Mrs. Ida Close of Seaforth, Ont. at Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton, Ont. WED. JULY 18. 12:30 PM: 8th Annual Perth - Huron Harvest Sale of 47 purebred Jersey cows and heifers at the Clintoii Fairgrounds, Clinton, Ont, 38. Auction sale Harold Lamb AUCTIONEER 15 Years Experience 'Back In Business In Goderich' 524-7194 AUCTION SALE Of livestock, machinery and household Items will be held for John Rutherford Lot, 15, concession 10 West Wawanosh Township, 2 corners south of Lucknow then '/2 mile east of Belfast Saturday, July 7,1984 at 10:00 A.M. 35 crossbred heifers 500 - 600 lbs., sell by pound, weighed in Lucknow; AC 1938 WF tractor; Ford 8N tractor; 60 Cockshutt tractor .w/loader; AC model B tractor; WD tractor for parts; Case w/3 pt.h. tractor; AC model WF tractor; Allis B tractor for parts; 3, I.H. corn binders, running; 2 I.H. corn binders for parts; 5 corn cutters w/pipes; plows; discs; harrows; potato digger; I.H. 7' grain binder; weigh scales; 200 gal. gas tank; buzz saw; W.D. 45 loader and plow; W.D. 45 front end snow blower; chicken house; manure spreader; -land roller; remote ram cylinder; dual wheel flat bed trailer; PA h.p. air compressor; power washer as new; lawn boy riding mower with trailer; RX50 gas weed eater; electric fan; humidifier; comb. fan and heater; fishing and camping gear; ext. phone; out door lamp standard; wheel barrow; numerous articles. FOR INFORMATION PHONE 528-6744 TERMS CASH Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents BRIAN RINTOUL, AUCTIONEER oeta etk4a4 AUCTION SALE Of Educationally Related Items At F.E. MADILL SECONDARY SCHOOL GYMNASIUM Wingham, Ontario SATURDAY, JULY 7/84 - 10 am Consisting of: desks, riding lawn mowers, typewriters, ditto machines, etc. Preview: Saturday, July 7, 1984 from 8:30 a.m. to sale time. --Jack Alexander -- Auctioneer 357-1011 R.B. Alcan Mobile Lunch Terms -Cash Director of Education E. Frayne Chairman AUCTION SALE Combine, two tractors, farm machinery, feed, cattle, etc. to be held at Lot 26 Concession 11 Goderlch Township, 4 miles west of Clinton, Ont. on Highway No. 8 to Holmesville, Ont., turn left, go '/4 mile an Cut Line Road, FRIDAY, JULY 6 AT 10 A.M. COMBINE: Case 800 self propelled combine with Innes 7'/2 ft. grain pickup. TRACTORS: Case 930 Comfort King diesel tractor with cab, front end weights: sot of 98.4 x 34 dual wheels; Case 530 gas tractor with loader with hydraulic bucket era adlustablo rear wheels, hydraulic outlets 2431 HR. EQUIPMENT: Massey Ferguson 124 PTO baler, like new, 2 years old; New Holland 479 nine ft. haybine; New Idea 7 ft. trail PTO hay mower (late model); 18 ft. flat rack on 10 ton wagon with 11L x 15 tires; 18 ft. flat rack an 8 ton double reach wagon; Cockshutt 207 five bar side rake; Gehl FH84 forage harvester with hay pickup; Gehl FH84 forage harvester ,✓,Ith two row 32" narrow cern head; Gehl short trough forage blower and pipes; 2 - Gehl three beater forage boxes on wagons; 1 - Gehl two beater forage box on wagon, new conveyor belt for Gehl wagon; Glenco 16 ft. troll cultivator; White 14 ft. trail wheel disc; International 720 four furrow x 16" bottom toggle trip semi rnoune plow; Westfield 16 ft. pony harrow; Geo. White 200 gal. aluminum tank trail prayer with 27 ft. boom; Lucknow 7'/2 ft. heavy duty doable auger snowblower with hydraulic hood turner; Smoker 30 ft. hay & grain elevator with 1 HP electric motor; 1543. six Inch auger with undercarriage and electric motor; New idea 325 two row narrow corn picker with 12 row husking bed; two gravity bins on wagons: John Deere 34 PTO manure spreader; 2 - 11 ft. land packers; Ofd 9 ft. INC trail cultivator; INC three furrow ace bottom plow; John Deere 13'/2 ft. rotary hoe: Old Minneapolis belt drive corn crib 'holler; MF post hole digger; Bell 3250 threshing machine with straw cutter, grain thrower, all belts, on steel; Easy spread grass seeder; Surge vacuum purnp & motor, two Surge buckets & straps; GSW 3 HP water pump, one year old; Van Dale 13 ft. silo unloader, NO MOTOR; 6 ft. 3 pt. hitch blade. CATTLE: 6 young Polled Hereford cows with newborn calves at side: 1 Polled Hereford caw due In two months; roan cow with calf at side; Charolais sow bred one month; Black cow with calf at side; Yearling Polled Hereford bull: 7 yearling stockers approx. 4003o 500 lbs. FEED: Approx. 1000 bales of one year old hay: Approx. t ft. of corn silage In 13 ft. silo. TOOLS & MISC. NU Way 5/8 floor model drill press with motor; 25 ft. endless drive belt; new barb wire; 12 boxes Eslok baler twine; approx. 50 steel posts: quantity of cedar posts; sever9l rolls of page wire; 2 ton chain fall: Snap On tool box: Beatty bench press; antique wooden planes; 2 sausage presses: Beatty water well pump; cast Iran kettle; feed carts; buzz saw blades; Burdizzo cattle dehornor; Sunbeam cattle clipper; 2 - 16 ft. steel gates; 2 • 10 ft, steel gates plus n wagon load of misc.'terns. LAND RENTED - TERMS CASH - LUNCH BOOTH Auctioneer: Richard Lobb 482-7898 OWNER: R r BERT J. SMITH (519) 482-3340 WNER OR AUCTIONEER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ACCIDENTS DAY OF SALE