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Exeter Times, 1915-6-17, Page 1
Vie. • An; "r 4RT''-SECO3iD YEAR—No 2214 EXETER, ONT,, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 2.7tb, 1915 PHONE 92 JONES AND MAY PHONE 32 I1EN'S AND BOY'S CLOTH IN(i Our Buyer er has just returned from a big purchasing trip of Men's slid Boy's Suits and Odd Tarots, Most people are aware that the prices of Woolens are going up more than any- thing else, and in order to protect our customers and ourselves we have made.. ONE GIGANTIC BUY For the reason that we do not know when we will be able to make another on account of theconditions of the Old County markets. Our assortment includes Menblacks, greys, browns, S SuitsEvery Garment all wool, and iHeft ycn all the best colin- ors,stripes, viz cs 0. These Suits are all Sovereign Brand and Bench -made We can fit tall men, short men, stout men or thin men, and give them Suits at the Old Prices. 300 - Boys Suits - 300 En all the latest shades, and at a very low cost to you. Gets your Boys Summer or Fall Sults now, while prices are rinht. 00 Pairs MENS ODD PANTS, Good English Worsteds, Selling at 2.00 to $3 00 per pair MENS SCOTCH RAIN- COATS We still have on hand, a full assortment of the famous Ar- thur's Brand• in. , all sizes, a coat --we guarantee to keep out the rain. MEN'S FELTS AND. STRAINS 11111 ASK to see our new ship— ment of Men's Soft Felt Hats, just opened up this week. Also big assortment of Straw Sailors and Panamas. • JONES AND MAY 1 O'C E DAR MOPS Makes it easy to clean and gathers all dust from those -hard to get at places, 75o, $1. $1.25, and $2.50 O -CEDAR OIL Used for• cleapin and polishing all g � g p.inted, varnished and finished wood- work, 25o and 50c. 'We do Tinsmithing and Plumbing Estimates furnished on all kinds of tin work and plumbing. gasolene Coal oil ISc 15c Special low prices in bbls or drums %err • -11/17- C�x,nm,u, nmmmn,nummuue edar Peash THC Varnish •Fooa4 E A "teff 4.,inW. news c r mr,r . 2, iP g€ F! P ANNla Ct120( (0.1 E PHONE Heanian's Hardware 27 A and Stove Store PHONE ?7 E • '' MORS' FORECAST,3 ie a r Th., Second xi r I'>reactionar3 Storm i.Perriont is.ccs trai on thb 13th, ZOth . tact! Zlet ' Tln,i I11oon is on the celestial •{rotator 0E4. en .'feast iluaarter ox the ,t0r,,x, and Citi. Earth is eve its turning ;,point in its orbit on, the 21st. Afan3 rkleetre aI storms, with increase of .reit.fati. will pasts (eastward* over the noitntrc• on andtouching the 19th, «Oth and 2tst, Very warm, humid we,- atbee or. orad thorn, th; 20th.and '21st, .,shocIrd be r ni;a•reicer sus danger signals, 'bio not -forget. than the danger of .torn;- ..6adires is Over, when ,your bartimetwat „ei}n;ukee, tt de:001utO ;$lees Land what the Winds shift strong and ;cool' into) the 'wrest. Do not forget, ailso that ou should nlever 'take refuge, 'tender3 a tree, or other siinnOar Place, in a J(ulnk thunder ,storm. Do knot run into barns axed. stables at such times. Your own house if possible, with doors and windows ceased—away ifiriom chimneys and ketovres—,with dr0r floors ,under )'ou -is the bust plac`te, "They Sale of -Liquor Act" the offi.. Bial title of the texnper-a:.ce policy or fhe Scott Gowerentent rn Eaakatohe- _ ar w' . lauvanceu a Tease•, on June t►tb w her The bilI pa1sr ted,its seeolnd (Made ,erg Wine! A trot; nil, Alf .tc1 1'ic 1 (''A jeers succelssful garden party was, held at Thames Road on Tie -Ades, evening. It was a lovel3 Sdght and Ithere was a large attendance present clue interesting .part of the program was the football match between Elim - villa and tthe 'Thames Road- when the former won out 3--0 in a clean, 14te11- contested game. The Ja;nteis street orchestra provided {some excellent selectioren The (following items appeared in the Kippers news torthe Expositor. "Mrs. Willti,am Cudmorie, ofi.Frr, ter, is viislt- ing• with her daughters here—Air. and Mrs. McDonald, on .Saturday last, at- tended ea china rvic,dding at Air. John Cann's in Exeter.=lfrs. John Dan -- /roan is spefdi,ng an•';enjoyable holiday with' friends in Exeter peed tsborne. Mrs: lDaenaan is among the, good. old ladies who deserve a holild'as. Mr. R. 43' H•ays, barrister, or' Bean forth, has entered suit against the townships of a3ay and Usborne to ;reg, cover damages for ,pelrtson'a1 injury and for injurs',to her horse and buggg'1r'ir Ireason: of the negligence of the Said c townships nn failing to keep the Limn a I don road in repair and properly guar- u In The Interest of I Knox College Exeter Council Saturday, June 5th Bev. ,� . C. ALGregor, regor, B. A., pastor i A special meeting of the counei of St. Andrew's :i'xa in terian church called be the reeve, was held'. in th Loudon, r on rcouncil nCll e 7 : p i tichamber 6 i 'f+F1Fen _Presley-ra�sb$- to helix .and. diseas's terian a the e lest l�r,iid2y' morning in report as received from the �isdro the interests of the new Knox Col hilectric Commission. -After +c'zplanxa» lege building, ,Toronto, took as his tion by the reeve and councillor !ha- texti, 'hXark 3, 14; ' Awl he ordainietd , vers. „the following motion was 'made. twelve, that' they should be with him, 'per .l3eavaers, seconded ,,by Rouli+ton, and that he might sen'dr theins forth that the Re,'eve go to Toronto at once to preach. an Iia Lave d v an • interview ew wxth the .lZ -- The unsurpassed q ' dao Commission and that 'a retessa c opportunity tho be forwarded g twelve 'had for training in a three, -asking for an interview year course under the Teacher of on Tuesday morning, June $th. teachers—the greatest of all proles- eore, was amplified and illuminated, ' To -day the need for preaching the t Thursday, June 10th gospel es as great as ever. Every where problems were in evidence that A special meeting of he council as the Church alone .can soiree called by the Reeve to hear his report 'Home emissions were da - after salt with un an interview with the Hydro (1 der three. concepts, "The Frontier Be- 1 3e- Electric Commission. The 1.1:ceve, (141x: fore"; "The Frostier Behind'—a para . Ta$1or7 gave n very full report a.. I do rieal index borrowed from Profes to the pians of the commission as out - 1 sor Grahetn Talyor, of the Chicago lined by them. Commons Settlement—and "The S''ron- The report was adopted and an al - tier .at our doorstep." The first was Iowance of 419 made to the Reeve for his tune and expen'ser on motion of Beavers seconded be Marton. Per 13frds seconded, by Beavers that a Hydro Electric 'By-law for twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00) for a term of twenty-five years to bear interest at -five per cent per' annum be prepared and submitted no the ratepayers of the Municipality Tat as early a date as possible. That tbe Deputy.' Returning officers and poll clerks to .ba ream ed; as the by-law is being prepared. --Carried. Referred, to Water, Fire and Light committee with power. ssaciation, per G. Lowell, extol*, lIamilton,, 10,00 ; Jna. Notre, labo 13.00; !Rd. ?Deeds teaming 10.,)0; Geo orized to nxeet the Beene of r with power to settle or d>f • Orange, labor, 12.00;; Ed. Coombs do and orders iosucd in l t they think a.visable, defen, l 200; Fred Batter, do,, 5.20; Jas Packard 0.133; 'David llusseli, Sr., ,do. e 4.38; Thos. C`rW c 25.`95 "; B'. r01Xallett labor r3.,G0; eet watering U0; d 1•Iei deman, labor, 1.00; 0, Gillies e Soo, i teaming 2.00; Jonathan E'sdd, labor, 0.00; Thos, Mena. do., 3.00; 'Waiter 1 Westcott. do,,. 2.25: William Creech, I labor 5.00; Thos. $Moulden, teaming and um ' p in p wator, g 0.50; • John Run- ! I j kin. labor 13.20; Gordon Ford, labor ,50 g J'no. Redd, labor, 10.50p Harvey Bros., teaming, 2.00; J'no,, Wt Taylor, !expenses and time to Toronto, ;1'5.00 ; amounting inip.11 to ;"555.92. Adjournment be Beavers, 3. Senior, Acting clerk. ____—...n______. Usboine Council as: A, number of accounts were penae Council adjourned to.meet at se]eool ' house, on,. � Zion, of onSaturday; � Jun . er f Jtln ato'clock, a k, '. ,Morley:' Clerla, defxned as the home missions stretch- ing from sea to nee, in the; $mountains, ori the plains, at the seacoast, among the miners., the farmers of the prairie the fishermen and the lumbee ,caniip folk, an ever $extending constituency .as immigrants pour en and4 rajroads are constructed.. "The Frontier Behind." is where the Church retreats before the horde that is pouring .into . the downtown sec- tions. Once the_, churches were self-{ supporting but new' have to be ins- tained o.n ecouut of the moving out of the Canadian and the. moving in of the foreigner. "The, frontier at our door" is thb local work ring around every church. The comple -its of anud.:rn civilization is conoentrating population more and more in large centres and the local church problem is being influenced thereby, Rev. Mr. 11IcGregor's sermons abound in striking epigrams. "Civil - Prides, June llth The, Court of :Revision to' hear and determine the appeals as filed, against the assessment roll for 1915 was held in the •council chambr. lfxknbers present were . Reeve Taylor, ;Council- lors Beavers and Roulston. :nation, bas conquered the. wcrld but ,Per Beavers secouded be Roniston civilization has failed to redeem th. I that courthe � ve act es chairman, for the of revision. The following appeals were Head and considered; 'W. S. Bradt against business assess- ale;t, struck off, being an employee. k'lock ti flock for the estate of J, W. Brcderie,k, represented ,be L, 11. Dickson, appealed to have, the assess- ment lowered. Not granted, the ass- essment being sustained. Mrs. Ella .Love ;.ipp;:alcd to have business assessment struck off. Not granted, the neseasment being sus twin _d. Geo, H. 1%°indsor appealed against the assessment of a dog. Allowed to be struck off the:.roll. Thi>re being no further appeals the assessment roll as amended be ac- cepted and the Court of Revision clos- ed on motion of 13eavers seconded? by Rouls ton. world," was one, and ` To give: scion tific knowledge to than: who ere do- minated. be- brute iustinct,s alone is but to give greater ,power to evil" was another. The Scientific. training of the ,Germans and tbuii condudt of the present' war was eui illustration much to ,the point. "We need to christianize- our civilization" the speaker ,declared, `and while :tate legislation and- school education could do much _neither could do thick Church's `wolzr..of salvation. • If civ= ilization were all that Were tne•ces!�ars to redearn society 'r would, not have the social corruption we have today. if3ealthe lift throws off corruption. The Tamils is ,the unit! of society and if family lite is not pure the nodal structure collapses, and family life cannot be kept pure without paren- tal religious instruct:on. Mand yet, how remiss are numberless parents in the discharge of thisplain duty. As for political life ere hang our heads en shame es we look on. 'But such cor- ruption could not exist unless pub- lic opinion allowed ie. It all tames back to the demos themselves." Dealing in particular •with the sce- ia1 questious. of the da, -i; it was impos- sible for •Mr. McGregor to avoid ref- erence to the all -absorbing topic of th'e liquor traffic. Pertinently he inquired:: 'Why .does the liquor( traf- fic. without one valid reason for exiu- tance, continue in our midst? Lloyd George' ;declares that it is more for- midable that: Aus:xi_In-or German. It destroys all true patriotism. It is de- termined to ,makte gain out of the weakness and .appetites of mien even when the ;Welfare of the Empire tis at stake. The time hal; come when no roan can call himself a patriot who in. an .way gives hii.i aed to destroy life and render amen unfit to defend their country. Every true citizen must regard as on enemy of the state the, ,man who brsists on the •continu ante of a traftic which science, laud commerce condemns ,and . which hal been outlaw? d in the leueeias, ;and. in a large measure, iri France. The one discouraging thing in the 'pr e sent outlook on the traffic is t•he ` failuratof Great ' Lritairi ,to iface her greatest foe." Our intricate social problems can only be solved by the applied princi- ples of ,the Gospel. 'With the iu- ree.sing immigration that will come fter the war the Church will be tax- ed tot.b. utmost and will be called pon to make greater sacrificeii than she Inas ev'cr dreamed of, to maintain our highest national ideals and tin. our land for the kingdom. I'tore .men will be needed. nod. our colleges muss: put into the best position to; equip ese 'turen for the great work to hich they arc called. -I dad. 'A fecv weeks ago Mr . Davis anal be son were, ,returning afrom viis!t•L erg tfr•iends at Exeter north and when near Rensall the ,hoxtse .took 'fright et a pa,siein,g e.uto,throwing the ,occupants out, and smashing ,the twig somewhat. ;th w SPEND YOUR DOMINION DAY AT SEAFORTH AND ATTEND THE 16th ANNUAL MEETING OF T11I Seaforth Turf Club One of the Best Race Meets in Ont,, all the Best Horses $2100 in ur COME TO C4th On July 1 and 2 Band In Attendance etnrederick, Sec. w,ttovenloclr, i+roo, , Iiiox College has a strategic;, posi- tion, being situated in, a efts which is the centre of one-third of the rinse beteriaris in Canada. It is, moreov fr, at the heart of a greet university centre. It Is in dirlect touch with men who are being trained' to • b the leaders in aver department of national life, .it must be maintained at the highest point of •'ettic;encs. The congregations are being asked, to contribute ,$450,000 for site and; the building g which has been erected. ,. 4 225,OOU has been Subscribed ley the Toronto congregations; 175,000' be eongrcgations outside of Toronto. An effort is being Ornade to raise an; hd- ditional $75,000 to provide foir the; h to e and the inevitable s or g >,hrinlc'agYa in. subscriptions, The annual 'meeting of ;ifuron,DisL- riot Lodge, L 0. Oe E. was held 'in Clinton last Ix ids5 afternoon, tllaxx y Scott. of Seaforth, was e1..oted d.iatrict dclntt:y grand master ,and e1r'W.'lob• itsno, of B13`,th, Was re-elected district deputy grand :sec tetairy-tr•ed6are>re The council met alter the close of the Court of Revision. Absent Coun- eillor Herron. The minutes of meet- ings held May 28th, June 5th and June 10th were read and approved. The Reeve brought before the coun- cil notice regarding the sickness of the ,clerk, lL'r, T. B. Carling avid ask- ed. that he might ba given leave of absence Lor a time and that a resolu- tion be made ,appointing a substitute. i Per Beavers and Hind that leave of absence be granted to the clerk un- til the first of September. 1nr leoulston seconded be 13eavcxle that the following resolution is; here - b3 made. That whereas a lease of absence having been granted the clerk Aar. T. l3..Oarr;ing, Mr. Jos Senior, be III and is hereb3 appointed to act as r clerk and .treasurer with power to sign all ;municipal papers including Debenture forms now being or may be prepared. money orders ox "cheq- ues as are usually issued by the muni- cipality and do all other duties as im- posed "on the cllerk and, treasurer by Municipal by-laws.—car:ri:ed The following •comnrnnieattons were read., Frain Gladman. & 'Madman, To• ronto, offering services as architect Ordered filed. From the ;Cast Steol Co., Chicago, regarding steel poles for uo'c ixi Elec- tric light si stem. Ordered filed. From the Waterloo Mutual Fire ins: Co, giving notice re premium. falling due ou Exeter Canning and Preserv- ing Co. plant. The Clerk was ordered ed to investigate and get a report of all insurance carried be the com- pany. Frons the Prov. Ass'n of Fire Chiefs, regarding convention to be held at the city of Ottawa, asking that the Lire chief be sent as a -delegate. Or- dered iiled, From the landro electro Railway Association with an invitation for the municipality to jo;,n the association acid help further electric railways, an- nual fee being n10.00 L'er "Beavers seconded by Hind, that this fee be paid for -mi,tnbersbip ire the Xly dna Electric Railway Associatiozr. roes the la dro Electric •,Railway Associatiou with an invitation to at- tend, the opening of the London and 1 ort Stanley Electric ,railway about the end of June, filed. The follor.ii:g accounts were read and ordered paid en motion of ,hind and 1oiilston; John lford, Ilt salary, csemeliere, 37,50; C. 13. Carling, pt, salary, 413.33 ; 'W. 3. 13issictt, pt. sal- ar3 43.75 ; 1, G. Deer, assessor end prepnrirrg truant officer book 70,,00; A. ;C}e Dyer, postage, 1.G0;, 3, Senior. postage. 5.00 ; Eleetrie Light and Pow- er Co., Library lighting for April 1.99; do., for Mai, nee: do, for St, lighting 121.83; towne hall 3.60; • O. Seager, Gaalt 'ri.. dc. attending court ` t a: liquor r case, 10.00; Jno. Venn 1, Berlina, water works. 15.65; S. Tritton, wrictl t u ateh 8,00; Exeter Three, printing ttecourit to June 28,00; t 1 , lro B lectrie 11ailww'ly The 'Council Met 'at Township Hall June Sth, as a Court of Revision +.of the Assessment Roll. All the 'mem- bers were .present.. As there :were no appeals and coO apparent omissions or errors the Roll was ,a.dopted tend the Court closed. The report of the engineer, re open drain' laranch ``fie, Brock t:,rreektdrain was read but was not favorably tae- ceived. The feral consideration of the report was postponed: A special meeting of the council will be held for the purpose on June leth at 5 o'clock at school !houlse, Zion. By-law No. 4, authorizing the trans- fer of franchise and privilege% grant- ed to the St. Mares, RLrkten and Ere - ter Telephone Co., was rad and pass- ed. The claim' of firs. Davis. of Seaforth was considered ;and the Reeve: auth- ?L'l�iti;'rl llrT11QII2>r 2' apse• Lane" the reisidextce, of llfr,; and ZLrs, Thom T•Cun7if n, 8th conoeifi,» lion; of L''sborne, was the ecoaer of a pretty wedding Mon Wednesday, June• 9th. when their daughter 'Myrtle J,„, was melted. in marriage to Ifr. Robert G. Duncan. , The bride entered the. parlor on the arm of her father while the wedding march wasbeing played' Miss 3 Elsie Parsons, of A?osiroe,; The .ca,r'emans was performed, by 'Dz. Fletcher, under an arch of evergreen(: and maple leaves in the poen-me-0 of about Hint, guests.. The bride was dressed in a prett3 wedding 'gow . of White santore, trimmed. with lace,. pearls and satin ribbon. ,She, :carried( a bridal bouquet of flowers. The wedding was at' four o'clook and rafter. congratulations had been, extended thei !guests sat down, .to ai bountnions' wedding ,repast. The groom's, gift rto the bride was, a handsome pearl ores cent broach. The s'oung couple were the recipients of mane beautiful ;axed costle wedding presents which testify: to the high esteem in which both( bride and groom• are held. The + ven- iecg was spent ,in amusements. Guests were present from 'Stratford, St. Marys and Exeter. ISIr., and t !11iIr6: Duncan have taken! up their residence ono the groom's fine farm; int Eibbiente The best *wishes for future happiness and prosperity go eveth them TBE EXETER BARGAIN STORE A Shipment of Traveler's Samples Including Hosiery, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Towels, Collars, • Braces, etc., to be sold at a special discount. Plain Lawn Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, .at 10 for 25 Cents 18 Princess Slips at Otte -Third off regular price Men's Four -In= Hand Tice egular 25c to 50c each, clearing at 2 for 25c Some Exe,ellent Values in Ready -Made Clothing, Made -to- leastare Suits, Guaranteed to give Satisfaction. Shoes steok ii is large giving you excellent choice and the price iis the lowest. W. o Fa BEAVERS ikee•enOseeR nee b®t, OnOent nnieee9Pn+ei Omen, ©nd?beVR®QP • • 3 _ • • • • •: • • • •• •' • • • • •• • • SUM ME j EsIN OR HOT u N DE RIt' Wp''-, Al• W E!]r �" t l '.lZ • ONDE Ali • f . lith. an Exceptionally Fine Line of Summer Goods for Men„ e tL n Needs of Any New Clothing or Furnishings. FOC Correct Styles for Dressy Men, We Can Meet Your Requirements. "rARRow.SlIx1;rs AND Cot.LAas" ttarays Make a Man Feel Dressed, Let u:; Show Iteu Sce •Our Nifty Knit Ties This Seasons "STRAW FATS" ate VeryNatty S3`atty arld Betornin,g, We Carry the eadt'r . r'dered„ _ - C]oitirng, beady . tet»Wear Clothing, 'tltr ,�,»,r” g n rets, Plannel Trousers," Odd Pants, Overalls,, etas.` q► e W►' 1 AMAN Y . i PHONE „,. ' , • • • O 437