HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-6-10, Page 7DOWN BY'HE )1 SEA. 'BITS Of NEWS FROM THE MARITIME PROVINCES.. Items of Interest From Placed Lapped By Waves of the Atlantic. Fifty schooners were locked up at Port Hawkesbur g and Mulgrave owing to the Straits. of Canso being blocked with heavy drift ice. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Brawn, of `fit. John N.B.', both, over 70 years of age, died within a few hours of each othet't. • A farm of 100 acres at Back Dar - ham, York County, N.B, was sold at public auction under mortgage and bid in far $220. A FINE COMPLEXION May Be Rad Through the Rich, Red Blood Or. Williams' Pink Pills Actually Make,. A girl's oomplaexion is sonietliing more than a nlatte,r to concern her 1 vanity, It is an 1�ndication of the State of hear health, Pallor in a growing girl means a thinning of the blood. Parents should be watchful of their daughters' eoxn- plexinns and should csee to it that prose danger signs are corrected, When a girl in her teens be'coxnea pale and sallow, if she shows an inclination to tire easily, is lietlees and inattentive to her work or studies., eihe needs Dr. Williams' Pink Milds, .a tonic wrhieh d>,reetly and specifically corrects the condi- tion from which she is suffering. A ehexnical analysis of the blood of suck, a: girl would show it to be defi- cient in just the' elements that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ,can supply, and which restore- brightness. to the eye, and color to'the cheeks. Miss D,elina Arsenault, Urbainville, P.E.I., is one of the thousands of anaemic girls restored to health by the use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pulls. She says: : "I was attacked with. acnaemia, and was in such a miser- able condition that I had toconsult a doctor, and was. under 'his care for :several anon•ths, but without getting better. I was growing thinner every day, had dark cir- cles around my eyes. I could hard- ly' sleep at night, but tossed rest- lessly and got up in the, morning with black anticipation of the day's miseries before me. I was ialwayis bothered with headaches and pains in the back and limbs. My appe- tite was poor and I frequently vomited what I dol eat. My friends feared that I would not recover, I had often seen Dr. Williams' Pink Pills advertised, and finally de- cided to try them. I used alto- gether nine b•oxe:s, and they made me as well- as ever I was in my life. All the pains and aches dis- appeared ; my appetite returned. I could ,sleep ,soundly at night, and they Dolor returned to my Cheeks. I also gained seventeen pounds in w,eight. I and now always well, and for this happy condition I have to thank Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." You can get these Pills from .any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a, box Or' six boxes for $2.50 frcan The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. Oliver TJ Evans, of St. John, has been convicted of working as a de- tective in Halifax without a license, and remanded on charges of false pretences, D. J. Maclean, of Halifax, was presented with a. gold pin by officers and men of the 2511h Battalion in appreciation of the hospitality ex- tended by him to them. The largest cargo ever taken from Yarmouth, N.S., to Boston, went out on the Prince George re- cently. It was valued at $51,561,- 50, and consisted principally of fish. Robert Colpitis, an 8 -year-old boy of Moncton, N.B., was acciden- tally shot by his 13 -year-old brother Fred, #while the latter was showing a revolver to a companion. While swinging in a hammock on the roof of her home at St. John, Yta., Miss Belle Tufts fell through a skylight, adistance of about 12 feet, sustaining bruises about the head and body. At Digby, N.S.Miss Emma Mc- Guire, an attracti,. ve young woman of 23, started out on a fishing trip and did not return. After an all- night search she was found at a neighbor's house. The Newfoundland spring seal fishery is practically a total failure, owners of ships standing to lose a quarter of a million dollars in this year's venture. The total output is 46,796 seals, old and young. The net value is $93,094.33, of which one-third, $31,031.44 went to the Crews, leaving $62,062.89 for the outfitters. Fred Baudet ,holds the record for West Prince, P.E.I., in having a litter of four healthy lambs from one •:cheep. The mother has for the last'bhree years successfully reared two .and three lambs each spring. Police Sergt. Thos. Caples, of St. as on duty when e•n he w • John, N.B., saw he had forgotten his badge. Ile went home to get it and found his wife suddenly .and severely ill. Ten mirn!ttes•later she died in his amts. William Ramsey and Frank Mc- Donald, miners in No. 16 colliery, :gear Waterford, C.B. were in- stantly killed by. a fall of coal which buried them oompleteily. Both men were aged about forty, and mar- ried, leaving families. At St. John, .N.B„ instructions have been received from the Fed- eral authorities that all ferryboats and passenger —carrying motor boats must be furnished with life rafts of 'sufficient capacity to carry their ma.ximnrn number of passen- gers. assen- et s g The Government of Nova Scotia has appointed a eommissio•n to con- , eider this question : Whether the present system for the registration of titles to' land should be changed in regard to the City of Halifax, and if so it what respect, or what other system. should be ,adopted. .14 Umpiring With a Shotgun. Kansas City invites world attention to the sheer novelty of a man stand- ing in the centre of a diamond point- ing a shotgun at a runner whom he was attempting to halt and send back to second base because of a ground rule, providing that a runner may take only one base on a passed ball We have admired nothing so in- genious and effective since the Texas editor, who used to shoot his sub- scribers in the leg to remind them of their unpaid subscriptions. Yet, the evolution of the umpire with a shot- gun is not so amazing, on second thoughts. It was bound to come; it . befalls appropriately in the militar- istic era, with every promise of en- largement upon the idea when 4irupps and other war toy shops shall study the offensive and, defensive necessities of umpires. Imperiled by the spread of pro- hibition and growing prevalence of pop bottles in the air—for the in- crease of temperance has manifested itself In increased violence and anti- pathies—the umpire is made the goat of the whole "dry" movement. Be- coming daily a graver problem, his situation Is one of the most serious that confronts the American people, Shall the War Department and Con- grese revise the league rules, or will the States s,everally enforce protec- tive measures with their own militia? —St. I ouis Peat. • The doors of a certain new house had shrunk horitibly, as is the way of the modern door made of unsea- soned wood. The ,builder .wound not send the joiner to repair them, so the. householder tried the ironical method, and wrote : "Dear Sir, -- The mace can run under most of our doors, but our cat cannot fol- , - tlow them. Will ,you please sent a man -at once Ito nvatke room under i 1 the doors for the eat, and mch uob- lige V' A Spring Poem. 'Twas in the gloomy Autumn when I walked about the Zoo, The creatures had the blues, ex- cept the le•apiu'g kangaroo. "How can you be so cheerful at this dismal time 1" I cried, "It's :always Spring with me, my friend," the kangaroo replied. Ask for Minar L's and take no other. Felt Ile Must Say Something. Callers were at the door and Bobbie was told to show them into the parlor. Re did so, and whiile his mother was fixing herself up he suit there rather embarrassed. Presently, seeing the visitors glancing around the room, he said: "Well, what do you think of our stuff, anyway 1" Granulated Eyelids, r KS Eyes inflamed by expo- sure to Sun, Poland Wind quickly relieved mud Eye Remedy. No Smarting, just Eye Comfort, At Your Druggist's 50e per Bottle. Murine Eye Salvein Tubes 25 c. For BeokoliheEyeFreeask Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy Co„ Chicago Quite a lot of people work them- selves neatly to death trying to find some way of making money without working. HOME STUDY Arts Courses only. SUMMER SCHOOL JULY and AIMMIST UEE ' S UNIVERSITY KINGSTON, ONTARIO ARTS EDUCATION MEDICINE SCHOOL OF MINING G CHEMICAL MINIIMECHANICAL 5 CIVIL ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING GEO. Y. CHOWN, Registrar afe A Lusitania Orphan. Helen Smythe, rescued by Ernest Cowper, of Toronto, lost her father, mother, sister, brother, and aunt on ill-fated chip. He Meant Every Word He Spoke JUST WIIY J. A., IIILL RECO Ms MENDS 1)ODID'S KIDNEY v11j1S. The Fastest Camera. Capt. F. J, Behr, of the United States Coast Artillery, has invent- ed a camera that marks a great ad- vance in the art of photographing swiftly -moving objects. It differs from the ordinary camera in size and in the mechanism of its shut- ter. It is almost four feet high. An electric motor that makes sev- eral thousand revolutions a second works the shutter ; and- since the speed of the motor can be accur- ately adjusted, the photographer can determine the length of expo- sure down to one five -thousandth of a. second. The new camera has pho- tographed Mortar shells at the mo- ment when they left the muzzle of the gun, and afterward, ,and has shown the curious "smoke ring" or "gas ring" that accompanieis the projectile when it emerges from the gun. It may- yet help to determine exactly what happens when a mod- ern high-power :shell ploughs its way through solid steel. THE BEST MEDICINE ays f r itself InSevenDays 1 UNI�M , • Mixing (loners 0 v t this iii¢ Model DASD Ml lit entice P1,11 time, a'boC an m19,P0W, o�t get a ktttt�ex liX vita. les dement. rite for ectal 0ldk. WETTLAVPCA DSOS., Imprevod Concrete Maehlnery. Dept, W. Sipadina Ave., Toronto, Ontario, ED, IIe Had Sore Back and Other Syitiptoirlli of Kidney Disease and • Got Real Benefit front Dodd's Kidney lPills, • Sixty -Nino, Corners, Ont., June . 7 (Speeiai).--"I .aani :recommending Docid's Kidney Pions as the hest of Medicines," The :speaker was Mr. J. A, well: -known resident of this place, and lie left no doubt in the minds of his hearers that he meant every word the ,said. Sonne time a•go, Mr. Hill con- tinued, "I had a very sore back. It started from a cold and I suf- fered four isix months with it. .I also had stiffness in my joints and cramps in. my muscles and I felt heavy and sleepy after meals. My appetite was fitful and my limbs were heavy. Then I decided to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. I took four boxes and received great benefit from them. That's why I recom- mend Dodos, Kidney Pills," Every one of Mr. Hill's symp- toms showed that hisstruuble was of the Kidneys. That is why he got each benefit from Dodd's Kidney Pills. They are no cure all, but they do curio sick Kidneys, and the Kidneys are the keystone of health. Ile Wanted Company. Shortly after two o'clock one bit- ter cold morning a physician drove four miles in answer to a telephone call. On his arrival the man who had summoned him said :-- "Doctor, I ain't in any particu- lar pain, bet somehow or other I've got a feeling that death is nigh," The doctor felt the man's pulse, and listened to his heart. "Have you made your will ?" re asked finally. The man turned pale. "Why, no, doctor. At my age— oh, doe, it :ain't true----" "Who's your lawyer ?" 'Higginbotham,. but----" FOR LITTLE ONES Thousands of mothers say Baby's Own Tablets are the only medicine they would give their- little onus. Among deem is Mrs. Howard Hod- gins, St. Catharines, Ont., who 'says: "I am a user of Baby's Own Tablets and think them the best medicine in the world for little ones." Once e. mother has used the Tablets She will use no other medicine because she feels the Tab- lets are .absolutely safe and knows they never fall to banish all the simple ,ailimente of little ones. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 24410 JR SYSTE1I, Paper HMIs r Were Issued in 1846 By the C.P.R. A souvenir of the early days of the C.P.11,, in :the chapo of one of the original watch dials which the company got out when it introduced 24 o'oloelc time in theWest, is in possession of one of the officials, In 1880 the company determin- ed to introduce the 24-hour. system on the western divisions; and to • give emphasis to the new departure, and, at the same time, help the memory of all opn- c,erned, it issued paper dials with, the whole 24 hours completing the day, which were to be worn on the watches of the employees, to fami- liarize therm with the new method. This setting up of the new time standard was deemed, at the time, a radical innovatioai., calculated to disturb the dull . oo:nservwtiye and timid creatures who dreaded change. A certain sensation was produced at the time; it passed; the business went on its way; the western employees beeaan.e ac- quainted with the new time stand- ard, and accepted it as a matter of comae; but the sight of one, of the old .dial plates, which everybody was showing as a curiosity in 1886, as something which was: going to revolutionize the common life of the people, recalls, the eagerness of the company to arrest the atten- tion, though, of course, the change was advantageous in itself. IIow a Siek Woman Can Regain llealth READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY. "For years I was thin and delicate. I lost color and was easily tired; a yellow pallor, pimples and blotches on my face were not only mortifying to my feelings, but because I thought my skin would never look nice again I grew despondent. Then my appetite failed. I grew very weak. Various remedies, pills, tonics and tablets I tried without permanent benefit. A visit to my sister put into my hands a box of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. She placed reliance upon them and now "Then you had better eend forthat they have made me a well woman him at once." I I would not be without them whatever The patient, white and trembling, they might cost. I found Dr. Hami1- went to the phone. ton's Pills by their mild yet searching '`Who's your pastor?" continued' action very suitable to the delicate the doctor character of a woman's nature. They "The Rev. Kellog M. Brown," mumbled the. patient. "But, duc- tal', do you think--" "Send for him immediately. Your father, too, should be sum- moned; also your--" really "Say, , doctor, do you o a 3 think I'zn going to die ?" The man began to blubber, The doctor looked at him hard. "No, I don't," he replied grim- ly, `'there's nothing at all the mat- ter with you, but I'd hate to be the only man you've made a fool of on a night like this." , '5 Trying on Bridges. Does music weaken metallic or other bridges? This question re- cently asked of a well-known. bridge builder brought this reply : "Measured vibrations are more trying to any kind of bridges, and particularly to suspension bridges, than Irregular agitation. Music alone would not ,strain. a bridge enough to injure it materially, but a regiment of troops keeping step to music when crossing a, suspen- sion bridge would subject it to a very severe strain, Consequently, it is customary to stop the music before troops reach the bridges, and let the men ~break step, and march more Or less irregularly. "The reason for all this is - ob- vious. The structure naturally will suffer least strain when at rest. When in uniform motion the 'bridge acquires a inomentuni equal to its entire suspended weight multiplied by the velocity of the motion. It is manifest that, in. the case of a heavy structure, a uniform down- ward vibration, be it ever so small, would develop a .momentum of many tons in the direction of a breakini strain. The same disturb- ing forces acting irregularly, so as to counteract one another, would be far less trying to the structure. a The Eleetriquette. More than four hundred d minu- tive electric vehicles are now in use on the exhibition grounds at San Francisco, where they are very popular. Their success' probably means that they will displace the wheeled chairs of the seaside re- sorts. The new &air, which is knoiwn as tlhe "electriquette," and which is propelled by a motor that derives its power from ,a .small stor- age battery,. is a comfortable and commodious viiehicle - seating two. persons. It is controlled so -easily that ,anybody can run one . without previous experience. Yes, Aimee, divorce prolongs life --for many e poor lawyer, Charity begins at hone—whether ISSUE 24—'15. tlse home needs it of not. 5' Red Sea Colored by Weeds. The drowning of Pharoah and his host in the Red Sea had nothingto do with its name. It takes this from a peculiar reddish color re- marked at certain seasons of the year in parts of this sea, due to marine plants, or to reddish ani- maloulae, called by sailors "whale feed," which float on it like scum; or to the reefs of red coral which abound in many parts of it; or, possibly, to the fact that its upper course was one of the boundaries of Edonm, "the red." No biblical scholar of any repute has ever as- serted that the sea took its name from the overthrow of Pharoah. JUST BEFORE BISMARK FELL. Fourth Generation of Hohenzollern Dancing to His Music. I3ismark's dismissal from efilee, which many have regarded as one of the great - mistakes of the Kaiser's life, seems to have taken the Iron Chancellor by surprise, but he might well have taken warning from a little incident, recorded by Grant Dult which occurred just before his fall. Going to see the .emperor one morn- ing, he was requested to wait, which he did in an antechamber where the little Crown Prince and his brothers were amusing themselves, They wish- ed bilis to dance with .them and on his declaring himself too old, insisted on his playing the piano while they danced, He sat down to the instru- ment and played till the Kaiser en trod. "So," was the royal greeting, "here is the fourth generation of the Hohenzollern which has to dance to your playing!" ore orns e Absolutely Painless. No cutting, no plas- ters or pads to press the sore spot Putnam's Extractor makes the corn go without pain. Takes out the sting over -night. Never fails -leaves no scar, Get a 25c. bottle of Putnam's Corn Extractor to -day. Oelcupiers of houses in London are liable to a penalty of twenty shillings aday if they allow a chim- ney to catch fire. Minard's Liniment Tuinberman's. Friend "Look here, you're the fellow who took my overcoat from the club the other day." "All a mis- take, of course. Besides, I 'left .a much better one." "I know you chid—but it was too small," never once griped me, yet they estab- lished regularity. My appetite grew keen—my blood red and pure—heavy rings under my eyes disappeared and to -day my skin is as clear and un- wrinkled as when I was a girl. Dr. Hamilton's Pills did it all." letter i rd t The above straightforward from Mrs. F Y. Todd, wife of a well- known miller in Rogersville, is proof , sufficient that Dr. Hamilton's Pills are a wonderful woman's medicine. Use no other pill but Dr. Hamilton's, 25c. per box. All dealers or The Catarrh - ozone Co., Kingston, Ontario. GET POWJiiR The Supply Cordes From Food. If we get power from food, why not strive to get all the power we can. That is only possible by se- lecting food that exactly fits the requirements of the body. "Not knowing how to sel+eot the right food to fit my needs, I suf- fered grievously for along time from .stomach trouble," writes a lady from a little Western town. "It seemed as if I would never . be :able to find out the sort, of food that was best for tee. Hardly amy- thing that I could eat would stay oe my stomach. Every attempt gave eve heart -burn and filled my sto- mach with gas, I got thinner and thinner until I literally became a living skeleton and in time was compelled to keep to my bed. "A few months ,ago I was per- suaded to try Grape -Nuts, food, and it :had such good effect from the very beginning that I kept up its use,. I was surprised at the ease with, which I digestbe,d it. It proved to be just what I needed. "All my unpleasant .symptomrs, the heart -burn, the imitated feeling which gave me ase much pain, dis- appeared, My weiight gradually increased from 98 to 116 lbs., my figure rounded out, my strength came back, and I atm..now gable to, de my housework and enjoy it. Grape -Nuts did A ten days trial w'iltU show any- one some facts about food. Name given by Canadian Postxnam Co., itViindsar, Ont. Read, "'.Cho Read to Well'vible" in pkgs. "There's a Reiaasan.'' Ever read tho above letter? A nevi ono appears from time to time. 'They aro genuine, true, and Lull of human interest. a • Until the war Belgium, with a population. of 7% millions, was one of the most densely populated countries in the. world. At the Yarmouth Y.M.C.A. Boys' Cam», held at Tusket, Falls in August, I found MINARD'S LINIMENT most beneficial for sun burn, an immediate, relief for colic and toothache. ALFRED STOKES. General Sec'y. Mr. Hall Caine :began life as an architect.. idiinard's Liniment used by Physicians. Income tax has been levied in France for the first time this year. YCeep =nerd's Liniment in the house. From 4,000 to 7,000 men form a brigade of infantry; with cavalry the number is from 1,000 to 2,000. Sold. by ail good Shoe deaiam ,s Worn by every lumberyfde 'aie;uiy More than 800,000 bushels of . Tasil;anian ,apples have been ship- ped to Great Britain in one year. SEED POTATOES, ABLY ITtISH COi3BLEIt POTATOES, .L1,1 specially selected and Government inspected for seed. Only limiteii quantity, Price, One Dollar per bushel f.o.b. Bramp- ton. Also Connoisseur's Pride and New Snow, two excellent new potatoes. Price, Two Dollars per bushel. Special-prieee for large quantity. Cash must aeoom• . pattyBraun).y all orders. IL W. Dawson, Braun). . to NEWSPAPERS POR SALE. BBOPIT-MAIiINC'f NEWS AND JOB CP- I. flees for sale in good Ontario towns. The most useful and interesting of all businesses. Pull information on applies,. tion to Wilson Publishing Company, 73 West Adelaide St.. Toronto. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ,vvANTIED–LADY 011 GENTLEMAN OP good standing in every neighbor. hood of ,Ontario and Quebec Provinces, to obtain list of reliable people who are in- terested in saving money during these war times on purchases of staple vier- el,nndiee selected from illustrated cata- logue of established Montreal Depart- mental Store. To the right persons we offer attractive remuneration. Write im- mediately. giving name, residence. exper- ience, with references. Character is of more importance than experience. Ad- dress P. 0. Box 443, Montreal. MISCELLANEOUS. NG•LISH VIOLET CREAM, MAGIC Beautifier. Price 25c. Viodora Com - Deny, Orillia. GANGER, TUMORS. LUMPS, DTC.. `.j internal and external. cured with- out pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr, Bellman Medical Co., Limited, Coilingwood, Ont. OUTTEN & FOSTER Ford owners write for our catalogue. SEARS -CROSS Speedometer Station. 179 Queen Street West, TORONTO, - ONT. "Overste rn" V Bottom Motor Freight Prepaid to any Railway Station in Ontario. Length 15 Ft., Beam 3 Ft. 9 In., Depth 1 Ft. 6 In. ANY MOTOR FITS. ,Specification No. 2B g-iving engine prices on request. Get our quotations *n—"The Penetang Line" Commercial and Pleasure Launcheo, Row boats and Canoes. THE GIDLEY BOAT CO., LIMITED, PENETANG, CAN. COOK IN A COOL KITCHEN ON' T swelter over a hot range this summer. The NEW PERFECTION Oil Cookstove keeps your kitchen cool and clean and does away with all :ne ash -pan, coal -hod drudgery of the coal range. THE NEW PERFECTION lights like gas, regulates ike gas, and cooks like gas. It is gas stove comfort with kerosene oil. NEW PERFECTIONS are sold in 1, 2, 3 and 4 burner sizes by dealers everywhere. If your dealer cannot supply you, write us direct. ROYALITE OIL GIVES BEST RESULTS , R 01 ON' SERVING s O1 2.000 MOO HOMES" s THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY Limited BRANCHES IN ALL CITIES Made in eterborou h Canoe rvionauoviN if Ask for boats With e this Trade Marto. Canada Peterbsi rough Canoes s ,�ivy.,r/oo/r This trade marls oil st ( the 80W your 'assurance of the 1 p.ishost workmanehip atid the eat materials that eau be put nto a Canoe or 'skiff, Designed fol ea / paddling, strenktli &if safety'. �a 11 gg r roil ed• ' ssiiG� Cr ., .7!a , ot+a� borough, Douala. f i,7 erode Marl b Peterborough Canoe ie ii �apt:mood, Cedar I ib, C d r Sti'ix� mak Canvas fie tlistilties, lvrito u1¢r esu