HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-6-10, Page 81 T H E EXETER #+ t i t t, gel u0 RE'45"OLVED AR. F151 -111 X' FRR BUS1N ''..5S' WTTH ' YoIJ ARE FISHJNC�' rrR 600D BAR INS AVE WMAT You WANT. k� �' THE � ` FVVa E QD • IF YoU ARE FISHING ROUND FOR OUST WHAT YoU WANT, e)UST CoME To US AND SEE IF WE CAN'T SHOW YOU OUST THE VERY THING. 01-1, WE ARE CONFIDENT WE KNoW WHAT OUR CUSTOMERS DESIRE; AND WHEN IT COMES To LETTING YOUR MONEY'S WORTH WE CAN GIVE YoU THAT, BECAUSE WE KNoW THAT WILL MAKE A FRIEND AND CUSTOMER of YoU. WE CAN'T AFFORD To GIVE YoU LESS THAN YOUR MONEY'S WORTH. 0 LADIES RAIN AND DUST COATS If it is an up-to-date rain or dust coat you want. We have just marked and placed in stock a winner. This coat we can safely recommend. Special value at $7,50. FOR SILK DRESSE;s AND SUITS Faille Silk in all the leading shades. This is a very popular materia this season and is much worn in dresses and suits, at per yard $1,25. MENS AND WOMENS SILK HOSIERY When you buy Holeproof and wear holes in them within three months you get new hose, Free of Charge, Wear them and prove this. MIDDY BLOUSES In plain white, others are neatly trimmed with blue and red. These are particularly good for the hot weather at $1 25 and $L50. CUT GLASS, BRASS AND CHINA FOR THE BRIDAL GIFT China Dinner Sets $1S. China Tea Sets $8.25, Toilet Sets $2,25 to $5.50 Cut glass bowls, pitchers, bon bons, salt and peppers, etc., brass trays, brass crumb trays, tea pots and stands, and many other lines we will be glad to show you. NEW WALL PAPERS If you want wall papers for your dining room, parlor, bedroom, or kitchen, you will appreciate the lines we are showing this season. STRAW HATS With the hot weather at hand their will be a big demand for straw hats, We have a style tor every fancy and a Brice for every pocket. NEW ROOM RUGS At prices away below what you would have to pay if we had to buy them to -day, also Crex Rage for 'verandahs and porches. KHAKI BLOOMERS FOR BOYS In a. good wearing material for the hot weather, All sizes from 21 to 33 The boys are sure to like them, 75c. and $1.00. LINOLEUMS In 2, 3 and 4 yard widths. in very neat tile and floral designs. Inlaid linoleums in 7 yd. widths. 2 good patterns to chsose from at $1 per so . yd FOR THE OUTING FOOTWEAR SEASON We have the best quality of rubber soled shoes for ladies, girls, boys and mens. Buy your tennis, bowling or outing shoes af this store. COAL OIL - 12 CTS• A GALLON Farmers wanting Coal Oil in 25 to 4o gallon lots can have their tanks filled on Saturdays: Try our good oil. 8. A. STEWAT PHONE 16 1114 "MADE IN CANADA" Ford Touring Car ,4.?rice $590 Your neighbor drives a Ford—why don't you? We selling more Fords in Canada this year than ever before—because Cana- dians demand the best in motor car service at the lowest possible cost. The "Made in Canada" Ford is a necessity—not a luxury Runabout $540; Town Oar price on application. All Ford cars are fully equipped, including elect- ric headlights. No cars sold unequipped. Buyers of Ford cars will share in our profits if we sell 80,000 cars between August 1, 1914 and August 1, 1915, Milo Snell, Dealer, EXETER, Market Report—The following ie the report of the luster market eorreete.'d up to dune 9th. Wheat ti 1.25.. Oats .v5 I3allee 650 Buckwheat 700 Peas $1.25 Flour' a3.80. Low Grade .Flour f1.90.• Bran $23.00 per toe Shorts $30,00 per ton Sugar Beet 'pulp 1r27.00 per ton. Butter 20 to '2:. Creamery butter 3pc Eggs 10 to 20, ,Potatoes 36 to 50c. Hogs $9,25 .- . 1 • • LOCAL • Mrs. Wilson, of Cas uge, is visiting err, and Mrs. W., J. Statham' 11 Ir. Lloed. Rivers, of Forest, is hoI- idaa lug with hie parents in town. Mrs. Ewell is at Grand Bend this week opening up her summer cottage. Mrs. A. W. (Campbell. of Toronto, le the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Con- nor. Mr. Fred Smith. of Buffalo, N.Y., is visiting his 'uncle, Mr. W.' J. Eta- tham. Mr. Jos. and Mass Annie Case, of Toronto, visited in town during the past week. DI'srs Birdie Boyle is visiting for a. few days with Miss Myrta Ilawkshaw at Grand Bend. Mrs. G. 'Powell and little 'son, of Thedford, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Al. Hastings. 51r. and Mrs. C. Harness, returned home this week after spending sever- al weeks in London. It Headache is your trouble; consult '11O WEY, THE O r•TICIAN" and have the cause .removed. Mrs. E. A. Follick gave a splendid missionary address at the James St. league on Tt;esdas evening, Mr. Russell Balkwill, who has been holidaying at h: -C home here return- ed to his duties at Seaforth this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweet and sever- al ,relativesmotored to Lucan on Sun- day and spent the day with tricnde. Mrs. Thomas Bissett, Sr., left Tu�es- da3 to 'visit !for a few Areas; in Mar- lette, Mich. Misses Charlotte and Ethel Sweet accompanied her. Mr. Thos. Hawkins accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. P. Pollard and her little daughter arrived in town on Saturday from Windsor and are vis- iting with relatives. Private Maxwell Baynha,n, son of Mr. and Mrs. 13aynham, of Centralia, of the 3rd Battalion, who .was: recen- tly reported missing after the Lange - mark battle, is now reported a pris- oner in Germany. Air. W. J. Mallett, of the Central Hotel, who was badly shaken up in the accident of the London Huron & Bruce last week when the car in which he was riding toppled over, and who was taken to Victoria Hospital was able to return home last Satur- day. He is able to be around. Garden Parti—The Ladies Aid of Main St. church will bold a Garden Party on the Church grounds on Wednesday, June 23rd. Tea will be served from 6 to 8 o'clock. Band in attendance. Admission 25 and. 15 cents. Ice cream and candy sold on the grounds.—Mrs. Blatchford, Secy. Rev. D. C. McGregor, B.A,. of St Andrews church, London, will preach in Caven 'l:resb3 terian church ;'next Sunday. Ile will present the claims of the christian minastr3 together with the new Knox College building in erection in Toronto. 11e was for- merly Assistant Secretary of Social Service and Evangelism. DLr. Grafton I. Burdette, of the Bank of Commerce staff, left Tuesday for Ayr to relieve for a few weeks. It is not likely he will return to the branch here as be has received notice of his .removal. Mr. Burdette will be greatly missed by the young people of town among whom he was quite popu- lar. The best wishes of his many friends will follow him. �. "Rev. and Mrs. Aiuxtvorthy and. daughter. Miss Margaret, of Exeter, are attending the closing exercises at Alma College, and sere the guaste of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Ieegg, 53 John Stt<, while ie the .city. Mr. and Mrs. Deux- worth,: daughter, ';Miss LaVer'a H. Muxworthy is graduating in poral music, and Mistress of English liter- ature at the college this ,wek."—St. Thomas Times.- The imes. The rains of the past few days have been just what was needed in this section as the ground was . getting quite dr3. There was quite a heavy dolvnpour on Diondas accompanied by wind in the evening, One of the electric light wires was broken on Min !street at the !south end of the town and gave a lively exhibition of fireworks. It was noticed and guarded without any damage being done. Last Sunday being Conference Sun- day there was no 'service in M'a„n. St.. church in the morning. Rev. E. G. Powell, occupied the pulpit in James street church and gave a discourse along temperance lines. ,He taloa spoke fel Drain street ,ehurch` in the even ;ng. Subscriptions were taken up en both .churches in aid. of the work in Huron county. In the evening Rev. Mr. Mc- Alister occupied has own pulpit Mrs. George Sutherland,' of St. Marys, clang two very acceptable solos. Mr. end Mrs. !Sutherland were guelsts at ,the James street parsonage for th7 day-, The results of practical examina- tions,in •connection with the Royal Academy of Music, London, Eng., have been Xteceived by aetr. ti„ Phillips, A: L.O.D•i Following are the names of those who were successful, Pianoforte olasing, of course, being the suhjcat Miss Anna M. Allison and Mise 'Btlyra E. Morgan, of Thames Road Mases An- n:e• L. Elford, Elimville, passed the "Intermediate Grade" •complete. Miss Minnie Merrier, Zurich and Mise E'Jor- enios Wood, Exeter, .both passed the "Higher .Division" The exams are .ea,.,rtainly of high order and were ;very ' .ee;vere tests on this occasion, there - tote the above candidates deserve tspeciatl »raise 'for their aneceae., Mr, John Colwill, of Centralia, ha purchased an Overland auto. Mr. V. ;teethed, has pureha's;d i a Vert! auto M's;. Minnie Wynn is ill at ' ;her !some with little hope of recoserj. Mr, and liars. B. W. 1'', Xc ;ve e visited with !friends in St. Marys oa Tuesday, Mr, and Mrs. 11. Elliott, of T.uoan, visited Dir. and !Sims, Thos. Elliott over Eiunda. . DTrs, E. G.. Powell end son Earle, of Clinton. visited Mr. and Mes. John Tuckey over Sunday. , Rexall Ord :rl:es area safe laxative even. 'for the most delicate women or child. Sold only ,by 'W, S. Cole. The Email Store. 10c., 25e. & 50c. boxers. Rev, and Dlrs, J. D. Kestle visited the former's daughter in St. Mar.1s during co'nferenoe. Mrs. Wm. Northcott; •vitsited with relatives at Stvsmith last week and she was taken ill while at the home of Pers. John Gould. Rexall Druggists, everywhere, ase11 and .guarantee Rexall Ordetrlies as a safe and gentle laxative,—'W. S. Cole, TheRexall Store, 10e, 25c. &50e. boxes''. A recent bowling tournament was held between rinks of the Pres]dent and Viwe.•Ftresident, th'e former win- ning out by a few shone on the total. Mr. Peter MoTaggart ;visited hits sons in Blyth last week. He returned on Sunday with Dr. MoTagg'art in. the latter's auto. Messrs. G -us. Handford. 'of Renfrew. and Thos. G. .Handford, of Don;sman, Wis. are the [guests &C theirL parents Mr. and Mrs. }Silas Handford We. are pleased ,to 'state that Jean- ette, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. A.. Poplestone, who has been quite. ill is •convaieiscent.—Blyth Stan- dard. The annual meeting of the Farmer's Institute will be held on Tuesday, June 22nd. in the Town Hall, abnsalia Prof. J. B. Reynolds. of .the Ontario Agricultural. College, Guelph, .will de- liver an address. Mr. Sheppard, of London, adjuster ..for the Grand Trunk was ,in town last week and Made a satieaetory settlement with several who were injured in the wreck on ,the L. H. and B. Objecting strongly to being shipped out of tClisaton a bull broke loose At the railway . yards last Friday' Band. led farmers and shippers la .merry chase over fields and garden's and through e'nces before he was finally rounded p and roped. Mr. John Campbell, s well-known farmer of the Township of Tucker - smith, died at his home nn the third concession after an illness of several months with pleurisy. Mr. eampball was 70 3eaxis of !age and. unmarried. Interment was in ,Harpurhedd ceme- tern'. • MRS. !WM. DEARING' One of .'the oldest presidents ire this commutate passed away on 'Wednes- day a last week in the pexison of Mrs. Wm. DDearing• at the age of 78 3 ears 3 months and 27 day's. Mars. Dearing was enjo3 ing her ,casual health up ;un- til Monda3 when !she weals . stride= down with apoplexy. Shortly after five o'clock her daughter, Charlotte, found her unconscious on the floor and she remaulked in an nnconlsc ous condition until'"' Wednesday ,when she passed. away. Mrs. 'Dearing grew up with the •community. .EIer maiden name was Jane elitchell. She ;was born on the London Road south, on the (farm now owned. by %Mr.. S. Sce111 This, was before there was ;an Exe- ter. and this part war mostly bush and only 'a dew houses were .dotted along the London Road. At the age of 18 she was married; to the late Wil- liam Dearing, who predeceased her about ten Sears ;ago. Together they took up a farm ':in Stephen .where the deceased lived until coming to Exeter about nine years ago. She its survived b3 a grown up Wally of twelve •child- ren all of whom were present at the funeral. They are.: Mrs.:Ii'arry Hoits , Mrs. 'Wm. Corn:Ish, and, Mrs. Henry Prowse, all of Marlette, Mich., John of Flint, Mich., Mrs. C. .Isaac; Mrs. Wes. Isaac, Mrs. Jas. Stanlake, Mrs. P. 'Webber all of Stephen and elesis Charlotte at home ; Win. H., Jams and Wes.. also of Stephen. The fun- eral was held on eaturda31 to the Exe- ter •cemetery conducted by Rev. • D. W. Collins, of the Trivitt ;Mefnoreal church of which the deceased was a member. Mrs. A. Steele, of Brent Creek, Mich., and two Meters of the deceased, Mus. C. Sweitzer, of Sebe- waing. Mich., and Mrs. Horton. of De- troit, were also present at the luneral. DIEtS. MCFAQRLANE • The. ;remains of the .late bins. Mary, MrFarlans, widow of the late John. McFarlane, were brought ,to Exeter from Langdon, N.D., and were inter- red in the Exeter •cemetery on Mbn- day, the luneral taking place_, from the home of her daughter, Mrs.,'Wm. Par- sons. The decreased was 78 yc;arrs, 2 months and 6 dole old. She was born in Scotland and after her inarria.ge to John' McFarlane the3 !moved to Can- ada settling in U•sborne. About for- ty years ago her husband predeceased her and leor a number of ;'cars Iived in this'vie:nits. About twenty-five Jeers ago she .Left to make hair home with her son Alex. in Langdon. She had been tailing dor about ,five Scars tl general breek ng :up of the' consti- tution being the ,cause of her death; She is isurvived b3 four sons and two daughters, John in 'Britusle Columbia, Pan e1 in Boise, Idaho; R bort Brandon, 'Dian., Alexander:hi Lange. don. N.D.; Mrs, K. Elliott, of Nam- bli, Man,, and ,15Irs. Wm. Parsons, of town. dr. A. McFarlane taecompeu-. led the ramains to Exeter. 'Mee. f. S. Clubine, of. 'Walkerville, and Mrs. M. Stewart, of Mensal. were among thou who attended the ;funeral. ' LOST There strayed. 'from Jot 9, con. 4, Stephen on May 30th a Chester! White Sow medium size, with long . nose, blind in one el e. W'aa seen on, the 2nd con, of Stephen. Any persoxi see- ing same notify :f. Richard's, Phone. line! 26, ring 14. If ,notified will pat !fox' all damages.. ' TIIUR,iD S.1, JUNE 10th, ,fpl ' ' "^' The CliSIO . er is ; r s ght" THIS is the tent or motto of a great and famous department store oago. it is an assertion of the customer's place of supremacy relation between buyer and seller. Any retailer who slights his cus- tomer is committing business suicide. The customer wants those who serve him or her to rias the newspaper as a Vehicle for their announcements of goods or service, in Chi- in the This is the modern and right idea. Newspaper advertisements give desir- ed business news in the right place and at the right time, To igeore your customers' wishes in this matter is to commit a costly mistake—far more costly than newspaper space. To the Merchants of Exeter and Vicinity ! r7 Keep your eyes on your customers and humor them. It pays to do so. Keep very close to them—by means of advertisements in the WEEKLY TIMES. FOLLOW LEADERS Genuine D. L. & W. Scranton Coal KESTLE, ROWE & WOOD PHONE 40 Exeter, Ontario AGENTS for British American Oil Co. HOUSECLEANING TIME - MAKE Housecleaning Easy by buying a Domestic Vacuum -Cleaner from us. It will clean your Rugs and Carpets better than beating thew and with nuch less labor. Then get aottle of Sunny Polish to clean your furniture, and if yon see you need any new furniture, we have a big stock to choose from. R. N. ROWE Embalmer & Funeral Director PHONE 20a FARM FOR SALE Siituated in the Township of Has , in the County of Huron, .Province. of Ontario, known and designated. as part lot No. 10. Lakei Road, West, Con• cession near Dansere'au Avenue in the Village df St. Joseph. Contains about 26 aures., price, $3500.00 "Ears3 Terms" Apply to Lamontagne Lim- ited,, 338 Notre Dame 'West, Montreal. 00♦•♦ ♦ We Can. Give Ya u a SCIENTIFIC • EXAMINATION ♦♦♦♦ten ♦ ♦ ♦ • With the Latest Improved • • Methods of Eyesight testing • v • •♦e We examine bythe best ¢, ♦ known method "looking into e the eye," and can guarantee • satisfaction We are not • • here to -day and away to- o • • morrow but can look after p your optic needs, such as re- v placing broken lense, straigh- tening frames and many in- cidentals that belong to an Optician's trade. Our prices • are right and goods the best•, .• • See our new rimless mounts • and chains. Ask to see our new Autographic Kodaks. o►♦OOmA•♦•••♦••♦♦♦O••♦♦00 ♦ W. M. HOWEV. Pku—i. Et. ♦ • Chemist and Optician• ♦ •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • Field Seeds for Sale! We have a carefully selected stock of Field Seeds for Sale, and offer them at Very Close Prices. Our stock of--- ' CORN is of the Best Known Varieties and Germination guar- anteed. We have th3 following: Improved Early Butler; Improved Dailey; White Cap; Earl411? y Leeming; Mammoth; Early Cuban; Wisconsin No. 7; Longfellow Flint; King Phillip Root Seeds In Root Seeds we have the large selection:—Mangol; Turnip; Sugar Beet; Carrot; Etc. Also Seed Beans, Millet, Sorghum, Timothy and'tlover Call and inspect our stock—it will pap you! C. Zwicker GENERAL MERCHANT Crediton, Ontario AUTO For Hire Government Chauffeur No. 2724 Family or Pleasure Driving a Specialty PITON : 80, EXET$R Court of Revision VILLAGE OF EXETER The first sitting of the! Court of Re- vision for the hearing of ,appeele ag- ainst the "asheasment roll of the Vil- lage of Exeter, for the year 1915, will beheld in the council chamber on Fr: day, June llth, 1915 at .eight o'clock in the evening. A11 ,persons having businesls at the said Court will please take notice and govern themselves ac- cordingly. T. 'B. CARLING, Clerk. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE Property of Wm. IBalkwill, Sr., Huron St.. ' one store3 frame house; good cellar ; hard and soft' water; one quarter acre of rand ; good stable and drive shed. Apply to Wm. Balkwill carpenter, John street. 5-13,tf Notice of Closing We the enderseened ;merchant's of the Village of Exeter agree to close our places of (busilnces at the hour of halt past twelve o'clock on Thurtudas afternoons during the months of Julj and August. J. A. Stewart T. Hawkens & Son S. Martin & Son S. Fitton P. M. Boyle Exeter Times, Pig Co, Advocate Printing Co. W. J. Beaman W. J. neer 43_. W. p Heavers Lawson. & Trick le, E. Willie R. Spackman P. Frame J. Grigg 3. Senior E. A. Faliick " W W. Taman A. E. Moore" Jone) & May•. Mrs.. Yeo $. W., Powell W. J.. tathan, J, A. 'WeIabold Western University,. London. Another Great Advance income Doubled —Now $75,000 Another large addition to Faculty and Epuipment in Arts and Medicine Greatly Increased Enrollment ea View. Write for particulars to E. E. Braithwaite, HI iA., ,P;h:ilt President. "A. Man's lAbilits is his Passport" Frank Weaver Professor- oe •Music, . London, Ont. Teacher of Organ and all breeches of Piano Plasimg; Voice Culture and Artistic Singing a Specialty. 16 years practical experience. For Terms apply et S. Martin & 1 Son's Music Store - • E. W. HODGSON ' ; i ' ll7arpenter and Builder .7; Plans furnished ; Estimates given fin eta on aft glasses or buildings. 3 -18 -ti f PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensed Auer, tioneer. Sales conducted in any La-' wilily, Terms moderate Orders deft at crimes office will be promptly, at -e tended to. 1.Phone J.16, Kirkton.; Ad-) dress Eirkton P.O. Verandah for Site Good Verandah with porch for safe, Apply to J. T. Wood, 13rtICE HOUSE AND THREE LOTS FOR SALE The : residence of the late ,- Sinton; Campbell on William street. consist-, tug of a seven roorn 1 1-2 storey bride house; furnace. hard and soft water stable and drive house; Some choice, fruit trees ; To inspect the property gall et J. Scott's Sr., Forl terms and Particulars apply to Thomas Cameron. It. 'R. No. 1, I iirkton, or phoneofttlendnlan's line. 5,20,ti'K